EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I'l'HI.MKIIIS EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MY TIIK Capital Journal Publtthiflg Company. I I10UHWIHATKM. OBe, II (r Slrffl, Ojr Mmf HteH. TKKXR OP HOIWIKIITION KAII.T J On ymr, hy mtll..-- FIT ffMtfl. Mil maattuL tir Tbre mrtfitlt Njr itII - Per tmk delivered by aimer.. .Sffl 1 . IS I WKWCLV QHtymr tHX IIMHltlM .. Tbrw month 4ArM(niiul''r "w tWlVI" KUlMTlrlrll. huUmhImkI (i rt- rfIIntrl m Miid-elitM niHller Ht the Halem.OriMi.rol4lrlw. Mureh H. lnw. TIIUIIHDAY, APRIL 10, 1W8. testimony that comw from lite town, Personal conformity with i the teaching he te to enforce. Let lilin reform hi habit; every one I count one. Not leve the reiiuMI-, (sin tmrty; not K" oil on a reform atory crue; Imtfjuietlyelfm thetem KirHiiou plcgile bihI rigidly attain from the iw of intoxicant. Thb will huh the tongue of m-hiiiIhI, it will remove the only cllHiuall lieatlon that can lx urged against him, and it will insure his election. The C'AI'ITAI. JouiiNAf. in doing its level lKt to promote the biiccew) of our county tleksl, and It in holiuilous to remove every Imtiedliiieiit that MhimIh in the way of that otiuni-matiou. . NEW AD"ERT1SEJIENT3. I ...- . nroTf 8ITWKNTS. - - 1 JCtT fci--" NKV All VEBTMioiia re. i TO THE -r-ti I A T I II ! Jk irst National Usui PAINTS m. OILS 1I,BKRT 4 I'ATTKKSON Have added to their stock 8 fall Hoe of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors, Glue, KALSOMIXE, BRUSHES, ETC. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. OHHirvMiimli, IIIMIIilt JIHIIMA.VX. HiiirpM JiiiIk. W. V. 1A)H1). I'rutlilMiltHl'Kltliir, HOIIHKT MCI.KA.V, W.M. KAI'UK, C. W. FIJITON. PruMviitlni; Attorney Third DIM.. II. II. llliWITT. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. HErHMEWTATITM. J. II. WAI.DO, Mills?. T. T. OKHIt, Hllmteu. J. O. WIIJtOK, Htlrffi. H, LAYMAN. WiwlUirN. Wm. AIIMHlllONO, 8-Hitlt Bihtu xiiriurf, K. M. GHOIHAN, H.K-m. r. j. hahcouk. hiIhb. mxiMirn, J. II. MTAIIII, KtKtlM.t A O. (X)NDIT, AHHrtWIIe. WWH, A. I'. III.AOKtIIIIV, Wlx-tioo CHiMuiMirmmi, A. II. UOUNIlI.tUl, .Virion W. T. (HUM, lliilil.ini. cnu.it. in-riuxirwliiiNT. I. W. VOIIKII, HIIymIoii. VIIKTOH, w j uui.vhii, iuii Htitiu. lm. T. 0. IIYLA.NII. WiwJburu. Till'. hll.VKHTON TltOlllll.i:. 'I'm: substantial encouragement given to the fund now being mixed to attract Immigration to iniscuy and valley, U evidence that our citl- XIHI4 iiDiireeiate the Importance of I ln movement, and are willing to U'odottii in their jenim to help it through. In oilier lev, favored re gions there are plenty willing to come here; they only require to K Invited and our hospitality will bo accepted. The amount ho far mib wrlljcd by our cltizcna foots up to fUTiiS. In the desirable spread of good, cheap literature, It may Ik- mention ed that Macmlllan A; Co. will Ibsiic, In the early Hprlng, fifty cent paper editions of "Mr. Imuiu." and "Marzlo'n Crucifix," two of Mr. K. Marlon Cniwford'n most populur and, in some respects, most in- tcroxtlng stories. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. I.ADUK. -Ili. .1. ilEVNOLDH, .lulIN MOIH, - - ' . . President. Vice President. . . . cahler. GENERAL BANKING, UiuKlit and old. State, County imil mirrant" bought. Farmers are eordliuTj mvwt to deposit vud trnnsnet "Uxluo-s with u." Lbcnil udvnnres I''lle,l.01) Sit. wool, hops and other property it -rensorinhle rates. Inunince on S -- eurlty in oe ouiaium m "" " moit reliable eompanleh. t EAST! Shortest Koutc! Fastest Tlmo J Ilet Accommodations! lxwext IlntosI S- Apply for Information to WILL. J-I. PARRY, Capital Journal OHIoe, ttelem Kelly's Old "Stand"! ! HAVING l'l'KCHASKD THE DLACK hinlth shop known a Kelly'H Ola Mand, I v HI hereafter bo prepared to do all kinds of (Sli ) ffrtl u 0 1 Hon A Poll Line of Ready Mixed Paints. 5: CALL FOR PRICES, s x GUFJIT 4 PATTERSON, Xt'if' THINK IT OVER! I'okti.anii NKW.-yeo',v Hayard.as father-in-law of President Cleveland will nuiku a sort of family matter of the administration. The President appears to Is' safe from sons-in-law. There Is a very noisy temsl In a tcajsit raging In Hilverton over the nomination of I). V. Yoder for Mihonl siiK!rinteniU'nt on thoiepul Ik'iill ticket. Thin gentleman's friends maintain his competency for the Hltlou ho aspires to, and cite his sumsvful sehiMil experience, and the handsome endorsements he lias received from several school oillivrs. While others, (and thoo are pro lilliltionists mainly,) deny his lltmw, for the charice of our public sehmils, bocMUM he is not an abstainer from strung ilrluUs hliiiM'If. ()m eiirrex. jMindeitl, Mliosutaliis Mr. VihIci's UHllilldaey, iIihw so on the gniuml "tlMl the nllh-e of ik'IiimiI miwi inteu dent lw uuthinx whatever to do with Mr. Yisler's views on curivut publie tiutlniis." Which, Is-lng ytnlirii'lsl uieHiwMr. Yisler's Hir hhihI lialilts, mi lung as they art) not MwmluliMiM, In no way eoulllct with the ellloleiit sifornmiiivof his tin tltman a whool ollli-or. While Mitotic r rsimwpomlent writing from Jef rertmii, iltH-lan tlmt "mir text-Uxik writers, mir whiMtl MUHriiiteudentx, mir Uitehem, eh himI all, ar richUHMwIy endiv.iriii to hulld up kv clmrwHer ofwir ytHiih In m wny tiwtt the mUmhi tniervMt wiHihl be nwlerlnlly HttW(tl tlwivtiy." That U. the I ex, I b.Hiks on pliyhony HMil lit mir mcIkxiU, and the oral In atntellou iif the IcMehcrvuii hvvieoe. urn kpooUlly ilix.ljiu,',! t altuw the' moved tlvk'tertitu ettW of whtiUolleiliink ' ou the vital ornn, and thus waru Um eouiiiiK iit'iM'ratiiMi, w Idle ttair uihuU are nmnliiK, iif the danirer ' Uut lurk lu tlie rt,m Iuk Uv I lu I hi aawl islltMvtry lie the itrtm-tpW I hat ilivhk Iik repuLdlcwu ; rntuillie itruiilhltiuu latrty TliK New York Star objects to the government taking control of the Mstal telegraph system, liet'uusc, It says, tlie country must buy the existing telegraph lines, and this would ln a profitable business for Jay Gould. There is no need for tlic country to 1st hied by any tele graph monopoly. It would lie well to pay a fair price for such lines and material as are needed, but if an extortionate price is demanded for the country to put up a new plant. Last week, over In Lundy, Meno county, ('al., there was a case In the Justice's court in which Jim Town send (our Jim) was a witness. A lawyer named Hiirnham made fun of Townxend's deafness, and badged him In every way. Jim stood It with agiKsldealof jiatlence for about an hour, when dually he said: "May It please the Court, I ask an adjournment," 'What for?" a.xked the Court. "Your Honor, I would like the court adjourned for live minute while I go out and lick this Infernal lawyer." "I was JiiMt goin' out tin it nn-self, jwnl," replied the Court, "but If vou wont be over live minutes I'll ad journ." Carcon Apicil. That is About fm'm a Can of PURE ROCK CANDY DRIPS FltOM KELLER & SONS. It Is entirely now and i are thcllrt to Introduce It. "SlHpJiicks" will now buner. J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING!! :H ATS -AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 219 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN & CO. -DKALKU IN- HBrn'H SomotlUriK IClno. We have a new laundry soup I pound bur Unit wu hell for S rents. Ordem come In from every' source. Wend In vourn. When tiMim Imklnir nouder try: Millar's pure cream tartar brand It Is the prlduof we Mill sell the Mtnr braml Wo am eery fam lv at Uu cenls for a mui pound can. sole tiKenth for II Mlxs Waldo (of llonton) You luive rtMil Hagginl's stories, of eoiirM', Mr. WalmshV Mr. WaUtadu Wwttru) ICr Hag-! MIm WmIiIii Yifc lbur.uii AfH.I can w rltstr. Mr. Wabash No, I have not but certainly shall. It Is wonderful Mto Waldo, tla gltrantle utrlde tlmt the iHiKkrtHl raiv has jiwile since Ui trrltiU yoke of slavwv w as rv- New Yurk'Sun. MIW TO. HAY. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. it I I muni) urt ur lb Mal' turn niunu in .UMriti . i .... :j- . . ' lUl ' W" wui urn " . k . . : ....-.. . . -i- . , ; !"3 t"T"t '. "."" rru nay (w...- .n.v niwimriHwinm iiw w .Jljni. im,tM,v r, M. al Um oni tiwk u be uu UHUr tralJK but u ,llut aTuuliCiStoTL TffitMbB3ivTl " . a vimyK o arrtvliiM at thai end. Th'. hibau m. btootiU u, ' mmhlhrnii. Mkv that the irvMiod "" """ uu.ik m. hthx " ivd'" . . n.MU -.idfjwm' Head our adertlsemenls In the luture nnd keep Hted lu exerythliiB new. KELLER & SONS, The CJrueers. TUB VARIBTV STOKE ! JFST ItKl'KIVKI), A NKW HTOCK OK Nl'.W hTYI.IX I.N WALL PAPER! A KUI.I. NTOCK or Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HANI). W. M. SARGEANT, J)' Commercial Strvt't.Sulem, Or. Just Arrived ! Tllli FINEST LINK OF . Millinciy and Putney GinhIs EVER IN SALEM, Kail line ol Ceulemerl Kid Olue lu.t mvlmi. CHAS. tWl.VKKT. Salem, (roo. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. VTOrifK It, IIKKKHY I1IVKN THAT i ih Mtiuinisimnwa. ni ihe w.ihi r IwU JotiDwn. itmitaiNl. w III xll at publki MUHhui mi t o'.l.vk m.. mi tlu aKh day irfAprl , l",t.. UwhUjln! bUlder fbrnu,!i . fiani i naiv 01 in euiiiutl stock IrvifHi. ixah-Ml ll ooriHT ,.f iiuuu-reUii nU lMlrt IM. Ill SttWui. Ilnmm SaLI M-tuSMxiHl HialfMUBV iHHir of KUelloii. W. J. 1MLIJCY. J. V. iiv I'rxurmlaMuriwUJotiaMia. NOTICE OF riNAL SETTLEMENT. Mlici ) t ( mil Mm ! u CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pells and Furs. ifo. 3S1 Commerelal Htitvt, SALEM, - - OREGON. PEOPLE WILL FIND BUYING t(th (lair of Omnia, tr In haait.cbihl ii lureif thtwnlb ry.ir '"' rHaT.1" ." , ,,mi- !si i n. criMr ..r n.iuuu-reui muat U iMvuaml beAgv It will sWl a harw; In hr xtmk. that j UMMHilaruiiuauiiM t wfatW j FlNM5 Nl3V STOCK J.w tvmrtt6.WMiHrH,, In Mid rauillUHaed x llh nMrMktu ' Marten tMnt. AT THE- OPERA HOUSE CORNER Pleasant and Profitable! HHaUljJK TIIHY KKKP FOH LADII IhwUim aptMUHf total alMvibl tlou. To thU mitt U U-gtu. wtUi Ih j-ouuc iu our ariMtuik, alum tun Hmhii ' Um mmI tKi uf atnMU ou Xiw atr tMt ami Uiu KnvwanUng i)mmi tu mil. TWi b a v Um &mumV ! Mtsr Umh pmwfit, mm! (WMmw It Htmkl be wall If our fcik alwul tvarU ami oMt , M4aM UtrttUtorourlvl baVa! ty UM4r um m rvampW. UmI w haw no iumi uliti Um. YMwr. AU mUuU inM W b t MNfwniK )v$m4 eta- A,ltartiWMt lw Um 4mMm U entail m (MHbnM, mmI ITirTirnht U0i U MfcK imawaW ik r Cfs, Skk, Piriiets, -.IMS- LACK CURTAINS!! ttai (Mk,TriMa, CMaVttlaW "" a 1id M ill U;vtd Prim ; .1. M, HosoulKrg A Co., la tbr aiaiivr of ih wiaw m am Notkvfa) arrtu aiva ihi l haki SfS;B&S?rxtt IS, euul. JCUIA HW.N. Kl NttlrCEOFWHENT. All pmamt Wh tQ Cornctr, Martaw mud '--'- w. ,i ,i mw aty wAUU to aii Ik awlC AlHilVTulaVY. Rwa). fcr Ss. "" wnuia tt'!?.!l'..y t.!y WMfiS&St l.flVIW Rnnlimw .q.iu.uu, uuniio, UUI1UHM, I-iec, KmhnldTi, Uo4tty, xnd the flnest lino of Ladies -:- Underwear ! Ih the City, Aud Air Geutlomon, SACK m ORES SUIK, HATS, CITS, WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS, AND ALL OUADBS OP UNDttRWKAR. 4qa4 4iJ viu WT '08W,' ,UKl a wwn Jv In the best style known to the trade ot short notice. The best of workmen eta ploved, and nil work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty? J. J. JARNIGANt Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. ARRIVING! Our Immense Stock of Goods is NOW :- ARRIVING ! B ! OjO J TS' O Cfl H o fr o ft S' miaiuimT 1 J SfHo7KJS CARPETS! -en - The Largest and Finest Stock of Can' Ever Brought to SALEM NOW HERE STILL ARRIVING DAILY. 8" CALL AND EXAMINE. LUNN & BROWN, Cor. i . .i Commercial and State Streets. STKINEU ft BLOSSER, - -i -DEALERS IN- STOVES, RANGES,, Tin and Copper Ware, 130 State St., -:- -:- SALEM, OR. Kxnmlnc our Xo. 8 cook stove, com pletely furnished and guaranteed, for only A specialty made of roofing and spouting, "henrTschomaker, Manufacturer of The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St All Styles of Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTICE, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In the Willamette Valley is the Capital Journal! DAILY AND WEEKLY. MERCHANTS In Salem who wish to reach out for and se cure the magnificent country trade should advertise In the Weekly Capital Journal! REMEMBER That an advertisement In the dally reaches the town ieople; but the weekly edition. Catches the Farmers I Per trjiu, apply to Capital Journal Publishing Co., ' i JASH. SIIHPAltn. Mux" kT t. M