I", 1,1 EVKXIXfl CAPITAL JOUKNAL I'UHMHI EVERY EVENIN8 EXCEPT SUNDAY. MY TH Capital Jaurnal PuMWiIng Company. (f MXtKttMATKII. ) um, 11 Cwrl Mint. Opwa Ml. tkww ok avmcHuviott ltAII.T On 7w, l)jr malL i iuonilw.br mmu .... tm i u im monllK by MML r mw lwm brawler-. ( VMHU.T Oie jrear Mix month litre hkwHIu-. jaw .11 . so jrvltiotMUMteK sre ftutliomeJ ftv autncflJiUoiM. a to n Halmi.OHmOH, VatUMU. Mutch S. 1M. FJtllMV, aiAY I, !. HEPU8L1MN STATE TICKET. OottftfMtiMM, JIIXOISK JIHItMANN. ftoprane Judge, W. I'. LOHD. 1'raUdflnUal Bksctow, HOHKRT XUMCAN, WM. KAI't'H. c. w. vvvrox. IWMMutliif Attorney TlilrU DtoU, u. ii. ituwirr. VARION COUNTY HEPU1UCAN TICKET. Mtmmunmn, 3. II. WAMW. Mtlr. 'J', 'f. OEBK, ltuB. J, Q, WIUKX, Hli. t. I.AYMAK. Woudbutn. Wv. AHMUIKOKO, Sou 111 Men. MMUT. Ji X. OBOIilN, atltro. 1', J. HABCOOK, felMB. sagoMWS, J. Jl. STAB", Serf (ltu. fMtflIIUt. A. 0. CONDIT, AwattrlUe. 4HMna. A. 1'. IIUCKWlDr, Mltmtnn. OOMHJMMnllMX. A. ill. OOMIEMUa, Wilton. IV. T OMIM, lluUard. kjhoui. mrmi'it ui:nt, I). W. YODKIl, Wltwluu. W. J. OUI.VKIt, Kul H.lmi. (XIMlhltl, 1IH. II. C. 1IVI.AM1. W.-ilbuni. A I'OltUHII r.MlAI.I.CI.. Hollo ICIrk liryitii, In IiIh llliiHtnttcil liKlliin) (in WwliiiMluy nvuiiliiK ilrow h MtgKtwIlvti immlldl lii'(v(H'ii (ho fiiriiier mIhiIIIIiiii jmrly and tlu pri ui( (irolillMlliin ily, In tln ciimii lailvv vli HiHinlitxl In Mii'melvK lmtlikntlMl rlrclloim. 'riii llrnt vulo m)IIh! for C I it ii1m)IIII(iii iiiii(lhlnto III I KM, wmm IO,(HMI; hiiiI llu volu iniIIih! fur tli Ural ruliillfloii i'inllilnH In IHfMI, wiw I lie u III', In ItMinil lllllll Iwra. Ill 1H"W tln viiUlljr Nll-tMlKtll uf t lt mIniIHIiiiiImCh wan ovt-r lAO.fKX), inl In 1NM the villi' (miIUhI for St. J)m wamtiiial In nuntU'i. In HAd, KlYIIIIMlt WiwMiKitllll with 1,XX, mW votoa, unil he I'luliiiH t )ml den. Ktnlus win. U UMy to W the jtrolil Itltltm ttaiiitlitaU, will rm'lvi' the Miuit nuiuUr of voim nf xt Nnvtmt lMr. In 1NU0, Alintlmm Iinouli won l ho Mtllwii'y, mitt Mr. llrymi tWHItiMM tlm( the JlMllllilUoll mllm will luive knIihmI mu'Ii inxnilirul luiT Kttvnj(tli ilurtiitf t)u noxt uul xvwiv to vht't Ita fwuliiliile to the whlU'hmwo, It will U- HitmllUil Uwt (hit In n lllxrul tuuuuttlMi; but If wt KHtut hln IlKurtw ti U t rut, tlu prniiiliMi nrv nmg mi which M iwloulmlun U lituKHl. (kn. Knniont wh iitituliutitxt not mm nii oupoiiont ufiittulUtouliaii, luit Trt pubtknuiiMii. llHUUItltn jmriy IkIuk mcrgiM In tlu olil whltf rty mut hucIi othor (ulblt tuurUl km (xumUluttsl Uu nww pulithwl .irvHitiuttlon which, ftur ymin thtrvJUr, t'hU't.l mi WUtuliTfUl riUilllh. 11 Uirtuivr thou imlultl in, wlutl iiniy l iiilltHi, oi(JtrttinU ) IHUHI IWIIIHir). 1 1 IIMI IWI'll nHillhmii, he wttii, iuiU hU ymM thk wwrv with tlwt ittrty wMKinNt tin ivtuucnMvv. TU' Mitw tf th wiltl water dUiU wouhl involve ' the dUmlutioti itf one of I lie )ircwut j ureal uanlea, ami he Uotl It wouhl I the rMtuhllojui irtv. In Die rnuulr)', at the retit lime, he I cMnietl, ami we think mMuiwbly, ' liter were cinauth vot who fcvorwi the abolUiou of Uw Ikittur tnUOc, ki uuiutiuiber ail others, tu m UMtkituil teel, If they would vol ihwtr (XMtvMkwa on thtt bMte. Hwl iMrty lUWtrbuuv withhold the I will rulre . , -r HUmL- ' IuUum to UuUie litem km, fruw their . "-- till.. . .k f ami nuuw them ttlMleriWiMuimMieelMUMr. ' natttmte. aaiiM the kMuref. aru- MMitL 11 kuma Im iwwMuUred thai ' lh Awrrtnatt o& mm ktahlw lu their haUU,aud nut a4UirKtia uinm klra. When the 4uo; Uwy iwawMai tllf with Uvlng , i.av an ttw Mind of the Monfoof U nrth-ra t.and thTMii o tin, hMran of U MkJTl t-iiii)riiile,follwlythoitruawle lo extend the foul Institution imo Kaunas, convinced tlwin of the dan ger in which our free institutions wore placed, the republican iri wiw fonnwl to prevent the extenrion of alave territory. They aimed at nothing violent or Impractlaibk',ljut Iwllevetl that by hemming In the LHinflneH of wlavcry they doomed it to virtual extinction. And Mich we believe will be the future of the prohibition irty. We accept Mr. Jlryan'a estimate of the number of voter in thin country who are opol to tho liquor tmlllc, but wo do not accept IiIh liojieful convic lion that in four yearn they will all hMtfune urohlbltlonlatH. Nine outof ten of Uicmj believe that the evil can le dealt with and ultimately nbol iHhetl by meaiiBwlilch the judgment approves as reasonnble and slHtcMimnllke. The umj of text iKxiks on phyHlology In our public Miliaria Ih educating a future gcMiPrallon oralwlalniTM from strong drink ; tho ImiKinliig or a high 11 coiim, with other reatrletlw regu lations, 1m relieving the Ilqtfbr binl nuKf) of Ha worst fi-aturea ; and anoth er imiHirlmit step is the adojitlon or h prohibition itiueiidmciil in Hiom stntow where public opinion is ad vanced enough to sustain It. Therein r.n intcmiierance ofre formiiHwell iw un lnteiiiieraiireof iil)lielite,iiiid excess should be guard- tied iignlnst In any popular move ment. Ills said that In .Miuiumi strong opKHltloii to prohibition has been excited by the recent passage of n law prohibiting the manufac ture and Hilo of filler. The fanners, by this inleinpemlc measure, llml their Industry Interfered with, and in their vexation at such unwise ikwI, a number revolt at the whole prohibition Imslmiw. And when unprincipled men, like WalterTliom- iw Mills, go about the country intru ding cooked statistics, and bearing falso testimony against the enforce ment of (lie prohibition laws In Iowa anil Kansas, he gains no strength to his caiise,bui creates distrust because the people naturally rejwta witness whoo word cannot be trusted. If prophecy may bo Indulged, we venture to predict that the prohibi tion Mirty. like the former abolition ists, will be merged In an organiza tion that has greater breadth ; one that din not exclude the vast army of voters who aim at reform, but tlo not t'xpvi.'t to make the world good In a day. VII lUMTOIl .M.MINiriKTII OITK'li. Ills TllK ('AI'lTAI. .loi'KNAl. I'o. IllklW jiU'imiuv In InfnrinliiKllirrkMulH uml jmtnuiK that It let nmklujf wry unitl fylK itrtirt In Kh IuihIiiww. Sul mTllHTtt In town mill ixniiitry nrt mlilhiK tliolr nit i ir dully, mid our mlvertlnlntr imtronitjtt' Ih 1hIiik ul tttiintitilly lnuittvmtl. 'l'lu iui'mwo ttf thi" imhlltthtT U to jilv llii'lr mulcm h llvu Mini Utttfiit Jmirtinl; It IimiI tHtlumiiH well HI Its I with tln ilnily tloiiiKM In our city and lu-lgli-borhiMMi, uml ltd iilltoilnl m k- VotHltotllfrt0Uvltlt.HIldllllll'llllMUH of tiu day. Our rltliuMiK hnvi awk i'ihhI Ui tho fttit that hi thin locality ami in tin wholi- VllluintU valley, to tkf a iiumv isniirvlitnilvt view,, h flfltl In titlVml for iiniiuiiM ilevel ounnt In HtfrlcultiirHl and inaitn facluriiiK liiUuntry, which luu not hwn iHrljf act iH'forc the worltl. Thi daily iHw)in)Mr in the iiHMt cAlcicut lutiliuni for iMililbthiug aliMiul nuch uHrtuiilticM for the NUMvaMrul cxerclm of cauital and lalrnr, tuiA our columua Imvo Ucu ilaily iloN-ottnt to (his unerul exhibit. A tlally iMw)wicr lat admit umI to the hoiiHul bumlnvva jilact of it muleiii with the uurewne aetxirdeil to u Intimate Mend. 1V luxtlfv I Ilia votiAiti'UCH it ahouhl p on it iliiiiAlnaliiiir errand with a cheerful tone, tllmuaaillK utattmiUy thoae kuU !jeU thai all are iMereatcd in, In- 4UtiiiK i"llte and atwtalulnjrfroni Mwimoulouii Knoualltkw. 1 1 uoum be well Infuriuwl, UU-nU hi Hh4iW ami well hml. I'o rub tt" '"" iMUlrvmeuta hm Uwu the "" UWl puuibateiv ami huw they have MiMveded ill ttveir efltwi mn bmt I determined by (he character of the ixKtuueiiU that eniue la their Mts A buaiueNi man iu ihkt vUy y: 1 like your ilrrtuit uu th eJtv taiuctl. Wv wiiui eWn aiiwl ami iffStSiXSS U oui on iImI line, ami yon wllladu tB4d. al.wI u III .k .11 - A he gwd III of allytmr kmImk Smu " u,,lr. fMK'' Ma T' wUI of all x.mr muleraT A real uu. Arm ortlered & eoiita uf rvm Mjjh' edtllon. One of tt nMtubK Nttwukwd: Warendlu utenotM to droit. JJ,,' Uakjrwed to hrinx RJla!2?, ithr are two il rikUJtW,rr.U,4.v,,v uffSli VmiSW ..otnun Rtul (ha settler. Keen up tills racket, aild wo shall find us for a good many of your jiapers. A city preacher came into our ofllce yesterday and said: That article you published yester day describing the visit of your re porter to the Jst Salem school, lotli my wife and I read with great interest. You promise to continue such articles. I want to tell you tliev will l)ea very UM.'ful feature In vour mper, and if you want to make friends you could not adopt a better course. lie turned to go, but returning, said, "I have lieon dead heading your ii)er for some time jwst. Lt me pay niy suljscriptiou for six months, that will 1x3 tho most sub stantial way of showing my ap proval." And he put down his money liken little man. We received a list of live subscrib ers from McCoy the other day, Un friend who sent the list, remarking in his letter: The courteous manner In which vou treat us prohibitionists is mak ing many friends for your paper. We do not ohiect to argument de signed to convince us of tho error of our ways, we rather court it; because we believe we are right and do not fear the force of any discussion. But our numbers are rcfiicctablc enough to entitle us to courteous treatment, and any ill mannered scribe that assails us with abuse- will find ids render deserting him. We could multiply these pleasant sayings, but the above are enough to show that Tin: Capita i. Jorn-. nai. is pursuing the right course, and that the ellbrts of the publishers to give the people of Paloni a good and progressive newspaper arc pnij) crly appreciated. Tho liberal en couragement they are receiving will Incite to further eilort, and they believe it is. not idle boast to siy that at no distant time this journal will step to the front as tho leading newspaper of Marlon county. Tu i: iron chancellor on "Wednes day held a private conference with Carl ychuiv. which lasted niiiily three hours. This distiugiii-hcd American eiti.cn went into exile because of hisadvanced liberal views and his joining in an armed en deavor to vindlcatejclvic rights. In tills country as a statesman and a soliliur lie lias gained riio experience and the methods or popular rule, and during tho long talk !hc had with the German minister there is no doubt that lie imparted much valuable; council. The present em peror Is devoting his wasting ener gies to formulating a more liberal constitution for tho Ccrinmi people, anil IT ltisiiiarck is at all in syni pulhy with tills fiiudiimentiil con iwslon to (lie political demands of his follow countrymen, this talk Willi w) experienced anil enlight ened an American statesman can not fall to'bo'of great service. The exiled revolutionist, taken as emm selor to a despotic, prince, is a mov ing evidence of the progrew. of the times. The Oregon City Courier ays it Is a risky business to gamble in (tota tin, ami shows the risk in the fol lowing statement: A potato fanner hereabout recently shlpited flOO wieki of spuds to San Kmnelneo, where theyareailriigiu the market. Another fanner stopped with a wagon load of theaame article lief-we the door of a I'ortlaml merchant ami ked what he would give. Tlie re ply wtut he would give nothing. Krt day laat .VW sacks were shipped from SaU'itt to Chk-ago wliere i tatoa an $1.5(1 per buslicl ; but think of the frieght. Wk are indebted to nator Mitchell for a vtiluablc document, giving the tarltt'oit imports Into the rnllttl Htalcit and the free list, u wuitaliUHt ui the act of March 1. lKMt;alaoUic Hawaiian rtriprooity inary ami cxtraeU from the nai gallon ami oktmiargariiic ttfi. Tlik publication Id llldlapeliMiblc to thW9 who dealre au liitelllgeiit umlnr- ttlauillnir of the tarltfqus(Uin. DUOAN nuos., L U MM bZ R S GAS AND STKAM rTITEKS, Ana dMOwo tn Sttww hikI PluiHlihij; (imuls, UlMatoMivrt, SALKM, : : : : OltKtlOK. FOR KAMCiAINS IN U RN1TUKE WO TO KOTAN W1IITN1CY. lUvuw btatchl oal lb rruaimlj, ttt il. -il Un am r ikwt ay iKHuTTiiJJJ. LANDS AXU HOMES. rainn county is situated in the nSu'e magnificent Willamette vaTleyl the central gem in the clus ter of rich oountiw that fonn that princely domain, and is the banner commouwenlth of tho great north welt In all the essentials that go . to- mis making it VS iilace, and a home for the thnltj fir, the cunning artisan aud the industrious mechanic. Hicli In its agricultural resources in its cultivated aud unculmatcu. .anils, in its water powers, ant minerals; rich in its colleges mid schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for its salubrity, it presents to tho immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters ami hot summers, witn terrible cyclones, prevail, wlio comes to the coast with Mine means, advantages that no otlicr ounty in Oregon possesses. Much has been written of this western country that requires a treteh of the imagination to cpni rehend, and numerous complaints .re heard from the class who have lK.-en misled by them, so in this i.rief sketcli the writer desires to avoid exageratiou as to its present and prospective advantages, asking those in the east into whose hands this may fall particularly Uioh who have their eyes directed towards this coast to peruse it carefully, celing that it is not written to lure immigrants within its borders, but ..iilv as a truthful discription of a Uml which, If it does not "1 low milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealth and resources equal to any other country on the Pacillc aide of tho Kocky mountains. IIOI'JCDAIUES. Marion county is bounded on the north bv the Willamette river and Jutte creek which separates it from . iMPkniniiH ceuntv: on the oast by ( lackanms county and the Cascade mountains, which separate it from Wasco county; on the south by the Miutiam river and the north fork of the uutinm, separating it from Linn county.and on the west by the Willamette river. physical formation. The-county contains, including valley, prairie and mountain lands, about DjO.OOO acres. There are two main divisions, the mountain and the valley. The latter extends from tho "Wlllametli river to tho foot of the Cascad mountains, a distance of about tit teen miles. The mountainous portion contains some fourteen townships of mostl,. uiisurvoyed land; lying in a strip twelve miles north and south by forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow valleys in tho passes, up through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock bound canyons and inaccessib'e craggy peaks. It is generally hea ily timbered, and in tho near lutiuc will be valuable for its lumber m.j -plies. These hills and mountiiii i lillbrd a wonderful summer raiu. for stock, and many of tho more i.. terprising farmers are availing tin n. sclvcs of this opportunity, and when the cold ft-osts of autumn approach, tho stock are brought out to fresh jmstures, thus enabling them to sui vive the winter btorms with litt.e cure. OltKAT AI1VASTA0ES. A decided advantage Marlon coun ty has over many others Is the tb verailled fanning interest that can lie carried on througlit the entile year; uiitwithstbiidlng tlilsiaavci eliumle during the winter months the uplands are seldom too wet U work, aud long before the pr.iir fanners are through with their seed ing, the hill farmer is prewiring ft . Ids summer work. And yet tin low lands are much preferred h. many; the yield per acre Is generally greater, antl jHrliats leas lnlntr is n i(tirel to place tho Mill in proper condition for crops; and then should the season prove dry, the boilon lands are sure to bring the hc croiw. No Ivetter farming land c,i. be round in the United State tlnnt that on the noted Howell prairie, French prairie, Stiutlam prairie and idem prairie. The soil of these are wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wheat mil sixty of oats per acre can be tcadlly ueeured. KACIMTIfe VQH, MAKKCT. The Willamette river, with two lilies of ruilroad running the entire Vngih of the eouuty fnun north lo tilth, w ith the Oregon lneiflv road critatlng the wotiriieast corner of the ittunty, attbnU ample facilities to reach a market lu any direction. SAI.KM Is the capital of the state aud county eat of Marion county, shu ttled on the Willamette river aud n the O. C. railroad. Costly l.uildlugs le bevu erected, among which the state capltol building, county court luaue, Chemekete hotel, iiera )ioum, new public scbn.il buiUliug, Catholic school buildiug, MethiMlUt chunm, Wlllamelle lni vendty, and many private mudemvs iv m'iioui nuiuiimr, - - "'j" ' vh, 'vYlibuuette 1'ni. r i, i . , SHrsP'tal Lumbering Company! ami buMuoM blocka. which will .imipHre favorably wlUi oltler and larger ciikM. QKNKKAI All UdHM conehlered.tlMWIIbuu-1 ctle valley luw the beet oouutry in the world, aud Marion oounlv U ' alwut oeuterally located Uierelu. To thois seeking Iioiihh lu the weet, ' uo better opportunity cau W I oflterwl, Uiau are fou nd ltere. Persons I deUriiig lufonnation regarding Marion county or the "vYllUuiwtlo ! valley, tltose wanting farming i laiMM, Mock hirmc, hueie68iirertv ! or r4t,v reakleee, will be nromptl'v ', ami reliably Informed by aditresstar , the well known tlnn of ANIIlte Z Chamheritn, real eetate aenU, wrabotte blook, Salem Oreim ftrtr Vmk w tk Cit if )Uu Kr KaUMr Cklataf . ritoJUJl 8aa la year outer ImaweWmto rwiwnd to ' Jaljr. J. aTKARNKLL. hjb- THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S, 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. -Also a Complete Stock of Hardware anil Farm Machinery, Wagons andCam'iSB. JD7McCtJLliy IS HECEIVING A FINE LINE OF -H A - FURNISHING 249 COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN & CO. I)i:ali:u in B O 1 O 1 T S 0 Cl H o o H .cathcr and Findi CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts ami Furs. No. Sliyoiiimoiclal Street, SALEM, - - ORECiON. HACKS-:- -''"SSKSSCT-.-ITCa. S -i una su Uoitmterolal treet, saiwn. Scriber and : Pohlb. MAXUPACTt'HJSltg Of AND I1EALK1I6 IK livciy Variety of Oregon Lumber, Dressed and Undressed. CONSTANTLY O.N HAND: Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Etc. SALEIW - ORE60N. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, a T S ,- AND - GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. O K S ' X4 i a N :- BUGGIES! A fine line oflincks, UugBitti. carU.cM' iiuKt, InickboHrds, etc. Doth 'ur"Jf uiaKe anil the best eastern made ImgJMi. Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING, r.tii ah tt.A inu,i.nA.i .-nnn And Br ria makere anil lilaetuinltlM, Wi 111 Aat