Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 17, 1888, Image 3

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-- .- y vn Prrvalnpnt.
piias. 8. Fairciiild, Secretary of Treasury
W.'TVViiS- -Secretary of the Interior.
VM. C. ENDICOTT oecreuiry 01 n .
W C. Whitney Secretary or iLNovy.
A, H.GAnLAND.......Attorner General.
JIOBKIS"- II. -- uiiivi.io
Statr or Orrgon.
J.N. Down 1
.' .r xr.TmfT T
U. S. Senators.
Bisqe'r Hermann."" Congressman.
Sylvester 1'ennoyeii Governor.
jii . )
GEO. V. ilt'liiUJJb.. ovtii-iuij wiw"'-'
;. tir iiv.-n Utnta 'Prnnsiirpr.
K B. McElkoy Sunt. Tub. Instruction.
J-RAPilv XWiMin .-. -jw"v ...-.-
Wm. P. LORD -. Supreme Judges.
Third Judicial District.
r Tnc .TlirlfTO.
I Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney.
Marlon Comity.
M. L. Ciiambeulin 1
J. A. Looney State senators.
I II TJrMicir I .
ut r . iulju.-m.m j
GEORGE-MACK lyepuu -wiciit..
tnitv Minto Sheriff.
Ed. Croisan Deputy Sheriff.
August Giesy Treasurer.
T. C. shaw County Judge.
HE": w """ - Commissioners.
Georoe A. Peebles School Supt.
lUlll A CMOVi.--- -mm. . ,j- .
G. P. Litchfield Sheep Inspector.
City or Salem.
tfn. M. Ramsey Mayor.
A n M"tttt lt. WnrH 1
iiwiiv Raymond 1st Wnrd-
J. J. SHAW 2nd Ward
C. LAFORE ma vvara
Jap Minto 3rd Ward
! Councllmen
W w. skinner ara vvara
r TJ lTTTTrnj JHi Vnri1 1
J.' Strickle r Recorder.
James Ross Marshal.
W T. BELL .Treasurer.
Gfo. G. Binoham Attorney.
J. C. Thompson Sup't of Streets.
C. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D.
u. s. oracers.
Jas. Walton U. 8. Commissioner.
Joseph Albert Slcnal Service Observer.
Overland to California
Oregon k California Rail Road
Time Between Salem and San Francisco
Thirty-six Hours.
South. I No7tnT
4.-00 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 10:40 a. m.
6:30 p. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 8:30 a. m.
7:40 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Lv. C:30 p. m.
8.-00 a. m. Lvl Portland Ar. 3:45 p. in.
1:02 a. m. LV. Salem Lv. 12:52 p.m.
12:40 p. m. Ar. Eugene Lv. D.-00 a. m.
Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas
sengers on all through trains free of
The O. fc C. Railroad ferry makes con
nection with all the regular trains on the
East Side Division from foot of F street,
West Side Division, Between Portland
and Cervallis:
7:30 a. in.
12:25 p. m.
Pot tland A"rTO:15 p. m.
CorvalllB Lv. I 1:30 p.m.
T5o p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 0.00 a. m.
8:00 p. m. Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 6:45 a.m.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
For full Information icgarding rates,
maps, etc., apply to tlio Company's agent,
Salem, Oregon. E. 1'. BOGERS,
R. KOEHLER, G. F. and Pass. Ag'i.
Oregon Development Company's Steam
ship Line.
than by any other routes
First-clas Through Passenger and Freight Line
from Portland and all points In the
Willamette Valley to and
from San Francisco.
Willamette River Line of Steamers:
The "Win. M. Hone." the "N. S. Bent-
ley," the "Three Sisters," leave Portland 8
a. m. MandtvB. Wrdnrsdars and Fridays, from
Messrs. Holinan & Co'h dock, 200 and 202
Front street, for Oregon City, Butteville,
Chamdoeg, Halein, Independence, Albany,
Corvallis, and intermediate points, mnk
lng close connection at Albany with trains
of the Orrgon Pacific Railroad. ,
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays):
Leave Albany 1:00 PM
Leave CorvollU 1:17 PM
Arrive Ynquina &MPM
Leave Yuqulna - .-.-.- -0:30 AM
Leave Corallls 1038 AM
Arrive Albanv 11:15 AM
O. A C, trains connect at Albany nnd
The above trains connect at YAQUINA
with the Oregon Development Cos Lino
of Steamships between nqulna and San
Willamette Valley, - Monday, Mar. 12
Willamette Valley, - Thursday, Mar. 22
Willamette Valley, - Tuesday, April 3
Willamette Valley - - Satuduy, Mur. 17
Willamette Valley, - - Tuesday, Mar. 27
Willamette Valley - - - Sunday, April 8
This company reserve the right to
chance willing dates without notice.
N. B. l"assengers from PortLind nnd all
Willamette Vulley points can make close
connection with the trains of the
YAUUINA ROUTE at Albany or CorvallU,
and If destined to Man Francisco, should
arrange to arrive at Yaqulnu the evening
before date of willing.
Patsrartr and Freight Kales Alwaji the
sjow ri. rut uiivi utaiiuu ii'J iriwuo,
HULMAN A Co Freight und Ticket
Agenu an ana au rami ., roniana.ur.
C.C. IIOGUB, AeH Ge'I Frt. 4
1W Agu, Oregon Paolne R. R, Co
CorvuTlU, Or.
Paw. A st. Oraran Dmalepment
Not a California Bear.
Anybody can catch a cold this
kind of weather. Tho troublo is to
let go like the man who caught the
bear. "We advise our readers to pur
chase of D. W. Matthews & Co.,
100 State street, Salem, a bottle of
SANTA ABIE, the California
King of Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs and Croup
Cures, and keep it handy. 'Tis
pleasing to the tasto and death to
the above complaints. Sold at $1.00
a bottle or 3 for 12.50. CALI
mediate relief. Tho Catarrhal virus
is soon displaced by its healing and
penetrating nature. Give it a trial.
Six months treatment $1.00, sent by
mail 1.10.
Rattlesnake Oil.
H. W. Cox, the druggist has re-
ceived a lot of rattlesnake oil from
Southern Oregon. It is a sovereign
cure for rheumatism and neuralgia.
by authority of an order issued out of
the County Court of Marlon County, Ore
gon, on tho Hith day of December, 1887, di
recting, authorizing and empowering tho
undersigned, as guardian of Est el la Smith,
William E. Smith, Frances E. Smith,
May Florence Smith and Edward H.
Smith, minor heirs of Mary Josephine
Smith deceased, to sell the Real Estate
belonging to tho said above named minor
heirs; I will, on the
Fourteenth day of April, 1888,
At ono o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the
Court House door In Salem, Oregon, In
accordance with the provisions of said or
der, sell all tho undl lded right, title and
Interest that the said minor heirs have at
thodavofsaloluand to the following de
scribed Real Estate.to-wU: The W. ot the
S. W. M ot section 10; tho W. of tho N. W.
M of bection 30, T. 5 S., R. 2 west or the
Willamette Meridian, also tho southeast
quarter of tho southeast quarter of
section StnntMheK. E. M of tho N. E.
V, andlots 1,2. and 0 of section 25,T. 5 S.,R. 3
west of the Willamette Moridlnn,and being
the D. L. C. of William Millsop it wife, No
tification No. 5479., Certificate No, 188J, and
containing 317.51 acres of land more or
less. Also tho following described land
"to-wlt:" Beginning at tho Southwest
corner of claim No. 02. in T. 5 8., R. 2 W. of
Willamette Meridian, thence East on the
South line of said claim No. 02, 20.25
chain ; thenco North 24.K1 chains,
thence West 20.25 chains to tho West line o(
said claim No. 02; thenco south 21.53 chains
n the nlncG of bcirlnnliur. and containing
50 acres of land more or less, and being u
part or Anderson ueiiaven ana who b u. i
0. No. 02; also, a strip of land off of tho
west end of a certain tract of land deeded
to George Long by Anderson DoIIaven and
wife and being 8 rods wide and 40 rods long
and containing 2 acres of land more or less,
and being a part of section 10, township 5
south,range2 west of the Willamette Merid
ian; all situate In Marion County and state
of Oregon.
Guardian of above-named Minor Heirs.
State of Oregon, Treasurer's Office,
Salem, March 8, 1888. J
there aro funds on band to nay the
tollowlng warrants, and 'that tho same
will be paid on presentation at this ofllce.
2141 2219 2213 2101 2228 2197 2246 2247 2248
2232 2209 2242 2241 2203 2249 2250 2251 2187
2210 2229 2198 2189 2252 2102 2253 2173 2170
2223 2013 1748 2254 2255 2193 21CS 2258 2259
22G0 2200 2201 2262 2186 2214 221S 2263 2265
22C4 2266 22C7 2208 2201 22C9 2270 2271 2272
2273 2274 2216 2275 2276 2240 2207 2236 2277
2167 1708 2012 2205 2153 2230 2278 2279 2280
2281 2283 2282 2290 2208 2302 2303 2101 2304
1816 1780 1815 1723 2288 2284 2161 2292 2163
2171 2305 1624 2218 2300 2211 2200 2152 2309
2308 2204 2018 2307 2289 2299 2310 2298 2297
2311 2312 2314 2316 2295 2285 2291 2317 23C0
2310 2320 2321 2287 2298 2322 2321 2327 2128
2329 2330 2333 2332 23J1 2337 2330 2335 2339
2340 2338 2334 2341 2313 2342 23(4 2345 2340
2348 2347 2350 2352 2301 2349 2353 2354 2355
2235 23 2350 2359 2302 2361 2360 2303 2304
2305 2360 2367 2369 2308 2370 2371 2372 2373
2375 2376 1430 2357 2377 2178 2234 2213 2380
2381 2195 2212 2374 2370 23S3 2384 2385 2386
2387 2388 2440 2441 2142 2443 2413 2417 2421
2123 2102 2395 2405 2433 2424 2323 2440 2414
2445 2447 2448 2411 2439 2397 2451 2453 2452
2454 2434 2401 2169 2217 1810 2441 2389 2390
2393 2391 2392 2313 2174 2196 2394 2414 2412
2126 2422 2425)$ 2427 2428 2420 2110 2408 2318
2129 2419 2382 2301 2205 2325 2192 2399 2432
2415 2430 2409 2455 2157 2460 2461 2431 2454
2462 2463 2418 2464 2589 2587 2592 2003 2004
2559 2572 2571 2573 2570 2509 2358 2576 2575
2516 2577 2V78 2579 2580 2502 2602 281 2601
2586 2585 2504 2491 2498 2574 250.1 2497 2514
2489 2617 2479 2470 2013 2015 2610 2505 2CO0
2619 2018 2400 2475 2488 2608 2517 2014 2480
2492 2490 2501 2482
Tha above numbers represent wai rants
endorsed on or before January 2, 1888. Also
the following warrants drawn on tho militia
fund numbered 2741, 2755, 2753 and 2751.
Interest on the above described warrants
will not be allowed after the dato of this
ro "T. DEATH To Prtli r I lf
i--ii.. - .w-v -yuvjH
i-4fc f.yj ji
Send for ctreuljr,31 ftrUmt.3 k9."
oi 'cs. iv ftb nw-rttssfH iO
c e ftr?i7rtnnSwF??ftW
- II II II ILVI .-Nl II I i-j r I II Will 1TJ
106 State St., Salem, Or.
SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot.
A republican convention for the
state of Oregon is called to meet at
the city of Portland, Oregon, en
Wednesday, tho 11th day of Apri!,
A. D. 1888, at 11 o'clock a. m.,
for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the following oillcers,
to-wlt. Representative hi congress,
three presidential electors, supreme
judge and district officers, and to
select six delegates to attend the
national republican convention,
and to transact such other business
as may properly come before the
convention. The convention will
consist of 209 delegates, apportion
ed among the several counties as
Del. Del.
Baker 5 Luke 2
Benton 7 Lane 10
Clackamas 9 Linn 10
Clatsop 7 Malheur 2
Columbia I Marion . 14
Coos 7 Morrow -6
Crook 3 Multnomah 30
Curry 3 Polk 0
Douglas 0 Tillamook 3
Gilliam 5 Umatilla 10
Grant 6 Union 8
Jackson 7 Wallowa 4
Josephine 4 Wasco 0
Klamath 3 Washington 8
Yamhill 9
Total 200
- The same being one delegate at
large from each county and one
delegate for every 150 voters and
one for every fraction over one-half
thereof, cast for Hon. Blnger Her
mann, congressman, at tho last
general election. Tho committee
recommend that the primaries be
held March 31, 1888, and the
county conventions April 4, 1888,
unless otherwise ordered by the
county central committee.
Republican electors and voters of
the state, without regard to past
political afllliations, who believe in
the American principle of protect
ive tariff and dignifying American
labor, giving free, popular educa
tion to the masses of tho people,
effectually protecting all human
rights in every section of our com
mon country, and who desire to
promote friendly feeling and per
manent harmony throughout the
state by maintaining a government
pledged to these objects and prin
ciples, are cordially invited to unite
in selecting delegates to tho repub
lican state convention. Respect
fully submitted.
Joseph Simon,
Now is the Time.
Now that tho political campaign
is approaching it is seasonable time
to subscribe for the Capital
Journal. It will contain full
reports of all political conventions,
meetings and elections, and a cordial
discussion of the questions at issue,
and will be delivered anywhere in
the city for 15 cents per week, or
will bo sent by mail for $5 per year.
Leave orders at this oftlce or with
tho route agent.
An Absolute Cnre.
OINTMENT is only put up in large
two-ounce fin boxes, and Is an
absolute cure for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. "Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews
& Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 25
cents per box by mall 30 cents.
Relief Corps Social.
Sedgwick Relief Corps No. 1, will
give ti dime social on Tuesday even
ing next. There will be a short pro
gramme, followed by refreshments.
The remainder of the evening the
guests may enjoy as best suits them.
There will be games and music at
their disposal. The public is cor
dially invited. Rcmcmbor the time
and place, Tuesday evening next,
Marcli 20, at the Grange hall.
The Place.
Headquarters for fresh oysters
elegant meals, soda water, bread
cakes, pies, fresli candies, A. Strong
& Co's., 271 Commercial street.
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used it
dies ore giving satisfaction, and n cus
tomer with Bronchitis says It Is tho only
remedy that gives Instant relief.
Hkhuki.i. .t Cover, Druggists,
Rrverslcfe, Oil."
Untm " tho pleasuro to Inform
naVc you thutyour Preparations uro
meeting with large sales. Wo hear
Nothing but Praise UaZ
caslon tou use them.
NAN8CAWF.N A CO., Druggists,
VImiIui, Cal."
That It will accomplish tho end desired
In allallectlonsofthoThroatund Lungs
U,.,; and you. not only will not bo
Will without It yourself, but will
recommend It to others, as thousands
havo done, who hao tried everything
else In vain. Money Is no object where
aand !! Convince You
trilling sum of one dollar can purchase
a remedy that will stand between you
and ono of tho most dreaded of human
Circulars sent free, containing detailed
Is prepared only by the ABIrTTINE
MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, Cal.
In the Garden Spot of the
great Northwest.
Fertility of Soli, Salnbrltr of Climate, Whole
some Water, Excellent Timber and
Dellghtfnl Scenery-Health,
Wealth, Prosperity.
Marion county is situated in the
heart of tho magnificent "Willamette
valley, the central gem in the clus
ter of rich counties that form that
princely domain, and is the banner
commonwealth of the great north
west in all the essentials that go to
wards making it a profitable abiding
place, and a home for the thrifty
farmer, the cunning artisan and the
Industrious mechanic.
Rich in its agricultural resources,
in its cultivated and uncultivated
lands, in its water powers, and
minerals; rieli in its colleges and
schools of learning, and with n
climate unsurpassed for its salubrity,
it presents to the immigrant from
the overcrowded states, where cold
winters and hot summers, witli
terrible cyclones, prevail, who
comes to the coast witli some
means, advantages that no other
county in Oregon possesses.
Much has been written of this
western cbuntry that requires a
stretch of tho imagination to com
prehend, and numerous complaints
are heard from the class who have
been misled by them, so in tills
brief sketch the writer desires to
avoid exageration as to its present
and prospective advantages, asking
inose in me east mio wnusu imims
tliis may fall particularly those
who have their eyes dlrcctecl towards
this coast to peruse It carefully,
feeling that it is not written to lure
immigrants within its borders, but
only as a truthful dlscription of a
land which, if It does not "flow
milk and honey," contains within
its bosom wealth and resources equal
to any other country on the Pacillc
side of the Rocky mountains.
Mariou county is bounded on the
north by the Willamette river and
Butte creek which separates it from
Clackamas county; on the east by
Clackamas county and tho Cascade
mountains, which separate it from
Wasco county; on the south by tho
Santiam riyer and tho north fork of
the Santiam, separating it from
Linn county,andon the west by tho
Willamette river.
TMin nrmtitv prmtnlllH. incllldimr
valley, prairie and mountain lands,
ohmif OOO Wl norns.
There are two main divisions, tho
mountain and the valley. The
latter extends from the WL.ametto
river to the foot of the Cascade
mountains, a distance of about fif
teen miles.
The mountainous portion contains
some fourteen townships of m6stly
unsurveyed land; lying in a strip
twelve miles north and south by
forty miles east and west, and com
prises all classes of land, from rich
narrow valleys In tho passes, up
through all the grades of rolling,
hilly and broken, to that of rock-
lintirwl nimvmia mill lllfll'COHslblo
craggy peaks. It is generally heavily
tnnucreu, ana m uie unu luiun
wlll be valuable for its lumber sup
plies. Theso hills anil mountains
afford a wonderful summer range
for stock, and many of the more en-
tntrkiluliwr furitiora nrit llVJlilillf? them-
selves oflhis opportunity, and when
tlio cold irosis oi autumn umuiHii;",
the stock aro brought out to fresh
nnctnrrai tlillu KIllllllfllLr tllOIll to SUI'-
vlve the winter storms with little
A decided advantage Marlon coun
ty has over many others Is tljo di
versified farming interest that can
l.n iii.rlnl n tttrnllirlir. tlin lUltll'C
year; notwlthstbndlng this is a wet
cllmato during tno winter iuuuuih,
tho uplands are seldom too wet to
work, and long before the prairie
farmers aro through witli their heed
ing, tho hill farmer is preparing for
his summer work. And yet the
low lands are much preferred by
many; the yield per acre is generally
greater, and perhaps less labor is re
quired to place tho soil in proper
condition for crops; and then should
tho season prove dry, the bottom
lands are sure to bring the best
crops. No better farming land can
be found in tho United States than
that on the noted Howell prairie.
French prairie, Santiam prairie and
Salem prairie. The soil of theso are
wonderfully productive. With good
cultivation, forty bushels of wheat
and sixty of oats per acre can bo
readily secured.
The Willamette river, with two
lines of railroad running the entire
length of the county from north to
south, with tho Oregon Pacillc road
crossing tho southeast corner of tho
county, affords ample facilities to
reach a market in any direction.
Is the capital of tiie state and
county seat of Marlon county, situ
ated on tho Willamette river and
on the O. A C. railroad. Costly
buildings have Inton erected, among
...1.1 ..1. 11.., u.iln itillil lint lrltllir.
county court house, Chemekete hotel,
opera house, new public school
building, Cuthollc school building,
Mothodlst church, Willamette Uni
versity, and many private residences
and husinohH blocks, which will
compare favorably with older and
larger uiuuh,
All things considered, theVIll
ette wlley has the boat country
the world, and Marion county is
about centerally located therein.
To those seeking homes in thowest,
no better opportunities can be
offered, than aro found here. Persons
desiring information regarding
Marion county or the Willamette
valley, those wanting farming
lands, stock farms, business property
or citi residences, will lie promptly
and rPlinbly Informed by addressing
the well known firm of Willis ,t
Chamberlin, real estate agents,
opera house block, Salem, Oregon.
Worth Reaching After.
Salem merchants aro over wide
awake to open new chanpolsof trade
will catch our meaning, when we
tell them that an edition of over 3000
copies of the Weekly Capital
Journal will be sent out next
week. Tills paper wiU visit nearly
every household in Marion county
and many in Northern Polk, espec
ially that part ol tne county trum
tary to Salem. Circulation is what
makes advertlsinir valuable and the
Capital Journal guarantees Its
circulation to all tuivertifeers. rue
country trade Is wortli reaching
after and an advertisement in the
Weekly Capital Journal will be
a wonderful persuader. Rates on
application to Will H. Parry, Man
Tho foreign wheat market Is tlrm but tho
local market Is 1 nact I ve. There Is s.arclt y of
butter and it Is In good demand at fancy
Wheat C5 cents,
Oats H0(40 cents.
Flour $5 per bbl.
Potatoes weak 40c.
Eggs 12c.
Ijird tWOe.
Wool-lSS 20c.
Bacon 10(ffll2c.
Hay Timothy, S20, oats and cheat $11.
AVl'les tlreen, 81 per bushell.
Plums Dried, HtfBlOo. per lb.
Apples dried bleached Iks. sundrled G7.
Chickens Old $1.50 ; young $2.50.
Hides Beef hides, green, 5 c, dried 7 c. ;
deer skins. 20o ; sheep pells, 10fl0o, accord
ing to wool.
Reef 3)i(alo gross.
Mutton ?2.50 per head.
nogs uc, aresscu.
Wheut-Quoto valloy $1.221.25; Walla
Walla, tlrm, $1.12(31.10.
Oats Market firm. Quoto lol7Kc.
Flour Valley standards quoted at $1.00,
and Walla Walla brands $,').503.75, super
lino $2.5068275 per bbl.
Hoy Baled tljnothy quoted at $l(i17 per
Feed Bran, por ton, $1G17 ; shorts 18
20; choppcii barley, $1(3)25 per ton.
Barley Browing, per ell. $1 ; ground por
ton, -2527.50.
Hops Quote 7fflflo per pound.
Ijird Kegs, or 5 gallon tins. 8'o : palls,
Butter Cholco dairy, 3537);c per lib. j
brlno in rolls, 30&u.
Poultry Quoto chickens, SUWfc 1.50 as to
quality ; ducks, $l.0"8.00 ; geeso $8l) ; tur
keys, choice, 10a124o per pound.
Eggs Fairly steady ; ISoper dszen,
Provisions Bacbn.l 1010c ; hams, 12
iy,o i snouiucrs octal
Gilbert & Patterson,
Crockery and Glassware.
Tho best and most populiu binud In
the imukct.
Country produce of all kinds. A com
plcto stock In every department.
200 Commercial ht., Salem, Oicgon.
Real Estate Agents
Buys and soils farms and city projierly.
A largo number of dcslrablofiirmsiuid city
property iiiiwollciingon reasonable terms.
Kire Insurance!
Writes policies of Insurance against lire
on all classes of property In eight lellnblu
and wealthy Companies.
Brokerage !
Will nogotlato loans on real iwliito or iMtr
sonal security on long or short time, and
for lurgttor small sums. .
Salem Co-Opcrative Association, I'. or II.
Choice Groceries,
Frovislons, Fruits,
and Vegetables,
Crockery, Glassware,
Butter, Eggs,
and Lard,
All Kinds of Produce Bought.
1M, BUt rt, SMlwn, Or,
laily Groceries,
Real Estate, Loan
Insurance Agency,
Salem Pottery Company.
I inn agent for tho sale of all of the Duu
dee Mortgage Co.'s farms In Marlon and
1'olk Counties. Trices ery low. Also
several WATER roWKUS lit Salem and
Iclnlty. I am laying out In an addition
nil of J. L. l'arrlsli'H land next east or Ha
lein, about 100 acres. These lota will bo
ottered for sale by mo about January 20,
IsjvS. Also aero property In quantity to
suit nnd In quality tho best for fruit and
garden purposes, In most healthful loca
tion, and within ono to two miles or tlio
Statollouse.atSlOOtoJlfiOporaoro. I have
tlvo to ten-acre Improved places with
buildings, fruit In bearing, etc., close to
Salem at fair prices. 1 have for sale cltj
property of all kinds, farms of nil sizes nud
adaptations, stock ranches and timber
lauds. I am u Notary l'ubllc. Abstracts
furnished at lair rates. Convvynuclnq
Real Estate, two to tlvo years, payable lu
Installments If desired.
Is the Capital oftho Htato of Oregon, aud
County Heat of Marlon County. It Is on
tho .ast bank oftho Willamette River, (a
niivlgiimo stream), and on tho Oregon and
Calliornla Railroad. ThoStato Hoiisoliiw
cost 81,000,000.00, the Court Houso 110,000.00,
tho Chcmcketo Hotel Sl'JO.OOO., and tho new
l'ubllo School building f 40,000.00. The
Htato Is practically out of debt and Marlon
County neiiily so, Hiilem has the State
l'enlti'iitlary, Insane Asylum, Deaf Mute
School, School for the Bllnd.aud State talr
grounds. The State Supreme Court Is held
hi tho State House at Salem. Salem has
tho Willamette University, tho best insti
tution ot learning In tho l'aclllo North
west. Salem's l'ubllo Schools aic excel
lent. Salem has ono of the best natural
sites for a large city and now 1ms about
7.000 people. It has a freo wagon bridge
across tho Willamette river. Excellent
water, supplicu inrougn iron puns " n
Holley system; both (his und Electric
Lights, Nowomgo, l-'lio Department with
three engines, two Public Barks, three
1 louring anus wun a iiiiucu iiim.nj .
1,200 bbls. of Hour dally, a Saw Mill or 10.000
f,...t iiniiv iMtiuii'ltv. and other Industries,
Street Cars coming soon. Ono water power
orsoo horso power Is now lor sale cheap
and another suillclenttorun a large woolen
mill Is for Nilo w nil necessary unniiiu u.
fc!,000. All things considered, Vt csicrii
uregon mis inu nest aiu " ",:..
It Is much like the cllmato of England, but
tho summers aro dryer than In England.
The tollowlng Is a pai t of tho property
I Have on Sale!
718acies about tlvo miles from Dallus
County Seatot rone uouiiiy. ami two
ono hair miles from Rallioad station. Two
hundred ncios In cultivation. Ono hull
. ..IV.. .. . 1 . ..ll lllllfxll. til
ai c(i aim nuy acn-s .u .. .-.. ...-
.. . . .... . t. ........ I., .n. lu u,1uitlllllln fit
lllllllSOl III" lUllimuiiui 'n n;.o.'.-.'
... i, i.... I.. ....... Il,.l,f t lt,lw,r.,(l utlfl
ClllUVllllDll mil. in nun "" ' , . ,,":
gnulng land: u good lit on Is creek vallej
land. Ittsiillioiiceiland has poor build
T .... .-...! ...Ill ..itiAilml .,, tltllftf!
nigs, wen wiiiuicu, iu uuuini-u .........
grain and stocK mi nung. ini ,"'"
Into two or nime lanus. Price of whole,
812,000; one-third cash. r
2S1H ui'ies two miles west olMluciia
.,.. II..M, ltn....lll lll'll llllll.U flfllll Itllll.
l-oad; 110 acies In cultivation, balnine
. . .1 4..... I.....I 1.1 111! tllti nil
limuoriiiiu iiuniiiii. "" " """,,
fenced, good bam and lair house, well
' . "f.. i.i.i.. , rilin iiww, fltiuliitlili
waicreu. is " " "i r,
Iiirms in rout mini j . ' . ,
U7 7rnu'ics,two miles south-west or (ler
...... .i....i..,i i..uiiiiv wtiiiill Inn ii. nil leafed
iiih, .111,1 1, mi v .. , ""-:
and all tillable. Prue, SJ.100.
iUOiicivs, eight miles east of Salem and
ono and oiu-half miles riom iiuiiruau; n
acies in cultivation, imiuiicu nmsiij ?;
... . .l.-.l I ...ull.1l. lift Ilil 1.1 (lllltll
uru limner iinu m-i,-i."'niiiiJ, - i
deck bottom and heaver dam land anil
balance III ctigi'i'i vvi.iui. '". hl""j "
llllg. ITII'C, 51U.UU IUI IIHl'i
MOacies, live mites northwest ofHiileiii,
..I.- !..... ... ....I .. Id". IIIIHM 111 iillltl-
111 1'OIK I'lllllll), mi'lllj-""' i.i.r, ... y
....I I... I f l...l..iwill lA'llll Wlltlllf'll ll
lllllilll, imiiiiivu iiiiimi . ' ', .LwViLi "
springs. House HMir. Pjlw, J1JU0.1X).
01H acies, I luce miles west of Alrlle, lu
Polk ceunty: houso khh-. uugo orciiiuu,
allli'iiccil. 'Job acies valley and, and Ii;
... . 1... 1.. ...... II. .1. I i.il.iii 111 mill
CUlllvauoii; imiiiiii-i- hki" i "" ";
gnilugland, thice miles Horn lullroiul.
Pi Ice, 7,UIU.iJ0.
iinu l.w. mill nmi.liiilf' lillllW WliHt
orsali'in. House six nsiuis or. Barn
. ... 1 I .....I.... Hut mirilu III
gOOII, Wl'll ll'Illl'll, uimu uiiilii "';""
cultivation lorly-elght acres in wheat; nil
.. .1- unj ( III Ull It'ltin Ilk till
liirKniliioi'triiltmlMliiff. Can bo Uhltlfil.
l,iltv,Sll).lW. I'm ton time.
1..1.1 ...nnu rw.m Ali-lln In Pull?
iimiii'limi'iHiiv iiiinn iiiiiii . , ...
lounty. Ilousii und bum poor, llfty-llvc
acres lu cultivation. Oiio-louith cneK
bottom land on Rock lieck, good water
. i.- 1.....1L l..itiili lntirl nn I iiirtu
ImiImt. No ncky liuul; kimmI class of
IIIlllitT IW.J ii( is--"" " " "
iwoplo iinuiiid It; P' M,K' niiiuu
J. . Ik ..l.......lll..lllU III! lllliul Bllllll (It
SWI1IIO lllllllllll II, Hi" "! ...-.i." ...
iiiiii ItaiiL'ooriiioiintalus. on west side ol
1 nasi iiaiiuoiii 111111111
. ..... ..-. -..u....
Price, 81000.00.
.lift ...II..U lui.l llTliJllvill tllll
.IIU HCI lis, SUi I'll mini "mi ... ,,.... .......
Marlon coiuily. Not impioved, rolling
laud, well watered. Klimehumii for stock
Price 810U0.U).
..m.i . ...11.... ...nlli hi Mulum
UlVii HClim, MUil'll II1IIIT- niiiini ifi i'iii"iiii
(Jood buildings and gisid lences. good
springs, two aci its orchard gisid viuleij or
tieo and small fruits, 111 aciu lu cult I-
. I..I... I ...u. Ill llllllt llllll
vauoii, i!ikiiimi' iiiiii in iiii
isisosslon given, and 1111 crop icsoncd.
Price, 81,100.00.
lOui'iiw, good building and gisid liuul
next to Pin rlsh's Addition to HTilmn. Ih
ihuii nun nille li-om Stale iloii.i'. Prluc,
'iM lien's, one and ono-liulf inllos east ol
Stale House Pair buildings, fruit, etc.
All good land. Price, 8.KJ00.00,
IVW acres, wiven mllim soulh of Salem and
one and one-half mllm from Till hit. -.ii
acunslu cultivation. Iftliiennniflmmerdiiiii
liuul, the best laud in the world for onion-,
tluco-lourllis Is valley land, well wiilcred
Uirge now bain, ialr lioiiMt will tiiitke two
line rarius. Prim. JS0 er neie.
11(177 iiciiw, two inllra norlhenst of State
IIdiik) the best farm in .Marlon cotint)
Very gisid liulldlngs, ten acres of orchiud
lu liwiliiic.ull l cultivation; sev iiiity aeivs
In lull wheat, put lu on summer fallow and
ntleuii aerew winter imls; twelve auies lu
nslulovermeudiiw. All or orw go with
thu iiImum. Prlw, 8100.00 (sir Here. I an
illvlifw uiitl sell irl, irwunttMl.
Time allowed on iwrl In neaiiy all mh.
Ollles (ivr CHwJtui .Vwtkiiwl Umik. with
T. RltUwrurAtl, mrtllJ HI w, iwiriii,