i By virtue f a warrant issued by the nty Clerk, to me directed o the nt raced in the delinquent tax list for' theeax 1904, which lilt is hereunto' attaebed and made a part of tfaia no-1 tice I will, beginning at 10 'clock on .1 b Jay of December, 1905, eommaBdin n l -'i?ix'l-C f H" """ -" 87 . ' , ' , . - BrooWJobn, Sr,; Lot 14, Blk. 1,. I Blk 2, Gates ........... . $ .97 e to sell the several article. otjer-t j,, Or.......$ .73 . Begin at S. EL corned nal and parcels :of real property Brooks, John, Sr.: . Lot 14, Bk. 2, 1 0i Frank Perkett's lot E'ly 150 Saturday, the 20thdayofrrC-"v-- - ' , , . Brown, Bulb A.r" : January, 1906. anu continuing from day to day there after until the list is sold, offer for sale to the highest bidder the real property sitoated in Marion county, Or., and more particularly described in -tb'ejf al lowing lilt. ; Albert Thomas: Lot 6, blk. 12, Yew Park Annex, Salem, Or... $2. 88 Albert Thomas: ' Lot 7, Blk. 12, Yew Park Annex, Salem, Or... $2. 88 Albert & Thomas: Lot 8, Blk. 12, Yew Park Anaex, Salem, Or.... $2.88 Albert Thomas Lot 9, Blk. 12, Yew Park Annex, Salem, Or... $2. 88 Allison, Jas E.: S of S of a E. of S. E. of See. 23, T..8 S. K. 4 W.. ............. $1.52 A nderegg, Andrew: Lot 10 East side Fruit Farms. See. 21 T. 7 8. IL 2 w..r;...... ........ .....$4.59 Ahb: Ceorire U: Lots 1. 2. Blk. 27, Yew, Park Annex, Salem Or..$2.88 Asbby, George U.: Lot 5,' Blk. 27, Yew Park Annex, Salem, OM1.43 Bauer, Harry: 8. W. of Sec. 24 T. 11 8. B. 7 E. .........$12.67 nnnman. M.: N Vx of See. 36, T. 8 8. B. 1 E. conte. 320 acres. .. .$25.33 Balles, V. B.: Begin 10 ehs. N. of ' 8. E. corner of Sec 29, thenee J. 10 Chi. W, 20 ehs. 8. 10 ehs. E. 20 ehs. to beginning. See 29 T. 7 8. B. 1 E.; . . ... '. . . . . ......... .$2.42 Barehnrst, B. B.: ' N. E. Y of S. E. H of See. 16, T. 7 8. B. 1 E. $3f 18 Barnes, J. T.: Begin at 8. E. eor- ner of Wm. Larkin's D. L. C. T. 5 a B. 2 W.; thenee N. S3 deg. 30 min W. 30.50 ehs. N. 14.20 ehs. H. 74 deg. 45 min. E. 11.20 ehs. 8. 12.62 hs. to beginning eontg. .14 acres.......:...........-.. Barnes, J. T.: Begin on S. bound ary f elaim No. 46 T. 5 S. B. 2 W. 34.30 ehs.- from S. W. eor-" ner of said claim N. 36.20 ehs., 8. 54 deg. 15 mini E. 35 ehs. 8. ' . 28.40 ehs. W. J0.43 ehs. to be ginning, eont'g ,35 acres $5.55 Bagby Lumber Co.: Begin N. 5 deg. W. 45 ft. and N. 73 deg. , E. 4.56 ehs. an4 N- 5 deg. 3.90 ehs. from ihs N. E. corner of Blk. 5, Aurora; thence an. 5 deg. W. 3.83 ehs. N. 73 deg- E. 6.00 - cbs. to ,Pudding KivCr; thence up channel to where cen- f ter of River intersects the N. side of County road leading i ' from. Aurora to; Barlow: a 73 j r deg. VT. 1T.89 ehs. to beginning, ,fcDt'g 2.67 acrrt..... ......... Y .80 I BatflyLimWr'Ci: ,:Bogln' N. 5. deg.'.W. 45 ft. and' N.t 73Ti deg. E. 4.56 t k s. . and N., 5 J, ' deg. W ?J)3chs; from be N,'E. corner Jlj. ' 5, . Aurora $ themre' N." 73 Cog. E." 6.00 ehs. to left bank of Pudding 'Tiver.N. 54 deg. W." . -dBWrt-left" bank lof Pudding river ' 10.51 cbJiito cetiter of R. K. track, S." 57 V Jg.' 6.50 eus- to land of J! Vogbt, a 574. drg. W. 8.67 lhi' io . teginwijng, eont'g 5.75 ' 4etes,. except atout 1.08 aeres In ; H.W. ebrner of Said tract. . . . .$3.90 BA'rber, f. , tL:i Lots 3 4, except ,W- 3q -ft Btk. 1, Cook 's add. to - Mrion Xir.. j . -i . .i . . . . ; .... . .$00.50 Barker, L."X: lot 1, Blk. 5, M- hama,' Ok.. . . $1 .20 Bafkri UTli L6t 8 Blk. 5, Meha- m0r.a...: i.H.. ......-.....$ .27 Bashon Mrs. Ida A.:' Lot 7, Blk: r, Minto, Or.."... .$00.54 Baker, t J. B.: Lot 7, Blk. ! 3, Compto-u 's add., Salem, Or.. ... $00. , 2 Barlger, Walter:- Lot 1, Subdivis , ' ion ot Lot '8, Tuxedo 1'ark Add.. Salem, Or., .i.i . . . . . I . . . . . $3.00 Barager, James: Lots 2-3, Subdi- tistori of - Lot i 8, Tuxedo Park add., Salem, Or $1.92 Barton, Edna: Lot 27, Wallers add, 8alem, Or .$3.60 Bsrrow,W F.: 8. of 8. W. 4, Kk. 71, ?f. Salem, tr.........$ .96 Beach, George: Lot 6, Touts adtl.. Woodburn, Or.;.,.;.. ...i.4J Bennett. C. E.: E. Yj ot E. of 8. i. E. 44 of N. W. See. 16 T. 7 8. R. 2 E. and N. E., of N.E. of 8. W. Yk of Sec. 16, and a of N. W. Y. of S. W.. See. 16 T. f a R. 2 E...V.-J.. ........ ...$2.60 Beaty; Josephine P.: Begin at N. E. corner, of Sec. 36, T. 6 8. B. 3 W.; tbeace W. 46 rds. S. 160 - rds. to Y see line E. 46 rds. to a E. corner of 8. G. Pugh D. L. C. N." 16& Tds. to beginning eontg. 746 aeres .,...$33.56 Eixby, Joseph: Lots 3-4, Blk. 11, Depot add, Salem Or... ...... .$2.83 Blanchard, Wm.: Begin 1.12 ft. E. of stake in center of State St. on W. line of A. F. Wallers D L. C.;thence easterly in center of State St. extended 50 ft. south erly 249 fW westerly 50 ft. northerly 249 ft. to beginning ..i. ...... .$36.00 Boeslager, Baron Otto, Heirs: 8. E." Vi of See. 33- and N of a W. and a w. of 8. W. Y See, 34 T. 5 8, R, 1 W.....$83.70 Boesle'ger, Baron Otto. Heirs: LoU V 1'to 5 and 7 to 12, Blk. 3, Mt. Angel, Or............... .....$5.56 Boesleger, Baron Otto, Heirs: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 Blk. 4, Mt. Angel, Or.. ... ............... .$2 12 Boesleeer, Baroa Otto, Heirs: Blk. " 6, Mt. Angel, -Or... .27 Boesleger. Baron Otto, Heirs: Lot 1-2, Blk. 8. Mt. AngcL Or. .. .ai.a BoesTeger, Baron Otto, Heirs: Lot 1 l f, Blk..9. Mt. Angel. Or.... ...$1.31 1 . Boesleger, Baron Otto , Heirs: Lot 1 7-8. Blk, 9. Mt. Anpel. Or.....$i.oc Boesleger, Baron Otto, Heirs: Lots . 3-4-5 and 6, Jilk. It, Mt. Angel. .$8.73 jloesleger. Baron Otto, Heirs: Lots 1 to 4, Blk. 13, Mr. Aneel. Or.. . $18.73 Toothem, J. F.: Lo5-6, Blk. 4. Prospect Park add, Salem, Or .$ .30 Bock. 4 j .of a e. of a of S- W. of See. 8 T. 7 ' a"'B. 2 E, eontg. 5 acres $ .97 Bayes, C. TZ.i Lois ' 3 -4 -5 aod 0. j Sunnyside Fruit ri, No. : 12. $3.57;., Brady & Co.: Lots 2-2S, 4. 1 ! . . 1 CI.. I . . A. OQ ! . Ttnnii JnKfi. 5 HIk-5- River- I Bide add, Salem, Or,.-. ........ $1-201 Brook's. John. Sr.? -Letnl-2-3, Blk.-' I Brooks add, Salem, Or.. .... ...$.2 Brown, ;''! b'J4 f r , 4Q e, $1.59 Brown. A.i L-: Lot 20 ? BIk..l, Thomas adu Woodburn ........ Lots 7-8, Elk. Z, ........ $1C.80 Lots 1-2, Bik. 2, Woodburn ........ . . . . -. . -$30.uu Brown, TJ W.s Lot 4, Blk. 20, ; - Pleasant Home add., Salem, Or.. $1.44 Brown, F. E.: Lot 4, Blk . 4, , . Riverside add.. Salem, Or.. . . . .$ .96 Brongbtoa, A. ! E.s Blk. 13, Tur ner a add., Turner, Or.. ....... $3 . 08 Barge, Mrs. Mary E.: ' Lot 3, Sun nyside Fruit Farms No. 5, ex , eept'l aere for school purposes. $5. 66 usb, A.:i Lot 14, Blk. 3, Engle-l- wood add., Salem, Or.. .. . ... ... $1.44 Bush, A.: Lot 10, Blk. 13, Engle- . wood add., Salem, Or. . ; . . . .$1.44 fCammaek,: V. ILt Lot 1, Blk. 1, Settlemier's add, Woodburn,Oi.ai.;s Cammaek, F. M.: W. 75 It. of lots 7-8,Bik. 3, Woodburn, Or.. .$7.20 Card, J. ILs Lot 13-14, Hampden Park, See. 28. T. 7 S. B. 2 W.. .$4.85 Carmon, Mrs. Sarah: N. W. 4 of See. 6 T. 8 S. B. 1 E, eontg, 40 v, acres .$3.46 Carmody, Henry:! Lot 3, .Blk. 2, t Gates, Or. .....$2.07 Chaney, F. E.: 8. 100 ft, of lot 1, Blk. 6, land N. 50 ft. of , lot 2, 6, Presnall k Smith's add., Salem, Or............. ....$ .96 Cerrington, T,tJ.;, Begin on E. .. line of Commercial St. in Salem,' 59 ft. Nly from where N. line of N. St. if extended woold inter- , sect, said E. line of Commercial St., thence E 1y at right angles to Commercial St. 192 ft. to line of D. L. C ofW. II. Wilson, thence N. 8 deg. 30 min. W. on said claim line 150 ft. more or leai, to an angle in said line, thence N. 49 deg. V. oa line of said claim 200 ft. to K. line of Commercial St. if -extended, thence S'ly 150 ft. more or less to beginning, except ing tract off ' 8. end 05 ft. in ' width conveyed to J. Daney. . .$10.b Christie. John:' Lot 1, Cowles Cen- 4.-1 ..1.1 VA.1)inni rtv 64 R(l -ti. t. t id . oo int. t Scotts Mills, Or.. $3. 90 n w . nr i -c t Sec 16, T. 10 S. R. 6 E. eontg. 80 'j f J ia rA m,k r'W K'V'Vt Ta Clark. C. .: N. E. Y oSec. 16 t. io a R. 7 E $21. 12 Claggett, W. D. : Salem ! Or.. .. . Iot, 6 Blk. 27, .11 n. Comer, William: Begin -53. ids. a of 8. line of land owned by Ellen Van Wassenhove in center o Co. road from Cbampoeg to St. Louis; thenee 8. along center f ' sail road 29 rds. E. 126 rd. to W. boundary line of land owned by Ellen fPrapsts, thence N. 5 deg. W. on said Ellen Prapst W. line j. 1 rdv to --8,.: boundary Mjf,. land f orned liy George W Case;ihenc ivftrvlew; Park add, Salem. Or41 . 44 Cohzer, L. C.:;,Lot S, Illk. 13, Rail : road nrtdto .leffersbn. Or.. ;;.$1. 59 - (Took. B. H.: Lot 3. Blk--2, River- i ' aide' add.. SalfTn, .Pr.A . .$ .9C (ookV.V..E.r-ra-50 ft. of -Lot 7, ? vk,n V, oof "SrlS: LoV U 2 ' Lot 'A ' i 0.0k. J-i N. (IV Hk-. f, Salome Or.. . 40. 79 Ooek; "jfosepa,. Heirs: . Begin 140 rds. -W. from a K eorner of N. , of O. Pieard D. L. C, tbenee W. on sai d line 1 1 22 ft. S. to , N. " line i ot Cd". rowtt, thence -along i said N. line 1122 fUN. to begiu ning containing acre Coon, A.J ? Begin c'n E. Hwe of D.JL. C. of i B. 8. lionney 20.20 ehs. from- N.'E. eorner; thence S. 2.61 ebs. N. 86 deg. 30 rain. 9f; 2.22 .89 ebs, n; 2.03 ehs. N. 78 aeg. E. 2.25 ehs. -U beginning eontg. a acre .y, j. ... m. ...........a.. J (melius. G. B:: Und. 1-3 int. in f " ?" 01 -a-o- ' 8. Turner, Or. I. $2. 83 Cornelius. O. B.: Und. 1-3 int. in lot 8, Blk. S, Turner, Or. ...... .$6. 24 Cornelius. G. B.: iot 2. Blk. 5, Mehama, Or... .... ....... .$1.31 Cornelius, G. B.: Lot 7, Blk. - 5, MehamX Or. -.. $ Cornelius. R. H." & Van Buren. Geo: Begin ; at N. E. comer of Und ' owned by A. Torier on Aug. 8, 1882. thenee W. 13o ft. 8 71 ft. E. 135 ft. N. 71 ft. to beginning, beisg' in ' Jefferson, Or, being fr. lot 12, Blk.,- 7............$7.J53 Cornford,'G. W.x hot 7, 8ec. 6, and N. E. of N. W. of lot 1 See. 7, T. 10 S. B, 5 E. ...$23.76 Coyle, A. II. and Grlswold, Geo.: Begin 51 ebs. a 9 deg. W. and ' 22 ehs. 8. 64 deg. 15 min. E. of N. W.' corner of D, L. C of Wm. Munkers, T. 7 8. B. 2 W, being' 8. E. corner of 40 acre . tract of Fleteher to J. L. Combs; thenee : N.' deg. E. 19 ehs. N. 64 dc. 15 min. W. H ehs. 8. 9 deg. W. 19 ehs. 8. 64 deg. 15 rain. E. 11 ehs. to beginning. Also, begin at 8. corner of last described land N. 64 deg. 15 min. W. 11 ehs, N. 9; deg, E. 20 ft. S. 64 deg. 15 min. . E. 11 ehs. a 9 deg. W. 210 ft, to beginning . . , . .... IJ. . . , $5. 95 Cowles, ;W. H.i Lots 3, 4, E(lk. 3, v. - Prpsect Park Add, Salem, Or.$ .30 Cox, W, II.: a W. Blk. 67, N. Salem, Or. ...'.. $2.88 Crattrec, F., M.: Begin at the. a r- corner of Earl Jones D. L. C, T. a R .3 W, thenee N. on EL.' line of said claim 24.10 ebs. to N. line of said claim,, W. on said N. line 66 rds. 5 in. . .S.IJO fhs E. CQ rds.-5 In. to beginning con taining 40 aeres. Also begin at the N. W. corner of lot 3. See. K.3 W, thence E. along M...LaS3B' N: 'ue to Salem !n.',lh:im.pofg Co. Road, S; along ' 'I2m ft K' V""l witb S mMv- EKaB N, line 20 ft. or -W. corner of said" lot 3, thi.nee N. 8-deg40 min.rii. along i f V,C" i V f ! 1 .SntvSrS 7,nd.-8. Blk. 25. Gervais. Qr,. ?$14.52 ed JsiV.AVHbon'4ary 7rds. hdCM, ' -'1 14? 41 J h ? - - Kater... L.: Iots 3 and, 4 Blk. ' W. 86 rdi beginning belng.pan 35Gervais, Or.....,.. VI. ..$1.59 ) PtcVl.VHTr?8-.fe 2 W?eootg. ' mli ir i 17-and 'Harkt William? Lot 5r Blk. 8r Geo. Ko-hland. Fred: N. W. of Blk. 20. acres..,. i It " ."k-1 F V' fniV' "i H' Joa Add,JJ3 Qr...$21.G0 71.N. Salem, Or.. . ..;$1.80 tWmons Drayert Fr.ends Ore- t tfuii; VVi n,' a "rmon, 'Mrsi C: 'Lt. 12, Blk. v3, Krittc. E. C.: Loti 1, Blk. 16, Riv- gon Colony lots 71-74, . v. $2 . 39 ' Riverside Add, Sajem, Qiv. . . . .96 rside Ald, Salem, Or.... . . . . 1 .43 Connor.' t John? It -fl. Blk.'. 7. ! X1: ,k':, lreSn Jr,V HalowfL A.f - ReW-:t tt.-EL.W- s J'Ul & Bush; Lots 4 and 5, Blk. N.-20 ft. to beginning; also Legia at H. K. corner of E. D. Jones D. J C, T. 6 8. K. 2 W, thenee E. ,10 50-91 rds, 8. parallel with -said Jones' E. line to pointy due E. of beginning, 10 50-91 ehs. to. beeinninir . ... . '. i-i . . 2 .$15.32 ft N.'.W.'l 164 fW a 229 ft. to hep-- 'also beein 11.E6 ehs. a of corner of See. 1-2, 11 sad 12, thenee a 31 deg. 45 min. W. par . allel with O. C. E. B. B. track 4 rds., N. 58 4eg. 15 min. W. 8 1 rds, a 31 deg. 45. min. W. 4 rl, X. 58"deg. 15 min. -W. 8 rda, 31 deg. 45 min; E. 4 rds 8. 58 deg. 15 min. E. 8 rds. to beg... $1.85 Danger Held, lizzie: N. W. of N. W. of 8. W. of See. 8, T.7' 8.B.2E, eont 'g 1 0 acres. ..... $1 . 63 Dennis, Nathaniel: Begin at N. westerly corner of a tract of land described in VoL 80 page 165, thence 8. 160 deg. 20 min. W. CO ft, easterly parallel with N. line of said 2 4-5 aere tract 100 ft, , northerly parallel with Salem and : Oregon City road 150 f t., wester- ly , along N. line of 2.4-5 acre tract 100 ft. to beginning, in See. 14 T. 7 8. B. 3 W..... ...... .$5.90 Derby, F. N.: Lot 10, Blk. 9, Mor ningside Add, JSalom. ........ .$ .50 Dillon, Charles: Lots 8, 9 and 10. See. 26, being 78 aeres off E. end of . Wm. Cunningham claim, T. 4. S. B. 3 W.... ........... $12.42 Dittweiler, J. E.: Begin 33 ft. from -lot 1, blk. 7, Turner, thenee a 3i ft, W. 20 ft, a 44 ft, W. 62H ft, S. 20 ft, E. 117 fU N. 100 ft. to beg...... ;...,...$ .72 Dimick, B. M.: W. of N. E. Y of See, 35, T. 58.lt, 1 W.. . . .$25.63 Dorranee, 8. H.: Lot 6,' Blk. 3, Riverside Add, Salem, Or .$ Doran, M.: Lot 16, Blk. 5, Brook lyn Add, Salem, Or.k ........ .$ Doughty, C a: Lot 20, Blk. 2, Prospect Park Add, Salem, Or. .$ .96 .72 .16 Down, Candace: N. 20 ft. of Blk. 12, and all Blk. 13, HoUister 's ' - Add. Annex No. 1. Stayon, Orl$332 Downing, J. J.: Lot 7, BIk."16, Biv erside Add, Salem, Or.. ..... ..$1.44 Downing, J. J.; ; Lot 14, Blk. 3, Biv- erside Add.. Salem, Or. .96 Downing, E. A. k. 8. E.: .Begin at most 8.Ty S. E. corner of Jebn House D. L. C, thenee N. 18 C. W. 10 eh, a 18 eh, E. 10 eh. to begin.. .......... ........ . ' . .$ 76 Doynes, 8. A.: Lot 12, 13, Brad I ley s Auu Woodburn. Or. . . . .$1.92 -TT a'y.' cC, o n i Queen Ann Add.. Salem, Or... $9. 60 P"J! ?' :. . Lot ,3'M4fn??k Riverside Add.. Salem, Or.. S. .$1.92 jDurbin, C. B.: N.-W. of Bee. 9 1 T .in o w c v in T. 10 8. B. 5 E.. eont'g 160 acres .............. ......... $8. 45 T 1 ! J1 . T 1 T" 1 - XT TTT If uuruiu, jj.: Jt. ;j ut. 41. f. 714 I 01 ore t . . v o. a. J x., jujjg X. of N. fork of Santiam River. $4. 23 Dupoht, J. Lots 1 and 2, Block 17, St.'Loull ....... k.... ..'.....$1.74 Ellis' Mrs. Lena: Beg. 644 feet West of Sec. line where said See. line erosses S. -line of Ni- orara wagon road, See. 26, T. 9 S R. 3 E., 90 feet South of eenter of C. & E. R. B, South 231 feet l-deg. E enrnef of D. L. a .of J, Stipjt, TJ8.B.2 W; N,3 tleg, iSranis. ill ehs.; a 4-deg.vW. ,78 Uaks. . 32 ile.. W, 4.03-clfS.V N, 84 dcg.iE. 2j69-. ehs.' to beginning. nt'g acre rVX .i .i 1'Vs.P.H;: W. of N. -W of 8. E. 14 of 8.- W. , ofee. & f. 7 S. R. 2 E;, eont 'g 5 aores a eoat o ores -.n8;x t.: K W.;Wf f, A.: Lot 9. Sunnyside "l" r . v - - in AO. 13.-.. .00:iIefren, Loiu: Begin on W. side of r.vnan. rvaie jfruit Farm Fawk. Henry; Befim at N. 'W. E. 160 rds, S. to Santiam River; W. men'dgg r to begin.... ....$2. 76 fFarraf, Squire, Trustee: Lots 45, i Blk. 7, Riverside Add. Salem, OM2. 43 Fairmount Park Co.: fr a of Blk. 18. Fairmount Park Add.. Solent. Or... ........ ...;,..v..$1.20' First German Baptist Chnrehi St r-'. "if Ul .X . r. " . LIJL. t t . JJL lem. Or : i .v. 4 '.: ,u.$l. 44 isiter, t'niiiip: l.ois 4, b, mix. 1a, Whittiey's AdU Stayton, Or.;. $1.11 lleck, C. A.: Lots 3 a ttd 4, Blk.' 2. J Hines, W. F.: Lots 1 nnt,2, Blk. 1 -.Hubbard," Or. i . I. -. ". . .; ". . .$5.22;: 89. Salem, Or.. .. . . . .. :$6.00 Frank, Peter & Henry: Lots 6, I, Hirtzel, Salome (Heirs): Blk f5, j 8, Blk. 5, Sublimity Or ,'$ .81 Frank, Peter: Lot 1, Blk. 5, Som - liraity. Or......;.. .:....;...$ .27 ' Oatewood, B. M.: 8. W. Y ot B. W. 4 of Sec. 33. T. 3&B.1W., containing 40 acres. ........ .$22.18 Gaylord, N. R.: Begin. 100 ft. a pf ' N. E. corner of Blk. 15, Capital Park Add. to Salem, thence a'ly on E. line of Blk. 50 ft, W.'ly parallel with N. line of Blk. 108 ft. to eenter of alley, thenee N.ly parallel with E. line of Blk. 50 ft, E.'Iy with N. Une of Blk; 108 ft. to beginning... ....... $3. GO Gesner, Rhoda E.: Begin. N. 25 de. 15 min. W. 4.21 ehs. and. 4.75 ehs,. E. of 8. W. corner of G, Neal D. 1 L. P, thence N. 324 ehs, E. 6.15 f ehs, a 32.54 ehs, W. 6.15 ehs. to ' beg, eont'g 20 acres. .'$5. 2 Gibbs, B. L., Guard.: E. of N. W. of N. EL 4,.8ec 21, T. 7 a R. 2 E, 20 aeres V...$2.27 Gilbert, Willis H., (Trustee): N. of a of Sec 8, T. 8 a B. 3 E. $26.40 Gilbert, Willis 112 (Trustee); a of 8ec 31 an4 all that part of N. W. lying in Marion Co., Sec 31, T. 7 S. R. 3 E....V.. ...... $32.53 Otiliam, E. E.: Lot 15, Blk. 8, Brooklyn Add, 8alem, Or....,$ .72 Gobalet, Chas.: All ' the Alfred Gobalet claim in Sec 5, TV 8 & . rt 1 E,, eont'g 82J8 acres, . . .$6.35 Coosh; Amos F.: .a- of Bed id and W. of N. W. H and & EL Yk of N.-W. of Sec iS, T. 11 a R. 7 E.. ....... ......... .$15.84 Goole. Chas. H.: I Lot 5, Blk. 75, N. Salrm, Or. .......... . .V, . .$10.08 (Jordon, A. P.: Begin on W. line of B. II. Ekins D. L. O. 54.04 ehs. a ' of Twp. line between T. 7 and 8 a B. 4 W, N. 13.73 ehs, E. 36.41 ehs, S. 13.73 cha, W. 36.41 ths. to beginning, eont'g 50 acres; Also twgin 40.31 ehs. a of Twp.- T?EIX CHHaOU STATESMAN, TZJDA.Y. DIH llne between T. 7 and 8 a TL " I 4 W, 11.C5 ehs. E. of W. liae of I K. H. Kkias D. I- C, N. 80 ehs, : E. 5 ehs, a 0 ehs, W. 5 ebs. ta beginning, eont'g.4Q acres... .$36.18 Gray, Jennie: 8. E. of N. IS. . of See. 1C, T. 7 8. K. 1 E...$3.18 Grannis, Mrs. E. B.:' Lots 23 to,-- j 26. Blk. 3. Prosoect Park Add ! Salem, Or. ....$ .58 Grandstand, Mary:-, Lot 6, Blk. 4, , Highland Add, Salem, Or..... $ .96 Gray Bros.: AV. Yt of lot 7, Blk. 42, University Add, caiem, ur.....?i.w Green, Gertrude M.: Begin- in cen ter 4of Co. - road - leading - from t j Salem and Cbampoeg road to Parkf rsville, 15.40 ebs. a and 1.82 ehs. W. of most easterly a E. corner of M. Hageys D. L. .C, ; T. 5 8. 2 W, thenee a 21.74 ehs., W. 1U0 ehs, N. 21.75 ehs. lo een ter of said road. E. 130 e ha. to beHanin?. eOnt'g 30.08 acres $14.20 iirrewirc, .utm o, r . ' t .... v a - niv - , b . t. . - - .- . a. - jk Guiley. 8. E.: Begin at N. W. cor ner of a 10 acre lot, VoL 30, page 54, thenee a 41 deg. W. 6.33 ebs. to center of Young St, a 73 deg. 20 min. E.' in street 3.43 ehs, N. 16 deg. 40 min. E. 562 v 6-10 ehs, N. 60 deg. 40 min. W. 92 links to beginning, eont?g 1 aeres, See. 18, T. 6 S. B. 1 W..$5.99 Hadley. Henry J.:, . Begin 6 rds. S E. of S. W. comer of N. E. of 1 See. 30, T. 9 S. B.,3 E, thenee N. 80 rds., E. 74 rds, a 80 rds, W. 74' rds. to beginning, eont'g : 37 acres. . Also, all that part of a- E. of Sec 30, T. 9 a B. 3 E. lying N. of N. fork of SanU am River, exeept -lOQ x 100 ft. ' tract eonveyed to Galfmsn to New-, land, VoL 54, p."; 346, aJso exeept 1 aere to Jos. Stish, Vol. 50, p. f 228, also exeept a tract 50 ft. x M) ft. lying N. of Lot 1, Hadley 's Add. to Mill City.'deeded to A. a Shaw, also except tract 50 f t, x 60 ft. described -VoL. 43, p. 529, also tract 100 ft. x 100 ft. owned by John Falconer, also exeept 73-100 acres deeded -to B. Quino, VoL 48, p. 551, also except aere deeded to A. O. Badger, VoL r 41, p. 443. also except 1 aero deed- i ed to,J. A. Shaw, Yol. 38, p. 532, also exeept 3-5 aere described in : Vol. 41, p. 99, also acre in VoL 45, p. 246, also acre deed- -ed to G. L. Hunt, (VoL 43r p. 406, . also except that part: of said S. E. of Secf. SOicb is platted and known as Hadley 's Add. to Mill City. ...$17.IO . Hall, Mary B. (Heirs) : Begin at 8, w. corner or van iJuyn's Ana. to Salem on N. line of Court St. if extended, thenee easterly along said N. line of Court St. extended 3.46 ehs, southerly at right angles to Court St. extended to S. line of said St. extended, N. westerly on said a" line ofCourt St. extended 3.46 ebs, north erly at right angles to Court St. to beginning.' Also begin at the 8. E. corner of Van Duyn's. Add. to Salem on N. line of. Court St. extruded, tbenee N. westerly on snid N. line 146 ft., southerly at right angles to Court St. extended to S. line of Court St 8. easterly on said, S. line 146 ft, northerly ner .f 4ot. 8. Blki 42, UnivorsUy Add. to Salemrtliepxo W.120 fti S.' 75 t, E. 1 2p .. ft., JS',, 75 ft; a az, Bu rani, yr........ ....?.."... ... :Um Or..."5.51 XlIeiTitW R-r - Lot 3; Blk9 Mor C7' iwngeide- Add.. Salem, Or..i".-. ;H'$l .47 hleintxJobni 'lrt 4htiiA;ilro$. -:- lyn-Add, 8alem,Or !...$ .73 19.80 I xrain ri, iuiioviiic. ou 11. . 84 V,- dei?. E. of 8.' E. corner of Blk. 1, N. 55 deg. W. at rlght angle to said Main St. 5.62 elin. to meamUT" line on' right ;bankof Winamettej River, N. 29 deg; rX 1.08 ehs., Nrf50.defc B. .! cIkC. - a 6714 dev. K. 3.91 ebs.. a 34 deg,'W"lt.73 eb' io beginning, eont'g 5.74 aeres. "Also lots'4 and iVBlkvi:.. .V.!..s..y.:i .i.20.34 I 1 .1 . . . t . . . . n : L nn, 0 n,tpl.n,. .n irifcbar.I - Johannal. -... Itf A ta Blk 2,Gatcs,Or...;,...':;;;;.tl.45 Scotts Mills, Or...! .,..$5.03 , II irtzeL Salome (Heirs): W. of Blk 7.rSootts Mills. .Or.. . . j. .$7.92 fllofer, John G.; a.iY of a E- J of a W. of Sec 16, T. 7 a B. 2 E, eont'g 20 aeres.., ... ..i .$1.30 HoeffeV Annie E.: W. of N..E. Y. ot See. 16, T. 9 a B. 4 E..$6.34 llollingsworth, J. M.s . Begin 25. rds. . W." of V. fUe. enmur Mum W. of Y 8ec. corner, between Sees. 11 and 12 T. 10 a B. 5 EL, - thenee W. 37 rds, N. 8 rds, N. ELly paraDel with. CAE. B.B, 28 rds, E. 18 rds, a 29 Tdt. to beg, eont'g 5 aeres.......... $1.69 Hoezgang, Robert U.: Begin at : monument No. 9 in Mt. Angel, tbenee 67 deg. 30 min. EL 20Q ft. to W. side of Oak St, N. 22L deg. 30' min. E. 460 ft. to 8. line of ' Conrad Sager's land, N. 69 deg. 3d min. W. 200 fM a 22 deg. 80 min. W. 460 ft to beginning, See. 10, T. 6 SB. 1 W. . .$8.98 Hoover, l.u N. E, "of a"E. Y or Sec 36, T. mi" a B, 1 E.. . .$3.17 unwiaau, o. o.e. ,ijoh a, , a, i, ; Blk, 13, Scotts Mills. Or.. . Hughes, J. G.: Begin 14.52 ebs; W of N. EL corner of Win,. Porter's D, L. CL, W. 4.84 cbs, N. 20.66 ehs.,- E. 4,84 ebs, 8. 20.66 ehs to beginning, eont'g 10 aeres...... $1.44 tinm, airs w. a.: Begin at the N. F. Cornet of a E. U.of Sec 28, T. 9 a B. 3 E t lunce E. 21 . rds.; a 20 nls 11 ft. t'hu thenee . following 8uIJi van's creek to the river',' tbenee along river NY EL to" Sullivan's a line, W.- to be ginning ................. ..$1.95 nunt, Laura (Heirs): Begin 28.43 ehs. N5 deg. 10 min. E. from a W.: corner of D. Waldo D.'L." C, ' N. 5 deg. 10 min. E. 10.06 cbs., W. 30.37 eh,s, 8. 10.02 ehs, M 20.30 ebs. to beginning, eont'g 30 acres . .$17.18 Hunt, M. W. J. T.j Steeves, Mrs. 1SG3. Sarah: Begin at most westerly N. W. corner of A. Olinger's D. L. C, T. 8 S. B. 2 W, N. -45 deg. - 15 rain, E. 5J0 cha, N. 89 deg. 7 min. E. on N. boundary of said , claim 21.06 ehs. to N. W. corner of land of A. Bush, a 43X8 ehs, W. J24JJ6 ehs. to W. boundary of Olinger claim, N. 33.44 ebs. to . beginning. . . . . . . ' V. .$41 ,32 Hurst, Emma: Begin 30 ft. W. and COO ft. N. 2 deg. 30 min. E. from a W. corner of Blk 4, Pleasant Home Add. to Salem, thenee W. 34G.22 ft, N. 2 deg. 30 min. E. 68 ft, E. 3454 ft, a 2 deg. 30 rotn. W. 66 f t. . to . beginning, eont 'g 52-100 aeres. . . . . . .... f $9.60 Hurst, Fred: W. of lot 16, Blk. 4, Queen Ann Add, Salem, Or.. .$ .60 'Hupperty, George K.: Lot 2, Blk. i 10, Riverside Add.; Salem, Or... $10 Ilvde, E.a: Und. int. lots 10 to 14, Blk. 6, Brooklyn Add, Salem, Or. $1.43 . . . . tjm. iin WS B . B i S XK, ' Km BL- - - - I sham, Joseph: Lot 1 to 4, Blk. 8, AumsviUe, Or. ...... i. ..... ..$4.04 Johnson, A. E.: Begin 42.C8 ehs. N. of a W. corner of P. D. Cline ' D. L. C, T. 7 a B. 2 W, thenee W. 13.87 ehs, a 7.21 ebs, E. 13.87 ehs, N. 7.21 ehs. to beginning . eont 'g 10 aeres.; Also begin 35.82 ehs, N. of a W. corner of P. D. Cline 's Di L C, T. 7. S. B. 2 W, thenee E. 15.53 ehs, N. 95 ehs, W. 15.53 ehs, a 9.25 ehs. to be - ginning, eont'g 14.37 acres.... $9. 51 Johnson. A. A.: Lot 5. Blk. 18, N. i Salem, Or........... ..$16.82 Jordan. H. S.: Lot 8. Blk 11, River side Add, Salem, Or.. . ........ $1 . 49 Jordan H. a: Lot 11. Blk. 15, mr I erside Add- Salem, Or. ...... . .$1.43 : Jory. Mrs. Susan A.: Begin in een- ter of Co. road, leading W. from Mehama, said point being 380 ft. - W. of where said road erosses line, between T. 9 S. R. 1 and 2 E., thenee W. 100 ft, a to bank of N." Santiam Biver, E. 100 ft., N. to beginning...'. .:.........$ .27 , Kamph, Jos. F.: Begin at N. E. corner of lot o, liad ley's Add. to Mill City, thenee N. on extension on E. line of said lot 100 ft, W. at right angles to last line 100 ft. to E. line of tract of Robert Quinn, southerly following said E. line 100 ft. to N. Wj corner of lot 6 ......... !.. $ Keithly, J. K.: Lot 7, Blk. 3, Riverside Add, Salera Or.....$ Kennedy, J. E.: Begin 39.80 ehs. N. 5 deg. 30 min.. E, tom a E. corner of J'. DeGuire fl). L. C, T. .4 S. B. 2 W, thenee N. 50 deg. 30 min. E. 121 chs,W. 695 ehs. to Willamette Biver, thenee .89 .96 up river 12.31 ebs, E, 65.25 ebs. to beginning, 80 acres. ...... .$21.12 King, J. W.s Begin on W. liae of Capital St. in Salem, 60 f t. N. of Mill St.. tbenee N. parallel with Capital St. 120 ft. and 4 in, W. 100 ft, a 120 44-12 ft. parallel with Capitalist, E. 100 ft. Ho leginuing ................ i .$4.80 Killgore, P. B.; 8. 57 ft. of lots 1, 2, Blk. 42, University Add, Sa lem, Or. ..$2.40 Kohler, B.: Lot 5, Blk 3, Marion, Or. ...... .....$ 76. -Salem,, Or.: .i'.L. . .. ., .$103.20 .Laugley,-Mr8. Ella M.: . W..J4 lot ft, Silverton North.-Or.,; . .$5.23 Lawrence, E.: Lots, 11, 12, Blk 14, 8eoUs Jdills, Or... J . . .w. . .$ .67 Leoamon, a L.: Loi7, Blk: 6, Yew ' lark Annex, Salcra Or..;. ..,$2.40 rimmoa. E. L.: -Lot 9, Blk. 6, 'ew " Pa rsf Annex, Salem. Or. i . . . . ."$8 .40 Leonard, John J.: r Begin 96 ft- N. , of a K. comer bf Blk. 1, Stayton, thence W. 46 ft, N 22 it- W. 8 ft., x. 20 54 rt; a 48 tt. t it' beg i n n mg . ; .'. L. . :, X ' -' ". . $3 . 73 Leonard, 'John J.: Begin 60 f t. N. of N. W. corner of Blk. 3. Stay ton, thence N. StYt- ft, a 79 dog. F, along the W. WvMVCo.'s ditch 109 ft. 9 inches to bind ' owned by R, B.f Morley. S. to a point 60, ft. N.J and 108 ft. E. of N. W. eorncr of said Lot 3, W. 108 ft to beg..;.;.....;4.,;i;.$3.06 Lichentbaler, M.: t E, oftN. EL , of See. 27, T. 7 8. IL' 1 .K..'. . .$6134 Looispy, J. N.$ Lots 10, 11 and 12. Blk. 8, - Jefferson, Or..". 4 .$10.70 Lowell. S. A.: Lot 38, Blk. I, ' Prospect Park Add, Salcm. Or. j$ .17 Mallov. Geo. B.: -' Begin 4 rds W. of .N. W. corner of- Frank Per kett'a lot, tbenco V8 rds, W. 4 rds, 8. 8 rds. E. 4 rds to beg.. . $1.59 Ms Hoy, Geo B.: Begi n 8 rds. W. from N. W. corner of Frank Per kctfs lot, thence NV 8 rds, W. 4 rds, S. 8 rds, E. 4 rds to' beg. parallel with the O. Cm6 E. B. B.$2,12 Mai Joy, Geo. B.: Begin a W, w o land -deeded to Martha Me Lena a. thence 8. W.'ly parallel with C. & E. E. B. 2 rds, N. W.'ly 8-rdi, N. E.'Jy. 2 rds, 8. E, ly 8 rds; to beg,.;. ..... . . . , ,$1 .59 Malloy,. Geo.-.: Begin 11.66 ebs., - a of comer of Sec 12, 11 and 12, , T. 10 a B. 5 . EL, thenee a 31 i . deg. 50 min. W. 4 rds, N. 5$ deg. 15 min, W. 8 rds, N. 31 deg.. 45 i min. W. 4 rds, S. 23 deg. 15 min. j E. 8 rds to beg...... ..$!. 19 MadeU, T. P.: All that part of a W, Yk of a E. Sec 7. T. 10 a B. 5 E, lying N. of N. fork of Santiam river.....;.... $3. 28 Madell, T. - P.: AH that part of . js. 14 of N. EL U of Sec 18 T. 10 a B. 5 EL.- Ivinff .'N. of N. fork of. Santiam river;.;.;... .$2.12 Mansfield, j; a: All that part of a of a W. Sec 22, T. 9 a B. 2 EL - lying N. of Santiam river ;.".. ......'...,........$2.38 ' Manard, W. F.r TJegin at the N. EL comer of a acre traet deedeil to Mrs. P. J. Stark, tbenee N.' 41 Ieg. 15 min. E. ?39 ehs. to & boundary of 15 acre tract deeded to J. H. Scttleraier. Vol. 19. page 6U6, N 60 deg.15 min. W. on said a boundarrT 4.06 ehs, a 31 ' deg.' 30 min. W. 26 ehs. to N. W. corner of Mrs. Stark's lot I aforesaid, a CO dy. 45 min, E.' 3.63 - cbs. to beginning. "eont'g 9-10 Sere, Sec 18 T. 5 8. R. l .W. $4.32 Marsh, C: ,Und. 'int. in follow. , ing: a E. Yt of N. "W. V ot Sec I 29, T. 8 a B. Z W, eont'g 40 a(eres; also begin 33 f L , W. tf , - a E. corner of 40 acre tract, J thenee a'easterly to point on E j line of a w. f See, 29, lt fi a of said a E. corner of fp . acre traet, a along EL line ijf. a W. of See, 29 to a bank bt Mill ej-eek, W. along said a bask of Mill ereek 33 ft, N. parallel " with E. line of a W. Y of See. 29 to point 120 ft a of N. line t aW. V4,N. westerly 133 f t. W. of N. E. corner of a W. , E. to beginning, eont'g acre. .... .$8.46 Marsh, W. U.: -Loti 0, 7, Blk. 75, . N. Salem, Or... ........ ...... .$2. 88 Marrs, L. F.: LoU 6, 7, Blk. 3, - ' MiU Add, Salem, Or... $1-20 Martin Mark II.: Lot 12, Blk. 14, Biverside Add, Salem, Or.... .$1.20 Mstheny, Lillie D.: Begin 30 ft. N. (at eenter of O. C. it E. K. B, ' trnck on section line between aW. and a E. of Sec 26, T. 9 a B. 3 E, thenee N. 209 ft, W. 209 ft, a to line of right of way of O. C & E. B.B, E. 209 i ft. to beg, eont'g 1 aere...... $2.41 Maurer, John: N. 30 ft. Lot 2, Blk. 1, Palmer's Fist. Add, Mt, Angel, Or... .............. ......$13.20 Maurer, John:. Lots 7 and 8, Blk 1, Palmer 's First Add, Mt. Angel, Or. $4.C3 Maurer, John: ' Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 7, Palmer's Second Add, Mt. Angel, Or.. ............... . . . .$4.23 Mayborn, Felix: Begin at S. W. corner of tract of land of Fred Stahlman, thenee a W.'ly paral-; lei with C. & E. B. R. track 4 rds, N. W.'ly at right angles to said traek 8 rds, N. ELly 4 rds, a E.'ly 8 rds to beginning $1.06 McAfee, J. W. (Heirs): N. of N. W. of Sec 1, T. 9 a B. 3 E. $3.17 MeCauley, Mrs. Alice: E. of W. Yx of 8. E. Yt, ot Sec 6, T. 8 a B. 1 E, eont'g 40 acres.. ..$2. 88 McCoy, Mary E.: a E. of Sec : 13, T. 11 a B. 7 E,..,.......$12.67 McBride, H. E.: Lot 7, Blk 3, Brooklyn Add, Salem, Or.. .....$ .72 McBride, IIE.: Lot 9, Blk. 3, Brooklyn Add, Salem, Or. ...... $ .96 McDonald, S. J. & M. Jj: 8. M of Blks. 3, 24, and all of B Iks. 25, 26, St. Paul. Or.... I.......... $2. 25 McFarland, A.C Und. 2-3 int in W. 36 ft. of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Blk. 8, Turner Or.. ....... .... &5 64 McFarland, A.: Und. 2-3 int In lot 8, Blk 8, Turner, Or....... $12. 41 McGilehrist, Robert: Lot 24, Sun nyside Fruit Farm No. 10. $2 . 21 McKay, John: ' Lot 21, 22, Blk 1, Tooze s First Add, Woodburn, Or..... ................. $1.16 McKay, Alexanuer: All of N. W. 1,4 of Sec 24, T. 10 8. B. 3 W. included in D. L. C. of a B. Adams lying W. of the line, be gin 2 ehs. 6 yds. N. W. of corner . of N. E. U of N. W. of See. 24, T. 10 8. R. 3 W, thenee a to a line of said D. L. C, eont'g 20 aeres; also lot 5, Sec 24, T. 10 S. R. 3 W, eont'g 38.20 aeres $5.39 McKinney, J. W.: A strip of land extending from Court St. in Sa lem to N. line of said S. if so extended 1.10 ehs. direHIy N. of a piece of land deeded to E. El McKinney May 18, 1 883 J. $4. 80 MeXeal, E.:" Begin atf N. E. corner-of W. pf J. VanXuy's , D; L. C, Sees. 23 and 24 T8 8. R. 21W,- 124 ehs! f taidle of See. 23, S. 40 ehs. to a line of 8ec23, .W2.l4 ehs NV40 ehs, K,'20.14;eh, to beginning, COnt'g 89 aeres ......... .$24.05 L Miles; I, M.; a W. of S. W.-Ti .: of See. 16, T. 7 S. R. 2 E, eont'g AO - Li - fin Mikkelson, Heleh: Begin at V a-c corner between Sees. 9 and 10,' T. 7 a. It. 1 W. tbenee fi. on St c. line 10 ehs.. W. 50 links, 8. 5 ehs, W. parallel to K and W. legal subdivision line 19J0 ebs. to mid dle 'of Co. roal to Silverton, 8. 5 - ehs. to legal-. subdivision line;; K. on- said ' line 20 . ehs. to begin ning, eont'g 10 acres..... ..... $7.05 Mills, 8. C. & P. V.i : Lots 16, 17, 18, Tew Park Atld, Woodburn, , Or. ......... . -4. ..... ... . $3 .4 Myers, Luther r 8. 'E. of See. 14, T. 8 S. B. I E, eont'g 160 acres Neal, M. A.: Lot 4, Blk. 9, N. Sa- j lemj Or. ......$10.32 Neal.'.Wm.: All Wm. Neal D L. C T. 9 8. B. 3 W, except tract described VoL 25, p. .498 j also . except tract described in VoL j 20. p. 612, leaving 440 acres. ... . .$82.48 Neal, N.:. B.: Begin in Co. road 170 ebs. a 28 deg. 25 min.lW. from Sec corner between Sees. . 10 and 11, N. 12 deg. 25 min. E. . 23 cha, N. 51' deg. 10 min. E. 4.50 ehs, N. 26 deg. 50 min. E. 15.68 ebs, S. 84 deg. 20 min. E. 25 ebs., begin again at beg 'g pt. " :' 8. 80 deg. 30 min. E. 24.30 ehs, 1 N. 20 deg. 45 min. E. 43 ehs. 1 to a pt. on 8. line of above de scribed piece, eont'g 100 aeres $23.57 Newsonc, Olive: An undivided 1-9 int. in the following, Lot 9 Sec. 28 T. 7 8. B..3 W, together with ted of river on E. and. southern : sides With acretions, eong 36 acres . . . .. i. .. . . . ..V-...i..$ ,72 O. & C B. R. Co.: Lot 1, Blk. 7, Woodburn Packing Co. 's Add, Woodburn. Or. ' $2.39 O. L C. R: B. Co.: Lot 4, Blk. 1, Railroad Add, Brooks, Or.... .$ .29 O. C. B. B. Co.: Lots 5 to 8, Blk. 44, Gervais, "Or..... ....$1.33 O. CR, R. Co.: Lots 11 to 22, Blk 2, Maeleay, Or..-. ....... .$2.64 O. &.G.B. B. Co.: Lots 1 to 11, 'Blk. 3, Maeleay,. Or..;... ;..$. 91 O. A.Cv Bv R. Co. (Carson 4b Hep burn )f Ji. of N. W. Y of Sec 23, T. 9 8. n.3 E, eont'g 80 acres1 ....$4.23 Olds, J M.j Begin at a E. cork ner of a traet of land sold by . J. If. Sett lem ier to Jessie Jobsoa Vol. 52, page 46, and on E. I line of Geo. Leasure D. L. C, thenee 1 a along said E. line to NL E. ! corner of Jerry Joseph land, west- : erly along said Joseph's N.jline i to Emma Johnson's line, norther- -ly along. E. line of said Johnson'. land to is. E. corner thereof, thenee ia , same direction along - , Lorea Gearin's E. line to a W. ' corner of said Johnson 's land, easterly along said Johasonj's a line to beginning, eont'g 3 aeres, Sec 7 T. 5 a'R. 1 W.. .$7.21 Ortman, John: N. of 8. W. of Sec 33, T. 7 8. R. 2 E, eont'g 80 acres ............ . .. .I...$3.l7 Osborn, W. a: Begin at W See. corner between Sees. 27 and 28 . T. 8 a B. 2 W, N. 57.32 rda, E. 41.87 rds, S. 672 rds., W. 41.87 rds to beginning, eontg 15 aeres $2.54 Osborn, W, a: N. of lota 1 to ,4, Blk. 8, Turner Add, Turner. Or. ..,.1... ....$3:67 Palmer. Mrs. A. A.: Lot 1. Blk. 1. i .Miato, Or .54 Pat ton, E. B.: Begin at 8. E. cor ner of John Hou.se D. L. C, T. 9 a R. 1 EL, tbenee N. 64.3 cha, W. 37.41 ehs, a 64.36 ebs., E. 37.49 ehs. to beginning, eont'g 240 aeres , $:J1.83 Payne, i Mrs. Martha F.: Begin at ri. w. corner or w. is. Ashly's Und, T. 10 a R. 5 E, tbenee a ... W.'ly parallel witn J. K. It. a 1 i. n a .1 s rus, . ij o rui, in. 1 j ; rds, a EL'ly 8 rds to beg, eont'g , 1-10 aere $ .93 Peterson, J. II.: Begin on K. line of J. If. Wood D. L. C 57.39 eh, a 30 deg. E. from X. W. corner of said claim. K. 30 dee. E 31.91 f cbs,' N. 56 deg. E. 89.30 cbs. to Co. road, w'ly along said road to its intersection of Co. road lead ing from Salem to Buena Vista, a'ly along said road to be'g, eont'g 283 acres ..... ...... .Sinl.SO Platts, EL'SL: Und. H int. intb following: -Lots 16 and W. of lot 17, Sunnyside Fruit Farms. $2.77 Pottorf, G. B.: " W. lot 5, Blk. 54 Salem,. Or. ....J.... i... $19.20 Pratt, John 8.: tot 12, Blk. 1,7, Yew Park Annex, Salem, Or...i$I.92 Pugh, J. M.: Lot 20, Blk. 4, I'res- pect Park Add, Salem, Or....L$ .16 Putnam, J. B.: Lots 9, 10, Blk. 3, Compton's Add, Salem, Or.. . .'.$1.44 Rassmussen, Johanah: W. N. W.' of Ni E. and N. E. of X. W, Mot See. 21, T. 7 a R. 2 E., eont 'g CO acres . . . . . . i" . $3 .00 Ram bo, 8.: : Begin at a W. corner of Blk. 19, Capital Park Add. to Salem, thenee N.ly on W. line of -' Blk. 48 ft, E.1y at right angles , to said W. line 80 ft, S.'ly par-' allel with W. line of Blk. 48 ft, W.'ly on 8. line of Blk. 80 ft. to beginning, Salem, Or.. . . . . . . ...$1.44 Reddick, M.: Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 25, - Gervais, Or. ........ ..,.$2.33 Reischman, Katie: Lots 5 and 6, ju o, Biuicr owunu auu, mi. , Angel. Or.; . f. ........ . .$3.32 Rieker, David O.: a E.-U of S. E. of Seci 25, T. '9 a R. 2 E, : eont 'g 40 acres . J $3 .55 i "icnaruson, 1 nomas a.: 101 s xz, . T t. 1 mi i. iiiK. j. .Mversi auu., aaiem. Or .- .$1.44 Robillard, Eugene and Barnes, J. C: Loti 1 and 2, Blk 38, Ger vais, Or. . . V jJU 110 Kobbi ns,Wm. Ejf: Lots 10, 11, Blk. 14, Riverside Add, Salem. Or... $2. 40 Robertson, 8.: Lot 7, Blk. 4, i Pleasant Home Add, Salem, Or..$l6 Roberts, George C: Iits 1, 2, "3, 4, Blk." 3, Eddy 's Add, Salem, ' Or ... .... ...I.....-;. $3.51 Roberts, George ?.: Iots 9, 10, 11, ! 12, Blk. 3, Eddy's Add, -Salem,: f Ore.... ....... j.. ,.$K2 Salem Improvement Co.: Iot !, Blk. 5, Riverside -Add, Salem, - Or $1.40 Salnave, A. W.: k,ots 1. 2, 3. Blk. 1, Tooze's First Add, Wootlhurn, r Or. ..........i.... " ...,$1:19 Scott, Mr's.-Ann:f Friends Oregon Colony Lot 40. ... $1 .33 Reott, Mrs. Ann: Lot 1 Oekoliarh V 1 Add. to Woodburn, runt "1 210 acres. Sec 7 T. 5 S. R. 1 . .$33.G Scott,1 Chas.: Lot 6, BJk. 1, Dotid's Firnt Ald, Woodburn. Or.. .. . ..!.! j Sehlader.-Mrs. Neti: lts 1, 2, Blk. 2, Skaife i .Mcintosh A.l.l., 7 v SiU-erton, Or...... . ...... ."'...$2.26 - ,on-iu a 1,. m. a : wt , v ;" I . "overview 1 ara au.i, oa- lem. Or..... $1.40 ' Scott. Wm.: Lots 6, 7, Blk. 2,. Riverside Ad.l, ailein, Or.. . . :1 .92- S-hnieer, ,Wm.: Iot 1. Blk. II. y Pleasant Home Add, Saleuii Or. $ Searles. J. F. (Heirs V: It 25. Mil RrVMill Creek Rural Home Tracts, eont'g 8.75 acres. . . ...H't.n2 bin.UJr, l'eter: Und. 1-5 8.' 1-i of N. W. li nnd Ni W. XI of S. W. ' Yi ot Sec. 3, T. 9 S. R. 2 K, 120 1 -ni! j . acres .................. 1 . v 'Sbindler, E.: Undl 15 8. of N. W. i and X. W. Y of. W. i of Sec. 3, T. 9. a R. 2 E., 120 acres $1 .Ofi Shurte, F. EL: Begin 29 ebs. 8. of Y Sec corner on N. line of See. ,36, T. 6 8. R. 1 E., thence 8. 82 deg. W. 89 links, N. 84 deg. 30 min. W. 6.25 ehs., . 46 deg. 30 min. W. 2.93 cbs., 8. 57 deg. W. 3.50 cbs., 8. 1.50 cbs, 8. CO deg. 15 min. W. 2.44 cbs, N. 50 deg. ' W. 1.88 ehs, a-70 deg. 45 min. W. 3.80 cbs, 8. 87 deg. 30 min. r W. 1.70cbs, 8. 75 degj 45 min. W. 5.50 cbs, 8. 53 deg. W. 2.93. ehs, 8. ,25 deg W. 3.50 ehs, S. 40 deg. Wr 1.84 ehs, 8. 17 deg. 30 . min. W. 1.55 ehs, E 30.64 chs N. 15.53; ehs. to beginning; also, ' . begin 19.03 cbs. 8. and 14.91 ehs. E. of Sec corner on W. line of Sec 36, tbenee easterly 25.90 ehs. to legal subdivision line, run ning N. and 8. through center of Sec 36, N. 14.33 cbs. Ho 8. K. ' -corner of 40 acre tract owned by ' E. C Adair, W. 30.64 ehs, S. 17:dcg. 30 min. E. to beginning, ( eont'g 40 acres .$"6.82 Sbqherd, F. M.: Begin on E. lime of lot 6, Blk. 40, Scotts Mills,. 75 ft. 8. of N. E. corner of said lot, tbenee 8. 21 deg E. along W. side or. relocated "B" Street 700 ft. .to intersection of E. side of Ter race Drive, thenee N. 33 deg. W. on! EL side of said drive 460 ft. to a E. corner of lot 7, Blk. 40, tnence n. on side or lots o ana 7 265 ft. to beg...... .41 Shepherd, F. M.: Lots 5 to 7, Blr- 40, Seotts Mills, Or , 1.73 Smith, Don Carlos: E. of 8. W. 14 and a W. Yt of a E. H of Soc. 10, T.'ll 8. R. 7 H...L.. .$9.51 Smith, J. a L.: 8. E. of a E. of Sec 10, T. 10 8. B. 6 E., eont'g 40' aeres. .$3.30 Smith, W,,B.: 8. "SV. of Sec. 28, T. 7 a R. 1 E.. .$16.71 Smith, W-l P.: Begin in Co. road from Cbampoeg to St. Louis 81 rds. S. of a boundary of land owned by Ellen Van- Wasfcenbove, tbenee 8. along center ofj said road 38 rds, E. 126 Tds. to W. line of land owned by C. 4b E. Iloskins, N. along said line 3S rds, W. 126 rds. to beginning, .eont'g 30 acres' in Sees. 13 and 14, t. ra B. 2 W........... $10-50 Smith, Hi a: Lot 10, Blk. 1, Sub- limity. Or. .......$ .28 8mith, G. A.: Begin 159 ft. 8. of N. E. corner of Blk. 24, Capital Park Add. to Salem, tbenee a -on W. line of 21st St. 50 f t, W. parallel with a line of said Blk.. 108 ft., N. along eenter of said ' (Continued on Page Three.