LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS .Itemized Account of Doiogs in Cily and Country. OUR NATURAL RESOURCES. Landseekcrs Still Pouring Westward Let us Attract a Portion of this Human Tide. The Ellensburg (W. T.) Capital quotes a citizen of that place as say ing: "The immigrants who are passing through by the hundreds every day to the Sound, aro very anxious to obtain information regard ing Washington Territory, and somo means should be adopted to furnish them information about Central Washington. They go to the Sound, and failing to find a country ready for the plow they are disappointed." About the passage of hundreds of immigrants daily there is no ex aggeration. A friend in Missoula, M. T., (a Northern Pacific station,) writes this editer: "I often wonder where all the people come from who pass through here, and where they goto. Long passenger trains with twenty coaches, and half of these pmierant sleepers, stop here on their way to the Sound; tho cars as full as they can hold, and most ot tne Dassencers going to take up land." This immense passenger business is no accident. The people in Wasn ington Territory have spent money freely in advertising their resources, in the east, pamphlets have been scattered with a profuse hand, and "boom editions" of their best news papers have tilled many a score mailbag. Agents for tho Northern Pacific railroad have taken advan tage of this liberal use of printer's ink, they have circulated through the western and eastern states setting forth the lumber, fishing, mineral and agricultural resources of our neighbor territory, their im agination supplying many of tho facts they so temptingly displayed; and tho result of their enterprise is the steady outflow of population in the direction of the Sound. Tho people of Oregon know that these thousands of homeseekers have been started on a wrong scent. In Washington Territory tho towns have been boomed till they are overdone. In Seattle, "Tacoma, Spokano Falls and other places, building lots are dearer to-day than they aro likely to bo five years from now. "A country ready tor the plow" is hard to find there; the fishing, lumbering and mining in dustries are in the hands of rich companies, and a settler with the proceeds of a a small farm in his pocket had better use caution before he invests in any such undertakings. In Portland, Salem and some other Oregon towns, the people have awakened to the fact that they have lands and climate to offer tho settler, which rather "overlay" the best that can be found in California or Washington. While our neighbors havo been in the field shouting, with stentor voice, to tho whole world to come, our landowners havo been lying back in easy indulgence, feel ing that they havo a good thing, and selfishly grudging the advent of strangers to divide up nature's bounties. Some feel like tho Ken tucky backwoodsman, who moved out when a settler came within seven miles of his cabin, because he wanted elbow room. But they now feel that the !rntl ful resources of nature aro beyond their power to utilize, and since pop ulation keeps up its unceasing flow westward, they seo tho wisdom of diverting a portion of the current in this direction. Henco we have money subscribed in this city and in Portland, and pamphlets and folders printed which aro now being cir culated through tho mails. This must be kept up with unabatlng activity. It would bo very useful also to send two or three good men east to talk Salem und tho Wallam ette valley, to distribute our adver tising literature quite liberally, and also to got up excursion parties, pro curing special rates to Salem and 'eturn. The opportunities for successful settlement in this uasurpassed valley 80 far oxceed anything to be found in Washington or California, that it J a duty wo owe to che human race to tuako them known, and no en deavor should bo spared to dlfluso the knowledge In every direction. We would like to see the board of trade intensely stirred up over this Lualnega. Subseribe for the Journal. LOCAL NOTES. "Ladies underwear at Bridges & Bozorth's new Bank block. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 02Stato street. Just received a full lino of John B. Stetson's hats at G. W. Johnson's. A fine lot of new millinery just received at Mrs. A. H. Farrar's, will be sold cheap. Icecream, soda water, milkshakes, candies, oysters, meals at all hours at A. Strong & Co's. The largest stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods in tho city at G. W. Johnson's. A. Strong & Co. aro selling out their largo stock of Key West Im ported cigars at cost. Fit your children with shoes at Wm. Brown & Co's. An immense stock from which to select. Bock Mountain restaurant, op posite opera house, quiet, clean and neat. No Chinamen employed. Scriber & Pohle can not bo under sold in their line, quality of goods considered. Just seo if they can. Saratoga Congress, the very latest in Hanan's make of men's shoes, aro among tho attractions at Wm. Brown & Co's. The deaf mute school examina tion commences to-day, and will close Wednesday morning with in teresting exercises. Hon. John Halsey and J. W, Kaybum, two well known attorneys ofCorvallis, are in the city attend ing tho supremo court. Fresh cakes, French bread, milk bread, Boston brown bread, graham bread, hot buns, coffee cake, this morning at A. Strong & Co.'s. John Wanamaker spends over a quarter of a million a year in ad vertisingit is all newspaper ad vertising, too. A word to tho wise is sufficient. Those well-dressed gentlemen who aro sporting elegant, well-fitting summer suits, bought them at G. W. Johnson's clothing store, Commercial street. A noisy altercation occurred on the street to-day between S. Ramp Sr. and Tom Townsend. Money matters seemed to be tho cause of the dispute, but no goro was made to flow. Mr. S. B. Watkins has opened the Rocky Mountain restaurant, just south of tho Journal office, where you can havo a nipo meal served at any hour, and pay from 5 cents to 23 cents for it. Call and see him. Many of our state exchanges are announcing tho publication of a pamphlet by tho state board of agriculture on "The Resources of Oregon." This is premature. It will be two or three months before the work is published. State Printer Baker has been sending around some advance pages, but tho typo for the entire publication is not half set yet. We learn that Uncle Tommy Warrlner, of Zenn, Polk county, Is lying very ill at tho residence of W. A. Pike, where ho has been removed that he may bo cared for. Ho has been living alone in his cabin for many years, and has grown old and feeble, yet has persisted in living as a hermit until his present illness. Kind neighbors have now removed him where he will be well cared for. The Venture starts out on a scal ing expedition to-day. Seal are re ported very plentiful a few miles off tho mouth of tho river, but much more so on tho forbidden grounds of Behring sea. There will be a great many vessels engaged In seal hunting tills year, and from presont indica tion there will figuratively speaking "be razors in the air," as somo of tho sealers have aunounced that they propose to hunt where they please. Astoria Pioneer, the 20th. Scotch Entertainment. Our readers are requested to bear In mind tho entertainment in Reed's opora house on Friday evening, April 27th, for the benefit of tho Congroga tional church. It will consist of Scotch music, Scotch costumes will be worn, and the manners of that country illustrated. A military company will appear In Highland uniform. Portland talent has kindly volunteered to take part. A unique and prontahleontortalnniont will bo afforded. An Absolute Cart. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up In large two-ounoo lin boxetr, and is an absolute euro for old soroe, burns, wounds, chapped hands, und all skin oruptlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIKTINE OINT MENT. Sold by D. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 36 cmta per box by mall 80 eenU. Grange Meetlmg The Roil Law Discussed. Tho Salem Grange held an Inter esting session on Saturday, tho road question being the subject of discuss ion. It was shown that our road laws aro defective lu many ways, among which may bo mentioned tho manner in which mortgages escape their just portion of tho road tax. Polk county is moving ii this mat ter. The' people thero proposo to placo tho care of a county road in tho hands of a commissioner who is to havo entire chargo of tho roads through tho county, and who is au thorized to appoint deputies for the different districts, having tho samo powers as tho county supervisor. Tho most radical chaugo proposed is thnt all road taxes aro to be paid in money, and no one be nllowcd to work out his tax, as under tho pres ent law. Salem Grange has taken hold of this matter in a business like manner by appointing a committee to examiuo into tho subject, and re port at a futuro meeting. This with a view to preparing a bill for tho action of the legislature, with useful suggestions to our members in that body. Wo hopo they will bo successful in procuring tho needed modifica tions of our present road law, as it is a well known fact that it is at pres ent very defective in many respects. Oliver Joky. Salem, April 23. Archbishop Seghers' lteniains. Somo time agoHisEmiuenco Car dinal Gibbons wrote to Mr. C. S. Fairchild, secretary of the treasury. in whom tho authority is vested, re questing him to authorizo Captain Healy of the Revenuo Cutter Bear, cruising in Alaska waters, to convoy tho remains of Archbishop Seghers who was murdered a year ago whilo performing missionary duty among tho Indians, to Victoria, B. C. Sec retary Fairchild graciously and promptly acceded to tho request. In replying to Cardinal Gibbons, Mr. Fairchild says: "In reply, I have respectfully to state that tho vessel referred to will probably bo ordered to cruise in Alaska, at an early date, and Instructions will bo issued to her commanding officer in accord ance with your request." Portland News. Who Owns the Grip Sack? This morning Mr. Jas Aitkin, of the Grange Store noticed a grip sack or small hand satchel drop from a buggy passing east on State street, Before ho could stop the owner, ho had passed beyond call. A china man in Tong Ling's storo ran out and grabbed the satchel, diving back again with a smile childlike and bland. But Mr. Aitkin was too quick for him, compelling him too acknowledge the possession of tho article before a witness, but allowing him to retain it until tho owner should call for It. Mr. Allklus be lieves from its appearance there was considerable money in it. 'A Grand Perforation." The Astoria Pioneer gives a three column report of St. John's address in that city, and says ho closed his lecture "with a grand perforation." If ho perforated the ears of his au dience they would go homo with something to think nbout; but If ho perforated their minds, it may lead to a diminished expenditure In tho dram shops. When Touchstone wanted to win tho heart of tho rus tic maiden Audrey to his suit, he prayed that God would make in cisions in her. This perforating business in a public lecturer is what tells. A Second Xast. All who witnessed tho unique en tertainment of this great artist in Salem were delighted, and many who failed to see and hear him re gretted that ho did not appear u second time. But Rollo Kirk Bryan, said to be even more versatilo than Nastand in somo things superior, has been engaged by the W. C. T. U. for Reed's opera house, Wednes day, May 2d. He draws his pic tures with both hands at tho same time, using colored crayons. And his descriptive remarks, witty, wise and pointed, are most excollout. Kenevs Iter Youth, Mrs. Phoebo Chesler, Potorson, Clay Co,, Iowa, tolls the following romarkable story, the truth of which Is vouched for by tho residents of tho tewn: "I am 73 years old, have been troublod with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress mysolf without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own house work. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, 60c. and $1. at H. W. Cox's drug store. King O'Ualley Exposed. Tho Oregon City Courier, under tho caption "King O'Mullcy Expos ed" says regarding tho Individual well known in Salem and tho other valley towns as "Tho Wild Irish man:" "Tho Home Life Iusuranco Co. of Now York has sent out print ed slips stating that King O'Malloy Is no longer agent for tho company and that ho is not authorized to collect money as such. Tho company has no doubt been fully Informed of tho questionable dealings of O'Malloy. For instanco lu this city ho and his companion, Mr. Dunphy, placed policies to theamountof tens of thou sands of dollars by misrepresenta tion. Tho victimized ones dropped their policies when they discovered the trick, but their money was gone. Experience is ono of tho most ex pensive of luxuries in tho world. Mr. O'Malloy's zeal in the temper ance cause helps him in pulling tho long avooI over the eyes of tho sheop ho wishes to shear." By Sal. llapinsky . Stato Supt. E. S. McElroy is in recept of the proceedings of tho De partment of Superintcnco of tho Na tional Educational Association which met at Washington, March 1517, 1887. A paper on Education in Alaska, appears in tho report, and among tho Illustrations given is ono of tho buildings used by tho United States public school, at Sitka, from a sketch from tho skillful pencil of Col. Sal. Rapinsky, formally of this city. Tho house is a rough hewn log affair, situated on a side hill and would bo a familiar sight to a good many of Oregon's sons who attend ed tho district schools of thirty-ilvo years ago. Uroke His l'ctella. Bert Hatch, former niato of tho steamboat, Wm. H. noag, was un fortunato to break his kneo cap this morning. His first accident happened early last month, and tho last two or three weeks ho has been getting about on a tricycle. Yester day this pcrambulatory machine was used by a friend of shorter staturo who lowered the scat. This morning Bert, whilo fixing himself for a ride, found tho tricyclo out of gear, and tho consequence was a second fracture of tho pctclla. This, avo fear, will retard his recovery, Soothes and Heals. Santa Able soothes and heals tho membranes of tho throat and lungs, when poisoned and inflamed by disease. It prevents night sweats and tightness across tho chest, cures coughs, croup, asthma, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and all other throat and lung troubles. No other medicine is so successful in curing nasal catarrh as California Cat-R-Cure. Tho enor mous and increasing demand for theso standard California remedies confirms their merits. Sold and absolutely guaranteed by D. W, Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem at SI a package. Three for 2.50. Tho Baker City Blado complains of drouth and dust, and Is offering up petitions for a copious shower of rain. The- weather has been unusually lino in this section tho last two months, which has enabled farmers to get their spring work forward, and replant their fields that were damaged with tho winter frost. But flying showers keep tho surface of the ground moist, and vegetation, under the influence of the warm sun, is coming forward luxuriantly. Low Tariff For groceries at S. Farrar & Co's, whero you will find nice, crisp, fresh vegetables early every morn ing, genial courteous clerics all day, choice goods too numerous to men tion in tho ovenlnir. and a welcome all tno time. Notice. The printers' meeting, to arrange the details of the annual picnie will be held In the Vidotto office, ut 7:30 this evening. A full uttetidunco of the printing craft Is requested. Queer Filaland Starti. The fits und start tulng thesol words In their literal moaning of tho nervous people often strike tho beholder as ludi crous. Tho nerves of hearing of suoh un fortunates aro painfully acute, and Imping ed by abrupt, unexpected nolMM, loud them sometimes to perform antios worthy of a jumping-Jack. At the root nfnervouanew, In most Instances. Is non-assimilation of the food, and consequently Innutrition of the nerves as of the other tissues of the body. This prolonged Is, of course, produc tive of serious nervous disease. The rem edylls Uostettor's Htotnach Hitters, that Invigorate the stomach and enable it to perform Its functions iproperly. Boon af ter commencing u course of It, It will be found that the nerves grow more tranquil by day, nightly repose becomes Jess Inter rupted, and appetite more vigorous and MtUsfylng. These are the Initial Indica tions, followed by the complete restoration of nervous vigor. The bitters also cure fever and ague, illver complaint and constipation. A Former Salomlte's Political rrospects. Regarding the political prospects of John L. Boone, formerly of Salem, and now a patent lawyer in San Francisco, tho.San Francisco Argus cruelly says: "John L. Boono labors under tho delusion, It is said, that ho will receivo tho republican nomi nation for congress in tho Fifth District." In nnothcr placo tho same paper puts tho following words into tho Webfoot's meuth: Argus. What Is your show for tho nomination for congress in tho Fifth District? B. I havo got a dead sure thing on it if I want it. Yes, I do want it, but Charley Fclton Is my friend, and if ho Is anxious to go back again, I can wait a couple of years. Yes, I feel sorry for Solomon and Barbour. They aro nico gentlemen; but thoy aro only wasting their money in working for tho nomination. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan,inerchant,Lako City, Fla., was taken with a sovero cold, attended with a distressing cough and running Into consump tion lu Its first stages. Ho tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grow worbo. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unablo to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found.himself well and has had no return of tho disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Guaran teed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle freolut II. W. Cox's drug store. new aivi:ktishm i:nts. For Books, Stationery 4 Fancy Goods ! -GO T. III V r B OS, STATE STREET. ASK TO BE SI-IOWN : CRANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASIITON LE GAL CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS' MATERIAL. ACME WRITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAOE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order, SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (60 CENTS. For Fruit Grcrwers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. GREAT REDUCTION - IN - FINK Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, lialf Hussia, Usual Price $32.50, Our Price $20.00. Set LyUon, 20 " Cloth, Gilt top, " " 32.50, " 23.50. Set Thackeray, II " Half Morocco, " " 22.50, " 15.00. Set Waverly, 12 " lialf blue Cair, " " 32.50, " 17.50. Set I P. Hoe, 15 " Cloth, " " 22.50, " 18.00. Set CapL 31. Ueid, 10 Vols. Clolh, " " 15.00, " 10.00. Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, - AT - J. BENSON 118, Stato Street, CAMPAIGN ADUESSES. Tho candidates on tho Marlon county republican ticket will address tho public on tho political Issues of tho day at tho following times and places, and respectfully invito op posing candidates to participate In tho discussien: Marlon, Monday May 21, at 10 o'clock; Jefferson, Monday, May 21, at 2 o'clock; Turner, Tuesday, May 22, at 10 o'clock; Aumsville, Tuesday, May 22, at 2 o'clock; Stayton, Tuesday, May 22, at 8 o'clock; Mehama, Wed nesday, May 23, at 1 o'clock; Whlt eaker, Thursday, May 21, at 10 o'clock; Howell Prairie, Thursday, May 21, at 3 o'clock; Silverton, Fri day, May 25, atl o'clock; Mt. Angel, Saturday, May 20, at 10 o'clock; Woodburn, Monday, May 28, at 2 o'clock; Hubbard, Tuesday, May 29, at 10 oclock; Aurora, Tuesday, May 20, at 8 o'clock; Buttovllle, Wednes day, May 30, at 10 o'clock; Cham poeg, Wednesday, May 80, at 8 o'clock; St. Paul, Thursday, May 31, at 2 o'clock; Brooks, Friday, Juno 1, at 2 o'clock; Gervais, Saturday, Juno 2, at 2 o'clock; Salem, Satur day, Juno 2, at 8 o'clock. GEO. H. BURNETT, Chair. Republican Co. Central Com. The people of Spokano Falls havo subscribed Sl'5,000 of tho stock of tho Seattle, Lake Shoro aiid Eastern railroad, tho entlro amount which tho officers of tho road desired them to take. It is now reported that tho contract for tho first sixty nillo sec tion of tho road, from Spokano west ward, will bo let In a fow days. Enterprise on this liberal scalo is bound to win. TO- atton SAXEM, OR. SETS! STARR'S. Salem, Oregon, .. MJ.A'l.-frI