"? '"F'"r"'fW!W Wl 'v JBWJ-i. CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY, APRIL L9, 1SSS. NO. 42. nuRHR A flit" IsH iTlKnEHVfr I'llO SESSIONAL CARDS. GKO. W. 11KLT, ATTOKNEY AT UW and District Attorney. Ofllco at court houc. RVMSEY & HINGHAM, ATTOHXEYH und Counselors ut Law. lluslncs.3 In the Supreme Court a s peciulty. Salctn, Or. mll.MOX FOIID, ATTOKNKY AND lor ut Ijiw. Hnlein. Oreiron. I Counselor Office, up stairs tn ration s diock. CUIAW & GltEGU, ATTOUNBYh'aT h Ijiw, Salem, Oiwon. Ofllco in button's block, up xtnlrs over Belt's drug store. g T. RICHARDSON, ATTOKNEY AT Law. Office over Capitol National ink, 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. r W. Sl'RIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .1 Salem, Oregon. Olllco In England's block. Legal business of all kind. Also both life and lire Insurance. WM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Olllco with Tllmon Kord, In l'ntton's building. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land olllco business a specialty. PH.IVARCY.ATrORNEYANDCOUX sclorat Iiiw, Salem, Oregon. Having sin abstract of tho records of Marlon coun ty Including a lot and block Index of Sa lem, ho has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAPITAL LODGE, NO. 11, I. 0. G. T., meets every Saturday evening. In their lLill, second door north of Post Otllco. G. J.VO. KHIOHT.SCC, II.S.J0IIY.W.C.T. GEO. D. GOODHUE, WOOD DEALER ofllco with Geo. AV. Johnson, 215 Com mercial street. All kinds of wood for sale. Sawed to any length desired. Cash must accompany all orders For Sale- A good Iron framo Hon?o Power. Good tor all i i uses, from one to full capacity. All for the low price of tm. cull at theFuclfla Cider, Vinegar 4c Kruit Preserving Com ptinys otllce. Salem, Oregon. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LKAVB OltDEUS AT LANCEH LIV cry Sjtnblc, corner of State and Front streets, or on slate at corner Hta to and Com mcrclal strcctR. lrompt attention and care guaranteed. W. iV. IlE.i.'tOU, SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com St., bet. Ferry and State. s HAVING, HAIlt CUTTING AND Hnumiooing ncaiiy aonc. LADD &. BUSH, BANKERS Salem, - Oregon. rnilANRACT A GENE11AL HANKING J. business In all Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, ilOO, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS fe OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of tho city at lowest living rates, l'leaso glvo us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 9-AU kinds of fresh and cured meats Always on hand. Full weight und uwuaro deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 98 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand the best quality of Fresh and Salt Meals ! And all kinds of SAUSAGE 3-Tho CLEANEST kept market in the city. Cull nnd seo for yourself. McCIlOW & WILLARI). Ladders, Ladders ! , J-Jo to J. O'Donuld's shop on High ht., between Court and 8tat, Baleni, und get one of J. M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. LlgkttAt Udder made is Oregon. H. W. COX, Hon constantly on hund a well seItotl htock of Bcericke &. Schreck's Homeopathic Preparations V KATLY riUNTKD OUIOR TO UK HA II UrON Al'J'LICATION. Tne B. & S. PREPARATIONS Are the lurt and Mart. II. W. COX u the only authorized ngenL. aH3Ul fur the R & ajIomeopathk Ire riutions and eept no othw NKW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. GRANGE STORE 'Salem Co-Operative Association NKW ADVEUT1SKMKNTS. F. of H. -DKAI.KKS IX- Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery,. Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and Rurgeon, will open an otllcc in the New lfcink Block, on May it, for the treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Slcdlcalbaths.oxygeuand electro-magnetism used. Charges strlctlv moderate. Address box 1TB, Sulem, Oregon. LATEST DISPATCHES. NORTHWEST XKWS GMITIXflS. ESTARMOIIKI) HV NATIONAL AITTHOISITY. rni .JLJUMj' in i i iieuapiiai ivanonai oanK UUIU (II LM ALL, KINDS OF Produce Bought! JAMES AITKEN, Manager. 126 State St., SALEM, OR. -ok- SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, - - - . sfe,000 Surplus, .-.-.. 9,500 It. S. WALLACE, - - IMesiileut. W. Y MARTIN, - Vlctvlresldeiit. J. H. AL11EKT, .... cashier. DIRECTORS! T.Gray. W. W. .Muriin. Linhlni; "S Flashes or What. (he at Large is Doing. World THK DYING EMPEROR. He Still Holds out bat LHV is u Pro longed Torment. w J. M. Martin, I!. . Wallace, J. H. Albert, T. McK. I'ntton. M. M. JVIEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either in private granaries or public warehouses. - -Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn diiect on New York, Chicago, San h mnclsco, Portland, London, Paris, ISerlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on tho alley, opposite Jlinto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. F.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -AN UNDERTAKER. KARKAU'S ULOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. H. W. COX, (Successor to Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon An kinds of Furnlturo made to oider. A full Hue of Caskets always on hand. Established in 1879. 1'AOIKIO CIDER, VISEfiAlt -AND- Fruit Preserving Co. -OF- FULL LINE or Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Pnunlanr, l I IHOII.KIUJ rescriptions and s a Specialty. i SALEM, OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider .Idly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Butter. Sweet and Cliamoasno Cider. Cider Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles.' PURE CIDER VINEGAR. AOENCV FOR THE CELKHRATKl) KULL HAVANA KILLER f Red Letter 5c. Cigar. , tt.Tho bit ilo cent cigar In the mar ket, II. V. COX, lft) State Street. S.jlem. A. E. STRANG, No. 30:1 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -SUALFIl I.V- SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 1888. For Sweet Cidor, leavo orders ut Fac tory Olllce, drop a Postal, or sco driver of our delivery wagon. Wo keen 5-crallon kecs auk 3-cnllon demi johns that are loaned to customers for a icrni 01 hx uhj-k. .n oraers promptly Mllcd. O. STOLTZ, lluslncss Jlumiser. STOCK FARM" FOR SALE or RENT ! STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. A3-Apent for tho MCHAHDnON & HOYNTON COMPANY'! FurnacoH. Kh UibliHhed in l&tfl. Ukklin, A ril 18. Improvement in tht' condition of the emperor con tinued yesterday evening, although the fever increased u little. He had a tolerably good night, though his sleep was somewhat interrupted by his coughing. His fever has not yet disappeared. The condition of the emperor is almost the same as yes terday. Physicians held a consul tation this morning. Rlsniarek visited the emperor at 11 o'clock. 1:28 p. m. The consultation held by the physicians this morning showed the jiiupcror's condition less satisfactory than yesterday, but bet ter than last evening. Last even ing the emperor's temperature rose to 39 degrees Celsius; to-day it has fallen to 3S 4-5 degrees. During tho night Dr. Hovells inserted tho canula. Physicians have again sounded his lungs and found that they are not affected. This strengthens the opinion that an ab scess hay formed on the trachea. IlouluiiKer Writes a Letter. Paris, April 18. General Doulan ger hits written a characteristic let ter to the electors of the Department of the Nord, in which he says the 15th of April will henceforth be marked in the annuls of France as the date ofher true deliverance. Ho praised the electors for their perto venuieo and patriotism, and says they understood his profession of faitli although the politicians did not. "What Franceldemands," ho says, "what the electors havunfllrm ed through my name, is tho necessi ty of a Constituent Assembly, before which all ambitions will be eH'aeed, and which will give the peoplo the largo place they should occupy un der a republic. This ulways lias been promised them, but systemat ically withheld. We will labor to make the republic respected and in-de-tructlble." A Brief CIironErlo of Whut N Doinp Oregon and Hound-About. in Over 100 men tire at work on the Settlers' ditch. Several new ears of the Occur d' Alone railway have arrived. The music of thohammeraud saw is heard daily at McMlimvllIc. A number of valuable horses are being shipped from Pomeroy to the east. Farmers in the vicinity of Boise City are very busily engaged in seeding. Boise City has not a single pris oner in the county or city jail. Happy Boise I It is feared strawberries werosome- A TALK OX THK FKOSPKl'TS. State Secretary Miilridc fines Views of licnulilirnn Chnnce at the Polls. His Tills writer spent a pleasant hour yesterday in conversation with Secretary of State MeBride. Ho re turned from his long sojourn in California, a week or two ago, much improved in health, took his seat in the state convention which assem bled in Portland on the 11th Inst., and has since returned to Salem. AVo found this popular state oftlcer In his chair looking bright and cheerful, but still badly lamed with his wounded limb. After somo gen eral talk, tho chances of republican success were discussed. Mr. MeBride fully recognized the gravity of the situa- 530 ACRES Well untercd and plenty ol timbor. Two houses and two barns. Good orchard. Meadow and 150 acre plow land. Fifty head of rattle with tho plai If wanted, and horxeHcnouKh to run it. Within tlvomllCH of depot on thoO. ifcC. R. IC A Imrguln for homoDody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. WILLIS k CIUUBERLIN, Real Estate Agents Iluy und Mdl farnm und elty proporty. A tarue nuniberof delnible farm and olty prox3ty nowotmrlngon rtwonitblo tormn. " Live and Let Live Faint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All ordw will rwotve prompt utlunUou. KxtliruUM on all kind or work In our line chew-fully clveo. Satls&iotlon KUHrHntw1. Shop In (jfld Court IIoumi on Court iitrtwt, Halem. Or. Kire Insurancel Wrltn pollelx of Inhuranen ustilnst fire ou all eUuM of property In 4lit ntllable and wwilthy Oouipanleii. Brokerage ! Will netotuite los.ru on real estate or per wmal aeonrlty on Jons or hart time, and for lance or smalt mim. STRICKLER BROS. -DKALEU4 IN- STOVES AND TINWARE ! Roofing &ih1 Spoutiog a fywidly. -Attbe old cumd ot I!n. Htnme. Com-mereUlMtrret. Kutul ItuntlliK .ttlstuLn. Columiiia (S. C), April 10. IJen Davis, acoloi-ed man, anil two young men named Perry, went into tlio woods in Georgetown county, yesterday, to hunt wild turkeys. The party separated, and as is custo mary in this kind of sport, one of tho Perrys hid himself in the thick undergrowth und began gobbling like u, turkey to locate the game. His imitation was so clever that Davis, who was also hiding n few hundred feet away, mistook Perry's gobbling for that of a genuine bird and attempted to creep up on him. Perry mistook tho stealthily ap proaching darkey for a turkey, and tiring away at him, the entire load of shot entered his face ami breast, killing him instantly. Itrutul LuKhliif;. UiiiuAfio, April 1.1. Times special from Now Albany, Indiana; A band of "White Caps" last night took James Seebors, Robert Uruni lleld and Mrs. Nancy Wilson from the woman's house, stripped tlieni and tied them to a tree. Tho men were given 125 luslifs each, blood be ing drawn every stroke. Tho men fainted several times, but water was thrown on thorn, and tlioy were re suscitated, only again to bo lashed. The woman togged plteously to bo spared, but was given twenty-five lushes when she fainted. 'When the victims wore untied they foil to tho ground and were left there, talng taken away by friends. A Youthful Slurderer. Kansas City (Mo.), April 18. what injured by tho frost Sunday tion, but was no way liopeless, of re publican success, rroiiiuiutm spotlit ers, he said, were making a special efl'ort In this state to win converts to their cause, and this led to a sus picion in ills mind of tho good faith of tho leaders of the movement, be cause ho had several times remarked that they always arouse themselves into activity wlienadamagelng blow can be inllieted on republicanism. Wjj venture to ask the state secre tary how, in ills opinion, was tho best way to deal with this political schism. Not by abusing these cold water fanatics, ho said, they are too set in their belief for that to avail. Person ally, ho had but little patience with them, because their secession from tho republican ranks was utterly causeless. The party they have de serted Is In sympathy with their ol ject, and a slight, disagreement about methods is no justification for their going oil". Wo asked him which party in Oregon he thought suflercd most by tho defection. The republicans, Mr. MeUrlde, said, in tho proportion of .'1J or per haps l to one. Ex-Oov. St. John's visit to this city was next mentioned, and our Interlocutor gave full expression; to ills understanding of that elo quent apostle's motive. He thinks self seeking prompts, ills action and not tho good of the human race, if the people of Kansas had elected lilin governor a third time, ho thinks he would have been content to carry out his temperance reform within the lines of his party. Ht. John's froo trade utterances Secretary MeHride thinks come with poor grace from such a speaker. He lias been many years in public life, discussing political issues and In forming himself by reading, inquiry and rellection as to their merits. While ho wus In the republican party he was a strenuous advocate of protection. Ho took his stand on that question, and com mitted himself to that side as fully as repeated declarations can commit a speaker. His Hop over at this late nigni, says en Albany paper. The Walla Walla Valley Agricul tural society is a member of tho National Trotting Association. The O. & W. T. track litis been laid two miles out from Wallula to ward Eureka fiat, and live miles graded. McMinnville Reperter: Our new $10,000 public school building will bo a credit to the county. Yamhill forever. E. It. Skipworth, democratic presidential elector, will open the campaign in Eastern Oregon in a few days. The Spangle Record says that a great many immigrants are coming Into this country. The same paper also says "Spangle N booming." Walla Walla Unien: Tho O. k W. T. track Saturday was com pleted to Centerville, and the citi zens of that burg aro highly dated. Tho public school of MoMinnvIlIe will close on Friday, tho 20th Inst., until the fall term, whin It is ex pected tho new building will bo completed. Sunday night a severe frost visited portions of Yamhill county, and it Is feared that the small fruits have been nipped. Ice formed on water left out of doors. Sunday night quite a ilea vy shower ol rain fell in the vicinity of Pendleton. A Pendleton exchange says it is hoped It was general all over Umatilla's vast wheat fields, Work on the fair ground Is pro gressing rapidly, says tlio McMinn ville Reporter. This year will be tho best in the history of tlio county, A handsome pavilion Is soon to be built. The report of the Walla Walla public schools for tlio month ending April 13, makes the following show shew ing: Total number enrolled, o30; total average attendance, KI0; total per cent of tardiness, (12. The apportionment of school money for April In Kittitas county gives that county $4,012. 7,"1 : there being 1,.W3 school children who draw $3.41 ouch. Ellensburg has 243 school children and gets $828.03 of tho school funds. Tile annual meeting of the Idaho Rible Society will ,bo held at the Baptist church, in Uolse City, Sat urday evening, May 6, at 7:30. The anniversary meeting of tho society will beheld at the same place on Sabbath evening, May 0. In view of the number of business houses to bo built In Spangle this spring and tho encouraging outlook for a good flouring , mill to bo erect ed in tho near future, tho public spirited citizens of Spangle have good reason to;' rejoice, says tho Record. John Rognrd, 10 years old, pleaded guilty to-day to murder in tlio first degree. Ho was sentenced to bo hanged, liogard held tho hands of Jamori Woir, at Independence, Mo., last Junuury, while Charles K. Mover struck him on tho head, killing him. Meyer was tried lust week, convicted and sentenced to be hanged. Bogurd la the youngest person ever sentenced to bo hanged in Mlwourl. A meeting was hold at Yukima, a few days ago by tlio prohibitionists. A lurgo number of representative men from different sections of the country were present. Sjeochos were mudo by Hon. Oeo. H. Taylor, John W. Hrlce, Frank T. Parker, P. J. Flint, Rov. J. T. Esholmun, Rev. K. W. Dixon, Prof. J. W. Miller, I,. C. Parrlsh, J. W. Rook ami many others.' Arrungeinonts were mudo to hold the territorial convention ut North Yakima, tho 28d und SMth of tho present month. St. John will be Invited to speak twico during tho convention. day, and at a lime, too, when ho Is fighting tho republicans, looks more like factiousness than honest con viction, and Mr. Meliride could not give him credit for sincerity. Ho believed in treating the prohi bitionists with courtesy and becom ing rosjtecl, us they hud a perfect right to follow any political prophet they mluht set up: but ho would like the republican press of tho state to stand firmly by IU principles, ami use Its best arguments to con vince the members of that faith that I l.o abolition of the liquor traffic can lest he brought about by the use of moderate means. Creamery l9pIoln. Toi'KKA (Kan.), Aprril lO.-Tho- town of Haxelton, near here, was (lie scene of uu explosion last night which seriously injured four persons and will probably result hi their death. While George (.'lark, inun ugerof the Hazeltou creamery, N. P. Mooro, one of the partners, bis little son and James Smith, were standing near tho separator of the creumory, which wus- running at tho rate or 40,000 revolutions jwr hour, It exploded, mangling all of them In a frlghful manner. Subwrlta for tho Jouiinai-