BUfaariM ! LOCAL AND CEXBRAL KEffS I.OCAI. NOTK. Itemized Account of Doings in Cilv and Country. S. M. Kripar, Shid Munch and V. Kr.il, of Dixie, nre in the city. hiii '. Wexton, city alitor of the Portland Mercury, Is In the city. The family of Hon. II. P. Knrlmrt left to-day for their new homo in Mm.HKiulKT- 'Portland. Sai.km, Mho-Ii 1-', ISSH. ' A little daughter of Mr. .1. W. V. Hlndii)Hii,Hii. vs-. lUmk I Crawford is retried very oriottsly nii.: hiiih-hI from Crook III with nuw-Ie-. wMiily. .JudL'tiiciit f the lower, Lute Khviikc returned till morn- i-otirl ruviTM.il and a new trial nK from Han Francisco, IihvJukkIv- ordercd. Opinion ny hiranun, .1. ( en up Mh e-Hstwii inp. TIiomihhMouiiIhIii, ri-ii.,VH. Mull-. Our hx-al matter fenliort tiMliiy, iioiimIi "unity Hlale of Oregon, imp. ,,., iioltix crowded out hy I111- Ai-riim! and cubmltted. N. 1). ,K,riat U'h'Kmiili news. Ninon, attorney for appellant,) K,IIK0..MnI,eytUlc WW irishman, IlaIelKh Ftolt attorney for riNjxin-j w)m ,,.(.tliml ,Ui.t xVi.j,iler on pro ,If,ll . I hlliltloii, Inn lomti'il in Portland. Mun Krttitt. jj. deorgeS. Wafhhurne, the The fu-v or .mini .Minim v. Krai, Vahljiirnefc('o., Is- Ik-Iiik ALMOST DOXK LP BROWN. run a.d rout. Kvprvthinirln the market can be had on order at A. Strong & Co's The Dig Bnlly Outwitted, Ontfousht restaurant. and Almost" Licked liy the Wily. ' Fresh bannanas, orange, lemons, D1...1.., i'..iM,mn fix, dates and home made candies IJUinv i.uc,ninimi. .o ' -,. - ,, , " at A. Strong & Go's. Cherrington, the artist, has some The thirty-ninth round was ex-1 very line work on exhibition at his .... . , ., .studio. Call and t-ee it. cepiiona y lecuou", mm uiu uuiwl . ,,,,,- rf . ,,., i, il(i, ,,.,, ' A. Strong & Co. have a line bill of fairness was -liown by both men, vrea for tllelr rc,,iiU. g. day French dinner, only fifty cents. NEW ADYEKT1SEMENTS. For Ms. Stationery 6 Fancy fads ! GO TO heard liv referee. It. P. Holse, Jr., In this city to-day. The point in tli putc I the jwrtitlon of the lllrkri-iil Flouring .Mill property, at Dixie, Polk foiinty, wliieh was thrown in fo the hands of a receiver by the jiliillltlM'.Miiiuli mmiic months iijji). 'Illinoii Ford, of this city, apH-arsj fortlieiliiliitlH'aud (fco. S. WiisIi-i hitrue, of Kugeiie City, for the dc-' fl'lllllUllH. latest CciBrniitlon snlfM Aicilii.ioji(iros was In the city over Sunday, and at high muss yi's- tcrday adminlflered I he Hienunent of conllmmtloii to a larxc number -" '' '"IIHIJI ITIIVJl II V 111,1 oflheyoungerniemlK'Isof the coil-' H.(.n looking .ifW .lii.-itl..n.ll l.ii.ir. grcpilloti. The Archbishop preach-1 ,.stH cd a very powerful sermon, and j,.,-,,,, W. Caldwell, ofKiH-k ls jkivu mi admirable lecture of ln-!lmid, Ulhiol-, n half-brotlier of ll.C. Mriiedon and coiiKnitulatlon to the, Huwlev and a nenhew of. I. o a i .. . " ... ' well-known attorney of huireiie. is In the city, unending to legal linsl-nes. .1. I). Jonlon, of this city, was tak en unite ill several days :mo at his place on the Molalla; but at rejMHt was lecoverlng. Scott Iloarlh has severed his con nection with the Capital Adventure Co., mid leaves tomorrow for A torlu I wuere nu win go imo nusiness. Mrs. Surryjohn has been very ill I with inflammatory rheumatism, at i the icsldeucc of her father, Dr. J. V, Wyatt, in this city is improving. State Siiierinteiident MeKlroy returned on Saturday night's train from Morrow county, when- he had and It was at times most niiuisini? to see them clo-e, and by consent sepa rating In the most polite manner, Mitchell playfully tapping Sullivan. ' Mmi.1i tiilL-lmr wits ilone. Mild the Intervalsofconvep-atlon wereusually followed with a ruli, Mitch away laughing Sullivan did not reli-Ii mhiii- of Mitchell's hits, but was gracious enough to acknowledge them with such icmarks as "j tint's a gooM one, Charlie," and so on, Sullivan's right T.'c.u.l. nuiHil . .1,.. .u.t.twl ..fimifro X -HJ--11 tlllVi, lilt, nwm.( '""bvl citron, rasin, jelly roll, fruit, and cofl'ee cake, and irinirer bread always on hand at A. Strong fe Co's. Adam didn't have to wear cloth- Iiil': but if he had he would have T. McF. Patton's, ,, ,, ". nig; urn ii ne nan ne woum iiuvc a smack! smack! and lKMIgi,t lle Ofthoe all wool suits tell each time getting that O. W.Johnson is selling at I Ie-s than the price of lig leaves. .Never make the future near the exjienseofthe jiast but commence at once to study practical economy by going to A. Strong & Co's and eat ing tlie best 23 cent meal in the city. LE- fe' Messrs. Schrilier rented the store & Pohle have room in the eye getting in inouniing, and Ins lips V;" ,7 . ?" ,i, , ii ... ..... I 11. 11 IIIIIU V IV llirillllll IlllU'k MMMl i) on Mitch- vul,,tu,i i,y Feshburn & Thoemaker, II. IV.f Ifllir .lllll 1 ...lit t. !.l. .!...! sU'lliiiLr. while the bun i i vac. ell's forehead had become redder and I mid will occupy it with their carriage repository No matter how jxior a man's memory may be he will always remember good treatment and that is why so many people remember A. Htranir it Co's nonttlni' restaurant. 271 Commercial street. "A handsome man Is the noblest wnrU- fif tin. i. Intl. I,. v ,i,wl a w ' "- - ......, ....V. v ... Johnson is prepared to make a per fect Peau ash of the ugliest man in town with one of those nobby suits that "lit like the paper on the wall." rlillilnm wliohiidjii'l received the MMinitiiviit. The services were very hnjircsslve. linn Count) fault. Hon. It. P. Iloiselelt on the morn ing train to-day for Albany, to hold Ihu regular .March term of court for l.lnn county. Ills health is now lll(e good and he anticipates no dllllculiy to picveul his holding the Hloii. Dlntilet Attorney Hell, went up last evening to prexuvl hhilsolf for the wolk of the lei in. Tlii'ivnii'MMy niHiton (he docket,! It'll or twelve of them being divorce ' CHM1S. Sinllrliui lullUMI.br. tin r. Dr. J. C. tllllH-rt, uIionc niunc has! during ilte nit six mouths Income j faiiilllnrall over the valley as n iw liliiiron physlolnglnil and psycho. J logliHil subjects, has u-nled three UMiiiiti In the ueu bank block, and, will louHh hi'iv ror Hie pmetlce of Ills pmftliill IllMiut (he 1st of m.t llionili. I lt niiiiopi Hun he w III Imve mcdleulml Uuh In iiiinuvilon ' Mlth liUetnl1Uhiii(.it I WINoii, Is here visiting the latter and will probably remain -everal weeks. Hon. Perry Jtayiuond, city coun cilman from the first ward, Is In the city and will remain several days preparatory to his final removal to Poitlaud. Mr. Payinond Is one of our most energetic cltiens and Salem's los will be Portland's gain. TiMik a "llnilri . ' Hal Patton, son of T. McF. Pat Ion, u Idle riding a bycicle yester day morning, got nu umbrella, uhicli he was carrying In hs hand, tangled tip In the wheel and took a "header." The fall knocked him nearly senseless, cut a gash in his scalp and gue htm several -evere bruises about the bedv: Al'ItKSH .MII.K COW FOIl SALE. IX milreitt Cnpltnl Itoul Kstnte Aecncv. rncr or.State unit C'oimiicrcliil Sts. 7-til I IriAFITAI. UIIHIK, NO. 11, I. O. O. T., j iikvisi.t .-NiiuriutyuM'niiiiiiiiicir hull, srniml iIiKir north of 1'o-t Olllce. (i. .Iu. IV.VIUHT.-I'C., 11. . join, w.e.T. GtKO. II. (JO(JI)IIUK. WOOD DKAIiKIl, f uillee with Cioo. w. .lohtivon, SO Coni iiii'ivliil street. All kiniNol'uixul for sale. Sawed tomiy leiiL'th tleslied. C.ish must iiccoiiip.in.v all orders BENSON'S EXPRESS. 1 l-VWV. Illllll'l'u 'i p.iviu'v in. Jj ery stuble, i-orner of sitiitc and Front streets, or on slateat eoriicrstntpiiiidl'oiii. merelal street-.. Prompt iittentlon and cnrcKiinnuitreil. V. A. 1IE.NSON. Attention, Prohibitionists He r liicani)r-(riM! The new incandescent electric light system was given a tiial last night; but owing to some Haw in the cheult did not work as well as was e.Miecled. The dlllleiillv will k- obvlalcd to-day ami the 'lights l win -nine with their guaranteed billllauey to-night. j rumiu.'rrUI Mirrt HiJKf, I lie ("otlllt.V court U't'oiV its ail. Jourmuent lust Saturday considered the petllloii for and leiuoiistmuiv I'laklklthiu Hrlrflft,. The followhiK delegutiw to the prohlblllon county tHiinentlon, which iiieels In Sdem on the Kith, I wore. clceUMl at the piliuailes held lill Siiit ill l.iit l,.t kJ..I It.. in I .sMiii.iiu, iaii otiitfiii i r. W I H. Mageiv, Dr. .1. vVH pn,f K H-t the pio.sc.1 i-ouuly biidge T. C. Jury, .Sttnuel Itaimi, s,,, lj'l" ..,l' 1I,M,,1 '"' ,,,",,""''',il street. Iliiniiner. II. tl.apn.aii and W y,,l" ''' ' '"tlerdefcircd until Starr; South n.I..i. -H. s .lory ""' M"" ,,,rni "r m,rt- joiiii r. l(otsits, K. . H.ri y P. Murphy, John W. Jui-.. KMIMI'MC.liKII. Hi). J(nt.Ai,:-In theSatutday's Is-uo uf iom- most oMvllctit Journal, aplHMired an able and well written attleleon Hie duties and pilvilege of Us Pn.hk Th,. article In .,ue- lllltl IIUvi.1.1. tl... .... l .. .. in'-"' mi- pinjiriciv oi tile (iiXNiiluulim ttif w hieh 1 aui a hum. ble uieniU-n k.vplnglt phalanx M.lld lor teinivrnnev by uniting to Vote fur unit .n..l .. ,.. It.-i vi '."".. .v """ " "in give :""- ".MieiWHWHiHimwn "-l'"'! legNUUlnn. If wes,td bis wuhwim. eHiidl.kte Hh- dlrwior. I llrm HiuldenmiuHhK neither (witv Ux tviuiw... iwaiilmvlmmft. our iniluemv anil lw ihOlmtiwit ii ihhj, ,i """ l"nHi win HiHuiimtiMHir kind Till) Hlll. VHIX- IIKIUS Hi 'Z d'ellKk Hiid Ml 8 o'clock hUhii Hit voiw had iHtm K.!l,s. TU, M,tlta,t K,r ,. iwlitr lUw Uluivn if. p. I.ltehlleld, J. ii. .Meruit ami J. M. lVym-. lMVltl Sliuim, KMiidldHle fw clerk !ho opjsi-Hlon. 1 1 u thought llwluver whiviMm wilik. iuJi.-i of men. TIm.'h .... ..... . ... "" tMri. llcket If Wi.clliw., riV l v J vm i!; ih HupHsh Hs ,,;,; i r; wm"i;u,,v m- Miu.m.ii i) .. J;:kI ;'ri.ui,Wt,wewiii "k,,l - . . ( - Slhriir Mluiu li.t we,.k . I ""'" ' ,H" Wl' ,,H ' the old liUatHtW Uw VHdUH l 1)m slu'riH MMHIA 1 .....1 ,1 . Ml U Ik IU,I, I.. ft... . . 4t-rttl tl, ,HH. Jh.iiJlZ I r '" ,.,K' ,'"!"rt.V '"" ' MIK. I.. Hw jr nMtt. II.h. W u kw U iJ V, ' ny w '" UM. " "K "H" tlWt It slMWld U,. hi,u. lH 1'lVtlll M'llIiMKSJU I K'.v, t.i K ,wr null! tMUwy n,l jHwrt,- WH4l IJrff Mlltl nra HirMiar ii iii . . Ihv m'imm.1.. ... . r. wmmi UMTOthi "" I ' KnillM lltll 4S.IW.S ," ,T "m,l, -Molmu, I "v ".' lwMi wru tUkiH .- . VHm , hi, imri.,t i,i ,w fWMW. Thi' Uiru . M. -m, MHt Mftlw Hi-1. MinM,t , w ,, rr " v (bm "--w m uw iHUf. Will bigger. o blood came from the latter. Sullivan's no-e and lips trickled carmine. He would not have his moustache removed. When two hours and a half had passed, in the thirty-seventh round, ii reference to Smith and Kilrain caused tittering, but John, lookimr serious, would not reply. The ground was now In a terrible state. Mitchell was freijuentlydown on his Jiands, but got up quickly, and now seemed fresher ami more confident than ever. There wa, however, always a dangerous blow in John, but lie did not rush to the lighting, Charlie lieing more iiicliu-1 ed to plant one until Sullivan hit viciously and went for him. Char lie was always on the alert, and managed to get away. There wa no use in John's racing after him ; he was too agile. Kremientlv Mitch ell, for a change, would take a walk around the ring, Sullivan standing still. Some four times they mutually retired to their corners (o V( the clay oM'theirshoesund icfresh them selves. Then one would challenge the other. Mitchell seemed a little hurt In the Hist half, but later showed great generalsliipand scored best, hut he appealed to be afraid of Sullivan's right. A draw had been suggested, but It was declined, and between 4 and pi o'clock all got Impatient, as a llnlh seemed at least two hours oil". Mitchell at last said: "Well, let us shake hands, or ili'ln on. u-.i.iim likes." Thereiiton llaldock, who had Ih'cii very troublesome, rushed In and Joined their hands. Sullivan s inimuig iom ami not 1 1 were tired greatly. When the tlglu was over all nns. cut crowded around the uriiichmls. desirous nf shakliur limit- lum.i. Although the Sullivan nartv lookd ghini, they soon relaxed. They said that John never was s,i ",iom, up," and Hint It was inexplicable to them. Mitchell was like a cricket. Sub llvan'slMHl.v. right eye and mouth were more punished than Mlti-lidi'- whilst- right eycHiid temple received "lost iiamage. Sullivan and Kilrain shook hands after the fight. Mitchell lias shown liiuiseirtohc a most clever llguter as wcll,.s lstxer. IC.tvssve uuiotness iin.v-illi.il ,.i the ring side, and there was the ut most gvsid order, and generally sjHtiklng, g,H humor all around. This vU,s uildoubtiHlIv a ni.uli.l ...in 111 various wavs. Tin. tlts.t i,ir .-L.-VHoriliTsvUllrtwIvi. nromtn niicntim. i.;.ighwasgMl. , iih. M,d Hj fe8akAffi Imlf the hitting was lmv, but ilw'NJll.,!i,Jr.l,MOmrl 1,ol,H'" n; waits weiv tilKiinllv i.. t.i.. I however, suited Mitchell. The rain lendered ll.e Imttlc groun.l ,llm. inih and this did not suit Sulliviiu. m, ,,,! n n'n ii iin iiw .. t..,.. ivgMitUsl bv siK.rtlmrineii li..n.,.w ttHik the !)S, STATE STIIEE'J1. ASK TO BE SHOWN : CRANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON GAL CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS' vt.tinrniAT. Ar'AfW WPTTfVn AVTI SOWniiT TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials tor raper Mowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS w-BEST IN THE .MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (50 CENTS. Por Pruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, (1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($.3.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. OS, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. - ........... .... ... i.,u, .iiii-ui , lueiuuis Wilt lie held at thn iwn.il iu.111.... ..,...... 1.. Mtlil piielnetscm Saturday, .March loth.ut 'Jo cluck p. in. for the puii-ne of olectlns ilelrciitt-s to the county runvciitlnii, and traiisnctlnK ueh other business as tuny pi-operly untie beibte Nilil prlmatj eon ventlotiK. ' 1! order ill 1'rivliK-t (.Vimmlttces, , t. e. jortv. seeretury. Oregon Peach Bitters About eighteen ears (led I reeelved 11 llltrt III HIV Ii.n.b ftv.... .. .,!, ..r ........" ,..,,,," I. ..in- hi uiiuuer ralllneon me. nud ever sfnee hail been iinil the las j ear very miieh. TlirouBh the ...w...,., i.uaiaai Wl IH'Iiry KWMH1. I KiUKhtals.tlleoni Klas'N i5reKon l'e.elt J ir,","?, ";f0, ' ll,,(1 ,,"ke '''f the liottlel rounit a L-reat lellef from It. 1 oeiievelttobetisplenitlil remedy for iho '"""."."" miiiiiij iveommeml It forthe M,,,lt'. J. II. 1()I(T1-1 AiiiHsvllli-.Jamuio 12, IsU lml,'K- " Live anil Lei Live Painf Shop." HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. AT THE Brick Dental Office IgiMHlaoGy -OF- L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TOIOPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Wzeil Air Given for the Painless Extraction of Teetli. tSfTlw jH-rson innikciH from a pleasant dream with the aehin' teeth gone. "' Also Gold Crowns Set. GHEAT KEDUCTTON -IN- FINESETS! M Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price $32.50, Our Price 120.0(1, Hatrt liiihrikuiMt nu-XKHiinlsofj. A.Untl,i,,0 ""' ""' tuiHK isn..rt.wl i,.,.. ..... " "''vii tlllll I GUARDIAN'S SALE. XTtri'ICK IM IIHIIVIIV nii.ii. 1 l.y imtlHirily iirnn order Issued oiit or .... on ihei diy of "i.nl "&j713fc wiuiK-jHiiiiioniliiKiiiitl iimisiwerliu- tli, WY.,ir,'uff1' Knln o file llu An,ii vi. "'"tV.J?:. Moltli. Fmnce, w ' i. v.. '"""" miiiiii ami Ktlwaril n M Ljllou. 26 Srt Thatlway, II Set Waverly,' 12 Scl E P. Iloe. 15 7 Cloth, fiill (op, Half .Morocco, Half blue Calf, flolb, Sel Canf. M. Ilciil. 10 Vols, ciolb, 32,50, . 22.50, 32.50, "22.50, 15.00, ' 23.50 15.00 17.50, 18.00 10.00, Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, -AT. Fourteenth day of April, 1888, J. BENSON "8, State Street, STARR'S. Salem, Oregon. ;vL:r;:k:.A."': (" Uy. t ihei - "-- r in s-sriitm il.fc. j" ' i " "''VM tlllll ( UiMkMlult.si .. 111. .1 . . . " "ri.ui , III I a 1 mr ifck. M, , ta,M,H. mp. stewi '. A?' tf, J O- 'i'l I . ;.liiu:il,Wllflll,0c, ysw,. ban ra limharmfr PAmnwl . ... m vu. km,, , ,lu,kl, . gwj Sl'!ftK.TK.'.iK r " "" 1-u'" "Vl 1 1 Iii 1U 1 1 iin I V ! . 'IH-lt,H (Jhi ,imvj i,..,,,., ,. HoTsMHkui.nT .5? i."i.,M"l'.. W.I U -p-,-. . "---TTi- iuiii iii f. .."..'? 2 Uwi kT , i mj IH nlll U .. u III I.,.. i. Dh.n ll... I.... "UMIUrllt MtrttllMll. m1u !... " . ...T "v i iiirr tin ijimii ... thiui ... ' mMikL.1 .... u.i .t .. - nuiiMit.1., ii- n r'. -;-. ..mihi iiitii! i it mill i ' jii Hinrv,.. i "' m.m. (. .-- . .-r niMwllv iilmii.l ... i.i. wl ; ."? '. -1 wim m.wv .. Ilillil I I , I' I'l I III I I III I III! I II lllllllAii 1 Ul ! MiM-rU..i.irv r...ii-i. . t-hukv ik. -...i . .... ' " Z .;V."' "" lM-ribi tami U U J 1 II Mill III III MIIIIII I.IIIIIIUI' i iVV. " UlidiU J llllilll Dressed anrl MnrAj iui GOOCUi rVUMM.iirHim. JukM . j. J.4.i...rf Kutau, Hi In Oftptu Mrki imumiii M, 4HOMiHmtlriW iwuhlMtiMti. Ap Ilk. Wplter A Milk ? wpHHini" M imvNUwmkariUfc . . . - w iv vr s -" -"""" hi it-uiu.it.i ...i.i. ..Ll JZl. -7V,,,mH,,U, " '" "1H.INHUM, hHmWu,w irtSK: "SLtS, ""t,. Jf'"' .?& -. f """. "UW mto iii mi AMIt If IM4 uull. .Im.u... i.i... ., MX MMIMd k. s,U , ... M i .. " " " HUM, UlHltlls-. TWeiunir.... .......... Will MtW Am M irlJ m.J. , - trin . ml H. f. t. r. I....IW..U. vw i . "." "1".TT',' mi ifvW. uaj 2J ?f? 1' l) m Mk vlri.-llil ,LU ..... .. ", Js-Wlh line . MJ ,.iSfM "..Mr irKja?i: rtMiairf.-,...?-.'-, -i"." .. . vwiir.yrr.rr,.' " im 1 toOw-Tii'ir-rT" "."ft" ! r!Jsfics3 rwrA'f, 2iTte5 fOXKlWXTI.Y O.N HAXU: Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, - - vSSSTSSSi I BOXES, Etc. OREGON "" awrttt-rprWreL uB4te.w,viJfJ3i'K.V.ns 'SALEM,