l I?, r iV( s KVBXIJifl CAPITAL JOURNAL; ITHI.MKHH EYWY EVENINB EXCEPT JUNDAY. HT THIS Capital Journal PubHtWtig Company. IJMWWHHATMl. 0H. 11 rrt JHmt, 0r llof fll. TKKMK OP HUHHCJIUTION IlAII.V I Oim jrcw. hr mall. J Mx month,! rt- - f 5g Threw imwtlw mmII...... I I'ar w iWlvwwl !) earrter 1 I tt'KKKI.Y I w yew. - x immiu - y; ift iKilh I" irl'.)iifilT mi dulhorlwil i re rtc,ulprlrtlHP. IVII.I. II. PAIIIIV. - Mhiihkt. Mfl'Mrtnl nvw- nuttier Hi the HHlfil.OfiVHi. I'ihI'iIHm-. Mured H. IWt. SATURDAY, AI'HIL 7, im .Alton ix cami'oiima. ' Bom K of our cXc-1ihiii?n are careful incorrect tli rciiort that "Walter The Ban Friieiw Chronicle i -riionw ynu, the prohibition or-i eoiicernwl alKHit the gathering anil mnu.T iH clcixviimn. He Itching ' earing for the fruit eropof ( alitor- to the laity, we are told, and live nia, which, we are informed, prom- (jj,),,, ThN U comforting, Imj. iw to Ikj an unummlly heavy one. ' VHUH H t.XjM)U,it.r of the Gospel Therein aK-arcity of Iltr In tliat i Hj10tli,i mve more regard for the etate, and Inf-t year the children ; )IlltJ f.oiimmii(lmeiit. were taken from the whooN in a i . number of couiitlw and cent into A atj, eX(.hH11),e wlVrt. gt. John the orchard and vineyards; hut i u amUlK , Oregon to aid his pro even with this added help, a good I)lbtIo McmU hl the coming ci.ni- KXV immammT i - - 1 jjett ADVERTISEMENTS. ViHTBTBtauan. -. A First National Bank iHHlil HI f.a i I" 'iil'ni IsMffM i J MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. irBPM!nt, J. H. WAMM), Mel. T. T. OBJfH, MlmUm. J. Q. WJI.HOX, Kl. H. MYMAM, WMbrB. Wm. AHMHrnOKO. Heiilli gtlnu. mrmrr, K. M. CHOIHAN. K.lMtl. r J. IIAIICOCK, HilM. rmun, J. II, HTAMII, lU.tHilMn.J miictri, A. 0. QONIllT.AHmitltte. AMEMtik, A. K. III.AUKIClllir, Hllititoti KtaiitMiMirii, A. II. UOIINKMim, Mirloi W. T (HUM, IluM-irJ. WHOM. UI'tlllXrKMHiNT,' 1). W. YOIIHII, HllmloN UMtrron, W. J. CUI.VIIII, KMlHiIfin. (MIMDOII, lla. T, 0. HYM.NIi, Wiwdbiirn. (IKIHIIVH If Kill I.ICI'.NSK I, AW. The tipjaT eluuiiber of the New York IcgiMlulurc Iiiim pumed Criwliy's high IIcciik' hill which Itn- Pimh a llct'iicc of $l,(Kifl on tvery ix--IhII liquor diialcr, and clews up the Mtloon on Bimdiiy. To procure n prohibition fuiu'tmt'iit.ln thut Mute, at the prcw'lit time Mould Ihmiii lil tor lniiowililllty, en this law Is rc Mirtod to mm llii' Illtle end of the wedge. This is renlslcd us nil out mgtt by a Inrge jMirtlou of I lie Mule prtow, the rmiMon doing nulgned thut II sirluluM of the nuture of a hiiiuptuury law, and Unit It In id wi an Invidious dlix'tliiiluiitloii In fuvor of the rich ugulnxt the jMMir. The Blur, (the lute l.lcut. flovenior DorHlilcinei'M mndNis'r organ,) Is iiuiiiisinukmI In UhmIiii of the (Why hill, mid to mIiow thut it relive! public MHitiiui'iit In such nnlHi;iinUiii, It puhllshertu column or two of Interviews conllrnmlory of htmh Mwtliiii. The ivumhih m. vaintsl by tin' viirloiH ar(leMiire hwlly iuiiiuIiiKi and we produced ftw. A Ilimr ilealer, iimiusl Jhiiii Kwlloy, my he Iihs Ikshi hi the bu Iiimm twenty year hikI always wim pllwl with the Uw. If this heavy llceiiM U ItiijsiMsl wt he uujusl nimI uppmwiw, iHwuwIt will drive Jilm and iimiiy oilier ntaax-tiihti dwltiM out of IiikIiu. a dry gssuU iiwii iiMtatw the bill, lHsui-eJt Is an attempt t enter the Illtle end of tin Mlilblllon wimIu,., hiiiI hemv dunrou to Iholr HUrtte. A uitiiilwr of (ortkixMr dtvlare thuy have Uvn ttiUtiil ivpubll oan, (Hit If Mich UgtlMtloU Is (o Is lmp,Mil uii tlieiu th, luue no ftmlar nw ftr that jiarty. Murrey Vaknlliu, lHtt4tr dealr, are alttt the bill IttVMUi It will drive hundred of KtHMl moil on of ilu iHwlum, and lsd to lit oftcnlng of a freater ituilr oftllven, TIhmsmi autuplbut of Ibpjor woiibl liteivwxi, while luuraJlty MMilt tlliittiitrh. Anotlwr tvnr , the bill U oj ImmhI lu iMMunoit Mtiae; and yt an uthvr that ll iwImIiIUImw a HhmojH'. A gmtl nuiolwr take tmfurt In H bullrf tW rvvruur will luttrtaa share of the fruit was ot for want of tierwms to Jmndle it. This leads thut Journal to a discussion of the labor illicit Ion In California. No in diiccmeiits arc ollered to .-ettlers and .white lalsirers, Ix-caiiH of the monojsily of the will in a comjiaratlvely few hands. The editor quotes a remark of the chief viniculture! olllcer of the state, us . i bearing on tills question. J tie nroiirlutora of largo estates," he says, "have Iksjii content to herd their I woikmen us they would thelrcuttle. I If to-day a doen Italiun, Swits, (lermun in Bcatidinuviiin fumillea should apply for Information where to settle In a vineyard or orchard community, I could not advise them i where to go." Bevenil times during the puM twenty years there bus been a heavy How of population to the (ioldcii Ktute, induced by the oiler of greut advantages and low railroad fares; but disuppolntincut bus met most of the Immigrants. California bus area enough to supHirt a heavy imputa tion, hut its soclul condition is one that docs not reudily ulworb Incomer. White laliorere tire not willing to lie lirought into coniiH'tltloii wltli "the heiithen Chi nee," and the large estates into which the tillable Mill is divided pre vent them iicqiilriug a footliolil. The Chronicle forewarns the fruit- rulTs thut iMTmuiieut lubor for their necessities cannot beobtuiued "by dealing men like brutes, and by coi ruling or herding them like cat tle." Tills hoiiiiiI conclusion is then arrived at: The orchurdist anil vineyaidist must oiler Mime inducement to the luhoiiug it in 1 1, not merely to come and work u few weeks, sleei Ing lu a barn or in a pig-en, and then taking up his line of iiiurch ugulii, but to muke his home lu the communltv, where thelulior of him M'lfaud ills family iiiuy be made uvalluble when needed. TheChliieMMiie counted out of the question. Many buve left the state, driven uwuy by liursh tirutment, ami others are not arriluir, and w hut help can be pris'invd from thoe Asiatics is quite Inade quate to meet the demand. Trump lubor, wearefurtherasMired, win mil suiiiiv in iiumuc one tenth theciojis ofthentute; thus the neces sity Is iuiNv.ed of devising some thing like a lulNir system for the state. l''.H'ilcuce bus shown that a haidy HsiNintry, Wlrii'i'r. nxsl or nnnuid hhUmIih. It IIMIII, Is the safest bulwark of the stute; and If the condition of our uelghlsir Mate Is such thut not half of its fruit and grain products can U saved for want of help, this will fom tijsiu the mliiiU of (he luiul proprietors the eoiivletlon thut their present system I of laud tenure Is u fals one, and they will In eoni'llel to divide up their iskwewliinsHsanieaMireofsati'-y jiaign. With tliree tickets in the Held, the triangular light will be in teresting, exciting and exhilarating. The democrats this year feel strong enough to down Isjth the republi cans and prohibitionists. ARRIVING! Our Immense Stock of Goods i NOW : ARRIVING Direct from the East ! lIOItN. I HAM.. -On Mif l'UKli f" tnwr Sjilcin, Vprll 2. Ihk, lo Hie wife or Mr. Hull, it rimiKlili'r. I IIIlOWKll. At Miidttij , Orf Ron, Tliurs- ..... A ...II ,1 IIIUJ .. (hn ..'lr.. lt I M I Ilroutr, n dniilitcr. - - CARPETS! NKIV TO-1IAV. COSCREGMm CHURCH Titsiti) fMm, April IO1I1. ISSS. rnrencll Concert Tcnilcrcil to Congregational -:- Church llv .MISS IIALLIE l'ARRISH. I'HOORAM rl'iirili, "TIip Clod nf Innicl." lUmlnl. llnnoiiill."IHlniiHleIle" (Tolku dcSn Ion). Wntciilinupt. Ouiirti'ttc, H'UrU'd, MNkon lVrry nnd Wliwtcr, mill Mtswrs. 1'iirvln mill Iliigley. Vix"il solo, m'IwIimI, Mlhs Iliilly I'urrlsh. I'inniiMilii. "Klflli NiK-tiirne. I3'l'iiL'k Miss l'iwi Ilreyiiiim. Trio. "A I.lllle I'unii Well TIIU-il." Ilir r Jti"rH. l'nrxln, I'crry unit CiKike. 'Vik-iiI miIii, svlwttHl, Miss A nun llirinen lir. Kxlilhlllnii of Hie AMllininhoiie. (Ilee, "I lnr idlers' nnd (ileuiH'rV Sung." 'ruin lliilliTllcld's Until Mlhs l'nrriili IIK Itlllll. VikiiI solo, hflcoh'it, .Miss (Jniff OllltUK' liinn. I'lano solo, "IlulililliiK Hprlnjf," ltlve KiliK Miss Hninkle I. .Innwi. ViKsii miIo, si'Iitipii, Miss Holly ruirNii. VikiiI duel, "Koryou." Itllss Miss I'ur rlsliioid 1'iiir. I'linln. AiliuNslon, '.'' conls. Tickets at 1'iitton's tout Starr's lsik sloivs. The Largest and Finest Stock of Cain Ever Brought to SALEM NOW HERE SALEM, OREGON. WM. X. I,AIHTE, -DK. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIU, - - - President. Vice President, - - - Cashier GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Franctaco, New York, Xindou nnd Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially InUtedto deposit tmd transact business with us. Liberal advnnces made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at ,nn.,nlila rattHi TnSlimtlPe Oil HUPh Go. Ilcurlty can be obtained at tuo bank In most reliable companies. ! J. D. McCully, AND STILL ARRIVING DAILY. 8.- CALL AND EXAMINE. LUNN & BKOWN, Cor. Connnercial nnd State Streets. THINK IT OVERI That is About Buying a Can of PURE ROCK CANDY DRIPS IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING ! ! -HATS -AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 249 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. -l'KOM KELLER & SONS. f-WIKI. BROWN & CO. STATE TIIEASUIEirs 31TI1 NOTICE. It l entirely new and e aio thenrst to Introducelt. "rtlup Jacks" will now suffer. Sr IT! OK I Mil (.ON, TllKAHrilKll'H offick, ) S.n.KM, April n,lK.1. f XJOTtcr. Irt IlKKKIIY OlVKN THAT 1 tlicri1 arc siiitlclciit rumtH on hiind to pii3 all outstanding wiirrantsdniMii on the Kcncnil, iH-ullciitlar), Incidental, Insane and Idiotic, cxivuthc. Judicial. lcglMuthc iiinlcl,niKlllvi. printing or luillecntnind" which IiiimiIhvii endorsed, "presented nnd not puld lor want lit funds; also the follow -Iiik Miirniiil" dniun on the inllltla fund: Wiirniiits numbered 1.71.!, Wii, BTBil, 'JVi. and irrrMi, and that fill ofutKiwi warranls will do IniIiI on ptcMMitatloual this ill(v. In lenwl lll not Is-alloned utter Ihc date of till imtur. CI. W. WEIIII. State TrwiMiinT. Hero's Sometlllnp: Llse: We have n new laundry soap 1 pound bars that wo sell for 5 cents. Orders come In from every source. Send In j ours. When using baking powder try Millar's pure crenui tartar brand It Is the pride or e cry family. We still sell the Star brand at a, cents for a one pound can. We are sole agents for it. CAPITAL MUMIK, NO. 11. I. O. (i. T., j inis'tseicrj Saturda) cNciilng.lu their liiill.Mssiud disir north of Post Oltlcr. (I. Jmi. Kmiiiit.sVo., U.S. Join, W.c.T. BENSON'S EXPRESS. I KAVi: OltDKltS AT I.ANl'ES LIV 1j cr) Stable, isirner of Stale and Front streets, or on Ntateat isirncr State and t'lim inerclHl streeU. I'nuupt iilteutlou and care guaranteed. W. A. I1KNSON. i:i()i';ini:i AND Cascades TMIF' Apr" UA ",'r,,l" "ndSHturiUy. STiilMEIl: "M "'""""' OlilflT.1. 1. OrMMlll ("111 IhkI.uiiiI ir.tailn Ollllllo. nun,, 4 OeioraniH of llallle of iieiijsininc. -1. iwiiHiion urillHt YHlieiHivert-arrHivaemeiibiultli (il Anderson. 1. (ireHt w-ener Hlong the Co4uuibtH rlir. IMIS'rlr'VK- l"omvrt on tin-steamer Ht .Uliorjirsli). t,p fMMdi at .s p. m April II li SntVm's lsl tulenl. , i rroMMiinTiexs: iriin.r.i ivtHliullon Mimvtliiw m. .i oi iiu u, "l .M IMHIIW lliHIU to t H Olll'lltlor Iteiitle lien IhU liUukets and ... .,,. , ' lwl' ' dlnliK Imll unit mW MlMUt tllfWHirtu mil. UtnluY Wl lrl,u-. X. SeuU Rr all w t ifi), tv,mr.Kl IIhh .Will f JmnJ. Slwn,, tiXXiS&XXSZZX U niiwiiut ihihwiiw wtwiiii. miw-piRMvsK.-WSTmISC ST'ISlSf' IsWt yWI lMV. Ihssu Hllblttcnil liV . lekrm. ,V.. ttU', WW .lUtfnw I,. U iMXMlKht oi, iJr,NlvVeTsfi?aa7,tl l.l.rrml Mnlly, ,ul l,v ,h, mumWXKrun. a., IIHIHK MIMtluW IM lllc lHnllUtWrv ' """" "" ll.iir. Vanse.i.1 ,su.t MIsms. tlmiwu acniM. lii fwtliwtiv. lu- Mukai. MlHMW. llltrrllM.,n ami TlMttv lsw, nd I'urf. Stotrr. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- F INE SETS! & Mm, 15 iiwns. lulf l!ufe, Vm I'rkf 8150, Our Prkf 20.00. imI of uttlK Ills lMrth i)MNriuil- ttr to H IH', Hltll strtvliiK to Hik ttw worlil UHU-r for U IihvIiik hh vrtu, h MW i4)mm ixmiUutn iU-i Uml Inlt. 1 ws imihw(sI of mii ttMMMIIV tlDMUW 11 tufHlli OH tlw I i'ta'" li4lV to llll to llU UrKv Mta. rtyfaUof tlit' Wltarn. N otM- ,rfJwoiui, ml rtortiml lo tin Hrts of tHr nW mHbm vwMtjivivvurkr,ttM''y "",l iirniitkiu to Miuc tat MiUtlug to my nbuut litr rilit j liwl M xtrMi .tul. lU-tlksl hi vtmxtoly tuurms Itaclf mmIuc m whuttpwl gv, wit u rvmors Mini tenNnMto riM4it ; uor U nuj- ,vw MNlini is.imss'Wih' stlM Wll(j VlUtktl Oil IW llllMMlMi of ' tt t tUOMtMII HtHi UmmimukW uf liottMo lu liuit Ht, Mt wklow I mi ovww Mitti whorw Uv'v. wv nuuW w Mi4imI by w,th Imwv.v kwtl of lyuoMilit' Utru-kof UMttartii. M u io li 'l ''',,t. thut iK-nVrnth U teufMtl Uiat Um iiionii niUih( of Mlkl u w Mr " 'l1,u lw mu U uir U 4un muugit to .mt- rs,l lo im ttwtt tb- n-y irf WHh ihU nHwiouM-y rW tmu-nMMr b Unl, but lu tln A t kw ibv .tiMv itbtaMrh fitsm umuy IbriH n glw um a t Italy iWWivU Mm Mr. IIMur i Mrulu. Im ivbuM blih, ni uuv uu- ' KMurtwd by Uu 4rifr of MitU. Tmk t'uiHu llomkl. imUUmhI Nowtbrurw, iwm lo u Nptiu lu ttaVUn.l. 1KiuW mhiui.v, wUi r:, I ' r n . uiMtwMiauktoMMiMiw bmUMi Jwfti hwiw u. iumuv, .ma: riiie Line ol raDetene uMy4iai-, im1 Uw4 kW U k cuutr to ul-wKj-. Tw 1 c i r Wtt HMy W Im tu Uw foiul. W Waguod kmltlM.K-U rtHti' VT- A tkl nmm tHM fhwu ltUMbuM. , himI uwxv. but lb mw. Mud k bNMA) au h Wttor Ms4vHt tu1 mMk tWy uuw uK iwwh Mivws IumI lily ftwM VImum. Um writM-'tMac MdnwuM i Iteml our adicrtUements lu the I ul nre and keep ported In eieothlng new. KELLER & SONS, The Grocers. ecialtics in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Primes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisms, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' al, t"iimireiul Street DEAI.EH IN B O I O T S O k O fS , -i m T s 'PhlToTeT s Leather and Mm ! CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. No.SU Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. ' ' uSBr JUST RECEIVED -AT THE- ..-. .- f- .. .-. i".?;.?.? HOUSE CORNER -T--,??r.5'r'.r."' i"" o"o V V OPERA ... .r.;.VXkrX5"!'"5' ear M LUn, !C sh umIm), ii SK Wiwrij, 12 m kt Ciirf CM, SM fcft. M. M, 10 Vk 0. 3150, E2.50, 32,50, 22,50, 15.00, 23,50. 15.00. 17.50. ISLOQ. laooi uV-tonuKk tuMi mm Mr. MMa U PturiNKii . Ui fnmUt Mvy JMtM Imm Utm 'i rtjm to MMti to K. tlMirUNtsMM hHMlMk. t SuiiHW tar IW Jwmau in Latest Styles, J. BENSON STARR'S. 118, State Stroot, Salem, Oregon. $r Sr Panama Lawns, Japanese Bunting, White Drtss Goods, I Warwick Ginghams, New Prints, 300 Doz. New Stock Hosiery, 1000 Yards Laces and Embroideries. -a -a Gentlemen will Rind Here Sark Soils, Nw Somuifr Sails, Cutaway Dre.ss Suits, Prinee Albert SuiU, ;::::::::::::::: Soft Hats, Silk Hat, Stiff Hats, Straw Hats, THE LARGEST STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IX THE CITY " AT T1IH PERA - House - Corner. Produce Taken in Exchange. trn A