'EW TO-DAY. ggg5- i XE1V ADA-EKT1SEHETS. : EVENING CAPITAL JOUKNAL I'UM.MHllll EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. HV THH Capital Journal PublWiffif Company. lCIHI1IKATBII. HIBf. 112 Pnrt fHrert, ir Hoe Hlk. TKKWB Of UMCHIlT10h DAILY One yew, by nmll.. ttj HutaUw. Iff MMMI-. - f g Tareo monltw by mail .- 1 14 I WIWK6Y, cww tww. ? Wi imihiIm ... 1 Thn iiln( .... a. jaMtMtmarter twe aHthottfeil to "' reive ubcrlpUiii. 3Kiiterel u nron(J-elMi mutter st lli Hottin,orKHi, 1'wtlolllee, lreli 8. 18f. TUISSDAY, MAY 8, 1888. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. OmtfrtwHMn, IUN'lljIt HHItMAN.V. Htiprwne Judge, W. V. 1.01(1), I'rtaOtlwitlHl KUwtor, iioniiitr jicm.v, Wll. JUI'l'S, r. w. FUJ10W. rrMailmrAltory 'llilnl )). 11. 11. iiiiwrrr. MARION COUNTY REPUBUCAH TICKET. nrrnrTinr, J. It. WAI.tiO, MMlny. T. T. OKKW, WltrfluB. i. I). VIJ0K, Mh. H. MYMAN, WamHwrH. Wu. AIIMHrHHMO, aoslli 8Ihii. HiMitr, 11 M. CIIOIIIVX, IMlfm. V3.M.K, r. j. jivnoocK, hi1m. J. II. HTAHK. )fet liilfW. A. 0. CONIUT, Aillvill(-. iKgHaMM, A, J-. IIUOKLHHV. MlfMlnH. oeNMHflt, A. ,11. COBRU.1IM, MirhW. VT. T (IKTM, HiiM). h' mom, h mnvummn, II. W. YOlHiH. WlwttM. tU'HI'TOR, w. j. cm.vrit. ttMi aiw. WHVlNMI, Dr. II. 0. UYMXU. Wo.IUllrn. iioinii 'in Tin; mii'ium. WI11111 h iHiiuiiiiinlty want tnliiHini a htnto (ir city, tlu In! uhiiiih ti Miliijit Im to t t tin mMiiVH of Miiiply. DUtrllmlliiK rwoiinv impcr and jiMiiiililH(iliilluiuirtliwixU'rimtnt will attrai't tli iituuitlnii of tliim mini; lint tuwiiil iiKtitM to ICuroK mill cHtt'li tlif fuMim t'iulurniit Ikw flim tlu-y liwvo tlii'lr Immiw Im iiihU In aaauraiit'e iluulily nun'. I.at MwkH Vfawl nrrlvwl In N'v York carrying 7t)0 wuMiK't, Himing wlniui wim h Miiy of aiHKicniiMUH Mini HvumllimvlniiH, uiuliT Wmrx" of w)lotilttl.iiu(p'iit, tlic wIioknirty with tlrkru Umgl.t tlinmHli n Wellington (orrliory. TliUUhanlly littliiHt intTrl'. Tlie NnriliiTii Carlrlu, In unU-r to Iiu-ivmm Ha m migi'T tntltlc, U llKU)(vt 111 thin wil nlmUon mlu-iiu', ami tlu mlvnntM IP of WimIiIukIoii trrilory n wt Uftr tlu Ititi'iutlHir I'liilKrwnt nIh lliin Mini In n platv wlwrv liu wniMit oiitntii ftill liifiinimtlon. Ily Mich iiithim II10 wolllilu tlmt torritorj hri nvcr rmu'tltM, uixl lli mttUn whunri' lU-kluif In mfiiiit tolwilU MipliiUt. TlicOnKn lnlKnttluit UuNTtt Uhhm limn itlMtl'incd lii '(Vipoma to turn tlMtltwuhitHl tiumlftrHttUn thl ,), luit iiiuvli uuiHxmr.v pxpenm' mul tl.unri.rt Im lultlctell mi 11 cImm uf ptMik Im itn Iwntl' lu a iMMlllmi to imt mhuiuI JuIkiiiiiI. The KM(ile of I'orllaiul woukt ilo lUr to wild n utMti to (N'imiiUHKfii wlifw li i-ouUI ri'tit'li l ho t'lulnuil in Uhms tun! tluw dlnvt u ihuiIoii of (Im tntUiwiiig tn4iiii. Ir tt-MHiiiimiinMl m nhort ttutv ago wm.. aivwij .M- lutu in K Htwwrj ltHiw ur ouiigivw wr ttminawaf lriit Uieir 4utUtiuv mi tbe tartfl tjumttoii. 'I glvi i1im awhtUoiM taioMiuMi i thaiHx' to talk, vwulug MHMtoiw wv hf M. n ofttory llown lu tuio fontiiiiKXM dream. am WediMfvilay i'ViIiik, w rv tuld, lx mtniitioni wttv pivwiit, two of hIioau, Mr. 8uuart, uftldtityia, awl Mr. iHirU, of MaMM'huMHU, matk tarttraiimvlMM. Wliat th othrr ftwr utomtwM vvrf oltij, iua- U kft t !l iwaiuitUi. IlNHtlnc lh rtut act ha uo wcU mcay In dUtxtralag rfttwt! a on ott rtwliiouwl talk mi ttwtartlt IHwr-l MM.MtKX'KM : V 1 1 h I u ftjf Wii lHwr tbo youna- f i-soaltf havv MitaH-rilxil iwarty ekvi liu nil dollar uf a (uud uf lwlv tLi,'iuaint, Air a U Ibr a Yuuuy Mu' trt-llai AwaaUao bwUd inf. rturii a aubwrttMiaM miIIim4 lut.Htilf Ittvll U UHtVOMlMUMl tt tin- r..i-tlk naA. lucUMila Hkw ihio xjtal wfay II lallMHl MMOtla W Mm n -t pmgwailya om ! Um A IX TALK AM NO CIOKIt. A ileinocnitlc Hicker ought t lx) mliainwl to look an audience in the face and niontion the word taritr. For ten yearn the lower branch of emigre! has lieen in deniocratic Imnilc, and the country has been looking for a revinion of the taritr; hut the democrat!" membeni liave kj little heart In the ficat reform they prate iilnrtit that nothing has liecn done Two miecetwive attempts have lK-eu made by Morrlwm to reduce exceanlvu linjiort rates by a horizon tal cut. Tlili ii the fairewt way of abHtlng im evil, and Mn, like the gentle rain, on the Jut and the 1111 JiiHt. JJut they were K-arcd from their purjHHW by a howl raied in various (pairlcr, and Mr. MorrlMin, wlio nhoved farm horcc m-iihc in his niannerofgettlngaroundadilllculty, has licen relegated to private life. ThodemocratH are too pusillanimous and time nerving to face opjK)itlon, and when a revUion U made in the taritr, It will come from republican hands. This Is the only progressive party and reforms have to come from that wiiirce. Talk Is cheap, and we hear too much of it on the stump and at street comers; the republicans Imvetheeoiimgooftlielrconvictioni', and when they make up their minds to do a thing something has to give way. . A WHAUHOMH MJIMIXT. Ih tills long sullering people to bo allllctcd with a tarill" dii-cuion all through the (iuiiiiilgii'.' Cleveland has been guilty of many grave oHenses, but ills tarlll' message to eongronw, which has sent every newr pHpfredltonind political speaker cni .y about eiiHtoni dues, is such a rellne iniint of cruelty that adequate pun ishment cannot be meted out to him. At the democratic talk last night three or four hundred uiioHendlug pernous were aweiiibled, thinking to hoar a lively raking over, and a few personalities, iierclmiice, to give est to the hainiiiet. Hut they wcro condemned 10 me inmeuoii 01 a larni discourse. United States census re- porls for It fly years Imckwcivhrnught down from their dusty shelves, and llgures and percentages thrown at an audience who showed by their wearied looks how much they suf feied from the numerical liomTiurd inenl. It would be 11 mercy if we could have autocratic rule lor the next six mouths, and ovorv political spun ker refused the privilege of ad dressing an audience unless lie entered Into his own recognlz-niiees not to mention (mm. Tin: CvriTAi. .Iouunai. Is the victim of discrimination. A few weeks ago we bid against taeSlatus- man for the city prlntliiK, and the tsiuneil awardisl the contract to our eotcni,, helK'Ingtlui hlghent bidder. I jiti'i' we put in our bid to publish the deliuipieiit tax list, the Stutcri nmii Hgnln being our competitor, and tlwt Journal agalu ixntdvcnl tlie iNiiitravt, on the ground that It was the lowtwt bidder. This is confus ing. Iel us uudertttaud by what mW is in tracts an' to 1k awartliMl. If the city lias one rule of acting, ami the county follows an opjs.sltc rule, lliowtt btddera who iirv outside ll ring are prettA1 ivrtaln to l lelt. It' a poor rule that won't work lsith ways; but when both waya have the appearance of favorltiaiu, their itntriUare not vialble to the un initiated. The rultM tliat govern award aiiould K- nwdu known In advaiuv. Tin: Sunday Welcome u,s, " lIo)MniliitMi Im not eoullned to tlie democratic ctinirreMKloixal eamlt- date," which e ixuniiiend as a ian- dld trull). UopefuliKw also poa- tllt auul of Uie IVlMllilloau eouKnMHuual iwiulidatr, and aa be Ium varutnl the support of every uu- prUilletHl voter lu Oregon by Iwllh nil and fulcleiil Mtr'ktw luixaiunaa. Ill hoalulmaaor vMor at lheHll im iwaeU ou a sure ftaiadatlou. Mr. Uearln may U trusted b inaketh twat tight Im ran. lajl llennnuu It the law! ruuuer and will kva hk e-uuja'tltor a kat waj- lu ttw rear. limn ikiii JubixHliattuek reutleivil a deela loo lu dt)MrtUh'nt No. I., olreull waift In Portland, yeaiwrdoy, In tin iwaeirf IMatrtit Attorney 11. V. 1UU va W. W. rtpauhtlnyaud fkwlaud RurkwvU, biMhtauMMi for Dr. laivta, wlw waa ludlettvl of iuanlnuahter hy alorikm, Uy the grand Jur- if thUixHim.v, l Molr, iu Aixor of ". iw the auui of fct,00U,ad eata. ' J". 4HJII Chimlr)tudly)Ya nk iMhat luuna mmiI battle t Uu- lh ualUiMt, aud. ft I d. aajr It mywir, I waaoutfofUia wen vholwl tha way." r'lh0'adtturlikri-'Whal Ual Mr waa it, IhuuWy BtUI Huur'-New su" 1 an 1. n-atysMJSB? U1JE. tW&Szs-? -. A- -..-n -m I .. 1 LANDS AM) BWJIK3. lr--i Marion county is 8tu.1..,J,,,M neart of the magnificent ilfainaHf valley, the central gem in the chr terof rich counties that form Hurt princely domain, and is thebaniMr commonwealth of the great .north west in all the ceMntia h t it go to wards making it a profitable, abiding place, and a home for the thrifty farmer, the cunning artisan and tl.i industrious mechanic. lllcli in its agricultural resources in Its cultivated and uncultivatul lands, in its water powers, nnd minerals; rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and with n climate unsuirpawcd for its salubrity, it prtent to tho immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, who comes to the coast with mmiio means, advantages Hint no other cotintv in Oregon poesc8. Much has icen written of this western country that requires a -.tretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints ire heard from tho class who have been misled by them, bo in this brief sketch tho writer desires to avoid exageratlon as to its present and prosjiective advantages, asking those in the east into whose hands tills may fail particularly those wlio have thelrcyes directed towards this coast to pcrubo it carefully, feeling that It is not written to hire immigrants within its borders, but only as a truthful inscription of a lunil which, if it docs not "How milk and honey," contains within Its bosom wealth and resources equal to any other country on the Pacific dido of the Itocky mountains. norxDAitiES. Marlon county is bounded on the north by the Willamette river ami Untie creek which separates it from Clackamas county; on the cast by Clackamas county and the Cascade mountains, which separate it from Wiikco county; on the south by the t-'antliim river and the north fork of the Saiitiam, Mmarnttng It from Linn county.and on the west by the Willamette river. 1'JIYKICAI, FOHMATIOX. The county contains, Includii., valley, prairie and mountain hinctt about 0 10,000 acres. There arc two main divisions, tin mountain and the valley. Th. latter extends from tho AVillaniett' river to tho foot of tho Cusesn'' mountains, 11 distnnco of about 11 -teen miles. The mountainous portion contali r some fourteen townships of mohli unsurveyed land; lying In a str.j twelve miles north nnd south b forty miles cast and west, and con, prises all classes of land, from rltli narrow valleys In tho passes, up through all tho grades of rolling hilly and broken, to that of nuU boiind canyons nnd Inueeessib'e craggy peaks. It is generally henvii, timbered, and lu tho near futn 1 will be valuable for its lumber su piles. These hills nnd mountaii rJlhrd a wonderful miniiner ruiut for stock, and many of tho more e. terprislng fanners aroavalling tlicc selves of this ojiportunlty, and win n the cold frosts 01 autumn nppnuicli the stiH'k aro brought out to fresh IMistures, thus enabling them to sm vive the whiter storms with Utile care. (IKKAT ADVANTAOKS. A decided advantage Marlon cor 11 tv has over many others is the di-vci-slllwl farming Interest that can be carried on tlirouglit the cntiu voar; notwlthstbndlng this Is a w climate during tho w-lnter liumtlw the uplands are Ktldoni too wet 1 work, and long liefore the pni' fiinneiy are through with their s i ,: Inn, the hill fanner Is pivimrini; i 1 his Miiunier work. And yet tin low lands are much preferred 1. many; the yield iwaere Is gem m!1; greater, and jierhajw leiw lalKir Is if iiirisl to place the aoll In pro, . 1 condition for crops; and then should 1 he frcumm prove, dry, the botton. lituda aw sure to bring the ( eiMiia. No better farming land cii' U round in tho I'nltwl Mates tlu'i. lUat oil the noted Howell trair.c. t ivnch prairie, Santlam prairie an! sdem prairie. The soil or these an wonderfully iirtMhietlw. With ps d ciiltlvallou, forty IntslieUof wheal iiid alty of oata jier aero can Ik' i 'udlli' MoourtHl. KAl'ILITIIM Kt)R MAKKin1. The Willamette river, with two '. 1111 of railroad running the entile eiigth of ilia itauity from north to .uth, with Ui Oregon l'aclnc n.d i.tuwlug the aoutheoat corner of the ,-ounty, afford ampla faeilltUK to ixeh a market In any dlreetiou. SAI-K.M U the capital of the stati au -- iint.v eat of Martou eountv, situ ..id oil the Willamette river and 11 tlie (). C. railroad. Wtl . ulldluga haw been erected, hiiiuii; which the atate caultol bulldiui:, tuutywKirthouae, Ciu'incketcltoiol, pera houae, uew public sihool ulldliut, Catholic chtal building, MethaiUt church, Willamette I'ui veivlty, and many private residence -ml tmaluiMi bwoka. which will compare favorably with older ,.i-.: Urjrer eltiea. OKKKICVU All thiuH WMUidand.theWllIam .tie valWy haa tha beat couutrv in 1 be wiurlo, and Marion couutv U ..Uait wnteraUy located therein. To Iheae aeeking homes In the wwt, Mi tatter opportunitkw ran be ottered, than an found hare. Peraona dealrlug Information regarding Marion county or thv Willamette valley, thoaw vranting farminf lauUa, atuek tarnu, buainca property or oity reakWnoea, will be prompth" and relhtbly Informed by a&trmluff the wU known Arm of Wllllia Chambttiln, rani wtate utrntn. "'erahonu bloak, Baku) on .-. Mr Vmiv n th riMHttt a x xr t- Warxhi. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S, 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. AND MANY OTHER Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and nusinx msj uia-WJ- J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF I-I AT S r -AND- FURNISHING 24!) COMMERCIAL STREET, t. UJtt JMIHI1I ' ligJXJgB ,ra IHMJ.UHBTT'" """" WIKI. BROWN & CO. -deai,i:b in- B I O I O j T j S O U H Ik o f o I WTlh 11" A i y ""fr ti y Lcatliei' mill Minis ! u CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Pure. No. 'M Coiniiu'ri'lr.l Stnvt, SALEM, - - OREGON. HACKS -:- AND 25-e52S2S 3 1 lig&MW Vl TWWI lirf JJM jSckihkr -:- and -:- Pohle. IMWIWWMWWMPWHWMWWWWWWWIMMa--,. Capital Lumbering, Company! MAMrtUCTVBKHa of WW vanniv Dressed and T 'J 1 nil iv in -COMftUm.T OK MAXWI Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Etc. SALEM Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, LEADING STYLES. Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages. GOODS, ETC. - - SALEM, OREGON. "ltrT'llJ 'injJUJJUSWmmWJC3SiMJMlTVSax fj2'-i. Y -;- BUGGIES A flue line r hnokii, buirales, cHrU.iwi-. rtai. bartU-nU, ilv. ti, our 'own make nnd the bot eateni made liucalei! Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING, t'atl nn tin nnriMKimioii . a rl.,rm,iU. . and iSartSiBKJfiK.K or AND OEALER8 l Orcpn Ink Undressed. OREGON, AW Of M JK Conservatory of Music of "Willnmcto "University. FIRST PUBLIC CONCERT MISS FRANKEE P. JONES And pupils, Assisted by MRS. W. 1 WETZELL, OF PORTLAND, Miss Nettle Loul'oBrown, Prof. J. II. Coomer Mr. J. II. Ross, and Z. M. Parvln. Wednesday Evening, May 9,. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. PART I. Orchestra Andajito and Allegro Vivace, from Over ture to William Tell .Kessinl-SchmldD Muses Dalrymple, Hughes, Breyman and Rey nolds. Grand Vnlse Brillanto . ,. . Chopin Mlssfcdith Hughes. 01osCriollos(DaHCO Cubalne) . Gottschslk Misses Kate Reynolds and Jessie Dalrymple. Ernanl, Ernanl lnvolaml . Verdi Mrs.W. A.Vctiell. Les Couriers , . .... Hitter Miss Jessie Dalrymple. The JolUest Boys Alive . . Emerson Messrs. Parvln, Bagley, Cooke and Burke. Maiden's Blush waltz . . Kinkel Misses Jessie Iircymsn. Ethel Crane, Um(f Hlrsch aud Blanche Woodford. Linda deChamouny(Fantasie) . .Donliettl-Huntea Mrs. L. Kuan. S Carnival of Venice . ... . Hartman Prof. J M Coomcr PART II Last Rose of 8ummor. . ... ... .Dressier Misses Lulu Smith and Lena Breyman Moonlight Sonata (last two movements) Beethoven Miss Laura Qoltrn. Reading (selected) .... Nettle Louise Brown Concert. Stucke, Op. 79 Weber Miss Froukio P Jones Bobolink ... , RIshep Mra Wetzcll Wollenhaupfs Grand Concert March Berg Mrs. Krausse, Mlsi-es Moores, Scnber and Moores. Vocal solo (selected) Mr J II Ross Sounds from the Ohio MerE Misses Lulu Hlrsch, Jessie Breyman, Mabel Adair nnd Ji'anctte Meredith Admission, 60 cents. Reserved seats now on sale at Patton's book itore. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis & Chamberlain. 60 ncroH, 3 miles from Salem, highly cultivated ...--- JOOOCt -I lots, good house and barn, Iuist tea- lem - - - - 2S00 5 lots, finely situated . lToO 800 acres 21 miles fiom Salem, well improved, enn bo divided into 8 or four tracts -.lO.OOJ 200 acres 8 miles from south of Salem, fair lmprovememcnts.fine timber and water ---- ZJ 1 block of land. :i houses, rent for 812 each, pays interest on S40UO 30OB SO nrres S5 miles south of Salem, fair Imnrnvpinnntl . --00 5 acres adjoining city limits, in meadow --,--. 1JW 1 lot, good house and barn, adjoining eouit liuuso block loolr 1 acre, Salem, new houso nnd barn, plenty of small fruit . 2000 The foregoing is but a partinl list of the bargains we have to oiler. "WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera Houhe, Court Street, Salem. ' TirHcalTWooir I am now in the market soliciting th( trade of all who buy their yearly feupply of wood In tlio summer months. I am pre pared to saw, split nnd store all cord wood wild to my customers In lots from six cords to any large amount desired. A large nnd well selected stock of all kinds of wood. May and Juno I oirer extra .Inducements nnd it will pay you to rail midget my prices right away, ah wood corded at your placo of residence or business and then sawed nnd stored. I also oiler extra inducements to those wlio wish to buy in slnglo cord lots by tho year. My offlco is with G.V. Johnson, SK Commer cial stivcl, where I will bo glad to see all of my old customers and many new ones, liny once with this system of handling wild and you ill always continue. Bills Wanted! tup (state insurance company 01 nu, .. ...111 I 1.1.1.. e l.n nntnllnn HI wu-Kiui, miii iecuiu IflllM llll tllCWlltn".. "' u throe story (brick nnd mansard roof), i; hit iiiuiuuig. 1'ians nmispcciuuiiii"iia "j be si-cn at the olllcotif Walter Puzli.Salcm, !lrn.nr. Ulil. will l.. ,.liwn,1 nil till' 15tll. lit 2 o'clock i. m. , ,, me right Is rt-er ed to lejeet nny ami nn bids. bl'ATK IXSUKAKCl! COMPAKY, by II. V. Coitlk, So'y nnd Mgr. Proposals For Wood. CJEALKI) PROPOSALS WUJi HE RE Qcetvedat the office of the secretary or tt until 12 m of May 00. 1S for the de- llvnrv fin ,,r liol.,. Tulv- IR nn tl,A PJlllltOl riindu, oflBO conls of oak and 75 cords of wood. unk must be either grub or Round bouj timber cut from thrifty trees nnd not more than six months cut. Kir must be cut trom live tree. All wood uumt be four feet long, reasona bly straight and not less than 2Thiches In diameter. Hcparate bids Mill be received at the aame time and pluce for cutting Into three lengths the above wood, and storing the same In the capltol building ; storage to be witijuletcd by .September 1st. All bids will be opened at the above oinee at a p. m May HOth. 1888. GEO. V. McHRIPK, Hecretary orwate. DUGAN BROS., PLUMBERS ! GAS AND STEAM FITTBIIS, t - And dMtoni In Sternn M() HwabUg Goails, -.lSHte Street 8ALEM, ; ; t ; OREGON. FX)H BARGAINS IN lURN ITU RE i TO KU1AN . 'HITKY. SUlc Street, Satan, Ongta. Ha lnj huught out the reiaittnder ut t eualr fcrtiry, t,Kk, we an- un-pred ' Ml chain, lotrlhuan boui iuireoi. :