NEW AD-EKTISEMENTS. I 1 p EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL ITMI.ltr.MIl EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. HX TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company. ( ISOUWOKATBH.J Offlff, II? Coart Stmt, (ljr Hnt Bleil. TKIt.MS OP HUHWIiUTION : I IMII.Y One jew, lj' man -WW) bu moniiH, uy nun. in Three manllM by mall 1 !H l'v wfk delivered by carrier.... 15 wkkki.t 1 One year M r fix month I () Three month ffl lo re- -tWimlmimteTH are authorized gvivc fwuecriinHtti". (7-.dvprtM)H( rutM ' ApplleHlton In XVJM. II. PAHUV, . Mhiimrit. Mi-Kntertnl at the Kulcm I'mlotllcp m Htvind-clM matter. iMONIUY, MAIK'If li.', 1889. iror In flip luvlv lwfomc t?reat. and for ierfeet safety they mut be giv en to unuermaini mai iney can m; indulged only ko far as they do not euuangor me iieaim turn me oi iuc organism to which they belong. Those "appetite" only which are recognized as tending to benefit the whole, should Ikj gratified and the Injurious ones checked. This i.s a !e-ii in nolltlcnl nhwloloirv and hygiene which we consider easy to learn, easy to put in practice and may Ix? made of local application. TIIK DKADJlKJirKROK. iti.Min.iNi; ix tiii: rip us. A.N.VOnCkJIKMH. Mr.W'HMterllrHitlyai.-.fHKli II Jlvwl' Mlixtroln MurahX. KkiTiiuriN runwi (un.MI For Marlon county will be held at tin' njM'ni Iioiiho in SiiIciii on Tlmrmlay, March )lli, 18.98, at II o clock a. in. fur tlic nuriKise of electing It di-legatoM to the Mate convention to In held in Portland thellthdayof April ISSN, mid to nominate live candidates for the legislature, county clerk, hiieriir, recorder, treasurer, whool HiiHrin lOiideiit.twocoiiiiiilHxIdiierH.aKwwMtr, Hiirveyorandcoroiior, audio transact any other business thai may iroi- tiny come iwrure (ju. convention, I'rimaruw will Ix- held on Sat unlay, March tilth. .M'l'OHTIONMKXI. ThoKtvcml prwlncts are entitled to tliofollowliig iiiniiU'rerdulegiitcH: HmImii if, The Hen ton Leader, the ablest demoemtic uewftiKiiier in Oregon, looks at it like tills: "The removal of Mr. Clow from the Hiiperinlendency of thejieiiiteiitlary by the Governor Is embarrassing. The reason assign ed by the Governor, Is that Mr. Clow had sent Home teams and con victs to Ills f n rm In work without charging himself with the item until two months after the matter had been noticed bv the papers. No man stands higher in Oregon than Mr. Clow for Integrity, and we do not believe that Jie lias liccii guilty of wrong. Theio lias been a mis take and wo wish there were a way to have It corrected. Othervvbu it will result in trouble in the demo emtic nartv. Ijosldos resultim? In wrong ton gentleman who Is. we liolleve, as htralght as a string." llli: WAV OK TIIK WOltl.l). on litNwlelil !M .North Nilmn 8 Hmitli HnUm .Irinixill. Murlon .. MulmiiiH llorrli Htiiyliia... Sal.llinlly MlltlM.. Tumcr IimmI Howell I'mlrlc... a HIlMTlna i Uiirflrlri Aiiioim n IjiIiI.I, lfrU. . WixMllMirn Atlnkni ItiKKHltlV. A CIlMllllHHW I HI. 1-niit Israelii .. II r, u I .1 DaVIIi SlMI'Hliv (hr'ii. Co. (Vii. Coin. t;i The death of Emperor William I, ofGermauy, removes a singularly majestic figure from the world, in some respects the foremost. A great soldier, a great ruler, and a Ann be liever in the ancient idea of the "divine right of kings," he was the last of his kind. He stood alone, and now that ho is gone there is , none like liim. Ills crreat age made him all the more remarkable. To think that but yesterday the man lived who at the age of fourteen, when after the disastrous battle of Ulm, Germany lay bleeding at the feet of France, was taken bv hismotherto the tomb , of Frederick William and sworn to avenge his defeat; and that that oatli was taken seventy-seven years jiLro. mid fulfilled sixtv vears after. 0, V It is a great stretch of time from the battle of Waterloo, where William won a major's commission by bravery, to the French palace of Versailles, fifty-six years after wards, where in the hulls of his ancient enemies lie was crowned emperor of Germany, and the seven teen years oi prosperous reign wiucu closed yesterday. Death dropping the curtain on a career that has not its equal in ancient or modern his tory. The loni? relirn of Louis XIV was a magnificent one, but it was his generals mat marcneu to uattie: the long reign ot ciueen Victoria uas been a progressive one; but It was on the whole, composed of victories of iieaee, and not of war; but no where else in hlstorv can lie fnniu! n parallel to the great Hohenzollern, wiui minute skill cousol uatimr Ms jiower, and finally after fifty years otton, imckeu ny an entire nation, rlfllnir to vlctorv and assumlmr the crown of an einjieror on a conquered Held in tno Heart ofa hostile city. NEW HKHI ' 1 i If iff?3 1lKKm3 til ; II ; el I ; j 'rBSVlJBH fmFm - - s 7mr I 9flSsfyHv flBtaaE-'y I .'PK85S335S8KWHBBIMMBBhI ADVIHIT1SE3IENTS. First Nationa Bank SALEM, OREGON. W.M. N. I.AIUJE, -1)11. J. IlEVNOLI)S, JOHN MOIH. - - - - President. Vice l'rpsldent. . - Cnvhier. H. .1. Minthorn President S. karkar. - Vice-President H. is. cook . necrciary C. H. Moores -. Treasurer The Oregon Land Comp'uy CAPITAL STOCK, - - - $20,000 GENERAL BANKING, U.plionMinn Pnrflnml. Stall FmnrKm. i New York, Ixndon and Hong Kong bousht and sold. State, County and City : ..'nvnnte lm.l.t li'nrmnru nrn pnrrllnllv j invited to deposit tind transact business Wlta us. LilDcrai aavances muuu ou V wheat, wool, hops and other property at ssrensonable rates. Insumnce m i-uch se curity can be obtained at the bank in Pmnst rf1lnhli mninnnlns. w J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF NG CLOTHING ! ! ODD 'M ATS ILL Ill'V AND SELL HEAL ES- Intn Tu lifif wnphlnir ItlinHrnHo rr thousands of eiistern people by extensively advertising In nil of the leading news papers of tho United States. Their facili ties for finding, buyers of real estate are un excelled. It Is to the Interest of those ha. Ing real estate to sell, to place It where buyers come to buy. B. S. COOK, Manager. If. J. Minthorx, Assistant. Office: front room up stairs In the State Insuranco Company's building. ANNUAL" election i School District No. 24. rnHE ANNUAL ELECTION OK SCHOOL JL District No. 2t, Marion county, Ore gon, will be held on the second Slonday of March, that being Monday, March l'. 1888, At Heed's Opera House, For the purpose of electing one (1) School Director to hold for the term of three (3) years, and a School Clerk for the term of one year. Polls open at 2 o'clock, p. m., O. P. LiTeirviEi.n. Chairman. human m nu.iiiru. 7..1TION. OII(l.M. A jKilltlcal organization Mike tho body -n Its n.rN mti-t l harmoniously unlliil av) m, riinil, MirvlciHible whole, limln, miiMtlM uimI nerves must work In unlwiii, iiiic synijitiK Wth, isiu- tnilllug and iiUtlng tl Uu.,- , pliyMnil nrk Is the i,,uli. When im-iinuu mils In It functions, ,K, otIu-ruienilK'i.aicalmKw.,i,seleor -Hmueauilivat the uieivv of Hirnmiwiiiic fn--. If the ml roAiH-tliclroilliv, tin. uior i. or MllUlii aultVi uiiltw,aUtwl by the hniiil.fithi... Iftlu. Iiv.iiIh-1 jMrdut,vil.lywlllllH U(1, Irt"". If Hi.' ,.i,.u.n.. i KliUUiiiiHtai In imiIiik rlrlnkliiK Uu. Wlili ImkI.n iH llleivby;iujuiv.l to HwfXIwH toul.lcl. ,hi appetite Jio'wiiiiwiiitnillwl, mil I m, on Wh m-tHp- 'UlKlilt mit I,. ,. lllllmil IIIMllHIHklll-llit. I.K, , ,., H, hgiir lo it r M ,vu. n. i-m iiyurMKv tVU, SuiUulili tho i nmiilii,M, All It, iHiHHwutwi(,lt,l,r Individual HMlly IUII.I JmIhnt A.r Hit. M..HI of .... , or wiiiitimk h tlw nmill, ullWim , In pr,,,mrtlo (o V"' '"'IHWUiHtv ,4 ,- imrt in ;'Urm,.u,H,.. A,,u..rtl U(u Wl-lll.,H,y wHi-WudhHc It i,w.u,Wf WM to;HH..,fcr In nil ti.iu-.ui ......... . ",ri "'--' " IIHIU HI ui. NO IJI3COUNT ON THIS. Real namo of the next democratic candidate for the presidency: ClevelanD, VoorheEs, McDoNuld, ItaNdall, Hljrgins, Kt. John. Jliirmim's "ireatest show earth" is going to England. The amount of public money which Gov. Hill of New York spent in furnishing his executive mansion is about $1(10,00(1. Church music In New Vork Cltv employs about 000 organists and vocalists, whose annual salaries amount tout least fci'iO.OOO. A language that threatens to rival Voiapuk in Chicago has made its apcaraiico there. A swinging sign In front of a Chicago store reads, 'The Truth Hpokcn Here." The remarkable cases of onlitlnii. mla that allllct the ordlnarv linlfnn. man on .Sunday whenever lie comes in the neighborhood of a saloon ought to be scientifically investigat ed. The Secn'tarv of War ivnorts tlmi the number of men in tin irnit..,i Ktates available for milltarv wrvle.. 18,021,00.), exclusive of lOO.S;!- that ate now oimilled in the nwnin. arui.N. The ('oiniulsslom-i- or liutlan Alliilri has decided that il... Chemketts have exclusive rlirlii (. deteinilne who are ami who are not euuens. 'I in. Indians are great ly njoleed overt lie decision iiil will take steps nt once to exis'l from liulian Territory all whonro remain iiiJC theivliidelliiiiceorihe law John Vm.irl.aii ,.... ,.... w.i.... mwNW",DIH .s.LiniiihK. ni i i ..;... ..."" "" il El? 2 2 ? 2S ?'. m u .' " ,-....,.; j.Miuit iiiiiioilliett " "-' '"' " wt ii ZttO Tl 2187 l..W;lm nmilliiaus for the otlhv SS SS SS SR S SS IZ 2J3 Of sllp M'..r II..II , .. 'J-M.1 'Wt.l ifv.1 na.i. .lu.t ,T.;:7 .11?? I."? -"w ' " ""iiiiy, as nuiews: AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 24!) COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN & CO. -DKAI.KK IN- Titi: Courier Journal free trade hill now before ii calls the Comrres 'a bill to avert a nanic." It Is said that dreams work contrariwi.-.e. and the saying is verified in this case. I he dream of the democrats Hint they were going to avert a panic has in reality ci eaten one, or as near it as the buoyant spirit of the Ameri can people will allow. STATE TREASlllEiTS 30TH XOTICH srvn o oiit'oo.N,TiiU!iiriiKUoii-iri:.i sii.ku, .Man lis, is,i. Vroril-K IS HKItllltY UIVKN THAT y tliiTe are fluids on hand tu pay the rollmvlnii- vrurniuts, unit that tin- wim0 will Ih .ild on pneutatlon nt tills oltliv Tin; U.ulsvllle Courierloiiriial, dimrau. ver tu. in.,K.idlng def.vt of the free twde bill to !... 1 -- iii mni"-v. lIIO- MHlHM.1 u,"' ..". y I"' W4IN Ul,,, "'' HklT. . ,m, HtlMt uil-rMll 1'r '" " "''"Mkv.UvetheehalrM.,, I..l --....I-, ,i ii .ui Hi., u.... --., --.. in. niJn MfMlllI u&u... . . , "7"' r"'".v "H-wiwr ,f M mji,i,. anil rulukir (Mr w rrts thf umm dAuanH. iM t ham, m lW arv rf t, m, lu U In th tKliiv. Ttory n ht i tW iihM ivMUuUliqi TVy ! n. wiwbMtli)r.H44l'lt wm iwmIvImc k gtwtaM MWV ,4 IMI. Uan; iW mm wlw iKInl. ihr .Mn ffhtt)' $ Mr wriai 1 MHl Wh If ft win-- rtwWMHW Um4 to 4. "Stlrn-d by the luipuU- or (Killtlcal olhorvaiuH-, ami ivci'iillng the uantsofaKnNit and inn. iUw,..i.. ..... 11,1,1 ' ivessiv ( ani.ouiiir !mr- -ciu' cHiidldiiten for sherlir." That Is an luioraiit batch ol In- '. views mm niemlH-iN of t,e National Democratic Cou'iuilitw, whleli our Washiiiifiim ...rr. ' -e-i ..s-i, .jpifj- ..v.ii s.uus mis wM..k. The most client imiut is tlieunHiiluiousseiitl llielil ailioiiK tliein f,,r r.,i i i.... M,,r.v plank in the ,wrtv L'Sii?7 !"? 3" ' llir..riii. - I-.v. ' ! J S J" 2 " " , JW w aw X ss m, jj s w SK MV Vn Mil J67S 3RD 3M) uu ul- SnU mt uv, hn mto asu uti Civ Sif & :&' jiff sis - M" 1? 5 (Si Tll ltMIal llliiiilu. . . . . .hhIihT 7.y .Sr-,"'?,,".-"r H. W. WKIIII, Trwi.urr. T.rc.1 io K6 3WJ also an M1J !r'3 Mila 25'. 5K 22?! 2" ITS1. ?" " m ..; :Z ' "" ii,a ,i,a "" -'JO' XI8(! 21J7 mj 17lS 'JU1J JAM JIM SM W7.H M79 iasn Wl MS3 ti JltO 7HM 3303 Wl JtUt Su IJI 17l 1816 17S3 WS8 m,, JlJl mJ i:i KM 1831 3318 330.1 3311 Wl" 31J3 iJS JSW Wl 3018 3807 tm i9 Mio Ws S!.1. S2J ..!.4 S" 9 Si sm au) ! SJ " ' 31 WW M S iw S . SS :ts 2" 2W "? M mis Ss m. i.L, iT "' M,B l 38SI 33JS (M M MM ( 33 3M1 331 3s SJ? 390 3M7 2M) 336S 3S70 J871 MS S73 3 mi IIM 7 3S M7S WS SS 1 SI 'JIM 3J13 3S7I JiKsl 33M 3 ISS SS-' jit mu 1111 .in. J; .. .It?: .t??' r s8 w JTw im iKi ' 5 T iUJ I 3; J!J ?!2 2M? !U 2!S ?!?I 2j? I 2!Kwi.SKSu.5K, JSSSJ B O I O T S O Cfl H Hv. 1W 1 Bcvx" n O '& 4 l' I , TU.i.iJ-L-rftJ!i'iJjS5te- l n Z TTV 1 s?Si Hi . SHOES btlicr and Huts ! " mf CASH PAH) FOR IVYO A)jHf " I DAVlDJSlMPSOK, uierK. A Hide of People Arc daily lloelfing to KELLER & SONS, The Grocers, and making purchases from their large stock of goods. In teas and coffees you can buy a line article, while in Mltmrs vmi mm trtit crvtm r .i.l.a o.. Intcd, powdered or CRUSHED. We are sure we can please you In price, quality and quantity. Convince yourself by leaving a sample order. Nearly every day A FREIGHT TRAIN Comes steaming into Salem and has more or less goods for us. AVe. keep everything In the grocery, crockery and glassware line. W lien the price of any article FALLS We give you the beneflt. Our stock Is now complete. Wc hae a room 80 FEET rou3gho,(,,!!ChG.i,C(li,atcaI!,1, " ood' KELLER & SONS, The Grocers. ties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Wool, Hides, I'pIIs mid Fins. No. SU (oiiiineivlaljstn-el, SALKM, - . ORI-XIOX. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, at Weller Brothers' 5M1, Commercial Street. -THAT MM ! ii ! ! I II CAPim Mill! cot! .111.1 III.. I, I., I llieuhok. imww of iwrtv .uu...... i.. iHitM,wi. rm.rty emieu. I.usl. iw-. Iih. Ihvii irtwIimMr. Itamlall ami hU rniuil Ivfim-.tmi tuo avail - tin- mIImiii (0tmW Watteron "mm w. Nwft. hliiiM-irthe ow. lutlM.njHaU,ve m(tlly ,hrVM, .Mr. lUuulult ami i.u .u. ... . ... nnKinm. MIX' Vt t1lltti.. WV lMteit tU .UH, IlKMM'IkMI MIHllbvVWm U.N It. H K. Ill IVn JK i'lltois Dubois brothers, liOinrl.MN Ghcmekete Hotel. Jmm I. CVvbimI ik'MUHnu-v In 1 iku, It (kr iihwv tlliUeuit Ut . Ittnu It wm. 4 MMm x-Mi-InWl rfl.-r .11.. PRIS12 l?.Ui5, Sa Rmm W U-wca TraV(rfs !-IJCM. . . oftiiauK M MM af& t m H'kllI A't the Opera House Corner, ARK DAILY UKCK1VIXO New Dress' Goods, New Prints, New Clotl-iino;, New Everyttiing, " Aarxllls ,he ,,,. !lt tlulrUMm, L()w CALL ANP S12E US; lii'iiif Your We anil Slay Awhile ! ! Will take Chickens, Butler and Eggs on Account. ' S. Friedman, Brs MxN.Vf.KK. SALEM Will have tho largest boom thi season In Millmery and Fancy Goods M&'klf,??iv?. lM?k i,ut for our lafse mocu io arrive in a few days. CIIAS. CALVERT, Salem, Oregon. COUNTV DEMOCRACY. Primaries.Conventions and Precinct Clubs. l'nmfJi!''on uuty DemocmtloiCentrsl mnrinn"" ,"iS Jur ''U'S ."c pn anil it. ...v.. .1111,111. i UCIOCKD, ami nr Mrou?,y nvenlon on friday, MrU or March, at 10 o'clocka. m., In yiii Al'TOUTIONMENT. .!-... ...... uihs;ru7m:.::::i .North Salem lis rjur Niiii.i "- r- v, 'ft.1";. - 7 SHvorton ...... AlimHII r Stuyton .. ? T"rnr -- -. ii iiimu. HuUwixVm.;m S p. m., toe leru. Oerx-nls . Howell lnilrle. Marlon On Cha intra? Aurora Kalrfleld . . LnbUb. - .. MehaniH Total . !i l 2 .. 2 .10 . ft ... I 1 tkftoikS.l,iVi' xvoVld mwuead i -- ! K !.) lltmillt IU Itfk nt4 ons M n miiiSa iPi.wriiiIWll,UHl)a)), SSMkllulC b w-k? oownty 'WfWBineeatealenu t i ffi9.V ,tar. T.'.,t..DiVIDfON. V. XV. PI Ttn. ' 'f Pur rMmlMTkUMC T. K. IIAYISJ. ' lXuni nti-aH-,miiuil. ' 'ilSS.',i.. s-'v-f? -4, feWlH I