r i U 4v L60AL AND GENERAL NEWS- Salea Grange Resolves Against . Food Adulteration, DEMSQUENT IHSSRAVCE COXPAXIES. fill Janrairt CobpsbIh fill ( Couplr wltk tte Stale tsreraice Uwi. Under an act passed by the legis lature at the session of 1887, no Ann, corporation or tvwoclation Is allowed to transact a life, flro or marine In surance business In the state with- out a certificate from the Htato in surance) commissioner authorizing and permitting the transaction of such business. The law also pro vides that within thirty days after tho first day of January each com pany doing or proposing to do hi ndrance business In the state, shall apply to the secretary of state, who Jaex-ofllclolnsuranoo commissioner, for such license. Tliere aro now iIRy-suvcn com panies dolug busincsss in Oregon and out of this number fifty -one have compiled with the law. Six companies have made no ellbrt to comply and have not even asked for a license. Acting Commissioner CanU H. L, Lovcll has notified these companies and warned them of the consequences of their non-compll-unco with tho luw and if they do not come to time within u very few lays they will bocompelled to with draw from business in this shite. . jmsmsaum- - Watlcaale TtcetiMUfl t ratlut ai ttktr Heoi vtS U Trtrnt Ontaglai at tie Ajjltn. Tie Heal Wun t Attached. 1). C. Ivonsbury, deputy shcrlffof Multnomah countv. arrived hero on Saturday evening having In his cus tody a prison committed to tho penitentiary to servo a year. His commitment papers wcro correct In every respect save that thoy lacked tho county seal, which had been for gotten in tho officer's hurry to catch tho train. AVarden McKlnnon re fused to accept the prisoner under the commilhicnt papers until tho eaj wuh attached, and tho deputy was compelled to turn tho prisoner overtoBhwlirMInto for safe keep ing and return to Portland to havo the defect remedied. Tho jwpers will probably be sent to Sherlfl'Mln to this evening with a double seal and a yard of rcd-tapo attached and tho prisoner will be turned over to the state. Dr. Harry Lane, superintendent of tho Insane Asylum, and his two assistants, have a wholesale job of vaccination on hand. They have commenced vaccinating each and every one of the 480 patients in the asylum who has not been inoculated with vacclno virus within the past five years. The prevalence of small pox on the Pacific coast at tho pres ent time is the reason for this very necessary precaution. In the first stages of this terrible disease the pa tlcnt's delirium Is very apt to be mis taken for Insanity and his committal to the asylum would result in the spread of the disease throughout the Institution. This occurred once when the asylum was located at East Portland, causlntr man v deaths. and it was with great difficulty that attendants and nurses could bo found to vmlt upon the patients. The work of vaccinating the inmates Is about half completed and hereafter every new arrival will be subjected to tlds treatment before he or she is admitted to the receiving ward. Fred Kelley, the attendant who was taken down with scarlet fever several days ago Is getting better and it is thought that ho has the disease in its mildest form. He! is kept in tho pest house, a detached building some distance from the main building, and has the care of a competent nurse. Charles Zanker, the Tuctonlo shoemaker of the in stitution, after a visit to his family who live down town, returned to tho asylum and informed tho super intendent rhat ono of his children hud been taken down with the measles. Tho superlntcnt compell ed him to disrobe and don a suit of patients clothes, whllo his own were belugdislufected In tho "dead room.' Tho entire building has been thor oughly fumigated with sulnhur. stick brimstone and other disinfec tants, and tho danger of contagion bus been reduced to the minimum. LQCAX. VOTES. County taxes are delinquent Kepublican club to-morrow night. Judge Flynn, of Albany, Is in the dty. I The board of trade meets to-morrow night. Supreme court for the March term convened to-day. Mrs. A. M. Aiken, has returned from Portland. Henry Goddard, of Portland, was in me city yesicraoy. Miss E. S. "Waterous is visiting friends in Portland. President B. T. Arnold, of the State Agricultural College, is In the city. A now MmA .otvl linu rrnlna (ntn vr wuiv i.i o fS""" .jw effect on the cast side division of the narrow gauge roau. 11. McArthur, a recent arrival frnm Town, lino irnnn Infn ihn lifrlf commission business here. Tlio nntmnl aptinnl mnointv will lw hnlfl In flip nnnifi finnan tn-ntfrhf. A stormy session is expected. Major Frank Hodgkin came up from Portland Saturday night and will remain in the city several days. Wallis Nash, second vice president of the Oretron Pacific milmiul. 1 In the city. MissMattie Russell, a student of me winamcite university, nas re turned to her home at Ashland. Oscar Tavlor. tho contrnctnr. hn - -- . - , . , moveu oacK to csaiem tjTATTOK 1TM3. Stayton pan. boast of two new bycicfes. T! 1 T .!,.. nt QlllillltlltV llflS been visiting friends In Stayton tho last few days. Miss Cora Cooper has stopped from school on account of sore eyes. She Is much missed by her school mates. There is to be a leap year party at Mr. J. Shaw's Wcdneday night. AH tho rfrls aro trying hard to see wno will take the nicest looking gentle man. Peter Thomas and Daisy Brlggs went to the Waldo hills last Sunday Wnmnlirpv. wlinhnslatclv returned to her maidenhood home from Wasco county, which is her home now. Rlllnh Smith, who has been stav- Ihm I.. Qnlnm fnv anmd tlmn lina returned to his home here, bringing wltn mm nis granuaugnier, iuiss Ida Smith, to keep house for him. Grandpa Smith has been ill for some time but he is now slowly improv ing. Whi InlUnrilmW f! T II gnil "- -. . .. . . . . -.. W. U several other iadies not of the order, met at the residence of Mr. Wiles to quilt the W. C. T. U. quilt The. NEW APVERTISEMKNT8. For Books, Stationery f Fancy Goods ! LQ0 TO ' ' ' T. McF. Patton's, ASK 98, STATE STREET. TO BE SHOWN county whero some time. he from Benton has been livlne Cant. Henrv Alpxiun1fr. nf ln. Cov. Polk countv. linn hpnn in Inn city since Saturday receiving medl- uu ircutiuenu A letter received from Secretary of State McBride to-day gives the pleasant Intelligence that his health is is still Improving. Dan W. Iln.ut. ft rlHliifri-niinrr , . - "F " --.p j wu..b nsier oj tseame, wno nas Ntml Hxiti. This iiftcrnoou a German by tho name of Hush, who lives out near tlio poor farm and n Irish tramp, who lives utmost any place, com- lIAItnnil t I a. .....! .. . ll.. li ivm-vii MinLunHlllK U1U IlieniS Of he rer law Sorb Sawing, Tho funniest circuB tho ImnL'lnn- tion could picture in lino of wood Miwlug, was vislblo this morning in tno yard hack or the Capitol Adven ture Co's store. A stout, hearty looking man came along and struck Mr. Frledniuu for pecuniary hhsImI- ancc, as ho was out of funds and work. Mr. F. told him there was awood-pilobackoftho store, upon which ho could exercise himself and cam somcininir. an rhriit. iwj.i try; so u saw and buck were furnish ed and (he pile pointed out. Klmi-t. iy after, Mr. Friedman looked out io ecu non iuu Portland for several davs vesicrc News. yesterday for the Sound. hnr- been in 5ast left 'ortland members took lunch and after the quilt was finished they forgot thoy were women and encaircd in cirllsh out-door spofts. Tho following are the names of those present: Mrs. Dr. Kitchen, Mrs. Dr. Cole, Mrs. W. II. Hobson-. Sirs. J. Shaw. Mrs. G. W. Hunt' Mrs. G. K. Thomas, Mrs. F. Roe. Mrsr D. Stayton, Mrs. ,E. NeQ; Mrs. J. Grier, Mrs."C. R. -Uriggs and daugtiter Daisy, Mrs. Feifon, Mrs. R. Veal. Mrs. -W. Preston, Mrs. L. BrownLftlrs., Avery, jirs. woney, airs. a. jj. uaruner, Mrs. Hnlllnter. .Tr Afra T TWhv Mrs. W. Bailpy and Mrs. L. Jeter. M. Quad. 1 G00U KESOMmOttS. CRANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON LE GAL CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS' MATERIAL. ACME WRITING AND SCHOOLS TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENOERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGlLL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials lor raper howers. ' . .;- MABIE TODD'S DHMOND POINTED GOLD PENS-ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS--BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND t, BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER- PAGE ON TEACHING. T.RACY'8 TEACH- , ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. li . Minvuiwiim iuu men is oj j cvu m iuujuu progressed, and their respective countries and ooun- t"en stood tho bold itinemut. with tTfl.lon uvor ii llim fnmin In u..l.i.. I hlH hiiw liriwvwl luinn.. ti... . 1 5r'i whlskoy don on ammierclal "' 's stomach, and in ids hands a Hon. William Cornell, us strong a prohibitionist as ever voted a ballot, called at this olllce to-day to sign the roll of the republican club and to reiterate Ilia well binwn nll,.,rl- anco to the grand old party. LlltO KaVflfH 1111(1 Afllld Afnrr.rlo -l -.. .-.mj illUbkllj Savago left this morning for San i'rancisco. via Yaqulna, Miss Savilire will visit nlnflvia In RinHi. crn California for a few months and Lutowlllgoon to Illinois to visit fiicnds. Win. J. Clarke, formerly of this city, has accepted a position as Pull man car conductor on tho Cascade aivisiou oi tlio JNorthern Pacific and will probably run over tho Switch back from Portland to Pasco junction. oym' A- Wheeler, ex-assistant btate Treasurer has resigned his position as Social Agent of the Oregon I' ire and Marino Insurance Companvuiifl will )w.rnfi,.. i..i his wholo time to his business in Portland. Salem,. Or., -Mch. 3, '88. Your committee on resolutions beg leave to submit the following repert: WHEREAS. It is a well known fact that tho ordinarv nrflnlpo 'nf food for comsumption such as. tea, coffee, ugar. spices, lardt butter, dried frujta etc., are adulterated to Such an extent' bv unKcriiniilnuo manufacturers .as to render their moderate use exceedingly injurious to tho henJtb. of the consumer, therefore be it Resolved That we are in favor of a law being enacted by the incoming ledsluturc to rcauiro under unltnlilo penalties all manufacturers of food products to plainly mark their goods suiting me cnaracier ana percentage of tho adulteration if any and where THE SICK. jtrcct Tho Ccltstruck hlsTeutonic jnouu in mo mco ana uien stealing his. umbrelU from hlmstnrUnl out of tho back door and through tho alley to Liberty street, olosoly nur Buetl by thonowennigtM Dutelinian. 'Ihoy came together at R. M. Wado A Vuy, corner and then ensued a tuirbfwar frmn whlnli tim T.i,in camo out covural with blood, while tho gtmtloman from tho Emerald llo walkeil ofi proclaiming tho su wrlority of tho Irish on overy Held of battle, Noarrestaasyet AtTkSflal. At their social on Wednesday evonlug, tho Young Women's Foreign Missionary society will ofllT for salo tho following book bv Itov. It C. Houghton, J). d;S Women of tho Orient At the HoiMitlinlil. mill rintli l..v u..i.ii Uomu prepared to buy ono of each. Stick Of WIKXl Wlllnll llliu-nu .1... on tho saw after tho stylo of a wom an pu a wash-board, and in this way had cut quite a few sticks. It would U dlfilcult to think of a more ridic ulous situation, and Mr. FrliMlm.m enloved it huuvlv. nn ! nmuuin.1 til l?fv tlin npfi.Hi.jciti. t.i0..l a.. tlllH DIILtIIII llf fnrtn i.,l..l'.. ...l. had never handled a buck-saw. Hear Dim. Tho talented und jiopular Prof. T. F. Camplwll, wilt lecture Unilght lu tlio Christian church on "Hplrltual OlftH," Kldor A. B. Wado will con Unuuthe. protractwt meeting molt night during tho eek. There have ? . . "" vurnious, ana tiu In. terest w growing. (Vrltr'a Bvrt Tlie mrrior'ii rejwrt ofmaUonlleot ihI aud dellvetd during the month ori'clintarylsas follews: Dellvereil --uveKwiviytt wuars, Taj letters, M70; KHirtU lii uewsiwpore, eta Wk t Mtod-lfctUuV TSl i posta Me r H.t. Jir Serilwr, of (ho Waldo HtlW, to-day sold a tine drove of twenty. uv uitp iu .Meurow Wlllanl, the wnl rW lHUlt, reiMlviK o WOZ JJS i ,,u,l, .", !lH "wrolhr. Skirt Biaawajr. I'jvrly this afternoon whllo Jim Philips, tlio drayman was unloading some Hour from his dray In front of Stelnor's grocery store m Kt.ii street his horeo became frightened aim Biaried on a run down Liberty street U happened Uiat tho relus were so tiirlitlv in.i .. .."? stoudimls of tho drav timt. i. ..uw ii., oi. run ms jHt and ho was cauuht at tho mra i,o corner without any further danmgo than get lug a sack of Hour, whlcli fell Info tho street, mtuldy. Artltlrt titi. The Oregon Noveltv Rr,mi,r,.n... lug Colunauv illoii ni,i lncoriHiratlon with tlm h.v..,.- r ................ -v w outiu iiMiny. tno incoriHirutora are Iwnsdalo and John Gill, f iort- luud. Oipltsl stock, $50000 with IKiwer to , .,crmo tho sa'me. Th" IW Vf,,.lw ,nwrlomtlon Is to buy IllO rll'llf .In iiinm. I-.. ..i... . ,. V PenkS. i.v-.u,.L.J V"i .fV....A' ...,7i .;.T-T..'..A: irv """ ."1,bk dies -.... iuv uiviMiiinns, ana tomauu- Ctllre. llllv mi. i J.n ....v.. ",u. nuvelartlcl " "ai"m a,,tl Old gentlemun Basev. father of A. J. Basey, tho cabman, although In his 72nd year, was on Saturday con fined to his IkhI with Illness and was cpmpoiied tocallformedlcal aid for ino nrst time lu his lite, or at since nis ciilldliood. This Is a re markablo record, and shows what careful living and a strong constitu tion Will (In Hit! ti.illaivru.m.... brief and he is feeling better to-day. Several members of the family of Mrs. Glllingham, on Summer street. WllO liaVO liwil Hnwn n.lll, ,..! ' have recovered. About forty cases of measles are now known in tho city. Com. dllllfrlitnr nf fna 11,,.. i. has been yerj' ill with typhoid fever, Is recovering and lias reached the convalescent sUtge, ' Jetw!n finiv i1nin.ltr,r ... -... fJr,v .Tf Ti .'i " ,,"".' ?' v-'Tltuier JiTv " uuu i raining school at Cliemawa, is quite 111 with ma larial fever. coloring matter or bleaching is used to plainly mark it as such. And be it further ifesolved, That we are in favor of all pure food products being plainly mcSked as such? 1, Adopted by Salem Grange, March John Minto, ) OuvekJohy, V Com Ellen Baqley, J Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE ?1.00). UPTON'S TACTIC8 AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (60 CENTS. If or Krtiit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING REVISED. NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUJTS, ($3). -THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE-NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 08, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. -atj:the ajir iMrnn blv "i i?j i flp'iiin' Dental ea i jgamK. -OF- AFaet The largest stock and latest stvles Of kid Cloves all imillwi nt Tim.,.. Brown's. A full stock of staples al ways on hand. Remember the least P.lace 230 streets. State and Commercial P1IH AND P0I.VT. ItaltoyrHMngiUywn't j? tuii?m Mi sni. Tlte YoMtig WowwH'a lrtrfgu AtWonary MwWty will bU-, m nt$1U!Hjt and te ju til0 vnlg. AdmWwi oiiiifc1 i; Tax l'u. tunt taxes arecominir h. ,.... Well In tho Hhurlll'n .ini. i .... &Uimlay PhorMWHnto turnwl ow muw to vounty Treasurer GIwv wlu liiinui.ii.it.ri. i .. r'vv tnai io Comfort llfre. No tlower of his kindred, no rose bud was nhrh. to reflwi. iwot .to blushes so ho thought ho must die. it was expressman Parrlsh'a mule, so familiar to Salem stiwU t. was found In l.iu D.i,i .i.i morning chokclto tth come lonesome after Ids partner tlio horso that ran undera train recoutly ami lust thought ho'd f".?r.. tliS ol4 f?w to horsi uvuivu. xiinii iinum hmi. ...ut. i. stock, which wo are sorry to not". OtHmty Judge T.G. Blww (o-lay llllllltsilnliilv it... I.. .i ' lament of W.IXX) of Marion tMunty lirer W.J.I. mil iUl i SS : an ou it Z ,"'SX " ' MVMH7utSrTirK V ""wirf mW IWYIltlf Oil' all warmntaaspriwntctl. K aU KalUlax UU Far &ilii Willi &Chambllii haw a fow dttdrablo bulldlnr- i. i.. .. Bluforsal8on reasonablo term. rartiM detdrlnir litKi.. i....i.i.. rite.noi.1 ,i ." ., ;::::v ,uu u,us only i'w -7ch iSffSK? Nw U tar Timt. Now that tho ixilltical campaign iii.u.iuiiiugiiis seasonable timo to subscribe for tli p..,... JOUltNAI It will .w.....i.. A... rvmrtsof all ,lltl TO wnMonJ. a7uTlhrlHe. sjjftJS.Si;s Loavo nnlniM ... n.to ....!.."! J f tho route agl.,.! 'DV,",wor w" Fresh bannanas, oranges, lemons, figs, dates and home made candies at A. Strong & Co's. Adam didn't hum in wom- ink Ing; but If ho had he would have bought one of those all wool suits that G. W.Johnson is selling at lrujf Minn 41.. .!.. J J9 .v-a muu me pneu oi ng leaves. "A handsome man is the noblest w.-rlr nf tli nln.l.ln.. n --.I n -... Johnson is prepared to make a per fect Beau Nash of the ugliest nian In town witll nnA nf .l. .u suits that "lit, like the paper on the wan." Tho eololirnte.1 full TTo.... ah Red Letter is tho highest grade five uruii Liiiti Hvnr nmnirnf n l;i Thev are lT,,,! '.7.7b " J :nl with all lovers of the weea and H. ffhSSIji" Jl solo agency, We were surprised to see what a ummauiiiB piioco mat green cawkv afc ? ? ye Catterlln Hicks' cameX By thl wav tlielr uwl- lu i. .n "2 i?" SltJ..iy as charl Wl L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. SThe person awakens from a pleasant dream with the aching i teeth gone. . - Also Gold Crowns-Set. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- FIME SETS! Set Dickens, 15 Yolamos, half Russia, Usual Price S32.50J Oar Price $20.00. Set LytloD, 26 Set Thackeray, M Set Wavcrly, i2 Set E-J1. Roe, 15 UJilttoD. Half Morocco, Half bine Call; Clolh, U-1X Sett)apt.'kReiil,10VokCIoib; 22:50,' 32.50, r- " ' !f uh t . i a. 15.00. 17.50. l&'OO. 10.00. Fine Line, of Papeterfe in Latest - Styles, AT? i.r '! i.S"i 1 1 ii 1 "H. nous. ltlCHAItnSON InSttlcm Or ti,.. von, n son PUTN'AM-In W.HSr nY Feb. m. arUght. """ " ,umM -"wn, n NEW AIlVKItTISEMKNTS. 11 U r siuj. W. N. ChamK'rs, the haeknwu. whtwn heudquartera have bcon at hSffi?,f!M. any Uiue nt 11' herettftor bo fo'uud t roru-abtauie. Calllnf Oregon Peach Bitters J. BENSON STARR'S. Hiefc - - - Salem, Oregen: Capital Lumbering Company! MANUFACTURERS or AND BEAtHRS IN s$S? -aa ws At MsL5 nml m..a -f . -"". -;: c.vj. "' 1 V.V "' "V v falllmron me. 'MjiHone. Ta flaw. Hvadouarti8 ftP twi. ... l8aBt lUMte., god WatAr. Ia r.ra w r I . . uflRiro vni iuuna a Krroi a tplend learlUy Eveiy Variety of tan Lumber, Dressed and Undressed. kfuK Sd liZXS "S5?7..?r thl KUB& -"uauillortI Aumavtlle, January !2.K8a.L TOKl. nad taken hsir n.V relief from il I ay i ait CONSTANTLY ON HAND SSJS&mm Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fensts, &A&S - -ftV'U IMinBlltla I BOXES, Etc. " - - . - OREGON. " 5SO . t