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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
IN HOP CIRCLES HOLIDAY LETHARGY STILL H0LD3 SALEM. MAEKETS IN ITS TIGHT EMBRACE. .. In London, - TvASLe Coast Hops Are Quiet and -the Movements in Other Hop Centers Do Not Indicate Any Life Until Opening of New" Year. ' ? , Everything is still very ; "quiet in the hop market in . and around Salem, there being no movement worth speaking of, nor will there be before January. There are about 4000 bale of ' hops -stored ; in ' the Salem warehouses.' ready for the opening of the t new demand which is , rxpeeted when the holiday lethargy has passed. English quotations are given ia the following dispatch I . j- Liverpool Dee. 27. Hops in London Pacific eoast, quiet; 2 10s3 JOs per ewt., or 1015c per; lb. -' ' The Statesman reduces the London quotation to American money fox. the better understanding of its readers. The conditions elsewhere are noted in the following clippings.. " Central New York Hops. -. - Waterville Hop Reporter, Dee. 19: A few hops aie being" sold all the time but at low prices. We have heard of several lot which brought 8 to 10 cents; Once in. a while a better grade brings more, but business is alow and the mar ket is dull. , .' V - ; ' ; English Hop News. Kentish Observer, Dcc 7: ' Messrs. danger anl Ileary, 59 Borough London, S. E., report: 'Although the volume of business is not heavy a good steady de mand continues, and the small 'stocks left are . being gradually absorbed. Prices are exceedingly firm with' aj de cidedly hardening tendency The Exchange and 'Hop Warehouses Limited, 24 Houthwark street, London, H. K., report: A good businesc con tinues ia English hos, and a large quantity has again changed hafnds dur ing the week:" Owing t(o the large sales that have taken place' stocks are now vary materially reduced, the market, In consequence, is firmer and it is' antici pated 'that a rise in prices will take paco at the new year. ' i 1 German Hop Nejvs. Idr. Adolph Heller (formerly Albert ir'Ier) hop merchant of Prague, sends the following report: During the last week there was increased inquiry on tap Nuremburg hop maiketfor medium and . low hops for eportto England. In consequence the market was steadier without alteration of prices. The Saa and other Bohemian hop ! markets are . steady with fair d-mand fot both. home .. i w duc. .aiore man . per ernt of the whole crop has been sold, ; ' New York Hops. -.. . j Kcw J ork Tribune: Receipts for the " wce'TTj-bales; exports,' 1000 tales." '' Rather more business is reported ' in state hop's,' as exporters have 'appeared in the market again and have purchased a few hundred bales of medium to prme grades ati ioi16e. Reports from the" Pacific eoast generally Indi- rate light offerings by f growers,, but there is soe business reported at.-9 '"'. lOe for prime Orcgons. On the local ' markets few. transact ions are reported in Pacifies from lb 13c, according to quality.' German adyees eontinuetweak and j irregular, for reddish low grades, ' bntroice green hops: in;gCMod dcijiand English, advices indicate j lit tic change ' We 'quote: l5'1 x ? ' State 190.1; choice, fcr lb. V. . . .J7f219 ' StatelDQj, prime,. per lb.,, lv0,' 14 I State,;lSR)4, choice, per lb. J., .j213 j Statl 904 prime; per lb. . 40(11 Pacific Coast, fS03, choice, per lb. 14.15 1 Pacific coast, 1D03, price, per lb.. 10(3,12) Pacifie coast, 1904, ehoice, per lb..i6'S12'. Pacific eoast, 1904, prime, per lb.. 7 . ' f Trade Nominal in Portland,- - Y Journal, Dee. 27: i j Hops are quoted 1 nominal today. There is an absence ! of a demand at the moment and none ' is expected. There is a report better KnrAnfln marlrAf V... .... ..nil 1 I k JVUW U VAi, lias yet come from there for Pacifie coasts. Growers in this state arc still holding their choicest goods and gomo fancy figures are sometimes named on this' class of stock. ' . 1 X v f Myer Beet ft Sbee C. rTJ CSf Z--r . ' MOwssUe, Wis.'""' "'VCr' are made extn strong. The soles are seasoned ; and tough, and every seam arnxi Is ke!J. Two pair of Mayer Scsci Slioes are equal in wearing quality to three pair of the usual kind. Y save at-fiki'. They are the strongest school shoes made and -. Wear' Like Iron. - " Any reliable shoe dealer will supply you. If not, write to as, . Look for the Mayer trade-mark on the sole. . .. .. ; , We make "Hooorbiit' shoes lor - -men and " Western Lady" ' and -"Martha Washingtoa Comfort'' shoes Vestcro Branch Vashingtoa Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle, ICasningtoa. m ; 4 r: PROPERTY VALUES' FOR TAX PURPOSES i CHRISTMAS AT 5ILVEET0N- SOME COUNTIES RAISE VALUA TIONS WHILE SISTEE COUN .1 TIES LOVEE THEM. People of That Ensy Town Took .Time J ' ' . ' .. to Celebrate the Christ- . , . . - - - f , - . I ' - - . f ' - -. . ' maa Event. Summaries From Gilliam, Morrow ana ' MLVERfON, Dee. 27 The' Chris-1 , Multnomah-The : Latter ' Increases tina ehnrch Sunday schmdha,! a -TW-j. VjdnC3 IaUEeas0' Sum of E1-gnty. ucc tnai ws n grea i,i rear io tne children. It was well trimmed, i aiJ decorated. -The committe also gave prewent to every onc'in the house seven Million Dollars Over Last Year. It ,Thc M. .EJ church -'had something bf 1 a novolty. The beautiful electric light. fnm the Brooks Drug Company 's stor was plaeejl between the two trees, showed them irp-handsomely. The-- United Lutheran church (Nor wegian) had a fine trc e, lut in finishing up distributing presents the trimming took ii re. Some were reaJy to become frightened, but. a panic was averted The assessment roll summaries of Gilliam, Morrow and Multnomah coun ties were filed " in the secretary of state 'i office yesterday. The Gilliam j county net valuation for this year ex ceeds that of last year by $2,393, while that of 5 Morrow eounty is $2,572 lcs3 than one year ago. The M,ultnomah county 'jiet valuation last year Was $56, ,427,577, while this'ycar it is $143,S60, '25S. an increase of 87.432.681 or more Frank 3Jurcb, lately from Minnesota, . . . . . followinff is bmldine a neat little house. The ram i , ' v i. i: ' , T tables show the values of each item in and fog has no terrors for the ihc tfcrce counties in Silverton. f Bev. jllis youngest daughter was also pcs- Impt ttcedcd lands ........ ent. If. D, Mount 's family were.abpu XowB. ana c;t y lots' . . .'. . . . Gilliam Cotmtv. A. D. Skaggs, of Vancouver, tillable lands.; 171.139. .$ 834,170 spent Christmas with his father-in-law Aei Efm.tiHalle lands , 220,- ana Drorner-!i-iaw, w. a. iieracnwf. rg all there, to partake of Christmas d ncr with their parents IN A CLASS ALL Bf THEMSELVES. Whatever tr,ay besald or written for tr against ,Ac-calleiU patent -medicines, thre is thl to bo inithtullv said of Dr. llerco's in.dicin-s that applies to no othr tnediclnAi put up for sale through dniffilsts. They ar-rntitled to a place nil by themselves bxau? they aro neither patent nor secret medicines all thelr lnerodints bffnt; openly printeil in plain English on their bottle wrappers. Thon ajrain thy are entitled to a plaeo all by t hemsflves. because they enntfain hot a drop of alcohol In their composi tion, c.r make up.t Send vimr address to Dr. TL V. Pierce, at Puffalo, N. Y., with a repieit for a frve iKKiklet,- compiled by him from Rt-indartl medical works ami you will lern on reading It that tb leading Jhtxlleal writers and teachers of all tho v severs I schoN of practice endoro and ' rfommend. In tho strongest terms nos slb!o, each and every ingredient entering into the com position of Dr. Pierce's , Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "Jiver complaint," torpid liver, jor biliousnss. chronic bowel auctions, and -all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It is also a fpecitic remedy for all snch chronic or l-.ig standing casft of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants, as bronchial, tii mat and lung diseases (except consnmp ,tion)accompanled with severe coughs. It Is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for linjrerinig. or chronic cases it is "especfally erticacions in producing per fect cures. It contains Black Cherry bark, ;o!rlen,Scal root. Uloodroot, stone root, Mandrado root and Qneen'a root all of which are highly praised as remedies for all t heaoove mentioned affections by such eminent meIical writers and teachers as Prof. Harthotow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege; Irof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.5 lrof. Finlev Ellingwood, M. IX. Of lien net.t Med. Col lego, Chicago? Prof. John . King. M. D.. late of Ciocinnatl; Irof. John Mi Scndder, M. D., late of Cincin--nati; Prof. Edwin M. Hale, M. D of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and scores of others ennally eminent in their several schools of practicfv. " ' ' ' The "(Jolden MeFical IMscovery " is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes, that has any Kiiph irifrHlon endorsement worth room than any number of ordinary testi monials. Oien publicity of its formula on the bottle wrapper is the best possible guaranty of its merit. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery contains no poison ous., harmful or habit-tormtng agertt and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-re-fined glrcerine being used instead. Glyc erine, fs entirely unobjectionable and besides is a most iLefnl incfedient in the cure of all stomach n -well a bronchial, throat and lung alfections. There is the highest medical authoritv for its use In all such cases. The Dijvery " is a concentrate! glyceric extract of native, nuMhcinal roots and is safe and reliable Eminent doctors also praise tb ingre dients entering tuto Dr. I'ierce's Favorite Trescription. . .. , Dr. John Fyfe one of the Tutorial btaff of The Eo.ECTtc Medical Uftv-iew says of Unicorn root (lliUmiiis IHtkyi) which Is one of the ehief ineredients of the Favoriie iSscTtptton j ' 1 - - . " "A remedy which iiyvarfbly acfe as a otrlne Invigorator f make for normal aetivitv-of the entire reproduc tive system." t He continues. in Ifelonias we have, a medearaenVwn''n nore fully answers the above (purposes Uniit an; rtthrr drug wilh, whiifii I am acftuiintorL In the treatment of 'idisa-se peculiar to' women it is seldom that a case is sen w hich loea not present some indication for this retnediai atrer. Dr-Frfe fur- th-r savs: "The following areamonethei leading indications for Helonias (Unicom , ror.t). Pain or aching in the b-ck, with ' leif?orrhiia: atonic (weak) coiiditlons t.f the reproductive orgaui of voiuea, men- j tal depresswn and irritability, associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women, constant sensation iof heat In the region of the kidneys; monor rhagia (flooding), due to a weakened con dition of the reproductive system; amen orrhea (suppressed or absent monthly periods), arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs and anaemic (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations In the extreme lower part of the aljdomen." If more or less bf the above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better than take. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Irescrfption, one of the leading ingredi ents of which Is Unicorn root, or Helonias, and the medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. ( ! Of Golden teal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," I'rof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Den nett Medical College, Chicago, says : "It Is an important remedy in disorders of the womb. Jn all catarrhal condi tions - and general cnfeeblement, ity 'mp'ts' eit;f lots f.'.V . .'... -Impts. lamH not deeded , Miles of railroad, 41.70 ..... I' Miles of tcL and tel. lines, I I 175.30 ...... Railroad rolling stock ...... Steamboats, engines, etc'. ... Merchandise .... Farming - implements, ctl. Money 1 . Notes and accounts .......... Shares of stock' Household furniture, ete. ... Horses jhnd mules,' C20 ... . . Cattlc,f!CD ........ .-. ..... . 471,185 133,115 76.910 7,TI25 Hi6,240 289,850 11,050 32,M)2 7,725 C4.415 78,135 43,920 46,90 49,0)0 33,175 112,7H5 62"G3 Morrow County. Acres, tillable laadJlDy,345,.$ 483,805 Acres non-tillable Itnds, 49;,- , ( Improvements deeded lands j; Town and'eity lots . .". . j . Impts. "eity rots, .,. .,.. v. . Impts. lands not deeded .'. Miles of railroad 64.60 I i Z Miles of tell a'nl trt", 197.15.. Railroad, rolling st.ock. -Steamboats, engines, etc, . t . Merchandise- . . . . . v . Farming1 implements, ete. i Money , . . . . . ' .'. .". . . . , . Notes and. accounts ..... Shares of stock -,..;.-. Household furniture, etc, . . '. , Horses 'and mules, 3114 . .". . Cattle, 7031 Sheep and goats,: 161,709 . Swine,- 546 ..... . . . . r , '. . , 703,859 03,722 85,941 130,740 5,170 348,100 9y339 45,033 9,600 : 83,290 22,838 27,810 95,795 : 42,335 , 14,125 67,260 7.38,845 iTl7654 :V 883 ;.,-. Gross value of all property. . $2,454,774 Exemptions '. . ' . ... . . . . . . . .'. ' 65,315 . Sheer ald ifats. 58.335 .... 87.620 Swine 131C .. 4,015 . (iross value; of ft II property. .$2,602,100 ' Exemptions i . . J. . . ..:......-. ." l9,6f8 Total value equalized .$2,1!2,702 Total value equalized. .,,.$2189,459 Majtoomah County. ' . t Acres of lands 2034 . iV .$ 12,969,315 Improvernenlr deeded lands 1,891,300 Town and'eitv lots ..! 67,703,782 Impts. on city, lot . 1 , 27,95163 Miles of.raUroad77.37 . .. 1,120,460 Miles of tel. "and tel. lines, 354.51 ';';.:.:. Miles of street . railway, "X 4 i S j 4 j . Railroad rolling stocky 305 Steambfiats, engines' etc.! i Merchandise . . farpiing implements, , ctc . MQneynote and accounts; Shares of stock ' .... . . Household furniture, etc.'"'., 1 Horses and hiiilcS', '1233 - ."' Cattle, C057 ... . . . ... . Sheep and 'goats, 1784 i. j. Swine, 1273 2 '. 703,090 1,663,120 . 1,177,700 4,20,1,785 12,835,463 . 253,084 4 7,267.043 2102,645 4 2,167,f53 263,245 182.520 3,342 7,565 Gross value of all, property. $1 11,766,877 Exemptions . . . . . ...r D0G.619 Total value equalized . . 13,86058 fproff Jfohn M. Rcudder,M. D., late of I A -1 R A T Cl TTT ATI ON Cincinnati, says of Golden iSeal root: tX iiXil U1 JI U XllXvil "In relation to Its general effects on the system, thert in no medicine In vc nttrntt which tiurre i uch general unanimity of ttjAnUm. It rs vnlvernnlltf regarded as the tonic useful in all debilitated Irof. Hartholow, M. D., of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal: Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menorrhagia (flooding")- and congestive dysmenorrbosa (painful menstraation). Dr.l'ierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named in rredients and cores the diseases for which they are recommended. - - - r. Of IJlack Cohosh, another Ingredient of " Favorite Prescription.' Prof. John Klngj M. D-, author of the Amkiuoajs DisraxsATORT. says :) " In the painful conditjons Incident to imperfect menstruation, its remedial ac tion is fully displayed. By its special affinity for the female reproductive or gans, it U an. efficient agent for the restoration of soppressed menses. In dysmenorrho? (painful periods), it i gur jMJMnnl ht no ether drug, being of great est ntllitv in .irritative and congestive eonditiom of the uternsf and appendages, characteriied by tensive, dragging natr resembling the pains of rheumatism. It Is a good remedy for the reflex side-ache ' of women. It should be remembered in rheumatism of the uterus, and in uterine leacorrhoea." - - - Blue Cohosh root, and Yellow Lady's Slipper root, the two remaining inrrdi ents not mentioned above, have Just as strong endorsements for their curative merits in diseases peculiar to women, but we have room for no more. "Favorite Pre scription" is a happy and-harmonious compound of the above mentioned Ingre dient' and faithfully represents thera in curative results. ; ? ' J ; . The foregoing are only a few brfel extracts taken from amongst the vq!u minons endorsements which the several Ingredients entering Into Dr. Pierces Favorite Proscription have received from the most erafnont medical writer of oil the different nchanla of medicine. After reading them who can donbt that Dr. iMnTn li: w)e-rd a-nd corlipoanded his ITBE 'ATTACKS SMALL TOWN IN ; EASTEBN OEEGON DTJETNO A BLIZZAKD. V Tho Inhabitants Forced to Choose Be tween Bcrnin.T Heat and Freezing Cold Belief Train Going to Assist ance Blocked by Train Wreck. ! BAKER? CITY, w Dec. 2G. WhUe a fearful storm was raging on the Blue mountains last night, fire from a defect ive flue in Sander's saloon at Tipton, on the crest of the divide between Baker and Grant; counties, destroyed the en tire business portion of the eity and damaged a number of residences, forc ing the inhabiUnts to flee from the bnrning and threatened baildings; ino the storm..t ; j J--, ' ';: ..:', Tipton had no lire company or water protection, and' the wooden ; buildings burned without the people being, able tA'check the flame, v The: ma jorify of the residenla efe forced to flee to the Xempter Vfatley railroail station and a nearby blscksTBith' shop for shelter as these were the only., buildings out 'of reach of .the flames. The night was ex tremely cold, and many escaped with scarcely any' clothing.'! , A relief train ws to g? np from Ha ter this mornincr. mt a : wreck on .the Presoriot ion " from the most vaiuani i " ,- - - m Inflrenmnts unowa io w mwiuw iuir- , . t. - twenty houses ia,. Tipton,,. and many of these wgfc badly daraagcil. Nearly all the occupants were f oreed to flee. - The total loss in estlrnated this morn r.g at abontf 25,000, divided as fol lows: Sanders '. hotel, $ W,000 with a little insurance; Eckman's, $4000, with $300-insurance f Grove sf $1000, no in eurance. Other buildings and household furniture badlv damaged. , : i ' MAY03 THENS' DOWN TAX. Coqcille Has Problem cf Batsing Money Without Saloon Xacense " ' sion for the cere of -those chronic dis eases of women for which he recomme-tds it A far more' extensive ennorsemen wfll te mailed 'free: in form of booklet of extracts, f non standard medical works, to any one srndinsr roe and address to Dr. Rl V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y-, and re questing the same , - -i Ir I'iee-e's Plesant Pellet ere tlnr. swg-r-Kaie'i anti-'.Hikjns rrannles. .They resr ttls'e aad inrlora tomacfi. Uvr nd niK tvst t?'"ri! baSnr." tnt (.sr. rir.,i''':oo. - .e i-.r t .va pn-it 'iir for a ItxiiJ!-." :! ?. Tim -r t'j'.tr l r .r actirecaUjartic Uute criei alffT5 1 tavor miles out from Baker City, blocked the nmd and theJTiidon ple nre Wilh ontnHsistanc . 'The fire .had gained considerable headway before it was no ticeil. It then rapidly sp're! along the business street, burning the saloon, Sinders' hotcL tr rove's, saloon, -!Eck-mrn's . restnurfijit and rooming nse sad a grv.-cry itere. There are about i CCQUILLE, Or., Dee; -27. The. city council ' tartied'tliwo the- prop6ed oc cupation ta at the rneeting held spec ially to determine the'tax; levy t or next year. A lcty 'of 5' mini "wajrlhooght sulucient 'for all purose3. .. ; : ; f Ceo acij mii Tareport 4lhn'ovelthat arn hddit6na $fW0' beraisea ly so ociptiwndSi "JRoeJa a ' Borns supprting. ' The vote was two to .Two. Two were absent, and Mayor Stanley cast the deciding votei Iaterviews wita diiTcrent business anil 'profeiisional men revealed thatthe eonsensua Of "opinion is against an occuat'on tax, ; aa. the ixffipiQVul in8ranc ard thodght to tf to high nw ; ''f'i- ."--.-' ":" C The qnestjfrn; will eome up again in a few morithKj as" the -utrain on the city's Txeherjuery with the loss of tae license money by-local ptsoni gre?t. But the option is thatasder the ad miaMtra'tioB ' of - Mayor Stanley nrf ef fort to Jdopt this me'Jio! of 'railing money will be succcssf ul. ' . . The achuutJciy is 5 raiHa. . NOT C0V2E3 HANGES. ; WALLOWA, Or Dee. 26. The win ter is rifiite fur advanced an4 stfck ftc-Iin- l uv.Kii-xtjf'l'jt vUo cvvrs re o s t o f; t h -s c u tsi.Ie. ti r .Tts- winter -ranges oa the Iinaaia and ether I rakes La3 teen taken cp for some time, whi!e the men who were less fortunate must, feed their stock the next fow inoatbs. ' A large number of splendid winter,' beef animals in the valley are being HAS' PASS i.-l - fed for early spring market.::: The 'fjD.E&XCK LOCCTXY, rOEMTHlT.Y OF SAIXIJ, ETJHIED AT MIS :"' BOULA, LIONTAITA. ' weather is not severe enough to male feeding difficult, and as a result -hundreds of ehoice steers can now be seen scattered in bunches through "the entire length of thei valley. : Since it is;n established fact that waaEditor "of the Capital Joarcal In this county is sure of having railroad transportation, outside stockbuycrs are turning their eyes in this direction and crature and an intimate with the test authors, a ; which stood him in good a long and useful life and v ' to all he wrote a literary i .ivr. life work "was chosen when a l v t t .. r already one has decided to. make ' this county his home in the near future. The field promises soon to be occupied by men: who will be in a position lo bGy in any quantity Tbogs, cattle or becp. ' Competition -and, perhaps, in the end, 18si Since Which Tixns He lias tiTed hisTouthful ideals he ever rcaa;- .-' x. ' i. .- steadfast, lie ehosa the profc fieurca uencrat sxetcn ox ins uie asl Labors. From Montana Paper. literature and althovgh he.,.vr- easionally for the magnjiincS) l J ". work was done upon daily j;aw; i; as an editorial writer. His f r : , w tt; r.,,V fr;..,i. i. til t,,,'was as a mcmier oi me siau w. r.i with sorrow of the .'death of rTederick I Lelio ' magazine. He was n f r re f Locllet-: which occurred in Montana a and vigorous writer ana wuno i a little tetter price to those who have -.r. ... . cl i heart was ever kinder; he covild and .1 - - I ten ua j a n),v. iuc ate v ''-i " large numoers m stoe xor saie are -sir . Loeklc livI in Salem' since the1 unsparingly nay anu nout cp.,xo j -a pected. Stockbuyers usually gite f lgss," when he came from whlh lowaa l C alight increase to those who kwe ;&u d .ssnmcd'tke c.!i-!l i oor n.tionat and civil Hi larce buneh' of stock for sale. The. I r,:.., JIi ideals were hisrh. and rrinci;. . , . i . ii. t 1- 1 . . nme iosS ia i uuucul" , the Spring of that year soon after it : . . - . i . i . .til w . means more lu io uuycr lam iaa boisu additional amount he pay when he finds a carload lot in one place. V- S2JOW PEOVES BOON. Sleighing Common Means of Tranepor 1 - tation f or Stage Line in Wal lowa County.' ' . was started. ' Sinee retiring from that position he waa not engaged regularly in newspaper work,: though he con tributed a good many articles to th public, prints, lie Was a genial, polisaed not policy, his . guiding Ut,) 1 pressed toward tlie al of a purer n tional life unswayed -by thought Min, unmoved and unafraid "rAY'r.a it v.-hat opposition arose. Ju , ' "At the Ic- inning of thoit'ivil w WALLOWA; Or,, Dec. 26. There has been a" decided fall "in temperature j gentleman, of very high ideals udhto Bve up his position at the. call . strict purity ef thdught. He lived tonntty to come to her defenvo a rroietly at his Highland home in the enlisting n., a private, he 'bore- his a north end of the citr. enioving hit through those : diysj of,, stn- books and. making occasional visits with I n'l toil-thosc 'days- that tried' in 1 1 his children, Mi J. R ;Sfiepard of crucible of hardship" aml"lt;V tl sinee'earUor in the month. I tut snow Zena. Polk coi.ntv: Mr. Fred Wklev. metal of, the man's soul-that. at t hnsfallcn to sufficient depth toakejr of Pendleton and Mrs. Gibson of -eeiK-lusIon of hostilities he, bnA rj, sleighing: 'very: agreeable.. Nearly all Montana! A few years ago he was pa f- ' m the ranks and was fommasij-m the farmers and many others are mak ing good use of the sleighing privi lege.' ''":' - - The Joseph-Elgin Stage Company is now carrying passengers and - mail on bobsleds. I Much better' time . is made , 22: now than by using their "coaches. While the road remains frozen and no chinook occurs, sleighing wiil- be the easiest means' to bring in heavy freight from Elgin or other outside points. "7 tialty-disabled by paralysis and since a first lieutenant : and was in"!eo'iuai then hU health has been gradually fail ! bis, company. . ' ing. The-following account of his fn- ? "The Seventh New York W.Uutec-r neral and sketch of his life is taken : heavy art snery acting as .;isimrj, which he was a memrer, wiM;'no HE DISOBEYED MANDATE. President of Portland & Seattle Rail road Company Cfliarged With Contempt of Court. ' t fom f ho Daily Missoulian, of 'December . --v- " -; . The mortal remains of Frederick Lock ley were laid at rest in the 'Mis soula valley cemetery yesterday after noon. Many friends gathered at tho residence of Mr. Lockley's daughter. Mrs. A. J. Gibson, to pay their last tribute of tears for tbe departed neigh bor and loving father and husband. The many beautiful offerings of flow ers symbolized the esteem in which the kindly old man was held by these who knew him, and the many expres-1 the five . regimentswhich sultored tl . heaviest leases of the war,., f. C! Harbor the regiment went into' battf with full strength and tame out V'i but few officers who wcrd not kilU' or wounded and, where full cempnui 1 had lined up at roll call that WPriu.i; wero eqnads answcreil roll ' call nftc the battle so shrunken ' were tho con partiics from their, ficreo bkttsm c fire. " "When ho was mustered out 'at t'n sions of sympathy for the bereave ljtrrupted life work. At Cleveland, (J family, "offered to make their U I M Kansas, in Salt Lake, Utah.1in..ftutl - 1 m- . ' l' i 1j:i.: ' PORTLAND, Dec. 27. J. Couch Flanders, presidenl and agent of the Portland & Seattle Railroad Company, was late today cited to appear before the state circuit court on January 3 and show cause whv he should not be punished for contempt in disobeying (were simple and ressiyc. RevMr. the mandate directinir him th: Port-1 McJunkin Of . Hamilton read the scrip- close of the War he took up ( h is, H lighter indicated the depth ,of fecliu? of those who mourned. i The services held at the Gibson horn? the Portland & Seattle road and the Oregon Railroad & NavigationCompany will cross a few rods north of this ty . . -'.;: t, ,., -.....: ':. LIGHTHOUSE WEECTKED. Lightning Destroys' Valuable Meteorc logical and Telephone Iratrnuints at North Head Station. Mont., and in Oregon he did edilori;. (work and won tbe esteem and' reaper of those with whom he camo in conta I Fcw'men have had warmer and mor devoted friends, for he tied his frier. I to him with the unbreakable1 bond o sincerity and loyalty. He will fbe re membered' by " that; best portion of good man's life, ' bis little unremei bcred acts of kindness and lour "Few men led purer or better live. T ...... 1 'i:Cj. 1. a tlia '1r:!ico -tri Tho la.t wtt ntit l itAtl it I i . - . . A. 'eiiuren, oat ratuer inan nave a pared and tae transition i land & Seattle railroad and Simmg & jtnres( and pronounced the bcneliction. Shields, hecentraetors, to :8top theRv- !rTf--WthIa8tor of the. rrc worK ot construction at tne point wnere ' s -7 t--i , - oi..i-jL H.tti. mA .vlthe eood man who had answered th? summons of the master. That life had been well spent and full of yearn. ill found him prepare was simply laying down the burdens of this world to take up a higher iife. Rev. Mr. Wright readtbe following! ! eulogy upon the life of Mr. Lockley: "Full of years and honors be is gath ered to his fathers. Itis fitting and seemly "that at this tisie we ' reviey briefly a few salient joints in the life of Mr. Loekley. He was born in Ion don and when a young man he felt ti e call of the west, and in 1814 he esmc to America. "The opportunities for securing an education when he was a young man were not good, but ij spite of the fact that he was unable to attend college bi. Indomitable pluck and his natbral aptitude for learning resulted in his becoming proficient " in Iatin and French and be read the great masters of literature until . be acquired that which colleges do not always give a love for what is purest and' best in lit: divn'c- ASTORIA, Dee. 27. The news reach ed' Astoria today that the government weather station at Notth Head was wrecked by 1-ghtning 'Ti:esdy.- Oper ator Kelliher was 'knockel senseless, temporarily,, valuable meteorological instruments were destroyed, set on fire, the telephone instrum,nts shat tered and the nickle fixtures mclteJ. The wires leading to the cables were burned and t?wisted. The house was ssived, but the entire estsbliihnent will lavo to be reconstructed. ,. BELIEVES HE WTLL WIN. W. i E. Heirst Will Continue Tight TJn- ; til His Object Has BeenAc-s -. - V' '-. ".. - complished. ; LOIJ ANGELES Dec 7.r-W. R. Hearst, in an interview printed twlay, said he will not run for congress again, lie said he regarded office holding like jury duty, and believes a man can ac complish more with his newspapers than in office, especially when he hap pens to be in the minority party. Hearst insists that be polled a plurality for mayor of New York, andybe will carry the fight on until his object is ac complished and politics are' purified. ' ISLANDS OFFERED FOB SALE. ; SAN rRANCISCCv Dee. 27,An t vcrtisemcnt appearing in a local paper offers for sale Fanning and Washing ton wlarids, in the South Pacific, under Instructions from the registrar ef the British aigh commissioner's court for the westers Pacific. Fanning island is well known. It used to be port ef, call for the oceanic steamers plying be tween th:s eity and the . Australian ports, that tho Canadian Pacific, sttfcin-1 ers now stop t there, on their way -op from the eolonies. v. ' WOUNDED IK, SALOON BOW. EUGENE, Or., Dec. 27 Walter Ed dy, a local character is in a serious Con dition today a? a result of a blow over the left eye from a beer bottle in the hands . of 'Eilly" ilonroe . another ".roonder. 7he two quarreled yes- evtnic2 end FOOD-i- r not medicine; If all Jthe' treatments for consumption were put in book, form it would malce a pretty big library. But after all there has been - little im provement over the old treat ment of rest, fresh air, sun shine, plain, wholesome food and' Scott's Emulsion. The latter supplies nourish ment that cannot be secured in any other way, and after allj nourishment is what the consumptive-needs first ' . A gain in weight; however slight, is a long step toward improvement ' If there is the ' least thing to build on Scott's Emulsion will enable the pa tient to make that gain. Peo ple have gained a pound in weight from a bottle of Scott s Emulsion -its an. exception when they don't We V- -have seen Scott's Emulsion . take hold of a pa tient " and brinjri about1 a terday evening end 'Monroe . siinek EdJy, and taen flel. lie wss arresled chajirrc fnr ".the hftfpr insirlf blc4 profusely and be waV rendered r- , .a,.Weelc It alwaVS helps' COHScjous. -Doctors say the ,llorv JiJ- i-"' ' rt not ; fried ore the skull, but probal Iv CVCn the OSt Stubborn CaSCS. cautj eoucujwion of the Ira'c SCOTT & EOWE, oa Perl Street, New York: ............ ... . . - - . .-. ; -- . . , church life, -he attended the n Prevby t tcrlan church, of, which bis wife v . ... . . memier. ins was a uecper scrvic. than a 'lip? service. His everyday lif exemplified the teachings of .tbe low!, Nazarene and 'of. the sermon' on tin mount. . Death eamc to bim, not. asan un welcome , guest, . but as a -friend, tk who would loose him from bodt' weakness and infirmities. lib coul i well say: , I 'In- death's Unrobing room," f-e strip from around us. Ji ' The garments of .mortality and earth,' And breaking from tbq embryo bon! which bind fs 4 t- I Our day of dying is our day of birth.' 'Listen and -bn may faintly hear the call of taps and the echo o.(.the ht-t salute. He has fought the good fijjt, the great captain has'calkvl him up higher. He has been promoted -and hears tho 'well done' ef the master." Fallowing the eufgy, Eev. Jlr. Wright offereil a prayer. ' A quartet, consisting of Misi Itutli KelloRij, J. H. Inch, Mrs. tJX. I'"r and Dr. Asa Willarl, sang " Nearer, . . . . M, ,, . MM 1 T ....... uixi, io jure, anu csun, ij'mi of My Soul." There was a. short service teld at tli; grave in the Missoula valley cVnictery. Follwingr were the pallbenrs: I'. Kensett, J. II. Inch, P. Jenl.', and N. 8. Little. ABBEST BOX CAB THIEF. ; THE DALLES Or., Dce.,'ri$.-Mar-thai E. B. Woods, of this city, an (). R. A N. Detective Fitr.gerftT I, report fche capture of the lox car . thief, who was thrown off a train near 3vhn station after a hard struggle,?n whirls the conlurtor of the train ptrly lout bis life. The conductor fwtxi' j.he rn;.u with a gunpypack nearly full of tlie ar ticles from a car oil. tlie t'mtn." Tl ' man gt away and the officers Btrt ! ia pnrsait, catching him, aftox a li Ire is believe I chaso, nenr Arl:gton. to be an ex-convict. r : STEAMEE IN DISTEES3, HAN FRANCI8CO, Dec. 27.-T1 steamer Acme came ' near disaster tbe trip from tbe northern waters wit her boilers gave out on (TiriM'ifiHS !;t leaving her helpless near the Faralon She was picked up today by Ike stei: er Chehalis and towed in. STATESMAN - CLAfcSl Fl YA. Mr '. BIX1NO QLIC1 -KESULTS. Legal Blank -t4lc3maa