Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 07, 1888, Image 4

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ifM .eMwt r Mits it HI) and
, How Hate Shepherd Worked two In
i nocent Parties into Furping
1 an Ordgr.
J to liMWti fruit enn-
iii-ry. '
The democratic club will not niet't
Mr-. Fields of Ilalscy, is visiting
friends in tills city.
Ml! Eolia Royal I viiting
A young man named Dave She
tirt vail biwiu'ii in SmIciii as
u.., niM . -- - -
' .1t.....,...t..1.1.. ..t...,i.f..i nulliul oil ' r.;..itilu til Pnrt lllllll.
uisicirtiwtuir- i.i.f.. ......... nitiiii-i i" " --
' 'Squire Colli;' a few days ago and Robert Tliomiwin's children are
ft ha Worked the lown en SjHillij tall Umt lie IwUImwii wwkiiik wr ,, ,iHngt.rouly ill
Sent l, the Connh Jail. ' 'V "!". " "n!"l "!!? Henry Goddard
Ifnnri' (Jrwlilunl enine tin last
Hkwl .Mr. .oiieyio ..raw up .... ,,,,( from Portland.
MIlll'I li.l i-.jmim.-i v iiif.,j "
I.afe Conn, Fr.ankie Strang and
Mainmie 1'urvin were nt chapel
Itev. Mr. Craw ford and Dr. Doane
' vi-ited Hjvcml of the examinations
, yesterday.
Prof. Van Seoy delivered a lecture
lust Tuesday evening neiorc
touchers' Institute at Dallas-
and visited the Woman's college
Carpets. Shades, Portias,
ion,' institute at Dallas. ' L'suai .-aouau. -"
.Gieyand Mr,. Menefer of ! M. and 70 v. M. Sunrtn
weJeatehaWedncday.lM; -.iifod
the Woman's college. ' v- Jl" cr. . ?.
l'lll 'I YII1.1I1I' !( klkllM ii;ii ll'll I
.....v. .....-... .v , v .. , , ,, ,.,. ite remihll.-an """. " ". ""'.. "' .. vited.
About four o'clock last evening inerrhHiHlI-e to (lit. amount oi i oi - , for tl.eir Home in aneo.ivei, w . , . .
. Cm l. ..IP l lu oriu.itlflill til Mr. I IUU JUH III Ul "- ll... ,...u,. mlurn III. tmvt. VMlf. "'" ""
Man- ml H mhtuIIoiI hip Kin wno -, .... i-. . i --- 4 x,. .... .... B ., ,:,.... n,i Marion streets.
wdolng.helingfVirthetHo Ollnger fur ,. signature .r. rZ:S: '' " Matthews one of the 7 7 M" lbu n. mtol, Services
vKguUHrnlerlierii. the day. , "Hfy rote incona-r w , m- .... , . mivciVity' old hoys, came up trom ,-,,, M.
....". ....i. nuiii .iiiiiuu iiv tlmf till. !,... T.'.ittw.i. Af..lM.ir nf All.mv . .. ....... il... 1"" -" " ' -
TlwlHiy mi Horkwltlieiowiiiircuy j"r ""- ""i'i " ; "; ' ' "" ""'"',', """ ', Kenwood ami is veiling a.ii.n. i.n.- . . You in: l
'. . . . .. l.. I... .....,( .. tniM mill fliuf Mr. I., il... nil., tui-t nl.rli. '. SUIlOOl III I1UIIII. iuiiuk 1"
t)MirMI( I ' IW IM IIHU H.IU III IHH i " ....... :"', -.......--v..j ft.... .joy. ti..tll.Mlt (l-IO P M ReV .1.
. J. ..... ......... i... i riiin.n.r W..M..1 hivn t. S lunlieril . ...... . -.., 1 ... i.. .. meeting ai 0..1U 1. -m. ivt. ...
HcKeiH wiii-ii Mrreiiii, .i.in ... , " "" ' '" " , , Jirn. wvneu uinin- '"'"""""""i The heiilor class Held a meeting ijur-.i.tti Mn)erintendcnt of h
l.l KHthert.1 in hI.i.v turnhig over , . k '" " ' ' ' ' , ' Home In I'orllan.I yestert.ay. , Thurw(lay t(, IimkBUrnillgelcllt8 for InMolK ,n 0, will occupy
I8 i lih HI-HI II.-.H. "'''" V." m, : . v.... , i.; ;.,..,1.1 t '""y 1,as retur,,c(I tmn ,"' ' riS eommencen.ent mlipit ))oth morning and eve
iirviiik h "Mmii" ami uoiii. up ... i -v """"" ;' , Wallowa anil will remain here k-v- wcck. ,VlYM,nir rIirII T
.. ..... .. . ii.. i i.,,,,.. In wi'ii. iil;eil Walter htowell. tlie .. fcVAXOKWCAl. CHUKCII. J.
TT' .:.;!,,..".: ..... delivery ,lerk. to write Mr. t.ri..,ti.H Mls Lulu Munkew, an old time Dcki ,)rtstol, pm,ehlng
17i.iT.:. i.i- r... u-i.il.. ..I lt.il OlliuKirViiimieoiitlielHittomofthe The .S.-eond Kegm.cnt band will btudent, has been very, rick at her mornlll ttt 1030 o'clock. Sum
...... .......... ... . ....,, nrilll'llllv IIIVI' 11 fYlllClirt III llll liniminn Sinloll. I'Pilirio. l-itll tlH . . . . t .1 .
Cnl mill that ho was trvliii: ""P- ",,H lll' IH,.S "lu wiiuoiii , r--" ............. scnooi ai i m. in me even
MiHiMflliiKiiiiVtlilin: and Sliepherd i ""y11"" lo"","rr,w' measels. comnienciiiK at 7:30 o'clock, wc w
took the order to ronilner anil neu ivenuy, uie aiuiii iiuuiiu-
nut. s out aL'ain. i avion eniireiv re-
KtlllttlWO l.ll-iuu..-.. I
Pastors' UsiosT- The Salem piNE NEwSTOCR
Pa-tors' Union win nun. u- t.
meeting at the Haptl-t church Mon
day, April 9th, at ft:M a. m. A. K.
Medhury, "-ee'y.
CoX(llti:oATIO.Al. CHUKCH.
Corner of Lllierty and Center
-trects. Itev. .1. W. Harris, iwtor.
Usual Sabbath services at 10.0 A.
.. .... ri . . 1 . .il rill 11
sumiay s-hwu t
meeting at
on Thurs-
Allnre cordially in-
day evening.
to mlMMiionuy to jwy bin way to his
nomeatrk'ottle. flccullwl ai Hev.
Ni'wi'II'h and by telling thin utory
Hint exliiblting IiIh ImudaKcd arm
prevailed iijhiii that gentleman to
write a letter xlatlng that he had
examined Into tlieni-e ami uiHron
vlinisl that the Ixiy wan u worthy
obJiH't of charity. Murnliiil Hosh
tooklhelioy to Dr. IIoIiiich otlltv,
where Drn. Iloliiuw and Irvine iv
iiioved the HjilinlH from his arm,
which was as wiiiml as uk.vIioiI.v'h.
lie then NtaUsl that he wan not
'x'Kging for lilniM'lf mid that he had
"JiK'kli" with whom he was forced
lo "dlvy". Murcliiil Itiws
A- Tlir.inv'u ii In. r.. It vvnu lllllv
.....ajr. ....k .. ...... -. .i ,- ., . u
honored. When the order was, covered from the scarlet fever.
hIiowii to Mr. Ollnger he deelaa'd j 'j'jR. Indies of the Presbyterian
the signature to lie a forgery, and an church will give a river excursion to
examination Intothcnmttcr brought Oregon City some time in May.
out the facts as stated ulxivc. As n..,....,i aclu ir..tt,. i.,-. i.i.'o
Shepherd him not yet lieeii arrested fan.,Vell apiieanince at the Coiigre-
the mutter lias probably Im-vii Umm cjiuroh m.xt Htimlay night.
.. .i i....i ...t i.. . ....... .. .... .... .1....1.1 i...
llllllinil-ll III IM1IIIU M , IHF I.IMlIll "I . , ,.. j. , l
,,,,., i I Just received a lull line of .lohn
h Is lining for thegoods. ; ., .... , , , , ,, ...
1 ' T. ill. Stetson's hats at CI. .
I'lrlii)c Mlrrar) I'nlrrtalnnirnt. .lohUMin's,
The line liall over the Orange The largest "lock of clothing and
store was well lllled last evening Kcnts' fiirnisiilnc l'immIs in the citv
Willi mi iiiieiiigeiii aiuiieiice 10
listen lo the program prepared by
llov. 1. C.. TToiiLfliton. of Ciraee
church, J'ortland, has been chosen
to deliver tlie university sermon at
II. C. Kplcy hits been very sick
with pneumonia, but is sonic better
to-day; Ills parents at fccio were
notified Thm-sday.
Or. II. S. ftnddu.nl came up from
Portland on last eveniim's train.
and was present at the joint meet
ing ol the societies
Marched the two ww ; tl.eAlka.IIesiK.rianaudAthen.eum
ami found In the pocket .f one or Mh A1'wm, ( ,y u.(Ht.(1
"""sek of plaster of Paris and u(h (( rrnillll ,,,
a,.I.H.H.r eo ton cloth slmllHr to ,, , ,,, , , Ijwjk ,
fliM IlkJU Mil llw KllllLMfltl
"", :J," ""' , fr a eittvch, and Lieut. M. W.
I his morning the kid ,.II gui y , ',, ww tnl , hw
to charge o vagmney Wore He- (n Wi,ft J n, ftjm
...nlerhtrlekler.Ht.d was gUeu ,J ll(nwtrm ,, Ui ( Wt, ,
dHy in the county Jail He denied ,.,, MlUui(Uvt Illlt, aI.
know hiKihe .wo vaKs for who,,, he , , Mr ,,,,, llltf, llctwI
wa. iHwdnK. h.i.I Ml.l he md never , . ,,,!. Ml, Fnmk
had anything to do with the,,,. , ., fi.,ow. .,. a ,...
.:":;r;T.:'i:f;;ru':,;:h:K vz -m-. T--.r ", ir. " -.-
name- as A.I. Selillllin: and ( harks, V" '"" Kr.i a.Hiiy .a.ga.ns n hoots and sIhhw
l l.y IMMHW Attomc licit Ih.-y I " ' Jl W. ' "n ilwn mv m w,,h Mm"hv '" w""(1
.viivlcfslthcnlM. J.i.l.Wrl..T.nlT ,1,,'l """ UhuU'y ,ma I'l'm, ami this will delay his going
.,.,,..,.,..,, ,,, t.iw. M'miuu "I- ii lfiilk.fi I '! Ixl..l.,k ..,.,,..,.1.1..,,.
I --! X XIII. Illllllll. 71- t I'I il I till IK.
' ' '
Harold Olierg of the class of '8S
came uii from Portland, anil was
at (1. W. Johnson's. examined in lii studies. He will
Icecream, soda water, milkshakes, lw in school next teiin.
candies, oyster-, meals ut nil hours W. J. Culver and A. W. llower-
nt A. Strom; A (Vs. I sox cainii un from where thev are
Charley llcllenbrand, the restau-1 teaching nearAVlicatland, to attend
I nilciir, has Ikvii granted a patent on the joint meeting last evening.
I Ids "receptacle and heater" for tea, j Yesterday was the regular ex-
collee, milk, etc. ! ainiliatlon ' dav. and inaiiv of the
Judge T. C. Shaw tiMluy rendered students tinik part in it, several who
a decision in favor of the plaintltrin
the case of A. X. (lilbert vs. (Jeorge
and Minnie ('line.
I .list Week of icmoviil sale and
were excused took advantage of the
vacation and will spend Sunday
at their respective home--.
Tiie Joint societies have, through
the efforts of Hcv. (). II. Whitmore
Do net 'of Astoria, nroeurcd Col. L. R
CoH.'laud, of llurrlsburg, I'a., to
deliver a lcctuie bcf(. re the societies
on Monday evening of commence
ment week
Scats are free
Chuhcii. Corner of
hold a missionary service. Good
singing will be a part of the pro
gram. A very interesting time
is anticipated. All are cordially
M. E. Cjiukch. Services will be
held in the M. E. church to-morrow
as follews: Morning, at 10:o0;
subject, "The Incarnation a Neces
sity." Evening, at 7:!!0. Sunday
school at 12 3i. Young people's I
meeting at G:.'!0. xtegulnr pmyer1
meeting Thursday evening at 7:It0. ,
A cordial invitation is extended to I
the public. Scats free. W. Rollins, I
pastor. '
r000 lieu .ml
For a better or more nleasant rem
edy lor the cure of consumption,
bronchial troubles, cough, croup and
whooping cough than Santa Abie,
tlie California king of consumption.
Every bottle wan-anted. If vou
would be cured of that disgusting
disease, catarrh, iwe California Cat-
It-Cure, SI a jar, by mail M.10 San
ta Abie and Cat-Jl-Cuie are sold and
warranted by D. W. Matthews &
Co., Kid State St., Salem.
Dress Goods, Trimmings,
Clothing and Hab.
Largest Stock anil Lowest Prices !
jCall and be convinced.
J. 31. Rosenberg & Co.,
White -: Corner.
Joe DcBob
Dubois brothers,
II. K. Duliois.
Chemckete Hote
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
From $1 to Si per day.
Just Arrived!
Itr gave SehlllluK daya In tlie
cwHilyJall, and MMilwnced llumliu
to 17 .U.vp. iiiijirlMiniiifiit ami to mj
a mm of SHO. This Is one of the
I'MtglaM isitnuinattiius (hut liHsever
-irtiflk tttWHAtlil IhsfrpuiiUliiueiitk
iHlfMl (l IhMV'.
V Trip kr I'lnwir.' J 1'i.tt I
The big CoIiiiiiUIh river steamer i
Miiltnonwh will Ime Sni next1
Krly mnriiluK m the mot rlwl I
and wll jitaniMsl fxeutvlon tilp
ver aH'onksl to the Ksiple of Salem
ami lelnlt.v. ICUIht take along
y.iur lMket tif pmvUloim or take
iiHwUouihe ktwuuor as ymi lk.
I--I eery k'i.iii take plenty of
wrap ami a blanket. Thlwlll
tuMirc h Ktssl nlghtV rtt. IMde
tln Mrand Mtiunr the (wo hum in.
lfiUng tlis w ill Ik. Hih Krtt
eyeHmoiw ami mdi alter the Wf
talltm ilrlll .r nil llu- lr.K.w H Van
nmrmr, Uiinwbni plMHoraphers,
anltaiHl tlMr piiJl will m. .ll
kivwa of iHMany, geology and
natuml UWt.Hry cmiiihk Hllbrtl to
ty at Ihhihv A Krattd wmtvrt on
Iformnmv, gave a pleanure wlileh
IiiiiihI episliin in luiirlv
plaiiK-. "Mill" Dugau'N "health
liieservlnur rulm" eruated .gieid
(UlilM'inonl, iiiul lacked but OIIU t II-
Juuetlnii to pi-iHluce ciimiiluto
physical M.uiidiiw-i. Jlo should
lui ve adilisl "never run ftr olllivlu
Million county on Hie democratic
ticket." The H'rl'oiinnnee closed'
Willi n Unijo duct b Mirs. Keller i
I'.ueue City Journal : Tlie demo
crats of Wa-co county have made
their nominations and are far from
harmonious. A good many are
Mr. Copeland rauwhSS, W;WllinB w
1 . . cut and dried " before the conven.
I'"resli cakes, i''rench bivad, milk
1 bread, Itostou brown bread, graham
bread, hot buns, eotlee cake, this
morning at A. Strong it Co.'s.
Col. J. 'I'. How ditch, or Ashland,
is In the city and will remain hero
until alter the nui'ting of the State
Military I timid, which convenes here
next Monday.
Win. Ilmwii Co. are in receipt
with the hiuhest reeoinniendatioii
as an orator.
Tlie I'liilidorian hall was lllled to
its utmost capacity last eveninir
with members and friends of the
societies. A good programme had
been arraniad. and was well
I'ull line of Pcntcmcrl Kill Gloves Just
Salem, Oregon.
Oregon Peach Bitters
AIkiih eighteen yean, nso I leeeUed n
hurt In my back lrom a lille of lumber
inllincon me, unit eer sfnee had been
trnnlilorl with .i.ilr Irl.l.in... ....A n. i
and the last ear veiy mtteli. Through the
iti'uiiiiiienumum oi iienn Keene I
lionght n bottle of II. JCl.iss Oregon Peach
liltters and belore I hud mlcen half the
bOtllO I roilllit n. .Tiniil 1..1I..1- iw...-. I. r
. y - ... ..- ....... .. ... . ji..ii ii. i
believe it to be a splendid ieinedy lor the
miiur)i,iiuu iu-iuiii u'l-onimenn it tonne
same. .r ii. intiTi.'n
Aumsville, Jaimarj 12, IsSS.
7ADIl?rnV Or
Hon met. Thev claim tlmt. fi..i,
( ounty Judge Savage, who has been
a good ollicer, was sold out and
thrown overboard by nringor clique
III The Dalles, tn limL-ii i-.i.,,.. -..,. ..
member of the eliiiue, and they are j A ATT
notifying the conspirator at the be- v
irlti.ii.iiv nf H... I ... i ..
s x ;... r " ". : "" "m w m-m. tck nF
A Mill
, , ? ' . ""'"'"""iii .v cai-aim-dog Hunt
rendered and all enjoyed it, the among the faithful is now in nroir- Fancy Goods, Moldines
lu.t.ii.. .....,..M ii,., i- .i.i ,, res. ii ii.iinlillo.i.. :,.!. ,,. ...m ;. r ?. . . . a.
aun i hum-, wiiicit was elu-cied toiof some very line silling muul
the cclio, and the audieiuv was aiuonK the newest is a line of mens
...t..-..i..u-n.i h uiiiiiv at urn-. wirdnvaii, button, bale and i-ongiv-.
nnnni nun, in wilieil lllllliy eoilpliw
rvwiivd ami enjoyed the remainder
of tlie night a deuitees of
Call In and Mvtliem.
A little sl.-year-old son of Mr.
Mi'i, of Mi, AiiLrel. set tin. I,, l.tu
i.n v
- - -.- - i iiuiii-i ikuii a lew daw ago, "just
x Wuuiui i-riiaimi. to sv It bum." The Iwm and i-on-
Y.lerday mornlinr Pollivmnn tents weiv entirelv ili.tr..v...i
Uke arnliil Johnny H.mth, a lad Amer W.aal, administrator of the
of HI, on a w-armnt Issue,! out of J us. tMuli -if 1J. W. Sehell iUwwh-!
IIih. 1.IU.H t-mirt at Independence, Ht,.nlay filed his final account In
wlMncliiK lilm with lliu Unvny ..f a , thenrohnte court. ,.... it . r....,
row lawt U.o..gl.,K t Mattheny " hiring on May Uth, at 10 a. m
Ib-o-., .ifthat elt,. h was taken, ,. t ,,. ,, . ,
lnde,mn,lcmv ,U ..Honing I, ... . "" ??' ,,,,1,, f,,ri""
Maivlm IMh,,,,,,,,,, h T aier a , ' U,,' ,l'rl'" !. left this
himrlng wh, Uamd ,C JT . u-. U ' f"r. .' ,,rt ?.,Ml ,".' " a
the actio,, . H-, I,,, Kraudlnrv. in tl... ,. '"" "' .,,,. W,H PliUg.. t
.,,i.rfIW..l.ft(ullf wi,U., , CZZ"maiX l,0U1"'' "'
society paper, tlie Know-notliitiL'.
with V. Perinirer as chief editor
summed up the doing, of all the
members briellv, and pern
none lo be slighted.
res, a reiiubliean victory will prob-
l tlie p
ntted ,VJ
I ably be tlie result
IX). I).
linonurr u.....-. .. . .
.1 ii,,.r.iv; ". at ; . y I'c--1'"
me.-.-1 ,:.iV" VhV..";."J "". ?' ''''
w.. -t i i imt ui iou(i ior sale
sawed to nn length desired, ('ash ni M
l aeeompaii all orders
Tlie Salem twebers returiie.1 to
day from the teacher's Institute held
in Dallas this week. They riort n
profitable and IntMrostlng time. The
ciliwiMBMendtHl to their -Uli.,
U latkmK4Miu
iv- hmi ,. . '"" " "., in iiewuu oi wtilcli lu
iw. iui.Krt nvtUHturti In iiu. ,.n uu. ..,..,... i.i., ... .i . ..
!!! ST1 lTl ,'v",,,,t XVM wrtl Ml' ,lH,Ww- nfc lMih well know n
",,' Atlm,H4,v, or iIh. aliy,MtiwlwltlirtMillii iliair vr-
iMMM...!. .. -.. ....... r... ,,,. ius mhimii a rwiwrkuW "-" "" "' meir -fc.tors
UUiUim HiaiiiMr. AI, w,h! twnliwy tow r,W crlims and thk i ! ''.M.pltlty, M, timkactlvo
. MUr hurHJuu .mi llw'iMt UiNm llmvlluit Iw luv. laid lrt ' ' PHHwIlnifs.
2S2Si.i,..rl.Urt.,,w, '- '- M,:lltr of the Stater L "
,, , , mmv--l iiuu.iMr at i.kuiijj ne mik i..i. .. . I i i '..!.
MUtMlM MMnUk uM-L ll "-..." Hmuy IVMH I HVOfl. , arimglol,, Htl.l SUIH.rillteinb.llt of
UmI m i-lL .J.H.JXZT . .' . .. "",,,,"r rlaril, llwWly tbl iiHiriiliifr o vUi ...
lhituuiw.!rfM.rrj..'. HIlwtlliwimt, A wmtwiit r pwWWwi, stt. wwvfiiUmi at 1W
.mi w. uu. -...k't.:::' :;llt -r? w ii ,
. a.i.i... .. -r rv.r - -i ""' ." ' w "Mfwt win
ViltfrlMne tbe statr.
Eugene City Register: Our Peer
less job press i now runniiiKon an
edition of i:i,000eopie.s of a Miinphlet
di-scrbitlve of Ijuic count v. which
tuv to bo sent out for the pur)ose of
advertising this count v. Of tlie 1:1.-
IHW copies the Ihwrd of Trade take
10,000, McCianahan, Warren &
ltun Titus t Straight and Coch
nm A Son KXKleach. The luinmli.
let will contain alaiut thirty-two
jiages, and is inteudetl to set'forth
tlie ris-ounvsand advantages of the
county correctly and impartially.
It will U the largest and last ail
vertisciueut ever cot out for h.i
KH-tloii of the country.
The Corvallls Ti mes, lo votes nearly
two oohiiuiwtu a description or lkn
touiiiuntv.wlth a view to 11111111-0
immigration, and publishes n letter
from Oil City. Pen tin., htntlmr i...
a colony and excursion iiiii,i.,.u.
would start for Corvallls on thetlth
i A w rlterln the AlUmy ,or. llur-i
aid vrivo till rewsoi, for advertising!
the state: There I a double current I
now uowing lHth north and south
tlmiughout the whole length of the
valley, but wo catch nonPof its bon
otltK Ami to twvrtalu" how little Is
Known of our country one ntV4i
Brackets, Picture Frames,
Artists' Materials, .Etc.,
1M7 COIlUilGlclnl StlPPt. Rjilnm Or
f -t w.
k Boob Stationery & Fancy Goods !
T. McF. Patton's,
A..lrl ticket u. IWHrtiu XrZ1"11
U IVMlTl U1 llu. t-t.J..... I . "."" "'" vailionila do-
Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials
ior raoer Y nwprQ
. . " -. t. r- MtH IV1I1W UIWI Ml ua.ui ...Ilk "I - Ut lliniUlUI 14a ..I. Ii 1... N. ....
vMlUI tlut iliev MM. k-... ......".: .'.-" -- ui uiiiu.-iv ,.,-........ ." "'" i uropm Cn nniiii d.w
ftwWMVlhfe,. ! t.l..MH ,Hl.0.MM,ltjH-L;u,it KIU",n,'r,l'gjllstl
TU bW Nahv In Ik- uj ... UftriltwulMl l.u, ... .. . ".' """-"i ini liwr MUIIIIion mdIkIiii
twIlllllMl SAJ. .... I.-..1. . ... . ........... ""W IN HlUT rttrtkri..
.'un.ii.iij TEACHEH. pvgf nv
,,.. .. ,i'-5-r: r.t-J-..: S33KCEXl.!2li '".!
umi Mir ufcj''m..Mla JTXtaS: iwai uT llTt T iw ,MM ,w ,,w,nl "
a.1 hu ua k... . wl nuflUv4N ww uiWw ., -l". ...... T? T0. w mm,k-,.lmmwl.M'l,i tlMr..d.i ,-...... V
n un, I,, . uul x :"rja "a!. s "" mm.r?wt' KrW,aiU.l.r
vr ; . ----- wwa a BMMiri T kL .. .. .. .. ..
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Hut. ll)ruklMNi
Mr, llto fanurr
MMMh of .t u, 1,1
tmk tMwtt ilu- tun! mh! KlrlQ Dr. H. vTH.1
" vm rtiwMA 'rr(M Wy i
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tUMuawa, who wutiki'
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-Jf? '"X"1 ytuiwt- 'aC
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.u. ,k- . TTT. UUfc "" r4rl ,v-
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sSMfw. -M.i.i i- 7 ; .. . ': ""M,H' Ja,l
Roberts' Rules of 0rrifir
i-or Fruit O,,
flVMtxx. PK.VU l-l'ITI'IIP L..w. CJJ"
.cuHi x.L JiK Snh unsLr'- 'wraixo.fi rev
cMtic h,vmU,h I , im $iW ,vi. D PRUW TRBBS OF AMP1
lg u-all-kiMw,, VllftSiJ. f?Cft5 IJfJUIUOUs TO FltUlST ,1
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01 " SALEM, OR.
tii. "" ' vw.nnn, iwhw tVfeM- W v
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