'a fci CAPITAL S , VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1SSS. NO. 54. JOURNAL OM imwfwwffm!-! ire I rlluBE 1'KOFESSIONAL CAIUJS. - mr m i nmrtTlWPV m TAW it nnu .uismmiwim.-j'. Ofllco ot court house. TvMSEY & BINGIIAM, ATTORNEYS K, nrtd Counselors at aw. Business In 4-V0".. fvinrt. n. Hnefclnltv. Salem. Or. nuiuw"" v"""" ' the Supremo ( rYtfLMON FORD, ATTORNEY AND I Counselor at Lnw. Salem, Oregon. Office, up stairs In ration's block. ?75AW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT S Law. Salem, Oregon. Office In I'atton's block, up stairs over Belt's drugstore. 1 T. RICHARDSON, AllVitIXE4X AT Law. Office over Capitol National ink 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. J" W SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Ofllco In England's block Lcgiil business of all kinds. Also both life and flro Insurance. KETV ADVKItTISEMKNTS. GRANGE STORE Salem Co-Operative Association F. of H. -DEALERS 1N- T-n.r i-AISER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. VV Salem. Oregon. Ofllco with Tllmou Ford, In Fatton'sTjulldlng. " made. Land ofllco business a specialty, Will practice Collections rTlI. D'AROY, ATTORNEY AND COUN V selor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having jm abstract of Uie records of Marlon coun tv Including a lot nnd block Index of Sa lem, ho has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. SEW ADVEUTISEMEXTS. nAFITAL LODGE, NO. 11, I. O. G. T., (J meets every Saturday evenlngjjn their KMl second door north of Post Office. G. J'o KKlOHT.Sec.. H. S. JOmr.W.C.T. NEO. D. GOODHUE, WOOD DEALER (t ofllco with Geo. W. Johnson, 2So Com mercial street. All kinds or wood for sale. Sawed to any length desired. Cash must accompany all orders accompany s For Sale. A good Iron framo Horso Power. Good for all uses, from one to full opacity. All for tho low price of SCO. call at tho Pacific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Com pany's office. Salem, Oregon. Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. FINANCIAL. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. TO. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIH, - - - - President. Vice President. - - - Qashler. Alvli KINDS OB Produce Bought I JAMES .AMEN, Manager. 126 State St., - SALEM, OR. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV cry S le, corner of State nnd Front streets, or on slaio at corner State and Com merclal streets. Prompt attention nnd care guaranteed. w. A. BENS0N. S SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Ferry and State. HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND suampoomg neuuy uuuu. WEST BROTHERS' EAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of tho city at lowest living rates, l'leaso give us your patronage. M. 1VL MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER GENERAL BANKING. Exchango on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London nnd Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County nnd City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mndo on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonable) rates. Insurauco on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank in most rellablo companies. Liglilaing Flashes of What (he World at Largo is Doing. AX INSANE MAN'S ACT. Ho Kills His Wife And linbo Then Shoots Himself. Ami ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHOHITY, Tlie Capital National Bank OF- SALEM, Capiial Paid up, Surplus, - OREGON. - - $75,000 - - - 9,500 Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on tho alley, opposlto Minto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. P.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -AN CITY MEAT MARKET UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALDERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or ipubllo warehouses. Stato and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonnblo rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. All kinds of Furniture made to order. A full lino of Caskets always on hand. D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 43-AU kinds of fresh nnd cured meats always on hand. Full weight and aquaro deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 93 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Fresh and Salt Meats ! Just Arrived! TUB FINEST LINE OF WILLIS k 4 Real Estate Agents Buy and sell farms nnd city property. A largo number of deslrablo farms and city properly nowoilerlng on reasonnblo terms. Klre Insurance I Wrlto policies of Insurance ngalnst flro on nil classes of property In eight rellablo and wealthy Companies. Helena, (M. T.), May 3. Tulu evening, John T. Rand shot his wife, his child and himself. Tho woman and the murderer are dead nnd tho child ia not expected to live. Tho deed was done with a riile. Three weeks ago Rand was put in jail for beating his wife, but was released by her giving bond. This morning Kami ngaln assault ed his wife and then left tho house. Ho returned at 6 o'clock nnd his llrst act, was to catch his wife by tho head and pull her oil' a chair. Mrs. Rand cried for help. Just as tho child left tho house sho heard n shot. Sho looked around and saw her mother running across tho yard with tho baby In her arms, Just then sho heard another shot nnd saw her mother fall, with tho baby underneath. A minute latter tho girl heard a shot in tho house. Tho shots attracted a crowd, who found that tho llrst shot had struck Mrs Rand in tho shoulder, and passed through her arm. Tho second shot had struck her in U o spine, passed through her breast, nnd broke tho baby's back, while the third shot had carried oil' tho top of tho murderer's head. lie died instantly. Tho wifo lingered twenty minutes and tho baby is still alive. Tho murderer was40 years old and Ills-wife wns 39 years old. Insanity runs in his family. Rand was worth a few thousand dollars, but was insanely jealous. Ho had been married 17 years. Thero nro live children left. TELEGRAPHIC SPLINTS. Dig House Jlovlng Feat. Tho removal of tho Brighton Reach hotel on Coney Island has been re garded as n great engineering feat, and thousands watched tho opera tion with great interest. Tho remov al cost 50,000. It is thus do cribed by a New York exchange: Tho hotel an edifice 4G0 feet long and 130 feet wide, covering nearly an acre and a half of ground, nnd worth $250,000 wns in danger of being swept away by tho sen, whose rapid Inroads have mndo great changes in tho conformation of the islnud. Last winter tin hotel wns undeimined by tho waves and it was determined to movo it Ixidily to a site nearly GOO feet further from tho water. Excavations were made and huge beams placed under tho building. Under these wero placed 112 iron platform care, which rested on24 railroad tracks previously laid from tho hotel to its proposed site. Heavy cables wove on tackles, wero then attached to tho hotel and con nccted with six powerful locomo tives. When all was Jroady the sig nal was given, nnd tho six engines, pouring out volumes of steam, ap plied their strength to their 5,000 tons burden. Thero was a straining and snapping of cables, but soon tho building was seen to bo slowly mov ing. Reforo night it had traveled one-fourth of its journey without the fall of a bit of plaster or tho dis turbance of a board. Milliuery and Fancy Goods And all kinds of SAUSAGE -Tho CLEANEST kept market In tho lty. Call and seo for yourself. McCItOW A WILLAIU. H. W. COX, Has constantly on h NIOCK oi Boericke & Schreck's a well selected Homeopathic Preparations EVER IN SALEM. Full lino of Centemerl Kid Gloves Just received. CIIAS. CALVERT, Salem, Oregon. Brokerage I Will negotlato loans on real estate or per sonal security on long or short time, and for largo or small sums. s ties in Frnits Evaporated Apples," Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, , Evaporated Pears. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT I 530 ACRES well watered and plenty of timber. Two houses nnd two barns. Good orchard. Meadow and 150 acres plow land. Fifty head of cattlo with tho place if wanted, and horses enough to run It. Within llvo miles of depot on tho O. & O. R. R. A bargain for somebody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. A NEATLY PRINTED GUIDE TO BE HAD UPON APPLICATION. Tne B. & S, PREPARATIONS' Are tho Purest and Best. IL W. COX tne only nuthoriied agent. Hill for the B. & a Ilomeopathio Pre parations nnd accept no other. A. J3. STRANG, No. a08 Commercial Street, Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes H. W. COX, (Successor to Tho Port Drug-Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon SALEM, OREGON. Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, FULL LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Pernimeries, Druggist Sundries. -DRALKK IN- STOVES and RANGES HaibtBg, Gas awl Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty, Iri&.&F?,,t the RICHARDSON 4 JTON COMPANY'S Puwaow. uUtd iu UK Weller Brothers' 301, Commercial Btreei STRICKLER BROS. -DKALEBH IK- STOVES AND TINWARE I IMing aid Spaing a Sftttally. -At tbeoU sWBd of Ben. Huang, Com BMrotal BUeet. Physicians PrcseriptioDS and Family Ripes a Specially. AOKNUY FOIl TUB CKIiBHIlATKI) FULL HAVANA FILLEU Red Letter 5c. Cigar. j8,The best five tnt oltr la the mar- H. W. COX, 100 Slate Street. Hulwn. Col. "W. J. Fluluy, a millionaire brewer of Toledo, Ohio, died on Tuesday night. The Societcdes Metaux, a French mining company, has lost $1,000,000 by tho fall iu tin. In Albuquerque, N. M. on Tuesday night Vinccnti Armijo shot and killed Jose Martin in a dispute over a dollar. It is expected that an opening will bo made In tlie Cascade tunnel to day. Yesterday tho workmen wero only thirty feet apart. Five hundred union employes in tho BuHulo breweries struco yes terday morning. Tlie breweries arc still running with reduced force, Tho Dominion senate lias passed tlie bill ratifying tho fishery treaty. It now waite the signature of tho governor general to become a law. InthoMcGill University, Mon treal several women graduated, on Tuesday, with the degree of 11. A. These are tho first women graduates from tills university. Second Lieutenant James A. Swift, of tho signal corps, has been ordered to proceed from Ashland, Oregon, to San Francisco and Oleum, California, to superintend the construction of the Point lloyes telegraph Hue. . Dr. Simmons, of Now York, is suing the estate of Samuel J. Tilden i for $140,000, for professional services ho claims to have rondored tho deceased. Tho doctor mado friendly calls on Mr. Tlldon for muny yours, these are now put down iu the bill as "professional horvlcos." Itollo Kirk lli-jau. Tiiis celebrated "chalk gave two entertainmonts iu balem yesterday. In tho a f to. noon ho gave a Tree talk to the sehool children, at which a number of adults weio present, however, and in tho even ing ho give a moie extended per foimance, the opera house being filled on both occasions. As an ailist he shows wonderful dexterity, sketching llu'ic, of every kind u ilh both ha ids, and hen revolving his ennvr s to display to the beholder a diflerent picture. As a talker ho Is not a success, but h"s wonderful feats with the c.ayon relieved his lecture of tedium, and tho musical interludes came in as a refreshment. Tiio cornet performance by two small boys may bo set down as phc.omenal. Is ConiiMitlou incurable? Il'iultho follewing: Mr. (7. If. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with nlwess of lungs, mill friends and physldans pronounced nio an incurable consumptive. Ile gan taking Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, am now oumy third bottle, and able to oversee the work of my farm. It is tho finest. Tniedlcino ever made." Jesse Mlddlowart, Decatur, Ohio says: "Had Jit not been for Dr. King's new discovery for consumpt ion I would have died of lung troub les. Was given up by doctors. Am now In tho best of health." Try it. Samplo bottles free at II. W. Cox'h. drug store. It Is said to be a rule of nature that every winged insect shall die within a year. Tills Is consoling to a certain extent, but it would bo a better arrangement if this year's mosquitoes would die last year. Norwich Bulletin. (ilorlouH Kaln. "Allah Is good! Ho sendeth his rain alike on tho just and tho un just." Tho sinners are catching it as well as we. There- has been a great shortago iu tho amountof rain fall this spring, but it is making up for It now. Tho present rainfall has been general from the Sisklyous to tho Columbia. The copious showers of last night and to day tvlll prove of great valuo to the fanners, and especially to tho fruit raisers of tho stato, its it Insures ex cellent crops. Tho fruit yield for the year, judging from present ap pearances, will bo simply onornious throughout Oregon this season. Llei'tilollllterti. Tills remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used electric bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do nil thatis claimed. Electric bitters will euro all diseases of the liver and kid neys, will remove tilmples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. "Will drive malaria from tho system and pre vent as well as cure all malaria fev ers. For cure of headache, constipa tion and indigestion try electric hit ters Entiro satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. I 'rho 00 ets. and $1.00 per bottle ut JI. W. Cox's drug store. Call fur n I a, tbo I-aml of Discot erlrs. "Why will you lay awake all night, coughing, when that most eli'ectlvo and nupvcablo California remedy, Santa Ablo, will give you inunediato relief? Santa Ablo Is tho only guaranteed euro for consumption, asthma and all brouchialeoniplalnts. Sold only in largo bottles, at 1. Three for 52.60. D. W. Matthew & Co., 100 State street, Salem, wilL l)e pleased to supply you, and guarantee relief when used as direct ed. California Cat-lt-Curo nover falls to relievo catarrh or cold In the head. Six months treatment, $1. By mail, 1.10. .Mothers, Kc.ul. The proprietors of Santio Ablo luvvo authorized D. W. Matthews & (Jo. to refund your money If, after giving this California king of cough cures a fair trial as directed, it falls to glvo satisfaction for tho euro of coughs, croup, whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. AVhen tho disease affects the head, and as sumes tho form of catarrh, nothing Is so effective- as California caUr-cure. These preparations nro without. equals as household remedies. Sold at ifl 00 u package. Three for $'2.60. f.ilironi CatltCurc. Tho only guaranteed euro for catarrh, i-old in tho head, hay fever, roso cold, catarrhal deafness and soro eyes. Restores tho sonso of tasto and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a euro Is warranted, by all druggists. Send for eircular to Abletlno Medical Company, Orovlllo, Cal. Six months' treatment for ?l; sent by mall, $1.10. For sale by 1). W. Matthews & Co., 100 State St., Salem. An Absolute Cure. Tho OltiaiNAL AWISTJNK OINTMENT Is only put up iu largo iwo-ouuco nil boxes, and Is an absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and ull skin eruptions. Will jwsitlvoly euro all kinds of piles. Ask for tho ORIGINAL ABrETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews A Co., 100 State street, Sulom, at 25 cents per box by mall ao cents. LHTTEK LIST. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT BoleutW, antbrojMlogtt, pbyaictan and MUxeott. will ojmi an (iltloe In the Now Hank Mock, oo May Ut, for tlM UwHUitant of all UkauMa ot wwum, and all olljw ttutmle out, on trieUr nyetonleand Bat umi nrioalnM. Madlnal liatlu orvMi uiul A fine Ut of Dried Fruits. Dried nectarintw, jxxiolios, apri cots, pears, upplea, blackberries, prunes, plums, eta, etc. Tho flne-t ever brought into tills market ut S. Furrar ts. Co'b. ferriage, Baggie, etc. Sorlber fc 1'ohle keep a well wlect ed stock constantly on hand. They do u general Jobbing and horsos be ing bugiug also. Following Is the list of letters re maining in the iMistoillce, at Salem, Oregon, April 25. 1888. Parties cull inir for them will please say "ud- vurtlfecd:" All letters published as nnii-do-llvered will be charged with one tout in addition to tho regular lKstnge. AndrowH Alfred Boomer O Champion Chits Davis Albert Edwards Alcoa Fitzgerald Miss E Feuton Mary Galloijly Charles Halloy Mr J C Jory Mr Jim Will Murphy B O Nagl Frauo Newbitt Mrs M Ntwl Annie 1'urtrlue ArmltylUutUll Chnrle Stanton II II Sohafur Mm M P Skeou Frank Snyder Edward Smith Mm Smith J if Whetstone Saiu'l W. II. Odkll, P. M. JIurklfiT Arnica Salre. Tho bust wilvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, soi es, ulcers, saltrheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and posltlvoly cures pllos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or monoy refunded. Price 26 vuiiIh per box. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. He'Tal Fue." Tliln Ih tiio Konurlo dutflKiuitloa of tho wlille ruo IhwiowhI by ourooHiiMolortd brother, the "nohlo wivukh." Tlie Ciui. wiNluii, though many Hliadus lighter, In not neceaMtrlly illld. Hut when Ida outlolu luw the wrihineiiUlortMl tint, and ills chMiki thHliollownww liidiuHtlveofu wunt of bodily Mtumliiu, he well dwerMM theai IKtllutlon of "jHilu faw." TheM) fkoiwl In. dlmtloiH uliould Hutment a umrwtof !Io- tutter'MHlojuuuh lllttern; an uuknowledfel relutbllllator o( u fulling utreiiHth and re newer or bodily NiilMtMitee. It In derived exeiuHlvely Iiom IkUuiIo Mmree In pure and eltlelent. It InvUiorutliiK uutlon U prompt, thoroiiKh and Bimllly flt. Oh it the like be wild or inottt toulue? Hearoely. Appetite, a well ae the ability to mtlnty It without wjbiHiit dUemufbrt , U re newed by It, nnd H eireelttally toiiw Jlie liver and bowel. It fortlAw the tyetem ajfaliwi; nwUrlu and rlHMiuwtkm, ami remedial nervoutuie and kindred ooiu-plutnU. WMro-magnsUMn ued. UluirjpM xtrioily raodwaU. AddreMboxl7,iteliii,OrfOU. Subecrit for the Joukkal.