9 K tK - M W -11Tir F -"'-' . m r t Mi . irii !. tp . . i LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Itemized Account of Doings in City anil Country. BUIIClIfAKIurS FliASS FOII.KP. A Tropotrd Uobbf r)1 or VaBRhnN Jnv- rlry Store at PallMllhfovrr rd in Timr. Ijwt Friday two "" "N'1 a lwy all ihikpIoIouh looking chiirerters, ar rlvwl In Dallas ami coiiimencel torn Marllug thoiHMilvw with the town. A voiinu fellow named fyKirtsnian, who lives iu Dallas ami who recent ly Ktrvwl a term in the puniieiuiar for forgery, reeognljuxl one of the ,,1,-n mm mi ex-convht who had lieeii In the jen at the time lie was there, unil they renewed their acquain tance. The man took HportMiiiin IntohlM eonndence and told him that the gang had a scheme on foot to "crack" '. I'- Vaughn's Jewelry dton- that nlKhl and nuked hliu to Join them. HKrtninaii when he leiirned of their plans refused to have anything to t)o wlti the Jol and Immediately went to Mr. Valium and Informeil him of what he had learned. The store was lonely watched liy Mr. Vnuglin and three other during Hattirdny and Sunday nluhtH ; hut no iitteniit wait made at rohWry. Yesterday morning one of the gang left twn, coming to BhIciii on the slagc. The ex-convict and the loy eontlnued to hang arouiul town and ytitterday they were arrwted on suspicion untl lodged In the county Jail. The I my in luting tiuttttlonetl said that the gang's plans to roh the store had Ihhui frustrated hy his objections anil lv the faet that the store wiim guarded. The lniy wait liisl night reletiMtl from custody, hut the man was held for a hearing to-day. , lillM SUDDEN' DKATII. A Citizen of CorvallU, Seeking Health, Die on the Way Home. Mr. Helknap, of Corvallis, who has been Making relief from IJrlght'a disease, and had liecn sojourning at Bodavllle with the hoiie of relief, was returning homo last evening, having decided that no lament was neenilmr from a residence there. In coiiiMiiiy with hit wife and brother he stopped at the IUw Houe, Alliany, and ut alxiut 0 o'cloek p. m. wan taken worm; and died. He was a prominent citizen of Corvallit and a prineiMtl owner In the large foundry there. Tke Saikfi Htramrr. Ah near at we am lenrn tlu- sunk en steainhoHt N. H. Hentley it in a bad way and It Is quite probable that the hull cannot lie wived. The steamer Three Sisters, the govern ment Hiiag-lxNit Corvallis and the Urge Oenenil Hancock have nil lieen used In the uttempt to raiee her ; but the Kami has drifted into her hold so that the work was fruit ier. The machinery in now being removed to one of the barges and another attempt will then bo made to raise tho lioat. It It highly prob able however that nothing can lie hueeciwrully done with It until low water next Hummer. REPUBLICAN The "Blacks" Hold a Rousing Meeting, Organize a Club and Adopt Resolutions. SfHottl.lll. .Mrs. I,. J,. IJueklnghnm Is serious ly ill at the residence of her son-in-law, P. B. Woodworth, on Galty hill. Hurfton, Henry llucklnghanii who is here from Kansas on a visit, Tin. renublicau rnlly at Clymer, for the purpose of organizing a club, was well attended by the lending republicans of the district. .Uoc Humphrey occupied the chair, and stated the object of the meeting In a clear and forcible manner. The Hpeakere invited to be present, l.nvlni? failed to respond, John A. Hunt was called upon to address the meeting upon the Issues of the day, nnd the relation of the party thereto, which he did in a stirring Hiieech. The following resolutions were then ndoptcd unanimously, nn'd subscribed by nil present, and the secretary ordered to lurnisn a copy of the same to the Oregon Statesman, and to the Capital Joukxau The meeting was then nbjourned until Friday the 30th, at 7 o'clock In the eveniug. Ciias. Jamison, Bee. pro tern. Resoi-vkii, First-That the his tory of the republican party through twenty-four years of wise, Judicious, and prosperous rule; four years of which wits through one of the most terrible wars, with enemies within nnd foes without, fully demonstrates the ability of republicans to manage the vast interests of this great nnd growing government. Second Thnt the cause of temper ance as a social and moral reform, Is a great and righteous cause, nnd is In strict harmony with the pro gressive age In which we live. Third That we, as republicans, believe that the theory of prohibition has lioen detained from returning home by her illnwviand will probali- Is fallacious, that It Is visionary nnd ly remain here several weeks longer. I Impracticable as demonstrated in Her daughter, Mrs. Woodworth, Is the experimental states, and hereby expected home from China In a few repudiate It as a party principle, nnd day. Turkrr RmIkiH. Mrs. JC. J. )awne has handed in her rt!lguatlon as teacher in the East Baleni school to take cll'ect Monday. It is understood that her successor will not lie ehoson for a timeiiH tho attendance at the school is now smaller than usual, and her pupils w 111 Ut placed iu other rooms. - Ntfimtatt Ktrirtlui. The ladles of the Woman's College Aiwoelatlou will give, alniut the middle of April, a two day's steam Unit excursion to the Cascades. They proline making this the event of the m'msoii, ho far aseuulue pleasure and enjoyment goes. I.IICAI. 'NOTK. Itellef Corps social this evening. is iu Arllflf lllrJ, The following article of In Mrpomtlou have Ims.ii llletl with the MHirvtary f state: The American Fidelity Komi fc Trust company; in rorponilors, J. II. Turner, J. II. Haley, l.elmmn Ultim, it. Sargent, W. M. lUitgle, N. II. Harris, T. F. Itaurke, J. M. I'rultt and C. H. Jack win; eapltal sim'k, JIOO.IXX); pbuv of liUftlllo, I'eudletou. Also, supple menlsl Hrtlelw of the First Moth otlist Kpleiial church, of Portland; Ihis.rKirHliirs, A. X. Huiith, O. W. HlKWr, J. F. Caple-, V. II. Wat kludsti.ll. CliHiitv, S. A. Stalls IkMTy. William Ctinnell, William I .Masters, and Y J. Sliepley, anil J-1 V. Cm pies, trustee, einmwerlng to' tlWjMs of ertMlu pnissrty. Also, the M. 1C church mhiiIi, of (Iraut's , !; IneoriHinUors, Jhiiiw S. I ClillU, JHmt I). Uuwte autlThiw. Iby; no ttHrt i ftbw I ftt Ut JU. ' It iip)MiM liutt XevluN the' l.'lMiipis'K wlwsd teHt'lier, Is not the' vtatlHi u l jHiHpttl ml" the brtdn', SwtunUy atterntsMi, that wtMthy wnut up to AtlMity tlwt veitli ISs( ftuninsotUT X. M I'srvhi, oi tbetl. A. It., m.Um hU fcrv. TIm mM trs)Mitt tlumry how known U llial tlu. kUifLU UTu. u (UtflilMIl wlMiiwUHilrk Wft tb. lHwm1wvW,,,, Ml Jmif tbm Wty. rfUU.ltKMMMn.Mw, Mr Sblndksr, lMrtet AlUwuey lUdl rvturnetl Ih IS4k eiitj , tblriMt w vtmhlbtK' fKwi AllMtiy this morning. miMMiitt lettW. He wh Iu SmUmu JutW IUiW will vmbrtbl.v esimo A.turU, sftiiriHwu so. I ttl at '" t-HMsmw . tin fjUul XMtnnl tMHk alstut 'INwUy's tU.ptelnw Mte tlmt the Mir tiVluok, stun1 w btott tif t Um ttot tssi-M ss-u. The river m I . .. .! A.. I.. .11. .1.1. ..I 111 ..!.. n.s auiagoiiuiie w iiiuivitiuni iim.nj and the constitution of the United States. Fourth That the policy of the republican party, us maintained to ward the liipjor tratllc fully demon strated In local option nnd high li cense, is conclusive evidence of its best intentions. Fifth That we believe, that the prohibition party Is fostered by democratic inlluemv, nnd pay ; and thrown upon the republican party i with the avowed Intention of dis rupting its ranks. Sixth That the organization of the prohibition party will militate toward the tlefeat of a republican for president In the coming election, , thereby bringing llnauclal depres- i siou and disaster upon tho busiues.s j of the country. Therefore, while we favor tho cause of temperance. we he i deprecate prohibition as u third par ty, as a radical ,' move ; and pledge I'nele Charley Swegle city. Sedgwick Itellef Corw mKial to-, ourselvts to wage an aggressive war- A. Strong has night Home nutilti oandlen at A f "i. JasjKir Jennings, of this eltv Ihs'H gmutctl a pension. Stslrt water, lullkshakBs.lemoimde, etc., at A. Strong A Co.V. Clerk J. It. X. Hell, of the mllnwd ooinuil Ion, Is Iu the city. II. C. Uulld, ofthe Stlvertou Ap whI, wit iu thttelty to-day. Ftxsh oysters In any style anil at I """ry on all hmirsHt A. Strong Co.V ! thereby fare against any intlueuce that hius for Its object the triumph of IKmo oratlc free trade principles, over the prosjierous and well tried policy of twenty-four yenra of republican rule. Seventh That the rule of tho democratic party thus far, through Cleveland's administration, by his dununuiatory tariff doctrine, and his ludtsptvsitiou to allow the public i l II lllt' riirii4t. ttltHIIIIVIUl the varltsl sections of country, to public iiupmvcmunth, relieving tlnanclal Ml-4 MeFaddeu ami OTMnttld ihM Wu tlftsoriHl yrt iK-vt SniunWiy tcvwitimm 71 a'dknrk, v Adtuwlux tgniwHH' 1M W hmWl t iWf rvfrubtr hmH- IU "f I'M' tKsst lVHIklM' Uxlfv, Ma nil iwMtttKtni mi muW Hi U pMMnl isjwtMi, ltrw lSnk IVtwy; tola, " H)' l'U W'himW U.'k Agiu." Itrtt. ltu,t-r . reUik, )trv Hki, HMruuta-utelttuH, HrxsK Ur Mtuttl AntMMtm; rwiuikxt. lint. Ho-r, sumrtHlv, "Tltr ttkt Humm AIM WImU tt IW Iu V;" sfxvii, X. H- tU.vbU; m.. Mr. M. J. ilrPWf. WhU tMkl ftf FT ' iy-mk it, ntvwtw, rww lor .riT.t. jwnx.u, M HlMkr m0 Hom J J. MiiTih mli lM tW MMmImmI t iW m f iMmm X tUv m vw AumUh Mfe- TW tlMUMWftUMI NMll. MW "JM4w (VImU tM Manilim wAwi4 ilirWiB t lr emtNtntsHiueut, fully demoiist rates a Uek of statesmanship, and tle inunds n elmnge from dvui(Hmtic to rvpuhlkwi nile. lilghth-That the apjiointment of such men as I.amiir, to preside over the highest tribunal In the gift of the issmle. uml lli niiiMkliitiii.ini if WH sr tlw rsjUti of a wblbt other corrupt and lnoftlelnt nitMi to iHriMlmciitAilMH. hH-U.Ni reported iH. H u UlrtU lt nwn, of fhmithewiwUtei. autl pWed on Amoriean hlstorv. tin. wWKUr. Xlnth-That the Nieriflcw tvf aur uumlrod tluHhuul Imive and uobe hu'h, to us,tMt aniusl relHtlllou. Is St(nn wwlMnts iw evwr wkle ik Rrwt a .orirttv to alkiw ex MWHkktittwmmtwelMiHUtstkf tmtle mnfetlerute oftlckl to hold ii4acts will mU'UwMr HKMttlik;, wIhhw tsf Umtormid trust. Therefore, that i irti ittttttttiMt h lrttk of ovist U) weaseti-litUsrvtrs, UtlWvtt, by lsrlng efi. f Uw Wkkkia Capital limlHtnMm all tmr smng fcwiw, JiH'HNAl. will I vMtt ot m.t aul uniting In a swimthI Mtikttt of weA TblWssrwtUW( iHrt,v imhIwu, tlwt w will irrj- tho rvrj b.Hbttl In MNriun MMiuty luttkMMl ttsttetkni bv Mnnu, St.'jtilin nl uurny In XurtWru llk, ! KU1 ( Vvtskwi to tlw wmtntrv wvt- UUt hmi prt .if lb cuuuty Utlm- wttksUtMilnK. Ufy U SWi. CtirwlHilua W whm Twih-TtaHt m. ftw tW mmil- hmK wlmUstMf: VHlbW. hh4 Ow Mlksu trf mu k All tlw vnrfed CAflTAL JlH'HXAL m!wut 1 1 oHW rf Immmk ami pibiW tritet, .-ireuUlkw Ull lvW. TW thnt wtll s4mm4 -tur on th Uu f wKintf) UmW Is worth MMiaHK NtMiMtmu nriiMatil SUPRMB COCBT. Balem, March 19, 18S3 On motion of W. H. Holman, Samuel Stanley Pentz was admit ted, upon certificates from the U. b. supreme court and the supreme . fTn tn nractice in all tne courts of this state. W. N. Northup, et al., app., vs. 1 . A, Marquam, resp.; appeal from Multnomah county; argued and; submitted. W. Y. Masters auu J K. Kelly, attorneys for app.; A. H. Tanner, attorney for resp. F. P. Embree et nl., resps., vs. i" L. Peckman et al., apps.; appeal from Yamhill connty; judgment of the court below reversed and the cae dismissed; opinion by Strahan, J. Following Is the syllabus: 1. Chattel Mortgage Defined. chattel mortgage Is the condi- llnnnl unlo nf n ehnttl'l to le V01U upon the performance of the condi tions named therein. 2. Partner Power to Mortgage Chattels of the Finn to Secure Partnership Debts. One member of a firm has the authority to mortgage tho chattels of the partnership to secure the payment of partnership iinhta. without the knowledge or mnhont of the other members of such firm. Joseph Holladay, app., vs. Esther Hollnday, resp.; appeal from Mult nomah county; judgment of the lower court reversed and the case remanded for such further proceed ings as may be proper in accordance with this opinion by Lord, C. J. Tho syllabus Is: 1. An executor is a person to whom the decedent has confided the execution of his last will and he derives his appointment from It. Letters testamentary Issued by the probate judge are but the authentic evidences of the power conferred oy tho will, and are founded upon. the probate of that Instrument. 2. At common law all jiersons capable of mukiug wills, and some others besides, are capable of being made executors, and from the earliest time It has been the rule that everv person may be an executor, saving such as are ex pressly forbidden. 3. Ourcodehasdisqualllled many persons, who, at common law, were competent to serve as executors, the tendency of modern legislation be ing to enlarge the control of probate courts In respect to testamentary ap pointment; but the principle by which the court is to lie guided In determining to whom letters tes tamentary are to lie issued remains unchanged. 4. As at common law so under the statute, all persons not expressly forbidden may servo as executors, and when one or more are so ap jHiinted by the testator, the court must give heed to his choice and Issue the necessary letters to enable such representative to perform his trust. 5. It was, therefore, held, that when a will is proven, it is the plain duty of tho court to grant letters tes tamentary to tho person named In the will, upon his application, who Is not disqualified by the statute. H a ClirmU Urar. Anyliody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble is to let go like the iiiau who caught the liear-. We advise our readers to pur chase of D. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, a bottle of SANTA A1UK, the California King of Consumption, Asthma, Itronchltis, Coughs and Croup Cures, and keep It handy. "Pis pleasing to the taste and death to the aUive complaints. Sold at 1.00 a Inittle or S for $i6U CALI FORNIA CAT-U-CUHK gives mi- mediate relief. The Catarrhal virus Is soon displaced by Its healing anil jH-notratiug nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment $1.00, stmt bv mull $1.10. For Booh, Stationery Fancy Goods ! GO TO T. McF, Patton's, ASK 98, STATE STREET. TO BE SHOWN CRANE'S FANCY. ASHTON LE- m.m,nvr-nv ir..TX AND Si , lillIlUt i"- . ...-. --- C VT PAP "PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WltlTisiW' ,A MATVE1UAKK ACME WRITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND 1 EN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO i BE I SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD JBgLLWAR. RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS -BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL , FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (.30 CENTS. For Fruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($3.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. mH Dental Mgp OK L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for tke Painless Extraction of Teeth- Jt6SThe person awakens from a pleasant dream with the aching? teeth gone. Also gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION IN FINFSET3 Set Dickens. 15 Volumes, hair Russia, Usual Price $32.50, Our Price 20.00. Set LjltoB,26 " Clolli, Gilt lop, " " 32.50, " '23.50. Set Thackeray, 11 " Hair Morocco, u ' 22.50, ta 15.00. Set Waveriy, 12 - Half blue Calt " " 32.50, " 17.50. Set I P. Roe, 15 " Cloth, - ' 22.50, " 13.00. Set Capl. M. Reid, 10 Vols. Clolli " li 15.00, u 10.00. BIUIB UU rr SIf!! Willis & Clwinlxirlln have a few ltlrahle Imlldlng !( la East ShUhii for sale on rwwmsulo terms. ivnkm tltlring ellslhle hiilhllng siu uiHild ilo well toexaniinethem, s wily a few miHi lots aa to W lmd In the elty limit. Abo, 35 kh. In North Salem at hpefkl lwrslns. Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, AT J. BENSON STARR'S. 118, State Street, - - . Saenli Oregon. Capital Lumbering Company! -MAXn.UTTHKH8 OK AND IlKAI.KKS IX Just Arrived Ih Uh WWKW CAMTAl.JofRNAl.wUIU. HMtiiMAll pMMMMbr. lbl tMt iiaimttuM i wm li. iVfT). mmh. THE FINEST LINE OF Tito w4BU l lUM A WdMi w Ai wWekllJJ. Uimrtur It lui UwkiMM MtMMUMlMto lH.VW 1. TW ORIGINAL AKIKTINK OI NTM KNT W mJj- put up in Wr , iwxMmite mi box. mmIUdh II irxt.simiiiiiici'yiiif:iiicv UU,Mk miMkm. Will . i.k... ' Thl U Ik mhXAmUatiA 7?A .-,.,- ... kMaMAMNMMtMPMhMMVjMlOKlUlNAL ARIIR1NK Ol! tVt" 'N bALtM. . .ImhI .J tt iWi-MKNT. &iM brllW. iLu-u.l Evorv Ifarieh i nn I'M1 tr n Dressed and Undressed. CttXSTAXTI.Y X IIA.VO; illlllir r, Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fejjce Posts, Vr itMaUiv.iNSw. - iTf 3!LJr " w. j BOXES. Etc. OREGON. 4 til iKr dHhM.Ulil t4Mr A MKin ,rf SitviM (Vttb. f hox -.y uil cBU. I'M Ate. OAI.VJtW. SALEM 'V. tor tlw mUmiKC -iri IU.