Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 13, 1888, Image 3

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Gbovkr Cleveland . President.
Titos. K. Bayard Secretary of. State.
Ciias. S. Faibciuld, Secretary of Treasury
AV. T. Vilas Secretary of the Interior.
WM. C. Enimcott Secretary of war.
V. C. Whitney Secretary of Navy.
D. M. Dickinson Post MaMcr General.
A. II. Oakland Attorney General.
jIomusoN It. Waits. Chief Justice.
State of Oregon.
J.N. DolpIi u. S. Senators.
J. II. Mitchell
Binder IIeiimann- Congressman.
Geo. W. McBride Secretory of State.
G. W. Webb State Treasurer.
E. B. McElroy Supt. Pub. Instruction.
Frank Baker - State Printer.
R.S. 8TRAIIAN 1 , .
Wsi. P. Ixjrd ) Supremo Judges.
W.W. Thayer )
Third Judicial District.
K. P. Boise - -.Judg?
Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney .
Marlon County.
M. li. Chamberlin
ItMN 1
J. B. Dimick
J. T. Gregg
State Senutors.
D. J. Pendleton
A. M. Lafollette
V. B. Comtek
M. N. CHAPMAN rh,"-1 '
George"Mack Deputy Clerk.
John JfiNTO -glier r.
Ed. Okoisa- Deputy Sherlir.
August GiesyV j .Treasurer.
T. C. Shaw County Judge.
Geo. P. Terrell 1 commissioners.
Henry Warren J. r, , , ,, ,
George A. Peebles School feupt.
IohnNewson Surveyor.
O. P. Litchfield.". Sheep Inspector.
City of Salem.
Wji. M. Ramsey ainjor.
A.B. Mum 1st Ward
Perry Raymond 1st Ward.
J. J. SllAW 2nd Ward
C. Lafore 2nd Ward
Jap Minto 3rd Ward
W. W. Skinner 3rd Ward
Nm. Hush 4th Ward -
t "W UTHT-nwJthWfird 1
J. Stricklkk Recorder.
James Ross Marshal.
W. T. Bell : Treasurer.
Geo. G. Binqtiam Attorney.
J. C. Thompson Sup't of Streets.
C. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D.
U. S. Officers.
Jas. Walton U. S. Commissioner.
Joseph ALBERT.Slgnal Service Observer.
Overland to California
Oregon k California Rail Road
Time Between Salem and San Francisco-Thirty-six
4:00 p. m.
6:30 p. in.
7:40 a. m.
LiV. Portland Ar.
Lv. Salem Lv.
Ar. Ban Fran. Lv.
10:40 a. m.
8:30 n. in.
0:30 p.m.
8,-OOn. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. m.
1.-02 a. jn. 1 Lv. Salem Lv. 1 12:52 p. m.
12:40 p. m. I Ar. Eugcno Lv. 9:00 a.m.
Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas-
senccrs on all tnrougn trains tree
The O. & C. Railroad ferry makes con
nection with all the regular trains on the
East Side Division from foot of F street,
West Side Division, Between Portland
and Cervallis:
"7:50 a. m. I Lv.
12:25 p.mj Ar.
Corvallis Ar.
rro-is p.
. I 1:30 p.
"4150 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
Lv. Portland Ar.
U.-00 a. m.
5:45 n. in.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Paclfio Railroad,
For full Information regarding rates,
maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent,
Salem. Oregon. E. P. R00EKS,
R. KOEIILER, G. F. and Pass. Ag't.
Oregon Development Company's Steam
ship Line.
than by any other route.
First-class Through Passenger and Freight Mne
from Portland and all points In the
Willamette Valley to and
from San Francisco.
Willamette River Line of Steamers:
The "Win. M. Iloag," the "N. 8. Rent
ley," the "Three Sisters," leave Portland 8
a. m. Mondays, Wednesdaj s and Fridays, from
Messrs. llolman A Cb's dock, 200 and 202
Front street, for Oregon City, Buttevllle,
Chamdoeg, Salem, Independence, Albany,
Corvallis, and intermediate points, mak
ins closo connection at Albany with trains
of the Oregon Pacific Kallroad.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except (Sundays):
Leave Albany 1:00 PM
Leave Corvallis .---.-.. utl p M
Arrive Yaquina - - &50PM
Leave Yaquina .--..-. ostO A 51
Leave Corvallis ----- . Iftaj A M
Apvlvn Alhiinv ... 1I1J A Al
O. is u. trains connect ni Aiuany ana
Tho above trains connect at YAQUINA
with the Oregon Development Cor8 Line
of steamships between "iuqulua and Han
-.w. ... -...-,. r - . , ...- -- z
Willamette Valley,
Kustern Oregon, - - -"Willamette
Valley -
Willamette Valley - -Easterh
Oregon - - -Willamette
Valloy - -Eastern
Oregon - - -
Thursday, Feb. 0
Tuesday, Feb.lt
Sunday, Feb. 10
- Tuesday Feb. 14
- Sunday Feb. 19
- Saturday Feb. 25
Thursday March 1
This company reserves the right
cnange sailing aaie wnnoui nouoe.
N. B. Passengers from Portland und all
Willamette Valley poiuts can make clone
connection with the trains of the
YAOriNA UOITE at Albany orCorvallU.
and if destined to San FranelKUi, should
arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening
beore tfHte of Killing. ,
PasMBEtr an4 Prriebt. Bate Always the
Lawrst. Tor information apply to MMsrs.
IIULMAK Co., Freight and Tieket
Agenu 200 and 302 Front U, Portland, Or
C.C. JIOGUK, Ae't Gim'l Frt. 4
PaU.Agt- Oregon Paelfle It It. Co..
'. II. HAHWKM.. Jr. GenT Frt; fc
IShi. Agt. Oregon Development
l j.. J Montgomery t
Hun FraneUeo, CaL
The Baker City Democrat contains
seven announcements for sherift' of
that county.
J. K. Weatherford was elected
director and C. G. Burkhart clerk,
In the Albany school district.
A new'school house is to be built
iftHtilsej-, containing four rooms
with a basement and costing about
I. R. Hopper, of Pendleton, loaded
two cars Friday with about 40 head
of horsed, and started with them for
The contract has been let for the
building of a now school house in
Baker City, at a cost of ?20,99G, says
the Democrat.
The Dayton Herald says the nar
row gauge is now running six trains
daily, and that the business of that
line is fast increasing.
The Post says that work on the
government jetty at Yaquina will
soon be discontinued, the appropria
tion having given out.
Sixteen persons expressed con
version unto the-Christian faith
at Lafayette, under the leadership
of llev. C. C. Poling, says the
Dayton Herald.
It'is reported that the Oregon De
velopmpnt Co. has chartered the
line steamer City of Topeka, and
she will soon be plying between this
city and 'Frisco. Yaquina Post.
Miss Cremeu was brought into
the field a few days before election
for school clerk in Portland, and ran
second best among four candidates,
having received 251 votes to 313 for
the highest, H. S. Allen.
A republican club with thirty-six
members, A. Case, President, and
R. A. Bensell, Secretary, was organ
ized in Newport last Tuesday even
ing. It will :do good work in the
coming campaign. Yaquina Tost.
Officer William Merritt, of Baker
City, was shot in the leg while
attempting to arrest a man named
Lonsdale, who was trying to effect
an entrance into a jewelry store.
Another officer camo to- Merrltt's
assistance and together they succe'd
cd in capturihg the would-be
A petition is being circulated in
Linn county asking President Cleve
land to pardon "W. R. McDaniels,
who was convicted of embezzlement
while postmaster at Harrisburg. It
has been signed by all the members
of the grand jury that indicted him,
and the Herald says it is being quite
generally signed.
D. "W. Dobbins a well known
steamboat man will be down next
Tuesday to superintend the building
a new cannery on Shoalwater bay
for the Willapa Packing Company.
The capital stock of this company is
20,000. There are three other can
neries ou Shoalwater bay, owned by
the Nortli Rever Packing company,
Long Island Tacking company and
the Aberdeen Packing company
respectively. Astorian.
i m
Following is tho list of letters re
maining in the postoftice, at Salem,
Oregon, March 1-1,1888. Parties call
ing for them will please say "ad
All letters published as non-delivered
will be charged with one
cent in addition to tho regular
Baldurn Mrs Anncto Hell Mrs Mary
Burns Mrs J C
dimming J ('
Clvmer John II
Cooper Mrs
Dryer Henry II
O'Kcefe James
Lacers Miss Mary
Morgan Orln
Qulim Mrs.
lllder Wm
Hlmmons Grovcr
Treen M It
Karrens Mrs Mcllnda
Jory J
Mayer Morris
Pctctbon P
HoblnsonJohn P
Heedcnburg Frederic
Taylor Marlon
Thompson Jack
White Harriet
Wachler Marlon
Weill Daniel It
W. H. Odell r
, M.
We were surprised to.seo what a
handsome photo that green gawky
chap from Champoeg took until wo
learned that ho had posed before
Catterlin & Hicks' camera. By the
way their work Is the talk of the
country it Is so fine and beautifully
finished. Their prices are tho eame
as charged by other for poor work.
m i
Steamboat Excursion.
The ladles of the Woman's College
Association will give, about the
middle of April, a two day's steam
boat excursion to tho Cascades.
They propose making this tho
event of the season, so far as genuine
pleasure and enjoyment goes.
A Pact
The largest stock and latent styles
ofkul gloved all grades at Lunn &
Brown's. A full stock of staples al
ways on hand. Remember the
place, 2ii0 State and Cginmorpjal
The Place.
HetidquurtoM for froth fiystorjt
elegant meals, soda wafer, 'bread
cakes, pies, fresh candied, A. Strong
& C'o's., 271 Commercial street.
A republican convention for the
state of Oregon is called to meet at
the city of Portland, Oregon, en
Wednesdaj-, the 11th day of Aprl ,
A. D. 18S8, at 11 o'clock a. m.,
for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the following otilcers,
to-wit. Representative In congress,
three presidential electors, supreme
judge and district ollicers, and to
select six delegates to attend the
national republican convention,
and to transact such other business
as may properly come before the
convention. The convention will
consist of 209 delegates, apportion
ed among the several counties as
Del. Del.
Hakcr 5 1-nkc 2
llcnton 7 Lane 10
Clackamas 0 Linn 10
.Mainour -
Marlon 14
Morrow S
Multnomah 30
Polk 0
Tillamook 3
Umatilla 10
Union 8
Wallowa 1
Wasco H
Washington 8
Yamhill l
Gilliam 8
Grant fi
Jackson 7
Josephine 4
Klamath , 'A
Total a 209
The same being one delegate at
large from each county and one
rlnloimto for everv loO voters and
one for every fraction over one-half
thereof, cast tor lion. Jiinger .ner
mann, congressman; at the last
general election. The committee
recommend that the primaries be
held March 31, 18S8, and tho
county conventions April 4, 1888,
unless otherwise ordered by the
p.nuntv central committee.
Republican electors and voters of
the state, wunout regaru w past
nominal affiliations, who believe in
the American principle of protect
ive tariff and Uignltying American
labor, giving free, popular educa
tion to the masses of the people,
effectually protecting all human
ricrhts in everv section of our com
mon country, and who desire to
iiimnoto friendly feelinc and per-
mniiniit linrmoiiv throughout the
state by maintaining a government
pledged to these objects and prin
ciples, arc coraiauy niviieu io uuuu
in selecting delegates to me lujmu
llcan state convention. Respect
fully submitted.
Joseph Simon,
SAI.KJI, Feb. 22, 1888.
In accordance with tho order of tho
Marlon Co. Central Committee of tho pro
hibition party, the County Convention ot
said party of Marlon county will bo held In
tho city of Salem on Friday, March 16, at
11 o'clock a. m. for tho purpose of noml
natlng candidates for county oillcers, and
choosing 15 delegates to tho Prohibition
State Convention to bo held in Portland,
March 28, 1888. Tho basis of representation
for tho soveral precincts of tho county In
said county convention Is fixed as follews:
Ono delegate at largo to each precinct nnd
ono additional for each ten votes cast for
legislative ticket In tho year of 18S0.
Salem precinct 3 Kast Salem 7
North Salem 5 South Salem 5
Jefferson 2 Mnrlon 2
Mchama 2 Stayton T
Sublimity 2 Lincoln 3
Turner S Howell Prairie 2
SUverton 8 Garfield 2
Alilquu 3 Lablsli 3
Gervals 3 AVoodburn. 1
Hubbard 3 Aurora 1
ituttnvlllc 1 Chamnoec 2
St. Paul 1 Fairfield 1
u. w. ursiiCK,
K. L. HimiAKD, Chairman.
Now is the Time.
Now that the political campaign
is approaching it is seasonable time
to subscribe for the Capital
JouitNAii. It will contain full
reports of all political conventions,
meetings and elections, anda cordial
discussion of the questions at issue,
and will be delivered anywhere in
the city for 15 cents per week, or
will bo sent by mall for $5 per year.
Leave orders at this oflice or with
the route agent.
quire ai Lupiiui uuui r.nuuuiiKi:iji:j,
corner of State and Commercial Sts.
meets every Saturday evening, in their
hall, second door north of Post Office. G.
JNO. KNioilT.Sec., H. S. Joky.W.CT.
liv authority of an order Issued out of
n Pnnntv Iourt of Mnrlon County. Ore
gon, on tho 2th day of December, 1HS7, di
recting, authorizing and empowering tho
undersigned, as guardian of Estclla Smith,
William E. Smith, Frnnces E. Smith,
May Florence Smith and Edward II.
Smith, minor heirs of Mnry Josephine
Smith deceased, to sell tho Ileal Kstuto
belonging to tho said above named minor
heirs; I will, on tho
Fourteenth day of April, 1888,
At one o'clock, p. m. of said day, at tho
(Yiurt Houso door In Salem. Oregon, in
accordance with tho provisions of said or
der, sell nil tne unuiviuea ngni, line ami
Interest that tho said minor nelrs havo nt
thn dn v of sale In nnd to the following de-
the day ofsaloln and to the following de-
Kcrllcd Ileal Ftnte,to-wlt: Tho W. y, of the
S. W. V of section 19; tho W, V of the N. W.
U of Miction HO, T. 5 8., It. 2 wot of the
Wlllnmntln Mnridlan. also the southeast
nuartcr of the southeast quarter of
section 21 nnd the N. K. 'Ant tho ri, l'
Vt, nndlots 1 A nnd 0 of section iB,T. 5 H.,11. 3
west of the Willamette Mertdlanjind being
the D. L. t. of William Mlllsop A wife, .No
tification No. MTO., Certlf.oite No. tfl, and
containing 317.61 acres of land more or
loss. Also the following described land
"to-wlU" Hoglnninic at the Southwest
comer of claim No. lfi. InT. 5S., II. 2 W. of
Willamette Meridian, thenco Kast on the
South lino of said claim No. Itt, 20.26
chain ; thence Nortli 3l.tB clialns,
tlieneo West 20.2" chains to the West line ol
said claim No. U2; tlienw south 21JH clmllis
to the place of beginning, nnd containing
50 acres of land more or less, and being u
nurt of Anderson Delia ven and wife's 1). I
L No. Vi, also, u strip of land oir of the
west end of a certain trout of land deeded
to George Long by Anderson Dellavenund
wife and bhE 8 rods wide and 40 rod long
and enutulnlng 2 aeres of land more or less,
and being a part of Motion W, township
soutli, ranges wostof the Willamette Merid
ian: all situate In Marlon Ifeunty und state
ofWu. KHpniBTTK.
tiuardlanofaboiivnamea Minor Iletw.
the Garden Spot of
great Northwest.
Fertility or Soil. Salubrity or Climate. Whole-
funic Water, Excellent Timber and
Delightful Scenery Health,
Wealth, Prosperity.
Marlon county is situated in the
heart of the nmgnillcent Willamette
valley, the central gem in the clus
ter of rich counties that form that
princely domain, and is the banner
commonwealth of the great north
west in all the essentials that go to
wards making it a profitable abiding
place, and a home for tho thrifty
fanner, the cunning artisan and the
industrious mechanic.
Rich in its agricultural resources,
in its cultivated and uncultivated
lands, in Its -water powers, and
minerals; rich in its colleges, and
schools of learning, and with a
climate unsurpassed for its salubrity,
It presents to the immigrant from
the overcrowded states, where cold
winters and hot summers, with
terrible cyclones, prevail, who
conies to the const with some
means, advantages that no other
county In Oregon possesses.
Much has been written of this
western country that requlres a
stretch of the imagination to com
prehend, and numerous complaints
are heard from tho class who have
been misled by them, so in tills
brief sketch tho writer desires to
avoid exageration as to Its present
and prospective advantages, asking
those in the east into whose hands
this may fall particularly those
who huvo their eyes directed towards
this coast to peruse it carefully,
feeling that it is not written to lure
Immigrants within its borders, but
only as a truthful discription of a
land which, If it does not "ilow
milk and honev." contains within
its bosom wealth and resources equal
to any other country on the Pacific
side of tho Rocky mountains.
Marion county is bounded on the
north by the Willamette river and
Bntte crook which senarates it from
Clackamas county; on the east by
Clackamas county and the Cascade
mountains, which separate It from
Wasco county; on the south by tho
Santiam river and tho nortli fork of
the Santiam, separating it from
Linn county .and on the west by the
Willamette river.
TUp nmintv contains. includhiK
valley, prairie and mountain lands,
about 000,000 acres. t
There are two main divisions, the
mountain and the valley. The
latter extends from the Willamette
river to the foot of the Cascade
mountains, a distance of about fif
teen miles.
The mountainous portion contains
some fourteen townships of mostly
unsurveyed land; lying In a strip
twelve miles north and south by
forty miles east and west, and com
prises all classes of land, from rich
narrow valleys In tho passes, up
through all the grades of rolling,
hilly and broken, to that of roek
bound canyons and inaccessible
craggy peaks. It is generally heavily
tinibered, and in tho near future
will be valuable for its lumber sup
plies. These hills und mountains
aflbrd a wonderful summer ran go
for stock, and many ol tno more en
terprising fanners are availing them
selves of Wn opportunity, and when
the cold frosts of autumn approach,
the stock are brought out to Iresh
pastures, thus enabling them to sur
vlvo the winter storms with little
A decided advantage Marion coun
ty has over many others is the di
versified farming interest that can
be curried ou throught tho entire
year; notwithstanding this is a wet
nllmntn tlurintr the winter months,
tho uplands aro seldom too wet to
worn, mm long ouioiu mu ii""
farmers aro through with their seed
ing, tho hill farmer is preparing for
his summer work. And yet the
low lands aro much preferred by
many; tho yield per acre is generally
greater, and perhaps less labor is re
quired to place the soil in proper
condition for crops; and then should
the season prove dry, the bottom
lands are sure to bring tho best
crops. No better farming land can
be found In tho United Btates than
that on tho noted Howell prairie.
French prairie, Santiam prairie and
Salem prairie. The soil of these are
wonderfully productive. With good
cultivation, forty bushels ot wheat
and sixty of oats per acre can be
readily secured.
Tho Willumette river, with two
lines of railroad running the entire
length of the county from nortli to
south, with the Oregon Pacific road
crossing tho southeast comer of the
county, ullbrds ample facilities to
reach a nuirket in any direction.
Is tho capital of the state and
county seat of Marlon county, situ
ated on tho Willamette river and
nn tho O. a C. railroad. Costly
buildings have leon erected, uiiiong
wincii tne state caimoi uumiiii,
opera hounc, uow public ,wool
building, Catholic ncnool buihlliig,
MethodM church, Willamette Uiil-
voreltv, a"" niunv private nwiuuiiuw
1111(1 llllulllOHH
comnaro favorably with older
larger cltloo.
All thing considered, the Wlllain
ctte valley nan tne uwi country
the world, and Marlon county is
about centerally located therein.
To those seeking homes In the west,
no better opportunities can be
ollered, than are found here. Persons
desiring information regarding
Marlon county or the Willamette
valley, those wanting farming
lands, stock farms, business property
or city residences, will be promptly
and reliably informed by addressing
the well known firm of Willis &
Chamberlin, real estate agents,
opera house block, Salem, Oregon.
Worth Reaching After.
Salem merchants are ever wide
awake to open new channels of trade
will catch our meaning, when we
tell them that an edition of over 0000
copies of the Wkkkly Capital
Jouknal will be sent out next
week. This paper will visit nearly
every household in Marion county
and 'many in Northern Polk, espec
ially that part of the county tribu
tary to Salem. Circulation is what
makes advertising valuable and the
Capital Jouknal guarantees Its
circulation to all advertisers. The
country trade is worth reaching
after and an advertisement in the
Wkkkly Capital Jouknal will bo
a wonderful persuader. Bates on
application to Will H. Parry, Man
Tho foreign wheat market Is firm but tho
local market Is Inactive. There Is s.nrclty of
butter nnd It Is In good demaud nt fancy
Wheat 05 cents,
Onts-Xa 10 cents.
Flour So per bbl.
Potatoes weak 10c.
Eggs lie.
Wool lSft'JOc.
Shoulders S 10.
llacon 1012c.
Hay Timothy, S, oats nnd cheat Jl I.
Apples Urccn, SI per bushell.
Plums Dried, lvalue, tier tb.
Apples dried bleached He. sunitrled C".
Chickens-Old SJ1.50 J young $2.60.
Hides lleef hides, green, 5 c, dried 7 c. ;
deer skins, 20c j sheep pelts, 10:S0e, nccoid
lng to wool.
ncef oKC'J'o gross.
Mutton $2.60 per head.
Hogs do, dressed.
Wheat-Quote valley S1.221.2."; Walla
Walla, llrm,S1.121.10.
Oats Market Arm. Quote 4olKc.
Flour Valley standards quoted nl Sl.00,
and Walla Walla brands $.t.50a.73, super
Hno $2.503275 per bbl.
Hay Haled timothy quoted nt$1617per
Feed llrnn, per ton, Sl17 ; shorts 18
20 ; choppep barley, Sl25 per ton.
Ilarley llruwlng, perctl. $1 : ground per
ton, -2327.60.
Hops Quoto 7ac per pound.
Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 8$o ; palls,
'nutter Cholco dairy, iW37!4o per lib.;
brino In rolls, B035c.
Poultry Quoto chickens, $.1.5004.50 as to
quality ; ducks, 1.0-8.00 ; geese $SU ; tur-
keys, choice, 1012Ko per pound.
Eggs Fairly steady ; lRu per dszen.
Provisions Bacon.l 1010c ; liains, 12
12)o ; shoulders Cc.7
Gilbert & Patterson,
Crockery and Glassware.
Tho best and most vnpulnr brand In
tho market.
produce of all kinds. A com
plete stock In every depiirtment.
200 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
Real Estate Agents
Iluysand sells farms nnd city proijerty.
A largo numbcrof desirable farms und city
property nowollerlng on reasonable terms.
Kire Insurance!
Writes policies of Insurance against Ilro
on all WassiM of property In eight reliable
and wealthy Companion.
Brokerage !
Will negotiate loans ou real estate or per
sonal security on long or short time, and
for largo or small suiiis
Salem Co-Operative Association, 1'. of II.
Choice Groceries,
Frovisions, Fruits,
and Vegetables,
Crockery, Glassware,
Butter, Eggs,
and Lard,
All Kinds of Produce Bought.
Via, State trtt. Salem. Or.
Family Groceries,
Ileal Estate, Loan,
Insurance Agency,
Salem Pottery Company.
I am agent for the salo of nil nf the Dun
dee Mortgage Co.'s farms In Marlon nnd
Polk Countld. Prices very low. Also
several WATER POWERS nt Salem and
vicinity. I am laying out iu an addition
all of J. L. Parrlsh's land next east of Sa
lem, about 100 acres. These lots will bo
ollered for sale by me about January 20,
inw. Also aero property iu iiuaiuiij u
suit nnd In nualltv tho best for fruit nnd
lrimloii iuriHscs. iu
most healthful loca-
lion, nnd within ono to two miles of the
State House, at $100 to $150 per acre. I havo
live to ten-acre Improved places with
buildings, fruit In bearing, etc., closo to
Salem at fair juices. I havo for sulo clt
property of all kinds, farms of all slz.es and
adaptations, stock ranches and timber
lauds. I nm n Notary Public. Abstracts
furnished at fair rates. Conveyancing
Heal Estate, two to live years, payable lu
Installments If desired.
s a l km:
Is tho Capital of the State of Oicgon, and
County Seat of Biarlon County. It Is on
tho east bank of tho Willamette ltlver, (a
navigable stream), and on tho Oregon ami
California llnllroad. Tho Stato Houso has
cost SI, 000,000.1)0, tho Couit Houso J110.000.0i),
the Chemeketo Hotel Jl'JO.000., and tho now
l'ublle SchiMil building ?IO,000.00. Tho
state Is practically out of debt and Mnrlon
County neatly so. Salem has tho State
lVnltcntlary, Insane Asylum, Deaf Mute
School, School fortho lllhul.andStatol'atr
grounds. The State Supremo Court Is held
In the State Houso at Salem. Saloin has
tho Willamette University, tho best Insti
tution or learning In the l'acltlo North
west. Salem's Public Schools arel excel
lent. Salem has ono of tho best natural
sites for a largo city and now has about
7,000 people. It has a freo wagon bridge
across the Willamette river. Kxcellcut
water, supplied tnrougn iron pipes on uiu
Holley system; both Oas and Electric
Lights, sewerage, I'lro Department with
three engines, two Public Parks, three
Klourlng Mills with a united capacity of
1'JUO bbls. of Hour daily, a Saw Mill of -10,000
leet dally capacity, and other Industries,
Street Cars coming soon. Ono water power
of 'Mi horse power Is now for salo cheap
and another sufficient to urn a largo woolen
mill Is for salo with necessary ground for
Ki.OCO. All things considered, Western
Oregon has thu best climate In tho world.
It Is much llko thocllmatoof Knglaud, but
tho summers are dryer than In Knglaud.
Tho tallowing Is a part of tho propel ty
I Have on Sale:
7IS acres about flvo miles from Dallas
County Seat of Polk County, and two and
ono half miles from llnllroad station. Two
hundred acres lu cultivation. Ono hun
dred und lltly acies In lull wheat: two
thirds of tho remainder is susceptlblo or
cultivation but Is now light timbered and
grazing land: a good ihu lion Is creek valley
land. It Isalllenceitand lias )oor build;
lugs, well watuicd, will adapted to mixed
grain and stock iarmlng. Can be divided
into two or moio fui ms. Pi leu of whole,
412,000; one-third cash,
V.771 acres two miles west of lluena
Vista, Polk County, two mllos Horn Hall
road; 110 acres lu cultivation, balance
timber and pustule; land Is all good; till
fenced, good barn and fair houso, well
watered. Tills Is ono or tho most desirable
farms lu Polk County. Price, j(l,W0.
V7 7MIIUI-OH, two miles south-west of Oor
vals, Marlon County, small barn, all relived
and all tillable. Price, itt,100.
!K0 aci es, eight miles east of Salem and
ono and ouc-Tiiilf miles Horn llnllroad; l,t
acies In cultivation, balance mostly Ks;d
Ilio timber and accessible; land Is partly
creek bottom and beaver (lain land and
balance In edge or Waldo Hills, gently lol
ling. Pilcc.ilO.OOiHjr acie.
100 acres, live mllos northwest of Salem.
In Polk county, twenty-two nc-ies In culti
tatlon, balance tlinbeicd, well wateied by
spilngs. Houso poor. Price, Sl.'JOO.OO.
UlHacros, thieo miles west of Alille, lu
Polk county; house poor. Largo orchard,
all lenccd. ax) acres valley land, and lu
cultlMitloii; balance light tlmburcd and
griulng laud, three miles fiom railroad.
Pi Ice, 7,0U0.U0.
wins .... ...... ...nl .imi-lllllt IlllllIM l'lWf.
ofSalum. House six looms ioor. llurn
g(M)U, wen iciiivii, g'"u "i'miik, u" ")''"
cultivation rorty-elght ncios lu wheat; fruit
lu bearing, tlility acies timber, i'lno land
for grain or Unit raising. Can bo divided.
I'llee, tO.ifjO.00. Pal toll time.
IU) ileitis eight miles fiom Alille, In Polk
comity. House and barn poor; lllt -live
acies in ciiiuvawm. uiufiuiuhi ...
bottom land on Kock Creek, gis)d water
isiwer, tluwt-louiih bench land.lorty ucres
timber. No rocky land; good class or
pi-mile mound ll; open slooK rungo in
t'oilst Ilango of inoiiutullis, ou west side of
place. Price, siuw.ou.
illOnci os, seven miles east ofSlivertou,
Marlon county. Not Improved, lolling
land, well wateied. Kino uhaice lor stocK,
Prlco SIWJ0.U).
KHMuuriM, seven liillQH soutli or Salem,
flood buildings and gijoil luucos. gisid
springs, two acres orcliai d gsd variety or
tico and small fruits, 111 acies In cult;
vatlon, elgliiy-two iu-ios lu whout. m l
Missossloii gUeu, und no crop reserved.
Price, $1,100.00.
10 acres, gixid buildings and good land
next to Parrlsh's Addition to Salem, less
than one mile fiom Stato House. Price,
UIU acres, one and one-half miles mist of
State House. Fair buildings, fruit, et
All good laud. Prlco, &WJU0.UU.
RSO acies, seven mllos south of Salem and
ono und one-hulf miles from lurner, it
aeres in cultivation, inoneres in iiwh-i u.
land, llui bust laud In the woild tar onions
liuoo-iourius in uiiuy ihiiu, y "V"'.
Ijiitjh new barn, fair nuu will make two
line farm. Price. SiO per acre.
1 10 77 ucres, two miles uortliwut ofst.it'
Ilhiise Hie best lunn lu Marlon couut
Very good liiilldlngs, ten acres of onliaid
n bwilug, all III eiilllMitlon; seventy air.-i
iu fail wheat, put In on summer fttllow and
linwn aurm winter ihu twle acres i
ltsl oloer imudow. All of eroiM go with
the plae. Trlw, S100UW jsr Here. l.i.
dlvllundill lMit, IfwautMl.
THnlUwa im isirt In nearly all c s
OftUs ovw CuplUI National lUnk. vvitn
H. T. Itlcliurdsou attorney at Uw. Sal- ui