JOURNAL - ' - VOL. l.' SALEM, OR., ij i iiuJLjjiij!j;jajJjj8UMSiiiHimiiiij.ituioauiLjiEiiij.'i 111 iimniiiii m nii. Wp:dnesdXy, MAY 23, 1SSS. NO. 71 mofessionax cards. EOAV BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW nnd District Attorney. Office at court house BVMSEY & MNGIIAJl, ATTORNEYS nml Counselors at Law. Businoss In tne Supremo Court a specialty. Salem, Or. mILMON FOItD, ATTORNEY AND I counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Office, tip stairs in i-aiion s uiock. riHYW GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT S ijixw.'Salem, Oregon. Office In Patton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. I T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT Law. uiiico over tjupiioi r.aiionai fi'nk. 210 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. TV tM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, c.Ia in Patton's bulldlnr, Snlem, ureson. umcc wuu rumou win practice n ilm murts of Oreeon. Collections mad? Land olllce business a specialty. PH. D'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND coun selor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having on abstract of the records of Marlon coun ty including a lot and block Index of Sa lem, lie has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. TX ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND H repairer. All ' work warranted. Lbie orders at T. JIcP. Patton's book store. State street, Salem, Or. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and sun-eon, will open an office In the New Bank Block, on May 1st, for tho treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on btrlctly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. roit SALE. Residence for Sale Willis & Chamberlln have a desirable house and lot, most eligibly located on High street, first block north of Court House, for salo at $1850. A good opportu nity to secure a. homo In a convenient location. For Sale. A good iron frame Horso Power. Good for nil uses, from one to full capacity. All for tho low price of W. Call at the Pa cific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Company's office. Salem, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE. 1(3 acres, near Prospect. hill, 7 miles, by ngood road, from Salem, 113 acres In culti vation, bnlanqp in timber. Well watered, good S1000 house of 8 rooms, moderatobarn, well at the door ; all fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen ncrcs seeded to pasture grass, and 97 acres Ingrain. Pur chaser can have liberal terms to harvest crops PRICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and save agent's fees. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. FOR SALE 288 ACRES, 225 In cultivation, 30 acres good timber, bal; aneo pasture: 100 acres In fall wheat, 2j acres In oats, and 30 in potatoes. House, barn, orchard, etc. Two miles north of Salem, may bo divided; price, $50 per acre, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTOItFF, Cor, State and Commercial Streets, Salem. OFFERED BY Willis & Chamberlain. 0 acres, 3 miles from Salem, highly cultivated --- S3000 4 lots, good houso and barn, Last Sa- lem - 5 lots, llnoly situated . 1700 MX) acres, 23 miles from Salem, well improved, can bo divided Into or four tracts ,iu,uuu 200 acres, 8 miles from south of Salem, fair lmprovememonts.tluo timber and water ---- J"1 lblockofland,3housos,ront for $12 each, pays Interest on $1000 3000 SO acres by, miles houth of Salem, fair Improvements - 2330 5 acres, adjoining city limits, In meadow 7,' 1 lot, good house and barn, adjoining court house block .-.-- 1?S0 1 acre, Salem, new house and barn, plenty or small fruit ... 2000 The foregoing Is but n partial list of the bargains we linvo to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. LEGAL BLANKS, Largest Stok in the State, Best Discount. Send for eatalogua. Call for prices for Job Printing lQWtln Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or. i m mi HI' II ""'P' "i STRICKLBR BROS. I1UALKB8 IN STOVES AND TiNWARE ! Roofing and Spooling a Specially. At the old stand of nen, Strang, Com mercial Street. . " FOR .BARGAINS IN FURNITURE 10 TO ROTAJvf & WHITNEY. Stele Street, Sale 0rege. Having bought oat tho rwaalBdw Jtftbe cblr fiuHoryi Hook, we are PHKS2J? ell chairs lower than any house In Oregon. GROCERIES. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, v State v St., v Salem. 124 .A;filll stock ot. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables, Etc. Just received a nice article In New-:-Orleans -:- Baking -:- Molasses. Specialties in Froits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apficots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, at Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street The Reliable Grocers, KELLER & SONS, Arc Still on Top, WITH Renewed Life ! Increased Patronage ! Heavier Sales! New Goods ! Join the procession nnd send in your orders we will treat you line. Everybody speaks in prnlso of our canned goods. Thoy cannot bo supassed In quality. Look at our display windows as you pass. They are tilled with delicious things. For the Ladles : Call nnd examlno our 1 Jibor-Saving Carpet 8 weepers four sly los. Feather dust ers always In stock. Jamaica Bananas, direct from Now York Big follows and very Juicy. KELLER k SONS, Tho Grocers. SALEM 13 ATMS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Forry and State. CJ HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND Shampooing nontly done. .TWtr4f I . UAf ftgpyMU.V SXW nit ukcuia fiDILIfilLlILU-L0 uni pti 1 1 p ktrriL f Prf- UAf Jf&r V-. -"Ot . y x T1 AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get batter? Have you n ex H aaiv Rflnrfltlon of mucus matter In the naval rxttoHKe? Are yem troubled by tTT.L-inir liniliinc. weak and Inflamed eves, roaring! H..,....--r-"r.r l. l..n..l..:.nn. imireU dullness or fllizlne of the head, dry in sense of smell? Isyour orMiuiouiT ubo, symptom, othere only a part. California in 1116 Olir IllUrOUr lt3Bfl IlllflUlllIltUll'Ul IU0 IHXtllUK (WW Ul qillVII, JJHMHU , Restores t ha sense of tante and smell, removes bad Usteond unpleacant breath, result lnir from CBtarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a oure Is guaran teed by I). W. MATTHEWS i Co. RBCOMMBNDBD. CAPTAIN CHARLEB I DIMON, of New York City, formerly speetal agent of the Phoanlz and Home Insurance Company at Sun KraneJeo,Ca!..ay "I Jmve been troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In woodland, Cal., recom mended your California CAT-it-cuuK. I proouroeu ajar, having nut iiuieiaun in in ouratlve properties; bnt I must say, aHer using three Jars, I am cured of that dlgustlng dUease. Ineid nnd (5 for which send me California CAT-It-CUUB for some friends, who are sufferers." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, lp6 StateSt., Salem, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot.,. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. . . . Kit. J. REYNOLDS, -JOHN MOIH, - - - - - President. Vice President. - - - Cahier. GENERAL BANKING, "Exchange on Portland, San Franeleo, New ork, London and Hone Kong bought and sold. State, County nnd Olty warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit nnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mmlo on whent, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonaDio rates. Insurnnco on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. ESTAllLISHKD 11V NATIONAL AUT1IOI11TY. ThcGapiial National Bank OF SALEM, OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - -' $75,000 Surplus, ------ 9,500 It. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS!. W. T. Grny, W. W. Jlartln, J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, T. McF. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or In store, cither In prlvnto granaries or ipubllo warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET 1)3 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Mi and Salt Meats ! And nil kinds ot S AUS A.G K. 93-The CLEANEST kept market in tho city. Call and sco for yourself. McCROW & WILLARD. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to nny part of tho city at lowest living rates. Please glvo us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D, C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. sAU kinds of fresh and cured moats nlwnys on hnnd. Full weight andu)iurtre deal ull around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. r K JJ ery Stable, corner of State and Front streets, or on slate at corner Stnte and Com merclnl streets. Prompt attention nnd euro guaranteed. A'. A. BENSON. THtONLY- CUA'tANTEED cure ron CATARRH 0R0VILLECAL frequent KorenuM of the throat, ringing or A, .l.A I.Un- lo.. r .nampW ll :w of liiiieil, memory 1m new or heat of the nose? llavo you lost nil you nave tne uaiarrn. oo ma have nil these Cat-R-Cure SlhVEHTOX ITEMS. Ry this time our fanners have completed the seeding of wheat, oata ana barley; ami uro now waiting tho "golden harvest." Mr. A. Wolf visited Portland last Week, on business. Mr. Frank Libby, who has been on the sick list for some time past, is slowly improving. Sllverton has been Uoomlngn ;, 00(1 school house. Miss May Coolidge is visiting friends at The Dalles. Mr. J. K. Bufl", who for sometime past has been eonlined to his house, with a very sore hand, is rapldlv im proving, and expects to teaeli school again this fall. Mr. A. E. Smith is visiting rela tives noarGoldendalo, W. T. Mr. Thoo. Sehleador, our newly elected marshal, is the right man iii thought place. Lettie, daughter of 11. L. Wilster, is dangerously ill, at the residence of her parents, on Water street. Mr. 1 McCIaine has beautified his residence by adding to its ap pearance a new fence. ' Rev. Mr. Fowler and family mov ed into the new parsonage, ju'st com pleted for them. The G. A. H. will hold services on Decoration Day, tho 80th of May. Every one is invited. Tho members of tho Post will meet at the hall at 8:30 a. m. Prof. D. M. Yoder, T. 11. Ilibbard, and M. Fitzgerald nnd wife, visited Portland last week. Tho Appeal says, "tho appoint ment of postmaster of Sllverton was as good as could have been made among tho democrats." A large number of our people at tended tho picnic at Macieay, last Saturday. Tho latest politics hero is, nrohis urging the democrats to stick to their ticket. If Prof. D. M. Yoder is elected for county school superintendent, wo will have as good a man as Marion county ever had. i Alr.Johu i'Jalun anil wire or Salem, rrived here last Saturdav. :Tho sociable civen by tho Wom t v an's Aid Society, at tho residence of Jjr. i. A. .Davis, was a pleasant af fair. T. D. Porter of tho Journal, paid our town a short visit. Come again Mr. Porter. A party of young folks from Woodourn, isited our city last Sun day. Saml. Putnam, is billed here, on tho 22hd, 23rd and 24th of June, and will deliver several lectures. Mr. Putnam made many warm friends whilo here before, and no doubt will receive crowded houses every night, on his return. Hon. J. D. Lee, addressed u largo number of ppoplc,at tho Liberal hall, last Tuesday evening. Dr. Gilbert, of Salem, made our little town a pleasant call last Tues day , A Flue Flag. Col. Tlios. C. Smith, commander of the 2nd regt., O. N. O., and ids competent adjutant, Lieut. M. W. Hunt, wero found at headquarters this morning, both admiring their new regimental colors, just received from Adjutant Gonoral Shofnor. It is a beautiful flag, is six by six and a half feet square, of blue silk, dou bled, with a deep yellow silk fringe. In tho confer is tho coat of arms of this state, bund embroidered, In colors, surrounded by tho stars In red ; the eagle Is of brown and black thread, while below It all, on a red silk scroll, are tho words In yellow and black lotters, "Second Infantry, O. N. G." Tho pike is ton feot long, and heavily gilt mounted, and the tassols, of five or five and u half feet length aro of whito and navy blue silk. Tho battalion will proba bly turn out with its now colors, and tho colors will lie escorted to their place In lino, at tho head of the regi ment, on decoration duy. Tlie Verdict L'nsnliuoai. W.D. Suit, Druggist.HippuH.Iml., tontifle: "I can recommend Elec tric Hitters lib tho vory liest remedy. Every bottle sold has given reliof In evory case. Ono man took six bot tlee, nnd m-os cured ofltheiiiiuitlmn of 10 years' Btundlng." Abraham Hare, druggist, Uellvllle, Ohio, af firms: "The host selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' oxperionco, is HB'Ctrlo Rlttera." Thousands of others have added their testimony, bo that tho verdict is unanimous that Electric It It tors docw cure nil disease of the Liver, Kidnoys or blood. Only n half dol lar a bottle at Dr. II. W. Cox's Drug Store. , w Wool) Wll Will my the highest market price In eofjh for wool. Squire Parrmr & Co'g, fiornorCominftrcml and Court streets, Salem. TIIK STATU (1IIAX0K. The Standing Cninmittcos Aiimninecd. Proceedings of the Session. The following proeeedingSi of the Grange have boon kindly furnished by a member of that organisatien: LAST KVKNINO'S SliSSION. Grange ire-assembled at 7 i ji., and opened with a song. Tho Worthy Master announced the standing eontmitteoH. Co-orunATio. J. G. Powell, J. C. White, Mrs. N. A. llombree. Rksolutioxs W. A. Sample, J. C. Jennings, Mrs. S. E. Sliepley Goon ov Tim Oitnmi C. Moor, W.J O. Hembree, Mrs. E. 10. Eby. Dv-L.Vws W. I. Ray, ' M. K. Shipley, Mrs. L. L. Dawson. Einanck O. 1. Lent, John Simp son, Mrs. W. N. White. Ai'iMJAU E. E. Upmeyer, .Tames Novlns, Mrs. Donv Hay. Aniuein.Tuiti: JSJ. 1L Darnall,F. M. Nighswandor, Mrs. V. O. Turner. Education W. A. Hall, L. C. Rice, Mrs. R. W. Yeomans. AoitK'ULTUitAL C. G. Fisher, Chns. Miller, Mra. AI. A. Powell. Division ok Laiiok A. C. Chris man, S. K. Crowley, Mrs. C. G. Fislier. Li:aiSLATi0N S. A. Dawson, A. Guslin, Mre. Martha Lent. TitANSi'oitTATiON O. J., II. M. Kennedy, Mrs. E. S. Sample. Tho secretary's report was read showing a growth in numbers, influence, and financial standing. A committee- on a plan for life insurance, appointed at tho last meeting of tho State Grango to report at this meeting, reported ad versely and tho report was adopted. On good of tho order Messrs. W. A. Sample, II, M. Kennedy, and O. J. Kizcr from Eastern Oregon giving good reports, made remarks followed by Lecturer II. E. Hayes. W. A. Sample presented reso lutions from tliQ Grango of Uma tilla county In reference to extend ing the work of tho order. Ry motion they wero referred to the committee on division of labor. A. F. Miller presented tho matter of extending tho order In Washing ton Territory. Worthy Master Roiso made re marks upon tho same subject. Closed for tho night. THIS MOHNINO'S S1LSSION. Grange assembled at tho hour named and opened by Overseer .1. G. Powell. Judge C. E. Moor, of Rcnton county, mado a report In reference to the Agricultural College, and sub mitted a resolution upon tho subject, and moved the reference to com mittee on Agricultural College. Carried. Judge Moor asked that Mr. Stump, of Ronton county, bo ac cepted as a member in Ills stead, which was voted. Tho committee on good of tho order reported recommending tho remission of tho duos of Meno Grange, and the eomiultteo on order of businoss reported, both reports being adopted. Hon. J. Voorliees of Marion county was mado a voting member In tho placoof Hon. Charles Miller who could not bo prosont. Worthy Secretary Dewey, of California Stato Grango and editor of tho California Patron, who had arrived on tho morning train was introduced and eordiiilly welcomed. Lecturer Hayes road a vory able ronort embraeini: all tonlos of Interest to tha ordor. tlurklen's Amies Ralre. Tho best salvo In tho world foi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, wUtrhoum, fever sored, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ull skin erup tions, nud posltlvoly cures plios, or ijo pay required. It Is guaranteed tp 1 vo perfect satisfaction, or money rttfuudod. Price 35 conts jwr box. I'pr sale by Dr. H. W. Cox. Utnti'fornliklngOotiili. 0. W, Johnson, tho clothier, keops aftilllineoftheladli)ginaiiuf!U!lur- arrf good. Cull and oxiuiilna his stok of clothing' and furnishing goods. TKIiKHUAl'HIC SIMjIXTS. Seattle will spend 110,000 on n fourth of July celebration. E. R. Riudley, teller of the Union National bank, of Chicago, bus dis appeared. Another pilgrim for Can ada. The Emperor Don Pedro, of, is dying in Milan, Italy, lie Is stricken with paralysis and has lost tho pi wo" of speech. Erfttiv Glover and Joe McAullflo had i! glove contest in San Francisco yestcruay. Glover received terrible punishment. (Jen. Sheridan is ill with nervous prostration, and a bulletin issued at midnight (last night), reports his condition critical. By the explosion of a barrel of varnish In Racket t's furniture fac tory, Philadelphia, last evening, John Scully and David Clayton were killed and Thomas Kenny was severely injured. Senator and Mrs. Stanford sail for Kurnpo n Saturday. His wife's sickness is given as the reason for his departure, but to dodge n veto on Judge Fuller's confirmation, Is said to be the causo of this sea voy- Tim lilrKeiis' Keatling't. Mr. Charles Dickens' readings in tho opera house, last evening, wero listened to by a good sized audience lie gave three selections from Pick wick, which have long been cele brated for their Inimitable humor and good natured burlesque of social types In Loudon. These wero the Plokwick club on a bird hunt, the breach of promiso case of Bardell vs. Plokwick, and Rob Sawyer's evening party. These were read In former days to public audiences by tho distinguished author, and as much fame was won by his dramatic power as his felicitous impersona tions. Tho present reader, beside his inherited talent, has all tho ad vantage of lifelong associations, and ho comes among us with so realistic an appreciation of the airy creations of his father, that they appear be fore us as living substances. The readings are graceful, without vio lent gesticulation, but full of sug gestivoness and by plaj Mr. Dick ons was heartily applauded for tho dcllghtfulcutcrtalnmouthoalibrdcd. A l'LIJASANT TALK WITH DICKIUfS. A Journal reporter met Mr. Dickon's at tho place where tho do pot used to be this morning, and bravely Introduced himself to that gentleman. "I merely wanted your impression ofourstate, Mr. Dickens," explained tho reporter nervously. "Well, I haven't seen much of It, you know." said he, "but I nuisl say that what I have seen I llko vory much. This morning reminds me very much of a June morning at home." Mr. Dickens soon placed tho re porter at ease and a very pleasant chat ensued. Mr. Dickens is a very approachable gentleman, and dis cussed literature, booms and fann ing with equal ease. Mr. Dickens has been traveling continuously for seven months, and he says lie is get ting exceedingly tired. Ho reads in Portland this evening, and Imme diately starts for Helena, Montana, Mr. Dickens Is so well pleased with Ills tour and trip across tho Amer ican continent, which, by the way, ho has discovered, Is quite a large country, that ho will return here again two years later. Next year lie snouds In making a (our of Kiig lanil. A Woman'ii HUcorory, "Another wonderful dlscovory has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastonou Its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tosts, but her vital organs wero under mined and death seemed immiuout. For three mouths she coughed Inces santly and could not sleep. Shu bought of us n bottloof Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with onebottle has been miraculous ly cured. Her namo Is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamrlck fe Co., of Shelby, N. C. Got a free trial bottlo at II. W. Cox's drug store. An Abaolute Cure. Tho OKIGINAL ARIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large two-ounco (In boxes, and Is an absolute euro for old soras, burns, wounds, chapped bunds, and all skin eruptions. Will posltlvoly cure nil kinds of plios. Ask for the ORIGINAL ARIETINE OINT MISNT. $olci byD.W. Matthews & Co., 100 Stato street, Sultan, at 26 couta per box by mall 80 conts. a