Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 04, 1888, Image 3

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j&Kipolis Its Rapid Growth and
Immense Water Works.
lit Norsemen Turning I'rohis-Min-nesotians
Joining Iho Move
ment. This is llirg cityi ifc contains
3)0,000 people. They boast that it
Jjs' doubled In population more
often than any other city in tho
world; for some time every three
years; and even now they predict it
Viil double ugain in Ave years. It
obtained its start from the magnifi
cent water power of St. Anthony
Falls, on the Mississippi. The
power utilized for immense flouring
mills ami many 01 im-ui, uuu uunx
for other industries. Tho largest
Pilhbury mill turns out 10,000 bar
rels of flour a day, and othSOTrora
7 000 down. The soft rock of the river
bed began to wear away, fjn that the
channel was rapidly deepened" ton
point so low as to threaten it$ utility.
So the government unncle.d the
bed, and V
Wings are also built across, so us
to raise the water for tho mills on
the higher ground. The falls are
very handsome, but the water is
much discolored by rains, and this
detracts from its beauty. The water
power drives immense pumps on
both sides of the river, and supplies
the city with hydrant water. But
the supply is taken from a point too
near the city to bo wholesome. Lost
winter 80,000 cases of cholera were
reported, in more or less virulent
form, and this was largely attributed
to the drinking water. Many
houses have cisterns for rain water,
or they have wells.
Yonder is u wagon full of demi
johns and stone bottles for delivery
to family residences. But they are
not filled with the liquor that ine
briates, their contents is water from
Inglewood spring. Restaurants ad
vertise "Inglewood spring water
used here." And for $2.60 per
month you can get a filter and have
it supplied with the same water. If
you are a stranger, and prefer a
drink of it, you can purchase a glass
for a cent.
It rains incessantly, as in Oregon in
winter ; the streets are muddy, and
they don't scrape the crossings. I
have many a time wished I could
fee Mr. Churchill making a crossing
passable. The shade trees are slowly
leaving out ; not a lilac or snowball
in bloom. Gaudy tulips are almost
the only open air flowers to be seen,
except where pansies, geraniums,
fuchsias, heliotropes, etc., have been
set out from green houses. The
florists' windows are radiant with
plants from the same source. Men
are peddling them by tho wagon
load, and many u woman may be
eu going homo with pot plnuts in
hud and bloom.
but much more would bo dono were
it not for the rain, which interferes
with foundation digging. They do
not put buildings on the surface of
he ground, as with us. The first
inlng is to excavate for a cellar or
basement, and put in a solid stone
foundation. In the basement they
Place a furnace to heat tho whole
Elding, to supply which with fuel
funs up a big Iblll. Ono man told
me that from October till May the
mow months his fuel bill was over
I 00, and his house Is but of moder
ate size. Last-winter, in this city,
he mercury fell to 40 below. Prom
"Mut members of tho Christian
""J liave expressed a cordial de
an that I would take charge of a
"Web. here, since there is need of a
ra one. But my courage is
hardly equal to face
iiJ V'fe wuld commence proceed
ings for divorce If I should propose
2i t e,hanPe- Only for that draw
" I shouul like this city, as there
a great deal of life, business and
in ramo,ng the church people here.
" prohibition party work their
"W' is simply astonishing, and
Pwtly encouraging, (except to re
ffWJoins), who are not hearty In
""elr praise.
In H ' nu to-rtyi spoke to a large
ii , .of People, for the eighth
wd club, largely officered, as it
"?PFned. by inombcrs of our own
enurch They had tho PTsk glee
"!"' w'" sang stirring campaign
es. Ten such clubs held mect
B this same afternoon, with chap
"" to open them, and preachers
2Kk,a? at many of them. An-
WeelL has becn 8tarted thIa
J o'clock spoke In Froyaliall,
Z? "S-MlaU dub, 460 persons prea
m.L i,leee Scandinavians arc com
SKf?!1er to the party rapidly. One
hJ2?r Preachers preceded me in
2ft He has organized three
JWtJon oluba among his own
Preached temperance sermons at
the Christian church In St. Paul in
the morning, and here at night.
Both parties arc prohis. The pastor
in this city addressed a prohi club
in the afternoon. The .Northwest
ern Prohibitionist, with a big circu
lation, is published in Minneapolis.
Remembering thnt young Mr.
Ladub was here attondiug the State
university, 1 dropped him a card,
requesting an interview. He came
to my nfternoon meeting, and we
had a very pleasant handshake. He
looks well and h earty, likes his school
and studies well. He has every ap-
TlWimilPfi nf n. stnniK Itifltiaifrmo
bright young fellow, aiid from pres
vu, appearance oi moustacne, etc.,
bids fair to return to Oregon a
"bearded" man. He desired to be
remembered to all friends. Did I
tell of meeting Miss Rosa Frost, of
Aurdsvilla? She is very advantage
ously sljuftjcd with Mr. and Mrs.
Unudcnvood, her uncle and aunt.
WEST has long, crowded business streets,
with five, six, and seven story build
ings of maidmpth proportions;
cable, steam, motor, and horse ears ;
two fine, huge railway depots ; and
expensive private residences by the
thousand. But I must stop to mall
this on tho cars.
J. W. W.
- Minneapolis, Minn., 28, '88.
Disturbed the Army.
- Tho Salvation Armv pntialRtlntrnf
Ttbl woWu'Yhud a bass drum,
quartered witfiln the walls of this
icity, has ."brier disturbed again.
TUls'tpno it was Dave Shepard who
who caused the Army to be In an
unsettled state. Shepard, It seems.
attends the Salvation Army meet
ings, in the same spirit another
would attend a circus and in fact a
greater number of their attendants
do the same. On Wednesday night,
it is said, he Insisted on not only'
shaking hands with tho female
members of the Army, but he also
wanted to hold the hand long
enough to give it two or three
affectionate squeezes. Objection
being made to so public a demon
stration of his feelings, Shepard is
reported to have "cursed loud and
long." He was arrested Saturday,
and that day being a non-judicial
day, he was placed under bonds in
the buiu of $50, until to-morrow,
when he will bo arraigned injustice
O'Donald'8 court.
Improve the Walks, Etc
In a great many places about the
city, the sidewalks are in very bad
condition, and should he ropaired at
once. In some places great holes
are in tho walks, which are liable to
cost the city a damage suit at any
time, unless repaired. The
shade trees in many places hang too
low, also, over the walks, and should
be trimmed. There are lots of other
improvements necessary. Notwith
standing instructions from the
council for their removal, those
"highly ornamental" tanks at Will
son's avenue still remain there as
"embellishments" to that piece of
public property, along with the
beautiful fence that needs painting
so badly. There are several other
things that could bo done to greatly
beautify and improvo tho city. A
good work is being dono on tho
streets by Supervisor Thompson,
and the good work of improvement
should be extended to the walks,
Literary Kt-Uulon.
The literary societies of the Will
amette University will hold their
annual reunion next Friday even
ing, and a good time is expected.
The following is the pregram:
Instrumental duet
..Misses Forest and Corkish.
Address by the President
..J. N. Brown.
Quartette Messrs. Bagley,
(Boyd, Burke and Howell.
Recitation Miss May Jory.
Vocal Solo Miss Edna Adams.
Poem F. M. Anderson.
Vocal Solo W. H. Bagley.
Oration S. W. Stryker.
Duet-Misses Washburne and Wood.
Essay Miss Maggio Brown.
Anuuallst Miss iEolia Royal.
Quartette Misses Royal,
(Messrs Boyd and Burke.
Brad From "Bn Hnr."
At the Congregational Church
last 'evening Rev. T. E. Clapp de
parted from his wonted custom, and
instead of delivering his usual even
ing sermon, read thnt chapter from
General Lew Wallace's famous "Ben
Hur." relatimr to tho crucifixion of
Christ. It proved very entertaining
to the audience. Portlanu JNewB.
Board f Trait.
The regular meeting of the Salem
Board of Trade will be held at the
Pmi noil chamber to-morrow even-
ing.June" 6th, at 8 o'clock. A full au
dience is desired.
Certs' FirUUgO4i.
G. W. Johnson, theclothlor, keep
a full line of the leading manufactur
ers' goods.' Call and examine hla
stook of olothlng and furnishing
Fruit ice cream, rft Strong & Co.'s.
Supt. E. B. McElroy went to
Corvallis to-day.
Call on Winters & Thomas for the
best groceries In town.
Coal has been discovered near
bweet Home, Linn county.
Painless dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, 02 State street.
Co. C, 2nd regiment, gives an ex
cursion to Portland on the 0th.
Cream soda, ice cream soda, milk
skakes, lemonades, ntStrong& Co.'s.
Ribbons, laees, embroideries, ptc,
at Bridges & Bozorth's Bank Block.
Tho children's services in the sev
eral churches yesterday were well
C. H. Monroe and his sister-in-law,
Miss Van Wlndle, spent Sun
day In Albany.
State Printer Baker and Supt.
Harry Lane went to Portland this
morning to vote.
Pleasure lovers should remember
Rellly and Wood's big show which
appears here on the 9th.
'Geo. S. Watt and wife- camo up
overland from California this morn
ing. They will visit here for some
Joseph Conrad has the contract
for the stone foundation of tho Jiew
( 'atholic church. The contract price
is $435.
Mrs. Dr. Paytoh has returned
from a three months' trip to the
Sound and Portland and will, now
remain In Salem.
Ira Mills and Ira Erb are tho del
egates elected for Protection lodge
No. 2, A. O. U. W., to tho grand
lodge, which meets at Seattle, July
Tho Oregon Land Company, on
Saturday, sold tho Lowry farm, a
few miles north of tho city, to a
Southern Oregon man for $5425.
There are 217 acres in tho farmJ
Mrs. C. S. Woodworth wont to
Portland this morning, after her.
baggage, which she had left onr tliei
Coloma. Mrs. Woodworth's health
Is much Improved by her tourncross
tho Pacific.
Matthews & Nash now have a
supply, pf drajn. tlje.at..thclr ..factory
ono half mile north of Salem, ready
for sale. They Intend to fully sup
ply tho demand for this mfcch
needed article. ' ' (
Judge R. P. Boise and R. P. Boise
jr., have bought the house and two
lots on Commercial and Chemkete
streets, opposite the State Insurance
Company's building for $3,500 of J.
L. Williams and wife, of T ncoma, as
a speculation.
Representative Hermann has filed
with the Postmaster General an ac
ceptance of the contract for mall ser
vice on the route between Port
Orford and Baudon, Oregon, and an
order has been issued for a daily
mail service between these .two
Last Friday during tho absence of
Richard Savage, his residence on
Asylum avenue was entered by
burglars. It is not known what is
missing. Mr. Savngo says tho small
boys are very fond of cherries, as
they have completely stripped some
of his trees.
Tho annual camp-meeting of the
Christian church will begin at their
grounds at Turner on Thursday
June 14th. Suitable camping places
can be secured, and the O. & C. R. R.
Co. will probably issue round trip
tickets at a reduced rate. A large
attendance Is expected.
A strawberry and Ice cream festi
val will be given by tho ladles of
Gervais on Friday, Juno 8th. A
musical and literary entertainment
will be provided, aud every exertion
made to afford a pleasant time.
Tables to be set at 8 P. M., at Mrs.
Brown's hall. A selection of Scotch
songs will be sung in costume.
Tho twb mall carriers have hand
led the following mail matter dur
ing tho past menth: Delivered
Registered letters, 88; letters, 0,070;
postal cards, 1,313; newspapers, 0,
597; drop letters, 472, drop cards, 108;
collected local letters, 290; mall let
ters, 0,098; local postal cards, 103;
mall postal cards, 690; newspapers,
Uik Fr Wool.
Highest cash price paid for wool
In the Opera House block.
F. Lkvv.
ILALLEV-Near Chemawm at the home
of Air. A. Kelly, II m. Agatba Ilmllye,
ged 73 yean, 8 month.
Funeral on Wednesday, at 11 a.
m., from tho Baptist church. Inter
ment In the Lee Mission cemetery.
Deceased crossed the plains In 1843.
Gen. Sheridan's condition is still
alarming ; Einieror Frederick is hot
ter, and the Emperor Dom Pedro is
Pennsylvania has tnrain stxikon
out. At a tnules assembly meeting
in Pittsburg the Mills bill was con
demned as an enemv to labor, and
Congressman Seott.otthnt state.de
nounced as a dangerous person. The
old Keystone state stauds by her
The Brewers' convention in St.
Paul on Saturday decided to raise
money to light prohibition.
Prof. Anderson at Vlnconue. Ind.,
and Misses Lillie uud Clam Honm
dny were drowned on TncMlnV in
White river, near Sponcqr.wmlirlwft
boating. ,,f('1
The refinery of the Crystal Salt
Works at Saltvlllo New York, was
burned Saturday night, Iioss, $75,
000 ; partially insured. '
A down-at-heel Indian potentate,
has lK?en appointed teacher Of Hiii-
oosiauto queen victoria, at 1500
rupees a month. Mr. .Chas. Brad-
Hludostanee at her time of life,
Saturday, June 9, 1888-
The lending Vnudcylllo Entertainment
of Uie world 1 Jloro peoplol Moro novel
ties I More exponslvo nets tlmn any other
traveling combination In America.
Big Show,
Brass Band anil Orchestra.
Larger, utrpngcr, and greater thnn any
Vaudeville company that has ever visited
the const. A strictly all feature show. Ono
of the principal features being the Nklson
Family (0) llobert, Arthur, Samuel,
Charles, George, and Frank. The greatest
features ever brought from EuroK Tho
chnmplon of champions. Tho acrobatic
milrels of the ngn. Introducing their great
success, "Tho Falling Column, ' )erformcd
only by tbei-o artists. Ten other leaturcs
and concluding with tho funniest Irish
comedy ever written, entitled "Hknatoh
McKek." Look out for tho grand street
parade. Hcserved seats on salo'at l'atton's
book store. Admission SO cents, reserved
teats 73 cents.
. 530 ACRES
V11 watered and plenty ot timber. Two
houses aud two burns. Good orchard.
Meudow and 150 acres plow land. Fifty
head of cattlo with tho pluco If wuntod, and
horses enough to run It, Within live miles
of depot on tho l & C, H. 11. A. bargain ror
. Enquire at 0 e nf Capital Journal.
II. JK. Dubois.
Job Dulloisf
Dubois brothers
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
fcromlH to Si payday.
Coffee house
East Side Liberty, opp.iOpera Home,
S, B. WATKIN9, -:- Prop,
3McaU at nil hours, from Co to 25c. "C
(In Btate Insumneo liulldlug)
Good work. Fair prices. Prompt. Jlo
llable. PROF. II. DIAMOND,
Teacher of Music
And dealer In nil kinds of Musical Inntra
menu. Ofllce, 200 Commercial street. In
trumenU sold on the Instalment plan.
One span of Homes, seven years old.
One Lumber Wagon.
One Hack.
Ope'Muro and Colt.
Two Cows,
One yearling Colt.
One Harrow,
One cultivator.
One hand Drill,
One now.
For particulars coll at V. 8. Winters &
Thomas' store, 100 Court street.
d2Mvlmw T. F. TUCKKIL
Filing Sawi a Specialty.
Hbppoa the alley, opposite MlnloVlUr
ery Stable, Balem, Or,
ItAflAN-To the wife of II. If. lUgan. on
WtxlneaKUy morning, May 19, mi, a
jaugu, a i'litiistlne M. ,l,, jironoun
ces the appolutinqiifu JobastlioreMsj
no necessity to teach hor'inniestv'
IF UBS. Till ffl Ml?
One Cent Each!
You Use a New One Every Two Days.
Mali Todd Diamond Pointed Gold Fen
FOR $1.25, AV:
T. McF. PATTON, Sole Agent.
Sunday School and Day School Reward Cards
Embossed Pictures for Scrap Albums!
ti m
to wkt
Know All, by tlicso presents: Tlint tho CuiiUol Adventtiro Co. neither
slumbers nor sleeps, but are nwiiko and up to the timet, and know well
thnt owing to tho depression of business In tho East thero will ho many
failures. Now wo want to bo ready to enpturu any barpdns that may
bo ollered on account of such failures, and to do this It will bo necessary
for us to bo on hand In Now York and Chicago, In person, and bo armed
with plenty of tho commodity commonly called Cash, with which wo
can boast tho people of this country aro well supplied, and In order for uu
to get It, wo will from now until tho llrst of August ofl'or such bargalna
as will induce- those having money to divide with us.
You all know that our Mtuiuger has ueen In business hero for tho last
twenty years aud always does as ho advertises. About August 1st lie will
start Enst to buy a largo fall stock, and In order to do this wo will otTer
our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paier, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a
great sacrilico, and in order that tho general Public- may know thnt wo
mean business, wo mention tho price of some of our goods till August 1st.
A imod Hemmed Hnndkerclilcf for I ct. 1000 lino Ostrich IM union for CO o cach-
A slhcr.Rold or steel thlmlilo, 1 ct. each.
A spool of ClurkV, Coat's or Kcrr'H Thread,
3 e. each.
A spool good Bowing Hllk, hesl brand and
assorted colors, for .') e.
SLspooIsHllk Mutton Holo Twist for 3c.
2 skcliiH Muddlers' Hllk for 3 c.
1 shcot gold, sllvor or plain Card Hoard,
1 c. worth 10 c.
1,000,000 doz. Horn nnd Cloth covered
Dress Muttons worth 25 to 60 c 11 doz.,
for 5 c. a doz.
100,000 doz. Kino Jet nnd Metal Muttons,
worth 60 c. to $1 11 doz. for 10 c 11 doz.
1,000 yds. Ijico worth 6 0. 11 yd., for 1 c 11 yd.
Laeo worth 10 c per yd. will ho sold for 3
. e ,. ... ..It..... 1......I.. iru .....I
IIIIU U I'. 11 jlli UlUi'l .-..WKiiiBn iwit.
l.'inlitvitiiftfi In ,ir,ttwtrttmi
'a .u..i .....I..!.. nr (l.nt Uitminnr
The abovo lire only u few of tho Konulno MAMOAINH that wo will ofTcr. Maildc
tlicso our whole stock will bo ollered at prices lower than anywhere else In tno city,
without any exception. . .....,.,
Wo aro not unliiK out of business but aro hero to stay and only do this to make room
for our lamo fall slock. Call and bo convinced. Muy and bo happy.
Ilomcmber these- bargains can only bo secured at tho Oponi Houso Corner, from Ine
All kinds of Farm
Scl Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia,
SetLjlloD, 2G " Cloth, Gilt Cop,
SetThickerayJl " Half Morocco,
Set Waverly, 12 " Hair blue Calf,
Set I P. Hoe, 15 " Clolh,
SelCapLM.Iteid,IOYolj. Clotb,
Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles,
118 Stato Street
wo wi
tMiruisi . ...
LarKOJrtorlc of llnwiirH, jirlco no oldrct.
I juluw' ChemlHU 15 u riieli, worth l c
I.udlt'' Night (J0WIM.OO0. each worth 11.25
And all our Mock of IjuIIcm' While, (Jooda
til proportion.
60.000 1 jidlW Hnl I'rameh 10 c. each, worth
CO e. to SI each.
)2 FIhIi HiKikH una 1 Mnoforila
flood HerubbliiK IlniHliox 6c. each.
Hood White Wimh llrUKlic 10 e. earii,
lleHt Patent UlotlicH Tin 6 c. per dot.
worth ZVjt
Good l'ly Hooks. lie. each.
60 Mcams 1etter Paper, 2c. per quire.
10 Iti tatter I'upor, 6 c. ior quire.
Ut) doz. Memoranda 1 looks, 1 c. each.
600 boxes I.iibln Toilet Hoap, 0 c per box
TTnflnralllrlM 1111(1 Drawer for 20 P. CQClL.
worm c.
FRIEDMAN, Manager.
Produce Bought. &'
Usual Price $32.50, Our Price $20.00.
Salem, Oregon.
mm 0.
w r v 'jjui j i- -.