OENBRAIi DIKKCTOKY. OROVWIXKVKLAMD i-rcsiueuu Tuos. F. IIAYABD secretary 01 Binie, ur n Whitney Secretary or Navy. D M. Dickinson Post Blaster General. A. H. Oakland Attorney General. Morrison R Waite Chief Justice. State of Oregon. J.N. Down 1 it s senators. j H. Mitchell J u' "nluors. Binoer Hermann Congressman. Sylvester Fennoyeh Governor. Geo. W. McBridk Secretary of State. G. W. Webb; State Treasurer. E. B. McElroy Sunt. Pub. Instruction. Frank Baker State Printer. R.S. STRAHAN 1 Wm. P. I-ord Supreme Judges. W W. THAYER ) Third Judicial District. K. P. Boise Judge Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney Marion County. M. Ia ClIAMBEnMN ) J. A. Looney State Senators. J. B. Dimick . J J. T. GREGG D. J. PENDLETON S. LAYMAN A. M. IiAFOLLETTE V. B. COLVER C. F. HICKS Represcntatlv es M. N. CHAPMAN Clerk. UCiUiVU-iilinVA..aa...aUVU jvj nnnirf t nrr Tlnrfitv rMziflr John Minto sheriff. Ed. Croisan Deputy Sheriff. AUGUST Giesy . Treasurer. T. C. Hhaw County Judge. GEO. P. TERRELL 1 Commissioners Henry Wauren J wmmissioners. George A. Peebles School Supt. iohnNewson Surveyor. Coroner. G. P. Litchfield Sheep Inspector. City of Salem. Wm. M. Ramsey Mayor. A. u. muir isi want Perry Raymond 1st AVard. J. J. Shaw 2nd Ward .. C. Lafore 2nd Ward jap Minto 3rd Ward W. W. Skinner Ilrd Ward Nes. Bush 4th Ward Councllmen O. N. Hutton 4th Ward j J. Strickler .Recorder, James Ross Marshal W. T. Bell Treasurer. Geo. G. Binoham Attorney. J. C. Thompson Sup't of Streets. C. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D. U. S. Officers. Jas. Walton V. 8. Commissioner. Joseph ALBERTJ31gnal Service Observer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Overland to California VIA Oregon & California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time Between Salem and San Francisco Thirty-six Hours. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. South. North. 4-00 p.m. IiV. Portland Ar. 10:40a.m. 6:30 p.m. Lv. Salem Lv. 8:30 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Lv. (1:30 p. m. LOCAL PASSENGER TRAIN (DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY). &00 a. m. iv" Portland Ar. I $45 p. in. 1KB a, m. Lv. Salem IiV. 1 122 p. m. 12:40 p. m. Ar. Eugene- Lv. ) 0:00 a. m. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas sengers on all through trains free of charge. The O. & C. Railroad ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on the East Side Division from foot of F street, Portland. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:30 a. m. 12.25 p. m. Lv. Ar. "Portland" Corallis Ar. Lv. 0:15 p. m. 1:30 p. m. M'MINNVILLK EXPRbSS TRAIN (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY). "4""50 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 8:00 p. m. Ar.McMlnnvllloLv. 9:00 a. m. 5:45 a. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. For full Information regarding rates, maps, etc., apply to the Compuny'H agent, Salem, Oregon. E. I. ROGERS. R. KOEHLER, G. F. and Pass. Ag't. Manager. THEYAQuTnA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-cltss Through Passenger and Freight Line from Portland and all points in the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: The "Wm. M. Hoag," the "N. 8. Bent ley," tho "Three Sinters," leave Portland 8 a. m. Mondays, W ednesda) g nnd Fridays, from Messrs. Hotmail fc Co's dock, 200 and 202 Front street, for Oregon City, nutteville, Chamdoeg, Salem, Independence, Albany, Corvullls, and intermediate points, nuk ing close connection at Albany with trains of tho Oreson raclnc Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leave Albany ........ 1:00 PM I-eavo Corvullls 1:17 PM Arrivo Ynquina - - 530 PM Leave Yaquina ........ &30 A M Leave Cor nil's 1038 AM Arrive Albany 11:15 AM O. A c trains connect at Albany and Corvullls. The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Cos Line of Steamships between Ynquina nnd San Francisco. SAILING DAThS. STEAMERS, FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Willamette Valley, - Monday, Mar. 12 Willamette Vnlley, Th.un.day, Mar. 22 Willamette Valley, Tuesday, April 3 STEAMERS. FROM YAQUINA. Willamette Valley - - Satuday, Mur. 17 Willamette Vnlley, - Tuesday, Star. 27 Willamette Valley - - - Sunday, April 8 This company reserves the right to change sailing dates w ithout notice. N. B. l'assengers from Portland nnd all Willamette Valley points can mulco close connection with the trains or the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany orOonallU, and If destined to Kan Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yuqulna the eening before date of saUing. . Pustagrr and Frelckt tain Always the, Lowest, For Information apply to 5leMnt, HULMAN A Co, Freight and Tfeket Agents 200 aud SOS Krone tX.. Portland, Or., or to C.C. HOUCK, Aet CJen'l VrU & 1"um. Agt., Oregon Paelfle R. It, Co., CorvaTIUs Or. C. IL JIASWELL, Jr. Oral VrU 4 Pom. AjL Oregon Development Co., &1 MontgorT St.: ban Krjuelfcoo, Cal. Not a California Bear. Anybody cau catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble Is to let go like the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to pur chase of D. "W. Matthews & Co., 106 State street, Salem, a bottle of SANTA ABIE, the California King of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs and Croup Cures, and keep it handy. 'Tis pleasing to the taste and death to the above complaints. Sold at $1.00 a bottle or 3 for 2.50. CALI FORNIA CAT-R-CUIiE gives im mediate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soon displaced by its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment $1.00, sent by mail $1.10. Rattlesnake Oil. H. V. Cox, the druggist 1ms re ceived a lot of rattlesnake oil from Southern Oregon. It is a sovereign cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. GUARDIAN'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by authority of an order Issued out of the County Court of Marlon County, Ore gon, on the 20th day of December, 1887, di recting, authorizing nnd cmiiowerlng the undersigned, as guardian of Estella Smith, William E. Smith, Frances E. Smith, May Flomnco Smith and Edward 13. Smith, minor heirs of Mary Josephine Smith deceased, to sell the Real Estato belonging to the said above named minor heirs; I will, on the Fourteenth day of April, 1888, At ono o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the Court House door In Salem, Oregon, In accordance with the provisions of said or der, sell all the undivided right, tltlo and Interest that the said minor heirs have nt the day of sale In and to tho following de scribed Real Estate.tc-wlt: Tho W. of the S. W.Jic-ffsectlon if tho W. K of tho N. W. V. of section SO, T. 5 8., R. 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, also the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 21 and the N. E. y.ol the N. E. Ji, andlots 1,2. and 0 of sectii ion j.,x. S.,R. 3 west of tho Willamette Meridlau,und being the D. L. C. of William MlUsop & wife, No tlficatlon No. 5179., Certificate No. 1883, and containing 317.51 acres of land moie or less. Also the following described land "to-wlt:" Ueslnnlnc at tho Southwest corner of claim No. 02, In T. 5 8., R, 2 W. of Willamette Meridian, thence East on the South line of said claim No. 02, 20.25 chain ; thence North 21.K1 chains, thenco AVest 20.2.i chains to the West lino of said claim No. 02; thence south 21.53 chains to the place of beginning, and containing 50 ncres of land mora or less, nnd being a part of Anderson DcIInven nnd wife's D. L. C. No. 02; nlso, a strip of land otr of tho west end of a certain tract of land deeded to George Long by Anderson Dellaven nnd wife and being 8 rods wide nnd 40 rods long and containing 2 ncres of land more or less, nnd being a part of section 19, township 5 south, range 2 west of tho AVlllametto Merid ian; all situate In Marlon County and state of Oregon. , " F.Tt. DURETTE, Guardian of above-named Minor llclrs. STATE TREASURER'S 30TII NOTICE. State ok Oregon. Treasurer's Office, 1 8AI.KM, March 8, 1888. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JA there are funds on hand to pay tho following warrants, nnd that tho same will be paid on presentation at this olllcc. WARRANTS NUMBERED 2141 2219 2213 2101 2228 2197 2210 2217 2248 2232 2209 2242 2241 2203 2249 22&0 2251 2187 2210 2229 2198 2189 2282 2162 2251 2173 2170 2223 2013 1748 2264 225") 2193 2108 2258 2.239 22C0 2200 2261 2262 2186 2214 2215 2263 226B 2264 2266 2267 2268 2201 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2216 2275 2270 2210 2207 2238 2277 2167 1708 2012 2205 2153 22J0 2278 2279 2280 2231 2283 2282 2290 2208 2302 2303 2191 2304 1816 1786 1816 1723 2238 2284 2101 2292 2163 2171 2305 1624 2218 2306 2211 2206 2152 2309 2308 2204 2018 2307 2289 22U9 2310 2298 2297 2311 2312 2314 2J10 2295 2285 2291 2317 23C0 2319 2320 2321 2287 2296 2J22 2324 2327 2.128 2329 2330 2333 2J32 2331 2337 23.16 2335 2339 2341 2338 2J34 2341 2343 2342 2344 2315 2346 2318 2317 2350 2352 2361 2349 2353 2354 2355 2235 23W 2350 2359 2362 2361 2360 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2369 2368 2370 2371 2372 2373 2375 2176 1430 2357 2377 2378 2234 2233 2380 2381 2195 2212 2374 2379 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2440 2441 2142 2443 2413 2417 2121 2123 202 2395 2405 2(33 2424 2323 2446 2414 2145 2147 2448 2411 2439 2397 2151 2453 2(52 2454 2434 2401 .2459 2217 1H10 2((1 2389 2390 2.193 2391 2392 2313 2174 2190 2394 2414 2112 2426 2422 242.1 2(27 2(28 2120 2(10 2408 2318 2429 2419 2382 2301 TICKS 2325 2192 2399 2432 2(15 2(30 2409 2(55 2167 2460 2(61 2(31 2454 2462 2(63 2(18 2(64 2589 2587 2592 2603 2604 2559 2572 2571 2573 2570 2569 2558 2576 2575 2516 2577 2578 2579 2580 2502 2(02 2581 2601 2586 2585 2504 2491 2498 2574 2503 2197 2514 2489 2617 2179 2470 2613 2615 2616 2505 2606 2613 2618 2166 2475 2188 2603 2517 2614 2486 2192 2(90 2501 2(82 Tho nboo numbers represent warrants endorsed on or before Jnnuary 2, 1888. Also the following warrants drawn on tho inllltln fund numbered 2741, 2755, 275.1 and 2751. Interest on tho above described warrants will not bo allowed utter the date of this notice. G. W. WEBB, Tieasurer. CALIFORNIA! the LOJtAa. DcArjiToroiif.iiP T) TriHA I 'Alui'U JV-J-ti-aVUi LriNGS :-SpUh Gtff Sendjor- Ctrcutjr.jtrfamtJTt).a- MHIETINE MLDica.oroWLLr.fAL SOLD AND GUARANTEED RY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. CAIX FOR RErimUCX CONVENTION. A republican convention for the state of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of April, A. D. 1888, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of nominating can didates for tho following olllcers, to-wit. Representative In congress, three presidential electors, supreme judge and district otueers, and to select six delegates to attend tho national republican concntion, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 1209 delegates, apportion ed among the several counties as follews: Del. Halter 5 l.ake llcnton 7 Lime Clacknmas It Linn Del. 2 10 1.10 2 Clatsop 7 .Mainour Marion . Columbia 4 Coos 7 14 6 Morrow . Crook :t Curry Douglas 0 (31111am 0 Grant 0 Jnckson 7 Josephine 4 Klamath 11 Multnomah !M Polk 0 Tillamook 8 Umatilla 10 Union 8 AVullowa 4 AVnveo It AVttshlngton 8 Yamhill 0 Total 209 The .same being one delegate at large from each county and one delegate for eA'cry 150 voters and one for eery fraction over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. Binger Her mann, congressman, at the last general election. Tho committee recommend that the- primaries be held March 81, 1888, and the county conventions April 4, 1888, unless otherwise ordered by the county central committee. Republican electors and otcrs of the state, Avithout regard to past political aflUlations, AVho beliee in the American principle of protect-i-e tariff and dignifying American labor, giving free, popular educa tion to the masses of tho people, effectually protecting all human rights in every section of our com mon country, and who desire to promote lrieiuuy teenng aim per manent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government pledged to these objects and prin ciples, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the repub lican state coiiA'entiou. Respect fully submitted. Joseph Simon, Chairman. I'KOni CONVENTION. SALEM, Feb. 22, 1888. In accordance with tho order of tho Marlon Co. Central Committee of tho pro hibition party, the County Convention ot said party of Marloit county will bo held in the city of Salem on Friday, March 10, at '11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of noml natlng candidates for county officers, nnd choosing 15 delegates to the Prohibition Stnte Convention to be held In Portland, March 28, 1888. Tho basis of representation for the soveral precincts of the county In said county convention is fixed ns follews: One delegate at large to each precinct and one additional for each ten votes cast for legislative ticket in the year of 1888. Nnmcly: Salem precinct 3 EastSulcnn, 7 North Salem 5 South Salem 5 Jcflerson 2 Marlon 2 Mehama, 2 Stayton 5 Sublimity 2 Lincoln S Turner it Howell Prairie 2 Sllverton 8 Garfield 2 Ablqua !1 Labish 3 Gcrvals 3 AVoodburn 1 Hubbnrd 3 Aurora 1 Buttovllle 1 Chnmpocg 2 St. Paul 1 Fairfield 1 G. AV. DIMICK, K. L. Hidiiard, Chairman. Secretary. An Absolute ('me. The JORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounce (in boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, avouihIs, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews & Co., 10G State street, Salem, at 25 cents per box by mail 80 cents. The 1'Iace. Headquarters for fresh oysters elegant meals, soda Avuter, bread cakes, pies, fresh candles, A. Strong & Co's., 271 Commercial street. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "im dies nro giving satisfaction, und u cus-1 miner witn iironchltls says it Is the only remedy that gives Instant relief. HKHHKLI. A COVKR, Druggists, niversldo. Cnl" H,,n " tho pleasure to Inform CtVU you that your Preparations are meetlng with largo sales. wo neur Nothing but Praise Sg rnalnn fn-1 nun t tiom any oc- canton to-" uso them. A'isaiia, Cal." That It will accomplish tho end desired In allatrectlonxortheThroatnnd Lungs UiiiSII ) yo" t only will not bo WIN without It yourself, hut will recommend It to others, as thousands have done, who hao tried everything else In aln. Money Is no object where balance. "nnd the ConVJflCe YOU trilling sum of ono dollar can purchase a remedy that will stand betweon you nnd one of the most dreaded of human Ills. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions, SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by the AHIKTINK MKDICAL CO., Orovllle, Cul. LANDS AND HOMES. In the Garden Spot of the great Northwest. Fertility of Soil, Salubrity of Climate. Wbole- some Water. Excellent Timber ami DellgbtfulSeenerj-Ilealtb. Wealth, l'nxperit). Marion county is situated in the heart of the magnificent Willamette A'alley, the central gem in the clus ter of rich counties that form that princely domain, aud is the banner commonwealth of the great north Avest in all the essentials that go to Avards making it a profitable abiding place, and a home for the thrifty farmer, the cunning artisan and the industrious mechanic. Rich in its agricultural resources, in its cultiatcd and uncultiA'ateu lands, in its Avater powers, and minerals; rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and witli a climate unsurpassed for its salubrity, it presonts to the immigrant from tho OA-ercrowded states, Avhere cold Avinters and hot summers, ' Avith terrible cyclones, prevail, avIio comes to the coast with some means, adA'untages that no other county in Oregon possesses. Much has been Avritten of this western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints are heard from the class Avho have been misled bv them, so in this brief sketch the Avriter desires to avoid exageration as to its present and prospective adA'antages, asking those in the east Into AVlio.se hands this may fall particularly those Avho hae their eyes directed towards this coast to peruse it carefully, feeling that it is not Avritten to lure Immigrants Avithin its borders, but only as a truthful discription of a land which, if it does not "How milk and honey," contains within its bosom Avealth and resources equal to any other country on the Pacific side of the Rocky mountains. UOUNDAKIKS. Marion county is bounded on the north by the Willamette riA'er and Rutte creek which separates it from Clackamas county; on the east by Clackamas county and the Cascade mountains, Avhicn separate it from Wasco county; on tho south by the Santiam river and tho north fork of the Santiam, separating it from Linn county .and on the west by tho Willamette river. PHYSICAL FORMATION. The county contains, including valley, prairie and mountain lands, about 000,000 acres. T"hero are two main divisions, the mountain and the A'alley. Tho latter extends from tho Willamette river to the foot of tho Cascade mountains, a distance of about fif teen miles. Tho mountainous portion contains somo fourteen townships of mostly unsun'cyed land; lying in a strip tAveh'o miles north and south by forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow A-alleys in the passes, up through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock bound canyons and inaccessible craggy peaks. It is generally heavily timbered, and in the near future Avill bo A-aluable for its lumber sup plies. These hills and mountains afford a wonderful summer range for stock, and many of the more en terprising farmers are iwaillng tliein-selA-es of this opportunity, and Avium the cold frosts of autumn approach, the stock are brought out to fresli pastures, thus enubllng them to sur Aic tho Avlnter storms with little care. GRKAT ADVANTAOKS. A decided adA'antage Marion coun ty has o'er many others Is the di versified farming interest that can be carried on throught the entire year; notAvithstbnding this is a Avet climate uunng tnc AVimer mourns, the uplands aro seldom too wet to work, and lone before the prairie farmers are through with their seed ing, tho hill fanner Is preparing for ins summer worn. -nu yet me Ioav lands aro much preferred by munyl the yield per acre is generally greater, and nerhups less labor is re quired to place the soil in proper condition for crdps; and then should the season prove dry, the bottom lands tire sure to bring tho best crops. No better farming land can Ikj found In tho United Ktates tlian that on tho noted Howell prairie, French prairie, Santiam prairie and Hulem prairie. Tho soil of these are wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wheat nnd sixty of oats ier acre can be readily secured. KACILITIKS FOIl MAKKKT. The Wlllametto river, with two lines of rallroud running tho entire length of the county from north to south, Avith tho Oregon Pacific roud crossing the southeast corner of the county, affords ample facilities to reach u market in any direction. RALI'M Is the capital of the state and county seat of Marion county, situ ated on the Willamette river and on the O. A (. railroad. Costly buildings Imvo been erected, among which the state capltol building, county courthouse, ('henioketo hotel, opera house, new public school building, Catholic school building, Methodist church, Willamette Unl A'orsity, und many private residencon und ousinew blockx. which will compare favorably with older und larger cities. CJHNHKAL. All things considered, the Willam ette A-alley luw the lxwt country in tho Avorld, and Marlon county is about centerally located therein. To those seeking homes in the west, no better opportunities can bo offered, than are found here. Persons desiring information regarding Marion county or the Willamette A'alley, thoe Avantlng farming lands, stock farms, business property or city residences, will be promptly anil reliably informed by addressing the Avell known ilrni of Willis a PlinlllliiM'lltl nmt i.utntii mri.iitu opera hou-e block, Salem, Oregon. North Rtarhlug After. Salem merchants me ever wide tiAvakc to open new channels of trade Avill catch our meaning, when we tell them that an edition of over 'iOOO copies of the Wkkkly Capital Journal will be sent out next Aveek. This paper Avill visit nearly every household in Marion county and many in Northern Polk, espec ially that part of the county tribu tary to Salem. Circulation is Avliat iuukcs advertising A'aluable and the Capital Journal guarantees its circulation to all advertisers. The country trade Is worth reaching after and an advertisement in the Wkhkly Capital Journal will be a Avonderful persuader. Rates on application to Will II. Parry, Man ager. Till: MAIIKI'TS. Tho forelen wheat maiket Is firm but tho local market Is Inactive. There Is s.arelty of butter aud It Is In good demand nt fuuey llRUie. AVlieat tV5 cents, Oats-'iOCMO wnts. Flour $." per tibl. Potatoes oak 40c. Kbits 12c. Und IVIOc. Wool lSS0e. Hams VzyMlG'r Shoulders-ai0. Iliicon 10l!2c. Hay Timothy, FJ0, oats and cheat 811. Apples Clrecn. 81 per bushell. PluniH Dried, lKi10o. perfb. Apples di led blenched Do. miudilod 07. Chickens Old KUK) ; young SiTO. Hides lleef hides, green, fie, tilled 7c; deer nklns, L"0c ; sheep jwlts, I0n0c, accord liur to wool. Ileef 'tJsJGMo gross. Mutton $i&0 per head. Hobs c, dressed. VOKTI.ANll MAUKKTS. AVheat Quote Milley 81.22l.ai ; Walla AValhi, llrni.Sl.r.iftMU. Oats Market llim. Quote -T47ki'. Flour A'alley standards quoted at 81.00, and AVnlla AVnlla brands $'!.50;i.7.r, miner tlno 8iva275 per bbl. Hay Haled timothy quoted at 811! 17 per ton. Feed Itnin, per ton, Sl(l17 ; shorts 18 2C; uhoppen bailcy,842t per ton. llarley Hi owing, pcrctf. 81 ; ground per ton. -2527Jia Hops Quote 70c per pound. Lnrd Kegs, or fi gallon tins, 8o; palls, ' liutter Cholco dairy, :37c per lib. ; biino In rolls, :io:irc. , Poultry Quote chickens, S.'l.r0 1.50 as to quality ; ducks, 81.(P8.00 ; gecso 8H I) ; tur keys, choice, 1012"Zo per pound. Kggs Fairly steady : 18c per dsen. Provisions Hacon, i0 10o ; Iuuim, 12 lE'o ; shoulders 0c.7 NUAV ADA'KltTISKMENTS. Gilbert & Patterson, DEALERS IN CHOICE ny bfoceno Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE EPICURE TEA! Tho best nnd most popular bland In tho market. -PACKERS OK- SUGAR CURED HAMS PICKLED MEATS, ETC. rum: leap laud. Counliy produro of all kinds. A com plete stock In oery department. OILIIKRT PATTERSON, 200 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. WILLIS k CIIAJIBlillLIN, Real Estate Agents lluys mid sells farms and cltj propeity. A large number of desirable farms and city property nowollerlng on reasonable terms. Hire Insurance! Writes M)Ilcl of Insurance against fire on all elusion fir proerty In flight reliable and wealthy Companies. JSrol-cerap-'e I Will negotiate loans on real nutate or per sonal security on long or short time, and for large or small huiiih. Grange Store! Salem Co-Operative Association, P. of II, DK.W.MW l. Choice Groceries) Provisions, Fruits, and Vegetable-s, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. All Kinds of Produce Bought. JAMKri AITKCV Murugrr. 11, MUtt trt, h4tlm, Or. am NKAV A1AEKTIS1AIKNTS. Real Estate, L ii, AND- Insurance Agency, AI.SO umcK Of- Salem Pottery Company. I nmageut for the sale of nil of the Duu ilif MoitgngoCo.'s farms In Mm Ion and Polk Counties. Prices ery low. Also son oral WATER POWERS nt Salem nnd vlelnttj. I am laying out In an addition nil of J. L. Panish's laud next east of Hu lem, about 100 acres. These lots w 111 bo filtered lor wile bj me nboitt January 20, lws. Also nciv proiKHty In quantity to suit nnd In quality tdo best for fruit and garden purposes.. In most healthful loca tion, aud within one to two miles of the State House, at 8100 to SIM per acre. I hao ilo to teu-ncio Improved places with buildings, unit In bearlug, etc, closo to Salem at lair m lees. I hao for snlo clt property of all kinds. Gums of all sizes and adaptations, stock ranches and timber lands. I am a Notary Public. Abstracts furnished nt fair rates. Coinejonciug done. MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate, two to tlvo years, nuyabte in Installments if desired. S J L E m: Is tho Capital of the btato of Oregon, aud County Heat of Mai Ion County. It Ls on tho east bank of the Wlllametto River, (a navigable stream), and on tho Oickoii and Calllornln Railroad. TheHtato Houso has cost $1,000,000.00, the Couit House 8110,000.00, tho Chemokete Hotel JllSVXX)., and tho now Public School bulldllU! SIO.OOO.OO. The Statu is practical!) nut of debt and Marlon Count) nearly so. Salem has tho Slato Pcnltcntlaiy, lnwino Asylum, Deaf Mute School. School for tho l!llnd,und Stato Fall Kroiiuds. The State Supienio Court ls held In thuStnto House at Snlciu. Salem has the Willamette l"nleislt), tho best Insti tution of learning In the Paclllo North west. Salem's Public Schools are excel lent. Salem has ono of tho best natural sites for uliuue city unci now has about 7,000 people. It has n five wagon bridge across the Wlllametto river. Excellcut water, supplied through lion pipes on the Hollo) s)stenr, both Gas and Electric Lights, sewerage, Flic Department with three engines, Iwo Public Parks, three Flouring Mills with a united capacity or 1,'JOO bbls. of Hour dally, a Saw Mill of 10.000 leet dally capacity, and other Industries, Htieet Cars coming soon. Ono water power of'JOOhorso power ls now lor snlo chenp and anot her sutllclent to run u largo woolen mill ls for sale with necessary giound for 2,000. All tilings consldeied, Western Oiegou has tho best climate In the world. It ls much like the climate of England, hut tho Hummers aio dryer than in Eugluud. The follow lug ls a part of tho proper!) 1 Have on Sale: TISncies ulMiiit IHc miles from Dallas County Sent of Polk County, and two and ono hull' miles from Railroad station. Two huudtcd ncies In cultivation. One bun dled and fifty acres In fall wheat; two thlrtlsoi tho romalndor Is busccptlhlo ol cultivation but ls now light timbered and giiurlng land: u good million Iscieek Millej laud. Itisiill Icnceif and has )oor build ings, well wateied, will adapted to mixed grain and stock miming, ('an be (tl tiled Into two or moio Inrms. Prico of w hole, Sr.'.OOO; uuc-thlid cash. L2771 ncies two miles west of llucua Vista, Polk Count), two miles hum Hull mad; 110 acres In cultivation, balance timber and nnstuic; land ls all good; all touced, good barn and lair house, well wateied. This Is imoof tho most deshnblo limns In Polk Count). Pi Ice, JO,noo. 117 "."j uci os, two miles south-west of flci- ills, .Minion Count), small bin u, all ienced and all tillable. I'llie, S.'.IOO. iUOiiftcs, eight miles east of hulem and onoand one-hull miles liom Railroad; li acres In t ultlMitlon, balance mostly gisid Hie timber mid accessible; laud Is parti) week bottom and beaver tlnin laud unit balance In edge of Waldo Hills, gently lol ling. Pike, 810.00 per ncic. 100ncies,llo miles noilhwest ofSalem, lu Polk count), twent)-two acres In cultl tatlon, biilnuio tlmbcictl, well wateied b) springs. HoustiMMir. Pilte, Sl,'JJ0.0O. 018 acies, Unco miles west of Alille, In Polk t omit): house poor. Ijiigo orchard, nil leneeil. 'Axi ncies Milley litiid, and In cultivation; Imlnnte light tlmbeicd and gniliigland, tht fu miles liom rallroud. Pi Ice, J7,000.00. HCIkacies twf) anil ono-hiill miles west firSnlem. House six rooms sir. Rani gofid, well fenced, good spilng, liK) acres In cultivation ioil)Kjlglit ncies In wheat; frill I lu bearing, thliiy ncies timber. Kino laud lor grain or Iruli raising. Can bu divided. Pi lee, $0,150.00. Part fin time. 100 uci os eight miles fioni Alille, In Polk county. Houso ami burn imkji; lilt). live ncies In eulthntlon. Oiio-loiirth crceit bottom limit on Rock Citsjk, giswl water iKiwei- tliieo-lourtli bench land, loi ty litres timber. No rocky land; gtsd class or pisiple around It; open stock rnngo In iUmm Range or mountains, fin west side or plate. Price, D1UJO.0O. tllOaci us, seven miles east orsllvcitou, Marion eonnly. Not Improved, rolling laud, well watered. Fliiochunco lor stock. i'ilfotiu.ou. l:ll; acros, seven miles south or Halum. OiKxi buildings and good feiiins. gixid springs, twoaeiesoichard gfsal variety ot Ire., mill small hulls. HI ileles 111 culti vation, elghly-two iii'iim 111 wheat. Klill isMsiHilon given, and no ctop leserveil. Price, ("1,100.00. lOiiciiw, giMiil buildings und good land next to I'm i Mi's Addition to Salem. Iiw-i than one mile lioiii Stato House. PrUe, jwxm.oo. Uliiieies, fine and oiio-luilf mllm oust of Htiite House. Kali liulldliigs, null, elt All gisiil laiifl. Price, MJ0.U0. .MOnerim, se eu miles south of Salem and one ami one-lmlf inlliw Iioiii Turner. i nerus In cultivation, IMaerus nrhoHVorduiu land, the best laud In the world for onions, lliiisffouitlis Is Milley laud, well vvntertsl. Unge new barn, fair house will make two II lie luriii". Pl It e, JHO w uci e. I I'l 77 nerus, two mllus nortlieiist of State IIoue the IjusI liirm lu Marion count) Vry gooft buildings, tun neres of orehaitl lu buarlng, all In culilvutloii; seventy acres lu fall w liwit, put lu on sumiuer fallow and lllleen nerws winter outs; twelve acres In rwl ulovvr uixudow. All of nrow go with tho place. PrUe, (100.00 Mtr acre. Can dlv lile aud Mil pui I, ir win it ml. Time allowmt cm art In nwirly all tfc H. V. MATTHEWS, OJtlix fivr CMpllul National Rank, with U. T. ItlflwrUxm. attorney at law, HmIpiu, Orrioli. H vl !H j