i . i i ..iiiifMiiv' with Tele Wow eimuics we iron qui inlerfereiioe I lowl 1111 hi , . I e ftom I II. .1. MiXTlioliN --- - I'resiclem KVBXIXfi CAPITAL JOIIUXAFi Wit n-n.m on flMb. huh he i i-r '"' ...... , i ... TuhIHhii by cmml into , H.COOK-. --"v .,, . i..it.. .... IIki imltf'l ITM.IMH ! lorli-nil ill K JIIHI1I1C.T immy ..-, -i-x- i.,,., M, l.medentod lii the inunir'Iwl ihiii rui'KCi ureiw " "" i I NEW AI)vEllTISiatKKTS. 1 " .-!.. a iivHKTISKMESTS. . ' I I 1 1 . , 7fVI. T 11. uuaiuauv - - mi... A , nn Pnii.i.'mr i - i ii' it. .MiMJiiri.--. .-- EVERY EVENINO EXCEPT SUNDAY. ar TMB Capital Journal PubtoMng Company. I ISMiOBKIIIIATEIJ. ) li, II Ctrl Slrrt, Of" M" WwK TKKMf OK Mt'HWRIlTHlN : IIAILT On jrr. by rnull fit month. bjrinJill Thin month by null -- lr yttrk dellrrTKl by IHW yrOii.r 0yr Mx month ... Thru' IIMHlllW SCO :'S . 1(0 MHtaMmiurtii Hn-.nulli"TlMl In n Hi vi- mi!HMTlUonv Mr-Advrtllnf ru n unpllmUiw t Wll.l. M. IAIIUV. SlniiiiKi-r. irKlllcn-d a amilid-rliua UtU-TM III.' Mleitl,ffii, IVMtiifflw, March K, " Fill DAY, M AltOII 24, 1HHH. .mol'M'EMENTS. IIHibllran I'rlmariw-XMcli Ik-IHibllnui Ownly 'raventlonMiir. . AiiiiiihI IlorwHImw-Mareli HI. WlllamrtU Mimical Muriel jr Ciiiicert A prill. KMTKUrtN rorsn tovi;.Mio For Murliiii fouiily will ! lu-ld h( the (ijieru limw in Hali'in ni 'I'liiiwlny. Muroli 2th. ls, at II o't'IiM'k h. in. r tiiu purjMw of iiliiitliiK II dili'Kiitvn to tho ftato )ii. llni to In- bold In Portland tbolllt. liny of April 1HHS, uiul to liollilimte live (iiiitlliliiti'rt for (lie Klfltiirt', wHinly i-li-rk, hIhtIII, rtx-oriiiT, trfHMiiri'r, wluml MiijM'rin- ink'iit,lwoi"i)miiilwtloin,rM,iittor, Hirwyiiriiinl iroiior,and totran-ni'l Hiiy otlii'r IhihIihix that iiiny prop erly wiiiii' lH'forc tbi' wiiivpiitlnn.' I'rliimrkM will Ih liclil on Snturdny, Miwbailb. APItlHTIIINMUNr. 'I'lkcMiveml pnx'liipU an' I'litltiwl to tlii'folliiwliiKiiuiiibcrefduluKnti'H: Hlll ia )bl NmIviii . . i Nilftll Hull-in R Ilimell I'mtrlr ... (I HUMTtllll llrtrtli'lil t HiMUIIHMIIlll jmflimtii IttffcHI .MftmllMi llmwli KIM lull .. KubllMlly . IJuoitln 'nirinir AbtoiiB ft 7 iMlihh St (ilTVHU 1 WiHxlburii llulilwnl A H I a i i I ti m a Allium A IlllttUVllll' A C'llHIIIlxKfC . a hi. l Vtut 1'nrfU'ltl Tumi. David Simimin, Ulir'n. fo. ('cm. I Vim. Is mis llllll The San KimiicImhi fall, after hUtlng that Mr. Cleveland Is held HUioug hII t It-lit iik to he stronger limn Ids snt,v, iMiuarks: "Thl slrt'iigth Iliv. iwrtlv In Hie aihnllitxl (mc Uiul he has given a cliwu itdiulult ration mi fur as he Ims dlioclisl It DcrMiuali. riiealmort- teiiu'l. y,t'7 w hl,,V lK,rv,,,l,,,11 1 Hklilngtiui under wiiiie former nil-1 liilliUlnitliiiiK lius eliisl auny." c.iiieiinie. U thU tnie'.' Is It an adiiillted ''"'k hImiiiI "CHirylng coal-, to fn-t thnt 1'nwldeiit fleveland hasl Ncwi-ustlo!" "I'alirornia Safnton" Uivini tbeemiiitry a cliwu mlinliils-! Is now received fiiun San b'ttiueNeo trutlou so fur it lie Iihb illrtetisl It anil Mild at fancy price-.. That isal htoiihII ,' The mix" cr to thin ' moil iw Iwd as shipping up niIiiioii ilkloii nun,! tti-H-tti iihiii the iHin-' , as was done a few years Imek. utruelUui Hhich U put uihui the ex-' Astorlan. (trfwdon "wi fnr it he lm dliwlml It j The Ihinril of Trade at Its meeting KNWHwlly." If It U nuHint that last Friday night authoriiied tho tttt- irtiili-ii! Iw. iK-iMiiwIly Ihvii ! president and H-tvlry to havo huiHt n hii ulllelMl mid lnw nut ui.iKHi oopien of the lviwrt or tho imiflt.sl in mi undue itiHtuur U-1 ctimuiltUf oil linnilgratlon prliitocl mUMMif the otMivHhleh ho holds, i fur i-lrfukt Ion, for Hilvcrtislng the HiWly will cwrv to dUpiite the J ivmhvc of Uue county. F.ugone )mt4nitliiu. If it U liiennl, howeuT, ttcKUter Uutl the MhkN Im. driven ill. ,mjpm (1, . llU, lutl, H Krontl lii.t u.l ItuvHUK'Unt iiH'ii fhmi Ju,,,Uh. ,Iwt,Ul, , tvllIllK wws .rftt.v lu-nnvr he Iw. f.mii.l thoiu. (wllwl liv . WHUV W1rt , lllnil Mitk, win U. ,b1Nuwi rrcvbrldMeHcnv-tho river at that aiuMmUMll-. M..I tWfrk.iU a, Tlu ,,, ..,. of w ..f ttoMlmliiMwtfcui H,H,ld w h j,mlrtl,- ,l(lW ralwU ,,, HRHW, mHU H ' IT .,1,,",n,"" '- ,rMtl'-1 Ita III,. Vu Winkle -Uvp Hi.d horc llMMil t k'VmM.MI,,iHIWt ..n,., kw,, mv .,, M Uuiw, tw MHiMUKruliHM iitt'ii In imicv , , . ,, ,,., lu. .KMfht U. luivc Uvn .IIwiUmI l ,u" tMMf ,U? ttr; tHk,,n MlM m-u U,r public wrx l.v. 1 Ie elung M"1" UmnX th WW,,,t "f ,n,,u", ,0 t..tlUMllMlUn. of the dUKWcH- I',,,u, "J" tl W,'l' 'l U Ml JWrUvtrlo UliWitt NHMUI """ ' ll II iH-xt Wln.hl.,, tnhu mMim .lilMHV. a"" friHM.. o don't of (iKWlttUI. He HtMlitttall Kuirih uiH. I., I ...... Ji.c. .u. .7. ... llMt Im Ulko U.. .tuttK k A vrtl" "" ll. uwlilug ourrujiter of ekHkuu nml ucu h hi4 tutir the fimbllU-Jionld Iwvc wim Kt'iMsmlly a Houlit dUrMv llh HntliM'lHuujkwiiK'kr1in n,v ttuilHk4iikiii. WIh'u k W- lt ,M"r ,Nl S,M' H,kwl I"0 Oivgi uefito Ua I iulkiiiamlbi wn Hiy l&iulkliitlMuukruiiiK tniUU irtv. .. r.tMii iWv Utu- nf Km- w u' "'" lolWnd, Uit wiiwh puBurvol UUoMiUI rmttt,, r. ""k' ' Utf. rnUUin.el abe Mrul OirUml, fullj ixytitMiiit uf u'k' ,'' rl,rl H4" wnlkwl hv , Hilull kluituaii im- t II mlU, -(.Vjurtor. iiuiviui k4it,iu In Hi,, railway uuUI Afttv tln lteciwUw hml pnw tu mr kw. W Im'U II UriumiainihM jn W4 Krklay mAhtikami w url wa. Ul)w ru MtMkrtiuu rf a mair kmuhl u llial It. It. .SwaftVml timi (uMuutib Umt ihr rmwtl uf Urf. MiimI a Uwt ltk a huuwu k tu It, Urti K. Ikwlivr a xt-li a tu unAl n Utr Ivai-u ImKxa Um UMtkwalvr, klttiRir iIh' MiUmtuf tnUMiuruf Tkr Uar emlrink-d fnmi tb- Wot. MMUM. HimMmu tVxlaad a- wh! Uf wm a partkw of lit pui Huluint htm a M-tal mgm uf tUt ' Mcltlu tu tlu liwkk. TU inMOiMsrtiur4iUuUrtaluluiu IM adM. tk IBftftk k t .w- ,. . Kueti liMiaMM MiU U- mUumI, in um.tr!i nuwlwr l. Ill nwi iU km) , iltttolMMt in . eukmmu uf ilu ymt wMrk iU imakkfMt bi.kiMwlih aitwiiiil lyj nrii W uMW and ' kii..iii;U nui u.,1 U.l ,,,,,, "rt, ,l" '" - "" th 1 '" ''' i I " , : hto civil wrvlre wronn pIlP, Mid co' in furtherance ... ... "'""!..,, ' ii .i.n omehlnerv arc In 3 .n .. iv.111 inrii n mini? nu Ill (H'l'lIIf It rw.H . n -. . - .t .l it... ,JU.i.1n flint Virtually pNHIIlfcUU vuv JWi, Aii.M.il..r there i menu for u 1 ... . .... ... .. I...llw.f very grave nouiu in nm-..... , 1'muilwit Clevelund "ha kIvcii a . ...1...I..1. ,.lt..it uu fur ni ln liltH i riean auiiuiiiurtu"" " v "" I directed It TnniHlly."- IM. KTIUKIH If IIIOIIT Till-. TIMI1. In tin- regular dciiiiKTatlr ikt KKKIS OPKUA IIOl'SE. lnht nigbt and tin a-I-tant ilemo-, .rati.. imiK-r tbis morning, Mil AtiQNE PERFORMANCE ONLY di-rwiii bids for tin- iiomintiiiiiii ior. Hlii-rlll' at tin- liumls of tin' democ racy. That's tlie time 1111 lilt tbe mark, and it's too bud if bis real friends, to whom lie thin appeal., ignore his claims. He oilers "strong" Inducements. He sayH that he'll "M-t 'em up all 'round " and be as good a democrat on general princi ple as any of them. They'll mi-s an appropriate candidate If they leave 1(111 oil' the ticket. A i.kiiai. gciitleniaii fiom Wash ington Territory, who lias liecn In the city the past few days, says thai Judge Frank Allyn, appointed by rievcland a year ago to the supreme Itcnch of Unit territory, Is a lint fail ure as a Judge. Frank was a pretty fair lawyer in the littlo kingdom of Keokuk, Iowa, but lie was never HUlccted of being lilted for tin bench of a high court. Tin: Oregon City Enterprise has changed fin m and will hereafter give Its leaders a neater paper, with more reading matter than heretofore. It is to Ik- printed by water power. Tin: Itandon Recorder thinks Mr. Hermann Is Invincible as a congres sional candidate. STATU X0TKS. McMlnnvlik' Is to have u $10,000 h'IkicI house. The cherry tree in Eugene are beginning to bloom, says tho Register. Tlie Salvation army litis been hav ing a rumpus in Astoria mid got In to the courts as usual. Tho ()wego Iron works huvo yet about JUiD.OOO toHUid III preparing for work and llioy do not exited to tin- up U.foiv iilMiul April lt.-(). l ,. lift the curt, our old stlH'Imi mimI (Ih1 K'w mm wo naw in our kiins win tawlaiul all vmv- tmrtwl -Hainkm " -- - - ,WWW-f A tam lUm u ku tiulli .i .latiriteiiw..kiK..u.iii ttaa vguaifvt. Htket vnek lltal wiU , Mat Ump water tu llw. Mk sat lu, Mabuw lu kinuM wi ..i rtilarcr tbr ana .rf Ku,ar lak that Mt fct lxMllU Mr j,.u '" 'I' Mil..' t-iiirt.ai,.!..!..,, :l , ..,.,,. ,Ul a.iV ,,! f" l f11? . 'J. lM.(1 lo bu 1,1 " operation, 1,'JOO laborer, .skilled and unskilled, will ! cmpioyon. w. ' ' Enterprise. xmv to-hav. iirn , ,u ,. iii.Mlli:itMN. lll'KltA Vl liou'ci- ItlfK-k, lmf h ilwlniblc rt-sl- ilrijwiiiHVntcmtreft. in"" "V '" ' "rl" Hrm phuirli, for mlc at 3l;S0. Jji- tcriim Cull pfxin. TiiMilay. March 27. im HAVEKLY'S INSTRELS 1 nclrr the htmiii.i1 uierNliiii mill Mik' nmiiiiKcux ' f W, S, CLEVELAND, Tliln entirely new uiul ren-ntlyriMirBniilrcil compnny Incliulcs All you Have Never Seen I What you Haven't Seen Equaled I SKATS NOW ON SALE AT PATTON'S BOOK STORE, Ilescrvcd Seats (iallcry H.(K). r.oc. SOUTH SALEM PRIMARY. The rrpnlillt'iiiis ufNialli Saloin I'reelliel ulll mi't't In prliimry muxentlon at the M'hisil Iioum In Smith Saloin on Snliirclaj, Mari'h 'J I, at oiii' o'rlock c. M. Ill imliTof A. OIIMAllT, I'ktImcI c'liiiiinltteeiiian. SALEM PRECINCT PRIMARY. The KMiublbiin primary for Siileni pre- cliii'l ulll ie lii'lil al ineiipeni iimisc, iim Miiii'Ii "I, ill one o'clock e. M. U K. l'llAlT, Committee man. EAST SALEM PRIMARY. The rcptibllmn primaries In Cast Kalem precinct III be held at the old Court House, on .March -Itli at one o'clock I'. M. HAVID SIMIVHN, Commllticmaii. For Sale. A good Iron fnime Horse I'ouer. C.imhI for all Uses, from one to full ixisiclt. All for the low price of nil. mil at Ihcl'acltle C'hlcr, Vliuwir A Krull l'awri lug Com juiuj's olllce. Salem, Oiigon. Real Estate Agency I AH AGENT fOR THE SALE OF ALL OF THE llundis. Mori orlKHgi' CiiiiiHtn'n farms in i IV ilk count Ics. 1 have on sale Marlon ami a wshI Muter Ki(iT al Nilcm: also illy pniK'rt of nil kt mis, small place- miir .-Mlt'iii, Mm) fruit and guntcii lniul or liniln Hiul stock farms in lUtU'rcnl uls oi the viillcj. .Mom' lo Iikiii from tuo to tle .miiixoii fiirm ninrtuiiiC'-. OlllivoxcrCnpltal National liauk.Siilcm, llnoii. H. V. MATTHEWS. WILLIS k l'II.UII!liliLI., Real Estate Agents llu and -ill Oirms uiul cli impcrtv. A Unv numlM-rof dcslrulA' biriiis and elfy iii.H-rt nou iittcrlnic on ivmsoimIiI? Uidis. Kire Insui'fince! Write (mlleim IHumiHs NMltn-t Mr un nil dms of inviV lu el Kill rrllHbUi Hllll Mllll CUIIipJIIIHs 13ri)lveivirre III uvgullaie kMlis mi rml ivlalc or inir mumI w-eurily m hum n- shihs; tluic, miuI Kir Um or small kuiiis. Silm fi-Ojmtlff mkm, f II. ok-vuo. in Omkt GrMari. PrtyWaat, Fwitt, ud VUUa, Crackary, GUwwar, BiKkr, tfft, MMiLanL Al Kiwis of Preduc BiMifht. mss VHKHN, Wkhtairlil,Mnlri.tir ' Just Arrived ! niK nxE?r uxe of llllll ... ll lllftlll' Ulll Ainni' I'aa.Ih 1U...II.U 1(1 till I I III! UUIIIIN , ,- .- ,. EVER IN SALEM, ' litem, ii K it l!V m M-itr I 35illii&ll!!fliii J. D. McCully, HECEIVIN(i IS Jri ATS -AND- FURNISHING LMfi COMMEKCTAIi STKEET, IiWM. BROWN &l CO. -DIlAIiKIl IX- B j OjOjTjS 1 1 i Wlior ami Hos-! " Ysfl s Asm i CASH PAID FOU Wool, Hides, Pells and Furs! No. 1H1 Commercial Strtv!, SALEM, - - OKKUOX. DON'T YOU THAT- At the Opera House Corner, "T- AUK DAILY KKCEIVING New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Clothing- New Everything, And hiv sailing tho Nemo at their umuU lMW irit CALL AND SI212 US; Bring Your Mis and Slay A ! ! Will toko Chickens, Butter and Eggs on Account. S. Friedman, lU-MNHH MAS.VOKK. SALEM, OREGON w m. n. i.ADn:. UK. I. ilKYNOLhS, JnllN Mi.Ilt, - - . . I'rcMilent. Hv i'rt"Hi,.-iii. . millirr. GENERAL BANKING. illMti .1 to UVlMl-ll tiim inui-.ni .".-.. m:kmiB . t t .. 1.1 iU.lilll llllow 1'U.ibl. tHiuiiunlc-. A FIXE LINE OF GOODS, ETC. SALEM, .OREGON. FORGET IT! CLOTHING!! ' y'N.7a . Mini ii lll(!UregUllbilUlllUUl)Uf CAPITAL STOCK, , - f TllA. lit Y AM' M'.J.i. iir.AJ. r- tliim-aii(U'feaMiTn people by extensively mlvertliliiB l ' "r '"-' lcaln ?evf!r ., Ipers of the rnlteil Stntcj. Their laeill- lull1. in... nni..... -- "- ilos fnrlllicl lis buyers m rem mueun un exeelieil I IN lo the Interest of those hav Ue' mil emte t -e". to pluce It where buyer-w.netbi.BSiC00K(MnlMlgcr H. J. JIintiious. Assistant. Olllce: lmnt nnn up stairs In the .Stale liiMirance Company's bulUllii. A Jlitt of People ' Are dnllv llocklnst to KKI.I.KR & SONS, The Grocer., uiul iimkliis purchases from their lame htiK'k of kochR In teas and cutlet", vou can buy u line article, while In Mi-mrs you can pet extra C, cube.gninu luted, powdered or CRUSHED. We are sure we enn please you In price, quality and quantlt. Convince your&ell by leaving u sainple order. early every day A FREIGHT TRAIN Comes steamlns Into Salem and has more or less goods for us. Ve Keep everything In the irrocorv, erockery and glasswaie line. licn the price oi unj iimeie FALLS ho benefit. Our e have a room We give you tho benellt. Our stock Is now complete. We have a room 80 FEET lty 'Si, whleli Is filled lih new goods Ihroughoul. Give us a call. KELLER 4 SONS, The Grocers. Snecialtics iti Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears, Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 'Jul, Commercial Street. " Live fnd Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All orders will receive pitnupt uttentlon. Kstluuites on all kinds of work In our line cheerfully given. Satisfaction cuaninteed. Shop In Old Court House on Court Htreet, fNiiuiu, or. COUNTY DEMOCRACY. Primaries,Conventions and Precinct Clubs. The Marlon County Democratic 'Central Committee met In Kilcm. Kehrimrv Uth ISsS.nniUct the time for holding the pri maries on .Ainreti ntli.ut 1 o'cloclc p. m., ijiid tho county convention on Friday, tin' Jtrd of March, nt lo o'clock, u. in., In bulcm. AI'TOUTIOXSI EST. - - - $20,000 , T,iiC .d,flront precincts nre entitled to the I luuon nig numooror uelegntes; Sidem io South Nileni ll orth Saloin l'j Ittlst SllWln 17 OervaU Howell l'mlrle I Marlon 5 CJarlleld- .? AbldllH 7 Slll.n-,n.V tA- ""l 8 HutteMUe mxlliurn fi Chninpoeg Au"sville -j Anrorii .... Jetfrrsoii j Falrtield Sublimity... i) ijiuish ffi" J Mrt'"'"a iiXru ::!:::: i To"" ? ,lve minltte, would rw-oinmcnl I llieftirimitionordeinocmtie eluls In earl 1 Urewliict. and the nsmes of the otllcerslll u nuu ih honi lo the chairman or in' eownty central committee at Kalem. i. i uoi.hkn, ilmlnnnn. J. K. IllttiWX. secretin?. T. I UAVIlMsMN, W. W. EI.HKIl, T. P. HAYhX, County Central roimuittee BENSON'S EXPRESS. T K.VVE OHDHILS at iwcv-M in iJF liable, corner of state and Fro I TSSkwi liiie at corner state and c o I "IJ"1' iel. l'nHiiiH atttutk.u aj W. A. llENSHiV J?rkr wUh "- yf- Johnson. i i ..iimi m. ii ltlnili.ii m.l f..r U wjaioauy tenrth deslrwl. cai-U ml it . J . I i i ii i -wwnia) au