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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1888)
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 f .J '! Jl if .r ' i f B 1 "TT" , nZ I vu- York Sun: SBeKin with the H j. mistiiobs .. BVRNIXB CAPITAL .10UKNA1, rrnuKHi EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, MY TUB Capital Journal PuWioMng Company. jsomroKAWn. 1 OH, Hi Ctt MrffToif W1 TKKMK Or HUIWCRHTIOS : 1MILT . tW wont Wtftwdl -r: ' S (WKMCLT Mx month. i 'y Tbr month- -lartml aulhorll to ealr milwcrlrHKMio. S-AdvcrtUHw ntlw mi application to VIM. H. I'AIIIIV. - MaiiBitrr. -I!nlrwl t Hi H"le I''H.Iil(w (H Moil-rln ttMtlUv. "" KU1DAV, MAIICHIO. 1HHB. ANM'1'UKMMTS I'nthl timiiiir (KtnvMillm-MHreh Id. Hwtmd H1ihmiI ltaiid-Mareli SI I(mMlatn l-rlnwrhw-MHrch 31. lUnwWIotii CHnt Convention-Mar... Annual IlfHW Whjh-SUwIi l. utriHUrvN oit'MY hikti Kor Marlon futility will Ik) lii'lil ttt tlu ojwni Iioiiho In Hnlciii on ThurwlHy, Mhn'Ii iflitli, 1HM. "t " o'clock h. in. for llio iiiiriKw of olct'lliiK II li'li'KHti'rt I" 'hi' Htnlf convention to U lii'lil In I'orlliiiul thulltlnlHyof April I8.HS, anil to iioiiiIiihIo live chihIIiImIcw for tho luKlnlHtiirf, county clerk, hIhtIH', HN'orilur, trtwmircr, whool Hiierln lomlunt.tMoi'oniinlwIoiii'rH.iiwMt'Mir, mirvnyornndiiirDiior.iiiiiltolninHwct liny othur lmdiiwH thai may ro irly wiiiii' iM'foro llio coiivviitlon. rrinmrltwulll lxliulcloii fNiliirilny, March ailh. AI'I'OHTIONMHNT. The wveml prwhiclH an- entitled to tliofollowliiKiniiiil,i'"f'h'U'(?atw: HmIuiii 1 Itowrfl 1'rHlrl ... II iSuMMMH ... tHfrlju 11 NorthSalem .. .. (tarnrtd MMUlh HwhMti .. V Abkliw & Julhmin. . . .7 UW.Ii .. . II Mhimi lrvnl AImImuim - - WiKHllMirn II ll.w3i ... llnhlwnl I HiHihrn. ... A Aiinim UMSlwIty lliilillli t IJihohii.. - I'Ihiiiw(( i Tmtiw. .. . II HI. IVnil . I Hulli'M II 'Jim Ii DavihSimi'min, C'hr'u. Co. Cii. Coin. IT HIHtlt IIIHIII miXINHK. t?t nlort U our nulKlilior, "the only tiuiiKx'rwtio dally in the wdley," In throwhiK Hlum at Union Mililli'w, anil iiHMHlally lliomi who have lived to Imhhmiio ohJvvtM of lliclr couutry'H KrMtlluile, tlmt It Mill hlixip In the low tat anil iiiiwt xllly coniHirlMiim for that purMW. Thu ltt m mhv1 1hI mili when It pleKeil up a erlppM Mtnrl boMKar and mail a iHMiilly Umiii hliu, w hleh euileil at fo)hw: "Tlinre U no peiiHlnu hill fur Mirh. Ohki1iiiw1 llitlliilwrer- make a whtw dUlluctloii U'luivn Nill(l(al jwlrlutUin and t'lirltlHiulmrll.." It U wry ovhlwiil lltut the Vldello ndlbtr'n "ehrUllau eharll. " did nut tnke lillll t'liM emuiull to the r itwiHllmul liiismlrilxite towitnl hi ntlkifur Iw MHilil mwuvIji have mi little ixunmou Aiueriiwu umiiIuhhI h Ui wmmft' htm to a Knliiiieil I'nluu wUillvr, for Hglu In front of tiW urlpie wt III mill IvIIIiik llwt IM wm mm IfiiujIUh horw JH'ki.,N w ho wk run over u, an pn train In ICunUiwI hi l7tl, vv bile on hi ivluru fluui w Uu4e rwe, and the injury IMMMttMiMl tlw ll)H(Utto of Inilli hk Wn alxivv the Ml.. Wlutl do ym Uilnis, I'iUoii Mthller, of N'Iiir nNtttttttnl U H'h oltkt of elwrity m tlwl What muat be the f'lligp, louord Uw I'ltltHi uf an willed wlm wu ruil Mielt vlW Ua4i? Ami yM republlewu aiv I4iuwl for w iH th Ubkaly khtrt ! Awl, right 1MV MlaTft. lUtiub)l- mm UIU yuu evw Mojito lUUik how HWttj' uf yuu aiv mUUl iuio Uekeu- iHf irtttlUuwttUtllly tr thW "l4tHMly hll"bmluw? Mu,s of jom aivj Iklklkki In dV 1 Uiml ulbiul llu. uur W Ito imU, hwt mmim ivU'l eAHn m mm ii uu., u wiiUHlMttV((.,i( I mritMtiHK MWth- WW hurt, w hlb uu llie oef baud Ul HMMt nUMMUl uf lliw Fvl Mtd wnnhwiwmfa mn with srAH iNMHinU', Ih urtul ur m 0 ve ewnwr, iw Irw wul tu tWlr attvk afvttsriiMiitttl tOm uf Mukiu MtMldw MMt Myal MtaMw lu fcrt tl WUtuulu tukKikMihouyii U Ihr auW hum vum fhim you Mkii wm fcmut lu utur uul- AmmMI jMUiuitot imk) wmiuWs mwI Uh Uw Mluu wbu wim Ih gM)- mmI Um4t nunlMNTtt liuugli. H allM on Mwutl uf tlwir uUbl- ! Th HmI iwwtmihiii. njmkl . . "- CMtte Mr kT. C. Uf, ut , Jo)m Omti. uf PMImmI. W. H. Ntt ofJ.K Yflltrfftita. of 1. 1 u n Jutm Hsiiiii i4JuVa.ii TIIK -limi.TnilH'"'" - . 1-..UI. . Ill I a h'lVRAU... Cotton ties are simply "triiis of Hhw-t iron usxl to binil together Imlw of cotton. They are hui-ib"- ttally tiiCHH new. .....-. i? ; - , . .. . . ii... .... i,iritia iiowi tn iin. XArtli uimii many KHI"""' paekHKaS in Mhteh gixli are fhlplel, but the dciiiHinl for them l conlln el, of course, to the cotton growing Htati, which are wilid for the Dem ocracy, anil are repri-ented in jmrt In CoiiKra-i by the junta that con trol the ways am! uioaiwcoinmittee 1'or Ihla rea-on the new taritl' bill which HeHiiiIcw-KtoekiiiK' Mills has HWi-at out of hW Immeiiie brain puta (Milton tiw ujion the free list anil leaves all other Iron ties to wy a heavy fluty. This illustrates the principle that IIiiiih and stumbles through the tnrlirblll whlcliKow in to coiikiws and to the country as the administration measure. Con Htnicleil by avowed free trailers It is of coinxo a free-trade measure, but In drafting It the free-trade doctrine has been applied to punish K-ctlons of the country, which are republican, and retain for democratic and doubtful K'ctlons all the advantage or the protection they now enjoy. They told usthe bus iness they had In hand was to get rid of the surplus liy abolNiilng the taxes on the nccearles of life. What they have attempted to do is to paralye the Indu-trles of tlte North for the beucllt of the South. Coal, sugar and wilt are all neces saries of life, hut a man's bill Tor salt, whether It lie taxed oruntaxed, Is a mere bagatelle compared with the cost of the sugar and eon I he uses, if lie heats his house with coal, ami If the theory of the free trailers that u duty Is always added to the cost of an article be true, the way to relieve the people and abolish the surplus was to let In coal and sugar free. Mr. Mills, however, leaves the duty on coal untouched hccmiM' thcie are Immense debits of coal In the Koiilh, cuts the heavy tax on sugar lew than a fourth lie couxe sugar is a southern product, and ulfsets tills by relieving con sumers of the duty on salt, which Is produced only In a few Northern Htales, anil so on thiough the list. "Ito It enacted that what democratic ntats buy and do not prisluce shall ls admitted free, and that what they produce shall pay the same duly as now," would have Ishiii much more In Iff, ami amount, ed to the same thing. Hut there Is one good thing alsiut the bill. It stands no chance of becoming n law, and as a campaign document will do excellent service for the Itepuli llenns. A (IIIA'II'IKMW IWl.T. Hill Anderson, tpitto a notorious shIimiii kit'iK-r of this city, takes oo easlou to do something he may think "funny," by announcing him self in the- Statesman this morning as a candidate for sherlll before the prohibition convention. It U Just Mich bnueii breaks as Anderson's (Hie rcMill of couclnus Hiwen that make even the uiiwt IIImthI ell lieu ilUtfUcttsI wltli the Million audits Intlucucex, and which is miiv in time to brliiK its own tKvtnictlmi. TIiom' men should beiulglit thank ful tlu an' let along ami ktvp a iiilet demeanor. Tin; IImiiiIoii Itsinler Ih now owned hv two lirwetleal iirluters, J. M. rptwii and It. V. Tupper, w ho auiHHintv tliat It w III 1h a prom inent Institution, Independent In (xillilc lait not neutral, anil will make a strung tl(tltt In the Interest tvf Cisw ami Curry ivuutles. The Heeordcr ksiks neat and we wish It l)H. Ai'wrtri C. IINK, wwll know ii In th) etty l sskl to U the peefwltJ iio4iilnee tvf the prohlliitkin party hx CotiKSM.. lie was txiull date ftar MHrtary of s4ate mi that tkkirt lM lvsrt. I'l.OI'l.h AMI i:ILM AhoOmv Oklalwmw iweethiK, to W wMni KauMt. A UU allow lug wtwm Ui vo4 on tlw Utvu" iutkMi lift pa ml tlw tUlil rHllug Ih I)h MavMiehucotte ImUmum k po)MrtU to urtraulM U iMUttlgfMUlkN bflNM. A CiHU- "",J WUi w 111 mtbudt an to tW HfWWtuiv Ih May. TW Ulu'-l-Ks?t Uck: Kor Hftofii In ttife, Waiter (. j tltWwm. uf I wUmmm; fctr vky itrtO- . Jut Ik Iamuju if M ' (ViHfcm MN1 w In- U mxI iMm( ymr wlt i . Mw WMyuM iMt rfMl& KMMte twM atm rVMUMIwl HM' t ua th rolk ilurittg hmmIm i riiMMr New York Sun: :Hcgin with the Internal revenue. ExiHirtmeiitwiui tho custom duties heccnary. Tin. lute Mr. Alcott was a vege- ., ,, one, '" ' . " ,, l. imal food may bo goou ioru, - would say to his (laughter, "but it is not for me." The two elections held in Massa; chusetts Monday resulted very satis factory to the tcmiierance people. Out of llfty-llve towns in the eastern part of the state only eight voted for license. The New York Legislative com mittee which has been Investigating the telephone companies, reports n bill to regulate charge-, but says it is jKiwurless to recognize the state royalties. St. Louis Globe-Demecrat: Judge Ureshumis the favorite of the people asillstlnguishcdfroiu the politicians. This would be a good year to try the exiwrimuiit of coinKsllirg the politicians to stand a-lde anil of pennlttiiiB the people to select the candidate. ni:w TO-HA1. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES Well wnlcml unit plenty of timber. Two Iuhikcs unit two Imriin. (iixiil iirelinid. Moiidnw and ITU acres plow Intnl. I Uiv liwitl of tltlowltlitlio plj-o If wnnted.ana ImrsMiciiiiiiish to run It. Within Ihonillcs ofilciHit on llioll. AC. K. It. A liiOKiiln for MiniPuody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. SOUTH SALEM PRIMARY. Tlic republicans ofSmitli Salem 1'ivclnct will meet In prlnmrj imentlim nt the m-IkmiI house In (south Salem on Saturday, Mnreli 31, at one u clcs'k v. M. """'' '" A.OIIMAlir. l'reelnct roininllteeinan. aIImTrecinct primary. The r publican prlinnry for Salem pre elnet will be held nt the Opera Ilouxe,on March SI, at one o'clwk v. m. U K. I'KATT, ('ommlttccmiiii. EAST SALEM PRIMARY, Tho republican primaries In Kind Salem prei'lnct will be held ut thoold Court House, mi Miirvh'JItli ut one o'clock v. m. HAVIll HIMfsdN, Comnillteeiniiii. GENERAL BIACKSJIITIIIXG ANI)- HOWSESHOEING ! ! Alt the lmprocd nielhods of klits'lnt;, hliujiliiK nIhhw, to curt) iIImhimih of the fool mid for the correction of fault) action, con-trHctlouandllltt'rrerlni?,u-wl. lsuanoite. sHlUnu lion In till cHi-ew. Itcfertoiin) well Known horMiiimu III Oregon. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseshoer, Wl Coininen-lHl mrrt-t, ShIchi, Or ARRIVING! iisp Stork of Hoods is NOW :- ARRIVING I IGARPETS - Sl Tk brttil id Ymi Sttk f Cirfd; hr mm U NOW HERE -AXl- STILL ARRIVING DAILY. IA-CALI. AND KXAMINM LIINN & BROWN, Cor. CiMiunetvUI and Sute Streets. Just Arrived ! TUB FIKBSr USB OF Millinery and Flancy Goods EVER IN SALEM. KU tint ui iVMivoMrt KM Uta jMt IUVK HIMRI, T.ff advek: r iiStd TfcirfjJiKSte5?j-jt afterwards, u m lUCIT HI Ulll'll IV, c.b.Moohbs An- VMr 1 IBHli IS I ynawKmRBm Hn 'El H ilii J. D. McCtilly, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING -H A -AND- FURNISHING 240 COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN & CO. -DKALKIl IN- BOOTS r Cr "FT S H rofES Le Finifelr' " ullini) (UIIUl (1 u CASH PAID FQR Wool, Hitler, Pelts anil Furs. No. 3Hl Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! . THAT At tlie Opera Mouse Corner, AKK DAILY UECEIVINO New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Clotliino:, New Everything, Awl av xUtm tlK mhw t thoir umwl Iow Prkw. CAIU AND SEE US; Bring Your Families and Stay Awhile ! ! IIowh tor vyixH$, nMl Ow mh obUgius clerk lu tlw olty. Will toka Chickens, Butter and. Eggs on Account. S. Friedman, 1U-MNK86 M.VNAUKR. TV J 1. ., n I l)r IT ii. H. COOK r 11 ol nauuuua jjuuii. SALEM, OREUU. W.M. X. LARUE, -HH. .1. HKYSOLUS, JOHN MOIH, - - . . President. Vice President. . . . Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, ti)uKht and sold. State, County and C mimints bought. Fanners are cordially nXd to defiosltdtninct business with u. Liberal advances inuu. Sit wixil, hops and other proiwr y at rcn" liable rate. Insurance on Mich sc- icV"....'.' ., i. r.i,tninert nt the bank In most reliable companies. CLOTHING!! T S ,- GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. ...nANJ k7 Mi Jk ADVENTURE Air 1 UU1 President Vlec-l'rcsldeut " Secretary . Treasurer Tlic Oregon Land Compny CAPITAL STOCK, - $20,000 -IT7-ILL Bl'Y AND SELL REAL ES- lljU X. M.tnir hnnrlrprlii nf tntP. IS now i.-i.n;iiift - - inners of the Utiltea ouues. iuai .. tlerfor finding buyers of real estate nre un e "ccuJd. It is to the Interest of those hav fng real estate to sell, to place It where buyers come to buy. & COOKi Manager. II J. MiNTitons, Assistant. a,, eilice: front room up stairs In the State Insurance Company's building. A Multitude of People . .. .,.... . I'pr.i.Ell . RONS. TTe SrTnVntln tneir largo :. j,'rV,iMB while in r 'you1 Sin Stt CI cube','grauu- iatea,.powucrvu ui CRUSHED. We are sure we can please you In price. ... . - ill Pa n I rmn X'fltirSPll nela'sapibrderrNearryevery day A FREIGHT TRAIN" Comes steaming Into Salem and has more or less goods for us. We keep everything In the grocery, crockery and glassware line. When the price of any article FALLS We give you the benefit. Our stock is now complete. We have a room 80 FEET By 25, which is filled with new goods throughout. Glousacall. KELLER & SONS, The Grocers. Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, at Weller Brothers' 301, Commercial Street. " Live and Let Live Paint Shop.'" HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All orders will recele prompt attention. KMlmntch on alt kinds of work in our Hue cheerfully given. Satisfaction gunrunteed. Shop In Old Court House on Court street, Salem, Or. j COUNTY DEMOCRACY. Primaries,Conventions and Precinct Clubs. Specialties in Fruits The Marion County Democnitlo ICentral Committee met in Salem. February lltli, ISSS, nnd bet tho time for holding the pri maries on March 17th, at I o'clock p. m., nnd the county convention on Friday, the Slrd of March, nt 10 o'clock.'n. in., in Salem. APPORTIONMENT. The dltrerent precincts nre entitled to the following number or delegates : Salem 10 nervals 9 South Kalem 11 Howell rnilrio 6 North Snlum 12 Marion 2 5at.t Salem 17 Qnrneld 2 Atitqun 7 SlUerton 10 h.V lWl 8 Huttevillo 5 oodburn 8 Chamiioeg AuuikVUIe 2 Aurom 1 Jelterhon .1 Hairlleld 3 Sublimity 7 Lnblsh 4 Smytou .. 7 Mehama 2 Turner u J" i Total t us Hubuunl 2 We, the committee, would recommend tliforituittt)u of democratic clubs In oaoli prednet, nnd the names of the offlcerslu Mh)ubbeMnl to the chairman of the eeHty central committee at Sntem. T. U flOUIKN, Chairman, J. F. imoWN, sHTetary, T. U 1M.VIDSON, W. V. KMlEll, T. P. 1IAYHS, County CVfltml Committee. BENSON'S EXPRESS. T HAVE OUDKRS AT IJVNCEW UV XJ wy bkiWlL eorsar of State and Front lfVa4i.Qrfta uutfiMt cu-iuu.ftijitAwnH rvun- RMrdal - - m niuiBiubBid, i . .:..: .i- r" -.''. . iToniiH attention ana V. . I1RNSON. GMO. tt. OOODUl-K, WtXiD DEALER, wHos with fio. W. Jolinwju, 3K Com- Sawed to any Uiutb ttered. Own Hut 4 .xiiiuy all ot&fv iSl