Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 01, 1888, Image 3

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I- l-
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! Wfojfc R
II !. M
GINKltVL. wuv
,,,.,m . .President.
CLEVELAND- --" "j- f .
f..?t ," arntarv of TreBSury
.as"----Secretary of the Interior.
untOtfrT pecrou.'- "JVT"'
(SOU It. WAITB 1,111.:.
SUte of Oregon.
ifcPK 1 n. 8. Senators.
Sa""'' ..ConerewnriiV.
'"vrr.'i- Governor.
.itAirt -
MAN 1 t..jm
mn V supremo juuSo.
Third Jndlclal District.
R. l tiiiuK Judge
Gno." OT.r.:::i'ro"BccutinB Attorney.
j Marion ioubij
Htnlo Senators.
Deputy Clerk.
Deputy Sheriff.
County judge.
I fTvmmiRSionors.
idBLEsILI School Supt.
v surveyor.
ifi-V- -Sheep Inspector.
City of Salem.
y Mayor.
itoNDlst Ward
2nd Ward
KZna warn 1 f.piimPn
.... 0. .1Tn.l1 1 --'
iNNEn 3rd Word
4tit ward
N 4th Ward j
j, tjTBicir,xn Recorder.
jAMGri Hiss Marshal.
W.'T,Biai .Treasurer.
Oko. GjJtaoiiAM A-ttorney.
J. C. THoTraoN Sup't of Streets.
C N. CmitCRrfL Chief Engineers. F. D.
jJW " Sfcpfflcers,
Jak WAJTQS-4- .Commissioner.
Joseph lliaiKnT.-SSfil Service Observer.
Tkf irst fttional Bank,
At HalfSllii lHh.&nto of Orccon.nt tho
cloeof HlnoM,Fb)jranr-14 18S8 :
Loans atuBllseounU 8153.875 42
Overdraft!,,,, 619 01
u. B. uofcisto secure circulation. 15,000 00
U.S. Bondlto secure deposits....
Other fiiesls, bonds, and mort
gage. .. A
Due Irom ajproved reserve agents 200 29
Due from outs- National Ban Rft . .
Real estati, fmnlturo, and
fixtures.. ,. 210 49
Current expVnsoSsnnd taxes paid . 1,127 40
Premiumsikiaafiii 1,402 50
Checks andthefiHuih Items 431 62
Kxcnangeaiir clearinghouse....,
BMsof othslUa"ni&... ....?.... ' ifo
WV.f-Hf.TT'.Tifr'?S,fr-l'fi.. ntnlralu
FroctioispWSKrrefioy, nickels
and cents. I ..rt..,
22 55
15,867 05
Legal tender!
la t Ion).... ,
tVnd with
U. 8.
t, of clrcu-
Total .
V' ... $192,050 W)
Capital stock PltdTflwrejf?,, ,....8 60,00000
urpius-runa..i TT. 4,00000
Undivided. protts "Ml.. 3 195 S3
National bank inteS Outstanding 13,600 00
iJiviuuuustuutiwi , ,.
Individual lp.iltn siihli-u tn
ohccKS,-.... , ..... 08,789 00
Demaia certificates to deposit .... fl,M T
"o io oiner national ixiuic. u,v5U i
Sue to state-banlcs and bankers. . . 10,055- 01
Axilla puyauic ),...
Totnl ...mmoMM
State of Oregon, county of Marion, 88:
I, John Moir, cashier of the abovo
aamod bank, do solemnly swear that tho
above statement is true to tho best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
2lst day ofFobruary. 1888.
Notary public for Oregon.
I Correct Attest:
WM,;N. LADUfi,
, S? Directors.
Oregon Peach' Bitters
About eighteen years ugo I received a
hurt In my back from a pile of lumber
falling on me, and ever sfneo had been
juuivu wiuj wtaiKKianoys moro or less;
&" " jcui yc-ry iuucu. xurougn me
oimendatlon Clf irnnrv I.-n,.nn T
OUEht a bottle Of II. If InnWlNumn l'muih
Mtters and before I had taken half the
uwtvx uiuna a gitsut relior fixnn It. I
Wiove it to be a splendid remedy for the
idneys, and heartily recommend, it for tho
fcmo. .r tt Tvn.Tiiri.
Aumsvllle, January 12, 188iJ,
yjjHMlg 1
! Jtt
w.w. 3
J V HlJ. Ptttmi.KTON
W. B. tvBkV-
, C P. MICKS... ...
r ifty-fctN. CHArMAitj
I TnHl4UlMrrn . .
x EiW8&
OlB. Uphhri-i.
ItflB WAK1
J. .TfHfii-
n -VMIlfrn
r era
i 1 Gilbert & Patterson,
Crockery apd Glassware,
pE JAr u;mt
'1 n
'any mm,
H(r Sparkllsg Water FerBlibes Inspiration
for Ufely TMts a4 ItMpenteg
W. C. T. U. ball, Salem, wan
orowdod to overflowing on "Wash
ington's birthday, nearly 160 prohi
bition party .ruon and womon dining
together. Aslijdy White, chirman
of tho county contral cornmlttco, and
others from Polk were prosont. Af
ter dinner, a mam meeting was held
R. O. Eamsby chairman, Kov. J. E.
Day invoking tho divine blessing.
The following toasts wore called
and ably responded to, except ln tho
caso of ono or two who had boon
obliged to leave: Tho chairman, "At
nprohibition banquet, the inspira
orliquor is not needed;" Rev. J. W.
Webb, "Heart aDd conscience in
politics;" Thos. Van Scoy, D. D.,
president of the Willamette Univer
sity, "Prohibition and education;"
Rev. J. B. Bay, of Gervais, "Minis
ters ana promumon;" l'rot. t. u,
Jory, "Snowed under;" Prof. Q. M.
Miller, "The outlook for the party
in Oregon;" K. L. Hibbard, Silver-
ton, "Farmers and prohibition:"
Dr. Wyatt, Saleiu, "Prohibition in
Kansas;"the doctor is lately from
that state; Mrs. Ramp, Salem, "The
ballot in the hands of woman, tho
liquor sellers' dread;" Ashley White,
"Prohibition prospects in Polk coun
ty;" Rev. W. Rollins, pastor Salem
M. E. church, "Prohibition in Can
ada and Wisconsin;" Mr. Marsh (on
a visit from the Keystone state,)
"Prohibition ln Pennsvlvanln:" Mr.
Marsh Jun'r, "Prohibition among
the young men;" Mrs. T. W. Dav
enport, Silver ton, "Women as allies
of the prohibition party;" G. W.
Dimlek, "Tho prohibition state cen-
Turner, "Prohibition aud the mercantile-Interns;"
J. D. Hurst, pro
prietor of ihe Aurora flouring mills,
T'The prohibition mill;" Mrs, How
ard, Salem, "The Knights of Labor
and prohibition;" A. Stevens, of
"The Grange and prohibition;"
Rev. B. J? Sharpo "The growth of
Prohibition Sentiment." Airs. Van
dervert, Polk county, "The Mothers
and Prohibition." Mrs. Bewley,
"Fifty Years in the Prohibition
work." Mrs. Johns "Tho value of
early training in this great cause."
H. J. Jory, "Prohibition and manu
facturing In terest. ' ' Lack of time only
prevented a number of other speakers
addressing the meeting. Prof.
Miller took 300 of stock for the
Pacific Express Publishing com
pany, besides a number of subscrip
tions. The County Central Committee
met with twenty members and
decided to hold primaries on March
10th and county convention at
Salem on Friday, 10th. The mem
bers present raised $50 towards, put
ting an orgitiiizer into tho Held, It
may bo mentioned that the W. C.
T. U. furnished the fine dinner and
netted $30 for tho support of the free
reading room. A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered them. The
life and. .directing spirit of the oc
casion was evidently Rov. J. W.
Webb. Greatcreditisalsoduo Mr.
Oliver Jory, the energetic secretary.
With a fervent prayer by Mr.
Webb, for the blessing of God ooike
parry, its worn ana womers, every-
wuere, ine proceeuings were ciosea.
Following is the list of letters re
nminlngiu tho postofllce, at Salem,
Oregon, Feb. 20, 1888. Parties call
ing for them will please say "ad
vertised:" All letters published as non-delivered
will be charged with one
cent in addition to the regular
Cyrus Mrs Mary a
Ferguson Irs JnoFoland Kate
Harris Mrs Marja Honnbiie'dur W C
Johnston J A
Klrkwood Miss L King Mrs Angle
Kelly Jas or John
Mathcson Wm Myers Carrie E
McDonald John McDonald Q W
McKonzur D J
Pervon Avon Pen Silas
Savage May Simmons Mrs C
Simmons Mrs E Sncad Wm
Simmons Mrs C MStovcns Joseph
Smith John Smith E C
Thornton Milton
Werner Eugene Wlllaon Harvey
Wondesworth H
W. H. OnFO.il, P. M.
K. of L. Open Meeting.
On Friday evening last tho
Knights of Labor held an open
meeting for the purpose of entertain
Jng by debate and other literary
exercises, those who might attend.
Tho audlqnco of visitors was not
large, but future meetings of this
kind, which aro now promised at
intervals, will bo sure to nring out a
crowd. Tho debate was very in
teresting, being upon the question of
the government purchasing and
controlling railroads, telegraph lines,
etc. Tho K. of L. have an in
telligent membership hero and have
noble alms, worthy of success, and
they only need to fight shy of
demagogues and wire pullers to
become a respected power for good.
Snag in the Rcd,
Last Saturday evening a valuable
horse belonging to W. D. Wheeler,
a farmer living nearMaclday, was
badly snagged by a piece offence
rail which had bton carolessly loft
in the road. The animal Is ruinod
for life and will probbbly die from
the injury received. It & a wonder
that more aocjdents of thte kind do
aqt happen, w1the roads, and even
Hi a dfroaha nl UttlMn arc BBtWIl With
mww of tonw ndW, eordwood, bar
rel hoope, etc., none of which are at
all psnamental and which ore np-tb-Ingsttortaf
being dangerous. Thte
tan mutter worthy of the attention
of road, supervisors.
Iii the Garden .Spot of tlio
great Northwest.
Fertility of Soil, Salubrity of Climate, Whole
some Water, Excellent Timber and
DellghtrnlSeesery Health,
Weatfo, Frosperity.
Marlon county is situated in tho
heart of tho magnificent Willamette
valley, the central gem in tho clus
ter of rich counties that form that
princely domain, and is the banner
commonwealth Of tho great north
wost in all the essontials that go to
wards making it it profitable abiding
place, and a home for the thrifty
farmor, tho cunning artisan and tho
industrious mechanic.
Rich in its agricultural resources,
in its cultivated and uncultivated
lands, in its water powers, and
minerals; rich ln its college and
schools of learning, and with a
climate unsurpassed lor its salubrity,
it presents to the immigrant from
the overcrowded states, where cold
winters and hot summers, with
terrible cyclones, prevail, who
comes to the coast with soino
meanB, advantages that no other
county in Oregon possesses.
Much has been written of this
western country that requires a
stretch of the imagination to com
prehend, and numerous complaints
are heard from tho class who have
been misled by them, so in this
brief sketch the writer desirca to
avoid exageration as to its present
and prospective advantages, asking
tnose in tne case mio wnose nanus
this may fall particularly those
Who have their eyes directed towards
this coast to peruso it carefully,
feeling that it is not written to lure
immigrants within its borders, but
only as a truthful discriptlon of a
laud which, if it does not "flow
milk and honey," contains within
its bosom wealth and resources equal
to any other country on the Pacific
side of the Rocky mountains,
Marion county is bouhded on the"
north by the Willamette river and
Butte creek which separates it from
Clackamas county; on the east by
Clackamas county and the Cascado
mountains, which separate it from
Wasco county; on the south by the
Santlam river and the north fork of
tho Santiam, separating it from
Linn county ,and on the west by the
Willamette river.
physical Formation.
The county contains, including
valley, prairie, and mountain lands,
about 900,000 (teres.
There arc-two jnaln'dlvlsiona, the
mountain and the valley. The
latter extends from the Willamette
river to ttyo foot of the Cascade
mountains, a distance of about fif
teen miles. -
Tho mountainous portion contains
some fourteen townships of mostly
unsurveyea lana; lying in a strip
twelvo miles north and south by
lorty mucs ease ana west, anu com
prises all classes of land, from rich
narro.w valleys in the passes, up
through all the grades of rolling,
hilly and broken, to that of rock
bound canyons and inaccessible
craggy peaks. It is generally heavily
timbered, and in the near future
will bo valuable for its lumber sup
plies. These hills and mountains
afford a wonderful summer range
for stock, and many of the more en
terprising farmers are availing them
selves of this opportunity, and when
the cold frosts of autumn approach,
the. stock are brought out to fresh
pastures, thus enabling them to sur
vive tho winter storms with little
A decided advantage Marion coun
ty has over many others is tho di
versified farming interest that can
bo carried on throught the entlro
year; uotwlthstbndlng this is a wet
climate during tho winter months,
the uplands aro seldom too wet to
work, and. long beforo the prairie
farmers aro through with their seed
ing, tho hill farmer is preparing for
his summer work, And yet the
low lands aro much preferred by
many; tho yield per acre is gonerally
greater, and perhaps loss labor is re
quired to place the soil in proper
condition for crops; and then should
tho season prove dry, tho bottom
lands are sure to bring the best
crops. No better farming land can
bo round in the United States than
that on tho noted Howell prairie,
French prairie, Santiam prairie and
Salem prairie. The soil of theso are
wonderfully productive. With good
cultivation, forty bushels of wheat
and sixty of oats per aero can bo
readily secured.
facilities fob markht.
The Willamette river, with two
lines of railroad running tho entire
length of the county front north to
south, with tho Oregon Pacific rpad
crossing tho southeast corner of the
'county, " affords ample facilities to
reach a market in any direction.
Is tho capital of the Btate and
county seat of Marion county, situ
ated on the Willamette rivvi and
on tho O. & C. railroad. Costly
buildings havo been erected, among
wliioh the state capltol building,
county courthouse, Cliemekete hotel,
opera houso. new public school
bulldlmr, Catholic school building.
Methodist church, Willamette Uni
versity, and, many private residences
ana Business uwcks, wuivu
corajm mvombly with older ana
larger oltteo.
- jmBfHKAI.
All thl8J44fMWll-
the world, and Marion county is
about centerally located therein.
To thoso seeking homes in tho west,
no bottor opportunities can bo
offered, than ure found hero. Persons
desiring information regarding
Marion county or the Willamette
valley, those wanting fanning
lands, stock farms, business property
or city residences, will bo promptly
aud reliably informed by addressing
tho well known Arm of Willis &
Ckambcrlln, real estate agents,
opera house block, Salem, Oregon.
West Shore For February.
The current number of The West
Shore Is accompanied by a large,
tinted supplement, showing the Fa
mous Shoshone Falls, of Snake
river, a cataract suporlor to Niagara
in many respects, though carrying a
smallor volumo of water. These
monthly supplements will continue
a fcaturaof tne magizlno for 1888,
and will make a valuablo collection
of largo and spirited engravings of
the most famous scenes of the Pa
cific Northwest. The illustrations
of the number are devoted to tho
cities of East Portland and Albino,
and tho Quaker settlement of New
berg, In the Chehalem valley. The
literary features are especially en
tertaining, consisting of stories,
sketches, poetry, and much valuable
descriptive matter. In the March
number will apbear the opening
chapters of a highly interesting
story of the great civil war, Avrltten
by James P. Shaw, whoso service in
the army during the entlro period of
the rebellion qualifies him to write
entertainingly of tho scenes hn wit
nessed. It is a romance of deep in
terest, as well to the younger gener
ation as to thoso who participated in
the stirring events of that period.
Another feature of the March num-
per will bo illustrations of Tacoma,
mc city 01 pnenomenai growtn. a
largo supplement of Mt. Tacoma,
the most magnificent snow peak in
the world, will be furnished with
tho March issue. The West Shore
Is published at Portland, Oregon, by
L. Samuel, at 2 50 per year. Sam
ple copy 25 cents.
Worth Reaching After.
Salem merchants are over wide
awake to open now channels of trade
will catch our meaning, when wo
tell them that an edition of over 3000
copies of the Weekly Capital
Journal will be sent out next
week. This paper will visit nearly
every household in Marion countv
and many in Northern Polk, espec
ially mat part ot tne county tribu
tary to Salem. Circulation is what
makes advertising valuable and the
Capital Journal guarantees its
circulation to all advertisers. The
country trade is worth Teaching
after and an advertisement in tho
Weekly Capital Journal will be
a wonderful persuader. Rates on
application to Will H. Parry, Man
ager. , .
The Only Dlfferenre.
Wo have received from Akea a
poem entitled UA Dream of Hell"
which we are requested to publish.
We cannot doit. Milton and Dante
have supplied us with abundant lit
erature on that subject, the only dif
ference between theirs and the pre
sent poem being that, whereas.
"Paraulse Lost," and the "Inferno"
were each a poem of hell, this Is a
hell of a poem. Benton Leader.
That Highway of Nations,
The broad Atlantic, is ever a stormy
thoroughfare. Yet blow the winds
over so fiercely, and rldo tho waves
ever so loftily, seamen must man
the cood ships, tourists will bravo
the passage, and commercial trave
lers anu ouyers must visit tne cen
tres of foreign trade and manufac
ture. That atrocious malady, sea
sickness, toSether with colicky pains
and much inward uneasiness Is
often endured when Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters M'ould have forti
fied tho voyagers against thom.
Sea captains, and iu fact all old salts
and veteran travelers aro acquainted
with the protective valuoof this
estimable preventive and remedy,
and are rarely unprovided with ft.
Emigrants to the far West should
use it as a safeguard against malaria.
Seek the aid of the Bitters for dys
pepsia, constipation, liver complaint,
kidney troubles; and all ailments
that impair the harmonious and
vigorous action of tho vital powers.
Absolutely Pure.
Thl twwder never varle. A mrvlof
ewirtot be wd In eonipeUilw with tB
mtJlMUMeoclpvr iwn, wtf " ?""
'ovTder w.
uun. oshh HJ..l?.
NYork. ,
Real . Estate, Loan,
Insurance Agency,
Salem Pottery Company.
I am agent for the sale of all of tho Dun
dee Morteaeo Oo.'s farms ln Mai Ion aud
Polk Counties. Priced very low. AUo
several wAxisiii-uwiSKa at eaicm anu
vicinity. I am laying out in an addition
all of J. L. Parrlsh's land next cast of Ha.
lem, about 100 acres. Thoso lota will bo
oncrea ior saie oy ino aDoui January JJ,
1888. Also aero property in quantity to
anlf nrwl In nlintltv tnn liiMaf. fnr frt.lt nn1
garden purposes, "in most healthful loca
tion, ana wiinin ono 10 wo mucs 01 mo
State House, at $100 to $160 per acre. I have
five to ten-acre improved places with
buildings, fruit in bearing, etc., closo to
Balem at fair prices. I hao for sale city
nrocortv of all kinds, farms of all sizes and
adaptations, stock ranches and timber
lands. I am a Notary Public. Abstracts
lurnisnca at tair raies. conveyancing
Real Estate, two to flvo years, payable lu
installments If desired.
S A. L E M
Is tho Capital of tho State of Oregon, and
County Seat or Marion County. If, is on
the cast bank of the Willamette River, (n
navlirablo Rtrcaml. nnd on the Orceon and
California Railroad. Tho State House has
co8isi,uw,uuo.u", tne uourt lloueo 9110,000.00,
tho Cliemekete Hotel 3120,000., and tho new
Public (School building 840,000.00. The
State is nractlcallv out of debt and Marion
County nearly so. Salem has tho State
Penitentiary, Insane Asylum, Deaf Mute
School, School for tho Rllnd, and State Fair
f rounds. Tho State Supreme Court is held
n tho State House at Halcin. Balom has
tho Willamette University, the best instt
tutlon of learning In tho Pacllio North'
wost. Hjiloin's Publlo Schools nrol excel
lent. Salem lias ono of tho best natural
sites for u largo city and now has about
7,000 people. It has a free wagon bridge
across tho Wlllametto river. Excellent
wiitor. nunnllnrl tlirfYnirh iron nines on the
Holley system; both Gas aud Electile
Lights, sewerage, Kiro Department With
thrco onuines. two Publlo Parks, three
Flouring Mills with a united cupaclty of
ljon bbis. or uour daily, a saw mui oriu.uuu
feet dally capacity, and other Industries,
Street Cars coming soon. Ono water power
ofyjOhorso power is now for sale cheap
and another sufficient to run a largo woolen
mill Is for salo with necessary ground for
KnOO. All thlnim rvmttlrlpreri. WrRtorn
Oregon has tho best cllmato in tho World.
11 is mucn it ico me carnaie 01 .ngianu, out
ine summers uro arycr man in jjngiana,
Tho following Is a part of tho property
I Have on Sale:
7l8acics about flvo miles from Dallas
County Seat of Polk County, nnd two and
ono half miles from Railroad station. Two
hundred acres ln cultivation. One bun-
rtwirl nrir. flfYtr iimaa tn full whnnti htfiL.
thirds of tho remainder is suscoptiblo of
cuuivuuon uutisuow iirih, umoerea ana
grazing land: a good portion iH creek valley
land. It Is nil fenced and has poor bulla,
ings, well watored, will adapted to mixed
grain and stock farming. Can be divided
into two or moro farms. Price of whole,
812,000; ono-thlid cash.
22771 acros two miles west of Hucna
Vista, Polk County, two miles from Rail
road; 110 acres in cultivation, balance
timDcruna pasture; tana is an goou; uu
fenced, good barn and fair house, well
watered. This Is ono ofthe most desirable
farms in Polk County. Price, $0,000.
07 75 acros, two miles south-west of Qer
vals, Marlon County, small burn, all fenced
uud all tillable. Price, $2,100.
!C0 acres, eight miles cast of Salem and
ono aud oue-Tialf miles from Railroad; 15
acres ln culttvotlon, balance mostly good
lire timber and ucccsslble; land Is partly
creel; bottom and beaver dam laud und
balance ln edge of Waldo Hills, gently lol
ling. Price, W0.G0 per aero.
100 acres, flvo mileu northwest of Salem,
In Polk county, twouty-two acres in eultl
tntlou, balanco timbered, well watered by
spilugs. Houso poor. Price, $1,200.00.
618 acres, three miles west of Alrlle, in
Polk ceunty: houso poor. Largo orchard,
nil lenced. 2C0 (.ires valley land, and In
cultivation; balance light timbered and
framing laud, tluco mlleh from railroad.
Tlco, S7.oSUtf.
103 acres two and ono-bulf mllos west
of Salem. Houso six i-ooins poor. Ham
good, well fenced, good spring, ISO acres Jn
cultivation forty-eight acres luwioat; fruit
ln bearing, thirty ucres timber. Kino land
fur grain or fruit raising. Can bo divided.
Price, $0,150.00. Part on time.
1C0 acres eight miles from Alrlio, ln Polk
county. Houso and bam poor; flfty'llvo'
acres ln cuIUvatlon. One-fourth creek
bottom land on Rock Creek, good water
power, throe-fourth trench land, forty acres
timber. No rocky land; good class of
people around it; open stock range in
Coast Range of mountains, on west side of
place. Prlco, $1000.00.
810 ucrs, seven miles east ofSUvortou,
Marlon county. Not improved, roiling
land, well watered. Fine chanco for stock.
Prlco $1000.00.
UW ucres, r-cven miles south of Balym.
Good buildings and good fences, good
springs, two oercs orchard good variety df
tree and small fruits, 111 acres iu cultl.
vatlou, eighty-two acros In wheat. IfUll
possession given, and no crop reserved.
Prlco, H40(MJO.
10 acres, good buildings and good land
noxt to Parrlsh's Addition to Salem, lefts
than ono mile from Stato House. Price,
21i acres, ono and ono-half miles east of
Statu Houso. Fair buildings, fruit, etc.
All good land. Pilco,$000,00.
530 acres, seven miles ssuHi of Salem and
nnamiri nnn-hnlf miliw tain Turner. 225
ere iii cultivation. 150 acres of beaver datrt
land, mo best uinu in wiu worm mr nuiuii;;
three-fourths Is valley land, well wotoretU
Ijareo new barn, fair house will make two
One farms. Price. 830 per aero.
a .. mum.. ,n.n n.HoU . rt W. 1. AAA tt K-tt.tf.
ii n ...n ..Air fii-Tin In MiiMnn .vil.ritv
Very good buildings, ten aares of oroburd
In bearing, all ln cultivation, seventy acres
in fall wheat, put in on snnurjar fallow and
fifteen acre winter oaW; tw0lye acres fa
red clover meadow. AH of rop go with
the puma, l'rlee, iUSM per acre. Can
divide and sll pait, If wanted.
Time allowed on part In nearly a'l
Qfllee over Capital National Sank, with
B.T, RHQsurdjen, attorney a, lyr, &H).
I "
Overland to California
Oregon k California Rail Road
Time BetwmrSaUm and San FrMclsct
Thirty-six Hours.
4:00 p. m.
fcSOp. m.
7:40 a. m.
Lv. Portland ArT
Lv. Salem Lv.
Ar. San Fran. Lv.
10:40 a.m.
8:30 a. m.
(KSOp. m.
8.00 a. m.
1:02 a.m.
12.-40 p. in.
Lv. Portland Ar.
Lv. Salem Lv.
Ar. Kngono Lv.
3:45 p. m.
ri52 p. m.
9.00 a. m
.Excursion Sleepers for second-class pas
sengers on all through trains froe of
Tho O. & C. Railroad ferry makes con
nection with all tho regular trains on tho
Kast Side Division from foot of K street,
West Sida Division, Between Portland
and Cervallis:
17:K0a.m. I'Lv. Portland Ar.
0:15 p. m.
iaa p. m. I Ar. Corvallis Lv.
jwu p. m.
4:50 p. m.
8.-00 p. m.
Lv. PorHand" ATT
Ar.MoMlnnvllIo Lv.
5:45 a. m.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Pacllio Railroad.
For mil information regarding rates,
maps, etc, npply to the Company's agent,
Balom, Oregon. E. P. ROGERS.
R. KOEHLER, G. P. and Pass. Ag't.
Oregon Development Company's Steam
ship Line.
than by any other route.
First-class Through Passenger and Freight Liie
from Portland and alt points In the
Willamette Valley to and
from San Francisco.
Willamette River Line of Steamers:
Tho "Wm. M. Hoag," the "N. S. Babt.
ley," the "Three Sisters," leave Portland 8
n. m. Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays, from
Messrs. Holman J: Go's dook.SOO and 202
Front street, for Oregon City, Buttevllle,
Chamdoeg, Salem, Independence, Albany,
Corvallis, and Intermediate points, mak
ing closo connection at Albany with trains
of tho Oregon Pacific Railroad.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays):
LoavoAlbany 1:00PM
Loavo Corvallis 1147 PIS
Arrive Yaqulna &S0PSI
Leave Yaqulna 0:30 AM
Leave Corvallis 10:38 AM
Arrlvo Albany 11:15 AM
O. & C. trains connect at Albany and
Tho above trains connect at YAQUINA
With tho Oregon Development Cors Line
of Steamships between Yaqulna nnd Son
- - Thursday, Feb. 6
. . - Tuesday, Feb. 14
- - Sunday, Fob. 19
- - - Tuesday Feb. 14
- Sunduy Feb. 10
. . - Saturday Feb. 25
Thursday March 1
Wlllnmnttn Vnllnv.
Eastern Oregon, -
Wlllametto vauoy
Wlllametto Valley
EaBtcrh Oregon, -
Wlllametto Valley
Eastern Oregon -
ThiH company reserves tho right to
chango sailing dates without notice.
N. fi, Passengers from Portland and all
Willamette Valley points can make close
connection with tho trains of the
YAQUINA RO UTIS ni Aioany or ixjrviuiis.
uuu ii uesumni w w. -.....i --w.
urrango to nrrlvo at Yaqulna tho evening
oeioro auto oi Hmiinj,. ..... ..
Passenger and Freight Kates Always the
Iawmi "h-or information apply to Messrs.
HUliMAN CO., rrejKUi uiiu "-
Ageifts 200 and 202 Front bl, Portland, Or.,
or 10 . .. .. . .
C.C. JIOQUE, AO't uoni (n,
Pass. Act., Oregon Pacllio R. R. Co.,
" ' Corvallis, Or.
C.H.HAHWELL,Jr. Oon'l Frt; &
Pass. Agt. Oregon ,Uovclopment
- '.',, , .
Salem Co-Operative AsstolattonjW B.
Choice Groceries,
Frovisions, Fruits,
and Vegetables,
Crockery, Glassware,
Butter, Eggs,
and Lard.
All Kinds of Produce Boi-fa
MSIEfl Altrol.
120, State street, Salem, dr. - .
wiIlis&Iuamberun, '
Real Estate Agents
Hu-nand sell farms nnd wtyvprqpertr.
a large nwnoeriu uunu.y ,.... ...... v..,
property now offering on reosonablq terma.
Fire Insurance I
Writw pq da of insurance
onUaSaH of property in algBt nsUabta
uud wealthy Cojmtw,
wm nivTiatsi lMta4 Mi real eotMO W V