Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 19, 1888, Image 3

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Titos. F. Bayard Secretory of State.
CitAS. 8. Fairchimj, Secretory of Treasury
W T. VilAS Secretary of the Interior.
Wm. C. Endicott . Secretary of Wnr.
W. C. WiirrNEr Secretary or Navy.
n. M. Dickinson ..-Post Master General.
A. II. Garland Attorney General.
Morrison R. Waite Chief Justice.
Sttte of Oregon.
jifl-.c'u-ElY:.-: U. S. Senators.
Binoek Hermann Congressman.
Sylvester Pennovku Governor.
Geo. W. McBride Secretary of State.
G. W. Wedb State Treasurer.
E. B. McElrov Supt. Pub. Instruction.
Frank Baker r.State Printer.
R. 8. 8TRAHAN ) .
Wm. P. Lord Supreme Judges.
W. W. Tiiaykr J
Third JnJIclal District.
R. P. Boise . Judge.
Geo. W. Belt Prosccutlng.Attomcy.
Harlou County.
J. A. Loonky State Senators.
J. B. DlMICK )
J. T. Oreoo
D. J. Pendleton
a. Layman.
A. M. Lafollettk
l W. Hints
M. N. Chapman Clerk,
ciiznnavMACK Denutv Clerk.
FoiiN JifiNTO Sheriff.
Ed. Ckoisan Deputy Sheriff.
August Giesy Treasurer.
T. C. Shaw County Judge.
Geo. P. Terrell rnmmiKslnnerB
Henry Warren J -- commissioners.
George A. Peebles School Supt
iohnNewson Surveyor.
G. P. Litchfield Sheep Inspector.
City of Salem.'
Wm. M. Ramsey Mayor.
A. B. jicir 1st wnra
Perry Raymond 1st Ward.
J. J. SHAW 2nd Ward
C. Lafoke 2nd Ward
Jap Minto 3rd Ward
W. W. Skinner 3rd Ward
Nes. Bush 4th Ward
o. N. Hutton 4th Ward
J. Stricxleb Recorder.
James itoss warsnai.
W. T. Bell ...Treasurer.
Geo. G. Bingham Attorney.
J. C. Thompson Sup't of Streets.
C. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D.
U. S. Officers.
Jas. Walton U. 8. Commissioner.
Joseph ALBERT.-Slgnal Service Observer.
Overland to California
Oregon & California Rail Road
Time Between Salem and San Francisco
Thirty-six Hours.
South. North.
4.00 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 10:40 a. in.
&30 p. in. Lv. Salem Lv. 8:30 a. m.
7:40 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 6:30 p. m.
8.-00 a. m. Lv! Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. m.
1:02 a. m. LV. Salem Lv. 12:52 p. m.
12:40 p. m. Ar. Eugene Lv 9:00 a. m.
Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas
sengers on all through trains free of
The O. i C. Railroad ferry makes con
nection with all the regular trains on the
East Side Division from foot of F street,
West Side Division, Between Portland
and Corvallis;
"7:30 a. m. I LvTPortland Ar. pfcUi p. m.
1225 p.jn. Ar. CorvalHs Lv. l-30p. m.
TiSb p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I iWJO a. m.
8.-00 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvlUe Lv. 5:45 a. m.
At Albany aud Corvallls connect with
trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
For full information regarding rates,
maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent,
Salem, Oregon. E. 1. K00ERS,
R. KOEHLER, G. F. nnd Pass. Ag't.
Oregon Development Company's Steam
ship Line.
than by any other route.
First-class Through Passenger and Freight Line
from Portland and all points in the
Willamette Valley to and
from San Francisco.
Willamette River Line of Steamers:
Tho "Wm. M. Hong," the "N. S. Bent
ley," the "Three Sisters," leave Portland 8
a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from
Messrs. llofmnn & Co's dock, 300 and 202
Front street, for Oregon City, Buttovllle,
Chamdoeg, Salem, Independence, Albany,
Corvallls, and Intermediate points, mak
ing close connection at Albany with trains
of the Oregon ratine Bailroad.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays
Leavo Albany -- 1:00 PM
Leave Corvallls 1:47 PM
Arrive Yaquina 5:50 PM
Leave Yaquina 6:30 A M
Leave Corvallls lftSSAM
Arrive Albany 11:15 A M
O. & C. trains connect at Albany and
Tho above trains connect at YAQUINA
with the Oregon Development Co's Line
of Steamships between Inqulnn and San
Willamette Valley, - Monday, Mar. 12
Willamette Valley, - Thursday, Mar. 22
Willamette Valley, - - Tuesday, April 3
Willamette Valley - Hatuday, Mar. 17
Willamette Valley, - - Tuesday, Mar. 27
Willamette Valley - - Sunday, April 8
This company reserves the right to
change sailing dates without notice.
N. D. Passengers from Portland and all
Willamette Volley points can make close
connection with the trains of the
YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or CorvollU,
and If destined to San Francisco, should
arrange to arrive at Yaquina the eenlng
before date of sailing.
ra&teirfr aad Freight Rate Always the
LswNt. For Information apply to Messrs.
IIULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket
Agents 200 and 202 Front fct., Portland, On,
C.QL IIOG3UR, Atft Gen'l Frt. &
Pass. Agt., Oregon Puolne R.K. Co.,
Corvallls, Or.
aiL.HASWELL.Jr. Gen'l Frt; fc
Pass. Ajt. Ortwon Development
Co., aM Montgomery St.;
Ban KraneUco, Cal.
JV Man of Sorrow
Who hath woe? "Wlio hath bags
at the knees of his trousers? He
who tarricth with the jackpot. He
who bestrldeth the blind nnd rais
eth it red. Ho who goeth forth at
eventide with n light heart and $15.
He betteth a stack of reds on a bob
tail flush, and the next man with
two deuces calleth, and verily his
heart is full of bitterness and he be-
inoaueth his fate loudly and with
much unsceming language, nnd
when the day hath broken he goeth
to the bosom of his family in the
same condition, nnd quieth the chid
ings of his consort with many prom
ises of precious stones and line rai
ment. The annual royalty exacted by
the Bell Telephone Company from
its business is $14 per set of instru
ments. It sells nothing. In addi
tion to these royalties it also exacts
from its licensees a further consider
ation in the form of a donation bf
35 per cent of the capital stock of its
licensees. It also exacts a commis
sion upon all extra territorial nnd
telegraph business done by the li
censees of 15 per cent on the former
and 15 per cent of the latter.
Col. Morrison, he of horizontal
tariff reduction fame, is reported as
saying that it will be impossible for
the democracy to present any bill
that will pass. That is about tho
size of it, the democratic party never
wasasuccess except as a negative. It
never has nor probably never will
bo able to formulate any distinctive
affirmative policy upon any im
portant subject, somehow it is not
built that way. Eugene Gazette.
Denver News on Moedy: "An
audience of 2,000 men crowding the
seats and standing room of a house
of worship is an inspiring sight in
any city, but especially so in a
frontier capital like Denver, where,
in the general estimate, but little
thought is given to the things of the
Jail Break.
Visalia, March 10. Five pris
oners escaped from, the county jail
last night by sawing the iron bars
of a window. Thomas Patterson,
who was sent here from Fresno, was
among the number. Two horses,
with saddles, were stolen in the
country, and it is supposed they
were taken by the escaped men.
Two Murder Trials.
San Francisco, March 10. The
case of Carl Lundquist, who, in
December last, shot and killed Mrs.
Fannie South, has been set for trial
before Judge Tooliy for April 23d.
Thomas "W. Bateman, the Presidio
private who shot Sergt. Soper, will
be tried on Marcli 20, in the snmo
The Half Interest Swindlers.
San Francisco, Mar. 19. The
sentence of W. J. Pilcher and Simon
Hnmberg, the half interest swin
dlers who were found guilty of con
spiracy in defrauding F. M. Parker
an Oregon farmer, was postponed
Saturday by Judge Toohy for one
An Absolnte rare.
OINTMENT is only put up in large
two-ounce I In boxes, and is an
absolute cure for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews
& Co.,' 100 State street, Salem, at 25
cents per box by mail 80 cents.
K.V'.'.7. . 1.
1 1 - Pf Vt -?.
Sua br luctLA
jnirTiiir' urni."
w r. uAf t zmr-
SAVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better: Have you an ox
cesslto secretion of mucus matter in the nasal passages? Are you troubled by
'king, spitting, weak and Inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, ringing or
roaring In the ears, more or le.s Impairment of tho hearing, loss of smell, memory im
paired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of the nose T I lave you lost all
sense of smell? Is your breath foul? Ifso, you have the Catarrh. Some hae all these
symptoms, others only a part.
California Cat-R-Cure
Restores the sense of taste and smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, result
ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleosunt to use. Follow directions and a cure Is guaran
teed by D. W. MATTHEWS A Co.
CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.of New York City, formerly special agent of the
Phumlx and Home Insurance Company ut San Francisco, Cal., says: " I have been
troubled with Chronlo Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In woodland. Cal.. recom
mended your California CAT-R-CURE. I provurded n Jar. having but little faith In Its
curative properties; but I must say, after ufclng three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting
disease. Inclosed nnd S for which send me California CAT-R-CURK for some friends,
who ore suirerers."
106 State St., Salem, Or.
. SNE'LL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Depot
A republican convention for the
state of Oregon is called to meet at
the city of Portland, Oregon, en
Wednesday, the 11th day of April,
A. D. 1888, at 11 o'clock a. m.,
for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the following ofllcers,
to-wit. Representative in congress,
three presidential electors, supreme
judge and district ofllcers. and to
select six delegates to attend the
national republican convention,
and to transact such other business
as may properly come before the
convention. The convention .will
consist of 200 delegates, apportion
ed among the several "bounties as
Del. Del.
Baker 5 Lake 2
Ileuton .. 7 Lane 10
Clackamas 0 Linn 10
Clatsop 7 Malheur . 2
Columbia 4 Marlon 14
Coos 7 Morrow o
Crook 3 Multnomah 30
Curry 3 Polk 8
uougias . ... u -i uinmooK .......... a
Gilliam 5 Umatilla 10
Grant 6 Untou .. 8
Jackson 7 Wallowa , 4
Josephine 4 Wasco 8
tviamum a vvnsningxou ....... o
Yamhill 8
Total 200
The same being one delegate at
largo from each county aud one
delegate for every 150 voters and
one Tor every fraction over one-half
thereof, cast for Hon. Binger Her
mann, congressman, at the last
general election. The committee
recommend thnt tho primaries be
held March 31, 1888, and tho
county conventions April 4, 1888,
unless otherwise ordered by tho
county central committee.
Republican electors and voters of
the state, without regard to past
political afllliations, who believe in
the American principle of protects
ivetarifl'nnd dignifying American
labor, giving free, popular educa
tion to the masses of the people,
effectually protecting all human
rights in every section of our com
mon country, and who desire to
promote friendly feeling and per
manent harmony throughout the
state by maintaining a government
pledged to these objects and prin
ciples, are cordially invited to unite
in selecting delegates to tho repub
lican state convention. Respect
fully submitted.
Joseph Simon,
Steamboat Excursion.
The Indies of the Woman's College
Association will give, about the
middle of April, a two day's steam
boat excursion to the Cascades.
They propose making this the
event of the season, so far as genuine
pleasure and enjoyment goes.
by authority of nn order issued out of
County Court of Marion County. Ore.
Bon, on the 20th day of December, 1887, di
recting, authorizing nnd empowering tho
undersigned, as guardian of Estella Smith,
William E. Smith, Frances E. Smith,
May Floranco Smith and Edward U.
Smith, minor heirs of Mary Josephine
Smith deceased, to sell the Real Estate
belonging to tho said above named minor
heirs; I will, on the
Fourteenth day of April, 1888,
At ono o'clock, p. m. of said day, at tho
Court House door In Salem, Oregon, In
accordance with tho provisions of said or
der, sell all tho undivided right, title and
Interest that tho said minor heirs have at
tho day ofsalolnnnd to tho following de
scribed Real Estuto.to-wlt: Tho W. U of tho
S. W. K ot section 19; tho W. i of tho N. W.
H of section 30, T. 5 S., It, 2 west of the
Willamette Meildlan, also tho southeast
quarter of tho southeast quorter of
section 2t nnd tho N. E. V of tho N. E.
i, nndlots 1.2. nnd 0 of section 25,T. S S.,R. 3
w est of tho Willninetto Merldian,nnd being
tho D. L. C. of Wlllinm Mlllsop & wife, No
tification No. 5470., Certificate No. 188.1, nnd
containing 317.01 ncrcs of land more or
less. Also tho following described land
"to-wlt:" Beginning nt tho Southwest
corner of claim No. 82, In T. 5 8., It. 2 W. of
Willamette Meridian, thence Kast on the
South lino of said claim No. 82, 20.25
chain ; thence North 21.03 chains,
thence West 20.25 chains to the West lino o(
said claim No. 02; thenco south 21.68 chains
to tho place of beginning, and containing
50 acres of land moro or less, nnd being a
part of Anderson Dellaven and wife's D. L.
U. No. 92; nlso, a strip of land off of the
west end of a certain tract of land deeded
to George Long by Anderson DoIIaven and
wife and belng8 rods wide and 40 rods long
and containing 2 acres of land moro or less,
and being a part of section 19, township 5
south, range 2vestof tho Willamette Merid
ian: all situate In Marlon County and stato
of Oregon.
Guardian cjf above-named Minor Heirs.
Land of Discoveries.
cure rort
In the Garden Spot of tho
great Northwest.
Fertility of Soil, SMnbrltr or Climate, Whole
some Water, Exeellent Timber and
Delightful Srenerr-nealth,
Wealth, Prosperity.
Marion county is situated in the
heart of the magnificent Willamette
valley, the central gem in tho clus
ter of rich counties that form that
princely domain, and is tho banner
commonwealth of tho great north
west in all the essentials that go to
wards making it a profitable abiding
place, aud a home for tho thrifty
farmer, the cunning artisan and tho
industrious mechanic.
Bich in its agricultural resources,
in its cultivated and uncultivated
lands, In its water powers, and
minerals; rich in its colleges and
schools of learning, and with a
climate unsurpassed for its salubrity,
it presents to the immigrant from
the overcrowded states, where cold
winters and hot summers, with
terrible cyclones, prevail, who
comes to tho coast with some
means, advantages that no other
count' in Oregon possesses.
Much has been written of this
western country that requires a
stretch of the imagination to com
prehend, and numerous complaints
are heard from the class who have
been misled by them, so in this
brief sketch tno writer desires to
avoid exageration as to its present
and prospective advantages, asking
those in the cast into whoso hands
this may fall particularly thoso
who have their eyes directed towards
this coast to peruse It carefully,
feeling that It Is not written to lure
immigrants within its borders, but
only as a truthful dlscription of a
land which, if it does not "flow
milk and honey," contains within
ita bosom wealth and resources equal
to any other country on the Pacific
side of the Bocky mountains.
Marion county is bounded on the
north by the Willamette river and
Butto creek which separates it from
Clackamas county; on tho east by
Clackamas county and the Cascade
mountains, which separate it from
Wasco ceuntv: on the south by tho
Santlam river and the north fork of
tho Santiam, separating it from
Linn county.andon the west by the
Willamette river.
The county contains, including
valley, prairie anu mountain tanas,
about 000.000 acres. .
There are two main divisions, the
mountain and the valley. Tho
latter extonds from tho Willamette
river to tho foot of the Cascade
mountains, a distance of about fif
teen miles.
The mountainous portion contains
some fourteon townships of mostly
uusurveyed land; lying in a strip
twelve miles north and south by
forty miles east and west, and com
prises all classes oi lanci, irom ncn
narrow valleys in tho pntse, up
through all tiie grades or roiling,
hillv aud broken, to that of rock-
bound canyons and inaccessible
craggy peaks. It is generally heavily
timbered, and in the near future
will bo valuable for its lumber sup
plies. These hills and mountains
Rilbrd a wonderful summer range
for stock, and many of tho moro en
terprising farmers are availing them
selves ot tins oppoi tunny, aim wnen
tho cold frosts of autumn approach,
tho stock are brought out to fresh
pastures, thus enabling them to sur
vive the winter storms with little
A decided advantage Marion coun
ty has over many others is tho di
versified farming interest that can
be carried on throught tho entire
year; notwithstanding this is a wet
cllmato during tho winter months,
tho uplands are seldom too wet to
work, and long before the prairie
farmers are through with their heed
ing, tho hill fanner is preparing for
his summer work. And yet tho
low lands are much preferred by
many! tho yield per acre is generally
greater, and perhaps less labor is re
quired to place the soil in proper
condition for crops; and then should
the season prove dry, the bottom
lands arc sure to bring the best
crops. No better farming land can
be found In tho United States than
that on the noted Howell prairie.
French prairie, Santlam prairie and
Salem prairie. Tho soil of these are
wonderfully productive. With good
cultivation, forty bushels of wheat
and sixty of oats per acre can bo
readily secured.
The Willamette river, with two
lines of railroad running tho entire
length of the county from north to
south, with tho Oregon Pacific road
crossing tho southeast comer of tho
county, alf'ords ample facilities to
reach a nuirket in any direction.
Is tho capital of the state ami
county seat of Marlon county, situ
ated on the Willamette river and
on tho O. C. railroad. Costly
buildings have Ikkmi erected, among
which the state capitol building,
county court house, Cfieinekete hotel,
opera house, new public school
building, Catholic school building,
Methodist church, Willamette Uni
versity, and many prlvute rosldoncws
and imslnoHH blocks, which will
compare favorably with older and
larger cities.
All things considered, tho Willam
ette valley lias the bmt country In
tho world, and Marlon county Is
about centorally located therein.
To thoso seeking homes In the west,
no better opportunities enn be
ollered, than are found here. Persons
desiring Information regarding
Marlon county or the Willamette
valley, those wanting fanning
lands, stock farms, business property
or city residences, will be promptly
and reliably informed by addressing
tho well known linn of Willis
Chamberlin, real estate agents,
opera house block, Salem, Oregon.
Worth Reaching After.
Salem merchants are eVer wide
awake to open new channels of trade
will witch our meaning, when we
tell them that an edition of over 3000
copies of the Weekly Capital
Journal will bo sent out next
week. This paper will visit nearly
every household In Marion county
and many in Northern Polk, espec
ially that part of tho county tribu
tary to Salem. Circulation Is what
makes advertising valuable and the
Capital Journal guarantees Its
circulation to all advertisers. Tho
country trade Is worth reaching
after and an advertisement In tho
Weekly Capital Journal will be
a wonderful persuader. Bates on
application to Will H. Parry, Man
ager. the markets.
The foreign wheat market Is tlrm but tho
local mnrket Is InnctUe. There Is s.nrclty of
butter and It Is In good demand ot fancy
figures. ,
Wheat 15 cents,
Oats-aOflitO cents.
Flour Jj per bbl.
Potatoes weak 40c.
Ijird (k?il0c.
Wool lN20c.
Hams 12Klt94.
llacou 1012c.
Hay Timothy, 820, oats and cheat $14.
Apples Green, 81 per bushcll.
Plums Dried, l 10c. per lb.
Apples dried bleached 9c sundricd 67.
Chickens Old 8.1.B0 ; young fifiO.
uiucn ikt.1 iuuvi,Km-i,uii. ui ivu I v. ,
deer skins. 20a ; sheep pelts, 1030c, accord
ing 10 wool.
lleef !! Ic gross.
Mutton 82.50 per head.
Hogs tk;, dressed.
Wheat Quote valley 81.221.'J
vuun, iirm, 31.1a1j11.1u.
Oats Market firm. Quoto 4o047!4c.
Flour Valley standards minted nl 81.00.
and Walla Walla brands 8AG03.75, supcr
tlno 82.50275 per bbl.
Hny Haled timothy quoted at 81017 per
Feed Ilrnn, per ton, 81617 ; shorts 18
20; choppen barley, il'S per ton.
Rarley llrowlng, per elf. 81; ground per
ion, -iKiS-i.i)".
lions Ouote 7iaflo ner nound.
Lard Ivegs, orfl gallon tins, 8)0 ; polls,
Iluttcr Chnlco duliy, 3337c per lib.;
brine In rolls. SOtatlTxi.
Poultry Quota chickens, 8AG0 1.60 as to
quuiny ; (iucks, 54.u3so.uu ; geeso JW3111 ; tur
keys, choice, 1012Ko per pound.
lvrvrva T.-.ilf.. utnii.li. . 1 On ..ni. .luwm.
Provisions Ilacon.l 1010o ; hams, 12
nYtP ; Huouiuers uc.up
Gilbert & Patterson,
Family Groceries,
Crockery and Glassware.
The best ond most ixjpulor brand In
the market.
Country nrotluco of nil kinds. A com
plete stock ni ocry department.
200 Commercial St., Sotom, Oregon.
Real Estate Agents
Iluys and sells farms and city property.
A largo number of dcHlrablo farms and city
property now otferlni; oil reasonable terms.
Fire Insurance!
Write pollcln of Insurance nguliiNt Urn
on all classes of property In eliflit reliable
and wealthy Companies.
Brokerage !
Will negotiate loons on real estate or per
gonal neurit on long or short time, mid
for large or small bums.
Salem Co-Operative Association, I'. of II,
Choice Groceries,
Provisions, Fruits,
and Vegetables,
Crockery, Glassware,
Butter, Eggs,
and Lard.
All Kinds of Produce Bought.
13J,gUtte utreet, ifelm. Or.
Real Estate, Loan,
Insurance Agency,
Saltan Pottery Company.
I mil agent for the sole of all of the Dun
dee Mortgago Co.'s farms In Marlon and
Polk Countlei. Prices cry low. Also
several WATER POWERS at Salem and
vicinity. I inn laying out In nn addition
all of J. L. Purrtsu'it land next east of Sa
lem, about 100 acres. Thoso lots will lie
ottered for salo by mo about January "JO,
iRts. Also ncre property in iiuumiiy to
suit and In quality the best for fruit and
mirden mirtxwes. In
most healthful loca-
tlon, and within ono to two miles of the
State House, at 8100 to 8150 per acre. I have
live to ten-acre Improved places with
buildings, fruit In bearing, etc., close to
Salem at fair prices. I hao for sale city
property of all kinds, farms of all sites and
adaptations, stock nineties nnd timber
lauds. I am a Notary Public. Abstracts
furnished nt fair rates. Conveyancing
Real Estate, two to live years, payable lu
Installments if desired.
Is the Capital ortho Stalo of Oregon, and
County Scat of Marlon County. It Is on
the east bank of tho Willamette River, (a
navigable stream), and on tho Oregon and
California Railroad. The Stato House has
cost 81,000,000.00, tho Court Houso 9110,000.00,
tho Chcmnketo Hotel 3120,000., and the now
Public School building 810,000.00. The
Stato Is pnictlcally out of debt and Marlon
County nearly so. Salem has tho State
Penitentiary, Insano Asylum, Deaf Mute
School, School for tho llllnd.and Stato Knlr
grounds. Tho Stato Supremo Court Is held
In tho Stato House at Salem. Salem has
the Willamette- University, tho best Insti
tution of learning In the Pacltlo North
west. Halcm's Publics Schools arol excel
lent. Salem has ono or the best natural
sites for n largo city ond now has about
7,000 people. It litis a freo wngon bridge
across tno Willamette, river. Excellent
woter, supplied through Iroi-pipes on tho
Hollcy system; both Has and Eleotrlo
Lights, sewerage, l-'lie Department with
threo engines, two Public Parks, tlueo
Flouring Mills with u nulled capacity ot
1,'JOO bhls. or Hour dolly, a Saw Mill or 10.000
feet dolly capacity, ond other Industries,
Streot Cors coming soon. Ono water power
of 'JOO horse jHiwor Is now for solo eheap
and nnnthor suillclcnt to run a largo woolen
mill Is for salo with necessary ground for
K.000. All things considered, Western
Oregon has tho best cllmato In the world.
It Is much like the climate of England, but
the summers are dryer thtui In Euglaud.
Tho following Is n part of tho properly
I Have on Sale:
7W acres about flvo miles from Dallas
County Sent of Polk County, and two and
ono half miles Irom Railroad station. Two
hundred acics In cultivation. One. hun
dred ond liny acres lu foil wheat: two
thlids ortho remolndor is susceptible or
cultivation but is now light timbered ond
grazing land: a good portion Is cicok vollej
land. It Is all fenced and has poor build
ings, well watered, will adopted to mixed
grain ond stock limning. Con ho illtlded
Into two or moio foinis. Pileo of whole,
$12,000; ouo-thlrd cash
227 71 acres two miles west of llucna
Vlsto, Polk County, two mites from Rail
rood; 110 nuicH In cultivation, balance
timber and posture; land Is nil good; all
fenced, giKid bam and fair house, well
waleied. This Is onoof tho most dcslrablo
fin ms lu Polk County. Price, 8J,M.
U7 7." owes, two miles south-west of tier
Mils, Mai Ion County, small born, all fenced
and all tillable. Pike, 82,100.
:s20acics, eight miles east of Salem and
one unci one-half miles from Railroad; if.
ociesln ciiltlMitkiu, balance mostly good
file timber and accessible; land Is portlj
cieek bottom ond beaver dimi loud and
bolfiiico In edge or Woldo Hills, gently rol
ling. Price, 810.00 per ncie.
irilnflmd Ml.ltllllllU tlfirtllWPAt fifSiilplil.
n Polk county, twenty-two ocres In culll-
lotion, uoionce uuiuuruii, wen r "i
spilngs. Housupoor. Pi Ice, 81,200.00.
OlSocies, three miles west of Alrlle, in
Polk county; house poor. Uirgu orchard,
all lenced. 200 ocies alley land, and In
cultivation; balance light timbered and
gmrliig land, threo miles from iiilliood,
Price, 7,000.00.
Vai acres two and one-half miles west
ofSolem. House six rooms pcsir. linrn
good, well fenced, good spring, l.K! ocies In
cultlMitlou nuly-cigh' ocres in wheat; fiull
In healing, thirty net -s timber. Unci land
for groin or ft lilt raising. Can be cIMdcd.
Price, $0,150.00. Partem time.
1(10 ocies eight miles from Alrlle, In Polk
county Houso and burn poor; M1y-lle
acres In cultivation. One-fourth crecic
bottom land on Rock Crock, good water
power; three-fourth bench land, forty acres
timber. No rocky land; good class of
iieoplo around It; open stock rouge In
Const Range of mountains, cm west side or
place. Price, 81000.00.
1110 acres, se en miles east ofHIlverton,
Marlon county. Not linprowd, rolling
land, well wulered. Flue clinnco for stock.
Price 81000.00.
lit'ils .rod mi nn mlliiw tomtit nt Miilntu
Good buildings nnd good fciuiM. good
springs, two acres orchard good Mirlcty of
tree ond small fruits, ill ocies In culti
vation, elguty-iwo acics in wiicsii. run
isissohslon glM'ii, and no crop reserved
Price, $1,100.00.
10 ocres, good buildings ond good laud
next to 1'airlHirs Addition to Mucin, less
thou ono mile fiom Slate House. Price,
Jl'y. arren. onii mill one-half miles oust ol
Statu House. Fair buildings, fruit, etc
All gisxi lima, price, shuuu.uu.
R Ml ...a...... un. ...i l.illrui U..II. It lT Uillntlt II till
iwj Hi; I ni nuiiii imnn mmni in iwtu u
one and oiio-holf inllos Irom Turner. )
acics In cultivation, IMocrcsofboiiNerdiiiii
luuu, me dchi iiiiiii in i lie worm ior unions'
three-fourths Is valley land, well watered
Uirge new burn, fair house will muko two
Hue farms. Price. Ct0 ier uern.
I W 77 acres, two miles northeast of Ktule
House the host foim lu Marlon county
t"jiai ...!. ,t l.l l I I l I Ititu (lit! IlilliM ll1 1 1 (till Pit
I VIJ (iiniu l'IIIIUIUHnt utiim w I'lvimiu
li) bulling, all In eiiltiwitlon; novelty urn1
,.. ..i, .. i...... ..... i.. .... ...m.... ...... t, . 1 1 . . . 1. 1. . . . i
III lilll V. Ilisil, I'Ml 111 I'll 1I1111I1U1 llllllf I, lllll.
fifteen acres winter nuts; twelve acres In
red clover meadow. All of croM go with
the Dime. Pries-. 8100.00 sr acie. Can
dlvldoandhe.il part, lfwonted,
TlmeulloweUon part In nwirly ull eases
Offlee over (fripltat National Hunk, with
T, lUfliuiriiMjii. niioruey ai mw, iwiem