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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1888)
-jswr1" CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY, APRIL A, 1SSS. VOL. 1. NO. 30. "V , .y wy)ygrfTATr '" ywytyy ' wpt.j,iBw!fijt'wn'nr- r professional cards. m v BELT, .vnuii'"'1, '" """ Q-nU D Isl rlet Attorney. Office .it court house- R;mFY HINGIIAM, ATTORNEYS A'' a Counselor nt Law. Business In tM Supreme Court a specialty. Kalcm, Or. miTMDV FORD, ATTORNEY AND 'P Counselor at 'Law, , ftalcm, Oregon. iti up stairs in Patton's block. tn ttnrnnvLTJ at "rVw. Salem, Oregon. Office in Patton's 'ockuP stairs over bwh urug more. t TtlCHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT CI T,5 Offloo oor Capitol National Sank, 29 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. t AX' 'sPtllGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T lcm. Oregon. Office in England's fcrSl business of nil kinds. Also both me uuu " - --- . .-. rrrtTjtr,v At t.aV Wsolem Oregon. Office with Tllmon ., in ration's building. Will practice S"al thwuHs of Orefon. Collections made. Land office business a specialty. -n HD'AnCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN P selopittLaw, Salem, Oregon. Having A. Uhltract of the records of Marlon conn ?c fndudtaeYlot and block Index of Sn Jm he has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Ferry nnd State. n HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND S1 shampooing neatly done. LADD & BUSH, B AN KK RS ! Salem, - Oregon. TTUIANSACT A GENERAL BANKING i bu-lness in all its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, HOO, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS ( i constantly on hand, and delivered to anyEutof "no city at lowest living rates. Please gl e us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 3-All kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight nnd atiuare deal all nrounu. The SALEM MARKET 'JS COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Freli and Salt Meals ! And nil kinds of S ATJS AOE. B-Tho CLEANEST kept market m tho city. Call and see for yourself. McCROW & WILLARD. Ite, L 43-Go to J. O'Donald's. shop on High fet, between Court and State, Salem, and get me of J. M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. Lightest Ladder made in Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! ! HAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smith shop known as Kelly's Old stand, I will hereafter be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithiiig & Repairing In the best istvle known to the trade- nt short notice. The best of workmen em ployed, nnd all work guaranteed to give wtlsfactlon. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIQAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. H. W. COX, Has conbtantly on hand a well geleoled stock of Boericke tit Schreck's Homeopathic Preparations A NEATLY PRINTED GUIDE TO BE HAD UPON APPLICATION. Toe B, & S. PREPARATIONS , Are the Purwt aad Beat. II. W. COX " iP Only authorized Agwat. -CttU tor the B. & fClIomeopathlo Ire Pralkm and aeetpi bo other. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE.BEST Woven Wire Bed ! ON THIS COAST! Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, 1 Fifth Street, Portland. Or. For sale by A. T. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. STRICKLER BROS. -SEALKItd IN- STOVES AND TINWARE! Roofing and Spouting a Specially. SAt'tlie old stand of Hen. Strang, Com mercial Street. M. ML. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. u JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OF NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! -A trjIjlSTOCK OF- Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. W. M. SARGEATJT, 207 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. FJ.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. All kinds of Furniture inado to oidcr. A full lloe of Caskets always on hand. I J. JENNINGS, D. DS. DENTIST. Tettu Estrtu-ted Wltnont Pain by a New Pioiess rnEErn filled with the latest I improved fillings. Plates made on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Gold fillings. specialty, .aa-Anir and. all v 3 Any trait I worj orkln block In the Dental line. Oflloe in Breyman's over J. M. Rosen- berg Go's. ESTABLISHED is 1S79. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. OF SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Butler, Sweet and Champagne Cider, Cider Svrun for Minee Meat, Currut Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pieklcs. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 1888. urtH uniwii .iHir Imifl orders at Fac tory Otllce. drop a i'otal, or ee drierof ouraenery wugou. v kBfln h-f nllon keirs nnk 3-eullon doml- in, na hut are loaned to mutoiiieni for u term of klx dayx. All ordi inmitly fll,od- G.'KTOLr., HiiHlneHS Manager. Oregon Peach Bitters About eighteen yean ugo I relei n hurt In jny back from u nlle of lumber falllneon me, and ever Mnce had been troubled with weak kidney njere or le: nndtheUutyareryinueh. riirpUKhthe recommendation of Henry keene, I bought a bottle of I L Klas'e Oregon Ifh Uittera and before I had taken half the bottle I found a ereat relief from It I beHevelttobeaapleadld xejuedy tor iUe kidneys and heartily reeofnmendlt for the game. J ' '"'" " Aumvllle, January im. fggS& NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician nnd surgeon, will open an ofllee In the New Hank lilocK, on May 1st, for the treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hvclenlcand nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen nnd electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. New Hide Store IN SALEM. Having rented the store room formeily occupied by Forstncr A Tiffany, on the north side of State street, 1 am prepared to pay tho highest market price, fn cash, for hides, furs and sheep pelts, and to those having them for sale, I ask to call and see me, as I will glc good prices nnd a fair deal to all. B. McARTHUR. X ESTABLISHED 11V NATIONAL lUTlIOlUTV. Jf AlUllfl na Ul'. SALEM, Capital Paid up, Surplus, , - - - OREGON. ' - 75,000 -"'-- 9',500 R. S. WALLACL', - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. .1. H. ALUERT, -.- - Cashier! DIRECTORS! W. T. Giay, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It, s. Wallace, -,' J. H. Albert, ' T. MuF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on w heat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or public warehouses. Slalc and County Warranls Bought a( Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New Yoik, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llcilln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. W. COX, (Succesior to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. FULL LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. as-The best flvo cent cigar In the mar ket. II. W. COX, 100 Stato Street. Salem. II. K. DUBOIS. JOK DUIJOIS Dubois brothers, Proprietors te FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Hrom SI to SI jor day. 8AI.BM. OREGON. A. 15. STRANG, No. tWJ Commorolal Stieot, SAL12M, ORKOOX. -DKALKK 1N- Maia! Nati Gbemeke Hote o-rnrO JDAMPirC!111)' rurnlsii vaiuame uuiiiiioiik io O I UVtoanQnAINuLOtholiistoryoftheomieror. Thedl- Plumbing, (ias and Siean Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. - Agent for the RICHARDSON 4 WOYNTON COMPANY'S Piirnuew. K tablhthed In IW. DAI 'anic at a Spanish Ballfiaht -One Hun died Persons Crushed. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. John JI. (icarin for Congressman-' George Belt Re-nominated for District Attorney. Pendleton, April 4. At tho morning session of the democratic state convention, John M. ttanrin, of Multnomah county, was nomin ated for congress. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Pkndlitton, April 4. It. H. Dearborn, of Salem, has been chosen a member of the democratic state central committee for Marion coun ceun ty: Gi:ORGK 1IELT RE-NOMINATED. Pendleton, April 4. George V. Belt, of Salem, received the nomination for district attorney for the third judicial district in the democratic state convention this morning. NO JOINT hKNATOR NOMINATED. Pendleton, April 4. The democratic- state convention has left the nomination of a joint senator for Marion and Clackamas counties to the central committees of both counties. A l'aiitc in u Hull ItitiK. Crrv ok Mexico, Apr. 4. Tho fol lowing has been received from Cel aye: On Sunday afternoon about 4.45 o'clock the bull ring of Celaye was crowded with spectators, when u lire suddenly broke out on the fashionable side of the plaza. A panic seized upon the vat assent binge, and n frightfulcatastropjievaji the result. One hundred persons were seriously wounded, and elgh teen lives were lost. The sides of the plaza being Jihed with matting as dry as tinder, and there being a slight wind blowing the Amphitheatre was in a blaze in a few seconds. Sixty-eight persoiiH are badly burned ; at least ten of then! will die. Fifty jhthohs in, es caping were knocked down and trampled upon : many are very se riously, but none fatally, injured. Tho bulls maddened by the roaring of the flames broke loose and rushed through the surging mass of human ity tossingiftloft and knocking over all who stood in their way. Train CoWmIoii. Los Angeles, April 4. Near San Fernando tunnel last night a freight train on the Southern Pacillc collided with a construction train. Engineer Westernlleld, of construction train and Jlreman Brooks of the freight, were killed and a half dozen laborers injured. An Intitule Woman' Freak. New York, April 3. Mrs. Tillie Sipp, aged 35, while in a lit of in sanity this morning, threw her twelve year old son Heorge out of a window in the fourth story at 100 East; One Hundred and Twenty second St. She Jumped after the child. Both were frerlously injured and will probably die. The husband of tho woman is a baker and was not at home at the time. Tho Earthquake in China. London, April !!. The Oriental mail brings news of terrible earth quakes in China, and states Unit 15,- 000 people perished in four days. A huge chasm opened with convul sions, and engulfed large masses of unfortunate inhabitants. Water of blood red color issued from the 11s suruK. Vuluuble lt-crd round. Pakis, Aprils. A largo amount of correspondenco between Xupolcon I. and King Louis, of Holland, has leen discovered, which will proba- lilv furnish valuable additions to I eovury was made in u lumber room. Inrctor Clprlro on Trial. Han KiUNOlSCO, April 3. In the trial to-day of Inspector Ciprico, charged with dealing in Chinese re turn .certificates, it was nliown that ninety certificates per steamer, went into the hands of the ring. rnnrirn Diamond Robbery. Los Angeles, April 4. The po lice have made public the fact that a tray containing $3000 of diamonds was stolen from Klage's Jewelry store on Saturday eveulng. There is no clew to the thief. IllotoiiN Vole. Wilkksuakiu:, (Pa)., April 3. The Polanders here yesterday be came Involved in a drunken riot, and the whole police force was call ed out. Ono policeman was badlv Injured, four Polanders fatally wounded, and forty others seriously. Snntn Fe Men go to Work, Kansas City, April 8. At a general and secret meeting of switchmen in the yards here last night inforpiation was presented to the effect that the Santa Fe road would not force its men to liandlo "Q" freight. The meeting there upon ordered that If such bo tho case tho men on that road who went out last evening would resume work this morning. In accordance with this the men all took their places again this morning. The Santa Fe road has posted a notice that their road will receivo no freight what ever of any kind to-day. All other roads aro working all right except the Burlington. Sufjur for Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 3. -It is btated by reliable authority that Claus Sprockets, the California su gar icing, now in this city, has de cided to build a refinery in Phila delphia, and tha't'the purchase of a site for it on tho Delaware river front will be consummated to-day. It is underhtood 5,000,000 capital will be put into the enterprise. All this is to be supplied by Sprockets himself. Contracts for the erection of a building, maclvlns cry, etc., will bo placed in a few days. Tho capaolty of the proposed re finery is put at 7000 barrels or L',000, 000 pounds per day. The cost of the plant lias been stated at $3,000, 000, and the annual output as worth $35,000,000. Ilmuocrjtia Stato Contention. Pendleton (Or.), Apr. 3. In the morning session to-day of tho demo cratic stato convention, Col. J. K. Kelly, of Multnomah, was chosen temporary chairman, and C J. Trenchant, of Clataop, secretary. The usual committees were appoint ed. The convention took a recess till one o'clock, to hear ttie report of the committee on credentials. In the afternoon bcssion, the re port of tho committee on credentials was read and adopted. Col. Irish, of California, was Invited to u seat on the rostrum, which he took amid loud cheers. Tho reports of the committees on permanent organiza tion and on order of business were read and adopted. On motion u committee of nine was appointed to draft a platform. Following aro their names: Weatlierford, Wagor, McKee, Bend, Travlllian, Brad sliaw, D'Arcy, Walters and Smith. Starr was afterwards appointed In stead of McKee and Eldridgo in stead of D'Arcy. On motion the convention ad journed till 4 o'clock, and meeting at the hour named, again adjourned till 0 to-morrow morning. In the opera house this evening Col. John P. Irish addressed a largo audience. TELEGIiAHIIC SPLINTS. Two new cases of small pox have been discovered in Virginia, Nov. The weather Is cold. It Is feared the disease will continue to spread Tho schools are still closed. Senator John Hamilton, ono of tho wealthiest men in tho dominion, died In Montreal yesterday. In Albuquerque, X. M., tho re publican municipal ticket is elected by a small mujority. Au Absvlnte Core. Tho ORIOIXAL ABIKTIXK OIXTMKXTIs only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes, and Ih an absolute euro for old sores, bums, wounds, chapped bunds, and all skin eruptions. Will pohltivoly cure all kinds of piles. Ask for tho ORIGINAL AUIKTINK OINT MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthows & Co., 100 Stato street, Balum, at Bft rents per Iwx by mail 30 cents. MORNING TIMIiAMS. Lilllllllil!! Flashes of What the al Large is Doing. World PKMIIBITION IN KANSAS. Difllculties Encountered Ofllcers in Enforcing by the law the law. Topkka (Kan.), April 3. Attorney-General Bradfonl Is advised of the failure of tho jury to agn In tho case brought against a druggist in Blue Rapids for selling phosphatio lemon rye as a non-intoxicant. Eleven were for conviction, but ono held out for acquittal. There Is another case of tho samo kind ponding In Greenwood county. It has been proved that this phosphatio lemon rye, a St. Loula compound, is composed of merely limo water, lemon juice and a very inferior quality of whisky, and that It intoxicates just as if it wore un adulterated whisky. Speaking of tho liquor tralllo in this state, in violation of the law, tho attorney-general said all sorts of horriblo nostrums were Introduced Into the stato as medicine, when they were in truth liquor of tho vilest sort. It was his determina tion to war against thesecompounds and to get them out of tho state. Tho greatest trouble has been ex perienced along tho southern tier of counties bordering tho Indian Territory and Xo Man's Land Meade county of lute has been over run by a gang of boot-loggers, and tho Rock Island people have seriously cnmptnlncil that their work has been retarded by the drunkenness of their men. The peddltirs get their whisky in No Man's Land. It K "moonshine" whisky, and undoubtedly It Is manufactured without molestation; for the United States collector and marshal of this district claim to have no uut'liorlty to uproot this violation of the United States revenue laws. Chautauqua county lias had the same experience Meado has un dergone, and it Is more or less true of every county on the southern border. The most strenuous efforts are now being madoby tho attorney general and the county attorneys to prevent smuggling, and It is thought that boot legging and whisky Joints will soon bo us un profitable on the border as In other parts of Kansas, where the prohibi tory liquor law Is enforced. Tho Strike at Chlnifro. Chicago, April 3. Not a wheel turned In tho Michigan Central yards after 7 o'clock this morning. While no strike was declared on this end, tho road was completely fled up, the engineers, llromen and switchmen all having deserted their posts. The cause of such a state of aflairs at the yards wus tho presence thero of tho "Q," freight train which was delivered yesterday, and the an nouncement b.. tho Michigan Cen tral that they would handle all freight delivered. The statement that no work was done In the yards after 7 o'clock this morning, as explained by tho company's representatives, does not mean that the Michigan Central's passenger service was interfered with. All passenger trains this morning arrived and departed on time, as usual. Tho strike was eon lined to switch engineers, firemen, and switchmen in tho local freight yards of tho company. Miirilnrou EiKoimtcr. Chicago, April 3. At Lhnu, Ohio, last night Patrick Hughes, Dave Gallagher and Jamos Stokey were stabbed to death In a light with Dave Crowdor and Win. Coins (colored), Tho most lntenso excite ment wus caused by tho murder, nnd tho police wore iinablo to kiwp tho street clear. A mob formed around the police station, and tho county Jail was vUited; but tho murderers were not found us tho nuthorltlos hud thorn In hiding fear ing mob violence.