EVENING CAPITAL JOUKXAL PI'HI.IHKIIII EVERY EVENINO EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THK Capital Journal Publishing Corn-tan". OBIf, 112 Owrt Strtt, Vrrt'.Wn Wl. HAIL. One year. Mr malt M HI month, br mull isi Three moutMhr inkll 1 IVr week (Mlrered by emrrtor 14 WKKKLT. 0m fwtr. M TO MI I : Kuwilhfl . ..... To On roar. If mid for In wmim, Hlx mi(t. ' " W o-IVxttiiuwl'Tn lire etlve nliwrlitlii. autlKtnied to re- Wlr,liUwd m wmMitllitM titlfl tli Hdleni.Onwm.lVwtottlii'. March X. IRK. SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1888. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. llixm',11 HUHMAXN'. lMi-Ml JiHl-Ke, w. l. I.OHI). l'r4lntHl )flrlr", ItOllHHT MOI.IUX, WJI. KAl'UH, (.'. V. VUWUS. l'roilliij Alloni' Tlilfd l)ll., II. II. IIKWI'IT. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. rdiMriTi, 1. II. WAI.HO, M?ii-y. T, T. UKHII, Mlmtoil. J. Q. WILHOX, Httriii. H. I.AYMAK, Wlm. Wm. AIIJIHrllONO. Honlli H.lnn. mniitr, K. l. CIIOJHXn. H.Iiih. r. i. lunc-ucK, h.Imh. J. II. hTAIIII, )!.(H.lrm. Trni!H, A. 0. CONIirr.AutHivlllo. A,bHl, A. r. M.AOKr.llrlY. HllmiflM. (uUMMHiia, A. II. I'OIINI'l.ll'K. M.rton. W. T IIIIDI, HitliUnl. IHI'L ti'Krxi'rT 1). W. VOIiKli. Hllml.'U. .iihhtok, W. J. OtJI.Vr.ll, 1'nt H.lrm Milton, M, i. I). 0. IIJMNII, Wi-,IIiimi. Till'. UllOrtllV I.KIIWhK llll.l.. (lov. Hill, In one or his nieHHagen to tlio legiHliituu", Hpoke in thete termsof the liquor Irnlllc: ThiMivlU of lutimHraii(v are not hid In a corner : they niiinot w i-on-ceNiltxl j (null tliiiyiin' patent, and to mine more jMitcnt tliuu to (Iiom who, itH public MirvantH, have to deed in any degree with the criminal law. It Ih not, and it e-auuot be do llied, that Moe'Icty iHlnluivd, that the Htntt itH-clvfM liHriu, that the chatiic ter ufa peeiple Ih ilelmmd by the e-x-cewtlve, uilfgiilded and luillHcrlinl imting iim of lutiiNliwniH. Thm e'vllHixlnt In country and In town ; t Ileum lid u rlw touch IhiIIi rich and HKir. WliHtcvcr nitniHimw to pro- mhiiv wh'ici.v hiiii khn nioralH limy W elwimsl ulKilllil proH'r, tlley nIioiiIiI be applied whcivver the evil aimed at eltH ; applied alike to country and city. Such lawn uliould 1h no nvpM'terH of iktmhih or eif 1kh1IIIiim. Anting on IIium' MUKgtioiiH, lo HHim iixteiit, and luiKileel by the enitwy of the lNi(irtleeiii(iiitMir the state iHipulalioii. the Icgl.lHiuiv of Niw York eimettMl a IIcciik' law, which the jptverneir vcIihmI. (Jov. Htll l neit thi rlrt Matemuan e ho luw ilniio loleliis to bU recorded ontliiieulie, Mini outraNMl imblle nuemllly to win llettiuK lHipnlarity. livla Inirnelnil to-elay by tin-cevt-. nipt liquor liiterl hiiiI the tlmuw aniWof inereviwrlt hotii lu money autl lwr-nMMii eeuilreil ; tmt very niontl man and wonwu tlmHigh the euMntry, i-r' aetvmwte of vlrtiawu anel leiiiHni 1kmiu, will Ih grtovwl mi Ueu. UlllV mm invii elr, Mitel vitrn him h Ith theM com mem mwU v, Uo mi w llllim u wmtI- new TigM to e In tin tippUuM of t) lunlUtuile. Hut iIm eiiHMitl(ui lo (il. umAi1 i lueMaun illel met exuiie i)Ult y fhetu ' Dm UUky lutnl. White It wm ! luutor ennielHittleii lu Uh etuuu- letS nt)UtiltoiiUt wvi- te be mmu I hy lw hleke tif the rum wlktm, ueUug -vwr' NNurt Mid uryiu -wy eitij,-1 IkW, lo eeNUWMi IU eMWlt. ICx-1 limn oivet. liu llbeKjIlM HtffW il with it tmr aueh hiwl imw liniifiwil fe4r uuk tvftuv, ihvlM iu (bet! hth IWmum wutihl ukee t - i r.r4 ttvm i" mUJ wmk, eueei vyn v uw AttrXliituiut ! f hU uewMi)' lvnMci. The , wuury IhAl wtMiht U ! u, (rte uf IbeMteMUet of hMiit,KUel Ihuui. uniueu utmiuu.HHthy multl- UleaM IN lt Mtltl BuilllkM U..H- kVi W4tullm by iho W4wue.i0' l . ,. . . ". "- $ IH IBM MHIwn I'UUUUr. ThU.i.J .1 . VI' i. i . . " llll. IMII II KM, , mil In.. .... .,.., j IM Kumw iih iMUMUtliMlkmt? br IK WW lUr MlexwHlAll tNMtjry b AttrfMut wtii yeMir vttmty ww i to , ramty wmm !u tA ftk BkBAAA " "- U-A .fe. U I . w w, h motw tmm tmt m, CMUMM WUI rtart hl. M du and Umni nut da k. HWIHMe-lTCIHiaHllKlMr MwdtwUK . k. ft f MMkMT ttlUMr bill to J, Mid tln-11 if put intoexe-t-utloii to watch It effect? In I'liH mlelphla IiIkIi II reuse Is clo-lng tllMINHIKlrt of mlMMIH, Htl'l tllHt kind of drinking place, too, where crime In committed, rob bery jiretietnittsl Mini violence pre vail. In Michigan high licence Mini either restrictions have worked excellent rewiltK, anil rimilar tenti nioiiy i lxirne in other Mate where regulation of the liquor trade Iihh been attempted. Hut HI. John and hla fanatical followers jiervermly aeout aU thee renreiwlveiiiewM.ire.il, demanding all or none, and throwing away the half loaf tendered them, declaring it in not bread but more Utr. The Judgment of them1 moderate minded refornierH who would gladly and heartily weirk with them, Nofl'ended at Mich Intemperance.'; tlie-ir exiiuri enee lulHiflett the conclusion' arrived id, and they doubt the good faith of men who are no unreuwinuble. Theory Iihh led many bright minds itMniy. IfthuHo prolilbltIonlntn set the examples of the lelKilltlonintH before them, and miijee that their unit Ih to lie gained liy the Mime extreme iiu-iiih, they nhoiild reineni ber that the aberiltloiilxta accom plished nothing, but gave way to the republican, who reported to more priictlcalile mcuaiiruri, and llit hedged ulavury in before they at ti'iupte'd ItH eiverthrow. The wune help limy come to the prohlbltloiilHtH. If they and the union labor party Join Iwwh, and aciiiirea voting Htrength that glvew reality to their ciuivawe for olllce, wo may then look to nee tatter coiiiic1h prevail, mid a reasonable course adopted that Ih not in oeu violence with daily exiierii'iicu and eommoii wime. Tin Hjiectable of avowed teinicrancc refornierH Joining with liquor dealerH to ilefeat a niciiMiru dolgiied to n'lievo the tratllc of ItH worn! feature, U Hhocklng to the buiiHo of every ivawiinililu man, and given eouvineing evidence that miuli a niNgulded jmrty can never win HUCeVHM. Mii'i'ditr viiuk iie.mi: iAii:u. We notice that ceveral eif our uxchaugcH from WiiHhiugton terri tory, are commending the enterprise of the Oregonlan in placing a man there to represent ltHlntere.strt. '1'IiIh Ih prompted byJouruallHtlccourtcHy, bccaiiHei the etlltor of every local nou'Hiaicr know h that thin is a Hteqi I t the direction of couMilidatloii and iletrimeutal to bin own bUHlneHH. Mr. Samuel It. Kra.ler is the agent employed, IiIh hcadquartcra will be at Seattle, but bin hiiHlncHx, we are told, will carry him to every nook and corner of the territory, where lie will appoint HUh-agcutH to work for the niikt he reprenMitH. Thin will help to build up the Oregon Iiiu'h huMlnuiw, but how about the local Jeiuriialrt where thin competi tion Ih Introduced'.' it nhould bo borne hi iiilml by every man Inter itesl In the growth of his town, that IiIh hoiiiuJouruiilH are the hct medium of attracting attention from the outHlde. The prtiprlotorr ami employcH form imrt of the. com luuulty, and what Ih to the advau taneofall Is'iiclltH eaeh individual. TheenterpiiMxifaclty conuuunlty UJudgesl by the character of itrt nev!iiiHirn. The t ranger who vWtn a town and eiKulug the home Journal pUtcm! In his Imnds, lliuU lU ull printwl ami Well edited, with the air of liberal imtreiimgo pervadlug it cedumiiH, Ih favorably IiiiivhI U'feme he start on IiIh btwJiuw. W'hlk m Mrubby itevt wKr, HMirly MipMrtMl ami with m elown Mt heel iwtrMn, U a 4aud hid MilvrtlM'iiHnt en" tlw Uuk eif thrift Mild huatitew eueix'. and nHu netlier titan MttntcU. Tlwr nn It U m Im In lmlnw mtm miuI !' Ui lewk mH let (Mr oun W1 UfnwtJMy e.tuel iHtrtMMtc eHitriek JemnwU. Tlie Ueltetr imy l'"v'' UH-riur merit mul MtlriHHtou, 'H( (K Uivi of the forel((ti m U tM Muttt! h Ith thi'ir own, utl " "tHO" U no evleleiHe r (Mr JmHeH'HM UbwUlty. M IWUIIIl.Mi IMtlVI'MI "'Itw elUfc'le. of ICIIvitatMUv," - uu tltiatKl ttf tbHl 4aiv, "haw ui awtU!! Ulwrnll' iwwMtU new touu- toy. " 1 u le.wu. M mv uuMtkHto i lo uh thtwtl thiv I lw- io- i .IwM - y to ovwdo thk. Mil.-riMkMl I Iiu4ummw Thfy Mlwrttw mhitmd ' (Mr lulund ftu4llik f.r hinm'lOlSSrJTJVS.H&.'Sf . ...........l... . . . l . . ' lllb ivuekivtl to Ummh wtut will wiiunu,wiu inrMei liutl - ".mtwmiiwiHnn. ...mk I.. ,. . mm ui iot MkM WOU MMt HUMW ' hW .-.. i...-M .. IX uutt iiTMritu IiIumwU' wliti -n alftr Ur mm uwAti lttdiMtrv. u tu . kkk ' ' - wpwlll, TWy-K, """" '-"' "J1L" ' ' """ ADVKllTISKSrEXT.''. , ' . 1 building.Hiteandfiulwriljc fora good amount of capital stock. In due time the beneficiary gete to wiirk with a foundry, flouring mill or er riage hIioj), and then the unwelcome truth betrays itwlf that all the par tie to the eiiterprii1 ve "imle a mictakc. Tlie man the citizens have aideel ha not the qualities to win miccetw ; there will lie a wt Imck in the growth of the city and the proni Jms held out to him are not realized. He auks further help which Ih re fused, and the foundry or tlotiring mill gets into the hands of the her Hl. A wIkt plan is to make haute clowlv, let things take on a natural growth and jmy no one to enter into h ljiiiiifs which emglit to support itself. "STAIGER BROS., liiilHirle'rtiHlitl iJefiU-rt In n I.ATKST StVI,I! Liiadino Links! Lowest I'mci-s! ('ciicrul Agents for Oregon of W. II. Torsyllic's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, ((lea K. (IixkI'k old xtaml.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. FARMERS, -:- LIVERYMEN And othcrx In need of rn ., n ii ii'iiiii ur uiTKigi! iiiiriiess: II will lo to jour Intcrt'i-t lo (till Uhiii me ln'forti inirchiihliiK' e'lM'W lu'ir, im I lmvu tlui liirKi'xt mill nioHt couiiilote mock In tlio city. Prli-e" re'eliieeMt to mill tlio tlmi'M. Just rr-e'vlM-d H Hue Itiii'iif Carriage Harness from A. F. Rissleri Co. OK CHICAGO, I'nr which I urn miIo iiki'hI. TIiuu Imrnis iuoiiII iiiiulo rmni First Class Pittsburg Leather, Wiirmntoil. Tin Mm! lino of Dusters, lliilUC.v llolHw.mul Vlilw In tluiclty. All tlllM'KKtn 1 lllll Kl'lllllli ut Norvctiu-o Hk- uriw. TluinkliiK tilt pnlillo fur tlu-lr IUmthI imtroiiHKO in tin wt, I tilitill i'iulnior liy htrlvt Htli'iitliin to hnMnew; to iniTlt u iimi tlniiHiuvof llii'lr lUMirxlii the fimm. 1C. S. LAMPOUT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. mo whom it .MAY CeiNl'Klt.N-M). I iiw I litr'ii Hlvi'ii Unit tin tnnlfr- KbliU'd Iihm Ihvii HiNliittil mlinliilMnttor oillit' twtHli of It. A. (itwiitT lute of mi Ul iHHiniy, iliHtMHl, by thi liiinnnil)t comity court of tliVKlum ofDiVKon, fur tlio county of MurUin. All iwmhix liHXlni; cliitniH hhhIm( hmIiI tM(MUHrt licicby itHiilrtHl to lll-MM'llt llllllll llll prolKT MIUCllCl-H to tllO uiulorslgtitil Ht tlio nlluv of J. J. Murphy. (IrlKMolil'it block, ShIoiii, Dri-ifon, wlllifu l timiillm I'm m Ihc (IhIc nf ihU notltv. AI.ONZO nKSNKIt. AiluiiiiUtnelorofMtliltvtuio. r-MU'iu.Dffn., Muy II, lSwi. I!ils Wantril. TlMStAl liiteiimiiita. Itiiu,utii ..t..i..... eifMpm.wlll rwwlvo tiliU ntrtheorccilon ol h innvDUMry (ui nov nullum Im mwh Ht I Ore-aim. HliU ie'g)ok ('. si. Tm rlbt U rojrd Ui ntxt huj un.t all UlUik STATK lXbl'lUNOK UJMl'ANY, by 11. V. CHrtTUK, !-o y Hint M,tr a. b. Strang" No. Nil (AttHUiorcUl Slrvoi, SALHM, OHKtiOX. IMLM.MI l.v- STOVESand RANGES llubf; Qai iid Stoui rutin. TTnwr ml Artistic Mutl Work a Sjcklty. tsMMMU lHeIMKAl Will. HK ltw ItVTTV tlU IMT Krw imubiU. irflM wuud. theuiktiiMUBik.MiL nrmeirtW.-5.rii.!,..,. . MM "V"? """J " mmj, mu .. I - , .- ... " t IbtIm ftmWfck Will Ik- --- lllir mhiI hImii i -ii iii iu, &&K2M i- -Zm. rs- (-- PM woib! 2.7iL hp -- I-T ' ' - .r.tayairBf IBuv uiV.WUU4t f eM NUM. Boots Shoes IOK HUH iiueiiirl IIHlfl, of. Li Teen HinuiwinwIloiiH amy nmnrtDf W'ullar 1'm.ii -i.,i,., will Im chiMMt mi the l.Mli, at THE" BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT M. WADE & CO'S, 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. R. AND MANY OTHER Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and J. D. McCullyy IS KECEIVING A FINE LINE OF NG CLOTHING!! -HATS FURNISHING 24!) COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN &. CO. -DEALER IN- B O o T Le CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Fells and Furs. No. HI I'liiiiiuorclHl Strvol, SALEM, OIJECJOX HACKS -:- AND SCKIBEK O O TS r 1 TI I gB,. J) J I FimliiiK ! Ysf S s? -:- and .."i wmiiig uHin iiiumii n Capital Lumbering Company HPsl 1 g vviiiuuiip an,nt de,Unei, 10 ,n pmn si rniiigetorrlvent Ynqulnu MAM'FAITI-KKKS eK 0 w 0 Dressed and COJrtTAXTLY va-rioty Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts BOXlS. Ete. SALEM' - - Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, LEADING STYLES, Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages. AND- GOODS, ETC. SALEM. OREGON. -:- BUGGIES?! Atliu'lliu'ofliaeks, buggies, carts, rliiKt, biicklHmriN, etc. Botii our own iirnkc and the lnt niMern made buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING. e ail on tlivundei uieniianeji, wagon and car riiiKe niHkeo nd fin- .::r:,z:"j?.. ?? ai- nil uult'KSIUlins, L...ltl.. 1W i 1 ..... .". ..v-., .niriii. :,si( 13, OHLE. ANIl IK.I.KHiS IN- i Undressed. OX ha.vd:- I ; .. HRrrnM UntbUrJi ' C3 Tkl " g mm wm H. W. COX, (Suecawor to The Port Drug:Oo.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon FULL LINE CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY' FOU THK CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. S3,TUe best five cent cigar In the mn ket. II. W. COX, lonstatc Street. Safem. I nm now In the mnrket soliciting the tmdo of nil who buy their yearly supply 0f wood In the summer months. I am pre pared to saw, split und store all cord wood sold to my customers in lots from six cords to any large amount desired. A largo and well selected stock of nil kinds of wood. May and June I offer extra Inducements and It will pay you t0 call and get my prices right away. All wood corded at your place of residence or business and then stewed and stored. I also oiler extra Inducements to those who wish to buy In single cord lots by the year. My olllco is with O. W. Johnson, 235 Commer cial street, where I will be glad to see all of my old customers and many new ones Buy once with this system of handling wood and you will nlwnys continue. tl ut.u. v. UOODIIUE. DUGAN BEOS., PLUMBERS ! GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, .And'dealers In Steam ami Plumjring Goods, .132 State Street, SALEM, OREGON. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE ao to ROTAN & WHITNEY, State Street, Salem, Oregon, Having bought out the remainder of the chair factory's Mock, we nro piepared to sell chairs lower than any house In Oregon. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's btcamshlp line. 223 miles shorter, 0 hours less time than by uny ether route. First class through passenger and freight line ftotn Portland and all points In tho Wil lamette valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: The "Win. M. Hong," the "N. S. Bent ley." the"Threo Sisters," are In service for both ikisscnger nnd freight trattic bctHcen Corvullls nnil Portland nnd intermediate lxilnts, leaving company's wharf, Corvnllls and Jlessi-s. llullman i Co's wharf, 200 and 2l2 Front street, Portland, three times each week as follews: koktii heund: LoavoCorvallls, Monday, Wednesday and Fildny, U a m: arrive Salem Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 3 p si; leave Salem Tuesday, Thursdiiy nnd Saturday, 6 r m; arrive Portland, Tuebday, Thursday and .uiiiruay, him v ji. south heund: Leave Portland, Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, 0 A m; arrive Salem, .Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:15 r m; leave Salem, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8a.m; arrlvo Con-allls, Tuesday, Thurs day and Snturdny, 3:S0 v m. I TIME SCHEDULE. (Except Sundays): Ixtave Albany ISO I'M Lenre CbrvuillH 1:17 PM Arrivo Yuqulna 6:50 I'M Lenvo Ynnulna (afflAJJ Ixvo Connllls lOdBAM Arrhe Albany 11:15 AM O. .V C. trains connect at Albany and Corvnllls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA with the Oregon Development CVs Un of Steamshlpo botweon Yuqulna nnd win 1-rHnelM-o. SAIM.MI 1UTES. STKAMEIIS, FKOM 8.0J FBASCUiCO. N I lametto Vnlleyv J I amette Vnlley Wlllnmetto Valley April . May W 'ui iov May a Willamette aey.'." ."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. MW l HTKAMKUS. F1MJM YAQUISA. Willamette Valley May Wllluniette Valley May Willamette Valley. May Thlt. iiimpmiy reserves the right to ehanire filing dateb without notice. ortland and U n inuKe ciw tmln of up iiiyorCorvUft mnirfii. slioaia nntiiivi titM pvenlo l'4siijr ami Freight Kates AlwJM Jt. PorlnlbrnuetSonnpiuy to Hl'IJIAX A (v, Krelifit and TIcJWI Atrenu 4)0 and SK Front eet., IrlUend,Or. or to CO. HOOUE, Ac't e3nl Frt. 1V. AU, Ore,Hl Peecllk- It. IC e CorvllU.or- C. H. H.VSWKiaJr.fJi!'l Krt; 4 , 1W. Aft. Orapm Ievelopme-nt Co., M Montgomery rt.: Su KmneUew. tL " GENERAL BLACKSMITIIING AND Horseshoeing ! ! AU the ItuprovMl metlwxU rf h""i"S MPjmj Iiom, to oeire etkieaMw erf the tt-etloifMiutiuierrertiig.iued. Iffu! Know burM-nmn iu urvaunu niMkiiuu in an t-uJHMi, nvivr w j " J0HN KNIGHT, The Horseshoef, W CtNumenlal itrm, Mulcin, ur- Drugs and Medicines 1