mil ji uncivil i iw; i If attsim.xh jintKOTOitv. Ganrim kla x PrwrtoVnt. fifx. K. Batai Harretarr of Blur OHM. " KAincHii.n, Secretary ofTreur) w.t! V'ilaa JJecratary of Hie low-rior W. C. Kxdhjott ftonetarjr of War W. C. WiirrwBr.,. JeereUM7 of Nm a I. M. McKiirwMPr Post. Master cjtiral .Attorney cjein-mi Chief J tut It want Mrmmavk Congressman i.mrm I'KWworitK Governor. 0b,W. McBmiiik JScnrtry ofHutc. fl. w. Vu (Hw Treasurer. k Ik MCKlKor Bupt. I 'lib. instruction. ' . HAKKK HUlelflnler LB. SrrKAHAN 1 a), P. IiBT V.. Jfupreme Judge TKATMt J Tkfr4 JwlleUI Hllikl. H. P. noiHR Judge. Hn. W. IIklt ..lToMcuUng Attorney )lrln Cwolf. M. Ij. (haviikrmk l J. A. Iioxkv Mate Henalor J. fa. DlHICK I J.tQMWO. ... I). J. PmrriLMTOK. 8. IMYMAN . M. LAKoi.r.orrK. A-II. (JAKI.AJIII- Motmisox h.Waiw.. j. J.H. Hi mo Hrl.TOTTSM PKWKOriSH NKW AVJ!HTI.SJ!MIJNT.S. m in ' -- 'J ' I jnnv advertisements, j FOR MEN. . Jrr . TI-IE FOLLOWING List of Property is Offered For Sale -by tiii:- eei a a x g : g I g gg: OREGON ISLAND COMPANY FASHIONS nim X ti!i ntmtmi . H. OolVK I'. JUC .JtJtfMMlUtlVl ..Clerk. 0. l. Micks. M W fHfiiHiiH -OttowaK M A cic """"r""Kmitv"(Jtork JSHir limo ..Sheriff. Jtoi. Cmoiman Iimty Bherln". Avavwrtumr 'treasurer. T. C. hhaw Oountjr Judf Unir Wabkkw J Commissioner. Qmwin A. 1'KKBLw Hchool fctipt mm Nkwwok .. Hurvevor Cormier. l. P. l.WHriKU) Hlieep Inspector. ciir of si. JJ. Mvitrrr.... A. H. Mum tat Ward Oho. William 1st Ward duo. 2nd Ward y. IAFOKM 3thI WsMl Al'MnrroSrii Ward W. W. Hkikhkk 8rl Ward... Nan. lli;mi 4th Want. O. K. JlirnoiK llli Ward 1 J. MTHirKI.KH . .. necorder iajkw luxe Marshal. y.T. Hai.i. Treasurer. Omi). . HiMniiAM Attorney. J. ft Thumiwin Hiip't of Hlrwu a W. C'IICHCIIli.L...CIilrr KngimerM. J-. I) I'. N. Offirrm. J A. Waitow II. H. Coiniiiluliuipr Jiauu-M AI.MKHT Xlciml Murvlcu (im i pi SV.W ADVKIt'l lhi:Ali:NTH. Mnyor CounclliiHii fHOHIOITIONjCOUNTY TICKET. CONOItlSHH, I'ltOF. U. M. MILLKU. I'BfWIIIKKTtAI. i:i,KCT(IIIM, T. V. rAJII'MKLL, U. l ItAMI', DIt. A. ( KhNXKV. imi'HKMIENTAT; V J. T W DAVIfiNPOUT Hllveilini. XVM BIJIPHON, HilviTtoii. II H JOltV. 801UI1 Htilfm J T) DAH1IY, fiublliiilly. J G 1C1U51UIAHT, ()1ihiiiihxk. miiiKii'r. AJjKX TII0M1V0N. Hllvurlon. I'l.KIIK. V r AY, WmHllHirn. IlllCOItllllll. VlUOIIi II IMJAIJ 'I'lirnur. TllHAHUKIill. W 1 JOHNSON, HhUuii. I1IOOI. aUI'KKINTKN'ltlCM'. W T VAN MC'OY, JelU'ttHHi. AMMHMOH. J.OUIB JIAH5CKK, Jollkwui, OOMJUHMIIINUKf. J !) 1IUHHT, Aiimm. HICNltY OP I A' IN. Murloii. UKVKVOII. K A KOItl), WiMMllmni, (MWKVIIII. W II MAUICUH, HtUm. REFEREES SALE, WATKUKUUKiMtN'. i COUHTI' MaMIiiN, I tMiWroMl 1. MOacreii,Smlieettofllerloo; CO0. i imcr, on )lf In oamvmUon,MD8U orchard; KH 8. 910 msrm, 1 M sere In coJMtratlon, 5 mtl fmnTmllroaU, IK mil ftom vmt ottloe; . I. WO acmi, W) ncrw In cultivation, goou bulldliifi", MO for ere 6. J9 acrea, 16 acrea In culllvatton, nU ihhm: turo. 1 Sold. T. DO acre, M acren In cultivation, Mnall Ihhim, M mlloa from Halvm; HOuO; one lialfoaali. g. 7H0acn,ataoTealnPultlvatlon,remaln iler llclil timber, good lioue, good or cliaru, milt from nillrond; IB500. Sold. 10. WSfO-aoORore. WO Mim In cultivation, two orrliardii, 8 mtlw from Halvm. 11. $lflrjnO-76rea,)acri In cultivation, iMlaw llglit timber, X mllen from Haiem. ,z Solii. 13, t7-aroii, am acrnt in cultivation, one half mile from iteamboat land- 11. II7JS0 per acre. WO ncren. good hounc, 7 room, good barn, one half mile from RUwmboat landing. Sold. 18. tJD per acre, MO lannw, good lioune and barn. 17. SI aor!. 3 tnlla trom Hatem.'.'KBi per acre, m aorea in ouiuvauon. a Sold. IB. 3S0 acraa, 11130, all cultivated, One building. 30. 2A0 acraa, 170 ucre In oultlvntlon.good! oreuaru auu uuiiuiuh, raai. Sold. a Sold. 21. 100 acraa, all cultivated; max l. llotue and lot on Commercial !.; SiHO. Sold. 'JO. 3ft0iwre,lW)noricu!tlVRletl, liWOprume twee, PW iwoclt trei, Mo jienr tree, !KaereaorrioiM,gooilbulldlim;lO,OtM, " Sold. 'JR. m aerea, one lialf In cultivation, tam HI. UMie and lot In Haiem; . Ul ll(ieiul lot In MmIbiii; VM. HI. lHiieori'HiU lnnil,Hiulli fitnu Sh. lem; tW))irwre. aa. K) tola III Hlvcr FIU city; tKeaeli, as. 1M) mtrtw, 1 14 In cultlVHtlon, tst w acre. SI. &k) acrm, im In otilllvulloii, gixHl lin- lHiiveineiila; tlO,(0, Sold. HU. a IS acrea fruit land, IKinlIfrOlil Salem $450. . DO acrea cultivated land, l)jj lillles from Salem; SSSno. W. lOacrea.lXmllea from Salem, U cnlU- vated, iHth buildings, AW. 61. 12 acrea fruit land, li mile from Salem; SOW. 52. 80 acre, 2 acre in cultivation, uoure and barn, S700. 53. 815 00-620 apron, anOacres In cultivation, good house, barn and orchard, 61. aoaomiorfrult land, 4)f inllw from Sa ' lem; I8U0. 65. saoacreo, I0 acres In cultivation; JSOUO. 69. 1 17 acre, 80 acres In cultivation, $10. 67. 10 acres of fruit land, i'A mile from a lem; X40O. W- Wiilidnnvn. 59. I1ZC0 per aire, 120 acre. 60. 0 acres of fruit land, 1 nillea from fia- lem; S1C0. 61. SWaereg, all cultivated; S10XX). 62. SO aore, I2G0O, 70 acrea in cuUU-atton gowl liouseand burn. 83. 2 acres of fruit land, 1 miles from Ha iem; w. 01. Saw mill and grist mill; WOOO. 86. 109 acres, f0 acres in cultivation; 19800. 80. 1 acre of fruit luud, i lnllei from Salem; HO. 87. lflOucres, 8 miles from Silverton; W0. 68. 2S acres of fruit land, 1 miles from Sa- em; yzou. 60. Sold. Williilrawn. S7. 10 aertwol fruit land, mites from Sa lem; IVU W. am acres, 1U miles frum llrownsvllic, 1M acres In cultlVHtlon, gKMl build lugs, JRA per acre. St. STaeiw.all wiIIInhi.hI, with buildings, 1H mllw from HmIciii; MUI. W. W) aneamUoluliig rtulcm tow n site; V II. JDMOHMciiltlvatmllMtid. wltli buildings, 1 mile from aleiu; SWU It lk aeras iiiIIKhI.hI lml, wiiliout UUtUlliutiLmie mile from Haiem im.i IMtlMt WWI. II Maess.iaie mile ntmi Hakuu; im ier aere. II, MatttWj iu nuiw from HMlwm.oue Imii' iHeuTiUalkm; WM. U. IH nu Otpltal KlreAt, at from ! to pnjsanli. HL l aeraa, mile Ifroui Halem; IT8 iw aew. "' W!7'sSl)" H 'HHl "lM(',f iMiltlva- 40 acres, IVjinllcs from Snlem,all culti- vateu; ij. 70. 180 acres, near Meliama, SO acres culti vated, house, barn,orchard, etc; tsV. 71. 18 acres, near Aumsvllle, 2 aorea In )er- rles,M fruit trees, good bulld'ga; Sim 72. 190 acres; S800. 78. 7(1 acres, with building; $1900. 71. K) acres, house and orchard; SfiOO. TO. 190 acres, lf) ilcres In gmax, buildings; $90 per acre. 78. 100 acres, orclinnl and buildings; SSIXO. " Sold. 78. 70. 60 aeres. aiijolnlng Halem, 111 Iota laid on; siu.ww. i (W. 840 acres, 180 acraa otiltl vated; WK)0. SI. GI2 Hcnw, liulldliiKs and 1ft) nci ea culti vated; $12 pr acre. 82. 8li acres, Jicultliated; S1HW. SS. ai) acres of fruit land, nilltw fixm Sa lem; MI0. HI. It) acres, orchaid and bulldlUKS, $700. 86. 818 nres, 960 iicivm eultlvated, orchard ami buildings, SMIO. t. 10) acres, 60 acres cultivated, orchard and building; SU"). 87. 96 acrea of fruit laud, l mllw from Ha iem; J7W. HS. 9ftocte, SO acres cultivated, buililliiffrt; . 61 acres, i miles from HhIphi; SWU W. Wacres, KWcultlvaled; SlOoa HI. Hotel In Hulillmlly. W. HUtre building In Aumsvllle. m. 997 aeres, 60 acitis cultivated; WKOi. HI. House ami lot on OommerulHl'tl.; SHU WV. 90 acres, all eulthaled, IS mlles.fhmi Halem; $NM. IH 90 wires, 1 miles from Salem, him'. bam, dry house, and large orcliard; l. 07. 10 acres, i- miles from Salem, with hi)ue; $6mi. IK 10 Meres, 1 miles from Salem, rtlli large mvliard; Vt W. 10 arres of fruit laud, I1, miles from Sa lem; . HH I1 acres lmproed Atrm at from Sll in i per Merc, know u as the An ken niriu. We e. mIm), all llio Scotch touianv', Otntts Atrsale. lleliurHold under flin' chsiure of nun tgages, they aiv olWtreri mi er) iaonaiile term. The very newest shirt front is of whits piqne, with tiny dots of a color sprinkled over it Tweed is the thing for lounging jackets, though alpaca will be admissible an summer cornea on. The four in hand grows in favor, in length also, and threatens a revival of the "choker" of the regency. Soft diagonal serge cloth of a brown gray shading to yellow is much worn in London for the whole suit. For evening wear white gloves are pardon able, but iale primrose or paler lavender is far and aay better style. In Paris, we are told, there is a strenuous effort to revive kneebreecliea, silk stockings, Ion shoes and paste buckles. ew cheviote for trousers are preferably gray or brown, and the check or stripe may be large, but never pronounced. High authority asseverates that many American men, so called, now wear corsets, and that the practice U increasing. For athletes come caps of printed cotton, lthgrayor navy or indigo blue grounds, or polka dots of contrasting colors. Round collar and cuff ends are hopelessly pashp, and square ones to achieve the height of style must be artistically turned down. Xogood dresser now wears tight gloves; b) consequence, seven and one-half is the -.mallest sire kept by some very tony houses. Very choice and now silk handkerchiefs have centers of solid rfeutral Knglish twill, ..iih bright or figured borders two inches i Je. JIany percale shirts are rainbow hucd yet iiuet, and modestly elegant ones can be luundfor those who will not bow down to i. 'io glaring Ikial. For rough weather and hnrd usage nothing .quais the real Donegal homespun a coat of which will turn asiilo tho most drenching torm of spring. Knglish flannels for tennis weareomoin .uu square plaids of black, with v. hite, red, .ionn, old gold or orange, and are made up .all caps to match. Flannel shirts will be more worn than evor, i .d the favorite stuff for them is the fine .iiglish twill white ground with polka dot t ltd, black, brown or blue. The favorite yachting coat is of cream white llannel, with a blue binding, showing in men and a halt wide all around ana n trifle narrower on the pockets. For tennis wear white trousers still have tin- call over stripes, and the most acceptable s;v.h is thirty-six inches wide and figured in largo spots with tho club colors. Spring nock wear, too, approaches tho florid gothle embracing, ob it does, all light, blight mid staring tones of color, with pro nounced, not to say loud wttenis. New cotton how have rainbow auklestripes en a tan ground t ith ribs and feet of darker shnde, while Li Jl' thread show maltese crosses on mode oi black grounds. New linen luuidkerchlols have eighth inch hems either or solid colors or striped or cross bar rod, or else the border is tuo inches wide, with einbroideied dot at tho comers. White collm-s and cuffs will ngaiti bo worn with fancy shirt, and ilno linen embroidery still prevails in lull dress, though the com mon grades aiv sent hopelessly to Coventry, . A sliding suspender buckle warranted not toVwear, tear, rijAiavel, run down at the heel nor cut in the Tye," oven on the ilnest bilk webbing, is among the latest supplies of long felt wants. Very new waitcoatsaroof natural whito wool, broken lamtly by ilno Jiues of ml or blue. They are bound on the edge, without collars, luive six buttons and are meant to take the plan- of tbe pique and linen horrors, whereby ucrige laundress transforms the mildest iiu.miertl nun into a man in buckram. :ew Yoik Commercial Advertiser. A GREAT REDUCTION -AND- a AMAZING DISCOUN n wee Capita Journal (IJ "T Tho Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon ! TITE RKST FAMILY NH WSPAPffi IN MARION COUNTY Do you want a paper that you can with confidence take to yourfiV bide as an intimate friend; a clean, fresh and vigorous exponent of tbx truth; a foe to any system that builds up colossal fortunes for tho few at tho expense of tho many, or that reduces tho farmer and laborer to serf dom? A paper that will not descend to acrimonious personalities t vituperation or abuse; but which depends on fair statement and reason'for its weapons. A paper that dares treat its political foes with candor and courtesy. Devoted to the mnterial growth and prosperity of Salem of Marion county, and of the fertile and wide extended Willamette valley. Using every legitimate means to convince tho prospective scttlerand busi ness man of the advantages which, as residents, wo all know full well exist; and, finally, a paper which recognizes tho fact that tho reduction in the price of weekly newspapers on this coast, has not kept pace with the reduction in the price of tho great staples of commerce, and has boldly struck out forever from the stereotyped " terms " at the head of its col minis, tho lowest price ever charged for such a paper in Oregon, and has substituted therefor as low a price as was overcharged for such a paper in the world. Read Our Reduced Terms! 50.7 WEEKLY, ono year, 1.50. WEEKLY, six months,. iTow Head Our Discount for Cash! WEEKLY, ono year, 51.00. WEEKLY, six mouths, .$0.50. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN TID3 NiUIES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONE-THIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old limt'KlHHKKKIM UIVKNTII VT HY I lrtwe of M Oiviw til DHrlUliiu Mud iMttsrMsMl vulersd Iu lin- rlivult nu,n ,tt i isT n ilijw til usiriaiiiu MUd '.tffHLV V""" .A Miliwm eiHiul) W the 1Mb d .i J tin. . is?, siid an aiiifit wn (mm ineivui im.ivtl In will court mhIImi Twstltti day of Spttmbr, 1887, it HI I ll 4 SttfkS rltlawi miii , Amanda Hi,,,, rt H. Nmlth el at, Hhvrrbt livtu inai IIH- hhiiii nut ousrlttr r !! HtterU lu HttirU aaaitHWtulhvcIlt n MMnH tHllltl wr msJ pniikYit t John Hiiiiin. 0e' mrtmv. In lniM-, MMMSSdmoul lli.rx.i.i, I. h im.lrr. Orwim, , it,. awing l llirmuir HM, im aiUil m UMTS, li tint ofHtl.Utn-rw siitl mill iivui ini'n.1.1. i iiu, iii..ImiUii.uI hNowmiIuI) lusiiiiml i.t ,i.i,h .' hiMI Mitl n-al iuivn ,. Ill .. JMes to Slsl lsi td lin ltisk 1 1... k.u.. wk iu., hi lhv naiH lunuv THE OREGON LAND COMPANY Ar kHiylHgaad llttIUial;will take pkMMira H showing Uu)-ersMiiy'iw)l Bnnk Block, Throo Doors South of 1st National Bank. S?ti in ! WttHI Uaiah bsd raT nilalt at li iititlc Ktlt'lloii t S.SF S2ra,,f " XT ' innr ssa mnuiiiM titervt.i. .. ' H. H.XKKKMTY. " stbixkr k iiimt ' lauUNk is STOVES, RANGES, Til ! Tippr Wirt, 110 State St.. ;. -t- SALEJr.OH. ASywOhv nuHlr uf raajs sfwuta, liBOAlV BLANKS, . M. WAm. K. H. MlLLINCRR, UKALKH IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! A O It N T f t 1 D. M. OS HORN & GO'S Tho C.ri'iit Anicrlciiii DIm-iisc, Djspciiilu. "AuiericaiM as a clans oat as much oil with their salads as did the Venetians in tlmtimn of Medici," said John Chuuiberhn to a jour nalist the other day. "Hut it took a great many years to overcome their Puritanical IH-ojiidices. In the minds of tho descendants of thel'urltansthoie was a stiong but un conscious association bctwwm Catholicism and Tivnch nsikery, and oil being exten sively used by the Krauch in the prejiaration of thoir fixid tlioM, desceudanta, like their BnvwfcHii, lmd n strong aversion for it. Tho I unfaiii was never so happy as when ho was uncomfortable. They imagined that to de serve heaven hereafter they wcro oblige! to llx-v In n sort of modified liell on wu th. Thoy rigliUy e.Hichi..4,l tliatdyteui was the lst iH-wswitaUon of the tortures of the bottom wss pit, uml the Mirest wavtn isnr,,of u Wi!i l ,ollow o11 ln tueir salads. This is o k. w u,IK, m mo American diHiosc, dys IMstia. ' "Salads when properly prciro.l are tho most imjoyabW irt of dainty dinners. Thev areooolmj u. the sttmmch. They oUt di 8Uou. which is often ikhh11 after a dinner of heavy joint and Mde dishea. They r pJainetUf by fHst eater, ami their prem Moua Uhle animate, ivertiwi. AVUm lhnn pure oJhe oil they bec,w nau, cict gifts, Djnspsju ami cranky, iUoUo Me are unknown to the lover of Z wa.1 sala,L"-New York Kvaning Su,t ' Subscribers Now in arrears are urged to take advantage of our big discount, by set tling old accounts and joining the grand throng of ono dollar subscribers. Is there a blue mark in the vicinity of this letter XJ ? Then understand you are now addressed. lilue is the emblem of faith tho faith we have had that you will settle when reminded of your indebtedness. POSTMAST ERS EVERYWHERE Are asked to act as our agents. Communicate with us. TO ONE AND ALL We say, .-end us your names. If you want to take advantage of our "one third oil' for cash," and are not where you. can get postal notes or other convenient method of remitting, send us your name and state that you will remit at lint opportunity. This will ensure your being placed on the dollar list. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER, Hilt a solid, permanent reduction. Wo have come to stay. Overland to California Oregon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. TIIK .MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time Between Salnu an,! San. Francisco-Thirty-six Hours. PAMTOKXIAJMIKM THAIS PAILY --'-i ; "-rtto7Th iffi !.' !" !'v- Portland Ar."T0:"ltfn7m. S ' "' VI- !? lv. &S0 a. m . I -ir. en rran. I.v. RX- " Live and Let Live Paint :X)a. "H.AI. 1-ASftKXaKK TILVIN (riAJLV V"S k OU,ll,ll, M) a.m. iu.-a.rn. m. I.v. I.v. Ar. Portland- Salem Kuxoiie Ar. I.v. I.v. is p. m. lKp.m. Ilmtmrtlini bj alt 5II..I.,., The entousiv. Mibsi.leucea of NortJiwich Ji Kna-.. accnnlii.. .. vr- -n. . ... .' .'J-u i. ..".r iiii..i " n r street. HUNTLY & IMERSON, House, Sign ---AND General Painters, Kalsom . !... pw. ... ' -. nuiii artis f-l Cl a csnlurv aiar tk- a. . . l"v, a. .wm-i -. ".r""J ,, RUSS 1SLLJ& GO'S Cc-lebralcd Kngiiic and Now ''Pycloiip" Thrasher. A U Sart if Fw wl S-i, Wk, K iJ Cute. Norwegian Walking or Riding Cultivator, Etc NO. W HTATK STMRRT. K.I.EM, OKVtIOX. cij a n iv i .ii i .. . APP ' fl hlinw iVnrniv on UH .rMchr1: M,"w ,,,1,Hl """' nuuuo dim uuma: ZLS"mkimZ Arteiaaaw TwyaVr. . Uumm .VbtHtlfs Tmir. --jft hmiMad. " I throw too ZuITSJtw . mucl1 " I'V, tsH fetrwt. West Side Division, Between Portland ml Cervallis: PAILY (RXCKiWSIJNnAV) 7UD a. hi. I lU.l.l. i:l I.v. lVtrtiaiur Ar. Coo-alUs ""J,M KXPHISM THAW-(DAILY K.XCKtT SI7XDAYV. " l pTnC 1JB lyjii. I KMOW IkjtSar. l- j. Hltkuut a ilm. w.T w Ifow. I Imv N torribla lim i. , 71 tUy fctvN d dool ksjfc at all lovliXoV agOii Mm lor. ja-a and 4 J MIId as to hava Umm ,rtwt, at I ktZ MM OSM aim. iku. Hhl. a. 2 ,. "T ZlT ?: Ny "St k2 :KC5B3rjg. I Ar.MeillBBTUtoLv. pwa.m. fca.m. SuMer?" ,MM, 1lafc A- mop. 1" mm, Toaolier of Music iSstrS&SL'S' :--- i-r- mers, Paper Hangers ana Decorators. All orders will receive prompt attentjoa. Estimates on nil kinds of work In oar W cheerfti ly given. Satisfaction puaranWM- bhop In Old Court House on Ouurt . Salem, Or. lirKHluIlois. JOE DCW Dubois brothers, Proprietors Chemekete Me FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Trat U i Prow H to $S per d7 &ALKM, . . OREGON- t u s s: usss.s? IO-