I KAV APVinmSEMKSTS. Viwivn rAiMTAli JOUHKAIitJrfJw "'""""' " nimi, " "-rr" JSL. ...! PfBLIMKHK EYfJY mIW CtfT WNMY. HY TH C.prtl Journal PnWiihHi Company. ( IVOOBPOMAf fttft. (Met, lit Cmt rt. tr J TKRMM OK MUHSCRIITION DAILT area: year.br mall 1 tff lika.bjr mall. tiu by niatl-. Icllverwl Uy earner Vm wee delivered Uy carf . w I wkcm.Ti One yaw- - His montlm Three monll" 12 u 1 '! OU MTl'mumurteni are Drive eulieoripUoM. ulbonwd t 9MWm Hlli.li'tU T Kouwcd mi eMOTd-daeii n",,1rlJ "" Meieto.UreaMi. l'ito. March . lw- TUKBDAY, MAY 1, .j jii-ai'W " t . K ICfUKICAN ITn TICKET. CunemMnan, UZKCIKK Hl-RMANS. Miit tin J"Vf. U. 1 I.OHI'. I r- hi "I I 1'iWi Unlit III MCU.AV, W V. KAI'l'H, . v. li'i.toN. J-riiw-ctit iix Atlorno '1 li'nl I"11' 11. II. IIW11 I. MARION COfcNTY HEPUBUCAN TICKET. II WaI.IHi, Ut'iiny I U1KH mir-rt 11 O, VilMnM, Hi 'I'i I 11 l N. Win. 1 niri U Al.llNl IIU4'. Mituirr. III hulru 1 M I MilKA.. lllK. r J IIAIU'ul K. l in .il.-ln mi in l ' II hlAItll. Ul hal in Ihr ai urn A (i ( 0M1II , Ai i'l' AHUM' U a 1 i. Ki nt. i 11 1 iiyM'tbh Mel " A II I Hi SI I I! Mi 11 u 1 in.ni, 11 iit 1 m ill 1 I i 1 "i 11 K 1 ' li . Jul I ll. Mltlll 11 ,Mim. V, 1 ( 1 I Ul tml ilin I HM U lll.A'.i. Wixlbaru JSUUJMW 1.UH1 l.lAIMUTtlto OV aALOON UEKlT.ltS A U-at ciiMi of great lutereat to the Auwrlaan people, and to saloon ,MH fc-" i " "' " " '-'- i ihH-ided by the supreme court of lVniuiylvatila. The judgment was given by Juie t Ion Ion, chlefjustlcc, and was concurred In by his iunmk'I ate Justices. The ease was William Itoimiifl against Jmb Kehain bacher, a saliMin kivper. On the evening of AtlKUst Hill, 1HK1, Itnil liiel eutenxl Hchiimliachcr's tavern, and tbeie round one Kdward Flanagan. They Isith tisme I11 UixlcatiNl on liquor furuUhcd them by HcJiambachtir. While Itiuiiniel was standing outside if tlu bar talking to Hcliainlmcher, Klmmgun Hiuietl a piece of iaiHr to liiniuel's IsM'k and wt It on fire. ltiHiiniers elutJi a wer noon In lUines, nml ticftMf they could 1k extluguishwl he waa tally burncil. I v liroughl il tonaxtver dainages fhuii HcUambachcr ftr the liUurj' utaliiet. The lower court ad judged the facts, as stMtud above, to la lusunVleiit to sustain the ptatn tltTaoaae, and dlrvt-Unl a nonsuit. It was taken to the supreme court Mid the follow Inti JudgUieut fell lleflHl; In this, v think, the lower court HHMle a mistake. There Is no dnoU that the defendant, fnnii the l liou lie tsvupknl, had a full view of too room outside of the lsr, snd did e, or might hsw s'ii, all that waa guliiKoniu It. If, III tact, he did re V1iiatiMii setting lire to the iilalntift' and did not Interfere to Itrolect ht tfiH-st fhNti flagrant no oulimre. his rt-ss.tiMttilllt 6r the, :iZ7n.T-i...i T"T. ?"..:. ; iwv h'i iiniiti, in' mbp tiunit mi uraniMuii, ivih. m n. ikHuuiw, nun making Manssu drunk, or if he1 V5"aj',,1-Mj!,JS'w''K:'u,.a'aiAl-mine tTivdruuk. and Kluoul. i r ! fHi.ml 'iS5Sisi2ilfS knew thai IWt, u was Uuuud to see I NuasI. A. M , Vsnnaivwr. WrtJ biiUnUl, thai he dkl uo Injur) to hl custi- j llMmMi. ib.u., IWUmxI. . luew. All thUUa plaiu matter of WluOever remaius of the old TjiiSSl t?hi2S, - .Oai. and mountains enter a salism r tncru. oa-iied fiMr , hnUvr fuasibi vt uduvrals maj- be Um eutrrtaiinueikt ,a"tUe puWU-. the unearthed, cau be claasllled by oue !2S!l!?J-l,MU,,!!?,"TJ,,l,, ,H,.U urJw b,wekU SrOta?Wt"ta"l,- ' - J -ui4u.Msella f the drunken' wuaeuim Ulnla, liuawta, abelW, vUHja turu wlaau be mmy j pkuU, ail liave -alm-, ami the " '" """ uxMn-wl aud arranged under cum- IS. UitMiMto ibe iUritielHk.UoW;,ll j.., wlM , ua m. UUxl I lUe eoun died m iw wban- ,,. vMltiian Hut will ta, val the lltuburg UmwOWMIk, mil- ,u lhe kme.l and Intere-Unf B,.",W 'u"iU.tberfgblr. We eotmueud Um on h t deAtidaut's ears, attd dur-1 lug Ute tiHinvl a Umle was tmiken. ' . . v . . . . . , , a pv of U. rek uWuillT. a ' Jt " T "T1 J ii 1 iisnssisipii wmmmr v-jTMli MM II urn. Ht beld law ruuihany WjauMMiir tut tbr Udur)' don. Tb fVaMjdtr lusi kb V tlHufc iilMI it a MMlataf 4ruAmi u'Mii t. "H jft mw htm r- H UK rrur " .''.' ..t.i l.avo tvaiiliMl from , HO injury wum "-' " ih.)r brawK It rcquirt m Jmlidal acumen to arrive at the eoc1titoii tlwt If a railroad raiiiimiiy llalk for the cnduct of drflnkcn men who may chanre to txianl Ita caw, mmh more la tlic tevern-keeper, who not only -...u. innikun men aliout his nranlm, "t funilhea liquor to make them dnmk.and who ii tlnw ln .trumental In fltUng them for what ever mlaehlef they may be guilty or. The Judgment or the eoiirt below waa reverawl, and a new venire ordered. We mention the eiuie to ahow that our atate legtalaturca and the court are honeatly working for the Hupnawlon of the liquor trafllc, und to ooutrovert the lying atatementa mwle by Walter Thomaa Mllla ("the little giant") when In thla city that iHuniakera and judicial offlcere .... .inlr ihe dictation of the liquor Intereat and flare not aut counter to their wlahi-a. We wtlll maintain that In matt when' pro hibition cannot In- enforced, high HcvuMc ami penal acwuntabllity for wtt mlMt'hief la done, are an ef- I fcc-tlve method of restraining the j traffic, and lead the way to eventual ; prohibition. mi ;. . C1UB COUNTY TlfKKT. We have la-fore called attention to tin- vcr- excellent ticket offered by the npubllcaim of Marion county rr I lie' uupport of their fellow cltiM-iw. It la important that our Iim-hI nffhii le boneatly and econ omically adnilnlntered, and hln n only UiMtH-urcd by )!a lug them in iIh-IuiikIm of hont-Ht and capable men. It Im of minor liiixrtance wlmt jxilltlonl party the man itlllllatcH with whom we uitruat with the niaiiiiKeineiit of our county runilH, but IiIh integrity and IiumIiuiw ciiimcitv muMtlMjaanun-d. I'urmiing an liiuueniorial cuatom each polit ical uirty uomlnatt'H iwplrnnta for luumtv olHi-c. and takea a wrt of iHirtlftau pride In mt-lng Ite men olM-ted. Hut the more catholic spirit of the present ageautairdlnttU'S parly to the general gooti, ami in telligent voters demand IUuiim, iMiy lng slight reganl to jiarty allegiance. It wm liicsujiftinultv wlU Uita iiiuro llW'rai sifi-lt that the republican convention of Marlon county made uji Ua ticket, (iood men were chosen; men well known to their fellow cltixcus; who stand well socially, uhoMC liusiuess quullrt catluns nn approved, and wIiohj ailmlnlstratlon of our county allairti u 111 Im- Miici-eMsful anil creditable. We ask supjiort of tluM caiulldatos on their merits; Iicwuim.- they will attend to tlu-lr duties; lieeatisi tlu-lr ludgincut ami know ledge of allhltx can lie trusted, and bemiiM) lliuy aru In aeeonl with the progroilve spirit ol the age. oitimiiN ai.pim: n.uii. The wiiiuiiuulcNtlnu frwu the Ur egun Alpine t 'lub, pulilHiwl In nil other column, Is lutcrcxtluif and worthy the attention of tile reailor. Fur many years OnKou and Wash ington hau Ittttni stripiHHl of all avMilable material for a mucuni, which lias U-en shipped to the east ern stales and to KunK-. This elub iMorgMUiml for the laudable pur pose of (fathering whatever is of his toric or M-lentltlc value ami storiug It in the museum hich ill grow tty steady an'retloiiM until It lieeoiuea of InUrwH and value to every ettlaeu of tin state. The eMteratlon of the fulkmlng statl' of M'leiillstN luts bevu secured: ' tio,4ii.i, l-n.r. TIkm. tmOin, l'U.l.. n- nj. r; muifnthi(ti, UvrtMart INMiWmt. int.; vthautukM, . . . m. ., iimmii, H-.; U pay UiUiirto a bkMlwl muuBfay rvwy Hum v buy akfealV rUt aig ataud. Tb bunlMH U Wi A 3IWTAKB SOMIWHIIKH. m .....i u. umiltf HlWulW in lnt-re raim - i. .-oipntiiv. ttiat a oonreuer- h-iki.j-. .---.,, . , 11 .. .iintu1 Ha a ate general nau u ,....- -....i.rf irand army I wat In Philadelphia. The qualification of .,.,ililn in that lnx1y are a rec ord of loyalty to the government of Hip United Htates, ami an jioiio.c H-.hrite from senice. If pa"t trea- wnls to be condoned andaconfwler ute general admitted to ineiiilwr-hip, thla is letting down the Imr, ami other repentant relx-ls of le dis tinction can le taken in. As a vet eran of the war this editor liarlKirs 110 resentment to the gallant lmtniia miflixl men whom he met In the field; for many years when fighting the priestly usurpation of Mormon ism in Utah he counted among his Gentile coadjutors quite a number of generous fellows who had lwrnu arms In the south. Their loyalty to a despised government wasasardent .. to be found in an American brciist, and their devotion to oar in- tltutlonsas unswerving ana mani fest. There Is no queaiion ui i ,iifbcrn hretbren who fought in 1 r,.ro fullv nurged or their treason, and are now working with heart and hand toliullel uptnegreai ness of our country. Kwt tlilH doiM not Justify the action of the &. I). Baker post, G. A. R., of Phikdel. nhln taking aiiex-confederatcoilloer ... mnrnhor. It Is a violation of its charter and 1111 ofl'ense agalilBt the fundamental objec't of the organ Indian. We still believe there to some mistake in the report. Bishop OBblm Itishon Duldis of the Evangelical church, dedicated ft church three miles south of Philomath in Benton county, recently, raised (5.p0, and cleareil the church of debt. He will lie present at thtlr annual confer ence which mwts at Kast Portland on Friday; will dedicate a new church at Albin.i Sunday, and an other at St. John on Monday. mmmmi imw M!W TO-HAY. DUGAN BROS., PL-UM3BRS GAS AND STHAM FITTHHS, ....- untnm tn. Sloam and PluinMng Goods, . IttHUUe Street,. MALKXI, : : : : OREGON Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINEti, Pwrittor, Vi Stati: . St., .Sausi. .A ftlll stock of.. GrottrH CspwI Coeds, Frrsk Vegetables, lUv. Jiwt recBlvcd a nice srtlcle In New (Memu -t- Baking Molasw. MOP. II. DIAMOND. Ten cherof iVL u ts i c Anil dwuer In sll kluds of Muslrsl lai-lro-uu'tiw. uttli-e. acwi'iimmen-lHl mrret. It. alruuirnu Mikl un tbi- litalim-iit plau. LliGAL BLANKS Istrfrst M it the State, Ikt Diaiii Mrud tw cslnlivti fWU Ar rlt-t Inr Job j-r,,i nnraK in iwrr'n. L M. WAIIE. SataM, Or. OPERA WOUSisi ONE -:- NIGHT! Smunluy, 3lny 5, tSSS. IfcwCI B), 1 . II lu ur ltt." Th HvrwulMi l . uit-rlmn ivuninwliaa. ROLAND REED! AM lil Mtwvttna cMurJ .wvnnlwitoa, 4 ran nin iwir ,-n-Qiau.4uti rriumnK la Mn Kmnrhnk will umwiii ih- LMk- ha York nunwss. :HD -: M U M H I kM4unil by Uknllrr umantf I Xtw YUf h4 Ma KwiwteMk t MsMsMttl ya Uw atejt Mr, .-5 ktaaMa taoMU - nsclM MNkw oTKnuluhi, Ya rTMf4 SMlslun sstr at ll-siLmkuslL rirt) Vcm a tW fkurl if Rot. &WMjfas!dSME tSiml Par Skis. Mill " ' """ i gliiHrfTiiMwT"'V r iniTVilnTfewnTfT i'IPIiMijIlL rfif 1 jflEr mm 1 ill II II I j iii-i . M,M-rt-wrr JLfiCKaMHHHA ' sSBaaM""" JD. RECEIVING A IS SPRING hi ATS AND- FURNISHING 211) COMMERCIAL STREET, CASH WW, Miles, Pells Mil No. 811 Commoreuil htreet, SuM.lJ.At. - - OHKGON PEOPLE WILL AT WM. BROWN &.UU. DEALER IN B O 1 Q T T r dr.l "W -S- if 5i " y) - s flT"o"rET s Ijinlliop ul Findings ! ' wfi l'AII) FOlt B OPERA HOUSE CORNER Pleasant and profitable -BHCAVSK THKY ffiisli Dress Goods, Giiiiams, Kmhrohleriw, 1 Iaclies1 -:- lu ib Clt) sack m mm suits, hats, AK' -l- 0AU W rtr UM Immi lMk of ainuir ten r.Jnu - - u..l. MyUd plak-d wan u no 111 JJt II A SALEM, OREGON. . . president. Vtcel'rgWem. . . CJssUler. liK J ilBVNOIJB, JU1IN MOIK, " GENERAL BANKING, Exc hn on Porttend San FwnoJ .-non oiV. nd"V,:ouiuFanaClty . indued to a dVSST mars &2ttsrsrts?z& in I" "' y i.l.lnnmnonlP)l. mosi reimuic wr- FINE LINE OF GOODS, ETC. riALEM, OREGON. FIND BUYING THE- l KKK1 KOK I.ADIJB iffllS, us KJ ' I U ' lMter', ami Ut Hiiefci line a( Underwear! Aud fur GuUtMuu, caps, whitb m cow shirts, Oir UKOVRW1U.R. lu tw. m. . " Dnnr l?11Kll A1H1 I riioiiui McCully, XjUJ I ii II 10 1 a burs. Ox HPT MMbWlte (Mk INMH PAINTS OILS GILBERT & PxVTTERSON Have added to tlielr stock a full lino of Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors, Glue, KALS0111XE, BRUSHES, ETC. A Full Line of Heady Mixed Paints. SfcCALLFORPRICESctS GlLBI!ItT&FATTEIlSON,cSalrst' REFEREE'S SALE, STATE OF OREGON, 1, COCSTY OF MAIIWN, J XTOTICE IS IIEHEHY GIVEN THAT UY l irtuo of u decree of partition unci order of bale entered in tho circuit court 01 the hUitc of Oregon for Multnomah county, on the loth dny of June, 1367, and an nmon-dutorj- decree thereto entered In said court on the Twentieth day of September, 1887, In the partition suit of Amanda l'llnnef nl...J. . Smith ct nl. whereby it was ordered that the houth east quarter of bloek 0 In Ilobertn' addition to the eitj ol Salem, Marion county, Oicgon, with the other reul piopeitv bclonginsr to the estate of John smith, defeated, bo t-old. Jsow, theBctnre, bj uucoi said decree and said aniendnu-nt theieto, I, the undersigned, who was dub api'"i"fed by said conn as a referee toi.i-llh.iHl n alpiopeit v.wlllonTuev da . the llht day ol May, lrt, at the hour of 10 o'clock u. m., nt tlie com t house door, In Marlon count , iregon, sell the nboe described real estate at public auction ,to the highest bidd r, for cash, In persuance to saiil decree and amendment thereto. C0,- I icferee. VI And others In need of or Carriage Harness: It will be to j our lntei ost to cull upon mc before purchasing eHewheic, as I hae the largest and moit comploto Mock in tho city. Prices l educed to suit tho timet,. Just re ceded .1 line line of Carriam llai ness from A. F. Rissler k Co. OP CHICAGO, For whieli I am sole agent. These lmrnest. are all made fiom First Class Pittsburg Leather, "Warranted. Tlio finest lino of Dusters. HukK.v Holies, and Whips In the city. All tlie-o (roods I am selllm? at cry close fig ures. Tlmnklns tho public for their liberal patronage in the past, I shall endeavor by strict attention to business to merit a con tinuance of tlielr fiivoraJn tho future. E. S. LAMPORT THINK IT OVER! That is About lluvine a Can of 'UHE ROCK CAPY DRIPS FHOJt KELLER & SONS. It b. eutlrely new anil we aie the flrstto Introcluceit. "MapJekB" will now sutler- Har'a Somnthlng Els: Whc n new launilry oqji 1 V01 brt that w e tll for 8 cents. Orders come In from every kourcc. Send In yout. When iulni bakln powder try Milter mire oreem tartar limnd-lt U the V,i e toy Awlly. Wo uttU Mil the Star bna t SB eent mr a one pound win. ' M!t4feiitsforl(. ltHil our ail-ertlaemeut In the fuW wl ep potd In avwyMiliHC """ KELLER & SONS, The Qroa HOOKY MOUKTATy COFF35 M OUSE I bit SMe Uteri eat. Of Him Meato m aU Umiw, fWWteW NT1CE OF PAYMENT. AU pewniiH holdlnc varmt jiajrtOB mtllllv nrinvuwl bv tl aehen-b nutintto iMieiHh"!?i Baynirnt, a. then- U iiumef o hw thai nurpuw-, and no furtber lnW i.nw.'UKx.pwfcisctiieri.ioiiurs twUuu Aioiwrote. Oounty Tfeww. UatadAwtiard,)eM. C1S itHv a- tha Jorif, vt