m CONVENTION. Clmiiiaii (ioltlfti Furnishes Rejiiilraiis willi a fain juijoi Doramrnl. KIILIUK PlfTlilS DKl'KATKI). HphIhIIuiis KHiIsraiHir TImpIuhiI. I'imi- no; it and EvprjlMiv In ClPHcral ami NbIIiIhjc In 1'aillrnlar Tin1 Xawliiailoiis. 'mm ... IIII'AI. XOTHS. L not iwnontdble for their suptiort. ! 1011. awl feel that they have none , rK!''1,.; republi J., of JKj.SS1Wffi&."t:'1 ! lhC Mr, M. E. Smith i In Portla.,,1. Hie uriuge iiiiusiion, ""' .." tin. ... v- "- -- - x...... . II III (Hit Umt .Mr. Davit, the com- ahoiild Ijo repre-ented in every j Kn,w.ng ,iHy. ITU l1. ' iiiMnmr. was opiKifl to the build- branch, ami that we should leave 110 i,.t.....i mi I Pi '. .., .V.. ? JLi. V i.,i.i.. Th.. ....,. .i..inrii..il until clerk, hut II' S. Friedman went to J'ortlaml on rcpublkwn ring called meeting ami other olltccs are filled liy good this morning's train. 1 landfill men to see Mr. Itayl ""'I land, IIIcicnt democrats at call lie, c f 1)orthuul h I nut the .itieslinii direct lo liim: "If found in the county. .,,.,, 1 1 Be3ra elwledi-ouiityiiiiiiniiloiHTwill you .-,(ll.v now come to the last Imt lll,ro visiting friends. B inland In with ih on the Salem ,,r,t (.ut, our great democratic lead- airs'. Mary Cooper has gone t0 tj 1 hriilK."' II'' answered mid said, ,.r (jmv,T Cleveland, and while we ( jprVnls to vi-it frieiuK B "No.mv constituents in the lower ,(;il,ltr.Bli,.towiifuelzc'UKiii his -erais to i 11 muiu.. g fl end of the iiMinly an- oppo-ed to . a, .r,M), wrk which he has Attorneys O. F. Paxton and bam I I. ..II. 11 I.rl.1.... .1..P.U. I III. Willnlll- I 11 -. .!...( ..... f.ill,. .. ... .. ,..,. 1 !.. ll. ,,tl,. miiwiiifc a nii.ift' ......- - iiuiii', jimm 11-ki i-n.v uiiu v- ihii, K, rjuHi, 01 rariiiiiuii nn: hi ijiu vtij ette at Snlcm. If elected, I w II , cllIrK. ,.Very act , and trust that he . , . not take moiicy out of the county ,v uw,, i,d on to victory, and R. A. Ucsnur, is very low ami not ruiulu in Imllil vmir brldife." 'J'hoe ,1 ...V ,.,, ... Ik. will lie nlnced nt i.vmi'tci1 to lire nt his linine in this men came back" und reported the 11- the head of the great battle of 18SS. ..it,. Xi:W ADVKKTISKMBNTS. Book Stationery & Fancy Goods -(JO TO- Pattons, OS, STATE STKEET. The convention wiw .wiled to or der t 11 o'clock liy Dr. tJoldeu, elmlrtiiHti of the county central cim inltlce. 'l'Ii i.liniriiniii ktHtitl Ihal while walling for delegate to arrive by the iimmlng trulu be w.Hild make a few remark. He thru dclhcrcd the following .WIDHIMM TO Till! fONVIi.MION: I'll mil. ii r ii . i '.. .. ult of their in-iuiir. iii iiicii ui ,. , ... llll1.lli . ,. """,-1 'J' J!" ,:,!,f.Vl1'l"t'V" ,!'."' V.::: fttand I.V til., ticket we arc about "1 n ,i ' I , L irr to tliiiniliale. ItcllieillUT that HOW uie jHmincu, liowiil him the defect In the p:irt i..i.i.n mmcriiinltv mill tlmt .1 slinH IIIiiih.4 and he cxclnlmiNl "Uy owirp-, tiiat . . f .,''-,. nj ,' (Ii. ,... wont do. No. no ; thin N a lnl "V"i' "" . ',,,.. .,. fi11 ,x. Charley Hllcy Herliert Wilson, liialliiij; elerk nt the i(Htolllee, is on duty again nftcr (Miilli'iitcii nf tin i-on vent Ion Im fore jirocifriiuK to clcit a tciiiiorarv "'j!1!.' eliHlriiiRii to pnwIdcovcrthlH Intel- '"" '! IIKCI1I IMMIV. II IIIIUIII IH'MCII inr llic -,v : ;, ..--- ....... f . I .... lom.keahorl Htateu.cnt In r.ir.1 " ,in 11 1 V K "l'l"-"" ' t in.-1 .iiil-hi ..iMiiuuu ..r Hi.-.J.-HI- l '' w,,i,f,,1l '" ;;l"",,rlv NTHtli. iinrlv in Mnrlmi nuil.v. 1 M,,'",,."l ,)'vN' "" ,.wl '' 7' "' lmWH.nrviiiiW,.iiilriiuinofllii. ''"eke.l l.y the ivpiililiiMiiM of the county cenfrtil niiiiilltiv for the ""f ,"' ;' "' ' eounty yollld iHtt two yearn. Darin thin time, ,l,,' ',1"lf,', Hmw tlmiljinil. J-o I Iihvi. Inh'Ii r rliM olMTwrnf I he you we they looked a a I Mdct o IHillllcHl HlfflH of the Ilium. I do I'roveto.vouthal ll.lti,M. ut his "... 1 . r... lime thev li.nl workiuir mi the iStute i.i.. 1.. .. 1....1 w:'7iSSCTS" IIIMIIPII-. I IIU m- 111- I-. .ni. rv. . ... 1 ... .1. j, llfllT all Die rcpul.licani. in the north end , ,' ,'.' '.' , "':!;,' of the wniilv, ami If uc Ket in a' "; y. Ku'lll! " IIJJIII Willi llllll, 11 "I" "I'lii me jmi- ,, .. Vl ....,. t.van.l we an. lial.lc t !. the I X01S liriilin-. We will nit down on .Mr. .J. A. Nonu ool). 1. 1 .11 . .. ,t . !... 'rim iHinviiiil Inn llinlt fwlwilirii do w no harm, and If he don't Ht.iii.1 . for """, ' ' romi iilllw on 1 , in with us hci-uii kick him out, ami 1 credentials time to report. ... tell the iH.01.le lie want.il to run the ,. T.OIVc i' will probably return to-night. Hiulv.' To make It plain, you M-e MNa Alum IManiondin left this .Mr. Terrell wanted 11 l.rldjje nt Mi- I he coniniittee 011 rler of biif.- . . . w ,., . Imiiiiii, ulili-li Hi uiitv built last Inc." reported that the tempory olll-! ,lloni1" for !"ca,tk'' " '' wlR,,t' lor him, ami .Indue .simw would 'cers ne uceiareu me K.Tiiianeiu oiii-'hiic win vin lriemis several wcuks. I in w t 1 tlic Kilcm ilntr pro- s the proud owner of a colt from the "Church niaro," by the famous Uoekwood. An Informal hop will probably be given at the armory this evening after the Inspection and muster. State Kuncriiitendent MeElrov ASK TO BE SHOWN ASHTON LE- ni)Avt.'ia ctPA'i'tnvEin'. Pr.AfX AXD KANCY. . (ML CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE AVIUTERS' MATERIAL. ACME WHITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. KAHER'S PENCILS AND PEN- Hy, In mv CKtlmiitiiiu, our f 11 tun prtMiH'ciH for eiirrvlmf Mnrimi imiiiI for tlic dciniHTiitlc Nirl,v Uucleiir at Ihe iiiNiudiiv Him. Ill loiklinf ner I III- llilclliifiiil couventloii, I mv men tlmt have Imu'ii liiumm! 11111I will here n deli imdw. to iiikc Ntri in wlicilnif iiur next Marion count volllccrH.i hat four .vc.iiv nu mit uiirkimr ami vuIIiik wllh the iviiiilillniii irl, anil In the next ln vi"ir we exnect to IIoiim" .VI or (ill men, and on Fri day evciiiug Ihcy M'lit a iiuiii with llckctH to ail doubtful men. ami told t Iii-iii If Ihcy Mould vote that ticket llii', 11111I1I Ih- pleiiM-d In wr them at work In die nioruing; if not, they IMIllll COUxlllcr tlll'lllM-IVCS ills- I ehargisl. ....ru ,r t Ii. i.'iiii.'.iiMfiii .mil lli.if flwi .v..., mv iiit.iiiiuiii ...... i.j.iif mi.- I Humiliations lie made in the follow- 1 nig erucr: , Nine delegates to i Hon. Five representative-. ( 'oroner. An-es-or. Surveyor. School Superintendeul. TreasuriT. Two conimlsKliinerx. Sheritr. Recorder. ( Merit. The report wius adnpted. 1 ne loiiowiiii' iieiecuica to Miss L. A. Hums, of San Kran- M-Ill llMU 1IU-IIII1I1 111" 1Ml!flflll lit :tale Coiiven-' inlllliier in Charles Calvert's establishment. , liy an oversight the name ofi'rof. Parvln was omitted from the nro- gRini as rendered at the'AV. H. C. so cial the other evening. Hon. W. R. Hllyoii, of Albany, was in town this morning looking after the delegation to the demo cratic slate convention. the It is announced that the Lebanon ... . ..- v : . v,! ,i l. . . . m ., . - !iV ''',"' ,'"1 . ff a ec,ci',1- Espivlnw been sold to Ivirkpatriek Now (hiw lickctH hud .Mr. Davis' , cording to report of tin eontmit ee .. i,.,,,,,,,. ,,.. ,., r ., . .me MTutclu rand Ilcnrv oiuippertloiiiiient: v: Ilu-Iei, two young men of that iiiiiiie M-ratcheil oil ninl Ilcnrv Warren'H name urillin on lliein. RellleUllier this Uiih Ihe I'rlilnv U..l.U V..... II - .. r, rii.niif l,tll. ll.'lll II l'.', ffllll. . . jl .... .' .111 1 . .. . . ... 1 .1 1 - i.vi.iilinr lu.r.irn tin. '..niilliiiiliM. U11..I. iiuor 01 : -- -- "I-.... Then let tin oih'ii U'iile Ih IhiiileiiiiH'iiitlc iKirtv, mill extend a in Snli'iu on S.itiirilui Ihe election wan belli eveiiilii; ami on .Momlav li.uipii' u..i...i.... 1.. ..11 ..I... .. lot. 1.. Iliceleelii nunc .mil ml., u lid n An, lilt.... I following. A man tlmt was work ..... ti.. ..1 ii... Would HllirifiHt 11 1111 it t.i uHIIkiiiiii our democratic iNiuucr, to read, "lie that ennui, nt Ihe elevcutli Imur hIihII iiImi Ih h' iinlisl." Our elmiiii- of electing the demo crat llckcl III M 11 r lull ciiunl, are IPMhI. W'c will hn. tin- iH'hheli llitr.v, iunIiiiu, Inillmi m-IiooI mel our public uurkHlll the eotllllrv III draw our pirty nte from. And l hen we hue tlic c interval I ve mul Inilt'lU'Uili-nl uleiuuut thai u.-w III draw larip-I.N from, while the rluit Iciwlcrtiif the nnulilli-an imriv luw uollihitf to draw fhim bill t'hc tall ih:i,i:iatk:s. R. II. Deurboi-u, W. .1. J Terrell. 1 1. M. Savage. P. II. D'Arcy. V. 10. Kldridge. Charles .Miller. W. V. Elder. J. I!. Henluger. !'. X. Matthleu. iu:t'itiii:.NTATlvifti nothhiir to draw from bill the tall M'1 ,,mv" "" Jlr' Davis they struck, .-ml of ihe prohibition iwrtv. and "' n'l'iibllciint if the north end of they w III mm itch theiii oil aid tide ,""' eount.v a lick lliat will ivIhiuiuI track them. ml IimIm we huld '''"' ""d give It to them In the nw-k , tin. 1... i.l... ..r ii i.)i 11I the .turn, i.li'i'tlnii till IlUlllr III III. Ii.i.iiIiIIk.iii i. 11.11 nxp uitllilc fur the prohililtliiu pnit that Ua Kiiruiiu up mining u; that llilintlillt dclrilctl in lo IhiRi dem -crat and n-pulillcin iitllii.. Ami why? Had It not I -ecu for thcwl tlolnicMH and dlxhiineiity lhal exUtiil In the rt'Mi!iciiii parly, ihcy would not have driven nut t,( im Miit ueh men as Dluileli, RoIktIsiii, Itiuili, Tliimiw m and ai li-itKi -iMi more .hI n-puiilleaiih Umt will ot. the itMlillillliiii lieket next June flection. The di-iiKH-ratle imrtv Iiiim no iimIiIIiUI. ml.it In II. We uen.. ail I'-irn di'iiiiNTatt, iiu'iiiIhth of tlM. mimic fitinlh , and we ik-mt go Imek 011 our n-iatucH. iuu at the state Iioiim-Iiiin iug mIiou ii me the llckcl on l-riiliix evening, is why I know- I Ills lo lie the fact. Henry Warren hud nothing to do wjth It. They picked 011 Mr. Will!-..!! IuuiiIUii Ii.. 11.....1 1.. II... ..... .. .n..,.,. ,,. 11,1.1 III 1III-' p iiiiiu......! ..rl....u.....i . Mm 11'.. h I 111 fnltiiirlllir 1 in I'll li lirintt-rt.l It... .." .. 11. 1 ..1 iiii-i.f iiiii(, . .111. ,1 iiiit-ii Ft ......iiivivmiiuii. iju i-jii hit- made iw a good coniiuisslouer v,,lt' "l'1 opposite their names (78 bo- ,T,, .,, t.i..i 1... .......1 ,1... 1 Iiur iiiu..Kiu.iii' i.i .iitmii iiuft. ...... ini....i . iiacri s .'I nun ntii-i till' 11UlllltV I1IUI1 1 , ." .T.-ii, iw 1 iw-VJ 11 VAU tlUi'lillL'll dollar I eiiii nwiiiri. von lii. Ii.iw the ueniiue.is: I'rank Keller, 101. Win. II. Downing, 121. .1. L. D.ivlilson, 07. Charles Miller, ICW. Win. Diigan, 7S. C(iitoxi:it. .1. A. Hi-tnii, ufr&Iuni, Wins noini-uati-d by aeelanmtloii, AHSI-.SSC111. city. Its politics it is under.-tood 1 will be democratic. Lieut. W. X. Ladue, regimental uuartermnster. will Inspect nnd inu- , ter "11" Co., and the second regi ment Hand, at the armory on Statu street this evening. Citizens ofSa- , 1cm are Invited to be present. HOLDERS. RUHHER BANDS AM) ERASERS. SPENCERTAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO HE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McCULL'S STAPLE PKESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED tJOLD PENS ALL AVAR BANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS REST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND RETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH- ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.0(1). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (."() CENTS. For PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, (61.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, (S3.. THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, JO CENTS. Kru.it Growers : 98, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. can iitHtii'f vim worked for Ihe best interest of tin H-uplc. And ritfht here let mc any I" you, gentlemen of the convention, when the republican ring of Salem M-t down on .Mr. Davis thev struck ll.11 ci I) h 11 .1111 111 1) Ih Mlnti..N. I On Tuesday evening, March 7, celebrated minstrels w ill hold forth at the onera house wltn a ' lirst-elnss performance. An eastern , exchange speaks of them us follow .s: : ".Me-sis. Oueen. Stoweaml Rambill. . iflrltaSS' -AT THli Brick Dental (life al tin June clei-tlnn. Six yi-arsagol wt in to reorganize audrcilvc die ileiuiH-nit jmrtv of Million county. 1 1 Ih true I 'met wlili aJc.ilousipHlti(iu in our own pllll, bill lliuie been uflle to 0V1T imiiic ihal little olistaclc, and to-day our iwriy it in unUon, ami will "lauil In and help toclcct everv man loinlnutcd on Ihe republican llckcl. lAiulilcricH of "Von menu demo cratic ticket," the i-iH-aki-rsat down and the crowd coiiiliiued to laugh nun I'liiviiii luciiiiiiiriuuatcmiMtake liiihelreliiilrutan'tniimrks, until at limt he gratiM-d Ihe situation and iMrnvliil his mUtalte.i J. I'. Ilroivu mul .toil.... W.ilt. .11 The llrst luillnt reMtltcdns follews: Barney Shnrwon, li Henry Parker, tt-1. .1. I). Shanks, .10. L. Maulding, 111. Scattering, 11. .no election. The second ballot restilteil in the election of Henry Parker. Kt'iivuvoa. I A. (ioualet nominated hymvlania-Hon. : In their original acrobatic act en-1 ' titled 'Hustling,' Introducing their , i trick cottage, deserve great credit ! for (heir originality. Their act is ! full of such genuine humorous situ- luious mat tne auillem-e are eon-vuL-eil with laughter throuL'hout its ontirety. Col. Haverly deserves eoniniendation for liresontiinr such an original novelty with his famous organization." - To-nlgbt s l.fi'liae. Tlie lecture tills evening nt the Congregational church should he attended by all admirers of Mr. Ingersoll, as the letter which Mr. Oliver will answer embodies the main theories of the Inin.r-u.n OK- L..S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA DOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for (lie Painless taction of Teeth. OfirThe person awakens from a plea.siint dream with the aching teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. miiooi, Hri.i:iiixTi:xiii:x-r. " " --, 1 1UI1III . .. . (he IcnlfiW Ibe nnnlill. -10 iy.ru wen- nlaiHil in noiiilnuliuii f..r, -Vl me Hour orgiiliig to press the . .. 1 .. .1 .. 1 . 11 .. .u.. u .. .1 iiiiii'iniiiikii i. .....(..- .... .. lunc imu Hiwcr 111 .Marion inhuiU " l"l"r.v cnairiuan. .,"."".. " '"'"inig on names. 01 religion. Lecture -it Pmn.. M out iwwity-thc .wr. Thev J"'lg' Walton iii.miitiMl the stage h',;,. ,.' t'lnUK"1 , A. W. .Mize. 0V..rviMMi. .....i ,.., ,,.., I, litnk upMit he Mrta their iHirMiiinl ullliV('r Kr.i.vfullv tlmnkwl the! ,Im' ,or,lIl'r rweived the nomlim- ,' . , ' """ llwu w,mt -Al1 jMMnrtv, loHilvNiitvUttli their ihiIIi- '-on vent l.m for the honor iiiufirns:l UV,I',) Driver has to say. Such men as M lel Mini iNH'iiniarv fori 11 mt. Umn him, but was brought down , ,m' "omluatlons will probably C. George and others sav that it i Mut (Ih-IhsioIc an-mil 1.1 l. 1.1.1,1.. by the reminder Hint the iimiil. 'X1' be concluded until ate HiU tl... 1....1 ii.... - 1 . , III ulavitt of lhoi.1 ivl.n l.y. is... Iiatkiu Mitmi't coolnili.nt t.. .... , evening. I ....' . . nuuu, anil a 1 repetition lias bwu called for in G Ii E A T R E D L' C T J 0 N IN- i'KINE SETS! itTml throiitfli imrti. 111.1..I.1.T..... 'clts'tliin HUd IUe uplrit of revi.li U growing MiiHiRri ci crv cict-uon. v, lieu gixsl Mild iiiMMiiiUI Imtincw men, that llMe htTctofiM-.i i.M.it with tile repMhlicMII Mrly ,iu,t. . ,wv Mini , "miw gvi out umr I toil men. 1 mu n repubilnHU, but we wilt help yHl to eltvl thclll." W Imt d?" it menu ? A rv i h.y in curm! '! l. 1 1 U l.TV lVlllllt Hit UHMll eillMliou cmii take pUiv Mluoiig th, AmHIihic of tin. rtiaihlicMii kder. Hll.l tUUl Ntv Hie ci ideiuxM iuer.. Xw. Ilav.lin mill l I f...p....ii Vii tiiforiuuite Silmtllrl wen- elected teuiMinirv MHretHrlw' -Mrs. Maggie Atkinson, daughter lit' llMitilliiiitl..ii ..tf Mm I.. I... l'. ...I i . t ... "Pi " uuiuv, in roma sni Walton, who received tHi votiw to ' ,,rtl"m1' " .Vitenlny in that Hrowu'N .in. On motion Brown's ! ill ,,l,r father had been at her iioiiiltmtlon wiw nmile uiwiitiiioiin. iHtl-lde for a wivk, ami came home a.,tJUfe,,utU":nlS..S would proved t.. the ivnuH!",,, lw. but tekigwni y.-ter- rvniuuiiion. on.i nouniHi mm oi tier death. The Portland. Angus I I llfhlll lll.lt .ul 111..! .... .. !l....-lt. ..... ' -l llini lMTItlHllJ!!! ' II11IIII II1IIUI1 VlUlllir ll'iiniuii til liUUhHtih, ln,,.,h.U.nt m.-n. r jrwiilitl..ii U deferrwi until after Uit 111 viwis l.l u-T..... T i thrivamiy .Icnmn'd and will hxv a hHTiid that committee on "A-' ZVl , . U iXM' M,w eJwiiw-. lliu cImm of v.4i.v do not tIiitlMKonkrofliu4iHw,nulHtliHw mHriwlwit ayenrHgo to Mr. At- iMu4liuiM.ii.igti airength to Heci " l"ortliuinii.it. CurrkHl. Klu-ii, who U said to Ik one of the m iiMrti- lickt'l. Mint IbU i-Imm i. 1 Ih chair tlu-n Minbilnixil ii... hum ..h.ii. .... . i - ----- - - . . iiiv iibwi . i t r i i MHwrtttc MaViui.-i..Mt a ra,ju;";. j..reittuiri. ,,:,. """ ,HL,,,w ? rf.,.viu.r MMdllH) uk.lan litik luit.n4 lu ,m..v . uiikMiwith him and her death U Um iiiMiMHiimul of ,.IU1,. I'Hcv. ammin.min m,uin. nU1 to In. the direct re-ult ..fan howt.wr, h.J.1 th.-Ukmv .r iw,r Tlieoottwiuion wm cIUhI to ,.r-!lartioH which she was ton...! i. """'" "" nH mm in.-ir io( ut mi s i. ih. lu.r.p.i...i i... i.. i . . v - t .- imuiK. ii Ira. .,ftr'. . l.. i. liiumn .iikiiitiitiuii . - !... eikkiu, h m. iiium Im. MiiMireiii to all "mmiiIu mi nMilutioiw reiwrtwl I ft,tmr w" t" Mlew that sh. mnrii'n u iiu. iJHUl -li, ..r lln-nuk.u luu i,lik.... ' u-aw oiitl.rliw fw.... .....1. . . - i --" --.- ... --- -- .-. M...iii. -- t.-. iiuiii ivihiihii r.v..r wri'n. . tlic latlUWI igiu ,.f imp iiiim, uui oiwiun In u. Mini iUMrttin.ii of, air jmT.W,. MtUir. ,HI CMIIIty U 0 IIMIIlbsi In IhK cImot im-iihii. ami to ihe .kimV MkiiMi lln.- k r.Mr it. m. iwniuiimuuiii no tlMMtor. ----- ""! -....ii. ,- -", .iw.. IJJMIUMI U'Vl "XXZZm!? te.S" i Xm ,uw dHW fi,H' UK tniih. iIh Uiiu'rMtic Coiivcniion of. MMriou comity httr to ivikirt lolko m IM l' Rvl lliat Vi.MtIS- ll.iu .... XMKIi Mr WIIAIN, 1W.lHll.MMi.- IU b .J-.-l jr.-:"":,..,"l,'?.,T..,,MI ' m ii... 1m-.i ti.l "" M"M" " m ". " h gni tiMl in ! ..- : . .' "l,,xv' """' '"' ..lri4ilv .pmiu, ...uk. Eli. C.U'IT.U. JlK'HN.VI.: Plcito lkw IIH s,MUV lo ikvlllM. the noui- iwifiHi h HtOMhT. WIllili v.ui - "-"- .-! e-a.i uK.,... ..l . . i "" IHlMI-llirill IIUbI I1HM Mlkkl-ll UMii... IBmlBIIUaiHIH Alltl IIb 1. i..ul.. . .. - -" ..,w,, pimjuuH . . -"-- "--" ' IIM1H . III. Ifti Mis., m." a .1. . Ill .,- . . t. ..... X1 , j.. 7Wl?!raHruVfc -Himitkm ,Mh ,; I'n-I lllllrf Hi-ontliiuH Since the death of .Mr. Shaw about two weeks ago the posi uon ot postmaster at the ollk-o of that name 1ms been vacant, and it is possible the olllce may bediscon tinned, as it is dllllcult to tlnd u jior. M)ti willing to iMither with it. We Uipe some one will take hold of it and keep the ollhv then. .w It i.u Ik-oii ipilte a iimvenieiu-e to the uelghborhiKMl. Inifnturj Fllt-4. The Inventory made by Mary Jackson, guardian, and James Hunt-, John McCornaek, and A. Coyk. nl pmlsers of the pmjHTty In the estate of JortHiie R. and Joseph A. Jackson, minor heir- ofJeromo It. .lu,.i:-.,.. iImmmmI, wite Hied vwtenlMv in tl..'. ..... ' v onute ig the iiHtnty ulrk. The amount iMrel ami iktsoiwI pro orty coiUhIihsI in the estate lsl. l0i Sel Dickens. 13 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price 32.50, Our Trice $20.00. Scl Lvlloii. 26 Scl Tliackrrav, II Sel u'averlyJ2 Scl I Roe, 15 Clolli, Gill Ion, Ifalf Morocco, Half blue Calf, Clolli, Set Cap). M. llciiL 10 Vols. Clolli, .12.50, 22.50, 32.50, 22.50, 15.00, 23.50. 15.00. 17.50. 18.00. 10.00. Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, -AT- surmaii; iwkt. S.U.K. jinrcli 22, lsSb. MmryJ. WAm, rwpuuileut, v. Ktull WWmt et l., MwlUuitM ; mu- mwmIIwmmiI Lw,-iu l. j "'nui. isiny ilmi M. ,VI1. "T"i i ert' to UUMta, thel , T ''"""" eouniy, ar. m.V.,m.. "lVr;vT"',,.",,, -i mmis an "rmrnlnt tiu.ni. T.. .....! J- -u,ittoruerorim . w,.;zt!rj.r. - . li. hTTu. "t- uw,u4tu.-iv.v- d TrvxtMuivr. Imi w" '"wMwIr modiiUu fariuiwiM I " urunu r' ! .n. .Ii.ll ..li .... IM-. VV 1 1..... l. . .. ' - -- '- ...H-a I.O..M..1..... .. . .' ri in ... . . ..I . . -o UV M'KVm til lUHIt-M MIKl ,SM. ..J,,,! i--1- " - wui om nut. ti.. "" -r' .? "- ,smix .j,; - -:: TL'rrjr " ffii ., "? w.s a -ara IMm iuuivuK.41 to fAuiMJu hv nvwtrj '&iikZE!ir IM M .!.. L-.57TTr i . ... . . KNlU MlMl NOTICE Of FjfVAL SETTLEMEKT. KJ.,!J!?f "f t WM J. BENSON STARR'S. 118, State Street, - - . ;, n uuiuiii, wicguru Capital Lumbering Company! MAMrKAlTfKKllS OK AS ,:A,,KS , Wty of Oregon Mr, Dressed and Undressed. iXMr.v.Ti.v ox h.vxd: Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, Every MM-UMTMMIkTurthrMlalruro,. withr. AttnHta Ko. BOXES, Etc. JU 1 Hkix, Kxn-uiiix. 'SALEM OREGON.