CAPITAL VOL. 1. - MO. SS SALETVI, OR., FRIDAY, JUNE S, 1SSS. 6 PAGE EDITION. ; rHorrssioxAi. cards. .. nrm rrrrnTJ-Vl.-'V AT T.WV (jiul District Attorney. OlUco at court fcOusi- fpU rrMOV FORD, ATTORNEY AND ra!riatoi'.biSiK "- Odlec. up ,inW A GREGG, ATTORNEYS A1 IHAV. .Sli n.r!in. nillcnln IVittnn'i ocfcoP talrs ovcr'Belt's drug store. lc ,-, T RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT 4 iiw Office- over Copltol National fink, 219 Commercial Street, Snlem.Or. tttM KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W i-ilcm, OrcRon Olllcewlth Tllmon fvml mratton's building. Will practice n nil the courts of Oregon. Coftectious made, umu mnw -.......- - -f , - -.t t.t . v miTVt.'t, vr lenaircr. All work warranted. iivo orders at T. McF. ration's book jtOrC, Mine Biuxii tjiwf .. I? ..-.nn iit t rnV rtTTTrtT."" ATHSA1?K Hi delivery. Win. Ileiinto having bought ihc IflC l - . .. 4Hin1ra t'nltena nonlr. lies, and any thing else that ho can get in ffi -iniron to any part of tho city, quicker, sifer, better, and neater, than It can bo done by any body else. Leuvo orders at junto's stable. 103. ALBERT, Agent, - - Snlcin, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and iurcon, will open au oillco In the New Bank block, on Jluy 1st, for tho treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and Wcctro-inagnctlsm used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. rou SALE. For Sale. A good iron framo Horso Tower. Good for nil ufces, horn one to full enpneity. All for the low price of $30. Call at tho ra pine Cider, Vinegar fc Fruit Preserving Company's ofllec. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE 2SS ACRES, J23 In cultivation, SO acres good timber, bnl anoo pasture; 100 ncio-s in full wheat, 2j aores in oats, and :!0 in potatoes. House, ourn, orcliard, etc. Two miles north of Salem, may lo divided; price, NO per aero, tennscaiy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor. State and Commercial Streets, Salem. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES AVell watered and plenty ol timber. Two liouses and two barns. Good orchard. Meadow and 150 acres plow land. Fifty head of cattle with tho placo if wanted, and Siorses enough to rim it. Within flvo miles of depot on the O. & 0. R. R. A bargain for somebody. Enquii uire at Office nf Caoital Journal. RARM FOR SALE. 163 acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by sigood road, from Salem, 113 acres in cultl Tatlon, balnnco in timber. Well watered, xood 81000 houso of Brooms, moderate barn, well at the door ; all fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen ncros seeded to pasture grass, and 07 acros inernlu. Pur chaser can have liberal terms to harvest crops PRICE &1000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and bavo agent's ices. . J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis k Chamberlain. S) acre. 8 miles from Salem, highly , ,, cultivated . 88000 4 lots, good house and barn, East Sa- lem . 200 jjots, Hnely situated 1760 w acres, 21 miles from Salem. well Improved, can bo divided Into 3 . or four tracts 10,000 -DO acres, 8 miles from south of Salem, fair lmprovemements,nne timber and water SK0 I block of land, 3 houses, rent for 1 12 . eachMwyg Interest on SWOO 3000 SO acres sf miles south of Salem, fair improvements 2200 acres, adjoining city limit, In meadow 1200 1 t. Reed house and barn, adjolnjng court house block i 18C0 acre, Kwlein, new house and barn, Plenty of small fruit . 200" The forgoing U but a partial llsl of the "HP-Ins. we have toolfar. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Streot, Snlem, M. JVI. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FUiag Saws a SpcJaky. ZHlZgW0" I'MtoWa LtIv WadMfdajr MOtMtaf. JUT W. lH. laughter. MISCELLANEOUS. H. W. COX, (Successor to Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon KULL, LINE Drugs am CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Slmdrics. Physicians Prescriptions anil Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOR TIIK CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLEIt Red Letter 5c. Cigar. fiS,The best flvo cent cigar in tho mar ket. II. V. COX, d&w 100 State Street. Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In ;s and Shoes ! Latest! Leading Lines! Lowest Prices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsvlhe's Infallible Cora Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : ' : OREGOK A. E. STRANG, No. u03 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DEALKII IS STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. iWAcont for the RICHARDSON HOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In IS ID. Trrir V-0.1 k" 1 IT i Boo !i &ter . 1 V3ZJ.1. awmaMiy,- A i Annru AaiLTINEMCfrCoVOROVILLE CAlJ Si AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Hnv you an ex clusive neeretlon of muoim matter In the nasal pasMigesr Are you troubled by wklnTsnlttlng, wBk and lntlamed eye, frequent MreneH of the throut, rlnijlnif or maHniln the esri, more or m Impairment of the hearing. lo of smell, meinqty un rriii dullneeeordUilneeeoftheheiid.drj'neeeorheetoflhenoBe? Have you lo.t all wnseofsmellT In your breath foul? If bo, you liave theCHtarrli. Some hare all tlMwe symptom, otuera only a part. California. TtoMiivTM the seiu of tate and smell, remove bod tote and unptauMnt breath, result tHZrZvZ niurrh Easy and pleasant to uce. Follow directions and a cure Is guaran tSfcDAV. MATTHEWS A Co. RBeOMMffiNDSD. rAPT VIN CHARLES I DIMON, of New York CTty, formerly speetol Mwnt of the piumIx and Home Insurance Company at San Praneiseo,CaL.mnK "riiave been fiiSSiS Juii Chrmile Catarrh for twenty years. A frtond In WooubUKL CW., wooui !S2?ia2i oor CaUforntoCAT-R-CUIlE. X procrded a Jar. lwvln lwt lltlte felih In lu 2tLu?a SSnertiesTbut I must say, alter usIuk three law, i am cured of that dkfusUuc oteae. "KSSSlnwl whWh Vend me cKlHbrnfa cAt-R-CURE tor somelHends, wboarerew." g()LI) AND QUARVNTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state St., Salem, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. FINANCIAL. HSTADL1SIIKD J1V NATI0KAI. AtJTHOUtTV. n i m i (IMUU l( OK- SALEM, OREGON. - - 75,1)00 - - 9,500 Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - i "i R. S. WALLACE, - President. W. W; MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALUEUT, - - - - Cashier. . DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. 51. 5Iartin, R. S. Wallace, , JH. Albert, T. McF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and othor market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private granaries or public warehouses., State and County Warrants Rought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reaonablo rates. Drafls drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Franeieo, Portland, London, Paris, llcrllu, Hong Kong and Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON. W5I. N. LADUE, President. DIl. .1. REYNOLDS, - vico i'resiueni. JOHN 5IOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange, on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonabio ratos. Insurnneo on such te curity can bo obtained at tho bank in most reliable companies. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET Hi COUHT STREET'. Constantly on hand tho host quality of tell and Salt Meats ! And all kinds o( SAUSAGE. 3-Tlio CLEANEST kept market in tho city. Call and seo for yourbClf. licCROW & WILLARD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON. J93-A11 kinds of fresh hnd cured meats always on'hand. Full weight and n'squnro deal all around. BENSON'S EXPRESS, LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV ery Stuble, corner of Stato and I ront streets, or on slato at comer Stato and Com mcrclal streets. Prompt attention nnd can. guaranteed. w. A. BBNS0.V. STRICKLER BROS. -DKAMSI18 IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Rooting and Spouting a Specially. 43-At the old btand of Hon. Strang, Com mercial Street. hi ..X r.uoiTrrri .ip rt Kn v v 1 HurtKbi-M m... n.'ijTi!..iD.L lElilllliUKilUUIlillDillllt First National Baok TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY A XEWSl'Al'EU IXTEUV1CW. Another Clergyman Involved in n Political Stew. "WoucKSTKit, Mass., 7uno 7. TliOiClmrfccd recently mmlo by, Hev. C. H. l'eiulleton, In a nowspaper of this place, of the disagreeable, relations between Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, have caused Considerable feeling, and as promised Mrs. Margaret Xicudumus of Worcester, recently wrote to Mrs. Cleveland, from whom has been received an autograph letter, as follows, in reply thcrote: Executive Mansion, Washington, June 0, 18SS. J Airs. Nieodemus, Dear Madame I can only say in answer to your letter that every statement made by Kev. C. It. Pendleton inftnn interview which you sent me, is basely false, and I pity tho man and his calling who has been made a tool and gave circulation to such wicked and heartless lies. I can wish womon of our country no greater blessing than that their homes and their lives may bo as happy, and that their husbands may bo as considerato and all'ee tiouatc, as mine. Very Truly, Fuancks S.;,Clkvi:lani). Itov. Mr. Pendleton says ho was deceived by and is the innocent victim of an unscrupulous reporter who, misrepresented what ho really said. A rifihtliifr Chance. Washington, Juno 7. General Sheridan passed n restless night. This morning Ids mind was not as clear as heretofore. Late this after noon ho had another attack of heart failure, but is somewhat better this evening. Ono of General Sheridan's physicians said to-day that the Gen eral hail ix lighting chance for recov ery, owing to his rcmarkablo pluck. A Large Sllco of Territory, London, Juno 7. Within u fow days Queen Victoria has succeeded in adding to her dominions u vast empire, almost continental in sl.e, peopled by seventy millions of in dustrious and relatively prosperous inhabitants. This immense tract extends from Zanzibar northward as far as Abyssinia, with n seaboard of over 1700 miles in length west ward. It reaches to beyond Victoria Nyanza and other great lakes from which tho Nile takes its source, and Includes the finest lands and richest markets in Central Africa. TELEUKAI'lIIC Sl'hlXTS. John irosklns, a wealthy cattle dealer, was fatally stabbed Wednes day night on an eastbound Union Pacific train by another passenger in a quarrol about a seat. Tho London newspapers generally approve of tho act of tho !Now York legislature to employ electricity for executions.' D. Sullivan, a deck hand on the steamer Field, was drowned at tho Astoria wharf yesterday. It is sup posed ho fell in tho water from the vessel. Gresham has been Indorsed for president by a wealthy political club in Pittsburg. When informed of tho fact, lie said ho appreciated tho compllmont, but should not bo disappointed If lie was not chosen by tho convention. Hull, Canada, lias had a terrible visitation. A flro on Tuesday night destroyed half tho city, what re mained was tlion swept with a furi ous storm which blew down churches and dwellings, and killed fcoverul people. Attention 1'arrnU. The Hand of Hopo will meet Sat urday, tho Mh, at 8 o'clook sharp In tho now hull in tho opera house. All tho children are earnestly In vited to bo present, also tho mem bors of tho ilowor mission. An, Absolute Care. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINI! OINTMENT is only put up In large two-ounce I in boxes, and Is an absolute euro for old sort, bunw, wounds, chapped hands, nnd all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIKTINE OINT MENT. Kolu byD. W. Matthews & Co., 108 State street, wlem, at 26 cents er box by ruall 90 cenU. tfssk 1'nrWwl. Highlit fltfU prtee pld for wool In Ui Opm HeiiM lilook. V. Lkvy. SIMKl'.TON ITMIS. The beautiful late rains have brought with them a smile on every farmer's face. Election in our small city passed oll'very quietly, nndtho republicans feel very proud of their victory. Miss May Coolidge, returned home after a pleasant visit at Tho Dalles. Mw. Fox and Mifvs lludotct. of Astoria, are visiting friends at tills place. The narrow gauge railroad has changed time again. Tho north bound train now arrives at 11 a. m., and the south bound train at ItwO l. St. This change makes it more convenient for the traveling public. The memorial sermon delivered by Rev. J. Fowler, was well at tended, and was appreciated by all present. The Sllverton Trombone band rendered some excellent music for tho G. A. R. on decoration day. l'Plie first anniversary of the Silver- ton Secular Union will be celebrated at the city park on the 2;id lust. A grand picnic and basket dinner Is also on the program. Hon. S. P. Putnam will address tho people, and a grand time Is expected. Mr. J. Mifecr and wife, of this place, left last Monday for an ex tended visit in tho east among friends and relatives. Miss Eva Davenport, of Portland, spent last Monday- with her friend Miss May Coolidge, of this place. Mr. Jean Hlblmrd, who for some time past lias been working In Port land, spent several dayt with his parents at thelrhome. Mr. Al. Coolidge and Mr. A. Wolf visited Salem last Tuesday. Mr. Alvin MeClaino left for Tacoma, W. T., last Tuesday. Road work is progressing nicely under the supervision of Mr. Julius Fisher. Tho prohibitionists fell far behind their expectations in tills precipe!. Mre. A. Wolfard left for her homo in Linn county, last Wednesday, A very enjoyable evening was spent by soveral of our young people, at tho residence of Mr. Al. Coolidge, on Monday last. Miss Delia Mascher who forsomo time past has been very sick, is slowly improving. Talking of a Clinnge In Time. A dispatch from San Francisco says : "There has been some talk In tho operating department of tho Southern Pacific railroad relative to a change of time on the California A Oregon railroad. Nothing has yet been decided. Tho proposition is to have a train leavo this City at0:l!0 lu tho evening, instead of ), as at present." Tills would bring tho train hero from California, about 10 o'clock In stead of eight as at present. Worth KmuwIiij,', Mr. AV. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fin., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distress ing cough and u running Into con sumption in Its first sUiges. Ho tried many so-called popular cough ronil dles and steadily grow worse. Was reduced in flesh, had dillleulty In breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. Iving's New Dis covery for Consumption and found immmedlato relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the dlKoaw.'. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, guaranteed to do Just what Is clulmed for It. Trial bottle friw at H. W. Cox's drug store. ofkltn' Arstrs flalre. Tho host salvo In tho world foi outs, bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fever wr, tottor, olmppod hand, chilblains, corns, and ull skin orui (Ions, ami positively cures piles, or no ymy required. It Is guaranteed to give erfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. A rise Ut r DrIM KrulU. TssIju1 1jWJI tlsj M lit"! Aft 6 U pwehes, prune, pfuiiM, appliM, nmn, blackberries, fias, etc., the flliM ever otlerwl iu Salem, at S. Pkrmr it Co's. Frcwh fruIU ami vegotabUw every morning. MIXIXIXtl IX KASTKUX OUEWUX. Iiiijio.'tiuit Mineral Transfers I'ppji- arations for Extensive Devel- opmont. The section which at this time ap pears to be attracting most attention lies in vhat is known as tho Cracker creek ami Cable Cove district, dis tant between twenty and thirty miles from Raker City, rich in min eral resources, and extensive lu ter ritory. Within tho past few days, in tho first named district, several hnnortant transfers, Involving thou sands of dollars, have been made, and, we are reliably informed by parties whom wo know to bo iu a iwwition frmii wlili'h thev can sneak advisedly, that negotiations far greater, unaueiaiiy.aioui'w penning between owner and capitalist In each of these districts. As a result of the sales already made, even tho miner In Eastern Oregon Is lu a hopeful mood to ,i,i,. il, ji,w lii tho Investment of'eapltal In his district all the good that usually accrues to me owner oi a ledge in tho neighborhood of a MnviiMf miiiiv Suld mi exnerieuced miner to the Democrat reporter yes terday. '"I'liiim iin tliivo lironertles (wo ,miit iii iiiiiium1 Iii the Cracker creek district that some day will make things luun louu ouuiigii iu bo heard outside of the state of rii-irmi v Tim lrmttlciimn referred to is known In mining circles as tin able and reliable expert, and when he told us that he had closely ex amined the properties mentioned wo were quite willing to believe In the correct ness.of his theory. It Is rumored that four mills will be planted before very long In these districts. Of tills, however, wo have no positive assurance. Rut we do know that already preparations are being made for tho accommoda tion of a hundred or more minors, who are to bo supplied with tho latest Improved mining machinery for tho prosecution of their work. These and other signs point to but ono conclusion, and that is that development work Is soon to bo engaged In tlfait will deter mine what possibilities are In store for the miners of Eastern Oregon. With thousands of tons plied upon tho dump and daily being added to, will come reduction works; with theso will come help for the miner on u small scale; our mines, sonioot which aro lying Idle to-day for want of help to develop them, will each yield their proper quota. Tho coun try will boom then, and boom on u more substantial basis than cllniato or real estate. Hasten the day. Raker City Democrat. ' Ili'.ir, tin It'll anil Dumb. Quito an interesting case Is under examination In the court of Recorder Strlekler this afternoon. John DettlaJI was arrested to-day by Marshal Ross on a eliargo of vagrancy, begging, etc. Dettlafi' says he Is deaf ami dumb, and that ho can't understand English. Ho also claims that his right arm Is paralyzed. A physician examined ids arm, but said it was not paralyzed. Mr. A. Steluer was subpomaed to Interpret tho Ger man, and Rev. P. S. Knight to try the sign language on hhn. Tho Gorman materialized all right, but Mr. Knight could hardly make himself understood, It Is likely ho will prove a bogus mute, Instead of a deaf mute. Three parties have rycontlv been sentenced for pretend ing to bo mutes, lu Kan Francisco. JIo has lcon discharged since writ ing the above, and ordered to leavo town. lleni'WH Her Youth. Mrs. PIkhImj Chesloy, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkable story, thotruth of which Is vouched for by the residents of tho tewn: "ram 7 years old, have been troubled with kidney com plaint and lameness formany years; eoul tl not dress myself wlthoutholp. Vmi; I mil frill I'll II II III! imill ail(l sorouoss, and am able to do all my JioUKoworK. i owe my iuuiikh h Electric Hitters for having renewed im' vfinMi mill ritiiiiiviul I'limiiliiltiK ulUuiMMiMi anil lMilti." Try a bottle. WW. uiuil. nt Ji. w. uox'ti iirug store. Mi4 In the Hud. Is It not better to nip consump tion, the grentest scourge of human ity, in the bud, than to try to stay its progress on tho brink of the grave? A few (lottos of California'! most useful production HANTA ARIE, the king or Consumption, will relieve, aiula thorough treat ment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of ooiwumii tion, on u be wired by CALIFOR NIA CAT-R-CURK. Tiieee renie dies are sold and fully warranted by D. W. Matthew & Co., 108 Htatu street, Salem, n h