ij&'l. BVBXIXO CAPITAL .I0UKXAI, rm mmhh EVERY EYENIN0 EXCEPT SUNDAY. mr TH Capital Journal PuWWiIng Company. ( tnfanvoKTVt. , 112 GHitt sowt. Qftn Hw Blsfl TKttMK OK Hl'InirTI'N : DAILY I On yir. by mall Mi month. bjr ma TtMw month by nr IVr w Mlverl 3 ln"::r::""A .TJ!"' OMrr . - - xf Thnmii ' - - - r tnDl ti-VmnHr in- mithorlwsd u n twlvn ulm rlpllm. a-Adt-rtllng rl- on HppUtwIhHi to WIM. II. I'AICKV, Matmgi-r. i-i;nt.nJ m .ml--I" nwiKT 1 ih fteiem. nK". l""iUin'. March . iw. TI'KHDAY, MAltfH -T, I WW. , AWOUVrfcVIBMS. Hpublln County cHiv-ntlon-Mir. . , Annual Horw-Hliow Mait-liM. Wlllainrtta- Wunlrnl hix-lM) ivmwrt - , April I. I ltll't'III.IC Col Ml (0UTIO Kor Marlon iiiunty will Ih- held Mt the ojK'm limw In Salem on Thiirwlay. Mnrc.li Sllli, IWvS, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the iurjKi of olo'llnif II delcK'iitw to the stale mhii lln to Ik held in Portland the litli day of April lh-SH, mikI to iiomlnale live candidate for the lugllHtiiri, county clerk, hIutIII, nxNirdi'r, treitmirer, m-lioul Huperln-teiident.tHoi-oHiiiiliwIiiiH'rH.aiwHNir, Mirvoyorand eoniiioi.iinil totrutimict any other Ihim1ihi- that may prop erty come before the i-onvcutliill. I'rliimrlc will Ik- held mi Saturday, March i!lth. Ari'llItTIONJIKNr. Tlie acvernl jireelncts are entitled to tliefollowlng iiuntberof delegate: IWiii 13 Unwell I'min ... (I iImIHiUkiii M Hllvrrtun II XikIIiHIpiii .... S ilnrHi'iil ; fbwUl Hwlvin . V Alibiiw A JaOfcnaiii 7 ImIjUIi II JUM.ui i llsrHl t Allwiii 1 WiMhlliurn a Uhv s IIulilMnl .. I HUUIihi .. A Aurora .1 Htllillltill) A llultovlllp t Umt)M A ('liHinitg t TurtM-r hi. 1'hiiI l I'MHU'ia a 'linil M UAVlllHlMlWIN, Ulir'n. to. (Vn. Com. .ii'imiii mioN.Hitiii'i orriut, V print In another column a Iet tur froin JiuIkc llnniiuigli, w lilrh w o etiuiiueiid to the atteiillou of the reader. 'I'IiIh eiuliieul Jurlt and inprcM'iitatlVf inililhliliniUt Ih 111- luir to lUli'ii to the hUXHtvitioiiN of MHiiiiion wiiw, Mini lake coitiM'l m llh other miIU1chI (wrtli In the RciierMl lntt-tvt. Half a loaf, lie Miyit, liilH'lter than im breiul Switch I lie mm Vi' If ititiiiii4 kill It. He rmHiilti the truth that prohibitum wuiiul U cnrtntHl In till ntatc at tU eoliilim election, thetx-fnre he In lllliiX to mnke HUih term an v 111 hwd l ntrleUn of tluMlipior traffic. IIU oiler Utocitut the prohibition vot for Hhlehexer jmrty lll pJcUf- llwlf to xccuiv, at the iHxt mtc1iiii of the U'KUlHturv, a lll(b Ibviiac Uh , (WKI h ir Ik'Ihk the iiiliititium tax h HiHild (iiiimim-,) Mid mj H tMl option Iuh. The Jdfq iHHIt from himii.v of hU pro hibition bretbrcn In dtvlartnu that "Huch law would itmtliiUh the evil mid break lite power of the Hhiftky riiiK" Huch cuitor In m hwdliujt wild Maler dlnolplc I refhwhliiif. It phhiwip tin U'llef tlmt iphmI iihO' t'( cMiie out of NnttrtMi The prohibition otkhiib and pint furtii rwtiM wr-rwl. liwOat that Michuttt, llftutt to ritriH the II cttlvtn of the ll.pi.ir t rurtto, rv IU f tlH' lbUur ibk-r to kml the lr of reHH'lntillU to their bUtticMMiil tlltto relieve It (if H hurvof ihcotlluiii iluit niimvIu to tlM liulttc. TIm' ma1 etrvtiill mid beiiec liuprwctb'ttblt'. In 1'blU ilvldiU, IiIkIi IbvniH. luw twu nh tnl, imI the IUv ixmrt U ihih lIKjpd In evMuiuluK Dm plkilku uf Mknu ktwtieK. Tin- etlUt of t hi tiftuft m the lbUr inMMc uf tit vlutlc Hi imiuM W I nlwu, but in iIk- wwii wrU h Imtv dM-Uluuc Imw Umi uuwte, iIm ivlurtkMi lu lb UUIttlwr of Mlkailk M III MUUUIIt UT5rr 'UI. And bo with Ihc ktntl(tikH Wh lu ltiow kavUlfek w hwv uutdk whi lliawul kUkUln ibr mynnUuM uf Ihr lkuor trad It k )4mwI lu lH uitwvr uf iter vuImv hi uWUiv lht Ikttur Ittvttani ftUftll uut W Uiwl. lu uuui Uli (hi ha fm ut llvr if rt. Mtd U lb vuttu( wntlT' vttewbj- pfuhlblUuM Uw taut uuueHl W ada4td muA nfurtwd. V- wvtwNir Judav ItfuuMUffaV tetavf a luVr of iMunttim w I'll ll aa U mii W ouum drtlwr lur u'mW. lu uttwt wnK tbai ha UMoimoiua W nut )wftk Ih' aU MIom uanbmiMs and inal bv OUi IK 4 lifllUj lHlt Hll U.b ll )kMll..l Im prvkte. - )i.ttrf It Is a tentative hihI shouM not Ik- pUkmi iMrwilr In the utate to call attention to the letter, and ex- pre. Its nnfnloii on the oiler made, iifimnil. "We shwilu like even- n- jHihl I call i It 1h a return to renMHi, on tlie im ! of one man. at lest, and an edifying anneal to mndrmtlnn. The truth 'ilw, .,,..l..l BlUIirnutfbtliD L,i,ni,... ,n(llrt lK-tiveen the nroliibltlnnbitu and n-publicHns, that iatt-r pwty h In Hympathy with the iff.mii .uiit after, while the " ilcilMH-rac I tied to the liquor niiitenmlundblbuloa - iii it habit. Hrutlien aiioulcl not iw i-ncinie. Let ux niii-t mceliin uithnllberul ' nplrit. If Judifc Ilrniiniigli'a ofler Ih MUvtaluil by any iiuiiiIkt of hU fellow pmhlt, let It Ijc made known, and theCAl'iTAi. JnritVAi., fjx'Hk ing for ltwlf and Ita renders, will pronilM" that the pledge nked to K'cun- the (HihAugc of luu li-lgned to restrict the wile and u-c of strong llfftiorH In thoctate of Oregon will !x chi'erfully given and in good faith. I't us hear from our republican brethren on this mibect. c.w.i.ixi iin:i i. The Oregnulau yesterday gives the Hlateincnt of a gentleman, Ju-t re turned to that city from Han Kruii-cIm-o, that the hotcN of that city iiud the traliH coining this way are crowded with touritn who. after vlnltlng the nnrthuesl, will f cutter, K)ine to return eut by the Northern l'acllle, other by the Canadian i'lii'lllr, and tlie lcuialnilcr by the Oregon Short Line. There is no talk that any of tlie-e thou-auds of totirlhtH will visit the Willamette valley or hjmmiiI a day in the capital city of Oregon Thin is due to the fact that our citizens do not net forth the advantages they have to oiler the AnicrlrHii people. Xiiture ha lighted a caudle for us, but we hide it under a bushel. In the HptiloiiH cast ami middle Mates arc thotisaudsaml tensor thousands of jx'ople ulm N'ck to push their for liliim b moving west. Kansas, Ne braska DaKota, and California have for iniiii ear Hceivcd this on rolling wave of Immigration, beeuiiM' of the agencies the lme had at work Inllils coun try and la Kiiiom. to iniikc known the advantage they have in More for the settler. Itui it now kius this huclnc- has been oeidone. The feai fill bll7ard of Dakota ml- moiilsh the maiiMvkiug a home in the west to avoid a country wheie he and his I'liinlh run danger of ftxiMlng to death. Kansas ami Ne bniska lmc an aiihtcre climate, and are always liable to ilrowth. During the lat three wr hcoreh lug w linls during uiidsuuimer have imivhed vegetation, ruining the com and fruit ciow ami visiting ruin on man of the farmer. In California elluuite has been wild at remuuerH tle prliist, but land inniioiKily and the plague of Chliuwe render that a ptKireouutr for the iiie'haiiieaiid the fanner, ami theeatitlon ha long nine Ih'cii k'lit back fiDIlt the I'aeltlc tsiaM that more emigrants mwl not Hpply. Thin esperience will have the etlVet of partlNlly turning the (low of lututlgrutic.li fhun ltHfonuerehaii neU Hint "ending the homm-ekcr In .itlter direction. Our apt ueighlior WafhlUKtou ha hml her nibwlou ttrkxluthe Held, who have Ivcu "imthvrlng them lit" at a lively rate fur nvwnil yin. What h Oregon Ihvii dohtg all thU while? Making noell'ort to catch the ear of the world, netting forth no attraetlvedt plu of Itn mI, climate ami oplKtrtuiilltc. aaklng none oi the Imi furtuiiNte to ituue lu and Mmrv the huuiitb- nimwl b the Uriah Itand iwlH'nlgimiU nature. ThU kIh of ominOun Mum- of our dtlactt have now net tln'tius-lvis. to! reform, lu thUclty an enteritfWnir ii vmw nmi i pft?iMniig a ltupJtM fttr dWtrlUilkm In the t, sHlinn RkrtU )m Mttkl ml vnntMv f the VillauMtU' vlk lor arUlriiH-iit and iuvtvtnicnt, lu-lui(lrtd- done muiic KdvertWug In the Miriutl uf tlmt hh-Ihi. The kllglit elttirt lrtMl uwiir luu v Kkeiusl iieuilon lo tlU region Kvr layV iiudk tirtng Uiiu fhmi tMt lo ihlrt MlTuf Inquiry, fruui all part uf Um uukui, fMiu paflkv h1h iHiuls)uUm. wHisliig wtt, and w U Uh twluamu Uhhu kd't. uf tlie bM piMv lu NchnH. It U alkMl agaliM "Usnr." that Ua) osvital- aMt that lu iWir aval tbty do vkdrncv U truth - Mag .ilfly d4nak to hrlug M.i4r In ttut thU W a 4u uur own t-tilu-a twr i CLTJrrsr r.'T ' half told l Ma la prU 1Vlm$Egr' - - -l IWI MtttflMM U try mm-, aad rtdlrmd mwunu lil.AtUui Mbuh Mulrrs M touuk- .xHioiri titi.utjiu tx ..s.rtuiuti.s, which man tliotisHiiite are ihw Mfklnif. Ami they lmve but to 1.- pul.lWid to the orId,niitl brought totheknowlodgeofthointerc-te. , to en-lire crowds of visitors who will avail uum-vi " - Y , , ollered, and lend an ulHciont hand , in developing our natural n-,uniM Rtnl bulliliiix tip the wa-te places ' There N no iK.liey to I-more wiirml .commended then that of uniting others In when you - .. ip-hI thing to hIihiv with them. (h-ii l.'tli'r 1'rniii Juilgt- iiiimaiiRli I'oitTl.AND, .March 1 To the prohlbitionNts of Orcron I am one of thtr-e who bellec that IialfulnnfLs Ik-Hit than no bread, and that if you cannot kill a serpent outright, the next thing to do Is to f-cotch it as M-vcrely as )os.-,ible. Common scum- is an excellent coin uioditv to Include in our .stock of IMiIitlnil wares, no matter of what the rciiiaindcr may consist. Everybody know that tlie nrohibitionists of Oregon cannot Iioik- to accomplish a victory, as a third party, at our next general election in tills state. My advice, theiefoie, Is that a full ticket be nominated, but that the party ut the mum) time pledge itself to aban don Its ow n nominations and to cast its vote solidly w itli which ever of the other parties w ill pledge Itself unipialllledly to secure, at the next K-sslon of the legislature, the anicnd meiit uf tin charter of every incor porated city and tow n lu the .state, andto otherwise enact laws that will Htnnd the test of constitution ality, so as to prohibit the retailing of Intoxicating liquors anywhere in Oregon for a less been-' tax than $800 per minimi, and in like propor tion for any fractional part of a year, and also to pass a local option law of like constitutional validity, by which retail liquor dealers can Ih excluded altogether from any elec tion precinct, at the will of the majority of tlie voters therein. Such laws would diminish the evil, and break the power of the whisky ring to such extent that tuithcr as saults upon its entrenchments' might Ik- successfully carried out. Its power is now enormous and ex ceedingly dangerous, as was proved at our last general election, when it Mas called into icquisition bv tlie "bosses" to elect and defeat whom they would, regaidles of paity. Many honest ihtsoiis fear that an attempt at i igid prohibition would result in free whisk, and worse at. teudaut evils than now exist, who w III cheerfully support either party pledged to the enactment of Mich lawsas are uboe prnKkcd; and I sincerely lellee that the good le siilts which would follow, would surely mic tin- way to further ic strictlw nieasuics, If not to the six-ch id Hunt almlltlon of the liquor tralllc In Oiegon. Let lis try tlie expcilinent proposed, and If it should apH-ar that Lot It the rcpult lleau and democrat ie mrtics hio owned by the liquor dealers to such an extent that both aivafndd to so pledge theinsclesiissuifgetcd, then we eiiuall ote for prohibition can didate, with the hujH of material aid from uinuU'is of otlar voters from well of the other parties, who believe that the destiuctiou of the power and Intluence of the mm tralllc In Oregon Is of mr Im portancc than any question upon which the old jiolUlral imrtk-saro at prtfecitt divided. K. C. ItltU.NAt'OlI. AttJlti;frt Jinlm- H. 1. Raise ami DNtrlut Attorney George V. Belt, aie at ljfa,vette, attending circuit wtirt for Yamhill county lu their mileinl capacltlis. Although the county "1 Im1hvii lHtlat Me.Mluiivillo l'' h ote of tlu usiple thv it of CMimi gin eminent will remain at Ufnyettc, until tln new exmrt hmisu and mile, (mu U- built at McMlnu vllU-. MltUU. w 1? . . " VNA VI ih.- rld-it( .uf Till I lilliiun . W T !.....-. JJ..VS A slh kuT u .. . .. .. ... . "- .- ...j. wn .Hls IAUU Hi iifiii imniia. .w k iiu. .un. ti - . -,-j Tk . liaiui. H 1UUKM SHI , . T. HKK M m1 TllWuItT In (m.II( S5S,n 2H"uta- 3IV, UwM . htwii tmirro. hi a.. 4T IT MTt'iTI Wta-Mru,"rti aI Mr thvinka fttruM-r mUntuvtw t'nj. WMI lulul nmi Wimih Inwhrr iMU w ui.w mum i nitwit iii:n. MilHlNXUi Nnu- KIWuHin KHIItoM " H T m ihr rr.idm.v , hrr mml I. H MpUmmIA. U.rvh h iMtJxtiT m settlement. l s A N'Mtiii b) ktat niHiku i k.aii . I j hntrint .itikau lu IhTi, Jt ux Itui.. I vm- AIilKKTI-BMKNTS. . . J.D.McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF NG CLOTHING ! H A -AND- FURNISHING IM" COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN & CO, -ii;.u.Kit ix- B 00 I TS O C H TpfltiP-'""1'"' ""ii,ii,uuiu.-j '" ?x 9 j LeatlitM' and Findings ! liHrf GASII 1'AII) FOH Y OIBw Wwl, Hides, Pells and Furs. yJfl No. 3i I'omaierciM Stnv SALEM, - OREGON. DON'T YOU -THAT- f- ' i At tlie Opera House Cornet-, ARE DAILY RECEIVING New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Clothing, New Everything, Ami arv svUltm tlw same at their umm! Low I'riwv. CALL AN'D SETS US; Bripg topr Wies and Slay Awhile ! ! Im ter xUcvly, ami th hum oidtglng ekirk In the eity. Will take Chickens, Butter and Eggs on Account, S. Friedman, First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. XI N I,AI)l K, -I)K. J. ilKYNOLfos., .1. (UN MOIIt, - - - - PrD-.iilent. Vice President. . - . C'Bhler. ' GENERAL BANKING. houKhl and sold. State, County and . tlt wurnints uouisht. Kiirmers are cordlnU init-d to deioslt und transact business itli us. iJbeml ndwinces mnde on wlieut, m.k.1, hops and other proncrt "t rensciuiible nites. Inunince on such f-e--uilt inn Im obtained at the bank In niKst" i ellnlili ompanles. T S ,- GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. FORGET IT! ADfflJIM cm . President Vice-President Secretarj .. - Treasurer rrim Oregon Land Comp'ny , CAPITAL STOCK, $20,000 ITrll.L MUY.ANII SELL KExVI. E8 V tate Is now renchlnp hundreds of thousands of eastern iieoplc by extensively ndertlsliiL' In nil of the lendlnc nowh pnpere of the United Rates. Their focllt tics for flndtng bu crs of rent estate arc i un excelled. It Is to the Interest of those ha ItiK mil estate to pell, to plnee lUwhere bu ci eoine tobnj. ., ,, B. S. COOK, Manager. H. J. Misnioiiv, Assistant. Ollke: front loom up stairs In the btatc Iiihunuice Compnnj's bulldlnpr. A Mitnde of People Are dnllj Jloc-klng to KELLEK & SONS, The Grocers, and niakins purchases froin their large stock of goods. In teas and codecs j ou can buj a tine article, while In sugars j on can get ctra f, cube, granu lated, (powdered or CRUSHED. Wo are sure we can please you in price, quality and quantity. Comince ourneU by leiuing h sample order. early every day A FREIGHT TRAIN Comes steaming into Salem and has more or less goods for us. We keep eery thing In the grocery, crockery und glasswaru line. When the piico of any article FALLS We gU c j ou the. benefit. Our stock Is now complete. We have n room 80 FEET Hy 23, which Is tilled wltb new good throughout. Gl e us a call. KELLER & SONS, The Oroccre. Si) Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots-, Evaporated. Pears Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apple?, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street. u Live and Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY &. McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All orders will receive prompt attention Entlmiitos on ull kiiuUof work In our line chcerluUy clcn. satisfaction guurauJeed. . Shop in Old Court Houso on Couit slret, Salem, Or. "WILLIS k WUM, Real Estate Agents Huyiuid seB forms nnd citv pi-opertj, A large numl?rof delmble farms and cltj iroiert now otlering on reasonable terms. Rire Insurance! Write pollolwh ol Insurance against Are on ail clawoh of proparty in eight reliable and wealthy Companies. Brokerage ! Will negotiate loans on real estate or per sotwl seourlt) on long or short time, and for large or small sumi. Real Estate Agency L I AM AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ALL OF THE Uuudee Mortgage Company' farms In S? and l"ulk countlek 1 liae on wl LfS2i.w,,er.P;wel nl Salem: nko cltj ElKTJ, of?,f kind, smalt places near o21T V ""'fruit and garden land or grain 5Kwoc.k. farms ln dllcrent iwrts of the JiiyA Mone' ln from two to me Jwon ferm mortgage. jjOttoxorCHpltarNational l$anl.8aleni. H. V. MAHHEWS. "BENSON'S EXPRESS. JPJ;?U$ coraw of Sut and Kroal JiSS&i.11 ?l corner SUte and Ooa SrrtfnlSS. mmpt R"oa and It. .1. MlNTllOUN S. KAKKAIl . II. S. Cook C. II. MooitbS Fruits