LOCAL AND Itemized Account of Doings in City and Country. ntti by wir An hiiiu-Iiik incident mriirrwl at thu tfixt h lli " o'clock train whh iwIIIiik it for rorttaml tiHly. 'Hirco follow with whom It I" " ' tcnmtlvc U'tHi-cii He 1" "lul brake U-hiii", IihiI wcretwl them M'lvw at .ft'iriTMinlumlcnioBtli -tween the ciikIhc tcmlcr, and Imd ridden thmiiKh t H'l" I'lnt. They ere iIImiivitmI Just us the t ntln whm i-tcHinlnir out, and the llrc- iimu, IihvIiik plenty "f water in hi" , HllI UI,jiroVel. tank, iriMtilwitilvciiieiii unw erlmth. Tlicy cmwul out ln'tter Imp llnd tliHH they cmt were before, chiH)k tlieiiiHt'lvi-H hihI Hnilllutfly took llio nid Ulilnd the tniln. In this wmneetlon It l h notlivuble fuel that HiIm eliuw of "mi'iiK-'r" give Wilein the Kmnl Ko-by, tl,n-' "", "V,I,K Ikoii ii "vk" iirrextwl In the City the ).hhI three ww-'ke, while on alumni every train one or inori' of them are h-ohhIohIIiik" ,llil'- ,'a"1 H"II,,"' nlKlit, on (he Overlnml ciircsn there ere live biiniH on the hruke UtiniH, anil In fuel M-arcely a tniln mm without mhiic oflliem. They CITY COUNCIL. Hon. J. J. Murphy Steps Into Mayor Ramsey's Shoes. SHAW AMI KAYMIIM) IlKSIHX And fleo. Cnlllns and eo. Williams Take Their I'laics-Ollior Hitilnrss. - -n'nrlra mill pond near ine .. -".-followed, and the street aupeniwr was instructed to llx drain pllc under the pond. I'roiKHil of D. H. Wagnon to place twenty-even to thirty maple ia in the lower end of Wilteon avenue; referred to special committee of Miiito, Lafore, and Muir. Fkinner, Hutton, and Huh ap pointed i'"1 committee to pur cIihm.' a mfe for city use. Street coinniMoner was instruct ed to repair Coinincrclal ntrect covered bridge. Councilman Raymond liaiuieit in arc frequently w-en Jumping " '" mve reailand acted upon Innned Houkund freight eui iihhi the "' al,.iv. The communication wan ax fide from the kIiiIIoii, and ax the f(,n0'ws: train pulln out they mi lug '' ''i- -. tK common Councilor the tueeii the cart anil nue on uie city oi Mtiein ur.: i nuruiy "7j" .. .i... ...tt i ..i. tnf.tii.it .if turn riiv liiiinix'rx. TlieinovcnienlHoi mo1 Tim rciitilnr meeting of the city . . 11...I ... ..,1r "" rminrll IR.-1 nigni uiu iu ".. ie followI,: of Recorder Ktrlcklcr, acting mayor. su,FM, or., March 13. 1888. Fvcry nicmlier of the council was To tlie j ion. Mayor and Common ntront. ! Council of the City of leiii: I priMjin. , inv reslirnutioii 'as councilman from tlie i'irt wani, ' a chaiiL-e of residence iiccwtftutlng i,inufinii of JIavor itamK-y !..,, .! 'I'luHikim; tlie iiiem- nwl and accepted. bew of the council and voters of the ' I, amoved by Mlnto that the KirM ward for the honor co. ferre.1 .. . ." .1.'. ,i,,,.fi,,i, unonme, i am, jvev in.v.i.. v, council procceu i - " - II. haymonii, and election of mayor, hhaw nomi nated J. I. Thompson. Mlnto nominated J. J. Murphy. The ballot was then taken and the vote stood Murphy ", Thomi- MIM I. Murphy declared elected mayor. Mlnto moved that tlie marshal be Instructed to llnd tlie mayor elect and escort him to the chair. Councilman Hliaw then handed a pajwr to the mayor which he asked P. Councilman from 1st ward, (ieo. William and Kd. Hirsch were nominated for the vacancy. The vote rt-ulted: Williams 4, Hirsch 2. The new councllineii were ap pointed to the committees tilled by their predecessors. Adjourned. I.O0A1. NOTl. ol saui nny J. BlIAW. theolllccof alderman for tlie second ward. Dated March HI, 18&S. The resignation was accepted iyid (ieorge Collins elected to till the va cancy. The uiarxhal wiih then dlspatclied after Mr. Collins. Committee on ordinances wa granted further tline to rojMirl. Chalriimn Hush, of committee on accounts and cunent expen-H's re ported favonibly on the following bills: Salem (lasllgllt Co .loM'ph Chureldll .Martin A Cox Moivan V Mead It. M. Wade A- Co II. K. Dnike Wellcr llnw S. I). AT. Co S. I). Klghtlliiger IVte ICmei'Min John Athev 0 oO .1. W. Crawfuid S7 12 (i lover a- Darr ... - 1 00 .1. C. Tliomp-on 75 00 II. F. I)nko ... - 10 7C 18 00 IS 00 1 M tl 00 IK) A 1G 1 W (IfiO 2 CO 10 00 f.illowH to wcurca ride are laiiglui' blc, although they are often wry dangerous. - - liralh linvui; tin (blldtril Several fiiiulllw hi McMlnnvllIe have been iwllwl upon recently to mourn the death of their loved little nil's from meningitis, which Is quite prevalent there. The IlcMirUr of the l.'tth fii'llngly says: There arc many nwI homes In our city (Mlay. During the last three lays IhriH- of our darlings have imt illt'o the great Ih-.voihI, and anxious motherxand fatlieixaie Moiidering uIiiinc turn will come next. Nitur- day evening then' Mercmanj wr-, ions looking men on tbestrc'ts, and ' It lias an tits,! uiattcrto tell on uhat ihelr thiiugh'ts iicre rimulng. Our1 luwrtfell symtathy Is iilthtlie af-' r)letel flllllllies; It Is hm-riniMilat bill, I but '"I'liv uill. 0 Lord, not mine, lc done," U the cry from many of the lieMrtH of thoM1 ii ho IiuvcsIimhI by and m-cii the little uhlle hcarA iwrrvaiiay (hediirlliiK ''tlie hoie-e-bokl. V Jil) MiMr i Attbi'cloe of the council llli'ct Ing lad night, Hill Auilcixiu ex-1 i.miliul mi Iii vilul imi lii lln iiniiiell. I mm iieiily eoiintiuele!, and to the uwmhcrtiof the pre to partake of an oyster niipK'i' at lib c,eiiM'at Clutrley MelleubrHudii, ami the MUe nan MTieil in kihkI style, llko wIm enjoyed iliniimglil.i. During the prufihia of the fnavt a leuiark of Ciainellmani'lcct Collins crcattMl niiH'h merriment, to the ufl'ect that "iiliai the iHiiicllhw lo-t In ability It lu galiusllu bulk." - - Ml KcflUc . ('. 1. t The annual uiw'tlngof the Salem UhI I'iiUmi W. C. T. I', mhs helil ihiThhkU.y the lath, at their hall atul the folloiilug utlivi iierc fl'twl for the cnulnn ir: Piiik, IcIum' nit the uotth half of the alley Mrfc. C. W. SmIUt; Sav., Mp. K. J. In block 7. lias referred lmek to the Mynl; Ciir.Sv., Mr-. It. S. Wallaiv. j petition for moiv signers. The'UntkMuH'trm-imrMHMlererrtHl , Ufuiaskei for ftirther lime to till mv1 iiu-ctlng. The full annual l rt'iNKt on the bridge at the uoith WMt ii III U'glMiu In h few dayn. It'iiilorCoiiiiiu'rclaUtivet. (Iraiitcd. In the matter of the complaint of 192 77 Ordeicd Mild. TheblllofC. R Royal for $100.30 read and oideivd imld. Skinner reported that he could get no reduction on the electric light bill. RUN of Fleetrle Light Co. for SaMfi and water company for $8.1.72 Meieoidoied paid. llu-h again prewntwl to the council the bill of thu Outla Pereha A RublH-r Mfg. Co., Portland, for M12.MI ami Interest from May H, 18S7, to l-Vb. 20, 18KS for tin- luwe iHHight for the city In 18M). The bill Mas rvftirred to special com mltltv of Hush, Skluuer and Uifoic. A lH'tltloll I'lHIlll C. 11. Mooivs to Hv M( u t4. n Mr. J.J. IUm u MlttrlHg (hm hnlNii rwvlitsl In ycMenktyrt ruii MMay a4tkiit, Imi no rn'riou ism hmUihh arv t'UHl. His dnufhur, Mr. Tniln, ltnvovcnM rnuM Imt frtuhl, mihI fcvl no III the Pacltle Vinegar A- Fruit Preserv ing Co., In ivganl to the bridge hiim Mill creek, Ijitniv, on the itaumltliv on sttwis and public m)vrly, luuuled the itniucU a m rtiiu tq4nkiu of the city attorney Ml.s I.i-sie Riley has returned from Portland. ArchbMion (iros left here for Portland this afternoon.. Squire I.. H. Poujadc, of Oervais precinct, Mas In the city to-day. Mamie, the little daughter of .1. W. ('ran ford, isiccovering from her serious lllne-s. Mr-. Judge Hole accompanied her husband to Albany and is visiting friends In' that city. K. II. McCormack and Frank Hughes took the morning train for a business trip to Portland. All horsemen in Marion, Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties should remember the eighth annual stallion show to be given here on Saturday, March III. Tlicoilginof the eccentric name which adornsoneof the British barks now at Portland is accounted for hi the following paragraph which is swinging round tlie circle: 'The Maharajah Dlmleen Singh' of India owns 17,000 acres of land in Knglaud. lie Is going to split hl naino Into pickets and fence in his land." -- I .Veiled fw Cliutrli. A Cm'IT.m. .Im'itNAi. icprcM-nta-tlvc had a pleasant talk with Rev. .1. S. White, Catholic pastor here, this afternoon, in which we elicited the fact that the probabilities are now nlnnM certain for the erection of a handsome, commodious edlllce by that congregation, the picscnt year. Their present building is en tirely inadequate for the accommo dation of Its rapidly increasing meinliei-shlp, and having a splendid pioperty uiHin which to build, now Is considered an opportune time to iH'gin operations. The Archbishop, while here, assisted in stalling the ball rollinir, ami Father White in forms us there remains but a few hundred dollars to lie subscrltied now to make the thing a reality. The republicans of South Salem 1-rcclnct March 34, at one o clock P. M. Ily order of A. oHMABT, Precinct Committeeman. SALEM PRECINCT PRIMARY. Thc republican, primary for Salem pre- clnct will be ncm ai uiui' --- Jlarcn n, hi -.. j,nATTl Committeeman. EAST SALEM PRIMARY. The republican primaries In i Kast Salem nreclnct 111 be held at theold Court House, 6n Match 21th at om ouu j. - rommltteeman. i KitKSlI MILK tOW KOK SAI.I-- IN f,ulreat Capital Heal tine bu.,w. ;i r ijhuv . - turner of State f TTr.t' VM 11 I f). U. A.. JAnVeteveVyStuVlaWnlnMn their ull.M-coml door north of I'ost Olllcc. G. J NO. KNIOIIT.Sec., II. S. JOKY. W .l l. Just Arrived ! THE FISEST USE OF iMillincry and Fancy Goods EVER IN SALEM. Full lino of Ccntemeri Kid Uloveb Just rceclsed. . Siilcm, Oregon. It. K. Duliois. Jok DUBOIS Dubois brothers, l'roprletors C lcmekete oe FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commefcial Travelers, 1'inm II to JSper day. SAI.HM. OKKGO.N GUARDIAN'S SALE. X T l by authority of an order Issued out of tlie County Court of .Marlon Comity, Ore KOii.on tlie Jul II iay oi ihii-iiiiht, isii, ui nflliiK. HUllmrlzliiK uml emixiwerliiK the WAHKVSTS M'MBKHKll HIVeU fttutt tw aevfcfeui. A .kakr W1"" "" '" " ue city Tor of tww m III eovwr t Ue M f rls, j JMH. uu llw whk'l ud I1h 1 gwy 1MC I l',','Vt''w, M"H.v ' I'wmell- will W nil right wlwM w jummh HiisflH't Collin were Ht this Jniuv- pv it( UUW itul luUr m A m ,M,V 't,v,, '' l," hv!mI mumv r. ' inlttw Mini nit w Ulim m oru In by tlw rwunler en tent I iikhi thvdlc rirflit Um XoUk. elwrth' of tlH'lr duties Tlir l-Hm. Im. beM ,.MWl u. t Tr mWt f w M M,, tnH,ttiy,,k.t ,ylugt U,H1 wMh vtu ,'f V,Hninm'kl tot. W l Mr w mu lK I,, VI ,UM , HMl( Uy iuwrtlu f iliy wtr NMluftlntl lit iMvMUliuMUU lll Ih4.I . iiuwihUiw hi prioiitti; w. In MMe itMimilkm lnt41lut . tit irueuid (u UertU tat biW for elcy " i-iw. ut,Z.rtMarf tire ,wkVte.ll,1ufMftml,rr',!MH''Mp,'Mml & 3 &"3ff 22 IB? E? SS wbirb iMMtoi tiMllMM(Mlk Jumi , U. wUtl ftuw ia u. it . , , nke. l Uw M, lllM w Sfi i n -TO SS SS SS m MA. VuiiUrr UlrJ AddrJ to unr laam. The On'K)iiinii Miys that among other delicacies imported by the Chinco from their native land is a sjKt'les of iiuatl, alxnit the sue of a robin. They arc pretty little thiiir, but It would take several of them to make a meal for a hungry man. Mr. Frank Ockum litis purchitMtl a lot of these blnls to ts'iid up to Judge Waldo's farm, In the Waldo hills, Mnrion comity. There are a few of the little fellows there now which arc unite lame, and come out of the bushes to eat with he chickens. Judge Waldo has muho Monpiliau plietwints and Mime Hob VVhlte piHll on his farm, and as shooting is not allow tsl around then' they art! thriving, "and in other respects are doing ijulte well." - Nf tlrWiJ l'lorr (lrfi. Col. HMiey, the mcII known newspiHr iiihii who Mas connected w Ith the Vldette hIhhu a ywr and who during theUst two months has aldttl itutsUlerHhly Im the bright new, of our liHRiilug ttmteinprHry, left this iiitH-nlug fr 1'ortUnd to en- TOTICi: IS Ili:UKHY CIVKN Til VT ( e undersigned, as guardian of Estella Smith, William K. Stiillh, Franees K. Smith, Mi-v Honuiw Miiuin ami i-.uwarti ii. Hinlth. minor heirs of Marj Jpsepliliie .Smith di'it'avd, to veil the Heal htnti U'IoiikIuk to tlieMitu auoM1 nameii imnor hells; 1 will, on the Fourteenth day of April, 1888, At one o clock, p. ni. of said day, at the Court Utilise door In snlem, Oregon, la accotdaiuf ulth the pro Islons of Mild or der, sell all the undivided rlirlit, title and Interest that the Mild minor heirs hae at theda of Mile In and In the lollouliic de scritieil Heat KMatc.ttMi It: The V. of the K W. '. ol section HI; the W. ',of the N. W. 4if section :,T. " S., B. 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, also the southeast (liuirlcr ol the southeast quarter of stH-tloii Jl and the N. K. 4 of the N. E. i, audlots I A and of sivtlon Bi,T. M..B. S MiM oflhe Willanielte Merldlau.aud being tlie 1. l.i '.of William MIlNop A wire, Ms tltUiitlon No. WW., Ccrtltleate No. l!ss:l, and mntalnliig :U7.ril acres of land more or less. lso the follow lug described land "to-Mlt: llegliinlng at the Southwest wrner of claim No. li In T. 5S R. 2 W. of Willamette Meridian, thence East on the South line of Mid claim No. tt!, av.5 elialn ; thence North 2 1. IE! chains, thence est lUS'i chains to the West line oi said claim No. i, thence south 2t..V chains to the place of beginning, and containing .TO acres of land more or less, and being a liart of Anderson Dellavcn and Ife's I). K C. Na ffJ; also, a strip of laud off of the west end of a certain tract of land deeded to George lxmg by Anderson Dellaveuand w Ife and tx'lug .s rods w Hie and 40 rods long and containing 2 acre of land more or less, and being a part of section ID, township 5 south, range 'J el of the Willamette Merid ian; all situate In Marlon Count) and state of Orceon. K. H. M'HKTTK, (iuardlanof above-named Minor Heirs. STITE TllUlSl KEirs 30TI! NOTICE. STATU Ot IIHMW, THKVM'M.lt'.S)K-lCK, 1 s. lk.v, March f Kss, j XTHTICK is HKIIKUY tUVlN THAT N there are funds on hand to pay the following u-Hrrauts, and that the same wilt Is) paid on presentation at thlsomcc. iu a') au not tt 7 i6 m; wis MM Wli till WHS WCJ W tiil 316T UIO WW 1- J1W ttil ilt ant 317S 3170 nu Mi nis w w nw 3i wm tt) Y) NU 2Mt JIM) U 1S JW.1 MU ti im ttft tw im am tno :i n wts ni ie j an taio ttoi w; n il1 ITlM W13 tf 3144 30 TS WTO 3 Ml IMS IM BW i trx -J tl 3MI m nsti isu m tn isi m sm till MM Uil IS iW 11 3M 3IM JM tMM ( J018 irt ttmi 3N no MM WK7 mil tat -an wie tt d wui it won gK' I" Mtentrv work on iwihts of , 2L 1 t! mi mm tiutt eity. He Is h verHtlk and ;n ta wit mm ii tui tan xtu n nleHsMn, w rt w nd ou ,,h1 sul. SSgUSSSSilSSitSSSSJSJ Veeu two Ih c.Mvllwl by uo one In MnwtMMiwmnimm tWitle. Tlw CaMtai. Joitnai. ' " ' "" " """ """ " s ' W IH'hl. MKT iasS HIO Mil J44t II U 111) 3417 lt uv J4W ,! jjoj j,w Mn j, j,u lH1 tf t4 Strike DM MT WIS Ull H MT 5141 14U UK , . xv i i . u . ' " MW 1T lsl "U tM W ii. . JtiliUMMiV Rik MK-k uf tw i an m nit im xm im mi tMMM4jt. imm i4mm m. k. I or Vuim twMMy. ,) lifnijiii iUm-h Knary IVu. it yMmiU)' Iiunhh p tiWi, 1W U MO-dtM. TUb l Uw dxtk ttaM W kiM W wnawtltiwl u l be kuxUutlotl M-H WW ,. . MiihJ ..i t..-. -.. . . " j ruMMimvi mi rn-e. Mtltlv UU Art Mttl M'HUtf Mlth Itt J1!!!!, Id Hj MtMHf;V t HM)Mn t"H-mtOtM)' MM ItMfWUtI Ui vi f tMnM o ok- Mtimiik lMM-ustti f it cuttdltiew v( i be lUsJ ivl tW ttTT IT T MM) MH W Met 3AM I IsM mHK,W MHt klWtkt )iri. O. W. ' U MTV WW Mtl mis 3m 3Ht JtWMMMl, CUtHMMmllU strvtt. HU ttU tttt NT lrt M ttIT M14 Ut n tvm aw w Ttw 4a mimuimk mucxtti vnrnau rrvit. (Kill nunmi. i wiilumrt cm or NAiw Jmim rv J. ImL Al.i tu. h f HAttHg tu hnmu. j t!saKfirj,l3aHtehk tfeHMHMty vtwvMMiow wilt U tiwUSJjfX tovtKH. Uw lb, t 10 oekvk. ' V Ti55w. For Boob, Stationery & Fancy Goods -no to- T. McF. Pattons. 08, STATE STREET. ASK TO BE SHOWN : nnivr.3 srrVPIOXERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON LE C C vY CVP iTlN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS', GA matLriai' acme writing and school TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND IEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO MBE ; SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS-ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS-BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S' MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE 1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (50 CENTS. For Fruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, (S5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. (MBrick Dental OifclUp -OF- L. S. SKIFF &CO. NEXT DOOR TO .OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for the Painless Extraction of Teetli. BSfTlie person awakens from a pleas-ant dream with the aching! teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION --IN- FINK SETS! Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price 32.50, Our Price $20.00. Sel LjltoB, 26 " Cloth, Gilt lop, " Set Thackeray, II " Hair Morocco, " Set Waverly, 12 " Half bloc Cair, " Set E. P. Roe, 15 " Cloth, Set Capt. M. Reid, 10 Vols. Cloth, 32.50, " 23.50. 22.50, " 15.00. 32.50, " 17.50. 22.50, " 18.00. 15.00, " 10.00. Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, -AT- J. BENSON STARR'S. 118, State Street, - - - Salem, Oregon. Capital Lumbering Company! MAXUKAOTl'UKHS OK AND DEALERS IX ivory Variety of Oregon Lumber, Dressed and Undressed. CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Btc. SALEM, - OREGON MJiait 1MM .