Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, September 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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1 !
any People j
Are willing to faerifice " j
thenvciVes an1 their t
children to the prejudice . .
, of 'wliat .ptoplp say." . ! ' ,!
The Foolish Prejudice j
Against the Use of Glasses t
1 By children witlr defec
tive eyes often remits in
ihu greatest saffering-r-sornttirries
1 disability of one wlio
might otherwise become
a power in the world. .
Barr's Jewelry
State and Liberty Sts. Salem
j : . AND ; ' '
A' young man atood cm
- the threshold jf our office
for tia hour ' summoning
courage lq: enter. -
Don't hesitate
Principal and professors
"' are the mot common peo
ple imaginable. ; -
Our form of teachers Is a
speeial ftlt-ct'n of good fel
lows, IntenHely Interest d in
the thing that touttro you.
Drop In, or write for Cata
log D.
The Multnomah Institute
Mf. A. Albin, Mgr.,
OO litti St., , Portland, Or.
Hop Baskets
your orders
Patented and
improved 1905.
Star A Star Shingle,
$1.85 per M.
Walter Morley
60 Court St.. Salem
See These .
Y They Are Bargains '
ISC acres, 0-1 acres In cultivation, 7
room house, large, barn, 8 acres of or
chard; all fenced; 800i cords of wood
on the place, running water. Located
three miles from Nalem. You can buy
this for. 635 per acre.
This opportunity doesn't come every
day: 1G0 acres, 80 acres in cultivation;
7-room bouse, 2 barns; all fenced; run
ning water; 2 acres -of orchard. Land
level and located 2i miles from rail-'
road. You can buy it far $35 per acre,
including 2 horses, 12 head of cows, 20
head of goats, hog., chickens and farm
Implements of aft kinds. Part time.
See tnis: 135 acres, 110 acres in cul
tivation. -House,-barn, all "fenced; or4
chard; pood location. Priced for a short
. time only at 622 per nerc. . 1
This property- should ell for at least'
$"oon, hut is offerer for $3350. 1 1 i
located in the business -sect ion of the
city. Largo lot, 10x150; two houses,
one renting for $10 per month, the other
will bring $1 par"' month. You cannot
find a better investment. j
We hre offering a number of very
fine building lots on easy payments. We
can sell yon protterty that will pay 12
per cent n the investment. . " '
Do yon want installment properties
of any kind, see what we have to offer,
- A large -exchange list. Honses for
rent. Wir crouchen dentscbe kuns-
cbaff. ' ' ' J '" ;' -
lioom 11, Moores Block; Salem ,Oregon.
' Reference; Anybank or ..business
house .in the city of Salem, '-
Dr. Stone's Drug Store
- - .. 1 - - . . . ' .
' Does ft strictly eaia basinets: owes
, in.l ba niit dwm it: carries a
large stock; ita shelves, counters and
. w-r u are loaded with drusrs. medi
cines, notions, toilet articles. Wines and
i: I., air kinds for medical par-
Ttoses. Dr. Stone .is a , regular gradoaU
Ma medicine and has had many years of
;n the nractiee,. Consulta-
tion are free. Preacnptions are free,
I-i nnlv reeular prices for mtHiieino.
S! Sto4 can b found at il. .drug
.store, Salem. Oregon,-from six the
morning uatU nine at night. . . ,
tapping Out Route for Pr Or
t posed Connecting Line
party Almost Completes Sur
f vey Between two Points
I --Other ' Interests .V''.-k
i;' FUuring
! That Dallas and Polk county gener
ally will be connected with Salem theTe
L rib longer any doubt, at least so far
as'thf.so who have Ween keeping close
watch upon the developments' Jre on
ecmed, and that good progress is be
ing madfl to that end with "prospects
of an early eonsnmmatioa of the pro
j;ct js .evidenced by., the fact that, a
party of surveyors, under the direction
of John 1. Van Orsdel of Dallas, are
fit" present engaged in goin; over the
pronged route and making a prelimi
nary survey.' For What' interests this
survey is being made could not be
learned positively, but there is every
K-nson to believe that the work is be
ing diniePlinder the auspices ' ; of '. the
H.mtliHrii Pacific company, through a
pr-ivate agoncy. It is also known that
ither interests are figuring upon' the
project and there now seems to be no
question of its realization.
This party of surveyors, which eon
fists uf five men, including Mr. Van
Orsdcl, who is a civil engineer, is from
Drdlas and has leen working for the
past, week, 'Upon the job. They started
out of Dallas' and, when last heard of,
they had reached the II. D. Urophy
plai-c between this city, and Kola. The
party, beside 'Mr. Van Orsdel, consists
of, George. Morton, Walter Baker, Miles
Woods and Boyd Tpuner. They have
l-n making their flight headquarters
in 'this, citv for the past three, nights
and none knew of their business as jionej
of the party hand anything to say anu
retired early upon their arrival from
the field." They have been Jieard from
indirectly along the line of survey but,
although several rural residents were
called up and asked about their business
nothing definite could be learned except
that the party was'mit upon a prelimi
nary survey and that they had passed
through thir premises or near them,
but would not state as to who or what
they were working for.
As announced , by The "Statesman up-
Sleepless Nights far Mather
and Awful Suffering
of Child.
Had Given up All Hops of Ever
taking Any Cure.
Mrs. I. B. Jones, Addington, Ind.
T., writes : " My little girl had been
suffering for two years from eczema,
and during that tkne I. could not
get a night's sleep, as her ailment
was very severe. I had tried so many
remedies and spent so much money,
deriving no benefit, I had given up
all hope of making any cure. Aeralast
resort I was persuaded to try Cuticura,
and to my great delight a marked
change was manifested from the first
application. ' I gave the child a bath
withrCuticura Soap, using a soft piece
of muslin cloth. This I did twice a
day, each time following with Cuti
cura Ointment, and at the same
time gave the Resolvent, according to
directions. One box of Ointment
and two bottles of the Resolvent, to
gether with the Soap, effected a per
manent care. I submit this for pub
lication, hoping it will assist other
sufferers in curing themselves." ,
Consisting of Cuticura Soap
Ointment and Pills.' ,
The first step in thetreatment of
chronic Eczema is to remove, the
scales and crusts and soften the skin, .
by warm baths with Cuticura Soap.
Dry carefully 4 and apply Cuticura
Ointment, lightly at first, and where
advisable spread it on pieceiof soft '
doth and bind in place. Take the;
.Resolvent Pills, or liquid, in medium
doses. Do not nse cold water in bath
ing, and avoid cold, raw winds, j i
SaUtttrasfluMt Ox world. CwOanm RamHwat, . ;
in f.wm or Cborotmt Cah"! Pin tic prt of .
'' - - mt. . nv Patur litmM a Crtrm Oor.
BUM. bul fiutM. mr aA fax k Caw I
Win rani for aar ta costlnf aca-oa at coi
nr of Ferrv aad Liberty iuwu. For peftlfTM
and particulars c&U on
DR; W. LONC3-,
Vetcnaery Sarceon.
PaM 271 White.
8aim, Or.
Money to Loan
On Improved farm and cltr property
at lowest rates. -,
j Over Iadd k Bush's Ban
Salesn, Ongn. .
t '
... i i- : . x I ; . nrKnr PTTT T. TI?TT! I . VUlLLUUti 7 T
!ALiS-SflLEKl ROfl!
on numerau' occasions during the past
two months or more, more than one in
terest has;been figuring upon -this pro
ject and there has been only one jues-
ion as to which would acquire the
rights and.' privilege-of constructing
the line and that was the first to enter
the field, "and secure the right of way."
The other interests involved, beside tne
Southern Pacific,,- if in truth St is the
Southern behind this preliminary work,
have already been in the field and have
done almost everything toward the es
tablishment of tkr road except the be
ginning of actual' construction and it
now aeema that; it will resolve itself
into a jfight Ijetween the contending
interests to see -which will obtain the
prestige J ' - ' '
;The -epnaeetl.on of Saiem and Dallas
by this iroad means much to this city,
as it wHl . bring Salem into close and
profitable touch with the big. timber
industry of the region "lying between
Pallas and the seaboard and the tim
Jiers from the Falls City district will
lie hauled and dumped into the river op
posite, this city. It'Will also bring the
Capital City and all - 6f ".the western
part of the; state j into closer relations
lxth commercially' and otherwise. e The
report that the Southern Pacific com
pany is back of the project gives ground
for the rumor which has lately gained
circulation to the effect that there is
a project on, foot to obtain, more direct
connection with Newport. . The con
struction of sueh a line, which would
mean the extension of the Salem, Falls
City & Western'from its present termi.
nus, about fonr jmiles beyond Falls City,
would give "the people of Salem a more
direct'and convenient route to this pop
ular summer resort and wonld eliminate
the necessity of making the' transfer
from train to boat at Ya-qViina. As to
ihis latter : projosition The Evening
Telegram, of recent date, has the fol
lowing to say : -
, "Newport, the summer rendezvous
on Taquina bay, is threatened with a
small railroad boom as a result of the
rumors that the Corvall is & Eastern
which now terfninatea on the opposite
side of the bay, is to be etxended
around to Xewport, and that -the Falls
City, Salem & Western, connecting Dal
las with Falls City, a distance of nine
miles, is to bo pushed to Newport.
Strained relations between the manage
ment of the. Corvall is "& Eastern and the
persons operating the steamer Richard
son on the-bay are said to be responsi
ble for the intention of the company
to extend its line to the beach.
! "Louis 'Cerlinger, president of the
Falls City road, when aproac-hed yes
terday, denied that any connection with
Newport " was contemplated. ' We are
merely bnilding four miles of road into
a timber belt,' was his explanation of
the activity. 'Our charter permits us
to build on' to the head of the Siletz
river, bnt we do not experV to do that
now, and thero is no prospect that the
road will get that far for some years.'
"Regardless of the denial of Mr. der
linger, there are persons in that section
of Lincoln county who say agents of
the Falls City,Salem & Western have
endeavored to secure from thera land
through which to construct the- exten
sion. The line connects with the South
ern Pacific, at Dallas, and is used largely
for logging purposes,
"The extension of the Corvallis &
Eastern is not a new proposition. Den
izens of Xewport and adjacent water
ing places aro forced to travel by
steamer after leaving the train to reach
Newport, and: each succeeding season
the trouble of changing the mode of
transportation on the last leg of the
journey precipitates talk of extending
the road, ;To make a detour of the bay
would mean less than ten miles of
road. Another spur, a trifle over twelve
miles in length, was surveyed to the
north, reaching Siletz, where it was
promised much timber could be secured,
but the venture was not deemed worth
the effort."
'ne of nature's remedies; cannot
harm the weakest constitution; never
fails to cure ; summer complaints of
yonng or old. Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry .-
Bean Ha
Ita Hind Yga Hava Always Bcsgt
.' Hnshville. Ind.
MessrsJ Ely Hros. I have been a
great sufferer from catarrh and hay fe
vrr and tried many things, but found
no prmanent relief until I found it in
Ely's ('ream Balm aTfcuit eight years
ago, and we have been fast friends
ever sjm'e.
i (Rev.) It. M. IJentley.
''"Messrs. Ely llros. Yin enclosed 50
cents, for which please send me your
Cream Italm. I nd yonr remedy the
quickest and most permanent cure for
cold in the head, catarrh, etc. Yours
truly, 6 ' Dell M. Potter,
fln. Mgr. " Arizona Crld Mnning '. .
r - : 1 "S
' Puts light in the eye,
tints the cheek with na
ture's bloom, loosens the
tension of life, brushes
the cobwebs from the
brain, that's what Holl
ister's Rocky Mountain
Tea willdo. 35 cents, Tea
or Tablets. Dr. Stone's
:LOS' AXQELES, Sept. 2fl. Los An
geles, 3; San Francisco, . , .i
' Oakland, : Sept. :r 20. Oaklanj, , 1;
Portland, 5.' - : "
Teia LosatTvc Dromo QninuioTciicts.
SevcaLCoaloxe4tcl4Ia pistl2incctas. . ' TblS tiStCrC
- - " . " .'- - - : - ' " ' . ' - '
, . . J ; ; ' i - - ", '
. - ,: ... . - ... j ;.,' - . ; : ' f :' ... - .-
For The SUtesman's 11500 House, Which Is" to Ee Presented, to the lady
' or Married Couple Securing Che Greatest Namter of Votes in the Whole
Territory of tha Contest Work: Will C?mmence In, a Few Days Watch
for the Announcement of tto Time 'Vli en -Work Will Start. , ",t
. ' A '-.'I.-" y .
The . Statesman has contracted with
the well known firm of Voget Bros, to
build the house which will be- preseatel
to the most popular married couple or
ladyin the city of Salem and Marion
ami Polk eountiesi Work will com
mence in aVfew days and. The States
man wiil 'make: aa announcement as soon
as possible in order that those inter
este.l may eall ; and see the progress
made. Large signs will lie placed on
the house, so that all will know that it
is the one to be given away. Call at
The, Statesman office for full infoin'
tion an. to inspect the plans.
Tha Tree Trips. - -
'From now on The Statesman will eh-"
deavor to present daily a short sketch
of the beauties of eafh of the' trips -fo
e given away. One point will be chos
en each day -and the historical associa
tions, the scenic beauties, and all the
different point3 of interest will be dis
cussed. Read this column daily; you
will find something to interest you
whether you are interested in the con
test or not. There is much valuable in
formation; concerning the trips KTen
away which will be of interest to all,
not alohe those who expect to secure
the trips. '
- Today Hawaii is the topic On which
we will write. Hawaii is the group of
islands -, lying under the tropic of can-:
err, which, is. at once the most pic
turesque in scenery and perfect in cli
mate of all the Pacific groups. As the
I newest territory of the union and the
one of which, not excepting Alaska, the
least is known, you should get in touch
with the eountry and the people. , Do
you not think it worth your while to
et in, touch with this new sister in
the sisterhood of states and territories?
It is not a long, hard journey. Mod
ern steamship service has placed' these
islands in easy distance of the western
coast, and it is not a much longer jour
ney there than to Southern. California,
and not nearlv so wearisome. The
The house and lot will be given to the married couple or lady
securing the greatest number of votes in the, whole territory re
gardless of district limitations. :
The lady securing the greastest number of votes in the live
districts will be entitled to first choice of prizes offered ; the lady in
the remaining four districts securing the greatest number of votes
will be entitled to second choice of prizes; the lady securing the
greatest numberxof votes in the remaining three districts will be
entitled to third choice of prizes; the lady securing the greatest
number of votes in, the two districts will be entitled to fourth
choice of prizes; the lady securing the greatest number of votes
in the last district will be entitled to fifth choice of-prizes.
The scholarships are to be given to the ladies securing second
greatest number of votes in each district.
-REMEMBER-that each district is entitled to two prizes regard
less of how many votes candidates may have in other districts.
The district which wins the house and lot will have three prizes,
L DISTRICT NO. 1-That section
of State street two prizes.
' DISTRICT NO. 2 That section of the city of Salem lying south
of State street two prizes.
DISTRICT NO. 3 All that section of Marion county lying north
of the extension of State street two prizes.
DISTRICT NO. 4 All that section of Marion county lying south
of the extension of State streets two prizes. -
DISTRICT NO. 5 Polk county two prizes.
The prices of the Statesman and its other publications on which
votes are issued are as follows:
The Daily Statesman, 1 month
The Daily Statesman, 3 months
The Daily Statesman, 6 months
The Daily Statesman, 1 year , . .
The Weekly Statesman, 6 months. .
The Weekly Statesman, 1 year.
Pacific Homestead, 1 5rear
Oregon Teachers Monthly, 1 year.
Northwest Poultry JournaJ, 1 year.
Votes on subscriptions allowed as follows:
Mail. .
1 month subscription to Daily Statesman ! 50 votes
3 months subscription to Daily Statesman 200 votes
6 months subscription to TJaily Statesman 500 votes
1 year subscription to Daily Statesman . 1200 votes
5 years subscription to Daily Statesman . 12000 votes
G months subscription to Weekly Statesman i .... ... .
1 year subscription to Weekly Statesman. . i ......
5 years subscription to Weekly Statesman . ....... .
1 year subscription to Pacific Homestead. . . . J. .... .
5 years subscription to Pacific Homestead. . . ........
1 year subscription to Northwest Poultry Journal. . .
5 years subscription to Northwest Poultry Journal. . .
1 year subscription to Oregon Teachers Monthly. . .
5 years subscription to Oregon Teachers Monthly. . . .
Address commaolcatlons
to The
volt is Orel Prison Is Put Down by
Police and Troops Mob Attacks Cen
tral .Prison and Releases Two Import
ant Political Prisoners.
OKEL, Russia, Kept. '2d. The prison
ers in the government prison revolted
last night. Order : was restored this
evening bythe police and troops. One
To" Gnrs a Coldin On
weather is always nice in the "so uthi
Pacific, and the trip ia one of unalloyed j
pleasure from beginning to end, mere
are moleru hotels, , with reasonable
rates, and perfect service the year
around." ' From Honolulu, " the 'capital,
there are beautiful drives in all direc
tions, trips" to the beautiful Waikiki
beach with its surf bathing, drives to
the Punch Howl, the extinf volcano
near Honolulu, a climb to ,: Diamond
Had, the landmark whichs known by
mariners the world over; then a short
ride by rail to the great government
fortifications up the coast from Hono
lulu. The various amusements aro too
numerous to mention, and the climate
and beauty of the islands is too well
known to need further explanation. The
beauty of these islands is best describ
ed by Mark Twain. Mr. Twain, after
a trip to Hawaii years ago,, wrote-. 'a
book on them, and this is an . extract
trom the chapter on ITawaiii. ... - .
"No land in all the world has any
deep, strong charm , for me. but that
one ; no other land edulii so" longingly
and beseechingly haunt .me, sleeping
and waking, through more than half
a life time", as that one has dono.. Other
thing's leave me, but it! abides; other
things change, lnit it remains the same.,
f or me its balmy airs are always blow
ing, summer seas flashing in the sun;
the pulsing of its "surf-beat is in my
ears; I can see its garlanded craigs its
leaping cascades, its plumy palms, Low
ing by the shored its-remote summits
floating like islands aoove tde cion-i-raek;
1 can feel the spirit of itswood
laiifl solitude I can hear the plash of
its brooks; in my nostrils still lives
the " breath of flowers that perished
years and years ago." " !
This is Hawaii painted by a master
hand, and shows the beauty of . these
favored, isles as no one else eould do.
This-trip is one of thosp offered by The
Statesman. Do you think it worth tak
ing! t " ..: .....
of the city of Salem lying north
, . $ . G5
. 3.50
$ .50
. .50
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. .50
50. votes
250 votes
700 votes
1500 votes
15000 votes
. . 50 votes
. , 100 votes
. ,1 000 votes
. . 100 votes
. .1000 votes
. ; ." 50 votes
. . .400 votes
... 100 votes
. .1000 votes
Statesman, Contest Department.
prisoner was killed and five injured. '
Desperately . Attack Prison.
Riga; Russia, Kept. 20. The central
prison here was attacked early this
morn(nst bya crowd of about 1 CM). r r
sona, who scaled the walls, cnt the tele-
rhone wires and. killed two and serifius
y wounded three, of the guards. Th
mob forced the'eells and liberated two
important jHiIitical prisoners whom
they caried oft. - The -police and night
watchman pursued the mob and nrinir
ensued during which a policeman wasJ
kiilel. Jnqiury into the alia ir was be
gun today. . .... ; ;
SAX I CAXCItff. O, Sept. 21.-Oak-land,
8; Portland, 1. 4, -
Seattle, Sept. 21. Seattle, 2; Taeo-
ma. 4. '-' ' - - -? r ' ; - -
dares CHn
.la Two Days. -
Vie V. FPZ0
British Columbia Oovermnent Has No
- - Authority to Seize Seal ' ;
: Poacher -..s.
VICTOUIA, Sept. 2lJV,aptain Alex
Melan, show arrest is longht by the
ITnited rifates 'department of justice on
the charge of conspiracy in titling out
and sailing the schooner Cnrmencita in
8an Francisco in violation of the seal
ing laws, is not yet arrested. -.
lreroicr Mcllride this afternoon in
forme l United States Consul Smith
his government cliuM 'hot act In fho
matter and such action should ; be ta
ken bv the imperial, naval officers at
Esquimau. AI1 vessels being abs-nt
f rofthe Espilmalt station, there is
nothing done. H. SZ 8. Shearwater is
due in Esquimau toutorrow. TJie con
sul will then apply a-t he commando
of the British. Vessel to seiie the t'ar
mencita an 4 arrest McLean. .
Frank B. Noyes, Chicago Recerd-IIer-'
aid. Is President of Associat-
:- " v. , . ed Press. --.,
KEW . YOKK, Sept. 21. Following
the annual-meet ing.of the Associate. I
Press, held yesterdny, the newly elect
edboard of directors elected the fal
lowing, officers for' the ensuing year:
President, Frank II. Noyes,. of the ("lft
cago Record Herald J first yice-preident,
ral Charlea II. Taylor, of the llos
toa (ilobe; secou.l yice-ptesident, Kufoa
X.. Abodes, of the DirminKbam, Ala
News, electel in plae of S. H. f 'ab.i
niss; of the Augusta, Ua., Herald; sec
retary and, general manager, Melville
F.. Stonf -assistant secretary and assist
ant general, manager, -Charles H. Diehl.
The executive committee is: F. H.
Koyes, 'harks W. Knapp, Victor F.
iJawson, Charles H. Grasty and Adolph
. O. hr. . ' . . . ; , .
f All yovi
P. O..
U ; . -: i. .
Stite and Ccmrcwclil Struts.,
t- permit Us to show the great value we are
offering, and the very latest New York sty lei.
We are offering better shot h at $.1.50 lhati the
advertised $4 xlioe. A ttetter $3 tdioe than the
advertised $3 W sh, and a ljet ter $'2 50 shoo
than the advertised f:t bIhk1.
7 The ndvertiied nheM luanufaetnrers spend
millions advertising ih-lr Hhoea and the
purchaseis pay the. billa.
"The Shoe Store of Styles and Values"
lb-- L,. IRVIN CO.,
Repairing a - Specialty
-.-'.'- Vv.V.V.'.'i
: We are special grower of best commercial, hardy and noft ehell
varieties, hear t live und six years.' Beat Investment, ol any sjrrl
ciltaral line Ncrthwcet eicela California in productlou of walnut.
,. We deal direct with planter.. Abo growers of complete nursery line.
rmt trtit, shrubs, ete. A postal card will bring you booklet, a treat
;ou wulnut ii:tiire, ni rataloof nursery utocr,
BROOKS & SONS, Wnlnut NurHorytCurltn Or. jjj
Gradual Increase , of 'Trtlow Fever
; - - Cases Cannes Considerable
Uneasiness. J . - ; ,
PENSACOLA. Sept. 21.-Hit nw.
rases of yellow fwer developed todnv
showing a gradual iocr'e in the nuin'
Iter of cawes each day." The total num
ber of eases is fifty-five; deaths, nin;
liscluirge.l, thirty-two; under treatment
Improvement at New Orleans.
- New Orleans. Sept. 21. The reprt
to 6 p. ni.: New canes, 3f: total. '2, 7 '.;
tleaths, 4; total, 3.15; new foci, li; case
under treatment, 31t; c.iscs -discharged,
2,031. Marked improvement in the tit
uation today.
1NDKPKNDF.NCK, Or., .Sept. '20 The
government revetment work, wh'n-ii
was commenced two years ago, has j:wt
lMen completed. After several months'
work the first year, the projeet wan .lit.
eontinnetl until this summer. For the
past three and a halt months the work
lius leen going on, with an average ,f
twenty-five men working. The ro.-k-covered
embankment, which is thirty
five feet wide, has been extebdd S'.l
feet, liesides seventy-five feet of -brush
Miat at the npjier end.
This l the only work of the kin, 1 t.n
the Willamette river and is saving val
uable hop land. That xrtion which
was dono two years ago has stood th
current f the river proving a gMl test.
The work was done under ll.f .lirc l iin
of David H. O'li'n, asited this wiiin
iiur by Major Kessler, with W. T. iN-nd,
foreman of the crew of -'men.
PHnrAi)Kld,llIA, Sept. LO.(i(r,r
lixon was foiiinht knocked out in the
second round of a six-round bout hy
Tommy 'Murphy of "New York.
have to do Is ask for it
- We liave plafunl a large orJr'
for U-aatifui, einboeddl
1906 Calendars
which are now iu. They are
for our friendt and the nubile
generally. "
f'ut out thU advertisement and
mail it to us, with your name
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