CAPITAL vol. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1SSS. NO. S2 JOURNAL. TIlOFESSIONAIi CAItDS. Zfo W BELT, ATTOItNKY AT LAW (t and District Attorney. Ofllco at court Oounseiur iii-". --"i v.jwu. Bt.ilrs In rntton's block. Itc, "1" SIT AW UiUU, JUiUUHUlP Al Law. Salem, Oregon. Olllco In Patton's ..trA stnirs over Bolt's driiK store. 01UCK, "Jt - T RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT i Law. Office over uopuoi iimiuniu .- rt.n rrtiv.t..or!nl fitrnnt- Snlpm. Or LDK, w""" , 1 - TTTM KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V Salem, Oregon. Olllco with Tllmon rvird In Tntton's building. Will pmctlco in all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. jjhuu uhiwj """ -....,, . ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND IrCIVUrer. Vll nutn niuiuuicu. ..... .S of T. MnF. Pnttnn's book store, Stato street, pmem, ur, fiKPRESSAVAGON, QUICK AND SAFE Pi delivery. Wm. Rcnnie having bought the express business of Walter Lowe, Is ireDared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ims and any thing else thnt ho can get in his wniton to any part of the city, quicker, Kifer. better, nnd neater, than it can bo done by any body else. Leave orders nt junto's stable. eatu ui"' " , I INSURANCE Company. I Flro and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. DR GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician nnd sureeon, will open nn olllco in the New Bank Illock, on May 1st, Mr tho treatment of all diseases of women, and nil other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic nnd nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE. For" Sale. A good iron framo Horso Power. Good for nil uses, from one to full capacity. All for the low prleo of $30. Call ut f lio Pa cific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Company's ofllee. Salem, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE. 16 acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by agood road, from Salem, 143 acres In culti vation, balanco In timber. Well watered, good $1000 house of 8 rooms, moderate barn, -well at the door; all fenced and a thrifty young orchnrd. Thirteen acres seeded to pasturo grass, nnd 07 acres Ingrain. Pur chaser can have liberal terms to harvest. crops PRICE $-1000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and savo agent's J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at tue urange store. ;2231n cultivation, 30 ncres good timber, bal ance nnsturp? inn ncrps In fall wheat. 2a acres in oats, and 30 in potatoes. House, torn, orchard, etc. Two miles north of oaiem, may uo aiviaea;;pnco, too per uuru, lermscasy. Inqulro of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor. State and Commercial Streets, Salem, HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis & Chamberlain. 430 acres. .1 inllna (Vnm Snlnm. lllcrhlv cultivated I S30W t lots, good houso und barn, East Sa lem 2S0O Slots, finely situated 1700 SO) acres, 21 miles from Salem, well imrimvpd. r-iin hn divided Into 3 , or four tracts 10,000 -mj acres, s miles from south or sniem, fair lmnmvemRmnnts.flno timber and water 3230 1 block of land, 3 houses, rent for 812 M each, pays interest on 81000 3000 SO acres A miles south ofHalem, fair improvements. 2200 5 acres, ndjolnlng city limits, in meadow. .......-..'. 1200 I lot, good houso nnd barn, adjoining court house block 1850 l acre, Snlem, new houso and barn, .Plenty of small fruit 2000 The foregoing Is but a partial list of tho "iguius wo navo to oner. AVILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. era House, Court Street, galem. LEGAL BLANKS, Largest Sto'k in the State, Best Discount. Snd for catalogue. Call for prices for Job ranting lowestln Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. ao to ROTAN A WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FMflg Saws a Specialty. oitpcriKe MlBttrtlUr: 5jJjJJy BWataf, May Ml MSB, a lUvlng bought out the remainder ol the JMrfcetoryi stook, wo are prepared to 1 chairs lower than any house In Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. H. W. COX, (Successor to Tho Tort Drug Co.) 100 .State Street, Salem. Oregon KULL, LINE Dms and Medicines CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL, HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. BTho best five tent clgnr In tho mar ket. II. W. COX, d&w 100 State Street. Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers nnd Dealers la Boots and Sloes! Latest Styles! Leading Lines! Lowest Prices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) . SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A.. E. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DEALEIt IS STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 3-Agent for tho RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1819. .C.tvcTW" Cucula A0ILIIIMLVLU-t0 oi rTinr ur-ni. AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD cesslve secretion 01 inucun jiiuuuria :ln roaring paired, symptoms, others only a part. HWMB 17S J 6 moj.a rsX Y!2BrWU.'VCVV T-nrci(r a . awklng, spitting, wiu anu immiiieu w, irenueni. horuneH8 oi lue inroji, ringing or In the ears, more or lewt impairment, or the hearing, ios or smell, memory lin- UUIineMi or uleilioMiui ii.v uniu.ui jiitnflur lltuv Ul llie llljnt.; jlHjyiJU 1LM.U11 famellT Is vour breath foulT If fco. you have the Catarrh. Some liava ull tlMe California. Cat-R-Cure Restores tlw sense of taste and smell, removes had taste and unpleasant breath, retult lr from Cntarrli. Bhsv and pleasant to use. Follow directions and u oure is guaran teed by D. W. MATTHEWS k Co. RECOrvIIwIISNDISD. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON, of New York City, formerly special amnt of the Phanlx and Home Insurance Company at San Preneisen, Cal.. wye: "I liave Immi troubled with Chronic Cutarrh tor twenty years. A friend In Woodland, QL recom mended your California CAT-IKJUUK. I proeurded a jar. lw1ng but ltttle AtlthTn Its auratlve preperties: but I must say, after using three Jars, I am cured of that dbmsUM; disease. Jneiosed rind $6 for which send me California CAT-It-CURE for some frlenus,," QUARANTEED ny D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. FINANCIAL. KSTAnLISHED HY NATIONAL AUTHORITY. mi n i iit m ok SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, .... 75,000 Surplus, ....... 9,500 R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS) W. T. Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. 51. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J.'II. Albert, T. McP. ltittoii. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market nblo produce, consigned or In store, either In prlvato cranortcsor public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonablo rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. - SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR,i - - President. Vlco President. ... Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. "Exchango on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, London nnd Hong Kong bought nnd sold. State, County and City wnrrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal ndvonces mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt reasonable rates. Insurance ou such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET IS COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Fresh and Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S A.TJS A.G E . 5-Tho CLEANEST kept market m tho city. Cnll and seo for yourself. McCROW & WILLARD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. S-A11 kinds of frosh nnd cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a'squaro deal all around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV cry Stable, corner of Stnto nnd Front streets, or on Bin to at corner Htato nnd Com inerclul streets. Prompt attention and enro guaranteed. W. A. BENSON. STRICKLER BROS. -DEALERS IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Hooting and Spouting a Specialty. 43-At tho old stand of Ben. Strang, Com mercial Street. I L3U1L1UJJS THEON.LY-; CURE TOR CATARRH OROVILLECnL which does not get bettor? Have you an ex- ine nosai pasHagesT ire you iniuuieu uy lIieWlllMMIOlIM First Na i a t ;iona Ban ELEGRAPHIG SUMMARY T NEARINH HIS END. A Serious Clmnge Anothc. Heart Failure and Serious Hemorrhage. Washington, June 4. It wai stated at 9:30 that there had been no material change in General Sheridan's condition since 5 o'clock. Colonel Blunt says that it has been decided not to issue another bulletin until S o'clock, except m case ol fresh complications. lioos General Sheridan's condition is unchanged. It is stated that Dr. Pepper, before leaving for Philadelphia, told the family that Iho -nnral's condition was better than When he saw him last. The bulletin issued this mornini; shortly after 5 o'clock, Dr. Pepper says, "'expresses accurately the. present condition ol affairs, and indicates that the general is doing as well aa can be expected. The increased embarrassment of pulse and breathing which appeared last evening, is probably due in part at least, to the recent abrupt climatic change. It did not develop into a spell of heart failtiro as on former oo. casions, which is an encouraging faot," A SERIOUS CHANGE. Official bulletin, 3:30 i M. Within the last hour another attack of heart failure occurred, and the worst may bo looked for at any lime. 4:25 r. M. Gen. Shoiidan just had avery severe hemorrhage. Blood was ejected from his mouth. It is almost black and clotted. The While Clips Again. New Albany, Ind., Juno 4. Tho Crawford County White Caps paid a visit to Ramsey Station, on tho Air Line Kail road, Sunday morning about 2 o'clock, taking Louis Sterosteller, proprietor of a hotel with saloon attachment, out of his bed and to thd woods, where ho was bound to a tree and civon 100 lashes on his bare hack. Sterosteller is a drunken tough, and boasted that the White Caps did not dare to come alter him, Tho victim is reported by a man who came to the city to-day as ii. a very serious con. dition from the lashini; ho received. His baok, from neck to waist, is as raw as n piece of beef. It is thought that he will hardly iccover. Tho Poisoner Poisoned. Windsor. Mo., June 4. John Owsley. his wife and two daughters wore taken violently ill at breakfast Saturday, and they suspected a 12-year-old negro servant girl had put poison in tlieircollee. She was accused, but entered denial. To settle tho question the gitl was forced to drink somo of the coffee, and she died in a few hours. The family will recover. Before her death the girl gave tho names ol two negroes who, she said, had prompted her to do the poisoning. They aro bein searched for, and lynching is promised. Ho was from Arkansas. Ho was talking with a Deeatiirfrloiil,aiulin discussing municipal affairs tho lut ter complained that tho Mayor was very sovero and strict on transgres sors, and recited an instance or two whoro ho thought that ofliclul was too hard on delinquents. "Pshaw! that's nothlmr." said tho Arkansan "Down in Arkansas town a man was found dead ono morning. On his body they found a revolver and $50 In money, and tho mayor of the town had tho body brouirht in, as sessed a lino against tho dead man of $: lor carrying concealed weapons, and directed that tho other $2 bo lispri In rmvlni' funonil exnensoH." Decatur (Ala.) Journal. another problem about as villainous as that concerning the hen and a half has been propounded. It is this: "A tells the truth three timos out of four; U tells the truth tour times out of Rt; C tells the truth six times out of seven. What is the probability of an event which A and D assert and O denies?" Kansas Exch. Cash For Wool. Highest cash price paid for wool in mo unora iiouso mock. V. I, jRVV. " Live and Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. AU Ofdura will raaaivs pnnnjtt miwtUon. VntlnwilM n all khuii nl wart, la our UlM etmerMly atvn. SaUtec-ikm gnanwUMwI. hof Til Old Orwrt IIoum ou Abort stteet, Hlsn.Or. TELEGRAPHIC SPLINTS. Jeff Davis celebrated his eightieth birthday yesterday. The old traitor's health is improving, and he was con gratulated by many sutvivors of the lost cause. The slucuer Sullivan's benefit in the Academy of Music, New York, last nhjht, was slnnly attended, and ho appeared in bad form and looked tough. The report is circulated that it is in tended ta crowu the Czar Emperor of Central Asia at Samarcand, to offset tho inlluenco of Qjcen Victoria's title as impress ol India, l'rinco Roland Bonaparte arrived in Now York on Sunday. He comes as delegate to a bug-oloxical meeting to be held in that city. Senator Dolph yesterday reported advorsely from the Publio Lands Com. mitteo tho bill repealing nil tho laws allowing entries for timber culturo and offered a substitute which diflers only in time while the entry may be subject to contest. "Heiress to .Millions," tho newspaper stated, and how many women, probably, read tho same, and envied her. Jlut littlo was she to bo envied, however; for in splto of her great wealt h she was miserable. It was her lot, in com mon with myriads of .women, to sull'er from those "chronic weak nesses," which aro peculiar to tho female sex. Miserable, nervous, and discouraged, she would gladly nave given every dollar of her fortune for ono briet installment of health. TTrmi nnaif i.twl 1wi I ll.iviinttol rt would bo tho journey to health, If ijr. i'ierco'8 tavorito prescription was selected as a remedy, and tho uso of tho samo persisted in; that is, tho experience of thousands of women alllletedln thoabovo manner teaches us to predict so. It Is tho only medicine for women, sold by druggists, untiera positive guaran tee, from tho manufacturers, that It will give satisfaction In every case,' or money will bo refunded. This guarantee has been printed on tho bottle-wrapper, and laitniuuy car ried out for many years. Dr, Plcrco's pellets, or anti-bilious granules, euro sick headache, dys pepsia and constipation. .Mrietl In the Dud, Is It not better to illn consume tion, tho greatest scourge of huninn- ny, in inu mm, iiiaii to ii y hi stay its progress on the brink of the grave? A fow doses of California's most useiui production sajnta AUll';, tno King oi tonsuinptioii, will rolieve, and a thorough treat ment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often tho forerunner of consuniii tion, can bo cured by CALIKOIt- jnia uat-h-uuku. Tiieso reme dies are sold and fully warranted by D. V. Mattliows &Co., 10(1 State street, Salem. KenewH Hit Youth. Mrs. Pheobo Cliesloy, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkablo story, tho truth of which is vouched for by tho residents of tho tewn: "I am 711 years old, have been troubled wltn Kidney com plaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself withoutholp. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do nil my housework. 1 owe my thanks to J.leelrlo Hitters lor Having renewed inv vouth. and removed completely all dlseaso and pain." Try a uottle, COc. and $1. at 11. W. Cox's drug store. An Absolute Cure. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large twe-ounco' llu boxes, and Is an nbsoluto euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, nnd all skin eruptions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AHIETI.NE OINT MENT. Bolu byD. W. Matthews A Co., 100 Stnto street, Salem, at i!5 rentii per box by mull 80 ceuta. Burkten's Arnica Satre. Tho boat salvo In tho world foi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhouni, favor sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd nil skin erup tions, nnd positively cures piles, or no pay rerpuired. It is guaranteed to gl vo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. I'or sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. Wool Wiuitotl. Parties having wool to soil will find it to their advantage by oalliug on Forstnor Tiffany & Co's, 307 Commercial street, Saluin, Oregon. A fine Ut of Prlr.1 Frulu. Dried nectarine), apricots, peHChtw, prunes, plums, apples, jKtrw, blackberries, figs, etc., Jtho finest ever offered in 8lcin, at B. Farrar & Co's. I'resli fruits and vegetables every morning. SENTIMENT IN POLITICS. A Useful Plank fur the National llt. publican Platform. In a few weeks tho national re publican convention will meet in Chicago. Upon tho choice and voice of that convention great Inter ests depend. If wise, tho national administration will pass Into the hands of the republican party. If unwise, disastrous defeat is Inevit able. The nominees must bo men who will command tho full confi dence and the full vote of the country; nnd It Is almost equally necessary that the platform should be plain and strong and honest. Tho masses of voters who count themselves republicans aro plain, honest men, who aro too Intelligent, too loyal to truth, too earnest In their purposes to submit to artifice, cowardice, evasion or jugglery in the declaration of principles. Thoy want tho convention to say what It menus in honest English, and to mean what it says. If the republi can party stands for principles lot them be set forth In such language as men of conscience and conviction know how to use. If It does not stand for principles no amount of cunning can conceal Its cewardice: for there are principles which the people bollevo In nnd for thesupport of which they can bo rallied. One of these is protection from tho curso of tho saloon. This Is an issue which men of courage and convic tion aro ready nnd anxious to tnko up, and it Is an issue which tho national convention ought to recog nize and promote. To succeed, the party must lead; and to lead it must champion that which lies close to tho heart of tho people. Tiiero is no cause tiiat is dearer io tho American heart to-day than, that of the Home agalustthosnloou. Ministers are a unit against the sa loon : churches aro a unit against it p physicians and 'educators and re formers are against it; women and children shudder as they think of It. Who loves and champions It? Whtv says it Is good? who says it needs protection? Thero nro those who think thero should bo more schools and asylums and hospitals; but who asks for more saloons? There is not a stato In tho Union which lias not statutes against It ; not a city, town, or village in tho land where thero is not opposition to it. Tho sentiment against it is universal, and expresses Itself lit many ways. It believes In educa tion, restriction and prohibition as remedies, and in every stato these remedies have been applied In one way or another. This i sentiment is rapidly increas ing, and It Is going more and more to tno polls. I'outicians aro at tue polls (to thoy not seo It? It Is everywhere organizing for political action do the politicians not feel It? The political annuals aro full of prohibition statistics do tho politi cians not understand them? Look you, gentlemen, at theso returns of votes for prohibition votes, wo say, which you so highly appreciate : Ohio (1883 - aiW.OOO Michigan (1887) 178,000 Oregon (1887) 120,000 Tenneseo (1887 118,000 Texas (1887). - - 1120,000 Iowa (1882) 11)0,000 Kansas (1880) - 012,000 Maine (1881) 71,000 JUiodo Island (1880)- 15,000 1,102,000 Hero aro over 1,100.000 votes for constitutional prohibition alone. Add the states of Vermont and Now Hampshire where prohibition pir vails ; most of Georgia, South Caro lina and Mississippi, where local op tion lias been so successful ; mid counties, cities and towns, north and south, where saloons have been closed by one method or another, and you have evidence which yon cannot reject that opposition to the saloon Is In the heart of the people. It Is strong In the republican party, and nothing would unite aud vivify tho party more than a dellnlte. do clslve declaration ou the subject from tho national convention at Chlcniie: Shall wo not linvo It? Shall wo not have It for Its great moral Influence, for Its help to tight tho buttle In tho states? All wo ask Is it plunk that shall recoKiiIzo the enormous evils of tho saloon, denounce its purpose to control and corrupt politics, nnd declare that as tho evils directly nll'eet the people, the fate of the tralllo should every where be submitted to the arbitra ment of the people. This is all we demand at present. Wo belelve more is agenerai leeitng in tlie con vention will meet this question In. tho riuht spirit. A lartro and luilii- entail deputation of antl-sulooii re publicans win wait uimn tnepintiorm. . committee to urge ttie matter, and we suggest that letters and petltioiirt be sent to every member of the Con vention from republicans front hlti own district or state asking his luilu euee for an anti-saloon plank, N Y. Independent. jiiisaitjjLi'.