CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OR., VOL. 1. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1SSS. NO. 141 A l'KOFESSIONAI. CAKDS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ABVKKTISiaiKNTS. rnnoim IHOIST OI THE SITUATION. IIM( mm GEO. W. BEI-T, ATTOItNEY ATUAV and District Attorney. Otlleo nt court house. RAMSEY A BINGHAM, A'ITOpE3 and Counselors nt Law. Business in the Supremo Court n specialty, Bnlcm, Or. rpiw Ofllce, MON FORD. ATTOHKX A-"u Counselor at Iiw, Salem, Oregon. up stairs in ration's uiuck. j-aVT, IT. HtTRNETT. ATTORNEY AT f Tjiw. Rnlrm. Oreson. Otttce over Ijidd it Bush's bank. CJHAW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT C5 Law, Salem, Oregon. Olllce, In Pntton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. rj T. mCHARDSON,.ATTORNE AT O. Law. Offlco over Capitol National Bank, 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. T W. SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J. Salem, Oregon. Olllco In England's block. Legal business of all kinds. Also both life and firo Insurance. WM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Offlco with Tllmon Ford, in Patton's building. Will practice In nil the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land offlco business n specialty. PH. D'AROY, ATTORNEY AND COUN . selor nt Law, Salem, Oregon. Having an abstract of tho records of Marlon coun ty, including a lot and block index of Sa lem, he has special facilitiee for examining titles to real estate. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Ferry and State. S HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND enampooing nuiuy uuuc ( LADD & BUSH, B A. N K E R S J Salem, - Oregon. T KANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING business in all its Branches. WEST BROTHERS' EAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St.)SIem. CHOICE STEAKS OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of tho city at lowest living rates. I'icaso give us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. JTB-AU kinds of fresh and curod meats always on hand. Full welghtand a'squaro deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 08 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of tell and Si Meats ! And nil kinds of 2-The CLEANEST kept market In tho city. Call and seo for yourself. MCCROW & W1LLARD. 03-Go to J. O'Donald's shop on High st., between Court and-State, Salem, and ct one of J. 31. Coulter's patent improved LADDERS- Lightest Ladder made In OrfgsiL Kelly's Old Stand ! ! HAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smith shop known as Kelly's Old stand, I will hereafter be prepared to do all kinds of itiimg oe itepairing In the best stylo known to the trade at hort notiee. Tho best of workmen em ployed, nnd all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. H. W. COX, Ha constantly on hanil a well selected stock oC Boericke & Schreck's Homeopathic Preparations NEATLY IniNT KD GUIDE TO BE HAD UPON AITMCATI ITLICATIUN. The B. & S, PREPARATIONS , Are the Purest and Bet. H. W. COX J theonlyutborU4sfeaU -Call for the H, A H. Homeopathic Fre pflratkm And aeet pt no other. THE.", BEST Woven Wire Bed I ON THIS COAST 1 Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PAEKER, 1 Fifth Street, Portland, Or. . I For wile by A. T. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. STRICKLER BROS. -SEALERS IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofiog and Spouting a Specially. jraAttlin nlrt stmfri nf Tnn. Ktrnncr. Com mercial fetreet. m. m. m:bax, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on tho alley, opposite Mlnto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. l JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OF NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! A FULL STOCK OK Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' 'Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. W. M. SARGEAttTr-i . 1XJ7 Commercial Street, Salcn., Or. K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -AND UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon'. All kinds of Furniture made lo order. A full line of Caskets always on band. J. J. JENNINGS, D. OS. DENTIST. Teeth Extracted Witboit Ftln by a Xew Process mEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST i improved linings, nates mnao on snon ort notice, and nt reasonable terms. Gold fillings a. specialty. S-Any and all work in the Dental line. Olllcccln Breyman's block over J. M. Rosen, berg & Co's. ESTAM'.ISIIED IN 1879. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. OF- SALEM, OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear liutter, oweet and inampagne lider, Lider Syrup for Mince Ileal, Currant Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SAUER KRAUT A FKATURE OF 1684 For Sweet Cider, leave orders at Fac tory Calico, drop ft Postal, or see driver of our (ieu in- wucon. Wo keoi. -millmi kecs ank 3-callan rioinl Johns tlmt, to IojiikhI to oustomen) for u leni) Of su anys. aii oruers promiuiy rilled. O. STOiyrZ, llUKlnemi Manager. Oregon Peach Bitters About eighteen year ago I received a hurt In my buck from a pile of lumber foiling on me, and ever Kinco had been troubled with weak kldnevi more or lem: fSTTTtL- and the last year very inueh. Through the recommendation of Henry Keene, I bought a bottle of II. Klaa'a Oregon l'eaeh Bitters and befora 1 bad taken half the bottle I found a great relief from .It. I believe It to be a splendid remedy for the kidney , and heartily recommend It for tlie tame. J.H.rOHTBH, AumsvJlle, January u, lm. MISS JULIA L. CHAMBERLIN, -TKACHEIS OV- Voice Culture, Piano & IlUrniony Music Parlers: 3"' &oU1 Bank Block, ' SALEM, - - - - 0REG0N.- KSTAULISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY. Mai Jc (I -OF - - OREGON. - - - $75,000 - - - - 9,500 SALEM, 'aid up, Surplus, - R. S. WALLACE, - - President. , - Vice-President. J.;il. ALHERT, .... Cashier. .DIRECTORS! W. W. Martin, R. S. Wallace, ' J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. W. T. Gray, J. M. Martin, LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and 'other market- unie produce, consigned or In store, either in private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Dlsoounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago. San Francisco, Portland, London, l'arls, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. w. cox, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) ) 100 State Street. Salem. Oreeon. O PULL LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBItATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. 3-Tho best five cent cigar In the mar ket. II. W. COX, 100 State Street, Salem. Steiner& Blosser -DEALEItS IK- STOVES, RANGES, Tin and Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, State Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. A2-AEonts for tho Iloynton'H furnace. A peclalty ma do of rooting and Rjioutlng. SitUfactlon guaranteed. A. E. STRANG, No. WO'Commerclal Htreet, , SALEM, - OREGON. mui.wt I.N STOVESand RANGES Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. -Agent for tbe tar lUCHArtDfHM A UOVJilXJW COMPAQ M'ATrT Furnaeen. Bt- rheJCapifal NationalBank tabllibed In IMS). Wholesale Family Murder in Illinois. STOCKHOLDERS SCARED. And Aliout to Petition the U. S. Court for the Appoint ment of a Receiver. SANTA FB ENGINEERS STRIKE. And Railroad llusiness in tho South and West Paralyzed Just now. El Paso (Texas), March 1G. All trade with the western states is tin-own into utter confusion by the strike of Engineers ami fireman on the Atcliinson, Topckn & Santa Fe road in obedience to orders received from tho Brotherhood. Trafllc for the west has to move over tho rails of the A. T. & S. P. road and through its yards to the Mexican Central road. An enormous freight block ade will bo the inevitable result, which, under the most favorable circumstances, it will take a long time to relieve. San Bkrnardino (Cal.), Mar. lti. It is expected that tho engineers on the Central road between here and San Diego will strike to-day on account of the road handling Bur lington freight. They have already stopped on the Atlantic and Pacific JBist of Barstpw. Omaha, Mnr. 10. Business on the Union Pacific is moving along here as usual this morning. All C. B. fc Q. cars are left on tho sidings. Terrible Family itlurdei', Faiiifiklt) (111.), Mar. 10 D. W. Warren waa arrested yesterday for murder of his wife on last Sunday. After being arrested ho asked to seo his two daughters, Annie, aged 8 years and Cora, aged 3 years. "When brought to him by tho oillccr, he pulled a revolver from his sleeve and shot the eldest girl through the forehead, then shot the younger one in the back nnd himself through the heart. It was all done so quickly that the officers could not stop him. All are dead. Stockholders In the liiirllngton, Uneiixy. Chicaoo, Mar. 10. An uneasy feeling prevails in railroad circles and fears are entertained of a general strike. A report is current tlmt eastern stockholders are becoming dissatisfied with tho condition of af fairs on the Burlington, and that several stockholders In New York, all of whose means are invested in Burlington stock, had decided to appeal to tho LJ. S. Court for tho ap pointment of n receiver for tho road. Another Murder In Hllilreth. Fkksko Mar.10 News of tho third murder in tho town of Hildrcth in the past week was brought in this morning. Tho victim tills timo was an Indian named George; his body was found with a gun shot wound in the back. Thuro is no cluu to the murduror and no reason is known for (ho deed, as tho Indian was ImnnlusH. v Kiuiuh Nothing About It. CiucAOO, Mar. 10. Chief Arthur, of tho Brotherhood of engineer, stated (Ills morning that ho was groat Iy surprised nt tho Mrlko of tho Bantu Ko engineers and said ho knew no cause for such auUou. Jle unci Ilipluln. I'Aitm, March 10. The cabinet has summoned Boulnngor to Purls to explain his connection with the recent elections. En. JouitNAii-. Wliile the (pies ion is being discussed, both privately nnd through the public press, as "to the propriety of tho temporanco people putting a third party ticket in the Held at our approaching state nnd national elections, I wish to oiler n few thoughts on the subject nnd by looking back over tho pnst, seo which is the more Judicious course to pursue. By way of prefaco I will say that I am as thorough a temperance man, nnd prohibitionist for tlmt matter, as lives in tho stnto of Ore gon, nnd have not one particle of sympathy with tho Oregonian and its "me toos," while claiming to favor temperance yet all tho time "giving aid and comfort to its enemies," but am opposed to the saloon, llrst, last nnd all tho time. All admit that tho saloon is a mighty power in our lnnd for evil, and that continually, and that it is the solemn duty of every good citizen to oppose tills monster evil with all his might, and I believe it to l)e beyond doubt tlmt if we could unify our opposition as thoroughly ns its adherents are in Its favor, that the battle while it might bo sharp it would also be short and ero many years not a vestige of tills curse of curses would bo visible in our otherwise happy country. The ono Important question then is "will we unite ?" Wo will in vestigate the subject a littlo nnd seo wlmt we can ellect. AVe will go to our friends, the democrats, and say: "Gentlemen, this is a most important question, and wo want you to leave your present party atllliations and help us to drive the demon from our midst." They reply: "You uro mistaken in your men; ours is not much of u temperance party any way, and besides having so lcccntly gained our tirst important victory in a quarter of a century ,Iwo think you ask of us just a little too much to give up so many good things all at once." We ask our republican friends to give us a lift but receive for an answer: "This whisky ques tion is not the only one before the American people. Tho war and Its memories are too vivid in our minds" to think of giving up the grand old party; besides, your third party people beat us in our last electron, don't talk to us." Tho old parties will not, neither can they be ex pected to, give up their organiza tions. Tho ono is too much flushed with Its recent victory, thu other too con scious of the rectitude of its position and the glory of its achievements during tho darkest days of our country's history. My friends, candidly, what is our duty nt tho present time? I never could sec much success in continued defeat. Success Is the goal for which wc are striving. AVe may bo defeat ed but we can rally our forces again ; but one complete victory over tho whisky power will drive it from our country, for if tho spirit is gone the body will depart also. Let us then unite with any who will help us. Let us learn wisdom from our friends, tho enemy. Attend the primaries of our respective parties ; control tho conventions ; nominate the best men we can, but If a better man Is on the other ticket still im itate tho wisdom of tho whlskoyites nnd scratch! bchatch! SCItATCII! Had wo acted thus wisely, wo should not now have a majority of the su preme court in tho Interest of the whiskey jKiwer. So also wo would haven Prosecuting Attorney, who would prosecute saloon keepcis and gamblers the snnieasothercrlmlnals. Wo should have acouuty board that would not grant license to sell tho actirsed Htuil'whcru the citizens have remonstrated in largo majorities. We would then have iixui otir stat ute books a "Keiuly Law" or some thing better. We would not then have gambling carried on in our midst without let or hindrance, and after years had olupsod only one lit tle "guilty" ami lined ftt). Yes, my friends, I verily Intlleve that If we would act wisely we could huve laws that would protect our homus, nnd oiueors that would "lot no guil ty man escape." AVill we make the effort? Pliom. li Heavy Fire in (lie City of A TOUCHING MEETING. Tho Widowed Empress Visits her son, the new Emper or. TIIK CHIXKSK TKEATY. The Four Provisions That it Contains Plainly Defined. Washington, March 15. Tho new Chinese treaty has four provis ions. First, it relates to laborers; It defines laborers nnd stntos that nil laborers hereafter shall bo excluded from entering the United States, except two classes, llrst those who show that they leave property in tho United States to tho value of $1000, nnd secondly those who leave a wifo or family in the United States; nil laborers who establish either of these facts will bo entitled to return. It is provided, however, In tho first provision of tho treaty that Chinese laborers who leave this country for China must establish these two facts to the satisfaction of tho American oillccr before they depart. It is also stated that after tho Chlneso laborer has made proof of either of theso facts and lias departed, tho Ameri can Government may Investigate the truth of said evidence, and In event that it Is found that the evi dence Is false, the right to return may lie cancelled. Tho second provision relates to merchants. It provides that mer chants shall be permitted to enter this country upon a certificate from tho Chinese Government, approved by tho American Consul at tho port from which tho merchant departs', certifying that tho bearer of tho certificate is a merchant. Counsel for the Chinese minister states that this provision of the treaty guaran tees to this country, provided the American Consul bo honest, that only bona fide merchants shall re ceive certificates certifying that they are such. Tho third provision relates to the claims of Chinamen who have been expelled from towns on tho Paciflo const. The total amount of damages aggregates about $.'100,000. The Chinamen who were expelled from Eureka, Humboldt, California, from Seattle, Tacoum and other olnts on tho Pacific coast, have submitted an estimate of the Injury they sustained by being driven from their occu pations, and the Chinese govern ment now presents these claims on the ground that this uovcrnment guaranteed protection to theso peo ple, which It falicd to afford. The fourth provision states that this convention between tho two nations shall exist for a term of twenty years from the date of tho ratification of the treaty. Counsel for tho Chinese Minister states ho lielleves that this treaty removes all grounds upon which tho law has thus far been evaded. It placed the matter of the Issuing, of certificates entirely In the hands of tho collector of the port, or some other American whose duly It will be to authenticate the evidence which the Chinaman oilers them as possessed of $1000 or upward, or a family which he leaves ltchlud. Secondly, ho states, It removes the objection to Issuing writs oflmbeiiw corpus, because the Chinese laborer will not bo entitled to land except he can prove either tlmt he has left behind $1000 or up wards, or a family. Mlltwiukeu I ax it l'lre. MiJ.WAiJiciu; (Wis.), March lo. .A four-story brick block In West Water street took fire tills morning at l:-lft, nnd was completely destroy ed. The structure fell about an hour after tho fire broke out, de molishing tho one-story addition In the rear, in which were a number of firemen, who wore burled in tho ruins. Two bodies have been taken out. The loss will be about $276,000.