Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 09, 1888, Image 4

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ticket held good expired on the 4th
of March, A. N. Ollbert, the bank-
Judge I'. P. Prim, of Jacksonville,
l?r A In L (Iir, (n u lui Ihmimmi M
,p . m, iw ...... n. ..-r- ,, - ftor M- ,, lh. ,)r.
cr, Identified the tlckeUsoiieshown i .
Iilinty Jones who asked him If it j &id to be 11
WHH good f"r "Wge to fU1 J'"" I
m Ike Bridge Mirth 1iJi.
WHS good for age
ur March it
Smith examined tin
in the Possession of Citizen
II. WatkiniN.
. ... .f. i t.i ffMnrrv
Depends for the fuel, which is the
. ... i.. ..ltjirv force. UPOn
J. X.
gn?h in tiie
Tit!iiiiir.n nn l wis TllltliVT menu" Imlllmt It
............. ...... ......... ,.,...
Mtr iv irtiHt. "J"
I'mlc? Hie Coruflf r" Jin V Tin Ilodjl
Jt. JflnM.
.uejiciiiis . "
origin of its propulbory force, upon
the stomach. In Hint hidden nlcm-i,!-.
i,n f,wl tiiidenroes the chemical
nrlyinMay. lclmngeH which tr.uisimUe it into
board is holding bl(H)(j froin which the sy.-tem draws
i linix.. tiwtnv. .. ...!.. I l...t r.lllll.lir-CH it for
i-lllllll UAnil..r hi- B" ;- ti.lrt1ut1. V,,w, vv tllHt H -VKM.lu ni. l. c..i. -'-'' "-V - IMC 1IUIICIIIU ." "
.Ih1 man's nrrk mid mid that It had J 1 I rm ml . i j . . i Holun(1.Im, DniIlintle Com- its daily loes of ti-uc. Tht-e, of
been "made by Im rp liHru-j -' ' hasengaged Heed', opera house , cour-v, arc greatly augmented In
...wit" but that t was "not neces-j s lr"e m'mK "P I""1- 'i i J .it.,,,,.,, rf the ,toniach. therefore,
ni.nt.W lo-li-l"1 the ranks oi tne democracy, me .. ' ... .-. ----- ,It,,lv(i i. MV
ntUK -of certain compromising The ,arge-t Mock of clothing ami likened o , lnlc u, thejy
high in Kents' furnishing goods in the city rem u. ......... - - -
, and his t ti. V. John-oil's. ' tetter's Stomach Ditters can be re-
ic unlc- . Hcd upon to facilitate and renew di-
liairman- A Kl,wim "-'"lK f,jr il 1,0Ille gtlon when that function lias been
ttnu, ..s ... ...v. illteri.ul)ted by weaklier oi me
I . ..... - .... .. ,ll.-nr.
T . '.'"'"V . " "" ""..'. ... . I T.O-
, HcJ tlmt Hie aecPHMHJ cHine im iii-i ' ... ..
. ":.'. j ,fi,n.1vtlmt I Ie"ew, written by jMirties
.i , , m. .". r. " , , . . ()lirl),m mnks, ,
the niHii JuuiiKHi roin me unw, . ,. . ,.
uIilIltr(lif u
Fine newStock
Carpels. Shades, Porliers,
ilm 11 I ! n tl
I f f 111 .ft llllkll Ill1'imi III- ITIIMII Illilll'
Hfrtllll iK'tllC .,.,....'.... .1 .t . ,!
Willi wl llli iiuiiiinjuiio r?iiv .mi.
I.AHTKI.NKTIMTIIKV0rM WANT ... . ,,, ,,. -.,, .
VtHenlny Hfternoeii: hIkkiI lt H, ,mt . im,i 'never wt-n him toll William evidently lias some
ocKK'K.Httiiicumofieniiier, ij, H,.,.. Tlie jury tlicii retired mi'i , 0ld jtrudgeH towttle, and his stay
............. .I. ..a .... i..t t ... ttt it... . ... .. . . j. ....i ... . .... .. i
niv i-iiiii.uk ' ."l , " niter coiiuineniitc me lexiiiiiuii
lower end of ('IiKhcmmI IiIhimN, the iirnI11i,i in die folloulni? verdict:
...... .i t . t ... ii..
IttlltH III. 'IMW A. I HIVV. Ulf-
iivennl tholxxly of h man lying en-
iHllglcd III It "'lllllljl of wIIIouh,
Mlxrtit twenty yards from the I'olk
cimiilyhlioru. He run tlielniat cliM'
to the ImhIv and wclng ilnit It
Wr.tlwjury I'liiimmirtttl bv .Im-tlce of
Hie I'rwo J. 0'vmnlil, HctltiK ironer for
JlaricmCiMiiitj.HtHleorOrt'Koii, to exam
Iiik Into tlie chii1 .if Hie Uwtli of iktwim
fiHiiid tn the Willamette rhernlH point '.
nillM mirlli ofHulim, on HiiiiiIu, April 8,
Pl, Hflir iihviiik mcmcii mm cxninnHMi
AVill II. Urooks, editor of the In-
lug ijualltie-, should the light open,
..'111 lm.ur.. n llvi.lv m'rilllllliuri.
Jtejiort has it that overtures are dependence w et Side, and wife,
already being made to him by the pent Sunday in town,
party managers to suppress the An unknown man jumped from
threatened disclosures. Mr. Wat- the Morrison street bridge, Portland,
kind's thoughtful habit of preserv- yesterday and was drowned.
Ing letters seems likely to make him A x M()()rcs hn, bought M N
for himself and
city ycteniay. u(w.i, nuinnsiievs. or a
Icecream, soda water, milkshakes Lion r the bile from its projHjr
uuidics, oysters, meals at all hours channel, which caiics constipation
at A. fstrong it uo'.
uhh Iwillv Ic,oiiiim)mmI. leu It tlierc llif iMxl)', Him lli-imi tn tlie Imiliiiony oi
and chiiic on to this clt mid notllleil Hiims-M.iiiut. llmt tin- imincof the le- ( "" miiion.iiii iiuuir mis ...u cha)iinan'H residence on the corner
. ,...v ........... ! mlVslHIUXIirnfrolll IHUrs follllll (III the I 1X1 It C-. rfl'iillmminiil I'lim-ilmnta
Hciii.gforoner,j..i woi.a.o. w.......i- (MM,yiM1)1,fnllll . , ,,. ,)f n... " -""
nicdlntcly hiiiniiioiieilajiiry, and ae- toboltoiwrt w..ioiii.,HKiniM)titiOjirH. j Hldn t ant tu wo t ndcr. Henieinber Miss Hally Parrish's
oniiHiili'd by alioiit (wciil.-llvc jkt- hihI Hihi Iicohiik'IoIiIs dmiii bj n uoitiiti ' Saturdav nlirlit between nine and concert for the benefit of the Con.
miiim, Ixmrilcd the steamer and went l" hlsihhwt iiiilipinl iihBlmrp liistru-1 . who lives lietwceii gregational cliurch tiHiiorrow night.
... ,,, , ... ,,,, iiii'iit.orbyilniniitiiK; but we lire nimble lU1 ns -Mr. llli.s, unoints uuwuii b
down to re-one the Unly. Hie IOBlHU. P)t,P ,1P (WIIIe ,n ,,,,,,,, by ,,,,, the foundry and the riverfront. Hon. T. T. Gecr, who will be one
Miiimcr was tied up to the Polk own uri or noi. was uudrc'i'-lm' read v to bounce into of Marion ceunty's: rcproenUttiveri
lil tt...i..u ...i.ii.li .. ,.ilft...l ..Il Iti f 1... M.vl Infrtlnf i.f.t i. ..u 111 tl...
i III-. Illilll. Ill 1.1111 II, .1 lUlllllUU (tlll ... .V ....!. tVI-Hllllll., ...nit. 111V
renclieil IiIh inrs of " belli! Iii-ln' citv to-ilnv.
Is silfco remedied by it. Heartburn,
wind on thestoniaeh,sick headaelic,
fur upon the tongue, and other
symptoms of stomach and liver dis
order, it speedily removes. Malarial
complaints of every Mirt, kidney and
bladder troubles, constipation, rheu
matism and neuralgia yield when it
is ued regularly and persistently.
Press Goods, Trimmings,
nothing and Dak
Largest Stock and Lowest Prices!
oSrCall and be con inced.
J. M. Iioseiiliera: & Co..
Wliite -:- Corner.
Job DdBoi,
Dubois brothers,
Chemekete Hote
county Iniiik anil several int-n
started out In a isklll to dnig the
Uidy nMiorc, but owing to thcHWifl
UfMtnf the ciirivut coiiildenilile dif
ficulty wa cNiKTleiiud In getting
ntiirlt, and when a iti)K-had been
Hi Inched tn the body the current
was ni hw Ifl that tlie men could mil
pull it to laud until they hud limited
down hIkiiiI it li il ii 1 1 1 tt I .Minis. IK-ie
It. l Dili HI..
I. A. llorw,
W. A. llf NM1.
iIiia.nvii.i.i: v. w ONf II,
w'l.i. it. rutin
UIMIfcKfcTE llliri.1. KRIVI.
Monday, Aran, !), 18S8.
Miv. Hellion, Miss Bellion, Miss K
Iewiton, "Win. Atkinson, Portland;
Harry Voting, Agt Oregon Short
Line: Louis Cook. J. IJ. Smith, A.
I'li.w.. II ikiir f'llv S. I). Hiillurd.
Don't let me drown." .Mr. IWs Fresh cakes, French bread, milk (Jmhiiiii Olas Jr., Dallas Win. S.
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
Kioni 51 to :! per clay.
MKI..HI or Apriisis-i 'hastily sprang forth, en dishabille ,lvaij( Uoston brown bread, gi-.ihain Carpenter, Monmouth; F. W. Kin- a i
"' ' ' Just as lie as, snatching his knife bread, hot buns, coffee cake, thU; ney, Chicago; Sam M. HrNcM', .Iiio. ' Jiio-f A VPlirA I
, ', ', , from his piM'ket with which he cut ,(1riiiiig at A. Strong & Co. 's. Lie, F. M. AVoodard, Cheiuawa; S. Juol nlllVtU!.
lirtnit or the d.ii.1 man blows a and made for the liver baiikat the , (. (( f J f , , , 'siit-ililan; Altretl Hardsley, city; 1'. T7 VK I IMD flP
liepcrshatleoniysuo.y tlltl ever (,. ,.. wl.,uf. JuM as he arrived J J Zs .M.errL m,t P-PHni, Jacksonville; ... T. llow- l"L US im '"
iroun.I the matter. While we have there a well dred young man 1" 'ditch shland ll'll' in n 1
in .loubt that the iHHly found In the .ntwled out of the water, int.rw-hiel. '" N,,1,I,,"- I ' A 1 1 lllliPI'V Sllll i'lllPV (l(l ?
Iver Is Unit of the man who iiiinii-1 )u. hail fallen In the darkness and MKs lr,'k'" M,,1K"". who has lHlllllll I (11HI I (IllUJ UUUUi)
.1 r...... II... I.rl.l.... .... M..w.l. iril. .. . 1 1, oil Vlslflll.rllii. f.nnllt. f In... ... 1IIIHMII. MIMUlfll. (I (
around the. matter. While we have
mi doubt that thelHHly found In the
liver Is that of the man who Initiiv-
ed from the bridge on March 17th,
yet the fact of his throat being cut
throuiih the Inllueiiceof too much
I II. .!...(.. II. .1....: t. At.. lit
the I h m I , was itinled up on the
ImiiK. anil ufler it lurv coiiHlsllnif of
... K. llniL... II. T. Wnw..r .1 V. . ,r '" . ,":.' .. ."" . " - ' l' ' '"l' ". ' '"'" "" , " . ...V. ".,, ' 7.? ' J ... - J
,,,..' , ? t i. ,"""""m"""l1"11 """" ""'.through the Inlluenceor too much '" ..si.......y ..;. ..- .,..,.... ul,I11iI.fIIi ,iis,...,.ii-i
llotiin. . A. lleiiMin. A.J.Ha-f ..i n. r..i ..ri.i-ti.r..,.t iu.i.. . i .. .... , .. ,. , it. 11. ivmriuim n.iiinu.i i.. Aiiotnci wontleiliu discover)
and Will II. Parry had been sworn, j remains unexplained. Mrs. Math-Lui,,,,,. M. ,, but he woul S I'Hla..d this morning. has been made and that too by a
llicerewof thelMwt were exHinlncl ,,h-m.h. ilmi .. !.. i.-.H. .!.. ..r'J ........ ... . .. ...... .. ..... lady in this county. Dimmmj Itisten-
h-In, he, Hull,, of Ibe IhmIv. their , Mr.. , "i ,,-,..,:",.." ' ci ".""'. ". "" .".V. WW."KI1 ..." ... V:": ?V. ' '" . l.s edits dutches upon her and
, . . . i '" "",' f" coiiiplCMoneil, well nil II, weic'iei "iniiiig noiii utiKianu, wnere 110 ...,, .. .,,i,,,,i :,L
( In i y Im' ng its ulvcn above. 1 1,. m,, ,,, ..oi.-lib.nil.l,. uii,.i. i . ,-. , , . . i . i . i. I .i e seven ye.iisshi.' withstootl its sever-
,,.,, , , ,. , , , . '" ""'" """ 'oi'-Hleniiilc sllvei. about ITS pounis wore good cothfs, , went last week to attenil the funeral . ... : 1llt .,. ,...,, ,.,
I In iMidy was then cMtin nci . 1 'he , P.ksIIiIv she niluht lum. mlsi.iLi.o 1 1 i i ,. ... , , . '...-i.u . e .i , i a.. est tests, but her vital organs were
, , ... .... iwioi.v hut mifjiii hum iiiisiakeni big whltecutls, a stindv inustnc be. ' his steii-father, John Mires. Mrs ,, , , , .? ,
iIccchmsI apHnirMtobcalmiit.l vt,trs . KubUhI, Imlf-ncniiliM fur .,.!.! , ..... , . . . .. ,! n. .. . i i L- n . underiuined and death -eemed
r i .. ,i , . i . .. , i.iikhkii nnii'iH nines kii gold and a - f Dcibv hat. He -aid he "jar-remained In Southern Oregon ....... ... ... , ,, ,. ., ,
nfHffi, hIkiiii live feet cIk it Iiicicm (n,.,. Inn uhimi this U tln .msn it . . . .. . ' . ,.i i. r . , r , , iiniiiiiieiit. 1 or three mouths -he
u. i i i. . I M. ... ",,,,w "m ullllH ms is me cast, it wasa LiMid sw niiner. nit h sclothcs ( visit frientls for a few tlavs. , ,, ..,,,.
Jti helKhl and well built. UN Ha nlauslble thts.rv tlmi. I.,. , ., ,.. . ." ' . V . . ' coughed Inces-anfly and could not
(f.wtUh-wciVMi.llMlgiircd thill l bev m,m civil mbbed and then throw , , -,', ' B, : . ,' Mipeiintciiitcnt t,corKe Downing Isk-ep. She bought of u-a bottle of
were ecoKl,be and. he hair I l.r 'l The question is who was he ha-bough, the Forstner pUiee east Dr. King's Xew tli-covcrv for Co,,-
I.H.I etl,el.v sllppetl off of the top r , ,1Illlin.,, uev'er Ik k , v., bu, ,! ' '?, "', ," , , ". I" '" " ,,,,,n' "' M,H OU ,,,e VlttUuy suniption and w a- -o much .elieved
I.U l..W.l. t.l.-l. -l.l..K n.l I.I.M.. j A.TrA.l.WHN, ,m,u" '''W'tV road. The ho-e, which is large I ,m taking ,,-, ,., that -he -lept
iu.cioii.itiK is.i.slMed or a limp ..pluloii that the InnIv found yester- Wo.katibr Mill. ...,,,., ,. wn.g rentte.i, , all nijrhl and villi one bottle has
liuiiiu iitl i.ul II.1I.H..I I.. ....!.. I.I . .. . I . Jl till Alt. MilW llltlir'u riitii1 li.n .1 A .. .i i i it
,..-... . . . , 4'illl ll.tlk O llllllll t llll ill IUMI11 lllll'-llllllllllll lillliul lilt I lllli...
" v w.. ..iiiuiwioki uiuvu t-av iiiilliu
run iim
for ' Ivrd.
il (Vnicnierl Kiel Gloves jut
Nilem, Oregon.
Jeii Milt, M lUiiuel iiiidcrcIotl.liiK, , y M.tliss the identity of the suicide
w.H.leu !.. mid lactsl sh.Hss. lllsiamlihiHwIlllK.thegeiieml opinion
Ihh'KcIh wiTi" wiirt'lioil mill th.. f..l. ! .... . . . . . ....
- .iiiuii aiioiner ihiov is i. inn. i ri...
lowliilf urilili well-fiinilMnsl
fiiuud which
,,,. , i.i. in ..ii, iu iiuiK a il
he work on the new .-aw mill, L,M, tlkc 1X,.JII.
""P utT V lil'llttl l4lllll'llB . t 1 IT J t '
IllirCo.. is iiWiriinr.x.i.ii.1..l.,... 'I ,U'rt ,I,U'" ,imk' ' '"- Win. M
early thls'inlM Is larger and nuieh mole coin-
11.1'tt Iti Ills lltl.M'ITV.
A41vh hh KiikII-Ii Iwiir waleh
w. Ilit taken rr.nu his (viviii. The
Iminlx mijiim i, :. mluiiteri to A
ii'eltMk. Wlni II Is lYniemttered
tllAt P IIIMII Will. Itlll.lk.ul tVkil.i II...
bridnwm llui ITlh dn. oT March,
IllLi.lta ll... .... ... ... . ..' ' I
............ n-n, ni ..I .-r llfttr 111.11
WM foul oVlmk this Atci U Mk
mIHcniii. Next a iNisK-lHH.k coiiiiilit-
i llr-t
remains ucie lutcriisl
iiuirnliiKin the county lot In the .modioli-than the old one. A new
Odd l-elltiWH cemetery, and an ef-' lov; way with an entile- chain at-,'
furl w ,11 im muiii. t.i a.... ,t... r..i , ., 1....1 i i .. . . .. i can
- -v " .- ...... nm iiiuiiits iiii'iiiiiviu is iiou IH'lllg pill 111. .Meil
or tliedceea-od to llotllV thclli oftln. ale at wui It im.iiIi,,, tl,,. ,,, rn fi,..t
Nid cliviiniMHiiies. 'smoke -tack-, which w.-iv bi.m ..
tlow n -cveral weeks into, tu comil-
1 hug, ho broke his knee-cap nearly
live week- ago, is out ttstlay for the
time -rticc the accident. He
livl arouutl bv I ho ol.l of
crutches; but it will be -cveral
weeks before he Is able to walk.
lie I IkwivIhi MMrJ.
Thi'O. U.S. N.ComiMiiv'riMiiniiier
lampion is tied up at (lie Snlen
liitluii-PiiKHliiM u. v. ,uit W.
JoiH-i fi.r liKfilniinll-v wit, luLoii
lion for ral-Ing. The conip.uij In
tended to build their new boiler awl
Plo.nlnu Mills tvs ,..r ,,.", v"Mm "V. l ."l,-v m "m'K " "t
while a hoi,. , ,.r Mtle s 1 ,. Z ' ..'."."". V.. '" . '. "" ?wmM " I Ko1" Y""'
.. ..... Yiiiini in i.iii'i. nil.. ,.r.. .will. i .......... ir
' i.v.iiil.v-, Illlll
patched up h aearji. olci front Oiv
I oil i:o'iilillraus.
The lcoiibllo.-iiw i.f b.l.. .......1....1 i . . . '
' . J"""", tlo, I believe
i oik couiiiy, met at the F.ola hull .
last tMtlirdav ami nrmiii!...! tl.
Men's Itemibliiiin
Oregon Peach Bitters
VliiHit el-jhteen ji.tis uj;o I leeelved a
hint in in) iMek ironi u pile of lumber
mlllnsroii me, iiml ever flllo had been
troubled Willi weak l:ldnes more or le.
una the l.istj ear er imit.li. Through the
KH-onimeiidiitlon m llein Kcene 1
bought a bottle of II. M t , Uiegon l'each
Hitters tiiitllipuiie I hid tiiken hnlf the
bottle I found a gieat irller ft-nm It. I
bilieselt to be a -pb ndld iemed for the
xl(lnc.,iiiid he.irtlh leeoiniiKiid Itforthe
Auiiis)le, Juu.mrv !., Kv.
Tllli Wllim STORE!
-- n-r i:kci:ivi:d. v vkw. stock
At the poker table. Mis, Chicago i '"' N h:w M'Ylj:s ''
Oh, my, wa-n't that too funnv'.'i A T r t 15 i -.-ri .
Why, I won all that pot, and ,1 V1- A -CIX 1
stiMid on a pair of nines. v n-''.i. -ukk ok
Mi Manhattan You ceneiiillv I F.inru RnnWc unw,nr,r
,, , " ! 'J --,....U.UIII60,
outneis, ricune frames,
is Mrs. Luther Lut." Thus write
W. C. Hamiick tfc Co., of Shelby, X.
C (.let a free trial bottle at II." "W.
Cox's drug store.
-. puulug upa Uu..,H.n.ry fniiue cmvc- ! (.lec.cl p,c-I,leu. and Waiter Uuble , SS,S Wii'irlSri
llisr. I ii ii fmv ittivti Hi.. I..... . . M
goiu ll . IheCliiiiiipliiiMvas Ivln
.,r,lH. ,.rt,,.r,l w.!;'3ta',','!'
,( "' 'mi.-vui lilt' llllllOIC. I 11 '.
im inhu iiK down In the tbiiv' i. I......I.. s.i.,-. ",l .vM ami are organizlnir
Gko. n. (.tHiniui: v iKin nK.i,i:n
Olltiv With ti(H). .lolniMlll. !-. f,,ni. .
,1. C. Allen ,. l1'.,:.,x,Ii,i ""W-. Ml kliiels.il wn.d fi.r -iilt. I
.-.-..., ..iiin tn siit-.i. t iii i iiiiih.ii
Artists' Materials. Etc..
MAVVs UN Hxi).
J07 Lommcit tut sir. .of (i.iioiw nr
. . ..VV. X.L...t 1.
hoks. Stationery & Fmir-v Goods !
a i'
me inhu -HUN down (ti (he tbiiv i. i.i..hi.. .......
fls., nmrk and he.lwl.lisl to mil hor ; In Portland a fewdav-'ctlbrt ha
er,H. tK. ,uvr H,l Uwi-li her. Uvii -u,w-ful In pr,Huring pkslges
When be Iih.1 done mi he fomnl u toe i.m mio r... ..... .ti i.
, . . "' ..,.-.-.. l. I .n- l n HHIh
unit MiKMIl two reel lollit awl eubt ' In inlv.ir.lwli.., fl t...
i ............ . . . ". f "" ""'
...v.i.-, niur iih.i tKi-ll -love llitti t he niov in. In tl.)
i),W, and with very
solicitation thl- aniount l-
IViekHuv Ml the Swltlc iswloilh-.. i
H4lllnMMl t.l Will. JtHICf, N-Hltlc. A
limited O. .V C. ticket fivin I'ortUnul
lt .Sin I'txitci-tsi naiud In Mimiher
jsKt't, Iwtl the imnm .rf ItotsHt W.
.Im.. Ms the ,iwm i.i w lioi.t ii was
lHed. IIh1 WHfs ts.m lnsl (ho
Jrj ttutt live iwiiH .if the ibs-mMsl
um Ittdvii W. June. aSlM.li
iHt In inrltNii iuiii, ilmv
ICumIIIi l.utr.i.i.i.t. !..... . .....u
lain..... - ft..,- i.i... ii i ..i. , H,11 ' lIWI MHHI Cllimld the to U. v ..,.,. I.., I .t,l.,..
WMUlimiiMw4vlMiftHiiHl In ! . " ' ..' " " 'hiW premst twelveiuoiuli- in bringing Imml
i ............ .Minn,-, !.. sy i-tcks undimliitil. ill,. v ...n.i.t....
.rf Hmlu were M, ., . n,-.,!,,, ,.,unnlttv started out on .H.tunlav,
I h-Uwl arrlvwl hw U right awl , ami ,t. following Is a ,rtUU li-t of
wlll jmnvl d.ivu, tin rtw this the sums subscribed to K, mid
wrtH,. Ha Ciia,H4,m liHsJust iw.n.hly: T. MeF. Pa,t.n. Weller
uw .if Uir .lr.v tlw-L Iwt l.w tu.. ii . ......... ....,. .'.
...... , .r-. . , II , I Illlll' III till PtllLTU .
(.'() TO-
i for victory in
.luwv and Novemlier. '
l)i f Mrphrrdi. Troobtt-.
La-t Saturdiiv nlirl.t i..n. ..,..,....
f.... ....ii-iiiaii
The unities ' Harndrlek. denutv it s: ,.,..,i...i
proHi-e to ral-e j arn-ted D.ive Shepherd on a charge
trilling oi Milling lltiuor to Indians. n.v
nearly j objoctetl to being arrested and run
the away. Last night Policeman Lake
tw ikwd limit's pm-Kei 'iiM. ,,x.
MulMMtkm w .i lien tsmcliidtsl and
th lwkl WKw. .4ussl III H ltMl.fi.
cu4Uu, w UMt )m tii UiMtMlit i
hUw 1 tartan i U so luii a '
UiltiMii 4aukoli tin afl side of the
IsmI iilsmt MiiiliMilw, and the hold
s must ,iu aiKHit three r.vt of Iwlf contributed. In this citv
nnirr. I IH Htm WMS IMMMIisI i...r luu.. I ... 1 t-o ,. .. .. . ... .... "
awl the .mm. hhh, nu.1 ,.,.. ,7 1 : r,:"; "' T MU"."?' "" "'Mmui,1 tol.
uic ne.t ( e.i nun in the cooler; but this morn
ing lie was ,et go for lack of suf-l
lleleut evlilewv to convict. J)avid
is having considerable trouble with
mo law
T. McF. Patton's,
mmwi Kair iiivm 1mm m Hie rliciit
huiIcmI ait.1 (MdMtvr
4l via HtM
500o Krira
For a U'tter or more plewstnt rein
ely fbr the cure of eoiisunintlon.
Ih-kPl ft MultWHiiah ..Hiiityi'H.Cure.Hajar.bynwIUl.lti
IB mm UHUI H h&.ll ..k. .(.(.. . .
J. I "h.iihmi .uiKrt, . -;. Wallaiv, t H. i "' ",r ,m iutv wm-uinntlon,
uTLl,,. . ?? i!1 M ' J. II. Albert, Oivw.ii Und ,'r4"u,''i- .roubles, mikIi, croup awl
..'ikhmiw ,w,.,,u,, . M,.llllk. tTi i fc-Ti.;v ,r. .Tr:-:. :)-' l "ymu whmh.. i '- wwi. n sa.,tu awo, .
hiv, JI.SKS .vrn,i(.eh. , -i King --npth.,.
H.4-H'. u.Hk-ki..-..ijij.......; ii..v,i vT..,. ..";... rr::r." ;v?r . M.iniiiorniM ou
wlim m uiMuUr .rf Uikm h.v
.-.ruttHMl W II. MnltHrw. u Im
ktv m Lwnliii b.mw .m HUit
rerl. tli. m.,1 iiMiHwIUlfl'v
klMlltnrti lit. U.h . Uwn ,rf nujt
UMUmhI Jutta, m Im. M.ssl tlk UIhi
r HNI IW lsv.sliliM Mwv, JJif,
lite JM tlttt Juim
V Unk ntt
iiu... jIL Tl .vZT.w S.-r.i.J:(-':t'-.-'-p.
, - -v . ww. i-)i.HH, J. IV. Walt, IHHMht MrtekHV
dksl ,NtiuiUv .il. hi .. ...... j. i i. !.... '
, IW . ,s.T. iHSi'E Su'v h' "1 The Ut slvv U. ,K. -l.l u-
. -"!' -. . ( milT, I ntil. lurtlL. .. ..!... . .....
It -I,.. 1 ,"-v, Hmi-, Ni( riUHllH,
. I'T.'T , cImmhkhI haiiJ.
ta AbU awl (.Vt-H-Cure are -old awl
vvarmntiHl by ). av. Matthew-
ti.. UV) State St., Salutn.
IWItei Inl bfcMMkkk LLil .... ... ... '
.. .,., .wn, a. i orvMUW. J. A. SlfutirMat.: si.rlr w l
.ilrtii.rt(.ltalaa,H.rh. v,all; ,.v .Wrk. K. . VIJ2. 1 2.: Jr!,er'..l".,wl!i.
-. -., .,....,n, iwb", ihi Mil -KIH
UJu.MaJ.Wr.hllMl, ' "w 'wOm, ww, p.v, .,ai: ,,,,,, 4 ,.L
iaeth.4 .,! ltab ,wlll. "i mi nmwr.l HlHir.rf rlerkof riivult m. Jahii It lw ttoTiiid 7MdvvTv .C ,auT',r"
b im kS.. . x i ibihiuii .. ..ihui . ... t k i tM ihirn. r ..k. r...t
- " 1 .. , .
MmrMn.uk .vk. io.tlu,u. PlHi hi li riw,. h-nu,w H-..K-.-. . JLI .ST?' !
"- .u.i ,i, u- i.i.. .7.. m rwM luilwiii. i.a....ji . i. w :?". -7 w, iAiiib
ite iw rr-H-zrrr i - .. z :: :z :ii. ?. ..-rK: !! --y i. h
b allium .IMl Ubrli br I....J..1 U M ll WxitV-.Hlu-.., vw.- V M 1.... ' '. , S...a. . .; ,,
.... " " . j... - . -" '-j'- n itunuun: ituitiMir t -- j m .-ww. vning i iw
- ! ... .
llvv mtAv( stWa.m, .ht hmmmv
Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials
for Paper Flowers.
MA!K!r!,;'H' --vu. wa-
..',w.V...lI:'A..1IK,l 'AK ON
-"'-'. v... 1 J(.L'Y'S TE VCH
writsriox hook.
Roberts' Rules of Order
r O r 1-
uit Growers :
P. IVUii,
IW im rati.
Ih MlBfali . kg tu.UM.ti... u..t.. Mrltlurui Ilk. .Imih. Iti.i,l f
Hh- hBliiUlrh UW.OW1 .k. IZlit.ilT- i-'
l-l.-lltoBl Ikr III... hw .I.L4..I. J!T.. ri'8 Wa' " IKIUII. Mil MtlHUHM. at II. W IV,'. J-.
" "- .... nutlis nittuU in -U.L.... .... ,A. . --.MS
luv. KM SUir IWI.
'HrtiW, roturw.! iVohi CuHHmIhIiv
. UlU UUIU lul. Ilul.. 1... 1 ..
klipocl Ih tuMlth MH.1 tWaka thnt
kh will MHtiHVH. to 9Ih UHtti Im In
rtr-iy wwlL Hl hjahj. ttwU
iMMvdtfvoutly U tkat tkk may U
Mt Cl'I.THIlK uni
tU I'UV'iv. '