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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1888)
OWMH1 V CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OR., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1SSS. VOL- 1. NO. 28. PROFESSIOXAI. CAKDS. Zn iv 11FLT ATTORNEY AT IjxYM Gnd DW ?ict Attorney. Offlco at court house. -.. A BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS RAJnrt rounselore nt Law. Bus Iness In 1ir niSS?e Court a specialty. Balcm, Or. tt mN FORD, ATTORNEY AND T1 Counselor at 'Law,, Salem, Oregon. A. LO"?Viir.ln Pntton's block. Office, uij "" vn II UUKNETT, ATTORNEY AT fr La",' Salem, Oregon. Office over .V.j j. iiiiaii's bank. lauu . ,r.w X. GREGG. ATTORNEYS AT !"AX S,i, OreeonVomco In ration's foci, up stairs overmen's drug store 5 Taw C "nice ov?r StftolNaUonal . nr.y-v.i 4fnrrtnWPV Am jahk, 249 Commercial ov.., ....., .. TVl3PRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T RAtwn i Oregon. Office In England's SM : LwilbttSnew of all kinds. Also f'VVl::.r"2H Am Insurance. botn wo "" " : WXgoXomeethTmnon if Patwn "building. Will practice, hall the courts of Oiegon. ColYcctlons . nwnnnTinr rn 1 AHf made jum u'p "" - " P J &ra 1 La'w SalcmVo. Having ShJtrictof the records of Marion coun fv fncludmga lot and block index of So em he hn" Special facilities for examining titles to real estate. - -.. a nr-T-KTt7-V An rviTTTC- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Ferry and State, n HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND J5 shampooing neatly done. LADD & BUSH, BAN K E RS ! Salem, - Oregon, rVNSACT A GENERAL BANKING business In all its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS I! constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest living rates. Please glc us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 3A11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and ajsquaro deal all around. The SALEM MARKET OS COURT STREET. Constantly on hand the best quality of Mi and Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S AUS AO E. i-The CLEANEST kept market in the city. Cull and see for yourself. McCROW A WILLARD. 3-Go to J. O'DonaldS) shop on High sU. between Court and State, Salem, and got one of J. M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. Lightest Ladder made in Oregon. Telly's Old Stand ! ! SAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smlth shop known as Kelly's Old id, I will hereafter bo prepared to do all kinds of mthinfiMT UnurmmiA) hum mwi l' MM In the best style known to tho trade at 'nort notice. The best of workmen om- Kvi1 and all work guaranteed to give wuefivctlon. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. H. W. COX, " constantly on hand a well selected stock of Bcericke & Schreck's Homeopathic Preparations A NEATLY PRINTED GUIDE TO nE HAD UPON APPLICATION. k nnroi Tne B. & S. PREPARATIONS Are the Purest and Rest. II. W. COX JS?" y auiborlted agent. 1H for the U. & 8. Homeopathic Pre- uuhu and accept no other. NEW ADVERTISKMTJNTS. THE.-. BEST Woven Wire Bed ! ON THUS COAST 1 Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, 133 Fifth Street, Portland. Or. For sale by A. T. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. STRICKLER BROS. -DEALERS IX- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specially. BAt'tho old stand of Ben. Strang, Com mercial Street. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. RV JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OF NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER A FULL STOCK OP Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. 1 W. M. SARGEANT, 207 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. F.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -ANI UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. All Irl.wla nf pllrnttlirrt innrift In nriler. A full lino of Caskets always on hand. j. J. JENNINGS, D. DS. JS5S!B) TMXT'TTQ'r Teeth Extracted Without Pain by a Newl'roecss TEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST improved fillings. nates made on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Gold fillings a specialty. tfB-Any and all work In tho Dental lino. Office In Ilreyman'8 block over J. M. Rosen berg & Go's. t Established in 1870. PACIFIC CIDER, YINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. OF SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Tear Butler, Sweet and Champagne Cider, Cider Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SALTER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 1884 For Sweet Older, leavo orders at Fac tory Office, drop a Postal, or nee driver of Johns that are loaned to ""' term 01 six uyis .f - flllod- G. STOLTZ, Business Manager. Oregon Peach Bitters About eighteen years ago I received a hdrt in my baek from PUo c .Mumbjr roubfed wlth'weak kidneys more or less; and the lost year very "'"" ":"" ", reujmmendntlon Tpf Hepw keene, I bought a uouie 01 ji. ""? " V!i7r. Bitters and before I bad taken i half the bottle I found a greev .rw""' ". -hZ believe It to be a splendid 7.. S kldneTB.nnd heartily recommend It for the same. . . &ir """- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISS JULIA L. CHAMBERLIN, TEACHER OF Voice Culture, Piano & Harmonv Music Parlers: 8,,'SET,aI Bank Block, SALEM, .... OREGON. ESTABLISHED! BY NATIONAL! AUTHORITY. Tiie Capital National Bank UK SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, .... $75,000 Surplus, ...... It. S. WALLACE, - - President. , Vice-President. .1. II. ALBERT, I- - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W. W. Mnrtln, R. S. Wallace, J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. W. T. Gray, J. M. Martin, LOANS IVTADE To farmers on wheat and other market- ablo produce, consigned or in store, either In private granaries or public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. W. COX, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. FULL LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. 3-Tho best &e wnt cigar In tho mar- KCl. II. W. COX, 100 State Street, Salem Steiner& Blosser -DHALEK9 IN- STOVES, RANGES, Tin and Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, Slate Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. S-ARont for the Boynton's furnace. A Knetlaltv mado of rooting and spouting. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. E. STRANG, No. 303 Commerelul Street, SALEr, - - OREGON. DHALEIl IN STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. -Agent for the RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'H KurnueoM, E tabllibed In m. LATEST DISPATCHES. Murder Rampant in Xcw York- A Lis of Sonic of the Victims. FATAL. 1501LER EXI'LOSION. Steamer Bob Irw in lilown to Pieces anil Se eral Lives Lost. Mt. Vkrnon, N. Y. April 2. The steamer Bob Irvin, avIiom; boiler ex ploded yebterday, killing the ci ttiinmul fireman, was blown Into kindling wood. The vessel was en tering shallow water at the tlmo of the explosion. It is supposed the water had been allowed to run low in the boiler, and that immediately cold water was pumped in, the ex plosion occurred. The fireman's body could not be found, and it is believed he was blown to pieces. Tho re mains of the captain in almost an unrecognizable condition, were found on the wreck. The boilers were ripped from end to end. Murder Rampant. New York April 2. Jtibt at the present murder is rampant in this city. Before day break this morning au Italian named Guanncno Conte was found lying dead on the floor of his room in a basement, with deep cuts on him which showed the manner of his death. Patrick Ilaukenham slashed his wife to death with a razor in the bafcement of a house. He was in toxicated at the time. Carrie Hein, aged 47 years, was fonnd dead with her skull fractured. Clubbed to Death. ' San Francisco, April 2. Win Martin died yesterday from tho eil'ects of n clubbing given him by policeman Charles O'Neil u few days ago. The latter in arresting Martin for stabbing a man named Goldstein, was himself cut by Martin, and fearing that his life was in danger, O'Neil clubbed Martin over tho head, with the result as above stated. The War In Abyssinia. Massowah, April 2. King John has sent a letter to General San Mar- zeni, wiying he cannot conclude peace upon tho conditions proposed by the Italians. Tho probabilities are that further negotiations will be held. Will Fight it Out. Pittsburg, April 2. Representa tives of all tho lodges of the brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, met yesterday and agreed to support tho Chicago, Burlington and Quincy strikers throughout the whole trouble. University Concert. The concert at tho University Chapel next Wednesday evening promises to bo a musical event. Be sides the choruses by tho University Choral Club, Misses Jones, Parrish, and Gillingham, Messrs. Scars and Bagley, and others will assist. The Exhibition of the Anthrophone, a new kind of musical instrument, will have its first exhibition in Sa lem at this time. Ilurklen's Arnica Halve. Tho best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped handy, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price Si cents per box. For wile by Dr. II. W. Cox. Admitted to Practice. Italph Mondy, son of ox-Governor Moody, was admitted to practice in all the courta of tho state, in tho Supremo Court to-day, upon motion of George II. Burnett. Wo hopo to see our young friond a shining legal light and wish him great success In Ills cliohon profession. (jelling Beady to Liquidate. Noxt Thursday State Treasurer Webb will Issue bis 31st notice, call ing in all outstanding warrants, which have been presented and not paid for want of funds. They amount to about $72,000. TELEKK vI'HIC SPLINTS. Dr. W. Bisscl, the arctic explorer, died in Berlin yesterday. The senate to-day passed the house bill granting a pension to Mrs. General Logan. The senate has continued the nomination of John Myers. United States marshal for Oregon. A postofilce has been established at Eagle, Shoshone county, Idaho, and A. A. Weber appointed post master. The international council of women, which has been in session several days in Washington, closes it session this afternoon. Tho Icelandic Educational So ciety of Winnepeg, Manitoba, has addressed a memorial to congress, asking that congress recognizo Liefrin Ericsson as the discoverer of America. The residence of Congressman William Walter Phelpx, two miles from Englcwood, N. J., was destroy ed yesterday by an explosion of il luminating gas in tho art gallery. Loss $150,000. A heavy wind on Friday night caused an accident to the Merchants' dry dock, San Francisco. A hole was knocked in one of tho boats, causing it to fill with water and sink. The damage will bo tempo rary. A rumor is current in San Fran cisco that S. B. Armour, elder brother of the pork king of Chicago, intends establishing a packinghouse In that city. The presence of Mr. Armour in Pescadco, fifty miles from San Francisco, gives currency to the runnr. Saturday afternoon while Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tash were entering Sacramento from their farm, their team ran away and threw them out They were coming in to have their baby baptized. The child, who was nearly two month old, was struck on tho head and was almost instant ly killed. -- CAM. F0K KEI'liniJCAN COMK.NTKIX. A republican convention for tho state of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of Apr!., A. I). 1888, at 11 o'clock a. m., for tho purpose of nominating can didates for the following officers, to-wit. Representative in congress, three presidential electors, supremo judge and district olllcers. and to select six delegates to attend tho national repuolican convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come uelore tne convention. Tho convention will consist of 209 delegates, apportion ed among tno several counties as follews: Del. Del. Halter 6 IJiko a Kenton 7 Ijino 10 Clackamas 0 Linn 10 Clathon 7 Mulhcur 2 Columbia... -i Marlon . . II Cook ... -. 7 Morrow ... 6 Crook !! Multnomah 30 Curry 3 Polk a Douglas 0 Tillamook H illlllam fi Umatilla 10 Grant union JackMin 7 Wallowa.. -I Joscphlnu 4 Wukco I) Kiamaill a hiuiiiihkkjh n Yamhill. u Total am The same beinir one delegate at large from each county and one delegate for every 150 voters and one Tor every fraction over one-half thereof, cast lor lion, iiinger ner mann, congressman, at ino hist general election. The committee recommend una tne primaries no held March !11. iaS8. and the county conventions April I, 1888, unless otherwise ordered by the eonntv central committee. Republican olectors and voters of tne state, witnoui regard 10 past political affiliations, who believe in tlm American nriiu'lnlo of protect ive tariff and dignifying American a or. irlviinr iree. nopuuir educa tion to the masses of the iieople, effectually protecting all human rights in every section of our com mon country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and per manent harmony throughout tho state by maintaining a government pledgcil to these objectH and prin ciples, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to tho ropul lican state convention. RohihjcU fully submitted. Johkpii Simon, Chairman. Kerorder'8 Court. George Winters was arrested last Saturday night by Policeman Barn driok for an assault committed on Will H. Parry, manager of tills pajier. Tho latter declined prosecut ing the caso and Wintere was dis charged by Recorder Btriokier tills morning. JIORMXG TELEGIMIIS. ligliloing Flashes or What llic World al Large is Doing. THE RAILROADMEN'S STRIKE. The Trouhlo Over Handling "(I" Cars Still Extending. Kansas City, April 1. Switch engineers and firemen of all roads entering the city except the Bur lington, held a meeting late last night, at which they resolved that after 12 o'clock, noon, Monday they would refuse to handle any Burling ton cars of freight except It be live stock or Krishablo freight, which had been started previous to that hour. A committee called on tho superintendents to-day and notified them of the order. If road engineers aro put in yards to do switching, or new men aro hired In their places, then switchmen will refuse to work. Managers of tho lines have not yet made known what they will do, but it is presumed they will attempt to handle tho freight. STILL ANOTHER DEMAND. Milwaukee, April 1. Switch men of tho St. Paul company, in this city, have formulated a de mand to bo presented Gen. Roswcll Miller, that no "Q freight shall bo handled by tho road under any circumstances. In the event that tho demand is not complied with, they will quit work at 11 o'clock to-morrow. ONE MORE STRIKE. St. Joseph, April 1. All freight brakemen on tho Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs railroad struck to-day. They assign as a reason the danger of their lives In working with ''scab engineers." This makes 500 strikers now in tho city. Cm "lie j 'h Contention. San Fkvncisco, April I. Tile confession of Mate Caskoy and Ste ward Baehman,ofthobark Brussels, which was almost totally destroyed by fire in tho stream on the morning of March 0th, that the vessel was deliberately set on fire by Baehman, who was Induced to do so by her Captain, lias cieated a decided sen sation in marine circles. Tho dis trict ntto-ney will to-morrow lay the whole matter before the grand,. Jury. Attempted '.lull Ilreuk. Charleston, (Mo)., April 1. Three prisoners confined in tho Jail hero made an unsuccessful attempt to escape last night. They started a fire against tho door of their cell hoping to expand tho metal door until it should burst its fastenings. Tho light of the flrowas discovered and the game stopped, but notbeforo they were almost suffocated with the smoke. One of the parties Is in for burglary and tho other two for minor offenses. Special Train Wrei kel. Baltimore, April 1. A special legislative train on tho Annapolis Short Lino Hallway was wrecked this afternoon at Revels. Senator Adams and several members of tho House of Delegates were Injured. Now Is the Time Now that tho political campaign is approaching It is seasonable time to subscribe for tho Capital Journal. It will contain full rcHrts of all political conventions, meetings and elections, and a cordial discussion of tho questions at issuo, and will bo delivered anywhere In tho city for 15 cents per week, or will le sent by mall for $5 per year. Leavo orders at this olllco or with tho route agent. - An Absolute Cure. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only nut un in lartre tvo-ou noo liu boxes, and is an absolute cure for old son burns, wounds. chaiMM'd hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively euro all lunds of pllos. Ask for tho ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, gulom, at 26 cents por lox - by mail 30 cents. jt- Aumsvllle, January v, viStr bl&A 4 ..mfciJTiMfl.