Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 10, 1888, Image 4

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.1, "JiS ' NETV
..ggS! ??" .. .nVKKTISEMENTS. ;
' OREGON. . -- "
i i in,.AiTn nnitnnii
r ,.. ii r n nil i iniiiii i i -!.
Concert tonight.
Cltv council meets to-night.
u:-s.J I .1 .f Mux in (Kvildl I)r.OlllH..rllwHcldhlHfouiH!of
1 ' , lectures.
IIWW' Mi- May Chapman bw returned
from Allmny.
A UiLSIKARI.fi rOLOM. '' Howard of the Monogram
cigar store. isMck.
Imwc I,. Patten-on wnnt to Port
TV lfBB)hanla KiaHgelleaNCawliis IhihI tlil-s tnorniiig.
lo Jlnrlon County and may Slay. uovernor Fennoyer came up from
1'ortlHtul lat night.
This imH.r "-veral days ago State Twwift-r Webb relumed
mentioned tlmt a mloiiy of seventy- uwwy ironi it-iwi "-s-
u.w.ilu tlwHM.U-.rw ftf fU I'iVKlI-
ifellml church, and under the loader- f I 'oik i-otinly, Is In the city
... .. ... .. i..., ,.r
Grut Kirnmlon.
Go to Putton's ami Starr's look
stores and buy jour tickets for the
excursion Friday morning. The
.Multnomah will lie in Salem by 3 p.
r.i nn Thursday and the bond will
.it, ..,.-. ,, ..mil iniiuii. lit) (lie stonmc
The taxes collected by the sherifl"
of Wasco county this year amount
ed to WC.79S 73.
fFUn rallrnnrl mitrtflPPrA iWii Oil
camped a mile and half above
Tnrsday Seeing, Apiil lOih. W. j Carpets. Shades, Portiers
Fine NewStock
Kareu oil Coin crt Tendered to
Congregational -:- Church
curxlou time table: Leave Sftlem, (i The county wait question seems to
a.m.; arrive Oregon City, 100 a. j be cutting a wideswatli in the al-
. --I..,. tf..if lniwl 1 fit Iwil'ii I i Hit. ...I I, ,.1,1 At. till I.l
HI., Ulllt 1 iiuuiin., .- ".., -"' l,,lt JHIIIUUUl Hum, -n.fr. "-s 1 " Hos Illl
Portland, 2 p. in.; arrive at Van-! (;rande Journal. i p!kw"fcJucvVinron&'"(lwknitoSa;
,,nv,.r. :i-JW n. in.: leave Vancouver. I ...... ........... ..., i ,... i. tun ' IonWolcnhauit-MIses Hughes and
i ii. in.; arrive at Multnomah Falls, , ku . session in Zeiui. Miss
t.i.. ..e I,.... I. T tmi'iir null Iff 1 L i , . ,i........
snip 01 iii'i. i..i. .'.,! i liiH). ii. imiivii, i-.-i .. .....
Oil City ami Franklin, reim r , (on, Brown A. Co., Is on the sick mi.
Oregon, and at the wine time urged i , M,(1(0) wl(J ,,W j,, nllng
iiImiii otircltlciw to make an ''H'"1 1 with malarial fever several days, is
to locate at least a jwrt of the oniony ( l(j ,,,
here. Tiwl.iy . renter jcrncl y
from 1 on ., H I J, . k, , , t,i(j ,
wilierllilellilellt of til' lM'lllU'IHIiir, . ...
.....i... ..... i ....-Mm, k. ti.nl ,tale convention.
ll. ni i.r .h im in .......... i
i-iid for M-ventl montliK. Tlie party, leeeruHiii, wmIk water, mllkchaUef,
waxorinuilMHl and i-oiikh Ironi hl,canillet, oyftern
liirtli-plH.v, ami wv.-rnl of 111- r-ln-
lll'iu urn HIIKXI1 lift Illlillllx'IV. ill'
Iihh written to them holdliiK forth j ciits rtiriiittlihiK kxkIs In the
the niipcrlor advantage, or tin- mi- at (I. V. .loliiiHoirx
School SujieriiiU'iHlmil Itobiiiwm, j 030 p. m.; arrive at Cascades, 7M Surah Cuvtt ls tiie teacher, and the
. .. .. .i t. ,1 !-. .. ... Ij Munt III IahI'II f'tUHlilliW ' . . . . . i rtlt...
y. .... j.i.-.u.,...., ..- V...-1...1.V , , 10lul.s uuiuer tinrty-nve. me
lurk for Fuller-
meaU at all hoiu.s
at A. KtrniiKV Co'm.
i Tin' luiviiHl (.lin'k or elotlilinr ami
8 a. in.; arrive Vancouver, lOrfM) n. m, iH,,rogres.-ing nicely.
m.; arrive 1'ortiami, J m. wregon . ..... ... ,.. ,.
,.' , , . . , . iwuei paper: orKiuuiew. .
City -M ,, .,..; arrive slcn, b. 1. , , ,ri,k.
in. Tlie steamer will le at Salem ( ., , ' . ,..., ,,.
early on Thursday afternoon. Get
ticketH before going aboard. Fifteen
band lioys in uniform are to go.
Tbr rrdlH I naulinoBi.
D. Suit, Druggto,
Viwr ilnnnrttiinilt. Is crowded to its
utmct ciipacity, and work is being
turned out as rapidly as possible.
F.uirene Citv rrnucr: Tlie balance
of the tax due from Lane county to
the state of Oregon for the year jSJ
Quartette, "Starlight nmt Muxlft Ml-es
Terry and Wheeler, nnd Jte-rv. rnrIn
and llisley. , ... ,, ..
ViKiilwlo,"Vltli Verdiirechul. Hnjcln
-MM Unity I'arrisli.
l'lnnosnlo, "Kitlh NcH-turne.' Leybaek
MlssIiOimllrryinnn. ,.
Trio, "A Little Turin Well Tlllcd."-Tar-rjjlPssr.
l'arvln, Terry and Coolte.
Vocal olo, .elected, MNs Anna Taniicn
tcr. Kxhlbltton of the Anthronhone.
Olee, "Han esters" mid Gleaners' Song.
-From lluttcrflcld'h Until Miss TarrWh
as ltuth. ..
Voail solo, "Star of my heart." Denza
Miss Gnice Gllllnghain,
riuno (.oin, "jiuouung .-priug, -nc
King Miss Krnnklp I. Jones.
:7 VikwI solos. "Whirs ut njy Wlddow."-
. v. nun, wiiikk.Ii ii.iiu, uiuntov.iiS""-j i oborne-ond "Iteinembered."-Tarvin-
I . it.f lit .. II.. M ...... .a ilw. .itndi ifiiifUllfiir1 I Ml.. If. .11.. !..-! ,..
11KI., leSIIIlt'; J Will R'UsIIIIIUI'IKI Was jmiU Ut'l IU UIU lW ih.-w.-mai, .uijiwm immn.
Klwtrie Jiitters as the ery liest i this week by treasurer Walton. The I rimilw. i?,?vfi"
remedy. Kvery iK.ttle m1i! hasj whole amount was $21,107 OS. ' ni;Vsin!"fckt"w
tpll'lln I'lltlllf I 11 HVlift l.tlLfl flllll llltltl l 11 .1 ..!.... .f 1 ......., . ...... n.
ss Miss Tar-
ets tit Tatton's
Dress Goods. Trimmings.
Clothing and Hals.
Largest Slock .uid Lowest Prbs!
B-Call and be eonvinced.
.1. M. Rosenberg & Co..
Wlaite -:- Corner.
If. K. Dullois. Jok DBBois
Dubois brothers,
cltv K' " ' J iiiiiii i jt.:l cwtate ileaiei's report uuiuer-
tooksix bottles, and was eurcd of ,,us ItKiuiiies for property, and the jiITn ad.iiiwi I'nnnm-nn
laiiictle valley, and Marlon ismnt.v L(,,H ,,ml,,u,r r ,.olllllv super-1 "l'"""'h" (,r ,( .'w,rH' 'tandlng.'M llmlx.r of jK-rsons seeking houses to 'U Hj (1(( AND ((((b)
.v,M.ally, ana .lMce or u-i.lei.ee, jlUm(U,nl ,,Lrl)1 l4 n,Vl,rIllB ; nimuii nun-, r w., e..vi,u., , ,lus ,argely Increase.i. Tae MKA
Mndl.HKlHs.mo-med In reli.m that fl,)m ,lt.r mvM H,rIniw I1mw Ohio at Irum: "il.e U-. selling 1)oolll 1!lt ,ms stlrm, lip w, many1 ,;,',,, . , ,
. ... .... ..in ... iiw.illiiliiii I Im fn .ifiii" li.iiiilWt.l In fin. ... ... .i i i.f .1 :,.. TlitP Vurl l.t.t U.l.rlilii jinil S.itnnl.iv .
seven oi tlie wnv win conic uii in . . . ... .. , ......... ........... u ---. cities in me west, m eviiieniiv on ii- i ir, ---
...... . . .loin iiiuiover. an insane .iiun. .... . . ii.......i .. ... . . .. .
i u iiiiiii i ii iiiiii t i n i up ii ' '--
" ill IJ.l.Tlfil
S em.at hough tie eo ony lias omy, - u yeais caikhcihc, i j-.icuuic way , t U'iwanJ. ' 7V k ! ".Miutnimiuii.
thefithMs ihov exiKs-led, they will 1 I . H. I) Arcy has been npjioliited verdict Is unanimous that hlectriclf ,,...,. ri ..... ,.,IIln.1Ilv ofthol.i.ti VanfouxeFbynrniiwiiu-iitsnitu
proUd-lyarrU-eheiealHiuttheln,. f he state democraUc I lcr, ,, mtv .Hcs f tin-, U r";"11;,;,1, v ! ".i
f II'" -I- eom.,.l.tv by A. Bush, the eliali- Uvvv, Kidneys , IMood. Only a , .,,, .. . , , . I nil SDILVTS: .c'Pt I
. III II ft , I...IT .I..II . .. 1... II .. .1 If II f 11 ' ' ll-IIS.H-fl.lt'l 111..
.. . . -. .. iiiiiii uoiiiir 11 iMHiieui, n. . . u. h ,,, G . .,,, ..,,.,..,
Ill llll- V . .J. .... ...Ill 1111, 1. IIMMll . ..
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From l to S S per day.
IH-il llir win ., ,. ... , i,,...i.i
utility oiirt.,i.iii.'iiiii-iit 1 ii-uin
Mmoiik Hie real e-tate operation ,llftirm, lw ,.at H-hiK.lsare IuhmIoii
1... 11 . I .. ul..,. ,!.....
ortheOnron Uuid Co., mIiuv they
started biMlnewi In llilsclty, we may
mention their pun-ham-of Goodhue
A Geniier of a tract of land, ooinprln
liiK I') Men, on the old JarvU Hinge
road, It iiilliw north of Salem. Of
IhealMive pniM-rty tlu-y have wild
u follews: 1-J aen-M to A. GduI.IIiik
fur llNHl; HI octtx In -- GoutdlllK,
In .Si) of the til districts In Marlon
I drug store.
the concert at the
oils attorney of Joseph
There arc about sixty men at work
on The Dallas Lumbering Co.'s
water Hume, and work Is being
Just Arrived !
April I'l, lij Nili'in's bust talent.
r,nilS!clliillilliiieij iind Fancy Goods
h"0p 111 dining hall and gents' ' I
Tl'lSlAV. Al'ltM. 111. 1SW.V
, -, . . .11111.. ...U.ll, ...... I,.,... . '!....(,
I II TTI1 M..t -. T-.l .. ... .11.
., . , . 1,11,1 iiiiimiiiii, .uci.itiiui ; , i'uis- piMicit as rapidly us possnne. in a
... t. , ,7,7 S I 'm,K"' w aii'MusUT, A II Tanner, ; few weeks tlie companv expect.sto
lhlslsJI ssl'arrlsh s iLstapm-arance1 if 11 ., , , m,,,,,,,.,,. -.,, ,, , ,, , .. i , , ,
. t . " u JI Alain, .) .1 .Meagher, v 15 1 have their Hume so far completed as
iHTurt. Kolng tst. Lon.t) w s Wllu,t x Xort,mip) j ,o u al),t (0 )loa( himlKir wUhlll ,wo
John A. IC.sk., a ivirnt arrival J Portland; A Carey, Fox Valley; or three miles of the city,
fttiin Kiiiiniim. luw been otiite ill ! M M..v..r im.ii . :,... i.'......i, '.
-! " .' ' ' .1'.., . tin .1,11111 'I'l... ll.tl.,.,. .,. III. ,,l.i .. I. ..,,,!
r r..r the .ifoiv u...ntloiul. for M-ven.l .Inys at the nMliktira or I)r.!c;.I W (irlin, Aurora; .1 Kellv, Mllll ..n-l.t ...l.ii.in wckk- u-l.l,.
w. ... -r ... n. uy-- .B"; "l,,t - ";: " - f ;;;Mu.r. v.c.ona; h wrei,w :z .. 2 L,:t
iht,s...ii Kiiiihiih iiiiiii, HM1. Ihi .n-Mliiiihiw. French bread, milk : L Itoliert, Marutlli, 1-r.inee; .1 F our tab'e. It Is renubliean in ooli-
r.illoulng Miii. in-, taue luaer,. .rea. , I i.t..n biwn bread, graham me y, Ash ami ; .1 Itutli. Turner; ,.,,, dllims t0 i,e pn.g.vs-iv e in '
11.H..L iniiiii. II I M llll linl'll KUMI lir.Hi.1 lint l.iin. .-ill'..,. ..!.. ,1,1.. , f) ( Sim Hi ll.illni.. I I. W.....1 I in ,
I- '" " ' ' ""' "'-i "" ...iv, iiii-i ......-, .. . iil'iiiiii i- I.,,,. ,.. .mil tl.im.. Iiln Ii.
' ''' W(,'w- ;, path fi.r itself. We wish
ttril-Ifif ' U.i.it iip fill tilin .i-yi.
I'llllWi, (H I 'VII I'l tl'l llll 1 llf pi.''
i. .Meals on stunner lor nllulici
lako no lunch, also eollee.
li'VI'p'Wh'vI- ' Ihmml till, mini Salem,
ij.l r..Wl. ji-ji. Moils on steamer,
"lie. :l. (elnniiiiii, .Vie.; pujills,
'is'. 1. NocMm for sleeping nor
roiiii'it. Tickets at Tatton's and
Sitair's iMMik stores.
I'DMUITTp'r"- -Mesdames I'anln, Adams,
lU.ll.tlll I I.Ij. Iljars.VanScoj.and.Mlsses
MiMires, Itairington and Dear
hoin.and I'mr. .stun.
ntemcri Kiit (iloe just
OC Smith, Dallas; .1
ifotil, V It llllyeii, Chas
II. W. Cottle. tny, c. 11. MiMii'is., morning at A. Strung ,v Co.'s
WO. The Oregon Laud Co. have riu. vaenncv iiiUM'd bv the rivlg
aUo xolil a rwlilcniv let. In Silver lutl,m r Wll ,. prtvett, po-t-City
for W, and 1(1 reHidcne. lot- hi , nmulvt ,it .t,ler-on, has Uvn lllksl
Ni.wlainfn.rfHV). They Mmrt In- uv A. ihiddleson being apinilnted.
Miilri. land .pille min.er.Hi, and .. ,. ...
Ihey liuvu Merul pkww of prom-rty ,,. J , , , , , . Sai.i:m. Amll lit lsxs
.... f ' i i . jirirtf. Refoiiiiwiilwt by Ills nrixiitel ... .. .. . . "'"" " ,w
IIIMIVI ikhi.iuiiiiiii, ..,..,., lunii . t.. I Hill. .M. I OlVlg, IVMHIIll lent. M
. . m-H-mij, i.ii 1 1 u u hi, neiu 10 .-si, ... ... ...
i C ..u Helens t,,,,v. lie will return In a v,,,I,1.H.t.h "My l'lolla..t, appeal
..T ,. , , , . feu ilavs. iioin iviainatli county; argtuil and
Jam. XwWt, lb.' lad chargtsl ft ,m Mibn.lttcd. P. P.l'rlm attornev for
.U. mHJlH tlKf V.su.m Inlou Mr. Iliinwkcr, or Marlon, died h( respondent, K, H. Watson attorney
oiUa- iI tlw ulidit of .Mdivh iu, and w homo last Sntunlny, Hgd iM ! fol. ,m.M,jlluj
wlw m Jm-ii iiiIwIiir for -veml ywux lie wHs a well known N'aivNsi 1) Gaston aimellant vs
Uy. wn am.sl itenla.v at his ploneorand Ii-hmsi nuiny relatives,-..,,., ,... .iwh.i.i.'i ,i, . V ,"
mw. jjp fair ndle. ru,h of amms , ,h, ,s,ty , mourn , 'S&T'SS
Ivuiwur C hy. b C.mU. . v . .nrlimn. . M Wlwl ,, Mll,nil,twI n n xrt; :
Maiittl lUi win to KURriii City ' The mmhiiI ivMlmeiit Umd as-tn- rup att f..raipellant, W. II ,lanis
Ut iilithl nod ivtiir.uil with the bUst t.iM-ivnade the state military laity for a-pomlent.
iii'lMilicr ibid niitiiihiit. lie uhh luunl i.i.i ni.iin. i,m .n., ...... r..... i .
taken Ini,hv Judjse Mrlekier, ami' owl shiH-riuTiiud other memUu-K or
unt wil.liiK .XMinluiitli.il, Ha' tu. IhmI fldksl to put in an npm,r
Umim.I er in the itraud Jury in tlie aueo and tin- mtviiiuIi- was Klve up.
aim f &VI, In iletiuilt of which lie -
Vh iNrrtlinl Msgiilnr.
this new
sii-vu iii iiui i.i.n, ri(i:sni It. S 1)1 HIT,)
SVI.KU. Anrll .", lsvs .
; Yiiriii: is iiKitt:itv oIvkx that
1,111 J i ilii-ti- an siiiiiclrnt funds on liaml to
li.ix nil nn i si ii ii ii tin. u ii i iii ii t.j ,i M. it ., .... i...
mm mi, lM'iiiieiiii.uj, inciiienial. Insane
urn, A iiunv; ti 11 I. Lrirct. Lebanon- . . . i , . i "".". lH,1",ini.nj, inciiienial, insnni
., , ,. . ii.hi.i, i.i ir.iniiii, i,l ,l,w,l..,l,,r iintiiriirisii liliiiiiil.iiil inn I, II. ill,- ..!..,. mi,.. ,,,.n,.i.,i i.;i.i
M lieilliett. Mis. llelilii.M. Mvrtl.. ! iiinict.rii''lllv.v in lin'lii.r. ,,!, ii... 7,,. ,, .iJ
Creek- () M ""inillli I'l sj..,,,. i.-l slieeus. Hhlchhae been endoisca. ' presented and
vilc, . .l .-lllll, ei rscotl, S, .. . . . .. . , nut ii 1,1 r.iruiiiit iil-fiii, ,,..' V,. tl... i-..u
'".I-U1- Uly lodge .(). 2-1, I. U. O. Inguai mnts ,ln, ,'i,o ,,,i ., ,,V,,. I
sti-i:uit;cuii:r. F, will celebrate the sixty-ninth .w.".r.ril'tK M,.lml,P1':'i i:-- m, L7M, w.w,
:. V. WKIllt,
sitate Tieasinor.
I J eiy Stable, corner of state and Kront
siivels or on stateat corner Mute and Com
mei-cial striTts. lYompt ntteullon and
V. . 1JKXS0X.
ww iiHimili.cil to the isamly Jail.
.Ni'tjnlis silnil.
i Governor lVnuoyer to-day ap
I lailnttsl the following notaries pub
lic: A. A. Uniuhart. Wiimv; (!.
Ilo-eubliit, I'ortland; M
.... .,.,,,,,, i iiKiiuiii, .,,, ,. .iieii. ..-...., t-s ...
The Wcs.t sliiiH. I ).-.. ini's liin. i... 'Tin, Da lliw; .Ins. 'I'lionuisiin ii. ........ i he said. "I fear not."
' ,--.-.,..,. lll-l 11.- --- - J'1-.l, Vlllll.1 I
.1.1 lllUIMljtll.. 1 ....... I.. I. ..... u, I. If-r.lalt.' -l.i. ....I,..... 1 , t ' -
.-. ..rr,,,.,,,., ,. ,,,, ,,, liniiruntVlllll s .svr., I, ll-l.l l.lllllll.t , J. .. slliyCT,
yi-ar, and yet In all that time it litis Pendlelon; S. S. Trsiln, Albany;
-i m .....L....L .. i. . .i.ii i.: .. "v,ir ", uen an osivllent i.c-oe row on, itcscciu, enstk
HM' wdiui he wlH .Kk i m"",H,r "" ,,ml ,,,r Mh,vIu 'IV .: W- S. Hullbrd, Xew.rt;
ii.,..i..i.j ..... ... . .. "H" f-m.Kinni, nun ute iiii e es ' .m-iiu, rHwsiue, t iiiixoo eeuiitv:
, ,,. , ... ., ' ,,,,, '"'"-'".aiiiiiiiaiiiiioiaboveMiirnintsMllI
aiuilveivary of the institution of Odd ' iil on Di-esentation at tills oiiice. in-
Fellnusliliwn, (l...').lM.,,f V,.,.il.i,l. '''-'t will liot be iillim-eil after tho date of
- .............. . . . . . Iflllll A I I II llll I II is. iiiiiii
I apiimpriiite exercises and a grand j
street naniile. Hon. T. C. Ifviln '
will deliver the oration in the hall, BENSON'S EXPRESS.
after tlie parade, where an interest
ins' nivuiraniino will lie carried out. i
CimMlligs C'lltlcnl C'oiiilltliin.
i:w Viiim;. Ain-It 111 t 10-.:
..... ........ ....... .u. ... .....
...... ... ii
viniKimgs coiiinuoii was eon- VJ oiticewith ,. w'.jnhnson.in TiV.,,,
sldered very critical. At 11S50 Col. !oillil1.,-,,1v,l,klm,s.,,r,,0,,5l f!r vulu
.;,., . ., . , i Niwpiltpuny length deslivd. iVisli must
bredk. A. ( (inking, brother of the I ""ompany all orders
senator, came out of the house. He ' "",""'"""" ""-" '"" J
was almost t(K, niueh atleeted to
sK-ak; ami in answer to questions as
to his bnither's state he s,ild. "He is
very low." When he was a.sVed if
there was any hoiK of his recovery '
I). (iooimi'K. woon DKAi.mt
i I'ull linn ol r
' I... r.l. nrl
s.ilem, Oregon.
j Oregon Peach Bitters
About eighteen years ago I iccelved u
hurt in my back from a pile of lumber
1 tailing on ine, and ever since had been
tumbled with weak kldnevs more or less;
I and tho lust j ear a cry much. Through the
recommendation of llenr Keene, I
bought a bottle of H. Kl.is's Oregon Teach
I Illttirs ami befoie I b-iil taken half the
I bottle I lound a great icllef lixim it. I
belleelt to lie a splendid lemedy for the
Kidneys, and heanllj lccoimneiKl ltfor the
same. .1. ii. imutkh.
Aums Ule, .lanuarj 12, Kss.
HIE WBfflY STOiffl !
V Kfl.l. slotK OK
Fancy Goods, Moldings,
Brackets, Picture Frames,
Artists' Materials, Etc.,
Ml Commercial Street, Sulom, Or.
S J4n ImIhiio
I Inn. John I. St. .lotto w 111 tm'tiirv
at lMVinHmhHb-,Smnlay, AjhII
term to Utfi. a. -sum u ... .olve Z'ri,,m ' of
the (SHiutr.v ar k-
iHt'lally isaiiikte and liumwtlmr.
The llhtsindhfits, however, mirjMss
all preU.ti etlUrts, and In this
number nic iirtuel pally dewitisl to
II. I-jiklu, Ktigeiie CIt : W. H.
stout, Newivit.
(W0 l!rrJ
For a ln'tter or mom nkssmit ivin-
edy rr the cum iff iHnisuuiption,
tlws. who wUli to atteml ehiireh
w lew. a niiMiav li Ih itvoiu. On
MoMitay e veiling be will talk on tho
M)ltlcl hmhm of tlw day at the
oHj liouw, isuiiMH-iielug at Tu'Ki
p. in.
Will S Mrf IM, 1
PUnvihv iVll.ui mimI 1 Juk- l-aiil. 'MW' 'tVrrttory s Hntiil w ink.
ttM, IW.I WiHM'll IIMlfllHul III the WMM-lMUk' l-Ws". 'tV April
P-MUHitUr.v ft iM-tl, tln sa,m. MhrwlM . an .Hs-lly rtiu
uNih- a that cimmiii.IUM by tin- " "r,M' M4',tt wlU Ik-
lamfcaasl IWI ISmtv. wilt U' ntu lMrutw "Juiv. and -4hw tla-
llM4r Ula-iiy nn TliurUy, Hh ISth, l)i'M rmiw, the Hms( collection
mn l iMksiUw iNiiMm-y ; Ian fe,. , mw h-aks In the world. TH.
rniiti. iiwir .-. .j ...iiu,,. .. in Ma.v nuniU-r w ill U iirtiusiitniiv
KfttV oil llul ilnA. Ye tilt ttai? V4l In lite elly iif INmlaiMl, tin- Mlr HHIUrj HmN.
IMMltHittatr) U im a Hi fUcv In ttHMwlU u iln- la4l1e .orthtst, T,M '' military Uwni did not
wltMi tuMiuAMr wuuhhi. ' ' wi a ymml j ,wW " ytM.lay, C4. J. I.
KUMttMita-nt. ililnv-iwii liwlu. i.. lwiHteh, JixU,. hiIviuuIk mumI
." v kM(th 4WWjU, ,',. My M1w MiMitht.iwI.yMiiHMlwiMtlHUiariil
mi;.. iwi'nwwn Tin. WiM S4hin- I only a..Vi pw 1MM- 1y 4. j. r. s-uof..
...... ....... ,,Hk nwmjr jbu, wr. d& vw. Air uwar . tt w "Wtmt gMiml, .ml (W. Ft.
ut nnur iiuiklug UiM . jjw h,m xjmv hi e erv hmue in . '"w- liHi-riHwnil, arriw.1 fmtt,
ZZJtZlXZ; "VJ"1 luUwl " M MHl l" I fterou,,,lw
i s..-i..i,.L ...:. t r .--.'.-. wq i-"-' - "- qwmiNi
'lftAUllM III. I Jl .kf k.l.......i I
..i.f, .HT . fi lillVIHNIIt'llHI i .... . .
nn.wlh. A iiM4jilrhvnt, Urv,' miii- """"'"'"'''"".'"ish.vrtuipai.d
..l...,.i .y i. ...... !....... ,,... wlnKiMiigKiieU tlutn Sinta Ahln.
;" -"". ."""'" -"". H-o- ..,,..,,,... .. '
.... ......... ..in r,iuK hi I1I1IM1I1IH(II.
F.ory IhiHU warranted. If you
would Iki etmsl of tlmt disgusting
IIms,.. catarrh, ue California Cat-H-Cun-.
?l a Jar, by mall $l.lo Snu
ta Altk- and Cat-lt-CumamMild and
warrantl by 1). W. Matthews &
Co.. HM Slate St., Sak'in.
Klin Out mill Killed.
Sax FitAXcisco. April 10. .1. W. i
llarkiiis, twutister, :t;t years old was
histutitly killed tills morning by
being thrown from a coal cart. The
wheels of the curt crushed his heart
to a pulp.
iiui hi Mt
ia will arrive at Cliarlottonburtr
end of tho week. Her mtilestv will
stay at (he juilaee. Pmiwnitions am i
Udng made for her reception. :
Virlig lito a f umrr.
The Orogon lnul Co. is inov-i
Ing its otlKv from the State lnur-
tuico Co's building into mom com-
modlous ipwi'tors In one of the store
riKHiis In the now bank block. Tho
k Book Stationery St Fancy Goods !
r,ti Tii
I.i.n, April lO.-tlueon Victor- (CHANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY !
arrive at Charlottonburg the (!A' CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE w'
4ru4iiui Air IIUnv im a mutter half Umi, Or.
lMwrlM.1 im Mi, rtit uruvw. ,iu.
auOitlng bilhi and ainxaiuis
f th
i, imniiT.T . -. IVIVlllao
Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials
Omgon Loan anil Trust Co., f fnr, Panftr FlnADro
wlileli I.. N. blooms Is inauunir. .. rvl ioHsIOi
iiu ...o.s i... .... ' JlAHIK TODD'S 111 niovn i.. ...,.,
will have
Its otlUv in ihu sumo
twttil bU tttmtiuu mmI wihnl
Mtt tUn tiy kv-ktii,- lid,, M, jtt
aftutttrr cell.
snktri 1M. MiMtori k n afw. Im
The nitki lu ariUsW ,rf iMniqhi- T,tr,r ' of OluhllHria j
nukm liavelmu Hkil with It rttl l tt urpluuk.' luaur. TIm
HtkWii Vral n1i. '
'Hie U4 salw In the world for'
Mllf.. ItMlUis MkiSfk tlLkm. ill i.i.ui... I
rvor hit, totter, eliapinnl liauds, i
elillhlains, corns, and all skin nrup-!
ttun, and ioitlvlv enrt jijls,
imi iwy nsjuimrt. It Is goarantA-d ,
to jri w (H-rtU-t satifeetkm. or money I
wAimbsl. prkv 35 ivntc r U:.
Korsak-liy Ir. H. W. (W.
TUuMMi Fowl, Eil. Illiveb, il.
MflUPf. .ki.u. , u. ... . ..... .. . llftMltb- jMI l,.n IV l.i m.., ...
SSiZiJl SiJ " lwlr Wlkh Sir!. SI "
MiiHiiMufful Vw Hmiktmvi,M.t .A-IL . Itou.
MMiKt4(KM iiwra umm M.I ha --- .. . ' '. ...- ' Mr Mrt t
tismmmmm. I. . fWZTiSZiES w.TT. .. . JAu.1 Ik ivnU W(
tMK iwi shUKik-. il v iiir7T.'":;.. "?? r toiw "im!
- - - u jbi w n i aa Mil - ---- - aa- .
Lftlie, J. 11. MetWinJok. Owhw II.
Hm-mU ami evvnil uOmmv left
VaHK'far IVMrtaUMl to mUentl Um'
MtwMtoaH an MHii-vwihw whioh
mtatlte Umm U-tMwmw.
IVUTMitl, uf t lllti ft 4 Pailifv.Hi
te a tMiftta ,4 III. .1 .. .-,1
"lllll.ll. I l l s.l.U.,11, ,
Roberts' Rules of Order
' D 1 KK.1' m U( K $,-)- U'T0X'S TACTICS
For Fruit Growers :
88, STATE ST. . SALEM, 0R.
0 eVrUiUi;. Xpi.l.V
lKxi't fail to .nil