WEEKLY OBEGOIT STATESMAN", -FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER jrH iuu . lit Wlim CGON SI AI tSMAN XuLlibed averr TkIt and Friday by the STATE SMAJT TVVLlSBXSa CO. - SabacrlpUoa Katas. yaar in dTne, .......... . His month, in mdrmnre. ........ . Thru months, in advance. ...... . On rar time ............... . .2? . 1.2C Tha Rtatrsraaa has bea established for nearly flftr-fire year, and it Has mb anb rrtbera who bare received it nearly thai Ionic, aod many wbo have rend it for a gen eration. Home f theae object to having- th. paper diaeontinned a the tint of espirattou of their . antHMfitKlona.. - For tbe benefit -t theae, and for other reaaona, wo hare eor. elmded to diaeoatitrae aabaertptiona only wliert notified to do ao. All peraona paying wht-n aabaerihiag, or paying in advance, will hae th benefit of the dollar rate. Bat if they do not pay for aix months. . the : rat will be $1.25 n year. Hereafter we will send the paper to all - responsible persona who order it, thoorh they may not send the money, with the nnderatanding that they are to pay $1.2.' a year in ease they let the subscription ar eonnt ran over aix months. In order that there may be no misunderstanding, we' wil. hoop thia not ire standing at thia place in the paper. - - : - CXftCVXATIOX (IWORV) OTKK 4,000. PUBLIO ;OPHtION AND THE FEO C rOSED , CONVENTION. Public opinion was never benefited by entertaining a fear to express pri vate opinion. A man holds an opinion on a given subject, feeling that it is right,. yet fails to express tnat opinion from a fear that ft" will not be pogu jar, negltets a duty which he owes, to tha pnWie espeeially if he be a pub lie man, or a candidate for office. A great many Republicans have been in this position lately, but one of the bent signs of the times is that which snows a general return of fearlessness to express an opinion whether popular or not. That man who privately tajks in favor of a conference or convention yet publicly refuses to be -quoted as favoring it, might be considered polit ie, but -he certainly is unsafe. In point of fact any public man should b ex pected to publicly express himself re garding such questions as are before the people for settlement. The people themselves are divided in opinion, without a question, on nearly every subject under the sun. A large proportion of tqe eopIe may be so set as to make it impossible to torn their minds in any way. Others may lie, as tbe slang phrase goes, " AIiHsotiriaus, " and wiling to be shown. The writer denies no man the privi lege of forming his own ideas and act log according toshis own ju'lgment, but he does question the advisability aof permitting public men to hold one opni- ion in private, ani express another to tna people With a view to gaining votes. He even questions the policy us being a wise one for any one to adopt. As" Lincoln uil, ' Vou win fool all of the people some of the time and some of : the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time," and hence-this man's opinions are bound to come to tho surface in time, and to redound to his discredit when found out of harmony with a is expressed ideas. .Many men have felt that there was necessity for .the liepurli-an party to tret together: for the hnMi mr nf . f t . ference or convention of all such Re publicans as might feel inclined to take .a part, and a few have not hesi tated, when time offered, to pnblirjy make this feeling known. Others nave been afraid to say a word in favor of the proposal for fear the people (and by the people here seems to have been meant. those ultra-advocates of the di rect primary system, and those op posed to ourlong-reeognized principle of representative, government) would not like it. However, even these are sure to recognize and respect an avowed expression, anil no doubt many of them are willing to be shown wnenre romes the necessity for sueh action. They will at least have "more respect for the man who openly expresses his opinion than for the man who holds it. yet denies it in public. Many Republicans have felt the "ne cessity of some action that would not only harmonize the factions which have torn the Republican party asund er during the past few years, butjthat would do away absolutely with these factions. V .The matter was suggested first, if the memory of the writer does not ntis; lead him, in The Statesman some ' M7'mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured. D. P. Jolly, Avoca, ti. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. But it's risky to wait until you have' consump tion. Get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at orie'e. 1 5 Tatssslmi Ufc.MtiU.1 . ; rkiniralt vow doctor, it tee says tat . .vV? Yhe Ur. it ne sens yon twt U lie rC theakm t Uke iU Heaaow. Atfrecorerrb in eood coauinwn w ' - - II eSibIe. gently Isxstive. Z TKJTOM I Mother ! BL0ATi:;3, HEARTEDRM, t IHOIGESTlOIf, DYSPEPSIA AND . COSTIYEKESS are fjuirkly overcome when lIOSTEHEirS STOMACH DINERS is ucl. Try a Iiottle; ;:, months ago, bat when the question was submitted to a number of promi nent , - Republicans throughout toe fft ate, those who felt called upon to reply did so by- declaring that . they were afraid that "the people" would oppose any such action, in the belief that sueh a convention would act with a view lb robbing them of the privi leg granted them under the direct pri mary law of making toe nominations by their own direct votes. The Writer appreciated At that time, and stjll feels, that the Republicans of Oree-nn nre vprv bn11v rlisrnnted as a political organization, through per9on al quarrels which, having no place at all in party polities, creep in unavoid ably at times, destroying the possibil ity of harmonious action. Through thil factional quarrel politics becomes 3 case, of individuals rather than of prin ciples. Tne Statesman was followed, after a reasonable length of time, by a few prominent Republicans in a like dc-. mand for a convention. This demand has steadily grown until today nearly all the rank and- file of the "Republi can party feels that with a properly conducted convention of Republicans much can be done in furtherance of harmony within the party. , The feeling is also growing tlwt the convention proposed, instead of build ing up a machine of a few, will organ ire the entire party'into a solid work? ing mass of Republicans. No effort should be made, or can be made, at this convention to do away with thi primary nominating law, nor' to manu facture a machine using the term as it is generally understood. Govern r Lord is right -when he de elarrs it to be his belief that the rank and file of the Republican party dors not want u machine, bnt does' wan( harmony. It wants the wise counsel of every man capable of giving k. It wants leaders, but it wants to have a hand in tneir selection. Another thing that it wants and absolutely requires Is a statement of its principles ami doctrines, to which candidates for of fice on that ticket can be expected to conform. There are many reasons evident to such as desire the success of the Re publican party in the June election for some action that will lead to a unifi cation of the party, and a conference, such as proposed, seems tbe most plaus ible scheme proposed so far. We want no more faction in Oregon. Let os be satisfied rather with Repub licanism based on tnat jKlitical theory that requires the selection of the best men possible for all positions under our government, and with a view to tip- holding Republican principles. MR. HARRIMAN AND THE DEVEL- j OPMENT LSAQTJE. j The suggestion that unless Mr. Harri- man develops the railroad interests of the Willamette valley he will be forced out c- the valley, or rather forced out of the "way" bv the Willamette Vallev Deveopment league which is to meet in f.ugene on tbe 2ttth of this month, is a peculiar one to make at this time. The Hariman system cannot be said to lo materially in the way of other pros pective railroad development in the Willamette valley. It only occupies such routes as it has roads constructed over. Such talk is made with a view to building tip a public opinion that is vicious in character, boeause it would build it on a mistaken hypothesis. This paper is not a defender of the tiarriman system, but it does believe in just treatment of even a railroad cor poration. There areja great many peo ple who ran see nothing good in a rail road corporation; who insist that unless the company owning the railroad lines does exactly as their narrow ideas sug gest, it should be tlamned by everybody. The, Ilarriman system is doing some thing in Oregon, and it is doing nothing at all to keep other elements from working if they desire 40 work in this state.; It is barely possible that if a new com a pay were to enter -the field at any strategic point the Harrimans might try to meet ithe proposed oppo sition by building J a- rival line; but this should not make the people mad. On the contrary, they should be rather glad of the proepeets of eonatruction of rival line. ; '; t : ;' The writer does not understand that it is the proposed, nor even the proper function of the coming Willamette Val ley Development league to attack any system of raUwayaj already established in this I valley, ao much as J t is to at tempt to aid .in further ; development, and the construction of new lines. -." The proposal to hammer ' the. Southern Pa eific will not Wet with approval except from such as feel that all railroads are the proper subjects for drastic legisla tion, and for excessive taxation. That mere are a great many such in this "... .- . . -v . country, a'great many who fed that ait l corporations, and especially all rail - roads are robbers, and therefore proper j subjects to be legislated against cannot be doubted, and .it is a regretlnl sign of tne times that a number of news paper writers ,ire among them- That railroads are lit subjects for regulation is well recognized, and the state of Oregon and tbe nation will each do its duty by the people n this .particular. The Statesman puu.ished a sugges tion' at to the field of the Willamette Valley' Development league recently, but probably it demonstrated possession of a- good deal of- extra temerity in so doing, without first asking permisison of the proper officials of that body. The Willamette Valley Development league can do much for the development of this valley, by aiding ; in disseminating knowledge as to the valley and its re sources, as well as by calling attention to its requirements and necessities. What Oregon needs more than any oth er thing is more transportation lines, and as this paper suggested before, our help is in ourselves in this particular. The Willamette Valley' Development league can do much to demonstrate how we may aid ourselves. It can show the way to many who have no time to study - Jt the plan, but who will gladly help carry it out when it is properly under stood. This is the proper duty of the coming meeting and the proper field of wor for- it. The thing therefore, is not to study how to cripple those influences that arc already helping us, but how to aid them to -extend, and if those al ready at work are not sufficient, then how to induce others to come and help in the good work. No adverse lcgisla. tion will aid in bringing more railroads or better .transforation facilities into Oregon. Proper railroad legislation and adverse legislation are two -different things. The former Oregon will hajre; the latter is not needed. It was again announced .t the Jeffer son club banquet in Chicago the other night, and that announcement coming as it did from Mayor Dunne, may be Slid t6" be official, that'the Spanish war veteran and! Democratic war horse, t'olonel William Jennings Bryan, is go ing abroad. Tom Johnson of Cleveland, and " Three-Dollar-Shoe " Douglas of Boston, 'will probably await publication of the passenger list sailing from some port before they feel that the statement is fully confirhicd. It is more than likely that the only important bit of legislation that will be before congress at the coming ses soin npart from such as may bo con nected with the' Panama canal will be that of railroad regulation and the general supervision of aggregations of capital known as the trusts. If congress in the short session disposes of the gen eral appropriation bill .tud this one sub ject of railway legislation it will ac complish a' great deal. ! Idaho and Oregon are much alike. They have neither acquiesced in The forestry policy of the national govern ment. The Oregonian is not the state of Oregon, however much it may think it is. - The Courier-Journal even has hopes of Mr. Brran. It says. "As he erows in years ha may grow in wisdom and j Accompanying inis was very annoy J J - B mg and distressing difficulty with the ' ;- " - - ' 1 'kidney secretions. - I was treated by NO TONGUE CAN TELL SUFF From Itching and Bleeding Eczema "Pain Terrible Body and Face Covered i with Sores Doctors and Medicines Failed. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUT1CURA " No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with itching and bleed ing eczema, until I was cured by the Cnticnra Remedies, and I aiq ao grate ful I want the world to know, for what helped tne will help others. My body and face were covered with sores. One a a.,. It would seem to be better, and then break ont again with the most terrible pain and Etching. I have been sick several times, but never in my life did I experience such awful suffering as with this eczema. I had made up my mind that death was near 'ft hand, and I longed for that time when I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medicines; without success, and mr mother brought me the Cnticnra Remedies, insisting that I try them. I began to feel better after the first bath with Cnticnra Soap, and one application of Cuticura Ointment. I continued with the Soap and Ointment, and have taken four bottles of Cnticnra Resolv ent, mnd consider myself well. Any person haying any doubt about this wonderful cure by the Cnticnra Rem edies ran write to my address, lira, Altie Etson, Belleme, Mich. ITCHING ECZEMA And All Other Itching and Scaly Eruptions Cured by Cuticura. The arottizin? itchinsr and hnmimr of the skia, as in eczema; the fright- i mi Kuing, u in psonaais; me loss of hair 'and crusting of, scalp, as in called head ; all demand 4 remedy of almost superhuman virtues to success fully cope with them. That Cnticnra - Soap, Ointment, and Pills are such stands proven bevond all doubt. , . Stot. OliiluwaL 4 Mn .. - ERNG i - . IL A, Ji 'jAjTwiCLii il ! . . . . . , - a A UNIYcKOAi jUldCAOl Catarrh usually begins with c01"0 , OYSTER BAY, Sept. -14. Tbe eon the head, trat'doe not stop there. The of tfce hotel nl Buhsistence eon ntocoo tnembraues all become inflainea j o( the Panama cannl wse was l awarTedloVacob E. Markel of Omaha wuco u uwmw ""T", i hv lresulent Shouts or lit x ni tributed to all part, of the body The;by nji0,Thi8 in effect i, the patient, is wen, contianauy inH jtrittlnir. the nose is Stopped up. the ears have a ringing or bttmng notse, the throat become sore, and as the un healthy matter inore thoroughly aato rates the blood a general feeling of des pondency takes pc session of the systenv X had Catarrh for a.bmt &tei rearm mntt no' man eollld h!T MS WOI tried e-verythtnar I wd hoar or, dux no o 8;, ami could a a little improver?ent from the first bottle, and after tajanar it a short -while vm turad. This wm mix. earn aao. and I am as wall tody as any man. I think Catarrh la a blood dla- batter ar for tho blood than 8. 3. S. No- HlipeeMlcW " " jht. MATS ON, ocal applications cannot cure Catarrh, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. They allay theinflammation and temporarily relitve the disease, but as soon as they are left off the trouble re turns.' The only way to cure Catarrh is tb treat it through the blood. S.S.S.soon clears the blood of all Catarrhal matter and, purges it of all Irritating poisons, check further progress of tbe trouble and com pletely cures the disease, i 8. S. keeps . !. Va AT n R. ft. h9,Tl X QO. fectordersothat it can clixmnatt from the System all waste matte, that will pro- PIIRPLV VEGETABLE, dncc Catarrh v - f . j ' , Nothing- equals this great vegetable" remedy Jn the cure of this disease. Write for our book and any medical advice vou wish Wo make no charge for either.;, , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.f Atlanta, 0a. grace." - Mr. Bryan is not bo particu lar .about the. wisdom but he hopes to grow in the grace pf Mr. Watt er son at least. lie cannot fpelp feeling Mr. Wat terson 's , power among the Democracy. The Portland Journal refers to W. J. Bryan. Tom ' Watson Governor Folk Henator LaFollctle, Governor Douglas, Mayor Weaver ahd President Roosevelt as the political salt of the earth.' This may be true, but there is such a thin; ns getting too much salt in the politi cal pot. C - There does not seem to have been any great quantity of iKipular indigna tion that the president has not.callel an extra session of the congress to re vise the tariff.' If so iJias been kept bottled up pretty ? effectually. It is now, suggested; that it be called "The Treaty of KoosevcU" and thus relieve Portsmouth and Washington of any jealousy of each other. ? v HOTJSpHOI CABES. Tax tho Women of Salem tho Same as Elsewhere. Hard to attend to household duties With a constantly acting back. A woman should not have a bad back, And she wouldn't 'if the kidneys were well. ' Doun's Kidney Tills make well kid neys. . Mrs. Wm. Rainwater? wife of Wni. Rainwater, employed iti Veal's chair factory, residing at 003 Kast First street, says: "My kidneys troubled me off and on for eight years. Every time I contractod ' cold it settled in my kidneys, causing my back to ache often so badly that; I fonlJ hardly get about to attend to joy household duties physicians and took a number or nigh ly recommended remedies, bill the re lief I obtained was only temporary and i was about discouraged. Finally I read n advertisement about Doan's Kidney Pills and got a. box at Fosbey St Mason's drug store and began theii use. 1. expected some relief, of. Course, but to my surprise they went quickly to the root -of the -disease and I had no more trouble until - recently I felt symptoms'of a recurrence. Doan's Kid ney Pills are the best kidney medicine I ever used and I have reeommehded them to my . neighbors." For sale by? all dealers. Price 50 cents. FosteT-Milbnrn 'Co.,- Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United jHtates.' j Itomember the name Doan's and t ake no other. - .State of Ohio, City of. Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. t'heney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. t'heney L o.f doing business in tho eity of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm wi-l pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be Cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cwre. Frank J. Cheney., Sworn to before me and subsribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S0. A. W. Gleason, (Real.) Notary Public. Halt's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free! F. Jf Cheney fc.Oo, Toledo, O. 8oId by all Vlruggists. .75c. , ? Take Hall's Family Pills for consU pation. . n : . . , .- - 1. ' a ' ' ' r ; i' 1 , A OUARANTEETJ CURE lOR PTIXS Itching, Blied, Bleeding or Protru.1 ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZOOINTMENT fails to cure airy ease, notnsttef of bow long vtanding, in 6 to 14 days.' First application gives ease and rest. 60 cents. t your drug gist hasn't it send 50 cents' ia stamps aad it wiU be forwardel postpaid be Paris Medicine C ftt.- I-mjis, Mo. , v Xot IaiaaU and. Children. Tki fti Yn Kara khzji E::sM Bears tho Signature of .... . . TrTl Til.nV. Tu uwismii u wiiicc. CONTRACT IS APPROVED. President Ratifies Panama Canal Hotel Contract Awarded to Markol of Omapa. -"t- , r.,;,!-,, derision of President Roosevelt, who today approved the report on the aub jeet made by Shonts. The contract amounts in tbe -aggregate to many mil lions of dollars,-burhonts' report in dicates it may be abrogatel at the will of the government, which actually will own- the perrsanent plant used"- by Matkeft in filling the terms of the eon-tract.".;-'T ' "- : " OUSTED FROM OFFICE.' Tjdiaa. Auditor Charged With -. trayal of Public Trust and I . .- r Is Dismissed. -f. ' Be- i INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 14. Alleg ing that David H. Shcrrick, auditor ef state, was guilty of . plain and inet cusable violation of law and gross be, trayal of the publie trust" in invest ing funds belonging'to the state in pri vate affairs, Governor Hahley today is sued an executive order declaring the office vaeant, and "appointed Warren Bigeler of Wabash as his successor. ALL CONCESSIONS SECURED. 1 Commercial Pacific Cable ' Company to. Lay Cable to Japan and ' j ' China. NKW YORK, .Sept. 14. Clarence i;. Mackey, president of the ' Commercial Pacific Cable Company, today made the announcement that the company had f-ecured the necessary, concessions to eh tcr Yokohama, Jspan, and Shanghai, China. Japan will be reached by Iny- C.';i; '5-LpS'ciTwlce-a-Week Statesman, 104 Issues, $1.00 to China will be laid from Manila to . . Shanghai. . . ' ... , MAT LTOCH HIM. j GRANT'S FAS3, Or., Sept. 14. In formation was received bvte last even- ing from Granite Hill that the mmer1 from that camp ha va agreed to run down the murderer of N. N. Jennings. 1 1, nl.I man vehn wn kllhe'll AR he Blent" the old man who was killed as he slept in his cabin last Thursday night. Tbe miners believe tbejr have a clew to tho murderers, and that the two men who kilted Jennings tdew turn for his money, since escaping to the mountains. They declare there will be a lynch ing bee at Granite Hill if the guilty persons arc caught. Lgal Blanks at Statesman Job Oflice. vATARRK The Cleansing and Healing Cure for CAT A IC It II Is ' I HCs Cm Uim Kany and pleasant to us?. Contains, no injurious drug, j It is quickly ab- j- lief at ' once. It ' opens and cleanses the nasal passages. Allays inflammation. Heals and pro tects tho "Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large sizo 50c at druggists or. by mail; Trial sizo 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren street, New Y ork. ; DR. C. GEE WO . GREAT CHINESE 00C10R S53 Auier Hir-t. cor m i . . ntr i joi u mrvei. HAS Moved to th iarg brick biird - lntyuZ"!i:Uyi Entrances io -2 FIRST street '2t C. Geo Wo, the Creat Chinese Doctor, is .well ' known and famous throughout th? TJ. S. because bis won derful and marvelous cures have been heralded broadcast throughout the length and breadth of this country. Ho . treats any and all diseases with powerful Chinese rootn, herbs, bnla, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science in this conntry, and through tne use of theso harmless remedi.3". He guarantee In cure catarrh, asthma, ' lung . troubles, 5000 TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED Annually, to Bl IM imt pnaltinna crra Cd nv Rltrovo b4 Telcniph OomiMUtiea. We want Vai Man and Lt of bahtM. 10 LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND RAILROAD lACCOUNTINfl We farniah 7S Dereent of ih One-a to- an1 Station Artnu la America, Oar six eh ol are tn larfcat exelndve Talcfrapa aehiiota tm in wold. Eaiabllwbed anraar.and en1 re all leavdlna Railoav Oftlela a. aseente a fx-SO Bond tn rrer anent fnrnUta him or br podtlon from tMi tlOa month 1 1 atatea eaa of the fl ks Mqm talna, or frntn 75 tn 1100 a moatb In "at a t of tba Kockiea, iaarat tiaLl no arad-a Imi 'tidenta ? r at aiy llm. No rcla. fan p'ticolar rrilt an. ( mi acbnnta wilta direct n tur ateeanv oflle) at Cincinnati. O. Caialocn- free. Tha JLfcrss Schccl of Telegraphy, CMKKMtatl. flfel. AUta.a. Teas kana. Trx . if Buffala, N. V. l avtraaaa. Wl. Saa Fraaciac, CaJ. Kewill Rlicrtisw AcEdsmy A Boardldgaiyt Da fccnont I r BOyaand Venn M. NttUtirj Training. Miadesia prrparv d tm nrniin N.R.A. dlptonaa a r.-lTfi bT theUatv 'sill.. rl i.im bnl a Pee. nW ?. ;) Wri lor pfp-t a. wwtn. I rnirptp-t ana rnp 9 O. U.ll stl6. i oiuana, ur. rnsns maib ma. few - ' c .. .... . - . : - n -1 -rrsifajli'hSS Sv ri fc. for Infants CastoriA Is a harmleas embstltuto for Cantor Oil, Parr- t t, troric, Drops and Kootlilnff Syruns. It is llcaant. It i contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Ttareotfo. , aubstanoe. It destroys Worms and allays Frvcriajtinrsfu ! It cures diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teeth- inir Troubles and cures Const! iat Ion. It. rearItfs tho ' Stomach and Wowels, irirlnfr healthy. and natural alccn. 3 Tho Children's lanaceo The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho In Use For OUR GREAT ClUBBING OffER The Greatest Clubbing Combination Ever Offered 0 ur Readers CLUH A- Twicc-a-Wcck Statesman p .fi , tTftrnp,ipfi WPOk1vl .acV HOrneSleafl ( WCCK1 J Nort.hwcat Poultry Journal v Total CLUB B Twicc-a-Week Statesman . . . . . Twicera-Weck Portland Journal Northwest Poultry Journal Total '...'..$3.00 - CLUB C- ' ' Twice-a-VVeek Stttcsman , . .$1 .00 Twirc-a-Weck Spokesman Review (new) ...... .$1.00 Northwest Poultry Journal . ........ . . . . .....$ .50 Total CLUB D . ;4 - Twlcc-a-Week Statesman ....................1 1 . 00 Weekly Orcponian $1 .50 Northwest Poultry Journal .$ .50 Total r.,........... CLUB IC Twicc-a-VVcck Statesman .... McCall's Mnp-azinc" ......... Pacific Homestead (weekly) . Hoard's Dairyman . . ....... Northwest Poultry Journal . . Total ....... ........ CLUB F Twicc-a-Week Statesman . Northwest Horticulturist (M) Pacific Homestead ( weekly) ................ .$1 .00 - ; Nortmvest Poultry Journal 1 Twicc-a-Wcek Portland Journal McCall's Magazine . . . . ... Total CLUB G . TVicc-a-Week Statesman . . i Woman's Home Companion V1? llomestcad (weekly) xortn west rouitry journal Wecldy Oregonian , . Total i. $5. 00 $3.75 The Twicc-a-Week Statesman is full of county, state and national news. .You cannot afford to be without it. You receive 104 copies during the year. If you cannot find what you. want in these clubs, write us and wc will save you money. All clubs must include the Twicc-a-Week Statesman. -You can Kcnd these papers to as many addresses as there arc papers. Make all remittances direct to STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, Salem, Oregon. TO mD If u are ptdttc lrni 1 yonr childhood'M lionih thia. tnir, r. iiM'i.iU-r !hMlie KOKTItERN TACFIC loaila to ev ryUlyK lionm. f . I - ' Vow imii jjo by wajr of Rt. Paul to Chicago, or 8t Iiouls, inil Mipiioe reach the entire East and South. Or, you can go to Diilnlh, am) (rum Iher nse either the rail lines, or one f the vUlterli'iabe Hleaiaura duwr the, lakes Ur Iletrrtit. Cleveland Erivitd ISunalo th Pan-A iuerican City. ' ; . - , . Btart rihtand yon will prtWly arrive aV yofir dert4 t ' tion nit rthn td, t-o Btaii right, use the Nfrrthftrn'TaciHc nd : prererahly-l ' ''NORTll COAST L!MtTiIH tZra'iu. ;io service r -after MAT fttli. ' J . tl ' ". v. : Any local agent will name r4. A. Dl CHARLTON and Children. Signature of Over 30 Years, Pub. Price, Our Price. ......... $1.00 $1.00 . .50 ........... 12.50 $2.00 .. .. ....... ..$1.00 ............. .$1 .50 $ .50 $2.00 $2.00 ,$2. . . $3.00 ...fl.00 ...$1.00 ..-.$1.00 ...$1.00 $2.50 .50 .$4.50 $3.50 .$1.00 i .$ .50 .$1.50 .$1.00 .$5.50 -$3.50 $1.00 .. ....$1.00 ....... ...$1.00 ..$ .50 $1.50 THE: MODMIHi aaalataat Ocaeral la.attjrer aretat. rOKIUKO, OKXOOV.