WPwBHBBRWWHSPywPTi THE FOLLOWING i List of Property is Offered For Sale -IJY : e c aeea saaccaaeaseiggcigegg: Hi Mini OREGON HLfmu etc a g ee ; i 160 acres Smiles cast of SUverton; J1000. i) ncres. ono hnlf In cultivation, small " orchard; $4000. OT acres. 116ncrcs In cultivation, G miles ' from railroad, VA miles from jxjst office; SjOOO. i M acres, S3) acres In cultlMitlon, good building, S10 per acre, t 46 acres, 15 acres In cultivation, small house; S1000. d 100 acres, SO acres In cult lv atlon; S2U00. 7 1 ncres. 20 nereH lu cultivation, small bouse, 18 miles from Salem; $1000; one bulfcasli. v 0ftcres,200acres In cultivation, remain ' der light timber, good house, good or chard, 0 miles from railroad; $0300. o House and lot In South Salem, large lot; $1000. ii 6500-200 acres, 130 acres In cultivation, two orchards, 0 miles from Salem. 11 S15000-375 acres, 2J0 acres in cultivation, balance light timber, 3 miles from Salem. i 600-520 acres, 200 acres In cultivation, ""good house, barn and orchard. R T50O-36O acres, 200 acres in cultivation, one half mllo from teaiuboat land ing. 11 517.50 per acre, 180 acres, good house, 7 rooms, good barn, ono half mile from steamboat landing. 15. 81150 per acre, 120 acre. 18. $30 per acre, 320 acres, good liouso and baru. 17 St acres, 2 milts from Salem, Seo per acre, OS acres in cultivation. R SO acres, $2500, 76 acres In cultivation, good house and barn. 11 250 acres, $14,000, all cultivated, tine buildings. 03 200 acres, 170 acres In cultivation, good orchard and buildings, S8000. 01. 338 acres, all cultivated; 810,500. 21 155 acres, 70 acres cultivated, good build ings; $2000. 23. 100 acres, all cultivated; $3500. II House nnd lot on Commercial st.; $800. THE OREGON LAND COMPANY Ire buyingand selling Kenl Estate, and will take pleasure In showing buyers unvjprop rty in the above list. Office in Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. m STORE AND H - - - H"M - sC - N - :0; GIBSON & SINGLETON, Snfessors to Geo. E. Good. Prescription Druggists. IMPORTERS OF Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, and' Fine Perfumery, ARTISTS' MATERIALS A SPECIALTY. LEVY'S OLD CORNER, COMMERCIAL and STATE STREETS. - O - o - SMOKE THIS OLD RELIABLE Five Cent Tansil's Punch Cigars. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries. iqayroigi 'WZTTTTrT fRtiricir 1 PF " -J. Sxxo Chcla InniETINEMCDfcCe a . I . I i v -- n -S U AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Huve you nn ( 4J. cesslve secretion of mucus matter In the nusnl passages? Are you troubled by frlnj. splttlnff, weak and Inflamed eyes, frequent corenefcS of the throat, rinsing or roaring In the ears, more or loss Impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory Ini red, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of the nose? ilnvoou loKtall e of smell? Is your breath foul? If ho, jou hao the Cntnrrh. Some hnveull these impionu, others only n part. California gestpnss the sense of taste and smell, removes :- ,"iu 1 uuirru. Kasy nnu pieasuni 10 use. by D. V. MATTHEWS i Co. RECOPvtMENDED. I A YT n.r . Pk". t'UAJllilSt 1 DIMON, of Now t5S ' and Home Insurance Company at --uu,ea utn Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In Woodland, Cal., reeom 2"??.ed our California CAT-lt-CUItE. I procurded ujar, having but little faith in Itn wnLUiA mvuvirtiui ... t ..mot . Ai. v i-'wi'v km, uuvi iiiuat n,J Ji unuig ; hut I must say, alter using rr- inclosed find t for which send mo "waresurierers.' SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY. 106 StateSt., Salem:, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. KKW APVKBT1SKMBNTS. Thc REASON POP. IT.' J GKNKB.VI. llIKKCTOK. j SKW AVKITtSEMKNT. T1IK- COMPANY II 2-5. House and lot on Commercial st.; SKX). 2(1. KiOucrOH, 1R0 ones cultivated, ISOOprumo trees, (WO peach trees, TOO pear trees, IHaciesof hops, good buildings; $10,000. 27. 117 acres, SO acres In cultivation, $1200. 23. 80 acres, one half In cultivation, S.TO0. 2". House and lot lu biilcm; S.W00. 30. House nnd lot in Salem; SSOO. 31. 320 acres, iso acres In cultivation; $s000. 32. 100 lots In Silver Falls city; S2 each. 33. 100 acres, 145 In cultivation, $32 per acie. 34. 320 acres, 150 In cultivation, good lm- procinpnts; $10,000. 3T. Saw mill nnd grist mill; $1000. SO. Livery stable, 10 horses, 7 buggies. 1 enr rluge, 1 express wagon, G sets double lnvrness,4 sets single harness, ;H board ing horses, good stand and reasonable rent on buildings; $2500. 37. (iO acres, acres in cultivation, liouso nnd barn, $700. 38. 250 acres, 1 miles from llrou ns Hie, Ik") ncres in eultlv atlon, good build ings, $35 per acre. 39. 57 acres, all cultivated, with buildings, 1 miles from Salem; $S0U0. 40. 10 acres, nt miles from Salem, all culti vated, u Ml buildiugs, $2000. 41. 20 acres cultivated land, with buildiugs, 1 mile from Salem; $2500. 12. 12J-j ncres cultivated laud, without bulldlngs2ono mllo from Salem post oiuce; 31x1, II. 30 ncres cultivated land, 1 miles from saieni; siw. 44. 52 acres, 1 miles from Salem, one half ill ciuuvuuou; ixu 4o. Lots on Capital street, at from 100 to $300 each. 40. 4300 acies improved farm at from $10 to $30 per acre; known as the Ankeny farm. 47. 97 acres, all In a good state of cultiva tion; 5FJ.XAI. Wo have, nlso. all the Scotch company's farms for sale. Helngsold under fore closure ot mortgages, iney are onerea on very reasonable terms. - asV, - H - - M - H i :) - THC O NLY- QUANTEED CURE TOR CATARRH OROVILLECAL. Cat - R - Ciare had taste and unpleasant breath, reult- rouow aireciions ann a cure i guaniii' York Cit. fonnorly special agent of the Kan Kranolsoo, Cul., sa s: "I have been A friend In Woodbind. Cal.t worn iiiitcjuini a unit vi nsuft tnree jars. 1 nmeureuoi mai uisgusung California CAT-H-CCHK for some irlemlx. iff m A Defense of thc Methods of the Pro hibition Part. Ei. Capital Joiu.nal. Allow me through your columns (luue I tun home no M'Irioni,! to extend u cordial welcome to my ft lend Secretary of State MelJride, on his return with health somewhat im proved. At the same time permit me to express surprise that he or any one else should wonder why the prohibitionists should call Walter T. Mill, St..lohuandotherspeakers to Oregon at this particular time. Rather, why not do so? We arc a state and national political party "come to stay," and, like Grant, intending to "fight it out on this line if it takes" all of a lifetime, while our work Includes vastly more than the mere "moral suasion" temperance work of former years. AVe are striving for political ascend ency, as we believe the total suppression of the legalized dramshop will never be championed or advocated by cither republican or democratic party, (though many thousands in each favor it,) and that our party, or one with like princi ples, possibly by another name, must have control of the govern ment if the object we seek is ever to be attained. Wo are not playing at politics. parade. we are money, Wo are not on a holiday Wo mean business. And putting in time, work, literature and speakers in Oregon just at this time because this is the particular battle ground. Won't the republicans and democrats do just the same? What would any one think of a foe in war complaining that the other side went right where he was weakest, and put in their biggest generals and heaviest guns, instead of going where they could not make so good an impression? Resides, we know that votes ob tained now will be seed votes for the November election. Tf we make good gains in June we shall make greater gains in the fall. Js Unit bad generalship or unfair? Oregon is the only state holding an election just now. Complaint is also made that we should not be in the Held where re publicans are hard pressed, because many of them are more favorable to temperance than are the democrats. Suppose for argument's sake that preponderance be admitted. Would a general in war pass by a section of country, whero lie could likely do some effective lighting, for the reason that although those in power were at open enmity with him, there were a good many of the masses who theoretically were not opposed to his objects, though not in favor of his way of obtaining the end? Eastern papers show that wonder ful activity is being displayed by our party in the strongly democratic states. We have just sent Sam Small to canvass and organize the statu of Georgia, for the prohibition party; Sam Jones will also assist. The temperance democrats will kick like steers and say "why don't you 30 ofl' to strongly republican states and not come here to injure our party when you see how we carry county after county for local option? You nrejust a republican annex or nid society." I notice also that Alabama has just held her conven tion, elected delegates to the national convention and put a state ticket in the field. Texas, Missouri, Ten nessee and other southern states have called similar conventions. Rut I must close and hurry south to Jackson county to work prepara tory to its convention at Medford. Respectfully, J. W. Wmhii. Salkm, April iiOtli. - Those well-dressed gentlemen who are sporting elegant, well-fitting summer suits, bought them at G. W. Johnson's clothing store, Commercial street. Sub&uiilKJ for the Jouknai.. Housed from Inartluu. The jireeuror of their disease mid lie tmctlon, the kidneys and bladder health fully stimulated and toned wltli Ho.let tor's Stomuch Hitters, nctUoly riumo their funetlons. Thus ilrlght's illswii-e, diabetes, catarrh of the bladder and enour osls are prewnted. Kor Irritating diuretics, and thoM unmedlcated and fiery stimu lants which, used uun In moderation, oxolte both the renal and esleal organs, this is the bust nolble substitute. It is of botanic composition, and so congenial to the stomach, the dlgesthe processes Of which It helps In 110 ordinary degree, that it Is promptly assimilated by the system, and its tonle effects are speedily felt. Not only does It remedy Inactivity ofthe kid neys, but renews a regular habit of body, promotes a due secretion and healthy flow of bile Into the proper chnnneU, and expel" from the olreulatlon acrid principles pro ductive of rheumatism and gout. ItUnUo the leading upealfle for maUvrlal com-plaints. OnovF.n Cleveland .. . .' President. Titos. K IIayaki) . secretary of state. i;1.1.- Ancnti.n, Secretary of Treasury I , f-J-vs ecretnrj of the Interior. .Vv.,v.f",I,,",rr -secretary 01 war. )V,VmTN" - -Secretarj of Navy. I). 31. Dickinson- iw Muster (leneml. A. II. (.m. n .Attorney General. Mohkisov It. Wviit . .. ciiicCIiistlre. Mate of llrecnn. J. r 1oi imi .. 1 J. II. MlTlHKI 1 1 r. Senator. HlNum: ItntMANN (.'oiutressiiiiin. HYI.VIMTHl I'EVMivmi IJmiTlinr. Gilo. V . Meltiiiiii: Set retary ofstnte. G. A . Wehii state treasurer. K. 11. MrLi.itov . .Supt.l'uh. Instruction. r hank IIvkui state l'rlntei. 'I. S STKAltVN ) Vm.V Ixmn . ..J. Supreme .!mt?es. V. W. Tiiaup. J Third Juiilrlnl lliMrict. It. I', lloisf tuitite, Gno. . IHi.t 1'ivsccutlni; Attorney. Marlon Count. M. It. C'lUMIIMtt.lN ) .1. A. I.oonj., I ..Slate Senators. J. V. DlMtCK J J. 1. Ulil (Hi D.J. l'KNDl.KTON... S. LV1MVN A.M. LVVOLLBTTK W. 11. COI.VI It. . . C. K. IIlCKS il.H. fllAl'M IN . Ilepiesenliitlves Clerk. , Deputy Cleric. Sheriff. .Dejmty Sherlll. Treasurer. GKOKOKXlACK John Junto .. . Ki). CitoisvN . . . AUOt'ST(ilKS T. ( Shaw Count Judec. ?iSK"S:::::--.,iv,ionc. GKemu: A. Pheih.ks ...school Supt. Iohn Nmvsos... Snr ej or. G. I. I.ittiikiki.I) Slice p Inspector! Cltj of Salt-111. .I..1. 3Irnm-i A. 11. .Mint 1st Wliul (o. Williams 1st Want.. Geo. Collins auUViint C. IjAtORRSnd Ward JAP 3UNTO !!rd Ward W. 3V. SKiNNKit 3rd Ward.. Nks. Hush -Ith Ward O. N. IIlTTONMth Ward JIajor. S- Councllmen J. STiilCKLMt Heeoider. James Hess Man-hal. WvT. Hill. Treasurer. Gko. G. IliMiiiAM Vttomey. J. C. Tiiominox sup't ofStieets, C. N. CltvitciiiLi... Chief EiiKlneerS. V. 1). I'. S. Olllifrs. Jas. Walton V. S. Commissioner. Joseph A might .Signal Serlco Observer. NKW AI)VKItTIsK3Ii:NTS. Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' ail, Commercial Street STATi; TIMER'S 3ITII NOTICE. ST VTK OK OKKOON, TltKAM'IlKU'S OrKK'K, 1 NU.KM, Apiiin.lH.SS. f NOTICE IS HEltEltY (IIVEN THAT there iiioKiitlU'lcnt funds on hand to my all outstanding win nintx draw n on the gcneinl, iicultcntlMry, Incidental, Insane and Idiotic, eecutlc. Judicial, loglhlatle, con let, f uglti e, pi luting orludlgi'iit lunds w hlch have been endorM'd. " preseiiti'd and not paid for want of funds ' fiKotho lollow Ing wm nulls drawn on the mlllllii liind: WarriintK mimbeU'd 'J7IJ, 27.1!, 'J7.VI, '.7.K, and 'J7.1'i, and that nil ofubovo win nints will he paid on piesentatlon at this oilier. In terest will not benllowed after the dale ot this notice. g. v. wr.nn, Htato Tn asm er. Oregon Peach Bitters About elahfecn .enrs into I iecelcd a hurt In in) back from a pile of lumber fulling on me, and ever since hud been troubled with weak kidneys more or less; mid tholastcarer. much. Tliiougli tin it-commendation of Hem v Ivii'iie. I bought u iMiltleofll. Klas's Oregon l'eiich Hitters and before I had taken ha f the bottle I found a great icllef Irom It. I believe It to ben splendid leinedj lor the kidneys,aud heartily leeomineiiil It for the same. J. II. roilTEK. Aiiinsvllle, .Tanuaiy 12, lhN Overland to California VIA Oregon k California Kail Road AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA HOUR Time lift wren Salem ami Han Frandsiu 1 bill) -six Hours. CAMMlltSIA KXl'HKKS TICAIN IIMIA. Kortfi. 10: 10 a. in. Win ii. in. (KWp. m. I.OCAI, l-h.sK.N(;i;it tiiain fKIT MU.NIIA'il. ( Il.VtlA KX- R.00 II. 111. lKCia. ill. isiop. iii. Lv. Lv. Ar. I'ortlaiTn Salem Kugene Ar. Lv. Lv. !:!.' p, ViHi p. MX) a. I'l LhJIA.V 1UK1KT S L K K I' K It H . Kxcurtilon Sleoiwrsfor neondliiM .ik- , wiiuers on all through troliM free of, chiirKe. Theu. A c itaiiro.ui terry iniiKe eon iiMtlon viithall the regular I nil lis on the Kant Side Division from fixuot I' xtreet, I'ortland. West Side Division, Between Portland anil Cervallis: HAII.Y (MtCHIT HUMlAY). 7:.S0 a. 111. 1 p. III. Lv. Ar. Portland I'onullU Ar. Lv. 0:10 p. m. 1:00 p. m. M'MINhVJLLi: KXI'UKTM TIIAI.V (DAILY KXCHIT BI'MIAY). W5a p. in. ttiOU p. in. 'lArnwrnnrd-att Ar.MoMlnnvllleLv. TronTE Us ia a. in. At Albany nnd CorvullU connect "Ith iruinn oi urexon i-iunne luiuroaa, ror mil inior map, et., apply HAiem. I'Bisi IL KOKHJ Mnnier. -foiith ' f 1-00 p. m. TaT-I'ortlond Ar. I usiOp. m. Iiv. Salem Lv, 7:10 ii. m. I Ar. San I'niti. Lv. to the Coinimny'ii aent, on, e. r. Kuutoa. .RR. O. V. and lluu. Ae't. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD N11 Oregon Development Company's Steam- i) Line. 225 MILES SH0RTER200URS LESS TIME thitn b. any other route. Klrst-rls Thiouub l'Asriirr .mil I'relcht line from Port l.iml ami all (mint in the Willamette .illej tn aa from San Krancisi 0 Willamette River Line of Steamers! The "Win. M. I long," the "N. N. ltont le,," the'-TlinH- SNters," leave I'ortlaudS u. m. Xoinlais. Wtiliiiil.nsiuul Krlil.iis, fixiin 5Iesrs. Iliilmnii A Cos ilock,LW and Hft! Front street, for Oregon Cltj, ltuttevllle. i iiiiiuiHH1, isiiii'in, iiiueiieiiueiice, Aliianv, CorviillN, unit liitermcdliite Hilut, limk lug close connection at Aliianv with trains orthenirgon rarllle Kallroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Keept Sundn.vs): Ieave Albanv ikki 1' 51 Leave Corvallls 1:47 1 JI Arrive Viuiulnn lKioiM Ix?avo aquliia It. MAM licavo Coivallls Ift'tSA.M Arrive Albany 11:15 A. M O. A C. tniins (sinnect at Albany and CorviillN. Thoabovo trains connrct at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Cos Line of! steamships between aqulitii and San I'lmiclseo. SVIUM1 llUhS. mti:avikiis, Willamette Valley, Willamette Vnllcj, Willamette Valley. STK V5IJ US. KltOM S VX i It VMJISCO. - Monday, Mar. 12 - Thursdii) , Mar. 22 Tuesdii), April :t KltOl VAdUtNA. Willamette Vallej -Willamette Vallcj, Willamette Valley - Sntudiiy, Mar. 17 Tuehdaj , Mar. 27 Hiindii, April 8 This compau.v reserves the light to ciiuugc sailing mucs v niioui nonce. N. 11. l'lisscngci-s from rortlnnd nnd nil Wlllaiiii'tte Valley points can make close connection with the trains of the YAljriNA ItOUTKut Allmny orClirvallls, and If destined to San Francisco, should arrange to an iv e at YiKiulna the evening befoie date of sailing. Passenger ami freight Hates Mwavs tbe Lowest. For liitormatlon nppb to Messrs. HULMAN A Co.. Krelglit and Ticket Agents six) and 202 Fixuit st., I'ortland.Or., or to C. C. HOGUi:, Ae't Oen'l Fit. A 1'ass. Agt.,Oiegon 11icltloU.lt. Co., Corvallls, Or. C. II. HASWi:i.L,.Ir. Oeu'l Frt; A Hiss. Agt. Oregon Development Co., :l Montgomery St.: San Francisco, Oil. GENillAl71jiraiflllKG AND HORSESHOEING ! ! All the Improved methods of shoeing, shaping shoos, to cine diseases of the foot and for thc coi reel Inn of laiilly action, con tnu Holland lutcrh i lug, used. I giinruutca satisfaction In all cases, lteier to any well know n hoisemiiii In Oicgon. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseshoer, ;XX Commereliil stris't, Salem, Or. - -AT Brick Dental (life 'it' L. S. SKIFF & CO. NKXT DOOIt TO OlMCHA IIOUSIO, SALKM. Vilalizcil Air Given for the Painless Extinction of Teeth. BtSy'I'lu' iH'iwin tiwukt'iisi from it nli'icant ilicani vvltli tin.' iicIiIiik twth H""L'. Also Gold Crowns Skt. HACKS -:- AND sj csir'sriuivJ fAnss, Scrihek -:- exnc :- IjCapital Lumbering Company! MAM'KACTl UK IH OK Every Variety of Dressed and -CONSTANTLY Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Btc. SALEM' .... OREGON, SKff AIVi:ilTIKMKNTS. PH0HIBITI0N COUNTY TICKET. CONOHIisS, TIIOR U. M.MIIiI.EH. l'UtDKNilAl, Kl.KdOHS, T. V. CAMlMlKl.l,, II. K. KAMI', l)K. A. (. KINNKY. ltlll'ltKSKXTATlVKS. T,V DAVKNPOHT SUvcitim. .VM SIMPSON, Silu'iton. 11 S.IOUY, Smith Sulcm .1 O DAHHY, Sublimity. .1 (.J KHK1UIA11T, ChtiniptH'g. SHKKIKF. ALKX THOMPSON. SUverton. Cl.KIUC. NY I KAY, Woodlmrn. HKCOltDKlt. Y I HO Ih II HEAD, Tumor. TKKASUKKK. V V JOHNSON, ' Salem. SCHOOL SCl'KltlNTKNDKNT. V T VAN St'OY, .Il'lllTsdll. ASSr.8.S0K. LOUIS IIAIYAik, JoH'crsott. COMMISSIONKItfi. J I) HURST, Aunuii. HKNUY GULVIN, Million. SUKVKYOU. V A FOHD, Yoo(ll)tirn. COHONKlt. NY It MA(!KIS, Salem. II. K. Dl'llOTH. Jok DUllOIS' Dubois brothers, l'roprleiors to FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. I'llilll i lo $.1 pel llil. SALKM, OUIXION. TJ I E -:- BUGGIES! A line line of luiekH, ImikkU , inrth.eiir rlnp's, Iiik'UImihi ls. He. Hot li our oun litulce and the liesl eiistcin made Iiuki1ih. Every one Warranted! JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING. Cull nn the undersigned, uiutoii and car rliiL't inalierHiiiid hliiekninlliis, 'Jv .'II'.', ami !! Coiiiiucri lal hire et.Suleiu. POHLE AMI IllMI.KIIH I.N- mi r ii Undressed. ON JIANII! (jiemebtc Ho Oregon -t.. ji AdriiUtoL. "f