EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL ITBI.IHKltll .VERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY nir CaMtal Journal PublitMng Cormn. CiroHt-OKATKIl Wttrt, m Cwirt Slrt, "rr: H Hlwk. TKHMS OK HUWCKIITION ItAli.Y. Ow jrmr. br mall-.- - W Mix mwitto, malt-- ? 4i m Ms month" 79 One year. If jll tor In advance, 1 W Mix month, " " " m ji-liiitmntiT ro othonl to re ceive miliM'iiitlinii. Mr. T. I). l'orttT l mir duly authorized trHVHlHKIMP'Ul. WrlCtilrrMl a M-nifiih'taiMi mutter nt the IsiH.OfvaoH.I'iwI.'IrlM'. MiirrliH. IHItt. TUICBDAV, At AY fl, Ihhh. UMJIJUWIIIIIiiIMhiIIMI' II ' .... .- REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Connrpinn, HINOKK UKKMAXN. Bajweino Judge, w. 1'. LOUD. rrnldcniUal Elector, 1IOIIRKT MCLKAN, VM. XAl't;, (. W. I'ULTOtf. rrtMeemliig Attorney Third Dint., ir. Jr. innviTT. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. MfHMevTiiilvr, J. II. WALDO, Mtelri). T. T. (I1IKII, IIvImi. J. Q. WIUKUf, Stltm. 8, LAYMAX, Woodbnrn. KV. AKMHTHOKO. Hon III Slem. tHMirr, J). M. CBOlaAN, lm. CLUIK, r. J. lUDCOCK, BiiM. I foohlilx, J. II, HTAH1I, l!t 8Km. 1BRMDM1I, A. 0. CO.NMT, AtiiiHYllIf. iMKKHlH, A, r. IIMOKKHIIY. illnrlnn. 00WUI410)I1CH, A.U. COBNUMt H. irirloii. W. T. QHIM, llubbtrJ. HtHiL rri nisiKKMurr, I). W, YODI'.li, hllmlun. DkTKTOH, j V. J. OUI.VIIII. JlMt 8l"i PHHONhH, llii, II. U. IIYI.AK1). Wondtairn. liniMAN.N AI'I'IIOVHII. The ICxaiuliicr of Sunday has a long letter from I'oillaud which Is jiubllNhcd as a special disputed. It gives a candid vIhw of the slnte of parties in Oichoii, If wo inula rea soimlilo allow anco for (Hirtlsan bias. Till' Krwt strcMHof lepublliMin clt'oit is directed, the wilier says, to secur ing n majority In the leglslatinc, In older that Dolpli may Iki returned fora msoiul term. " I f It Is ueiiwmry lowtcrllliH' Hermann," lie doclaics, 'Mn older to secure the leglnlntiii'i', It will U' done." This Is liiMrted simply (ogive (est to ids letter be I'niKto theif is no truth In It. Tlie o Ic wild nil' tlie w liter gives our silling iuciuIhu' Is iiotlceMble, be eMumMsiinuieuilHtlonoi' such a public olllct'i' muni iH'at theexpeiiM'of his wn iMirty candidate, John M. '' " runes, cvciuiik rosi, (i..j,. i ChlcHgo Tribune, Cincinnati Coin- , . , increlal-diuette. St. l'aul 1'loneer- e pnshuv.lt as follows : I p, Siirlnglleld i.Mass.) ltepubll- lleniwnn, during III two years can, Salcni (Oiv.) ('Ai'ir.M. Jorn In wingress, bus made IiIiiim-Ii ery nai.. and many other leading ro isipular among lib isutnlltuciits, I publican ppei-s. Such whoksaIe lmlnu written thousands of iH-r-1 exclusion, he said, wlieti not a miiihI lollers, ssnt inort of Ills time oter isaild 1h spaivd, would bring hi WashliiKtoii uiid made hluiM'lf a lue liable defeat. The I'euusvl wmmI deal of a loliliyUi for private vnula iiieiulKT said he favoietl tlie Individual I'luliiw, as well as urging eiifonvnieut of strict witv every man iter of Improvement akod dUc'llne, and would prefer to sink Tor or "Unvested by the Hsiple of i In lar water, to wliinlug the eliH any and every locality, Irrespective ' tlon wUli a tumultuary horde coin of w betlter It va public mntWly I jsimsl of pmhls, te traders and my or not. It Is no exaggeration to wy J chIUM lalsir reforiuei. The caucus that la stands a Mtcr chance ofl Hdjouriual without an pivwtlon of tlwtloii than he did when rtrsl a M'ntlineiit. candidate, four vcmiv Hgo. Add to i ... , . ,. . . ., , tltls that bis opponent, (erin, , It Is rMrted on tlie stmt tlwt a Mlthough an exivllent lawyer, a ' anmlttwof thrvx luadlng ivpubll gissl omior uud a man of timlus, is fMit l.ft fin- Washington to-day, sllll you tut ami eiiuiiMmtlvelv little lu,frvi,i uim ,,r ih mui.wnm.. .mi knuwii out-tde of Vorllamr, it l' "W 1,"r "w WIwhii, and ii uiai iienimnirsciismvs rir r-i vlMtliMi miv v ery khhI. Ilei,v ago! li at tlie clow of bU ktlr, "OuUlde of wrty eoiwldont tkMW, )svinsi poM4lMritvv may -4w lUngtu- Hermann." This cM( dlUutwl "limy elect" lnMU H. elmugwl to tlie deelaraUwy "will w-4,' tsMus Mr. llwnimnuV AlthlVI )KrAiniutnv of inM lis ivutt him gv4deu opinions fhuu sit rktmtt , UvUms an Iuwmuihii ImUu t )ribnn, U-ing the at4e ivpnu trntivv uf the bU, ttui Im k uiitir 1K, HtuuUvv to the -a auto of all, and MMiUl with MHlUd JiulcMmit. lu a TiKtwr U this wlluir, rrwJvtnl tVoa Mr. llnuatui ImU)', lie , : Your klud iwiwrk lit Thk I'aw. TAI. J knaj. haw ih4 mm! nu uotiiv, Mint I tau aaMiiv um thatl aprwiMU" IIk .MitlUl sjUrtt which mmiIu tlmatiili j ,mr cdUttrUl. My tiiu U niae.l that I ..iuug tlcvtuv that attfiiUou u our ikh MivM liial 1 should 0w4,v; uy, MM UnO, iMrtlttg uhltsMloUk tu Tm k Oai-itai. JoiMfcAi, and the other mMtUuran m;.-im,r r (knm Thto kanMatlwaiidlMMamlttc, um aueu gBMoanu naMnutlou uf jailltlnU AtvuramiMlMvd, MMimrajw tu fuud wurto Immtyi mmtmm w SAY NOW, 'IIIlHIOMrH! Till' SUtt-IllBIl llHH llKSH! two lt- turanaattlih merning: "The waj tu elect the republican ticket It to let the (Iriiiocmtic ticket." "All (rev trade rentiljlIcHim fliouid Ko Into the tlumocnttic iwrty out of the wet." We will MliMtnttu this ilMoaited logic. During the war, after the lla troua reptilt-e Ht ('hHiirollorsville, when the fMlnt hearted at the north were eltunoriiiK against tllc f"rtllL'r exiK'nilllnre of blood and treasure, when Kohl-wiw worth $2.85, and it wasa (jiiestioii in the niiiids of the moat hopeful whether the country would survive the throe of rebel lion. President Lincoln iwued hla proclamation cnlllngfor.TOO.OOO more trwiiM, and governora of states were Intruded, If volunteering failed to ill! the respective quotas, to enforce the draft. Recruiting olllce were opened and we can Imagine the following iceiie: Loyal Clllen I want to enlist. Recruiting olllecr, (eying appli cant with air ofstigplcioii) Are you an American? L. t'. I mil. It. O. Native horn? L. ('.Native of Uennnny. It. O. What are your polities? L. ('. Deiiiocmt. 15. (). (IuuHiMHiu.) Clet out of here before I cull the police. You don't belong in the 1'iilon ranks, you aiea rebel. fo anil Join the .Icll' JJiivIh iirmy. If that hud been the policy of the Lincoln adininNtnitloii, how long does the reader suppon it would have taken to Hiipprethe rebellion? Would It ever have been Piip prowd? Yet heie is the lepiililhiin party of the xtatcaud iiatioii in ex treme peril, and every loyal and willing hand required to aid In the Htruggle, and we have each self con Htlluted ciiampioiiH aHtlieSlateuiian editor placing hini'-elf at the polling place with a club in bin hand, and rofllMng n republican ballot to every voter who cannot answer aright his political catechism. Oh, yea, that's tho way to elect the republican ticket. iti:rinii.icA. caiti's Tho following dlxpatch cmieH to us over the lren, which uliows Unit party lines aie to 1h drawn strictly: Wahiiinoion, 1). ('., May 28. At a caucus meeting of republican inenilicrH of Ibe house Ibis p. lit. tho advisability of drawing the party lilies sti Icily was considered. A Pennsylvania member Hiiuicested that all republicans Mispecled of lice traiie procuviiies ue exciuocd from any olllce of ti iwt during the eaiiiHilgn; which was Improved iikiii by a New Kntiluml iiicuiliei' wlio p'roptHesl that xirly oi'Kaiin dlsiHiuiiiKc any ivpublicans from vuthiK tlieir ticket who ale not miiiikI on the pioteetlve policy. Tills was opiKMH'd by a western memlicr as uuw Iw and Inexpedient, as it would Mile mt ail the republi can member of the Kiee Trade club, and also the hundreds of thnusallils of republican voters wlio ivad and approve the llnanclal views 'of such republican organs as the "-'-" "" " ..(r..,,,.. nieuilHMv of the litaise the adoption of the plan smgeted by (lie New ICngland; uuunber. ICvtdeutly (ho rtaiUlleMii Uwlvrs mean t'osliu-. A okhkimmik.nt In Melwuia Miids ns a r'isrt of the caudldatas' ineettng In tliat iJsoe. He tin Win ills UHler with this etMuftu'tlim MNrtirance; "The rvmUlleaiu are In line and will gvt lu vlt)itla iwual UaiitUoiine majortiy at the sJW." VVVul VV hhIihI. lWthw liavlugwou) to ll will find It tu tliWr whan tag by wiling mi l'tonrfuar Tirtkui- V- OoV, LVmuuwpcuU sUvet, SaWm, Urnfou. oshUi ri KO,t. Ph imt)' guarauUwd cut ftir catarrh, cold In thv Uwal, hay hvr, tt M, caianrhal tWafticM aud mm sy. lUwtuiw th u uf ua4 aud uniuVaaaut hnaUt, rvaulUng frum (Urrh. Uy auil ptoaaitt to lasa. ynlktw dliou awl a ohm k aarraukaUby all 0niglata. Sawl rur twular to AbMtua lailkHl tVMii-, 0ovtU, OaL Htv. motUkm' taasimwt fer nj tmt ' waK, UM. lbr inU J- IX W. Matw Oa., W8aiL,BaaH. TELEGRAPHIC SPLINTS. GIhwi t Co., wholeeale ftotioneir, of IUdtimore, signed yewterday. Liabilities $75,000 Forct tire- are raging In iortions of Vermont. In the vicinity of Ha7.cn's mills rthe inhabltanU are fighting the flame!', twenty families have vacated their dwellings, and all the live stock has been driven out. Fuller has not yet been confirmed for chief Jutiec. A special meeting of the senate judiciary committee will be held next Tuesday, when it is expected hlseace will be disponed of. John C'ronkite, county treasurer of Alpine county, Ncvwlu, was thrown from his hor-e on Sunday, while on his way to Ills ranch. The lHMly was found in Car-Kin river the next lay. nii:i. ltlN'N'ff-In Sail-, WeilnaKlsy, Miy & lM,MliMiOortriido.lllniis, agtsl I5eBr anil Smoiillic Tlie deceii-ed was a niece of Mrs. Leidlnger and well known in Salem, having attended school here for two years. NKW TO-IIAV. NraUNDgsra JOS. AMIKKT, Audit, - - HsIcin.OrefOtr TJIK OHKfiON FRUIT DltYKH Is Simple of Construction, AND 1SASY OK 01JICl-tA.TION. Avrariksl llrt iiroiuluin lit tlie Orojem Wtlo 1'nlr lsSa-'Sl-NV'Ml '(,7 nail Hi tho Cali fornia Stale Knlr, 1(7, mill Hun .IiMiqulii Comily 1'iilr, l!B7. Miiiiuriutiiri-il In kIx slw. I'or clreiilnr niiS trlt w list iidiliiwA II. S. JORY Si SON, P.O. Ilex aao. fc5iln,Orofjoii S-l)riT I'tiraiuvH fiiralKliitl live kIics. WI LLAM UTTK UNIVKRSITY SICCOND UI5CITAL, OF 11 TIIM KMK'IITIONAUY I'1T1MLS XBTTIB LOUISE BROWN, Fritliiy Kvoiiing, .Juno 1st.. Ailinlwlon, 1 ivnU. TU'kt'tH on -silent IMt ton's. CA.MI'AKJN ADDJJKSSl-S. Tin' iitmtlilntmi nil tlie Mnrlon cmint ropubllmu tU'kvtHllldilritlii-Hililooii tin- iHlltltallwuraif tli'U Ht the lollou lua 1 1 mi Mini pIucmi. nail rtwiHHinilly ln ltiMiiNMlitK lytlullilHlON to iuirtU'lMle III thiMllitcunihui; llutlrv 111.', VVViluvMlay , May tl. 10 nVIHk. rhnaii. W'p.liniUy,.Mi w,.lu'clmik. hi. lVul, Tiiunday, .May an. a o i ItH-k. lliMnkn, I'rl.Uy , J one l.ioVlook. i l-r l, HHlunUi) , J aiH 4S Vl.vk. Suh'in, Aaturtlny, Junell,'linVlti.'k. tlKO. 11. liritXKIT, Clwlrmmi Iteoubllran lk tVntml Coin. CRONISE & WILSON, LKADIMl jOH PRINTERS. tin Mlatv liuurautv llullJlim) (KxkI w.wk. IVIr txicw. 1'romiH. !(. Ilablf. Rock Bottom Grocery T. BUCHANAN, I'noi'., Our Court unit 1 U Strti, Kv cutwtattU' oaihand a Ml Um of GlNlSRT GROC12RI12S DISSOLUTION NOTICE. XTOTICK W HKKKM tilVKX 1V1 X w buiull uiajr ctKrt t . t hat I li' ,xuV bWO dlMUlVwi b) atUIUnl ItMlM'Ul, lT7. Ukik rtlrtn. All dvbu wiu( by Ik r arm ai umiiwhI and an- it itbl to J. CaUarUa. whtt CunliniMk in iha bwL oaatt ta oat alaad. All drbu dua thai (M aw H miw wiiw in ukiu lailMna. every oxiTmmro 0 aa amraykly aalUua. a H nauaw a aw aaaaUaat raaaW attm Waaiia m mMajc ar ta Irate laatear BE i fctttar than llayouraWEaa mm n i ' iijjL'l'" """ ' m.o gkocmues. Tff ADVKKTISEMENTS. A POSITIVE FACT. The nicst complete tock of DRY GOODS arc to be found at LUNN & The bet a-Kirtment and most renHnable prices in Parasols and Sun Shades at Ll'NN & UROWN'S. . c . Over one hundredembroidery suits in Bnti;, Zephyr, "Nansqplt, bls t.(,. all colors, and prices low at LUNN & BROWN'S. A tine stock of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings-best assortment or Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves, at LUNN & BROWN'S. Carpets, Curtains, Cm-tain Poles, Hugs, Drapery Chains, Stair Caps, etc., etc., at LUNN & BROWN'S. Do not forget the place and name 239, Corner State and Commercial St. LUNN & BROWN. MMMBXMfMWMJnWim IU.UlUmIUUl 1JMmMMU'LJl THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE R. M. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. i AND MANY OTHER k ii Complete Stock of Hardware and J. D. McCully, IS IlECEIVING A FINE LINE OF I H AT S ,- AND- FURNISHING 211) COMMERCIAL STREET, Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! SCKIRER WM. BROWN & CO. DEAI.Klt IN- B ,OlOjTlpS" O Cfl H s HOBS TJ1.i. .J IK...!!.. I hi'. r vx Q CASH 1'AID Vm WnI Hfes, H& id ht EALJUI. - - ORUQON. CITY IS AT Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, LEADING STYLES. Faim Machinery, Wagons and Carriages. GOODS, -ETC. SALEM, OREGON. A lino line of Inn Us, buggies, cmtsenr rlimes buckboiiriN, etc. lloth our own make mul the best entcrn nuidc bugKles. Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING. Oill on tho umlcrslif noil, wairon nml onr. rlinre nmUorsiuul lilnck.inltli., 2SSX, 812, mul .ill Commercial treet, Snlem. and -: Poi-ilk. . ",. w. ..-.N 1 V jH 9 Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, 124 v State v St., v Salem. -Ai'ftill stock ol... Groceries, Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables, Etc. Just received n nice article In New -:-Orleans -:- Baking-:- Molasses. Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, " Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street m KELLER & SONS, Are Still on Top, WITH Renewed Life ! IxcitEASED Patronage ! Heavier Sales ! New Goods ! .loin tho procession nml semi In your oruers e w in treat you nne. Everybody speaks In praise of our canned goods. They cannot bo supassed In quality. Look at our display wlndowsas you pass. They aro tilled with delicious things. For tho Ladles: Call nnd examine our Labor-Saving tfarpet Sweepers four styles. Feather dusters always In stock. Jamaica ll.manas, direct from New York lilg fellow and cry Juley. KELLER &. SONS, Tho Grocers. Grange store Salem Co-flpcrativc Association P. of H. ntSAI.rilMlIN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. .A.L.L, KINDS OK Produce Bought! JAMES AITKEX, Manager. 126 State St., - - - SALEM, OR. 11. k. du nois. JOE DUllOW Dubois brothers, Proprietors c 11 FREE BUS. Sitafk Rmk for Conmarcial Travers. KromlW to H j:ty. SAUC, . . OKBGON. UOQKY ilOUNTATN Coffee Mouse! S. VL WATKIN8. -J- Prop-(MhMiUimik.ftMnkwSe.fi lemekete Hote - ' 1 f.iiittiiMW-fi'Mfelii'-