Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 11, 1888, Image 3

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llmizcd Account of Doings in Cily
Band concert on Friday night, if
the weather is good.
T. F. Tucker who was scvorcly
injured in n runaway accident some
mouths since is improving.
T?o.iiliir meetine of the W. C. T.
TT at their hall Tuesday afternoon,
the 12th, at 2:30 p. m. By order of
president W. C. T. U.
E. Schoettle will move his tailor
ing establishment into the room
two doors south from the white
corner ouo day this week.
Governor Pennoycr will make a
flying visit to the executive chamber
to-night. It may bo that the state
boards will meet to-morrow.
Forty-Fourth Commencement Exer
cisesClass Examination.
Military Company at Sllverton.
On Saturday evening, Col. T. C.
Smith, Chaplain Post, Lieut. Ladue
and the writer went to Silverton to
see the boys there about the organi
zation of a new company of National
Guards. There is one vacacy in
the second regiment, and it is quite
likely the Silverton boys will suc
ceed in filling it. There is excellent
material there for aompany, and it
is likely it will be organized. A
petition will be forwarded to the
brigade commander soon, it is ex
pected, for the muster of the com
pany. Ueilly ana Wood's big Show.
The attendance at Rellly and
Wood's vaudeville entertainmeuton
Saturday night was not as large as
it might have been, but those who
went felt fully repaid and in fact
have not enjoyed an evening more
for a long time. The entertainment
all through was of a very high order,
and should they ever return here,
they would be guaranteed a full
The 0. & C .'o More.
To-night at 12 o'clock (midnight)
the Oregon and California Railroad
Company ceases to operate the rail
road from Portland to Calfornia,and
at that hour the Southern Pacific
begins its control. All old employes
of the O. & C. have received notice
that they have been discharged from
the one, and "hired over" by the
other. Tliis settles that part of the
llallroail Commission Matters.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, clerk of the
railroad commission, is in town
to-day and will leave for Portland
to-morrow to see about the transfer
of the O. & C. to the S. P. company,
ilr. Bell has been on the west side
for a few days. The blanks for the
annual reports to the commission
have been sent to the several rail
road conipainies doing business in
Arrested and Discharged.
Wm. Smith, M. Smith and E.
Ellis were arrested at Rock creek,
Linn county, a few days since
charged with being the parties who
assaulted Charles Thomas recently.
They were examined on Friday, and
an alibi proven by tho defendants.
The forty-fourth commencement
of the Willamette University opened
on Saturday evening with tho grad
uating exercises, in the law depart
ment. Two of the students In tho
law class, Willis Hawley, of Albany,
and J.N.Brown, of Eastern Ore
gon, passed n highly meritorious ex
amination, and received diplomas.
A very profitable and interesting ad-
dross was given by Hon. N. L. But
ler.of Dallas.
Yesterday morning a large con
gregation assembled in the M. E.
Church, to listen to the baccalaure
ate sermon to be preached by Rev.
Alfred Kummer, of Portland. Spec
ial religious services were held, and
the choir rendered several sacred
pieces with excellent eli'ect. The
preacher took his text from the 8th
Psalm, "What is man?" and gave a
sermon an hour in duration that
was listened to with unflagging in
terest. At the close of the sermon,
the half score graduating pupils
arose and were addressed in an ap
propriate and inspiriting manner.
Mr. Kummer combines learning
with religious fervor, and his ser
mon is not often surpassed for beau
ty of conception and eloquence of
This morning at 9 o'clock Prof.
Starr examined his class in ancient
history. Fifteen scholars were
present. Tho questions were
purposely disconnected, and com
menced with tho triumverate of
Pontpoy, Cajsar and Crassus, then
went back to the founding of Rome,
the reigns of the kings, the three
Punic wars and the destruction of
Carthage, theJugurthan war nnd
other conquests. This was a junior
class and it made a creditable record.
President Van Scoy examined a
class in Greek and another in Latin.
In the Greek class nine scholars
were present, and eight in the Latin.
They have just completed their
freshman year, and hence were not
far along in their studies. In Greek
the accents, the formdatiou of
diphthongs, and other etymological
rules wero given, also brief readings
from Xenophon's Anabasis. In
Latin the case endings of the five
declensions, and the present, im
perfect and future tenses of the four
conjugations were written on 'the
blackboard. These classes showed
aptitude and proficiency.
we snouia liKe to uevoto proper
attention to Prof. Jory's class in
analytical geometry nnd to Prof.
Arnold's class in botany, but the
foreman sends in a peremptory
message that he will take no moro
Dr. S. D. McCaulcy.of Stayton, is
in tho city.
E. P. McCornack returned from
Portland to-dny.
Miss Laura Goltra came down
this morning from Albany.
F. G. Carter, of San Franoisco, is
in town, on his way to Seattle.
Sir. Judd, son of a prominent wool
buyer of Connecticut, is in the city.
Irwin S. Watson, of Portland,
visited friends in this city yesterday.
President Arnold of tho state
agricultural college at Corvallis, is
in tho city.
Prosecuting Attorney-elect II. II.
Hewitt came down from Albany
this morning.
Rev. Father Lee of tho Bene
dictine order at Mt. Angel spent
yesterday in this city.
Dr. C. H. Hall spent Sunday with
his family in this city, and returned
to Portland this morning.
Mr. Elliott Habersham, special
agent of the Oregon Fircand Marjne
Insurance Co. of Portland, spent
Sunday in this city.
Things lu the Country.
A representative of the Jourxal
made a Hying trip into the country
on Saturday evening, and was great
ly surprised at finding the growing
grain so far along as it appeared.
Everything looks fresh and green,
the result of the late rains, and ap
pearances are very favorable for the
best crops seen in Oregon for a long
time. The fall wheat and a good
deal of oats is headed out. Gardens
look fine also, and the fruit prospects
appear excellent. Rains never came
at u more opportune time than those
of the past few days, and now the
fall has been fully sufficient for all
needs. The storm of Saturday even
ing brought enough moisture to tho
ground, to fully satisfy all remain
ing necessity.
copy, and his rule being
the local has to
row will close
at ions.
the class
Landreth's Death Warrant.
Judge Boise on Saturday issued
the death warrant in the case of the
state vs. Wm. Landreth, which
states that tho dny of tho hanging
shall be July G. Ira Smith, the
newly elected sheriff of Polk will
begin his term of ollico with this
interesting pieco of work.
Headed not Gnilty.
Holmes and Haydon as attorneys
for Louis Seguin in tho case begun
against him in tho last circuit court
for selling liquor to a minor, nnd in
allowing tho minor in his saloon.
Inteqed a plea of "not guilty" to-
l.v, and tho case was sot tor trinl
(irand Jury Drawn.
Tlie grand jury drawn In the
circuit court to-day is as follews:
-viexantler Potter, J. W. King, C.
Ubhy, w. T. Coleman, Jacob
Virder, J. W. Watt and W. B. Tout,
C. H. Libby is foreman.
Royal Arts JUsoBf.
T. McF. ptton and Robert Clow
wwrtto Portland this morning to
Jkudthe meeting of tho Grand
wpter, Royal Ar Jli Masons, whloh
e"W8 Uiere to-day.
m ii hi i-
Csrt Bailiff.
J"dt! Bofce to-day appointed
fta Cotfty mi iMtfHnr of tlie grand
jwy. and C. T. Hall and W. S,
Jr as court balllflk
Quarterly Inspections Ordered.
Hdqrs.,2iu1 Regt. Inftv., O. N. G.
Salem, Or., Juno 8, '88. J
General Orders, No. 2 :
I. A general muster and Inspect
ion of the companies comprising
the 2nd infantry, O. N. G., is here
by ordered.
II. 1st Lieut. W. N. Ladue, r. q.
in., will muster and inspect Co. B.
1st Lieut. Geo. H. Burnett, s. o.,
will muster and inspect Co's A and I.
1st Liout. Geo. W. Smith, e. o.,
will muster and inspect Co. E.
Capt. M. G. Buttorilold will mus
ter and inspect Co. C.
1st Lieut. Geo. E. Cluunborlin, i.
r. p., will muster and inspect Co. F.
Major R. H. Rosa will muster and
inspect companies G, II and K.
Capt. Wm. T. Raleigh will muster
and inspect Troop A, Cavalry.
III. Inspecting officers will mus
ter and inspect their respective com
panies, on or beforo tho 30th day of
June, and report to those headquar-
tors in duplicate.
By ordor of
Col. Smith.
Olllcial :
M. W. Hunt, Adjutant.
Visited the Centenarian.
Mrs. Emma Malloy, tho noted
evangelist, of Port Townsend, has
been visiting her cousin F. R. Smith
for a week past, and was present at
tho celebration of tho 102d birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.
There was quite a large family re
union at the residence of Mr. Smltlr
on this occasion (Friday), and every
body enjoyed visiting this centen
arian. Mrs. Smith is said to bo in
rather good health, cats and sleeps
well, and although unable to move
about at all, her memory is bright,
and her spirits wonderfully vivacious
for her years. Mrs. Malloy left for
Port Townsend this morning.
Xapolron Davis Katlfles.
A dispatch from McLeansboro,
Ills., says: Tho largest ratification
meeting ever held in this county
was held at tho court house last
night to ratify the nomination of
Cleveland nnd Thunnan. Hon.
Napoleon Davis, an Oregon delegate
to the national convention, and who
is visiting relatives nnd friends in
this his native county, was waited
upon by tho central committee and
invited to address the meeting. Mr.
Davis, on being introduced by the
chairman of tho meeting, made a
happy and telling speech that
received the applause and cheers of
tho vast audience.
3Iore or the Kelly Affair.
Nearly all this paper's readers
probably remember tho case of old
man Kelly, who came out here from
Pueblo, Colorado, recently In search
of his wife and children, who had,
as he claimed, deserted ''his bed nnd
board" without just cause or prova
catlon, and who met witli so much
wanner a reception by his family
than he expected on his arrival. It
will be remembered that Mr. Kelly
was met by one Mnrston at the
farm where his wife and daughtor
were, and beautifully decorated
about the eyes by deep black marks
usually termed "a mouse." Kelly
has since begun suit for damagos
against Marston, and lias caused to
bo published in nn afternoon eon
temporary, some articles casting
very severe reflections on the fume
of his wife and daughter.
Miss Kelly, the daughter, called
nt this otllce to-day, and denied the
allegations in to-to, saying that
there was no ground for the charges
made against either her mother or
herself, and presented a large
number of references, from whom
information of full reliability con
cerning the family could bo gotten
by any one feeling enough interest
in the ease to investigate it. Site
showed conclusive proof of her
school work in Kansas and in
Colorado, and testimonials in regard
to the satisfactory manner In which
her work was performed. Site
furnished testimonials of her good
character while in Uioms states,
and further shows up the old man
Kelly as a very unlovable and rathor
disreputable character. The case
will probably all come out In the
Kelly-Marston damage suit, and
Miss Kelly bays that she is not afraid
of the result.
One Cent Each !
You Use a New One Every Two Days.
(I ran
"Helrevs to Millions"
the newspaper stnted, and how
many women, probably, read tho
same, and envied iter. But little
was site to be envied, however; for
in spite of her great wealth she was
miserable. It was her lot, in com
mon with myriads of women, to
sudor from those "chronic weak
nesses," which are peculiar to the
female sex. Miserable, nervous, and
discouraged, she would gladly ltavo
given every dollar of her fortune for
one brief installment of health.
How easy, and how inexpensive,
would bo the journey to health, if
Dr. Pierce's favorite prescription
was selected as a remedy, ana tho
use of the same persisted in; that is.
tho experience of thousands of
women afllictedin the abovo manner
teaches us to predict so. It is tho
only medicine for women, sold by
druggists, under a positive guaran
tee, from the manufacturers, that it
will give satisfaction in every case,
or money will bo refunded. This
guarantco has been printed on tho
bottle-wrapper, and faithfully car
ried out for many years. Dr.
Pierce's pellets, or anti-bilious
granules, euro sick headache, dys
pepsia and constipation.
An Old Lady Insane.
This morning, on complaint of H.
K. DuBols and W. N. Chambors,
Mrs. C. B. DuBols, wife of Mr.
DuBois, of tho Chomeketo hotel,
was examined by Drs. J. N. Smith
and II. R. Holmes beforo County
Judge Shaw, was found to bo Insane,
and was committed to the asylum.
Sho Is 60 years of ago,and hor malady
Is said to be suicidal, and she sees
vilaoiw, and is violent at times.
aide a Full Citizen.
To-day Donald MeLeod was
mltted to full dtlwmshlp in
airoMit eort by Judge Mote"-
Call on Winters & Thomas for the
Iml groMricg in town.
From the General ConCarenre.
Row Dr. W. S. Harrington who
went to New York as a dolegato to
tho gonoral conference of tho M. E.
church, returned homo on Saturday.
Mrs. Harrington and daughter Ruth
accompanied the doctor. Soveral
very acceptable changes wero made
by tills conference. One nnd perhaps
tho most important, was one allow
ing churches to retain tho same
pastor for live instead of three years
limit, and extending the time a
presiding elder may remain in one
district from four to six years. Tho
conference refused to endorse the
third party, although it did endorse
Prohibition as a principle
Worth Knowing.
Mr. W. H. Morgan, mcrchnnt,
Lake City. Fla.. was taken with a
severe cold, attended with a distress
ing cough and a running into con
sumption in its first stages. Ho tried
many so-called popular cough reml-
dies and steadily grew worse. Was
reduced in llcsh, had difficulty in
breathing nnd wns unnblo to sleep.
Finally tried Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption and found
ininnucdlnto relief, and nfter using
about a half dozen bottles found
himself well and has had no return
of tho disoaM?. No other remedy
can show so grand a record of cures,
as Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, guaranteed to do just
what is claimed for it. Trial bottio
free at II. W. Cox's drug store.
i W ' - '-
Weary and Worn.
When the tired factory operator, tho
wenry out-door laborer, the ovortuHkrd
bookkoeperorolerkheekHiiiiKxllunl recom
pense for exeii(llture of bodily Jforee,
where linll he Ilnd It? Could the recorded
oxperlonee of tliouwuuU ol worker Ik
voiced, the verdict would lie Unit Ilostct
ter's Illttorti renews faillUK HtruiiKth.Htlm.
uliiteH the Jaded mentnl lowers to frtidi ac
tivity, ana relxxex undue nervoim tension
us nothing clue doc. Dlfciwllon.u rci;ular
nitimoi oouy, npiwiue una xiecii nn1 pro
moted by it, and Ills an admirable auxil
iary In the recovery of health by convales
cents, AfiuuldlouH stomach imiot oik tid
ed by it, and to (lentous of both m-xch In
delKte henlth who occasionally fed the
of the plmrinacotMela and the eataloKue of
proprietary medlcIneM tlmw not present n
more useful, safer or more decisive one,
It Is also Incomparable for fever and ukui',
rheumatism ana kidney troubles.
T. McF. PATTON, Sole Agent.
Day School Reward Cards.
Sunday School and
Embossed Pictures for Scrap Albums
Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual l'rico $32.50, Our Trice 20.00.
Set Ljilon, 2G
Set Thackeray, II
Set E. I". Hoe, 15
Cloth, Gilt top,
Half Morocco,
Hair Muo Calf,
Set Capt. M. lleid, 10 Vols. Cloth,
Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles,
118 State Streo1
Salem, Oregon.
Petitions to the Prolate Coort.
To-day n petition filed by Eliza;
both J. Hunsflkor, widow of Titos.
Howard Hunsnkor, docotiMid, writing
that exempt property of tho ostnto
appraised at $237, be tot asldo fcr hor
ubQ, was grunted. Also a petition
to will personal property ltolonglng
to theeetato.
UIBeUl Election Kflorw.
The election returns from nine
countiori havo been received by the
fcoeretary of state, and it la likely the
state offloial count will be made dur
ing the coming week.
Marriage Uwmi IfMid.
To-day County Clerk Ciutiuiiaii
granted J. Hurguutn and IMIe
iloyer and JarvU V. Beach, of Port
land, and Ague O. Cole of thin
ownty, Ileem) to wed.
bnrklcn' Arnica Si! re.
Tho host enlvo In tho world fo
i'ii In, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrhoum,
lever soree, totter, chapped handy;
chilblains, corns, nnd all skin eruj
tions, and positively cures piles, or
no ay required. It is guaranteed
to give porfcot satisfaction, or monoy
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
for sale by Dr. H. W. Cox.
R. M. WADE & CO'S,
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Garland Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Brighton Itangcs,
Also a Complete Stock or Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages.
I'Mfc Fur Wool.
Highest oahIi price paid for wool
in the Oparu Houm) block.
V. Lkvv.
Cream soda, ice cream aoda, milk
shakes, lemonades, nt Htrong& Co.'h.
U,UUm wife f liix. T. L. Ivll,a
Q MtaMeetBg uiUytlea.
J. D. McCully,
5I-I A.T S
8ALKM, OltnOOlf.