1 KVBXIXO CAPITA! JOUKXAli tin: haivts in timujiii.k. ni:w ADVKKTISKMESTS. V MI.lf.KH It EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MV TIIH Capital Jwrnal PMMng Company. I fWNMMMATKM A Siikkiuan county, Neb., settler, in nrov nif ut) lilt liiiiii recontiy, -?i. . i ! jire-entod a warrant waring the A irjlll' tion of'iwrtniltofJcfr IMvK Tbo sottler'n l K H S U I III Jl rather had receive! iiie-iuamiiiHuu n II I W i -wi The mint in ftah mv in of trouble over the Kfjui-tra' Uidr d.uirl. ,)roIHT.y. Under hi, 'X ! HlaVk Sk ' HlutvtUKrvrlutMoitglng4 hi. , 0Veii at thii late date theilueu ,itlwtH')tli'Hl(HWlKliiiKiiifHri' llni- mont was still good for ICO acres of ijtwl toWAMlll '" " f H'nclcSwiii'B domain. ! tlrnt amount Is wil.Jwt, by a clwiw; rww.rn.7r.ml: A , II I'wirt fiirwl, ir lle Mtl. ... i ...... i ,. i.if TKHMH K tTm'HIPnuN ! ' " ,"" " ' " ' ". '" " f W of the treasury .surplus might luir.r) k)i(ki1 fuiiil. In Hie wtrlj Uhjh ' ' ft. jK-miwl in experiments on a Ow ;w, w mull ' Mormon wttU'iiiciit in Utah, even , HCiK.nie to melt wiow Iwfore it falls Mx nwmfhO hmjJI ' , , , territorial Kovcniment was One of thee Miring days the city of V?&i&--Z:: ' S 5hI, ,1. HrlKlmm Young and ' Now York jvllbe com., etoly bulled , wmkm I w j Jll(, j.u.rn.hy H..t up .. provisional " JuTmIS.ii; .:::::.. :.:::.:::::. ii Mate, tin-ntate of DeM-ret, ami ir- Tir- month. - .. let I toadmlliMer Itanllklrs with- M-l'tMiiruwtiTK hi miiiwriwd t , out nipird to the general govern ment. I'mliT tln-u uvuitiiiMl jhiw- ern, the legislature iHscd laws jwr titionlng the rich valley, the line witter eournes and the timbered can yons lo the piojihcl and his coun selor. In due time l'tah was or ganized a a territory of the I'l.lted State-, and In the act of congress which forms lUorganir law a eluu-e was inserted veiling In that lwidy "the primary dNjxHtd of the soil." All the nets of the so-called slate legislature were annulled, and "the landed aristocracy" of the church were divested oftheir jx'iilonn. Hut, according to Mormon theolo gy, ii Ihwhly goverment ha.s no au thority over (Sod's iM.ruliar people. The prophet Joseph Hmltli was called in fulfillment of this latter day dlseusatlonl and he resurrected ami re-established the ancient Jew ish hierarchy, which went down be fore the Imttclng rams of Titus, the ltou.au general. During the inter vening ages all means of communi cation with the Almighty have Ihi'H lent oil' from the earth. Our prayers and supplications have lieeu wasted I Our Immense Stock of Goods is NOW -:- ARRIVING i j( MAituii:i. Brtvnlwrtr(Ht AilwrtMiMI rnlim m pilltlfn to vn.i. H. rAiiitv. - simiiiKtr. irlilfl w MiHiHl-riM matter at tl' HHlmtt.f mvHi, 1'imUtttUv, .Vlnrrli S. IMS. MONDAY, AI'KILW, 1HW. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. M-HlHTITt. 1 H. WAI.IH). Mtlf. t r nr.r.H, mumImi 1. Q. WHJON, Hilw. H. MYMA.V, Wtmllmrn. Wm. AHMHrHONU. Hwilh lmi snirr, K. l. CMOIHA.N, H.Imo. OLrxK, r. i. iiaiioouk, s.imi. trii, i. a. ar.um, iu.i sin. IKIlHIklS, A. 0. OONIJIT, AMmiUllf. AnwHIII( a. r. iir.AuKr.iuir, hihfii.n. IMHUIMIVUFII, A. II. COIINCI.IUH, M.rlen. W. T. (HUM, IlHtiWrf. tvHiHM. ertsiKTrxiiiDiT, It. W. YOllllll, Mltrrlott W. J CIU.VKII, K..I S,Ihu. DIMtNkH, I.H. T. 0. HVMMl, WwrtlHirii. Ill SHKU.-JKKKKItS)N.-At his (It nw, liy Dr. I U luiwiunii, .. m rel- I.U id.j n- ii A irai.'j .... r. II. f.. i-surm, wn-Kiiii. .iru , i-, -; ii II.WilL. I I'lrKKKKM-l'AItKY.-At tlip residence I 2- I l il 11, I A or (lie tirlilv'n rents. Jrirrrson, Or., , - I l I, I J I 1 April I, 1SHS, by IW. V T. Van Scoy, 4J-V1AAI; XJjr lolin l'k'kerell ntnl Ilucnn Carey. Ni:V TO-IIAY. kifiSHBR yu inn i : ifiBIHflBGf Bll IB I i 1 1? " w ! ' ..n-j--Ujaia, t I . tj.rgsaBiaaiwM'iiwiiiiiiijiiiiii ! First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. IADrK, - - - - - IresideM. Iltl. .T. RKYNOU.S, - Vice President. JOHN MOHl. t'oshiei OON6REGATI02UL CHURCH Tucilaj Henin?, April 10th, IS. l-'iirenell Concert Trnclrred to Congregational -:- Church liv MISS IIALLIK I'ARIUSII. Itosslnl. und ! thi: cAMr.tHi.N in okkoon The Oregoiilau eonvctly reads the signs of the times, when it says the IHtoplexre going to witness In this slate during the next two mouths, the most splrllisl olltlct.l camNilgn that has taken pliui' here for many years. There are several causes for thegrowiiigliitci.Filtynrtheslruggle. The demoeratM are seeking a reii"w ill or their lease of of siwer with the dttt-iHratlnii of a dniwulug man. The first gun of the national cam- jwlUii Istlng llnsl lit this state, they an niaUIng every ellbit to gain the moral advantage of Its discharge. Nut only are some of the Ut demo- ill 1.1111,111' tinr kfilitimi huii.rfiliimitu " r .-..V..... .-..1. V..... have Ihvii mere mummery Men PHOOHAM f 'hfirim. "Tbe 0mI of Ismel." i,lii.indiiet."b,niro.Hlfllo" (I'olka deSii' bin). VoU-nlimi)t Misses Unfiles (Mmrtelle, StiirllKl.l and Mulc." Misses lVrrv und Wheeler, mid Messrs. 1'arvln I it lid llaKle) . I Vck-iiI Milci," Willi Verduieeliid. Haydn -MIsk Iliilly 1'arrlKli. riamiMilo, "Klflh Ncstnrne." I.eylmck ! Mlwt l'iiM lire; man. Trio, "A Utile Kami Well TIHeil." lNir ry Messrs. Ilmlii, IVrry and Oxike. . YihiiI solo, neliH-ted, MIks Anna rar.nen-1 The Ursl and Finest Stock of Carn Ever BroujEhl lo SALEM NOW HERE AND STILL ARRIVING DAILY. 8" CALL AND EXAMINE. LUNN & BROWN, Cor. Commercial and State Streets, GENERAL BANKING. hxehnnce on Portland, Man Franrtaco New YorK, Ixindim nnd lloug Kone bousht and Mild. Mute, County und City warrants bni.Rl.t. Kariners are cordially invited to demwlt uud transact business with u. Liberal advance made on wheat, wool, hopn nnd other property at ..,Lr,,nhln rates. InSliranCO on SllC.h ea. I......,,. ..oil bn fihtnlned nt tbf bnnlr in most' reliable coniiMinles. THINK IT OVER! Inhibition of IheAutliniphone. (flee, "lliii-estiTH' and flleiiners SonK. and the tuU'rimcles, a compromise was ellccliHl, lly this arrangement u isiiioiie totiienijiuiillcau iHirlv, , . ., . ' , .. wmlil water dlselphssMr.. sure to' ' " ,,nm,, '"' tl'" valuable in up. Mr. Mills, In ,u lectu.e ! " '-V l''H"ty. the mills, the water VTOTIfK l and women have lived together without the sanction of i u.rringc, and children have Ihvii born with out the soul of lcixltliuaev. The i Morinon.s have restored access to the throne of grace, and U'lng invested nil I. the keys and jsiuers and mys- Icrlos, we can understand how jeal ous they would feel at the domina tion of any ten.Nral government. When llrighmu Vouug died his estate w us valued at t,(KMI,iMH), which he divided up among his score of wives and multitudinous progeny. .(I I.Lo.i.....Uo...l.. ,1... . ...... ,l...i .1.1.. ......I. . I. . I I , .ii.i ,,- nm vvt.-.'i up iiilt iiiiMiiii-iuiw, erwtle s MsiKci's Is' ng hnisirted no . . , . ... , ',', . " our midst, hut ,uellau.hen.l-!J:,,!,,1 ' it. Ap,is,, Cannon .l! feel II.HI money will Is, fm.lv I "",,0""r "V ' "nT' '"r '"' IIM.I. Ill addition, the ae.lvltv of ! 7V""',,J "f ' ,"':1 'r " iIih .imlillilil . "iinin.v nine, waged ... me conns !'" i oilMOin in IIUI niiii )s)ltl( Uonilnous. Vhiiueer haru mil Is done to tlin ri'jiubllcou lhe lur IhrnURli the state, shows imilliMiliir ' r,K,,lH ,,,,,, ""',"' l""!""". wt-n Ms.rlty t the republicans, and It Is ,v",m," '" ' l""" "f tlw church, wr)' lir lliHt lil IhIhii, h iiHtltm. ,l,ul ''""""i" li'ini'iit of Its Hi urmulMir, atvdevot.sl to winning' l0,,,'M"1,1Mm"r- ''''u-tithing ivceipts eunvert. to tbst jmrlv. St. John w' lrl upnt half million dol In Iivh holding furth'ln Shu Kmn- lHrH" vw,r " x'hkI l"'1"" nf w,,1',, rU.., hi. ermml to the cho.1 ukluK NUV4 Hl'l,1''1 I" defeating h.Mlle leg Ill h tour through ()n'giu,ii,uip '"H"'" ''.V is.ngri-. H-iker. lie WNe.altwl lo 'sill(- Mut under the euforetiiuetit of the tl eminence by the repiibllitinsof als.ve ifstricting law, the dMoynl Kmiimm, beli.K twice elwtwl jivern- 'ritl""Hl of l'tah Und themselves w m that icniwIiiK and pnHnnsw 'dlvsstwl of their power, a nvsirt to IvrstMte, but conceiving miiih ixiimi j mree N out of the iUestluu, and the wf ottetM'Ht I.U uvucnKi uppmen ')l'".v H.mlns deaf to the Mppctds nhW urkeiM, lie tur.nsl his Iwek ,,f His servants for hh luterHfitiou HI the mtiy, and lm slmv Ihhu its tvt divine power. TIm-o js'ieutisl nwllgiiMiit enemy. Thi u vell lnt en only gilu and Iswr It. yruuiitttsl Mlef tlial (! leMdiug "M -ie ration ot tlwlr ehureh tHwblbllloiilala mi worMnif in the M's'rl.v will nsliuv llu-Sillowetv of llitrrtsri iifthv ilsHinminey, whetiMT Jo-'idi Smith to a level with semv-ij lur money consider t km iir out of' ' other religion MVtwMh is Hint pwwi mini nine, mawwnodftrvnee. ' ''w iIhh.-mioI follow eiv, 1h their1 ahiiply dln to eu(Uu rvw.bll- eniMiielMliMi tYomi plrilmJ wmtrol musAiKluiU lifluii ml.le.1 by ihir wll M " AuMrkwnlM thvm, N- KM'UNS WtilMry, Uthum tllflr JH U cwmm-iney hvwickwi nnnrtivll. rulu t (vtHibllvwiilaui, km ver NV UU tMr ivllgiim. ami Iwtnsl to the , muck Uey uug dUitw It umler Aumwu vniiiieiit and people Um i4tr uT iWvtKUm u tempiitiuv j tght them a- a scrwl j ami mundlty. ' mly. They are alien lit htrUt and Ttte uuiltwt vi III U- a Wller uims , "O'mpallik. ami It will he a .kMigj audit vi IU Wv, ll tur all to I U-!tJtt1, l"ft' w Urywl mddts' pmrnsl wlUt Uw (art. Hie jfg-1 WW rnnkc that ixhiiiIo br lto. Ituu n etuutul U givairat muu(sr . of v.. will hIu. aud all that U, .,.K ukmrK iWvWw lu tu W-t .mwy u. wiv uee ai lr . V-u-,. ,w , tilH-.uli, v-,r, i lu "WMiv suevw al tor ,- U H- rr,H..MK,.,. m ,u. SWM., HlWkllu. . . laluto lu IMlMfe UrartHiu.lu IU .u- au.1 an ffcuir rtUtelrt , ,u Mil um wlvo Imlhtdual .kmuliuukui lu wlv , lrU(. ,WoUHTaile jwiWMi alMwl. It U lN.HiiuNiit lhlrlm.h-uwy U IWIrix a m I abb rvr xuhftuqohU.am,x. ,maiHHl. ami beiuv He n.Uv I,. ; A IM IMAX(1a, MVa tn- aMWWnt lhink It uT MtttMrul lut- lw T. . . Umi o ,, kouii rtWmt "? IVolvHUla iMmluMU.'JiM rHml W, rx- rt2TUSlJrl" "? (iMrio III t- ll. ! Wl " b imAM.m. whllo WU airuac a mmi fur ikmtto U N ''"- IM hu lilwa mL" TW. bw. iwauS 44ai- ?" "!,wi,, ftv,,M IIoh. U ba aura, out Uw mtm U4M mkUuu. hwgvMMMll) kwU h Utr nviult nMwofOnajumloM Ii rant v. Ufa' -v.;t ail ihr Rjfvr of imumomm. Hm. m lfa o htwuctMMns UtMo will a lliwv. UMMtlttiu of naMtlttc Uay 'to Knnii llutterlleld's Itulh Mlsu I'nrrlsh as Until. VimiiI Mil", "Star of lay heart." Denz-a MIxm (inirti (illliiiKham. I'liiiin Mil", "llubhllnjr SprliiB," Klo Kiiik Miss Kninkle 1. Jones. VihiiI MtliM, " Who's at my Wlddow." cislMirno -iiml "Itemembered." rarvln Miss Unity 1'arrlsli. Visiil duel, "Koryou." IHIrs Miss far rlshaiid I'roi. I'arvln. AiIuiIhsIdii, a" cents. Tickets at l'.itton's anil Starr' Innik slorrs. That is About Buying a Can of ' II IIG ROCK CANDY DRIPS KHOM KELLER & SONS. STATU TIIEASLTIEIt'S IIITII XOTICF. SiTAThlll lIUMiON.TllKASCIlKlt'.SOKKICK, MA r.KM, April ft, 1SSS. IS Ilr.UKllV ClfVKN THAI' there anisulllclent funds on hand to isiv all iiutMaudlni: warniuts drawn on the liCiiiTiil, is'iillentlury. Incidental, lnsiuic and Idiotic, executlxe. Judicial, Iciilxtatlve, eiiu let, fiiKltlxe, in lut Iiik or Indleent fundi which lm e Iks'.i endorsed, " nrei-enli'd nnd not mld for want of fund: alsothu folluu Iiik wammls dniuu on I lie nillllta Ainil: Warm. its niniibensl '.7.J, 'J7.V;, W.Til, '."mVs, and 'J7ISI, and that all ofuhovc warniutxwlll be mlil on irci.cntntlonnt IhW ollhs'. In lenl will not be allowed aller the dale of tllln mil lii'. (1. V. WKIIll, Mtate TnsiMurt'r. It Is enlliely new and we are the first to Introduce!!. "Slapjacks" wlllnownutrer. J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A TINE LINE OF CLOTHING!! SPRING H ATS," -AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. i49 COiIERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN & CO. -DKALKH IX- Hero'H tSomottirK Blsw: We have a new laundry soup 1 pound Uir that wo sell forflcents. Orders come In fnin uery wmrce. Send In yours. AI'ITAI. IIIXIK, Ml. II, I. (). (;. T.. V j iiitvu every Nil unlay er.itnx. In their bull, Mitmil dinir north of 1'ii-t Olllcc. (. Jmi, Kmout.Sw., II.H. Jo.n.W.r.T. BENSON'S EXPRESS. Wlifn ual.ii; baklnc powder tr ililltir's iirc crnun tartar brand It Is the prldeof ivy inning. mui hcii ine Minr nranii at i cents for n one )ou.id can. We are Mileamrat-. for It. I i:Vi: OltHKIW AT I.ANfK'H I.IV I j er.v Stable, curlier of .stiile and V'ront stnwls orou nhiteiit iiirnermatoandl'iim nierelHl lrs'ls. I'rompt attention and cmt-KHnmiilrrd. W. A. IIKNMXV. ('vflordiiiii m. temlis r KOI N.L.L STFkiliill' "M,,Rn,,i,!"h"" !HTC. I. i.reKim I'llv Sk-U hI w,win .mill to. miiu. 1 (')cltttniH nf IMtk- of (ilt.VklHirK. .t IUHhIIiir itrMiit VsHeouverlo uirHitwmvivlnwHIi 1d. ViiiIrrMin. . Urtsil wwtivry nlooc Ihw Ohmibta river. Ill 'PN!'Tv;. INmiwiIimi UieMtHHwat UlloUIUilil. tl (mmhiIim hi jh m, Ajsll lit b n mV Imi ntu'nt. UTOJIJIWITIOXS: twJsa wllli eol In lwrloi tor lmlw; avnllrinen ink blanked. ad amp In illitloc ImII aud an4s' risvr. a. f-OK Bir Mil vi Ih. ki, MpmU on kImmiiit Kr hII-aIm. imsc in. luiK'ii, wmi oiie. 1. KihiiiiI trip fMiii srfrin. !U. i'elranw, ,"V' iwalk., Hb. I. Nietm hr i.lwSNr uw eoatvrk 'IVkoUHt lVtl.iu'. ml n rm- Mr-iu.iwvi. amw. IttHid or advertlM'inents In 'the laturc and kvep-pwleil In everything new. KELLER & SONS, The ll nicer.. Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. .MlHV. .i. nud ItMirlHMt.M rroCAMrr. niMt IVHr- Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Driett Apricots, Bred Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prwies, Imported Geinran Prunes, SnnRW Figs, 3nIsJns, Persian Dates, Welter Brothers9 avi, OttmnerelAl Slfl BOOT S r in. Vsa V rSk . O . tj.n. in iwS- X ii-rr mmiii B A. rfCS""'' '"uj.iUui.i '"jjjv M j SfHlorElS Leather and Mm ! CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pells ami Furs. 'o. 281 Commcrctat Strin;!, SALEM, - . OREGON. .e ? & D v N A l'l 4f r-j TJr GllKAT REDUCTION IN- FINE SETS! & Mm, 15 4, UK Rim; XM ftkt S3150, Oir IVw SaOQ. 5H L.ttM, 5 SK 1 1 H 15 IHit, UW IM, K)rUw(hl, CkA, $ C . M. iUU, II) Vtk CM, 32.50. 2150, 32.50, ,50, 15.00. 28.50. 15.00. 17.50. IS.0Q. I0LOO. ir,SrS-Fine Line of PaPeterie in Latest Styles, Tin llr up IW KtUtttkW" 'Ilik tMntiMC f tW yHUiiPttg r4. wi wlvki AT- irlke. M iMM-pttad b tW 1SUi ' " voMbWkU mu4 riuM4 uttMllttng J. BENSON STARR'S. UUir " S i (writ- fur w J.. k vi 118, State Street, Salem, Oregon. JUST RECEIVED AT THE OPERA HOUSE CORNER Panama Linus, Warwick Ginplmins, Japanese Bunting, White Dress Goods, 800 Dozen New Stock Hosiery. 1000 YARDS LACES & EMBROIDERIES. Gentlemen will Rind Here & salts, Calaway Drew Sa.Ui New Summer Suit., Prime Albert Suits, Soft ,,a,s Stiff Hats, Si,k S.raW Hits, THE LARGEST STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IX THE CITY AT THH OpERA -:- House -:- Corner. Produce Taken in Exchange.