GENERAL DIRECTORY. OitovF.n Ci.evei.and-. President. Titos. F. Bayard -Socrctury of State. Chas. S. FAiitcim.D, Secretary of Treasury W. T. Viias Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Kudicott Secretary of War. 'W'. C. Whitney Secretary of Navy. 1). M. Dickinson rost Master Ocueral. A. H. Oakland Attorney General. MORRISON R. Waite Chief Justice. State of Oregon. J. ;. i tt u senators. Hermann congressman. .Sylvester Penneyki: ...Governor. O. W. Webd State Treasurer. E. B. McEl.nov Supt. Pub.Instructiou. Frank Baker State Printer. K. S. Ktrahan ) . , Wji.P. Lonn J- Supreme Judges. W. W. THAYER j Third JnJIclal District. It. P. BorsK Judge. Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney. Marlon County. M. L. CIIAMBERLIN ) J. A. Looxey y State Senators. J. B. DlMtCK I J. T. GREGG D. J. PENDLETON... s. Layman A. M. tiAFOLLETTE V. B. COLVEK-- f. V. HlHKS M. N. CHAPMAN L'lCrK. GeorokJMack Deputy Clerk. John !Iinto Sheriff. r. Croisan Deputy Sherlll. August Ginsv Treasurer. T. C. .Shaw County Judge. LANDS AND HOMES. In the Garden Spot of great Northwest. the ..Itcprescntatlves .:V. iSYSSkl: -Commissioners. ILflIU UAHUIU..I OEORGK A. FEEMLKS- tonN KWSON Scliodl Supt. . Surveyor. , coroner. G. P. Litchfield ..Sheep Inspector. City of Salem. VM. M. Ramsey. Mayor. A.B. MUIlt 1st Want Perry Raymond 1st Wnftl. .1. J. Shaw 2nd Ward ULAFOKEain warn I rniiiifllmen V. V. Skinner 3rd WafiUr Nes. Bush 4th Ward O. N. Hutton 4th Ward I J. Strickler . Recorder. James Ross Marshal. W. T. Bkll Treasurer. Geo. G. Bingham . Attorney. J. C. Thompson .Sup't of Streets. C. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D. ' r. S. Officers. Jas. AValton U. S. Commissioner. JosEru ALUERT..SIgnal Service Observer. Fertility or Soil, Salnurlty of Climate. hole some Water, Excellent Timber ami Delightful Scenerj-llealth. Wealth.Trosperlty. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Overland to California VIA Oregon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Between Salem and San Francisco Thirty-six Hours. CALirOHNIA EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. South. I , I North. 4:00 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 10-.U) a. ui. 6:30 p. in. Lv. Salem Lv. 8:30 a. m. 7:40 ii. in. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 0:30 p.m. LOCAL PASSRNOKU TRAIN ( DAILY EX CE1T SUNDAY). 8:00 a. m. Lvl Portland An 3:45 p. ni. 1:02 a. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 12:52 p. in. 12:40 p. in. Ar. Eugene Lv. P.-00 a. m. fULI.MAX BUFFET SIiEEl'EItS. Excursion Slcenersfor second-class pas sengers on all through trains free of charge. The O. it C. Railroad ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on tho East Side Division from toot of F street, Portland. West Side Division, Between Portland and.Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT 8UNDA). 7:30 a. m. 12:25 p. m. ITT Ar. "Portland" Corvallis 6:15 p. m. ljiiOp.jii. M'MINNA'ILLE EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY EXCE1T SUNDAY). 4:50 p. 111. 00 p. 111. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMinnvilloLv. 9.00 a.m. 5:45 a. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Paeltlc Railroad. For full Information regarding rates, maps, etc, apply to the Company's agent, Salem. Oregon. R. KOEHLKH, G. Manager. E. I. ROdEHS. . and Pass. Ag't. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD -AND Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. Plr-class Through Passenger and Freight Line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers; The "Wm. M. Hoag," the "N. S. Bent lcy," tho "Three Sisters," leave Portland 8 a. in. Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldavs. from Messrs. Ilolman fc Colt dock, 200 and 202 Front street, for Oregon City, Huttevllle, , Independence, Albany, I'uamuoeg, wiiiem, inuepeuuence, Albany, Corvallis. and intermediate mints, mat. ing close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon I'aelflr Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leavo Albany 1:00 PM Leave Corvallis .l:i7PM Arrive Yaqulna ....... 50PM Leave Vuqulna (tMAM Leave Corvallis 10:18 A M Arrive Albany 11:13 AM O. l trains connect at Albany and Oorvullls. The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development tVs Line of Steamships between ..Vaqulnti and tan Francisco. SIUMI DATES. ITKAMKIIM, FROM SAN UIANCIsCO. Willamette Vulle), - Thursday, Feb. 9 Kustern Oregon, - - Tuesday, Feb. 14 Willamette Valley - Sunday, Fob. 19 STEAMERS, FROM YAQPIN.V. Willamette Valley - - - lt?,trh .re?on. - : Sunday Feb. lo Willamette Valloy - - Saturday Feb. 23 Eastern Oregon - ThursdaMnrch 1 This company reserve the right to vuauRC rsuilug Ullltm WIIIII1UV UUllCe. S. B, Passengers from Portlaud a i alley with illamette Valley points eon make elosa connection the trains and all :e close of the YAOl'INAIMlITKut Allium- ,.r and if destined to nan FranclMo, should! arrange tonrrlve at Yaqulna the evening before date of Milling. Taueager and Frelekl lUtni lwaii the m. ruriuiurniaiioiiimpiy to .Meksr. UUL.MAN 4 Co- Freight and TMeiit Agents a and 30s! Front ! PorftaHd, Or- HOGUK. Atft Oun'l Vn. Pas. AgU, Oregon Paelflc R. 1L Co, C II. IIA8WKIA Jr. GeaFrt; 4 r' Paw. Agt, Oregon Development Co., 11 Montgomery tt.: nan KraiiclMX), CI. or to C.C, Marion county is slttinted in the heart of the'inngniHccnt Willamette valley, the central gem in the clus ter of rich counties that form that princely domain, and is the banner commonwealth of the great north west in all the essentials that go to wards making it n profitable abiding place, and a home for the thrifty farmer, the cunning artisan and the industrious mechanic. lUch in its agricultural resources, in its cultivated and uncultivated lands, in its water powers, and minerals; rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for its salubrity, it presents to the immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters . and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, who comes to the coast with some means, advantages that no other county in Oregon possesses. Much has been written of this western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints are heard from the class who have been misled by them, so in this brief sketch the writer desires to avoid exageration as to its present and prospective advantages, asking those in the east into whose hands this may fall particularly those who have their eyes directed towards this coast to peruse it carefully, feeling that it is not written to lure immigrants within its borders, but only as ti truthful discription of a laud which, if it does not "ilow milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealth and equal to any other country on the Pacific side of the Rocky mountains. UOUNDARIKS. Marion county is bounded on the north by the Willamette river and Butte creek which separates it from Clackamas county; on the east by Clackamas county and the Cascade mountains, which separate it from Wasco county; on the south by the Santiaiu river and the north fork of the Santiam, separating it from Linn county,and on the west by the Willamette river. PHYSICAL FORMATION. The county contains, including valley, prairie and mountain lands, about 900,000 acres. There are two main divisions, the mountain and the valley. The latter extends from the Willamette river to the foot of the Cascade mountains, a distance of about fif teen miles. The mountainous portion contains some fourteen townships of mostly unsurveyed land; lying in a strip twelve miles north and south by forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow valleys in the passes, up through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock bound canyons and inaccessible craggy pettks. It is generally heavily timbered, and in the near future will be valuable for its lumber sun- plies. These hills and mountains all'ord a wonderful summer range for stock, and many of the more en temrisinir farmers are availinir them selves of this opportunity, and when the cold frosts of autumn approach, the stock are brought out to fresli pastures, thus enabling them to sur vive the winter storms with little care. G It RAT ADVANTAGES. A decided advantage Marion coun ty has over many others is the di versified farming interest that can be carried on throught the entire year; notwithstbnding this Ls a wet climate during the winter months, the uplands are seldom too wet to work, and long before the prairie farmers are through with their seed ing, the hill farmer is preparing for his summer work. And yet the low lands are much preferred by many; tho yield per aero is generally greater, and perhaps less labor Is re quired to place the soil in projier condition for crops; and then should the season prove dry, the bottom lauds are sure to bring the best crops. No better farming land can be tound in the United States than that on the noted Howell prairie, French prairie, Santiam prairie ana Salem prairie. The soil of these are wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wlieat and sixty of oats ier acre can lie readily secured. the world, and Marlon county is about centerally located therein. To those seeking homes in tho west, no better opportunities can be offered, than are found here. Persons desiring information regarding Marion county or the. Willamette valley, those wanting farming lauds, stock farms, business property or city residences, will be promptly and reliably informed by addressing the well known linn of Willis & Chaniberlin, real estate agents, opera'house block, Salem, Oregon. Worth Reaching After. NKW ADVERTISKMF.NTS. Salem merchants are ever wide awake to open new channels of trade will catch our meaning, when we tell them that an edition of over 3000 copies of the Weekly Capital Journal will be sent out next week. This paper will visit nearly every household In Marlon county and many in Northern Polk, espec ially that part of the county tribu tary to Salem. Circulation is what makes advertising valuable and the Capital Journal guarantees its circulation to all advertisers. The country trade is worth reaching after and an advertisement in the Weekly Capital Journal will be i wonderful persuader. Rates on application to Will H. Parry, Manager. THE jrARKKT. The torclgu wheat markctis firm but the local market N Inactive. Thcielss.arcityof butter and It Is In good demand at fancy figures. Wlieat 05 cents Oats S0a 10 cents. Flour-4o per bbl. Potatoes weak -10t Kggs-12c. Lard 910e. Wool ISO 20e. Hams 12M1(K; .Shoulders-8I0. Bacon 1012o. Hay Timothy, SJ0, oats and cheat Jl I. Apples Green, $1 perbushell. Plums Dried, i?10e. per tb. Apples dried bleached c. sundrled 67. Chickens Old KJ.S0 ; youns JiBO. Hides Beef hides, Rreen, 5 c, dried 7c; deer skins, 20c ; sheep pelts, lOfouOc, accord lne to wool. Beef Uate gross. Mutton SZ00 per head. Hogs (ic, dressed. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Quote valley S1.221.2j; Walla Walla, flrin, Sl.MS&Mu. Oats Slarket Arm. Quote lo17c. Flour Valley standards quoted at $1.00, and Walla Walla brands $;t.50;t.7o, super lneS2.50273pcrbbl. Hay Baled timothy quoted at$lG17pcr ton. Feed Bran, per ton,S1017; shorts IS 20 ; choppep barley, $i23 per ton. Barley Brewing, pcrctl. $1; ground per ton, -2o27.50. iiops liiioie 7ctuc per pound Lard Kens, or 5 irallon tins. Judicious Advertising CREATES many a new buslne.. ENLARGES many an old business. REVIVES many a dull bushier. RESCUES many n lost business. SAVES many a failing busine.-s. PRESERVES many a large business, SECURES success in any business. -THli BEST Advertising Medium IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEV -IS THE- Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 8$o; palls, Butter Choice dairy, !iu37).!;c per lib. j brine in rolls, 303.)C Poultry Ouoto chickens'. S3.50it.C0 as to quality ; ducks, $i.0"8.00 ; geese JSgtt ; tur- Keys, cnoice, iwfizjAc per pound. Kggs Fairly steady : 18o per dszen. Provisions Bacon, 1 10g10Jc; hams, 12 12c ; shoulders 6c.7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. eb Gilbert & Patterson, DKAIiERS IN CHOICE Family Krocenes, F T RNA L DAILY AND WEEKLY lylerctiants in Salem Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. Who winh to reach out for and secure the- SOLK AGKNTS FOIt THE EPICURE TEA' The best and most popular brand In the market. FACILITIES FOB MAltKUT. The "Willamette river, with two lines of railroad running the entire length of the county from north to south, with the Oregon Pacific road crossing the southeast corner of the county, affords ample facilities to reach a market in any direction. HALKM Is the capital of the state and county seat of Marion county, situ ated on the Willamette river and on the O. & ('. railroad. Costly buildings have lieen erected, among which the state capltol building, county court house, Chemekete hotel, opera house, new public school bulldlug, Catholic school building, Methodist church, Willamette Uiii versity, and many nrlvato resldencus and " busiuqss Moqkbf which .will compare favorably with older ihid larger cities. UKNKKAL. All thing considered, the Willam ette valley ha thf be-t country In -PACKEHS OF- SUGAR CURED HAMS I . PICKLED MEATS, ETC. PUIti: T.KAF LAltl). A coin- Country produce of all kinds. plcte stock in every department. GILBERT & PATTERSON, 200 Commercial St., Malcm, Oregon. WILLIS I CIIAMBERIInT Real Estate Agents Buys and sells farms and city property. A large number of desirable farms and city property now offering on reasonable terms. magnlilcenl Country Trade which can be brought to Salem from every nook and corner of Marion County and from the greater part' of Polk County, should advertise in the fee ( y .Capital Journa ! Eire Insurance! Writes policies of Insurance agulnst tire on nil classes of property In eight reliable and wealthy C'ompunlei. Brokerage ! Will negotiate loans on rent estate or per sonal security on long or short time, and for lance or small sums. Grange Store! Salem Co-Operative Association, P. of II, KH.W.KIIS IN Choice Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. All Kinds of Produce Bought. J.tMIJJ AITKE.V Maajrr. 18U, Wat lrt. (ljn. Or "An advertisement In the Daily reaches the town people; . ' , , hut the Weekly edition ttie Farmers! KKMKMBKR THAT THK CAl'lTAL JOURNAL TO INTRODUCE FTSR,F IS I'RfNTrNO BIG KDITIONS ! AND CIRCULATION IB WHAT MAICKS AN AOVHRTISK.MKNT WORTH THK MQJJHY. KorijirniH, apply to CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. f!W WILI. H. I'AKKV, Jtonaar. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate. Loan, -AND- Insurance Agency, -Awo omcK ov- Salem Pottery Company. Iain agent for the Mile of all of the Dun dee Mortgage Co.'m furmt In Miirlou ami Polk Counties. Price very low. Also several WATKlt POWERS at Salem and vicinity. I nm laying out in an addition all of J. I.. Parrlsh'K laud next east or iSa lent, about 100 acre. These lots w 111 be ottered for sale by mo about January HO, 1SSS. ANo acre property In quantity to suit and In quality the best for fruit nud garden purposes, In most healthful loca tlou, and Mlthln one to two miles of tho State House, at 8100 to J130 per acre. I hae live to ten-acre Improved places with buildings, fruit lu bearlug, etc., close to t?alem at fair prices. I hno for salo clt property of all kinds, farms of all sires aud adaptations, stock ranches aud timber lands. I am a Notary Public. Abstracts furnished at fair rates. Conveyancing done. MONEY TO LOAN Heal I'Matc, two to ilc year, payable in lUMUiunuuis u uesirt-u. SALEM T.I t l.n I nTMm Ulntn a I .... County Seat of Marlon County. It is on ineeustoauKOi ino wiiianictie uter, (a navigable stream), and on the Oreeon aud California lhillroad. Tho State House bus cost S1,000,000.00, the Court House 8110,000.00, me uucmeKCiu iioiei qiuijav., anu uiu new Publlo School building 810.000.00. Thu State ls practically out of debt and Marlon Cuinty nearly so. Salem has tho State Penitentiary, Insano Asylum, Deaf Mute School, School tor tho llllud.and Stato Fair grouuus. i no anno mipremo Loan, is nein in inontuto nouso ai saieni. saiem nns the Wlllumcttol'nlveislty, tho best Insti tution of learning In the Paeltlo North west. Salem's Publlo Schools nrc excel lent. Snlcm has otic of the best natural sites for a large city and now has about 7.000 people. It has a free wagon bridge across the Wlllamctto liver. Excellent water, supplied through Iron pipes on the Ilolley sjstein; both Gas and Electric lights, sewerage, Fire Department with three engines, two Public Parks, tlnw Flouring Mills with a united capacity or i,.aa; uims, ih iiour iiuiiy, ii uw .uiii ui ivami lcet daily capacity, and other Industries, Street Cars coming soon. One water power or -00 horse power Is now for sale cheap and another sutllclent to run a largo woolen mill Is for sale with necessary ground tor '.000. All things considered, Western Oiegon has tho best climate In thu world. ii is mucii nice lue cnmaio oi r.ngianu, uiii the summers mo dryer than In hngland. The following Is u part of the proper!) Have on Sale: "IS acres about the miles from Dallas County Seat of Polk County, and two and our half miles Horn Itallnmd station, Two hundred acies lu cultivation. One huu dredand tllly acres in fall wlieat; tHO Ihlnlsol the remainder Is susceptible ol cultlMitloii but Is now light timbered aud grazing land; u good poitlou Is creek valley land. It Is all leneed and luis poor build lugs, well watered, will adapted to mixed grain and stock tunning. Can be divided into two or moio turm. Price of whole, SH',000; one-third cash. 11.7 71 acres two miles west of llueua Vlsla, Polk County, two miles from Ilall, road; 110 acics In cultlMitloii, Imlauce tlmbci'nud pasture: land Is all good; all tciiccd, good barn and fair house, well wuteied. This Is one of tho most deslniblo lanus lu Polk County. Price, tufio. 1)7 7'i acres, two miles south-west of (Jer Mils, .Marlon County, small barn, all loured aud all tillable. Ptlce, S'.'.IOO. iUOueies. elirht miles east of Salem aud one and one-hull tulles noni 1 tail mail; r acres in cultivation, imiimiico mosiiy goou tile timber and accesilble; land Is partly cieek bottom ami beaer dam laud and balance In edgnot Waldo Hills, gently lol ling. Price, SlO.OO per acie. KiOaeies, Ihe miles northwest ofSalem, lu Polk county, twenlj-two ncies In eultl tatlou, balance timbered, well watered b spilngs. Mouse poor, i'llee, Sl,'j00.00. 018 acres, three miles west of Alrlle, lu Polk county; house poor. Iurgt orchard, all fenced. 'JOU acres alley laud, and In cultlMitloii; balance light timbered anil l-nulng land, three miles from railroad. Price, 7,0H0.UU. Ib' acres two and one-luilf miles west orSalem. House six moms poor. Hani good, well h'lircd, good spring, 114) acres In cultivation lorty-eight acres In wheat; Irult In bearing, thirty aeies timber. Fluu laud lor grain or Irult raising, Can be divided. Pilee,M,ir0.tio, Purl on time. KiOaeies eight miles from Alrlle, In Polk county. House and barn oor; tllty-tlw acres In cultivation. Oiie-tourth cree Isittom laudon I lock deck, good water power; tlnco-lourth bench land, lorty acres timber. No rocky land; good class or people around II; open slock range In Const ltangeormouutaliis,oti west side ol pac.-. Price, S 1000.00. :il0 acres, seven miles east ot'MIvrrloti. Marlon count). Not Improved, rolling land, well vvaleicd, Fine chance for stock. Price JIUX1.00. KI! acres, seven inlles south of Kateui (iood buildings and gisal lenc. g(xd prlugs, two acres orchard good variety oi tree aud small Irult, 111 acres lu cultl Mitloii, elghly-two acres in wheat. Full poshiMtlou given, uud no crop rourvrd. Price, Jl.lOti.U). ID acres, gisilt buildings and good laud uct lo Parrlsh's Addition lo Salem, lew than one mile fiom State House, Price, .(!. Ulkjiicies, one and otiivhalf miles met of Statu House. Fair buildings, fruit, etc. All good land. Price, JJAJ0.0O. VlOarrm, seven miles south of Salem uud one unit one-half iiiIIuh irotu Turner. '.Ii aerw lu cultlMitloii. I.V)acresoriHsiverdam laud, tht) Ix-st luud In the world for onions. thltHfourths Is alley laud, well watered Ijirge new bai u, fair lioue will make two tine farms. Price, fti per acie. 1 10 77 acres, two mlle tiorllivuht or Stale llou.e thu lawt tariii lu .Marlon iHiuiit) Vary good buildings, ten acres of omhurd In li ring, all lu cultivation; sewnty aervi In fiill wliMut, put in on summer fiillow and flftfeu neitM "wlnler its; twelve acres in rwlclovvr nieadou. All or 'ros go with til place. Prtcv, JIUIJJ) )st amv. (ai. dlytdsand svll Mit, ir Wuutetl, 'IIiiiwhIIowwIoh wrt lu iitmrly hU iiiss ' H. V. MATTHEWS, Oltti owr CNtMtuI Niittoual itault, witti S. T. RielturtUull Httorne) ut law, Salem , Urvgon