Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 14, 1888, Image 3

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UfBized Account of Doings in City and
That is What was the Matter With the
Citizen's Depot Meeting.
The meeting of the citizens, which
convened at the council chamber on
Saturday night, under the call of
Mayor Murphy was noteworthy for
only one thing: the nbsence of the
citizens. The consideration of the
matter of the removal of the depot
from its present site was postponed
The continual howl about that
"beastly place for n depot, phlzz
cw! Oh! my, why don't they move
the depot out of these flats?" etc.,
was simply buncombe ; nothing'
more. T'was ever thus. It is quite
evident the dissatisfaction over the
old depot location was not general.
A Jouiinal reporter had it from
Supt. of Bridges and Buildings De
Clarke this morning, that were the
non-action of the citizens of Salem
liual (and no one will doubt that it
IsJJjvork will be commenced on the
new depot building at the old loca
tion, in nbout ten days. The new
building will be somewhat larger
than the old one, and will be a very
ornamental building. It is the in
tention of the company to move the
switch to the east side of the main
track, and to build the new depot
dear on the west side of all the
tracks. This in conformance with
the wish of the traveling public, as
expressed through these columns
not long since. The city council
should now begin- to consider im
provemenbof the walks to the depot
from State street.
Ailolph Ma) er Assigns Again.
This morning n sfnnll knot of dis
appointed clerks and others could
be seen gazing at the iron doors of
the general merchandise establish
ment of Adolph Slayer, next the
postofflec, and soon it began to be
known that Slayer was trying to
arrange an amicable settlement w th
Ids creditors. He tiled his assign
ment this afternoon too late for the
JouiiXALto get an itemized state
ment of Ids liabilities; but it was
learned from Eugene Willis, .of the
Capitol Adventure Company, to
whom the assignment was made,
that the liabilities were a little in
excess of $23,000, while he could
probably find ?15,000 or 10,000 as
sets. Murphy, Grant & Co., Itosen
baum & Co., of San Francisco and
L. M. Haines of this city are the
principal creditors, and he owes his
wife's mother, a resident of Missi
ssippi, .!G00,borrowed money, which
wasplaeed in the business. The
failure was occasioned, said a well
informed business man, this after
noon, by Slayer's attempting to sell
goods too cheaply. San Francisco
creditors were crowding him, so he
assigned, to protect the other credit
ors. Hashed by a Horse.
A very serious, and perhaps fatal
accident occurred about two miles
this side of Silverton on Saturday
evening. A young man named
Bryan, already a cripple in his left
arm and leg, mounted a young
horse, with the Intention of riding
the animal to the pasture. The
horse became fractious, throw
Bryan, and then fell on him, crush
ing in his breast and head.
Bryan was taken liome by
ome one, and Dr. McCluro of
Silverton called in. Bryan could
only be given rest at all, at last ac
wunts, by heavy administrations of
chloroform, and with every breath,
a gurgle or rattle would sound In his
breast, that seemed to show that his
Injuries were internal, and severe.
He Is not expected to recover.
Sir. N. II. Frolilichstein, of Mo
bile, Ala., writes: I take great pleas
ure in recommending Dr. King's
Xi'W Discovery for Consumption,
having used it for a severe attack of
Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave mo
"Want relief and entirely cured mo
nd I have not beon afflicted since.
I also bog to state that I had tried
'tlier remedies with no good result,
'lave also used Electric Bitters and
Dr. King's New Life rills, both of
hich I can recommend.
Dr. King's Now Dlscovory for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is
M,M na positivo guarantee.
Trial bottltw free at Dr. H. W.
r"X't drug store,
I'lnUM dental operations at Dr.
T i". Smith's, 81 State street
It will pay you to call and see
Cattcrlin & Hicks' now pictures.
Fresh strawberries at A. Strong &
Thirty bread tickets for one dol
lar at A. Strong & Co's.
Circuit court convened at Dallas
Will H. Parry Is in Indepen
dence. Desart Bros, of Silverton has be
gun to burn a largo kiln of brick.
Remember ladies, and have your
spring dresses made at Sirs. A. II.
Vin Cook and wife, of Portland,
are visiting Sirs. Cook's mother,
Sirs. Sliller, near this city.
Fine line of hoisery at Bridges &
Bozorth's bank block. Call and
see the display in their show-win
Parasols, handkerchiefs, collars,
eulFs, hosiery, corsets, and under
wear at prices that will astonish the
natives at E. L. L. Johnson's.
Catterlln & Hicks' crayons and
pastels are the finest made on the
coast. They can also beat the beater
on baby pictures.
SIlss Rocetta Smith, of East Port
land, Bpent Sunday with Sirs. J. SI.
Coomer, and returned home on this
morning's train.
The old shop or shed. on the south
east corner of Liberty and Division
streets, should be torn down, before
its walls fall on somebody.
Says the Sunday Welceme: "The
Slisses Breymah, of Salem, Oregon,
arrived in Washington last week
for a short stay as friends of Senator
and Sirs. Dolph. Sliss Breyman
has been pursuing her musical
studies at the' Conservatory in Bos
ton during the past year." The
Slisses Breyman will be welcomed
home by their many friends in Au
gust. Sliss Nellie Gilbert returned home
from an extended visit to Portland
Saturday night. Miss AddioEarliart
accompanied her to this city.
Hon. J. T. Gregg, secretary of the
republican state central committee,
returned this morning from Ash
land where he listened to John P.
Irish firing his opening gun in the
political campaign.
Daniel Delaney, of Dayton, W. T.,
shipped 87 head of two year old cat
tle to his farm near Dayton, from
this city to-day. Sir. Delaney is
Sirs. E. SI. Lafore's father.
Tho sidewalk on the north side of
Chemeketa, between Church and
Cottage streets, is in an absolutely
dangerous condition, and is a dis
grace to the city, and the abutting
The opera house has been
engaged for Hon. John F. Swift on
Slay 23. Sir. Swift will endeavor to
hold John P. Irish down on the
political issue, of the day.
Otto Breyman, of Slichigau, is
visiting ids brothers, Eugene and
Werner Breyman and his sister.SIrs.
E. SI. Waite, In this city. Sir. Brey
man says Michigan was very cold
when he left, and ho will stay in
this state two months looking
Charley Watts, the job printer of
Albany, and wife, and his father,
Dr. J. W. Watts, of "Yamhill", are
in the city. Charley is trying to
stir the printers, or somedody, of
this city, up to having some enter
tainment on Slay 20, when the Al
bany firemen's excursion will visit
this city. It strikes tho writer that
the citizens of Salem should show
our Albany friends some sort of
courtesy on their arrival. The
printers picnic committee will meet
to-night to consider the matter of a
picnic again.
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and
retail druggists of Rome, Ga., says:
"We have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Electric Bitters and
Bucklon's Arnica Salve for four
vears. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give suoh
universal satisfaction. There have
been some wondorful cures etlected
by those medicines in this city.
Several cases of prouounced con
sumption have been entirely cured
by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's
Now Discovery, takon In connection
with Electric Bittors. Wo guaran
tee them always. Sold by II. W.
Attention, Firemen)
The firemen of tho Salem fire de
partment aro requested to meet at
the Capital engino house, on Tues
day evening, at 70. Important
business is to considered. C. N.
Churchill, ehlof engineer.
Highest cash price paid for wool
In the Opera Houoe block.
F. Lkvv.
Slay 12.
In Shippensburg, Pa., the cloth
ing store of a prohibit ion elector, was
blown up yesterday, and whisky
dealer? are charged with the out
rage. In La Porte, Indiana, on Satur
daj'i a young man, named George
Cook, undertook tho care of two
small children during the tempora
ry absence of tho mother. The
younger child, eleven months old,
becoming restless. Cook shook it se
verely, breaking its neck. The un
conscious innocent died Instnutly.
Tho steamer Geo. W. Elder arriv
ed in Nanaimoon Saturday. She has
onboard Fuller, the murderer of
Archbishop Seghers, who is being
conveyed to SIcSIeill's island for
N. G. Yokum, a heavy real estate
dealer, of Pasadena, who disappear
ed some time ago,has been found in
Monmouth, Oregon. His friends
had supposed him murdered.
Nicholas Didier, ex-treasurer of
Lausanne township, Ohio, is short
In his accounts $35,000.
Etna Cason Agalnl
Etna Slagee (nee Cason), the girl
who has been the heroine, or other
wise, of a dozen notorious escapades
and romances is again on the down
ward path. Says the San Francisco
Chrenicle: "During Monday night
Ofllcer SIcKeau, in Benching for
Irene Sibrine, a runaway girl of
West Oakland, found her in com
pany with Etna, the latter having
deserted her hard-working alleged
husband several days ago. Etna's
story has been told in chapters
ninny times, consisting of her al
leged fall in Salem, Oregon, com
pelling Cason to marry her, her
rescue from a fallen life in Oakland
by the salvation army, her career as
a tambourine lassie, her third and
deeper fall In debauchery, her im
prisonment for vagrancy and mar
riage to honest James Slagee upon
her release and promised reform.
Then Cason claimed her as his wife
and in attempting to assert it in the
Slagee household was pitched out
the window by Slagee. Two months
later Cason induced her to run, away
with him, but at Stockton ho was
arrested for inducing her to lead a
life of shame, and she returned to
forgiving Slagee. She has been liv
ing respectably for about two
months." The people of Salem had
a good deal of sympathy for this
girl, at the time of iter first trouble,
which occurred here, but that is
about worn out by this time. Etna
is irretrievably bad.
Charles Dickens.
Said the Jerey City Argus, of
Thursday, Feb. 2, 1888: "At the tab
ernacle last night, n largo audience
gathered to listen to Charles Dick
ens read selections from his father's
works. Sir. Dickens was right at
home on the Sands of Yarmouth,
and a better idea of tho Peggoty
household was obtained by his 11st
eners when lie had concluded than
they had ever before possessed. He
enters into the life of the humble
family as a member of it, and de
scribes their every day life precisely
as one would expect it from the gen
uine member of the family. Sir.
Dickens inherits the lovo of the
humorous. Tho readings were a
success, and Sir. Dickens will And
himself a welcome visitor In Jersey
City should he ever feel like stop
ping here again. He appears in
Salem on May 22, under the au
spices of the Willamette Unh entity.
A Lost Hoy.
On last Thursday the home of
Hon. Edwin T. Hatch, the republi
can nominee for state senator, near
SIcCoy, Polk coifnty, was the scene
of a very worrying sensation. A
pony that the children were in the
habit of riding escaped from the
bar.ii, while Sir. and Mrs. Hatch
were away, and the children went
out into tho field to get him. When
Sir. and Sirs. Hatch returned home
in the evening, Holt, the next
to tho youngest child, aged
about four years, was found to be
misting. After hunting tho house,
and out buildings thoroughly, they
thought he must liavo followed the
other children to the Holds, ho son roll
was instituted there for him. When
darkness fell, and still no traces of
tho lost loy, the family's uneasiness
iuoreased, and eight or ton men
from SIcCoy came, in response to a
summons, to aid in the search. The
entire night was spent in searching
through tho grain fields, until at
four o'clock in the morning ho was
found in the farthermost jwrt of the
farm, sitting with his feet in a little
ditoh of water, fully a mile from
homo. To gut whore he wits he had
crossed a swule with four Inches of
water In It at Its most ilmllow plat.
His olothes were dry, except his
stockings, and at last accounts the
little fellow was none the worse for
his night's outing.
Ho Hint IJccn Thert'.
"vell, John," said old man
uon to hisyoung friend, "you have
just married, T hear."
"Yes, sir," he answered, with a
spring morning smile; "just a month
ago, and I want you to go up to din
ner with me to-day."
"Have you got a cook?"
"Well, my boy, s'pose we go to a
restaurant this time. You must
remember I hail a young wife once
myself." San Francisco Post.
Good work,
Kalr prices. Prompt, lie-
Keeps n flno stock of
Wall Paper
Borders anil
Toy Tool Chests, Velocipedes, Bicycles,
BASKETS, ami all kinds of F1UMES.
Mouldings and Frames Made to Order.
Tissue paper, leaves anil centers. IKm't
forget the artist nmterliil, Mich n Tube
Paints of nil kinds llruslies or nil mzok, una
uienuers. Also uio
Mats for frames ol nil sizes, In fuetoveiy-
iwng cisouuit can uc uiougiu oi.
Come and See for Yourselves
The candidates on tho Mnrlon county
republican ticket will nililresstlio public on
tlio political Issues of tho tiny nt tho follow
ing times niul places, mid respectfully In
vito opposing candidates to participate In
tho discussien:
Mnrlon, Monday, Mny 21, 10 o'clock.
.Icllcrhon, Monday, May 21, at 2 o'clock.
Turner, Tuesday, May 22, 10 o'clock.
Aumsvllle, Tuodiir, May 22, 2 o'clock.
Htnyton, Tucday, Mny 22, 8 o'clock.
Melinmn, Wednesday, Mny 21, 1 o'clock.
Whlteaker, Thursday, Mny 21, 10 o'clock.
Howell l'mlrie, Thursday, .Mny 21, 11
o clock.
Silverton, KrldnyMny 20, 1 o'clock.
Mt. Angel, Saturday, Mny 2(1, 10 o'clock,
Woodburn, Monday, Mny 2.. 2 o'clock.
Hubbard, Tuesday, May 211, 10 o'clock.
Aurora. Tuesday. May 2!) 8 o'clock.
lluttcvillo, Wednesday, May IK). 10 o'clock.
uiiampocp, w euuesuny, amy ;su, .i o ciock
Ht. l'aul, Thursday, Mny !W, 2 o'clock.
Ilioolcs, Friday, Juno 1, 2 o clock.
Oervnls, Saturday, .lunn 2, 2 o'clock.
Salem, Saturday, Juno2, 8 o'clock.
Chairman Republican Co. Central Com,
Two bav mares, one i years and tho oth
er 5 years old. ltlglit shoulder of one brand
ed ?, iinu ien witn a j wnn a r mono uy
iittuchlng thocunc to the stall' of the j .
Itcturn them, or scud information to A.
Strong, Salem Oregon.
Mny 6, 1S88.
Tho board of trustees of the Oregon Stale
Insane Asylum hereby Invito Milled pn
iKsiils for furnishing nt tho Asylum 0000
noil nils, nioro or less, of butter of best qunl
Ity, to bo furnished In such quantities and
it such tlnicH ns required, for ono yrnr.
Hoard reserves tho right to reject any and
nil bids.
Illds will bo opened nt 2 o'clock p. m., on
Tuesdny, Miy 22, 1888.
Q. W. WK11II,
Hoard of Trustees.
Wm. A. Munj.y. Clerlf of llonrd. (..'
virtue of it decieo of mrt!tlon nnd
order of wilo entered In tho circuit court of
tho stnto of Oregon for Multnomah county,
on the llith day of June, 1887, and un ainun
dntory decreo thereto entered In wild court
on the
Twentieth day of September, 1887,
In tho partition suit of Amanda Fllunet
al.,vs.J. 11. Smith et nl. whereby It was
ordered that the south east iiunrter of
block Hln Roberts' addition to the city of
Knlcm, Marlon county, Oregon, with the
oiner rem projieriy oeiongiug u ine osiiuo
of John Smith, deceased, bo sold. Now,
therefore, by virtue of sulci decree mid said
umcndmcnt thereto, I, the undersigned,
who was duly nnKlnt-d by Mild court as a
reiercoioHeiiHiiui rem pro
.I.... 41, .. "Ill, .I.... .. M....
uJt ..." nnK uj ... .,111, iim. ik itiu iiinu
of 10 o'clock ii. in,, nt the court house door,
nt i no noiir
In Mnrlon county, Oregon, sell the nbove
described renl iwluto nt nubile miction to
the hlL'hust bidder, for 'ftish. in nersunncu
losuiii iiccrcemiumiieniimcni inernin,
. - . . ... .. .
Largest Stonk in Hie State, Best Discount.
Send for catalogue. Call for price for Job
Printing lowtt In Oregon.
E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or.
The Standard Combination Fence!
No. 200 Cowflwclal Sll j
All Strip jf fiMl kk to Order
Attention to what
Know All, by theso presents: That the Cniiitol Adventure Co. neither
slumbers nor sleeps, hut are awake anil up to the tiinex, uiul know well
that owhiK to the depression of business in the East there will be ninny
failures. Now wo want to he ready to eapture any bargains that may
be ollered on account of such failures, and to do thi it will be necessary
for us to bo on hand in New York and Chicago, in person, and be armed
with plenty of the commodity commonly called Cash, with which we
can boast the people of this country are well supplied, and in order for us
to get it, wo will from now until the first of August oiler such bargains
as will induce those having money to divide with us.
You all know that our Manager has been in business hero for the last
twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st he will
start East to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do tins we will otler
our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Ootids. Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a
great sacrifice, and in order that the general Public may know that wo
mean business, wo mention the price
good Hemmed Hnndkerchlcf for 1 ct.
A silver, Rold or steel thimble, 1 ct. each.
A spool of Clnrk's, Cont's or Kerr's Thread,
8 c. ench.
A spool Reed Sewing Silk, best brand and
assorted colors, for .1 e.
2 spools Hllk Mutton Hole Twist for 3c
2 skeins Snilillers' Silk for 3 e.
I sheet gold, silver or plain Card Hoard,
1 c, worth 10 c.
1,000,000 doz. Horn nnd Cloth covered
Dress Hultons worth 25 to 00 e. n dor.,
for a e. a doz.
100,000 doz. l'lne Jet nnd Metal lluttous,
worth CO c. to $1 a doz. for 10 o n doz.
1,000 yds. Ijico worth fi c. n yd., for 1 e. a yd.
Ijico worth 10 e. per yd. will ho sold for 3
ana o e. a yu. utner l'.iic-ings nuu
Kmbroldery In proportion.
A irooil nrtlclo of (lent' Hummer
Tho above lira only u few of tho Kcnulno 11AKGAINH thnt we will olJVr. lleslilod
tliCNO our wholo stock will bo oU'ereu at prices lower than anywhere cKo In tho city,
without nny exception.
Wo nro not rating out of business but nre here to stny mill only do this to make room
for our laruo fall stock. (Mil nnd be convinced, lluy nnd be happy.
Henioinber these bargnlns itin only bo secured nt the Opern House Corner, from I h
Capitol Adventure Co.
S, FRIEDMAN, Manager.
All kinds of Farm
t com w ii nre?
One Cent Each !
You Use a New One Every Two Days.
Mabic Twkl Diamond Pointed Gold Pen
T. McF. PATTON, Sole Agent
School and Day School Reward
Embossed Pictures
S'cl Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia,
Set LylliiD, 2G
Set Tliarkeray, II
Set Waverly, 12
Set K. I1. Hoe, 15
Cloth, Gilt (op,
Half Morocco,
Hair blue Calf,
Set GipL 31. Heiil, 10 Vols. Clolli,
Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles,
118; State Street,
u wi
Mention !
of sonio of our goods till August 1st.
1000 tine CNtrlch Plumes for CO c cucU
1 Jirce stock of lloweri, price no oldcct.
Ijullos' ciieiulM) 1.1 c. each, worth 50 c.
lollies' NlKhUiowns.flOccncli worth SI JSi.
Anil nil our stock of 1-nillcs' While (iixnls
In proportion.
50,000 lollies' lint Kmtiios 10 c. ouch, worth
SO e. to 51 each.
12 Klsh Hooks anil 1 1.lno for He.
(iooiI Scrubbing llruihes fi e. each.
tlooil White Wash !ruhcx 10 c. ench.
Ileal Pntent Clothes Plus 5 e, ier ilnx.,
worth 12e.
fiooil Kly Hooks, i! e. each,
no Hennis letter Paper, 'Je, ter qulro.
10 th letter Pnper, fl c per quire.
100 doz. Meinoraniln Hooks, 1 e. enrli.
MO Imixom I.uliln Toilet Soup, 0 c per uoj,
worth Sir.
Uiulcrshlitsmiil Drawer? for IX) c encli.
Produce Bought.
for Scrap Albums!
Price W2.50, Our
" 32.50,
" 22.50, '
" 32.50,
Price $20.00.
Salem, Oregon.