NEW ADVKUTISEMKNTS. 5g&&&&JJP&J3P& This Space is Reserved FOIl T1IK OREGON LAND (MI Office on Commercial Street, In State Insurance Company's Building, (Front Room, up Stairs.) WHO ARE BUYING REAL ESTATE And hnve a large list of Desirable Property For Sale! What I'onMltntts a Family Medicine? A preparation which Is adapted to the relief and euro of ailments to which members of a household are most subject, and which is not only alleged to do this, but has long and unfailingly proved its ability to do it, assuredly deserves the title of a reliable family me'dlelne. Among time honored preparations, which experience and the sanction of the medical profession indicate as deserv ing of popular regard and confidence, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine adapted to the eradication of dyspepsla.constipation and bilious ness, the three most frequently oc curring ailments that vex mankind. Derived from a botanic parentage, it is efficient as well as pure and whole some. Tt relieves nervous disquiet ude and inactivity of the kidneys, and counteracts a tendency to rheu matism. For renewing flagging strength and imparting appetite it can be implicitly relied upon. Fever and ague, rheumatism and debility are remedied by it. ClMi FOR KKITULtm CUM ENT10.V kv Am KiiTisRMi:vrs. .! THE YAQU1NA ROUTE, Have made ten bales in ten days; are re ceiving hundreds of letters from parties nil over the country making Inquiries nbouU Salem and the Willamette Valley. Have received calls from twenty immigrants during the past week. Call and see their letter-book, containing Ave hundred letters of Inquiry, and leave a description of any property you have for sale and It will be advertised In this space. Oregon Land Co. aeoS"ooocoS"oo ccoo,oqocaox&c.coQO bcToOocoooc acceoccc. Albany Herald: The real estate boom seems to be fast spreading over Oregon. We are informed that land In the vicinity of Roseburg has doubled in value during the last six weeks. o Wonderful Care. W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Rome, Ga., says: "We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dr. H. W. Pox. A republican convention for the state ot Oregon i called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on "rrt I Hioifltlt tllil 1 1 til jl .1 a lit' 11 11 for the purpose of nominating can- UllllMIA l:Ulll lulLlvUAU' . ...1 !...,.. ..... ..!.... I.. n............. A 1 llr-IV". JM'lllVM'lllIllUl.- III 1-llllglUW, three presidential electors, supreme judge and district oflleers, and to select six ueiepues to niienu me national republican convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of Li)!) delegates, apportion ed among the several counties as follews: Del. Del. Baker 5 I-akc 2 llenton 7 ljine 10 Clackamas fl I.lnn 10 Clatsop 7 Malheur - Columbia 4 Marlon - 11 Coos.- - 7 Morrow 5 Crook.. ii Multnomah SO f'nrrv .1 Polk - ( T iimnnK Tim "win. m. liouir. I no ".. t. iieni Umatilla 10 lev," the "Throe Sisters," lrae Portlands Union 8 n.'in. Moiul.ns, V1h(m1i)s and Frldajs, from Wallowa. 1 ! Messrs. Hofman A Co's dock, "JX) and 20! Waeo I Front street, for Oregon City, HuttevlUe, Washington 8 Chamdoeg, Salem, Independence, Albany, Yamuill v (."orvallls. and inlermeuiaio points, mini' , Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 223 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by nn other route. Klrst-cUvs Through I'vtotngrranu Freight Mnt troiu 1'ortl.inil and all points In the Willamette Valley to anil Horn San Franrhro. Willamette River Line of Steamers: T j Douglas i aiUlam r Grant Jackson.. 7 Josephine 4 Klamath : m STORE m HI! im- Total - 3 Tlie same being one delegate at large from each county and one delegate for every 150 voters and one for every fraction over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. lllngcr Her mann, congressman, at the last general election. The committee recommend that the primaries be held March 31, 188S, and the county conventions April 4, 18S8, unless otherwise ordered by the county central committee. Republican electors and voters of the state, without regard to past political alllllatlons, who believe in the American principle of protect ive tariff and dignifying American labor, uiving free, popular educa tion to the masses of the people, effectually protecting all human rights in every section of our com mon country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and per manent harmony throughout the state bv maintaining a government pledged to these objects and prin ciples, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the repul llcan state convention. Respect fully submitted. Josiumi Simon, Chairman. Inc close connection at Albany with trains oftlie Oregon Partite KM I road. TIME SCHEDULE, (IXrept Sundays): I.cao Albany ....-- 1:00 1 M Leave Corvallls ....... . 1:47 1 M Ai. Iin Vnnllllin ..... l'TJ 1 AT t ... ...... i.... ..-...- .f;'&i a i ! IjCiivo Corallls 10S18AM Arrive Albany Uil-iAM O. A C. trains connect lit Albany anil Corvallls. The above trains connect at YAQITINA with the Oregon Development Cos I.lno of Steamships between iiquliiu ami Sail Francisco. SUUXIi 1IVTES. FROM SAN FKANUISOO. - Monilay, Mar. 12 - - Thursday, Mar. '! Tuesday, April H KKOM VAO.UINA. . . Satudav. Mar. 17 - Tuesday, Mar. '27 - Sunday, April 8 to (-sostoj-x);- GIBSON & SINGLETON, Successors to Geo. E. Good. Prescription Druggists. IMPORTERS OF Drugs, Medicines, - Toilet Articles, and Fine Astoria Pieneer: A colony of twenty families from Illinois arrived here Monday and will make their homes in this vicinity. Quite a number of the men have found em ployment at the Clatsop Mill. Emi gration to this country the present year promises to uc someiiung mense. Personal. Mr.N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: "I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's rvew Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bron chitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been aftlictcd since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which I can recommend." Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion. tJougns anu uoius, is soiu on a positiveguarantce. Trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Cox's drug store. Perjfu.mery. ARTISTS' MATERIALS 9 A SPECfABTY. LEVY'S OLD CORNER, COMMERCIAL and STATE STREETS. -(:-o-:)- SMOKE THE OLD RELIABLE Five Cent Tansil's Punch Cigars. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries. iyRT-nnchitls,rt;s WB&l fcend (or tr UKU3 " . MHIETINF MCmca.oroviur.fAL. -,., I j '1 "Your . nose wno nave ustju 11 reme dies are irlvliie satisfaction, and o cus tomer with Bronchitis says It is the only remedy that Rives instantrollef. BEBKELI. 4 COVEK. Druggists, Riverside. Cnl." tho pleasure to Inform i HaVe ou that your Preparations nro meeting with largo solos. Wo hear Nothing but Praise &B"cS cnslon to use them. JfANSCAWRN Jt CO., IJrUKKlStS. Vtsalta, Oil. fri..,t win nr-onmnllxli the end desired In all affections of theThroat and Limes kin and you not only will not ho W without It yourself, but will recommend It to others, as thousands have dono, who have tried everything else In vain. Money Is no ohject where ML."" K Hnnvince You trtnlnesumofone dollar can purchase a. remedy that will stand between you and one of the most dreaded of human Ills. Circulars fcent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Tho stranger who passed through Shoshone in a buggy last Monday was arrested in Mountain Home Wednesday night, suspected of be- hur W. B. Tapeott, tho murderer of Hnell. tho Chieasro millionaire, for whose arrest and identification $10, 000 reward is oflbred. It is said A. J. Stone, son-in-law of the murdered man, traced him across tho country and caused his arrest. The man gave his name as T. A. Gatlnidge and claimed that ho was in hearch of land on which to locate. His ac tions wero suspicious to say the least. He will be given a chance to explain. Shoshone Journal. - California Cat-R-Cure. The only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restores tho hense of ta&to and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all druggists. Send for circular to Abletine Medical Company, Oroville, Cal. Six months' treatment for $1; hent by mall, 11.10. For sale by D. AV. Matthews & Co., 100 State St., Salem. -- That was an impressle spectacle In tho prohibition convention yes terday when St. John rose and thanked God harmony had dehcend ed upon tho gathering. Then he went on to tell these temperance people who are temperate in most things except language that Los Aneeles would roll up a great prohi bition vote this fall. This may be true, but wo would rather have some better authority for it. H. F. Chronicle. OKNUKAI DIKECTOJtY. GitovEii Cleveland- President. Titos. F. IIayakd Secretary of State. Chas. S. FAiucitiLn, Secretary of,Treasury VV. T. Vilas Secretary of the Interior. ww n WTiifwrr Secretary of War. V. C Whitney Secretin)- of Navy. D. M. Dickinson l'ost Muster General. A. II. Oakland Attorney Genernl. Mourison It. Waitk Chief Justice. State of Oregon. ! 1i?LP" V. S. Senators. J. II. Mitchell f BiKoitn Hermann Congressman. Svlvksteii PENSOYKit iiovcrnor. Geo. W. McllRtDE Secretary of Slate. G W Weihi State Treasurer. K. B. McKluoy Supt. lub. Instruction. Fuank IIakkh State Printer. H. H. Stkaiian 1 r , We p. Loud Supremo Judges. W. W. TIIAYKU ) Third Juillrial lllstrlit. u. p. hoisk -.-.JlU,R(; Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney. JIarlon County. M. U. ClIAMBEIIMV ) J. A. Looney -...State Senators. .1. B. DimicK -J J. T. GltEOO D. J. Pendleton S. Layman A. M. IiAFOLLETTK V. B. COLVEU C. V. Hicks M. N. CHAPMAN fKniini-MiPk' JOHN M"lNTO-" h!ier!ii? Kll. CKOISAN I'cpuiv nill-iui. AuorsT Giesy I rcasurer. T.C. SHAW- County Judge. Geo. P. Tkkukm. 1 Coiiimlsslonem. IlENUY WAIIUKN J , , lt, , GKOimr. A. School Supt. IohnNewso.v Surveyor. Coroner. O. P. Litc'hVi'eliT. ..Sheep Inspector. City of Salem. J. J. Muiir-i'V .- Major. A. II, Mum 1st Wnni Geo. Williams 1st Ward Geo. Collins 2nd Ward V. IiAFOUE 2nd Ward JAI" MlNTOgrd Ward w. w. SKiNNEit :iru wnru Nks. Bush th Vard O. N. HurroN4tli Wnrd I UTttrniTT i.'i Jamks Hov'..:"-""" ..Marshal. W T BELL .Treasurer. GEO. G. Binoham ... .Attorney. J. V. Thomson -SutVt of Streets. (', N. CHUHCHILL Chief KnglncerS. !. I). . I', S. ODIceis. J ah. 'Walton V. S. CommlKhioner. Joseph ALinatT Signal Service Olncrer. STEAM BUS, Willamette Valley, Willamette Valley, Willamette Valley, STEAMERS. Willamette Vallej Willamette Valley, Willamette Valley This company neres tho njiht change Milling nates wltnoui notice. N. B. Passencers from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make "lose connection with tho trains of tho YAIJUINA UOUTEat Albany or Corvallls, and If destined to San Francisco, should ainuigo to arrive at Yaqulna tho tn villus before date of siilllni;. l'assencer and Kreiplit Kates .Mwnvs the lowest. For Information applj to -Messrs. HUIjMAX Co., Freluht nnrt Ticket Apents 200 and 202 Front st Portland, Or., or to C. C. IIOGITK, Ac"t GenM Frt. A Pass. ARt., Oregon Pacific It. It. Co., Corvallls, Or. C. II. HASWKM.,Jr.Gen'l Krt; A Pass. Agt. Oregon leclopmont Co., SOI MoutRoiuerj' St.; San Francli-co, Cal. Nl'AV ArtVKKTI.SKMr.NTS. PH0HIB1TI0N COUNTY TICKET. COX11U1-X4, PHOF O. M. MlLIiER. PUKSIDKNTtAI, KLKClllUS, T. V. CAMlMJKLli, 11. R RAMI', DR. A. C. KINNEY. DISTUKT ATTOHNBV, J. F. CAl'LES. HI'.PltRSIIXTATIVIW. W DEAVKNl'OHT, Silverton. WJI SIMPSON, Silverton. 11 S JORY, South Salem .1 I) DAKHY, Sublimity. G KHKRHAUT, Champwg. SIIKHIFK. ALEX THOMPSON, Silverton. CIiKlilC. W I HAY, Woodburn, UKConmut. VIRGIL II REA15, Turner. TltKASUHKH. V P JOHNSON, Salem. SCHOOL SUPKKINTKNDKNT. W T VAN SCOY, Jellerson. ASSKSSOK. LOUIS MAIWEE, JeH'crson. COMMlSSIONl'.ltS. J D HURST, Aurora. HENRY GILSAN, Marion. SUKVKVOH. F A FORI), Woodburn. COItONKK. V n MAGEHS, Salem. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. GENERAL IILACKSMITIUNG A XI) I-IORS12SH015INO ! ! All the Imp'ovcd methods of shoeing, shajilng shoes, to ci,e diseases of tho foot and for the con eel Ion of faullj action, con traction and luterferlnh'. Used. I guarantee satisfaction In all cases, lteler to any well known horseman In Oicgon. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseshoer, .TOO Commercial stieot, Salem, Or. In tho County Court of the Stateof Oregon, for Marlon County. In the matter of tho estate ol Andrew Ileln, dot eased. Notice Is hereby gienthat I have tiled mv final account, and that Monilay, tho 7th da of May, 10 a. in., has been set for hem log objections to tho same. JULIA IlKIN, F,.ocutrlx. NOTICE OF PAYMENT. -Itepieentatlves Cleik. Deputy Clerk. Is MKDI red only by It CO., o the ABIKTINE rovllle, CaU SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot Councllmcu ...Ilecorder, Ni;W AWVI'JITISKMKNTS. Overland to California VIA Oregon k California Rail Road All persons holding warrants against Marlon county endorsed by the treasurer nro hereby notified to piescat tliosnino for payment, us there is money on hand for that purpose, und no fuither Interest will boVuiontl.em. Al,(lwpmK8Vi County Treasurer, Dated Ai II :ird, 1S.SS, For Sale. A good iron frame Hoisu Power. Oopd for all uses, fiom one to full capacity. All for the low price of -"in. call at tlioPaeltlo Cider, VliieKiir A Fruit Piesorvlnir Coin pany's olllce. Salem, Oreon. OF- 1. S. SKIFF &CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPKHA HOUSK, SALICM. Vitalized Air Given for (lie Painless Extraction of Teeth. 8-Tlu person nwakuns from a pleaHiiul dream with tho at'hlnj?. tooth gone. Also gold Crowns Set. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA HOLTrl Time Between Kalero anil San Franrlfcfo - Tblrty-slx Hours. CAMKOUNIA KXI'ItKHS THAIS IIA1IA. '-N7rTfi. 10: 10 a. in. h:.) a. in. IWSOp. III. UCAI, 1'AH.IKNOKIt TKAIN (I)AIIA KX CKIT HUNDAV). JttX A line lino of hacks, liuiwlw, carts, ear rlaKCs, Inickboards, etc. lloth our own imiico and the best eastei n inmlu hiiKKtex. Every one Warranted JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING, South. 4.00 p7 in. I.v. PTirtland Ar. li-JlOn. in. Ia Haloni I. 7:10 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Ia 8:00 a.m. l.KU a. in. 12:10 p. in. Iv. I.v. Ar. Portland Salem Kukoiio Ar. I.v. I.v. 1:15 p. in. V2K1 p. in. 11.00 a. in. -.y- ai. ?.ui. CLpHES5SS3i SCRIBER Call on tho undiimlKned, wnjion ami ear rlaire makeis and blacksmiths, lets mill illl Commeiclal stieot, Saluni. SIX, and i OI-IIvK. An Absolute Core. The ORIGINAL AIHETINK OINTMENT to only put up In large two-ounce Hit boxes, and Is an ab&olute cure for old noros, burns, wounda, chapped hand, and all skin eruptions. Will poflltlvely cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETIKE OINT MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthows &, Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 36 cents per box by mall SO cento. I'LMiLMAX Bl'PFKT HI.EKl'KUS. Kxeurslon Slcoiwrs for seiymd-class pas-, sanuers on all tlirouRh tnilus free of nhan?e. I Tho O. & O. IUillroad furry make con neotlon with all tho regular trains im tho Bast Hide Division from foot of t street, Portland. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY-EXCKIf HVHVA). 100 uTiriT LvT Portland AK I "(H5 p.m. I3s26p.m. Ar. CorvallUI.v. Capital Lumbering Company! N'MIMCVILLi: KXIll TIIAIK (DAII.V KXCKIT HVHUA1). itO p. Ill tfeOO p. m. -XrTl I i.v. Portland Ar.McMlnnvlllel.v. $00 a. in. & a. in. At Albony and Conallls conneet with trains oi yreon i-noiuv i For full information " Ins of Oregon Paoinc Ilallroaa iOlllimur ujs' E. V. ROOERS, )t recardlne raias, to the OniuiNiny'it iigeiit, ttiapa, et&, appl tilSRSbl. O.K.'nnraA?t. MauaKr. tar? Van MANl'KACITItKIIH OK AND DIIAI.KltH IX oty of Oregon I Dressed and Undressed. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. umbo r. Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Etc. SALEM - - - - OREGON. t