f'J.BPP, vWWS9 m wrepwgwwr rlrw-ryfmwrfnti' 'vyv -mm - GENERAL PIRBCTORY, President. grovhrCi.kvhi.and tT7!Sr. rnaa. F Bayard Secretary of State. Cum. a Faxbchim, Secretary ofTreasury wTViiM. .Secretary of the Inter or. Wm. a HNniOOTT -,?ecL.,ili2f M W C Whithky .-Secretary 01 m"j, D. l DxSiimoa Port Master Genera , .VJiccrotary of Navy. .Port Master Gonere!. a' it! OAHLANii Attorney General. Morrison R. Waits ChicfjUBuco. State of Oregon. J. N. Down 1 u. 8. Senators. J. II. MrrcuBLX.-- svf.VTwrun PiuNOYBn Governor. aryores ? Troasi K R MbELKOY'-V-V-Supt. Pub InBtnlotlon. ci.wu-itiirnn State Printer. BEULIN KY- f K. -J State Senators. n w MniimriE Secretary orstnui. 11 w "woti State Treasurer. FRANK BAKBH State WM.P. Lord - Supreme Judges. W W. TltAYKK ) Third Judicial District. tt i nnttt r .Judge. Geo.' W. UKT.::"".:Prosocutrng Attorney, Marlon Connty M. L. CHAMBEKMN J. A. liOONKY, .1. B. DIMICK J. T. UUKOO D. J. PKNDI.BTON H. Layman I .Representatives w. n. coi.vnu ' "UJVD - tVnrir .VI. N. UIIAl'MAN. KVnti riprfe Gkouok'.Maok Deputy Cleric. Geo. P. Tkuheli, commissioners. GEOROK A. PEMJIJCS BCH?SlSK; JoiihNkwson coroner! Tb. LxHKiTi7i7.V"."Tsnecp Inspector. City of Salem. Wm. M. Ramsey. aiuyor. a.ju. nniK isi wura.-. -Pebry Raymond 1st ward J. J. SHAW 2nd Ward l. LiAFouB 2nd ward I councilmen JAP MINTO iira vvnru- - W. W. Skinner rd Ward km ltnsir 4th Wnrd r XT TTrnm.tfjIihWnrH I J. 8TKICKI.KK HSShSl' James Rosa -,sMnr8 " W. T. 11EI.I..- Treasurer. Geo. G. BiNdilAM ....-Attorney. J. O. TiiOMrsoN Bup't of Streets. C. N. Cunitcuiw. Chief EnglncerB. F. D. I). 8. Offlcers. Jas. Walton U. S. Commissioner. Joskpu Albert.. Signal Service Observer. LANDS AND HOMES. In tho Garden Spot of tho great Northwest. Fertility of Soil, Salubrity or Climate, Whole- some Water, Excellent Timber and Delightful Scenery Health, Wealth.rrosperlty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Overland to California VIA flrcgon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time Between Salem and San Francisco Thirty-nil Hours. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. South. I I North- 4:00 p. m. I Lv, Portland Ar. 1 10:40 a. m. ftSOp. m. Lv. Salem ' IiV. 8:30 a.m. 7:10 a. m. I Ar. Ban Fran. Lv. li:30p. m. LOCAL PASHENOEU TRAIN ( DAILY EX CKPT SUNDAY). 8.-00 a. m. IiV. Portland Ar. I 3:16 pt m. 1:02 a.m. Lv. Salem Lv. 1122 p.m. 12:40 p.m. Ar. Eugene Lv. ftOOtum. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEKPEKS. Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas sengers on all through trains free of charge. Tho O. fc C. Railroad ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on tho East Side Division from foot of F street, Portland. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:30 a.m. 12:25 p. m. Lv. Ar. "PoHlSncT Corvallis at: Lv. "CIBpTni; x:au p.m. JJ'MINN'ILLE EXPRESS TItAIN (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY). 4.60 p. m. 8.-00p.m. Lv. I'ortland Ar. Ar.McMinnvilloLv. "BiOOa. in, 5:15 a. in. At Albany and CorvalllH connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. For full information regarding rates, maps, etc, apply to the Company's agent, .Salem. Oregon. B. 1. ROGERS. KOEULKR, u. P. ana i-ass. Ag't. Manager. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. R, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND- Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 RILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. yirst-clftM Throagh Passenger nd Freight Line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: The "Wm. M. Haag," the "N. a Bent- ley," the "Three bisters," leave Portland 8 a. m. Mandavs. Wednesday a ana Frldavs. from Messrs. llolmnn & Oo's dock, 200 and 202 ront Bireei, lor ureKon uny, iiuiiovine, ccamdoeg, saiem, inuependence, Albany, Corvallis, and Intermediate points, mak ing close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon 1'aclBc Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcopt Sundays): Leave Albany 1:00 PM Leave Corvallis 1:47 PM Arrive Yaqulna 5:50 PM Leave Yuqulnu i - 6:30 A M Leave CorA-allls 10:33 AM Arrive Albany 11:15AM O. t C. trains connect at Albany and -CorvuUls. The abovQ witu tne (J 'OfSteanuhlpsoetweeil Yiuiulnn rranusoo. 8AILIXQ DATES. STEAMEIta, FROM HAN fltANCIiiCO, Willamette Valley, - - Tlursday, Feb. 0 eastern Oregon, - - - Tuesaay, Feb. 14 Willamette Valley - - Sunday, Feb. 19 BTKAMKUii. FROM YAQUINA. WiUamctte Valley - - - Tuesday Feb. 14 Eosterh Oregon Sunday Feb. 19 Willamette Valley - - Saturday Feb. 25 Eastern Oregon - - - Thursday March 1 This company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. ..JE-.11-Faswngera from I'ortland and all Willamette Vulloy point can make closo connection with the trains of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Oorvnllls, and If destined to San PrtiiiatKCO, should arrange to arrive at Yaqutaa the evening before date of sailing. rassenger ana rrtighi iutr Always the Lowest. For information apply to Messrs. ortiandpOr., UULMAN & Co,, Freight und Ticket us rrwsn bu, j Agents 300 and 30S orto a a HoauK, Act aen'i ma. AgU, Oreon l"B9JB CL K, HABWULC, Jr. Oaan v Pas ARt. OfpH I&Vi Oo.,Mciit Kattrnj: Frt. & '.V.P. i A. elopment mrvHt Marion county is situated in the heart of tho magnificent Willamette valley, the central gem in tho clus ter of rich, counties that form that princely domain, and is tho banner commonwealth of tho great north west in all tho essentials that go to wards making it a profitable abiding place, and a homo for tho thrifty farmer, the cunning artisan and tho Industrious mechanic. Rich in its agricultural resources, in ita cultivated and uncultivated, lands, in its water powers, and minerals; rich in ita colleges and schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for ita salubrity, it presents to tho immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, who comes to tho coast with some means, advantages that no other county in Oregon possesses. Much has been written of this western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints are heard from tho class who have been misled by them, so in this briof sketch the writer desires to avoid oageration as to its present and prospective advantages, asking tnosc in tne east into wnose nanus this may fall particularly those who have their eyes directed towards tms coast to peruse it careiuiiy, feelinc that it is not written to lure immigrants within its borders, but only as a truthful discriptlon- of a laud which, if it does not "flow milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealth and resources equal to any other country on tho Pacific side of the Rocky mountains. BOUNDARIES. Marion county is bounded on the north by the Willamette river and Butte creek which separates it from Clackamas county; on tho east by Clackamas county and tho Cascade mountains, which separate it from Wasco county; on tho south by the Santiam river and the north fork of the Santiam, separating it from Linn county .and on the west by the Willamette river. PHYSICAL FORMATION. The county contains, including valley, prairie and mountain lands, about 000,000 acres. There are two main divisions, the mountain and tho valley. The latter extends from th Willamette river to the foot of the Cascade mountains, a distance of about fif teen miles. The mountainous portion contains some fourteen townships of mostly unsurveyed land; lying in a strip twelve miles north and south by forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow valleys in tho passes, up through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock bound canyons und inaccessible craggy peaks. It Is generally heavily timbered, and in the near future will be valuable for its lumber sup plies. These hills and mountains afford a wonderful summer range for stock, and many of the more en terprising farmers are availing them selves of this opportunity, and when tho cold frosts of autumn approach, the stock are brought out to fresh pastures, thus enabling them to sur vive tho winter storms with little care. QRKAT ADVANTAGES. A decided advantage Marlon coun ty has over many others is the di versified farming interest that can bo carried on throught the entire year; notwithstbndlng this is a, wet climate during tho winter months, tho uplands are seldom too wet to work, and long before the prairie farmers are through with their seed ing, tho hill fanner is preparing for his summer work. And yet the low lands are much preferred by manv: tho vield ner tiorn is cenernllv greater, and perhaps less labor Is re quired to place the soil in proper condition for crops; and then should the season prove dry, tho bottom lands are sure to bring tho best crops. No better fanning land can be found in the United States than that on the noted Howell prairie, French prairie, Santiam prairie and Salem prairie. The soil of these are wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wlieat and sixty of oats per acre can bo reaauy secured. FACILITIES FOR MARKET. , The Willumette river, with two lines of railroad running the entire length of the county from north to south, with the Oregon Pacific road crossing the southeast corner of the county, affords ample facilities to reach a market in tiny direction. 8ALBM Is tho capital of the state and county seat of Marion county, situ ated on the Willamette river and on the O. & C. railroad. Costly buildings have been erected, among which the state capltol building, county court house, Chemekete hotel, opom house, new public school building, Catholic school building, Methodist church, Willamette Unf vorrfty, and many private roHldonoeri and bualnQBs: bjocks, ;wfupH wfj) comparo favorably with older and larger aitiea. , ohnkual. All thines considered, tho Willam tho world, and Marion county is, about centcmlly located therein. To thoso seeking homes In tho west, no hotter opportunities can bo ofl'ered, than are found hero. Persons desiring information regarding Marion county or tho Willamette valley, thoso . wanting farming lands, stock farms, business property or city residences, will bo promptly and reliably informed by addressing the well known firm of Willis &. Chamborlin, real estate agonts, opera house b'ock, Salem, Oregon. Worth Reaching After. Salem merchants are over wide awuke to open new channels of trade will catch our meaning, when wo tell them that an edition of over 8000 copies of tho Weekly Capital Journal will bo sent out next week. This paper will visit nearly every household In Marion county and many in Northern Polk, espec ially that part of the county tribu tary to Salem. Circulation iB what rnaKes advertising valuable and the Capital Journal guarantees Its circulation to all advertisers. The country trade is worth reaching after and an advertisement in the Weekly Capital Journal will be a 'wonderful persuader. Rates on application to Will H. Parry, Manager. THE MARKETS. X The foreign wheat market Is firm but tho local market Is Inactive. There U s.arcl ty of butter and It Is in good domand at fancy rilures. Wheat S cents, Oats 30-10 cents. Flour 85 per bbl. Potatoes weak 40c. Eggs 12c Lard 910c Wool-lft20c. Hams 12)ai63;. 8houlders--Sld. Bacon 1012c. Hay Timothy, 820, oats and cheat 814. jpuica urtuu, 31 per ousnen. :'lums Dried, ftalOc. per lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jutdicioxjs Advejrtisinq CREATES many a new business. -ENIARGES many an old business. REVIVES many a dull business. RESCUES many a lost business. SAVES many a failing business. PRESERVES many a largo business. SECURES success in any business. "v.M t) f ii''i 'ftiii -!-THE BE8T-; -, 1 5 f - . K'f? t K Apples dried bleached 9c. snndried C7. inicKcns uiq si.ou : vouncr Hides Beef hides, green, 6 : younc 82.50. c., anca 7 a Plums Dried, Chickens Old 83.60 deer skins. 20c j sheep polls, 1030c, accord ing to wool. Boer 34e gross. Mutton 42.50 per head. Hogs 6c, dressed. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat-Quote valley iS1.221.25 ; Walla Walla, Arm, 81.121.16. Oats Market firm. Quote 45047KC. Flour Valley standards quoted at S4.00, iiuu rvmiu .v uiiu urunus 9J.1 flne S2ttaz75 per bbl nay AMi ton. Feed Brnn, per ton,81617: shorts 18 20 : choppep barley, 8-l25 per ton. Barley Brewing, per ctf. 81 ; ground per ton,-2527.50. Hops Quote 79o per pound. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, 8c; palls, Butter Choice dairy, 3537c per lib. : brine In rolls, 8035a Poultry Quote chickens, $3.50a4.5O as to quality ; ducks, 81.0508.00 ; geose J89 ; tur- Advertising Medium 4. IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY -IS THE- 3.75, super- led timothy quoted at 816 17 per 12c ; shoulders 67c. dszen. ;.hams, 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gilbert & Patterson, DEALERS IN CHOICE Family Groceries, CAPITAL J Ml! DAILY AND WEEKLY. '., - -J Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE EPICURE TEA ! The best and most popular brand in tho market. , PACKERS OF SUGAR CURED HAMS! PICKLED MEATS, ETC. PURE LEAF LARD. Ivlerchants in Salem Who wish to roach out for and secure the magnificent Country Trade which can bo brought to Salem from every nook and corner of . Marlon County and from tho greater part of Polk County, should advertise ink the Weekly Capita Jonrna Country produce of all kinds. A com plete stock in every department. " GILBERT & PATTERSON, 200 Commercial St, Salem, Oregon. GRANGE STORE! Salem Co-Operative Association, P. of II. DEAUCKS IN- Choice Groceries, Provision's, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. All Kinds of Produce Bought. JANES AITKBS, ' Manager. 128, State street, Salem, Or. - C r WILLIS Real Estate Agents Buys and sells farms and city property. A large number of desirable farms and city property now ottering on reasonable terms. Eire In.su ranee! Writes policies of Insuranoe against tiro ou all clauses of property in eight rellablo and wealthy Companion. Erolcerage ! Will negotiate on real estate or per- An advertisement In tho Daily reaches tho town people ; but the Weekly edition Cp.tcties ttie Farmers! REMEMBER THAT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TO INTRODUCE ITSELF IS PRINTING 3IQ EDITIONS ! AND CIRCULATION IS WHAT MAKES AN ADVERTISEMENT WORTH THE MONEY. For, tenns, apply to CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate, Loan, -AND Insurance Agency, -aim orriCK OF Salem Pottery Company. I am agent for the sale of all of tho Dun deo Mortgage Co.'s farms in Marlon and Polk Counties. Prices very low. Also hcvoral WATER POWEItS at Salem and vicinity. I am laying out lu an addition all of J. L. Parrlsh's land next cast of Sa lem, about 100 acres. Theso lots will bo nllercd for sale by mo about January 20, 1888. Also aero proporty In quantity to suit and In quality tho best for fruit and garden purposes, In most healthful, loca tion, and within ono to two miles of tho State House, at 8100 to 8150 per ncro. I have 11 vo tp tcn-ucro Improved places with buildings, fruit in bearing, etc, closo to Salem at fair prices. I have for salo city property of all kinds, farms of all sires and adaptations, stock ranches and timber lands. I am a Notary Public. Abstracts furnished at fair rates. Conveyancing done. MONEY TO LOAN ONJ Real Estate, two to flvo years, payable In Installments If desired. SALEM Is the Capital of tho Stute of Oregon, and County Seat of Marlon County. It Is on tho oast bank of the Willamette Illver, (a navigable stream), and on the Oregon and California Railroad. Tho State House has COSt SI. 000.000.00. tlm (Ymrt. Hunan Slinimm the Chemekete Hotel J120,00U., and tho new' iuuuu ecnooi ouuamg 510,000.00. The State Is practically out of debt and Marlon County nearly so. Salem has the State Penitentiary, Insane Asylum, Deaf Mute School, School for tho Blind, and State Fair Kiuuuuo. luuouiujBuprcmououriis ueia in the State House at Salem. Salem has tho Willamette University, the bost Insti tution of learning In tho Facltlo North west. Sulem's Public Schools nrc excel lent. Sulem has ono of tho best natural sites for a large city and now has about 7,000 peonlo. It has a free wagon bridge across tho Willamette rlvqr. Excellent water, supplied through Iron pipes on the Holley system; both Gas and Eloctrlo Lights, sewerage, Fire Department wltli three engines, two Public ParkB, three Flouring Mills with a united capacity of 1,200 bbls. orilour dully, a Saw Mill of 40.000 feet dally cauacttv. and other lndustrles. btreet Curs coming soon. Ono water power of 200 horse power 1b now for salo cheap and anothor sufficient to run a lurgo woolen mill Is for salo with necessary ground for 2,000. All things considered, Western Oregon has the best climate in tho world. 11 is mucn 11KO ino climate or ungiana, but tho summers aro dryer than In England. Tho following Is a part of the propel ty I Have on Sale: 718 acres about flvo miles from Dallas County Scat of Polk County, und two and ono half miles from Railroad station. Two hundred acres In cultlntlon. Ono hun dred and fifty acres In full wheat; two thirds of the remainder Is susccntlble of cultivation but is now light timbered and grazing land: a good portion is creek valley land. It Is alt fencednnd lias poor build lngB, well watered, will adapted to mixed grain und stock farming. Can bo divided into two or moro farms. Price of whole, 512,000; ono-thtrd cash. 227 71 acres two miles west of Buona Vlstn, Polk County, two mlleH from Rail road; 110 acres In cultUatlon, balance timber and pasture; land Is all good; all fenced, good barn and fair house, weU wittered. This Is ono of the mast deslrablo farms In Polk County. Price, $0,500. 07 7fi ncrcs, two miles houth-west of Ger vals, Marlon County, small barn, all fenced and all tillable. Prlco, Ri.lOO. SUOacics, eight miles cast of Salem and ono and onb-luilf miles from Itallroud; 1A ucrcsln cultivation, balance mostly good tiro timber and accessible; land is partly creek bottom and beasor dam laud and balance In edgo of Waldo Hills, gently rol ling. Price, SIO.OO per acre. 100 acres, tlvo miles northwest ofHalem. In Folk county, twenty-two acres in culti tatlon, balance timbered, veil watered by springs. Housopoor. Price, 31,200.00. 618 acres, three miles west of Alrllc, in Polk county; houso poor. iJtigo orchard, all fenced. 200 uctes valley laud, and lu cultivation; balance light timbered und gmzlngland, tlnee miles from rullroud. Prlco, 7,000.00. lUtjjucro8 two and one-half miles west ofSulem. House six rooms poor. Barn good, well fenced, good spring, 1!X) ucres in cultivation forty-eight acres In wheat; fruit in bearing, thirty ucrut timber. Fine land lor grain or fruit ruining. Can be divided Prlco, SO.100.00, Furl oji time. 100 ncrcs eight miles from Alrlte, In Polk county. IIouho and barn poor; Ilfty-tlvo ucres In cultivation. One-fourth croc bottom land on Rock Creek, good water power; three-fourth bench luud, forty acre timber. No rocky land; good cluss of people around it; 0cu stock rungo in Coast Range of mountains, on west sluo ol pluce. Price, J1000.00. 310 acres, seven miles cast ofSIlvorton, Marlon county. . Not Improved, rolling laud, well wuterod. Fluo chuncu for stock Price 81000.00. lMK acres, soveu miles south of Salem, springs, two acres orchard good arlety ol tree und small fruits, 1(1 ucres in culti vation, elghty-twu ucres in wheat. Full possession given, und uo crop reserved Price, j, 100.00. 10 acres, good buildings and good land next to PurrUh's Addition to Sulom, less than one mile from Stute House. Price, 80000.00. 21ucrc, ono und one-half miles east of Statu House. Fair buildings, fruit, etc All good luud. Prlco, SSO0O.00. 630 ucres, seven miles south of Hulcm and one and ono-hulf miles from Turner. 22T acres In cultivation, lbOucresofbeuverdam land, tho best land in the world for onions, three-fourths Is valley land, well watered Largo new burn, fair house will make two lino farms. Price, 8J0 per ucre. 110 77 acros, two miles northeast of StaU House tho best farm in Murlou count? Very good buildings, ten acres of orchard 1 I n bourlngtUll lu cultivation; seventy acre n fall wheat, nut In on summer fallow and fifteen acres winter oats; twelve ucres in red clover meadow. All of crops go with ino iiiiice. rrice, eiuu.uu per ucre. mu divide and sell jmuI, if wanted. Time ullowed on part in nearly ull cuves H, V. MATTHEWS, Ofllco over Capital National Bank, with '. Richardson, attorney at ww, Saleui, B.T, venal ettrlty on 1 WILL II. 1'AIUtV, Manager. tuuUea, Cul. ette valley has the bast country In Ol regon. loriarKeorsiuau uma. or Mien use, una