State, News Mall Facilities. ' A postoffice is to be established at Hars Uos county. Sheep to Market. About 82,000 stock 'sheep have been shipped out of Morrow county this sea- , son. . ..; - . - , Large Berries... . '. , Fourteen to the box is the way Ma eoon strawberries grow in Eugene. Al- most equal to me jioou jmvjt una. Southern Oregon Strawberries. ' About three thousand crates of straw- . berries were shipped by the Ashland Fruit Association tbis season, six nun dred or more less than in 11904. ' Help Wanted In Logging Camps. Help is wanted badly in some tf the logging eamps on the big Luekiamnte owinir to the faei that mien are leav ing for. the harvest. - The -wages paid are $1.30 and $1.75. Observer. Parsonage for Baptists. ' - "Women' of the First Baptist ehcreh of Oregon City have sueeeeded in rais ing more than $500 toward the con struction of a parsonage. - A streeture to est $1500 will bi erected. 4 . - - Peach. Shipments. Shipments of the -early Alexandria peaches "commenced this week and ' next week the Fruit Growers' Union will commence shipping. The shipment this year Will amocnt to ueraly 20,000 boxes and the Fruit G rowers 'Union alone will ship 15,000 boxes. Medford Mail. A Curio. An Indian mortar eight inches high and a pestel to match it were unearth-? el near Bend recently among the roots of a two hundred and fifty year, old juraier.- Both are of a fine' textured: lava rock, worn mooh apparently by use in crushing seeds and berries for ancient inhabitants of the inland em pire. Sells Fine Buck. U. S. Grant has solu his famous year ling Angoro beck Kuropatkin," to Ward ft Garrett, of Mountain Home, Texas. lie was the sweep-stake buck at tbe Oregon-Angora show last winter aut it Was bishujr tbat won the gold medal at tbe World's Fair at St. Louis. Mr. Grant has also hipjed a yearling l uck to CT Mifeheil at Amity. Dallai Observer. Sawed First' Lumber in Baker. George B. Janey, a pioneer of Ore gop and the man who sawed the first lumber ever" used for building pur pose in Baker City, is dead. He paused away at the home of his niees, Mrs. Bud Moses, two and a half miles northwest of town Sunday, June 25. The cause leading up to his death was n injury received in a runaway two weeks ago, Baker City Herald. Klimath Falls Census. The town of Klamath Falls has near ly doubled iu population in the past two years. According to the census of the "county assessor our city now has a population of 1102 and is still grow; ing rapidly. Linkville pecmet, whieh includes this town, has 1620 inhabi tant. The next town id size in the couuty is Merrill with a population of 127. The census of the county is in complete yet but we hope to be able to jjet the complete opu!atioh by th next issue. The growth, throughout the entire county shows the greatest in crease in its history. Klamath Falls Republican. Sheriff Taylor went for his prisoner he found on Lis arrival in the -capital that his Man. had beea, committed to the ..;imu((ijaiiUg uctTi uujuugea insane. Now hex is apparently to be discharged from that institution, and it is the -3-sire of the family to nave -the ease oern aismisKQ. -. f. i Croisan was told br District Attorney Phelps that if the parties who uuereu Dy me young man's actions were repaid, and also all of the costs of the ease met and a petition asking ior tne dismissal i the charge be pre sented, to -him by those who made the charges against Stone, the matter eould be . dropped. However, these -thine have not yet been done, though it is inougBt mat they wUl be and thus prevent 'the arrest of Stone, when he is released from the asylum. Pendleton .cast irregoman. j . . .. i ' Bo ad to Newport. " There is talk that the Balem Auto mobile Club will consider the establish ment of a route to Newport via. Falls oity.. ihis is quite feasible and would save fifty miles - in distance between the two places. . .. , .. . .. An attempt will be made to construct a road from the Spanldini; upper camp on tne Dig -Uuckiamute to the .Newport road to Falls City. Tbia is entirelr practicable and only about two miles or easy grade needs to be built to make the junction. A large amount has Wen subscribed, and Mr. Spauld ing will assist with labor and money. A survey was made last year by Ben Beezley and a good route selected. Dallas Observer. ' The Eugene Cannery. Tilings around the Eugene cannery present a lively aspect this week, for a force numbering between 25 and 30 girl and a dozen, men are engaged canning and preparing for shipment the Royal Anne cherries which are be ing brought in. The crop is not a very heavy one but what have been bronght in so far are of excellent variety and very large. The 'ram of the last few lays has done very little damage, as yet, and the short lull between showers has given the growers ample time to pick the crop. There is quite a little competition lietween buyers in this eity and this Is one of the reasons that at each place of collecting the-luscious fruit there is reported a slight scarcity Guard. Was in the Keppner Flood. Shortly after the Heppner flood two years ago a tiny infant about three weeks old was found. All efforts dur ing the past two years to locate any history relative to the parentage of the child has failed. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hewett, living near Lyle, Wash, took the child and today it is one. of the 'prettiest in the neighborhood. In a 'quiet way the work of tracing the child is going on, but the suppisition is that the parents perished in the flood tbat swept the canyon. Mrs. Hewett, while anxious to locate something as to the child's patents would dislike to lose it. Hood River Glacier. Bain Was Acceptable. Thousands of dollars in the pockets of the farmers and thus to be distrib uted over the country will be the re sult of the splendid rain was the gen eral comment as the rain came down copiously throughout the morning. And phone messages from Sherman county anil all through the adjoining country brought reports of a steady down-pour and a blessing to spring-sown grain, as-well as a "filler for fall wheat." While some barley and hay which has been cut may be damaged slightly, it will not compare with the benefit de rived from the shower. The fall in town was a half -inch. Chronicle. . Survey ers at Work. A company of engineers commenced work at Iliilsboro Tuesday, surveying the line for the proposed Portland, Ne halem and Tillamook railway. The ten miles from Iliilsboro to Bank will be located first. The line as being survey ed will follow somewhere near or along the old Astoria grade,' but will prob ably depart from that at some places, owing to opposition of land owners who remember iheir unsatisfactory exper ience with the promoters of the old line. From Banks oa west it is said the big timbermen will furnish right the way and other -sustantial encour agement for the new line. It is believ ed they can be readv for actual con struction work in ten "ays. Forest throve Times. t The Belease of Stone. E. M. Ooisan, of Salem, wno was here yesterday and left on the night raia for home came for the purpose of consulting with the district attor ney and others regarding the case of "elbert Stone, against whom there is aa indictment in this county, . Stone, or Winslow, as his real name aid to be, is the son of good pa ts living near Salem, but while here . few years ago passed two forge 1 eaecks, one on James Spence and one Gns Lafontain, .after which, he dis appeared. He was not located until a iew months ago when it. was learned "at he was in Salem. However, when Pig-Tail Visitor On Tuesday evening last, Ah Coe; commonly -known as Coe (Chinaman) ifnl his new China wife arrived in Dal las and were receiving callers at the China house. Coe has lived in and around Dallas -for a number of years and is one of the best known China men in the country and when it was an nounced some weeks ago that he was going to be married, local China town became very much interested, but after his marriage he settled in Salem, and "Tuesday evening was the first time he has brought "his wife to Dallas. Dur ing the evening Coe and his wife and mother-in-law held an informal recep tion, .and several people called on them, but the1 greatest interest mani fested by tbe. ladies who ealled was in a little two-year-old Chin baby, a niece of the bride, all declaring that she wm jnst "too cute.' For many years Coe has been engaged in raising hops, but is now engaged in market gardening ' near Salem. Dallas Observer. Hop Lice Are NTtmerous. The cold damp weather of the last two weeks has had a bad effect on the hops in the Yakima valley. The lice are spreading rapidly. Some of the growers have already sprayed their "vtney 'and others are preparing" for the work as soon as, the weather will per mit. A. H. Weed 'has spayed his yard in the school-section and some of his have followed suit. Every yard In the valley has more or less lice. The cold weather and the rain has loen eondusive to their rapid de velopment and spreading. If they, are not put down soon the damage done will be inestimablei It is not often that the Yakima grower must spray his hops for lice. Two years ago th, pest showed up here and some spray ing was" done. Iast year the growers got ready to spray but the lice did not put in an appearance. Reports from Oregon and Western Washington are that the pest is very .bad in those places and the vines are not growing well. Yakima nerald. COMMISSIOIiERS COURT JUNE' TEBM, ' f 1905 About the Tillamook Railroad. B. Fv Ilolden returned this week oa the steamer Elmore after a visit to Portland and the fair. While in Port land Messrs. Holden and Stillwell call ed on the secretarv and promoter, Wm. Reed, of the Portland, Nehalem & Til lamook railroad. They introduced themselves to Mr. Reed and told him they were from Tilamook and wanted some information in regard to the con struction of the road. Mr. Reed spoke most decidedly, say ing that the road would be under con struction in the course of the next ten daj's, the contract for the bonds has been negotiated and two miles of the road must be completed from Iliilsboro the terminal, by October and that the road must be in operation for 20 miles by that time. The question was asked, how long will it take to complete the road and Mr. Reed said that it would take about fourteen months if no trouble was had m securing the necessary right-of-way. Engineer Davis of thei company is coming over to Tillamook some time in the near future to look ever the survey that was made three years ago at the time Mr. BeCd broke his leg, when at work oa the route on the Mi ami river. The route proposed will be by suitable grade from Iliilsboro to the divide of the Nehalem water shed and down the Salmonberry, down the Nehalem and over the Foley and Miami to this eity. That i what is deemed the most practical route. If tbe above plan Is followed out it will open np a vastly rich and fertile valley and the largest "timber belt ia the world, but it is ajonger route by twice the distsnee, than over the Wil son river route.' ' " ' v r Mr.' If olden spoke srery . incouraging )y of Mr. Seed's assurance that the road was now" a sure go and would be built 3nto Tillamook county within the next year. ,-(.-.; ' .' Does your friend- take th Twice-a-Weck Statesman? If not- snow him onr great club otter. - i ; Roads and Highways, ' 1 : . Cl'm'd. Barkmey er, T -....$10.50. Barkhorst, M. W. i... 3.00 Barnes, J. C. .... .... 38.50 Barr, Theo. M.... 6.50 Battimore, P. A...... . 1.50 Beardsley, A. F.... .12.00 Beardsley, A.... .. i. 10.50 Beall ft Co. . . ... . .468 .22 Beekner, Geo.. .. ... 3.00 Beer, Fred.. '.. .. .. 1.50 Beer, Melvin.. .. .... .75 Bengle, E. A... .... .. 3.00 Bennett, S. P.... . ... . 5.06 Bertechinger, J.. .. . . 72.75 Bewley, J. A... .. . . 5.00 Billadeau, C. J 73.50 Brandt, H. A. .... .. .. 3.00 Brinkmeyer, Wm. .. .. 7.50 Brown, Lee k. Son . 10.72 Brown, S. n... .. .... 3.00 Brunner, V. L.. ; . . ... 9.00 Burnier, David ........ 13.50 Burns, Adam .... . 3.00 Bums, W. P... .. .. . 9.00 Burshue, John .. .. . . . 15.00 Bursell, C. O. '.I .. .. 2.75 Bush, J. B. .. 15.00 Bvishey, Wm. ... 4.00 Busk, I. L... .. .. .. 30.50 Butler, O... 1.50 Cal. Powder Wks 316.07 Cap. Pat. Bk.. .. .... 28.30 Cap. Improvement Co. 38.10 Cap. Stables .. .. 13.00 Cap. Lumb. Co.... .... 20.25 Carter J. B. .. .. 11.90 Cit. L. & T. Co. ...103.50 Chamness, A. MJ ...... 3.00 Cherrington Piano!!. .. 2.50 Choquette L. .. 52.50 Church, J. 24. 0Q Claggett, C. . . 9.00 Clagg ett, A . . Clemens, A. M. Cleveland, H. P Club Stables .. Coffin. E. R. .. .30 .10 .00 .10 .90 10.50 23.25 90.86 4.00 3.00 1.53 3.00 16.50 21.00 27.00 9.00 .73 19.50 3.00 Cole, A. E.. . Condi t, L. . . . Cook, Ed Cook, Tom. . . . Cotterman, O. . . Danielson, E. R. Darling, J Davenport, F. . Dawes, W. J. . . Daws, J. F. .. .. .. .. 2.00 Day, L. W 7.50 Dencer, Ed 53.75 Denny, E. C... 3.00 Deverel, Wm ..12.00 Donker, J 7.o0 Dorfler, L. .... .. .... 12.00 Doentier, John ,16.50 Dorman, M 15.40 Dorman, R. I. 37.00 Dorn, Anton 7.50 Doyle, Henry 1.50 Dumas, Henry 11.00 Whelan, E. V. 4.80 Duman, Andv "... 9.00 Hare yon reaa offer in this issue? once and read it. our great clubbing If not turn to it at Dunagan, T. M. Jr. . Duval, Octave . . . .. Duvol, Chas Drager, A. W Earl, II. L. Eastburn, Dave .. . Ebuer, J. W. . . ... Edmunson, E. R. . . Elliott, L... English, J , Engelbart, A. A. . . Eskew, J. M. . . . . k,txel. Jon . Etzel, Geo. .. .. FerrelL Geo. .... . ery, Jos. -. . . . . . Heshcr, W- E. Folk, Adolph . . . . . Fox, D. P. k Son. . . Frazier, F. .... Free, Archie . .. Freeman, Benj. . . . , Freyer, G. J. II.. . . Fruit, .T. W. . . . . Fry, W , Frye, W. la... . . Gibson, John . . Gibson, J. A Goole, Tom . . . . Grimm, Wm. . . . . . Gunderson, G. . ; . . . Haden, Bill Hankes, Mat Hardwiek, J. D. ... Herrick, B. B. Jr. . Hessing, Otto Highberger, Nick... Hirtzsifen, P. E.. . ., Hobart, A. F Hidges, C. W Hoffman, F.. . . . . . . Hosier, Wm Howard, J. E Howell, C. W Hrubetz, F.. . . . . . Humphres, W. H.. , . Hunt, J. T.. . . . Hunt, J, W Huntley, T. B... .. . Ivie & Jerman . . Jackson, J. R Jefferson, Earl... . . . Johns, W. W. .... Johns, G. W Jones, C. ("..... Jones, W. A...... ., Jory, Earl . . . . . . . Kauffman, 8. II... . Kelly, J. A... .. .. . Keefer, D. S. .... .. Kemf, Fred Kimsey, Jim .. 6 King, J. M King, H. E. . . . ; . . rung, Chas Sr... . Kinser, A. S Kuschnick, P. .... Knight, Fred .... Knight, F. D.. . . . Knight & Sehindler Kniskers, Aaron.. -Kniskers, A. A. . . Kranes, M. . . . . Kusy, R.. . . . . . . . Lafontaine, Louis . Lais. John G,. .. . Lambrecht. A... .. Lander, W, W... . Lander, R.. . .... Lang, Louis .... . , Lang. red . . Lathrop, II. K. .. . Lathrop, K. A. . .. . Lathrop, Chas. .. . . Laurence, J. B. . . .. Leonard, A. B.. . . . Lens, Geo. . . . . -. Lent, G. R. .. .. . . Limback, Seb. . . Livingston, Wm.. Livingston, A. L. . Long, Chas. . . . . Louks, Jos... . Lunueen, A. . . iieConviHe, II... . McCormick, W .B. McCorkle,'M. A. McCorkle, Jesse . . McCracken, S. P. , MeGiIchrist, Jas. . 9.00 . 43.50 . 7.50 . 60.00 .. 5.9 . 55.75 . 7.9a . 3.00 . 1.50 . 12.00 . 4.00 . 82.70 . 17.50 . 9.50 . 24.00 . 1.50 . 12.00 . 26.00 . 8.94 . 3.30 . 3.75 . 6.75 . 22.50 . 24.00 . 3.00 . 1.50 . 20.25 . 3.00 . 3.00 . 3.00 . 1.50 . . 22.0 . 6.00 . 6.50 .107.20 . 6.00 . 3.03 . 6.00 . 8.55 . 12.00 . 41.00 . 4.50 . 6.00 . 11.25 . 47.00 . 3,00 . 4.50 . 30.75 . 33.75 . 2.50 . 69.75 . 1.50 . 6.30 .75 . 4.50 . 1.50 . 7.50 . 16.80 . 1.50 . 3.75 . 3.00 00 00 00 64 00 28 00 50 55 All'd. $10.50 3.00 3S.50 6.50 1.50 12.00 -10.50 46S.22 3.00 150 .75 3.00 5.06 72.75 5.00 73.50 3.00 7.50 -10.72 3.00 9.00 13.50 3.00 9.00 15.00 2.75 30.50 1.50 317.07 28 38 13 20 11 103.50 3.00 2.50 52.50 -24.00 9.03. 10.50 23.25 90.86 4.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 16.50 21.00 27.00 9.03 .75 19.50 3.00 2.00 7.50 53.75 3.30 12.00 7.50 12.00 16.50 15.40 37.00 7.50 1.50 11.00 4.80 9.00 9.00 43.50 7.50 60.O0 5.95 55.75 7.90 3.00 1.50 12.00 4.00 82.70 17.50 9.50 24.00 1.50 12.00 26.00 8.94 3.00 3.75 6.75 22.50 24.00 3.00 1.50 20.25 3.03 3.00 3.00 1.50 22.00 6.00 6.50 107.20 6.00 3.00 6.00 8.55 12.00 41. Of)! 4.50 6.00 11.25 47.00i 3.00i 4.50 30.75 33.75 2.50 69.75 1.53 6.30 . .75 4.50 McHwaih, W. ; . . . '. . MeKinney, Wade";: . Mangold, J. A.., v. !. Mangis, Elmer .. . , . Manning ft Ferguson -. Mason, II.. . '. . ... .. Manzey, Perry Melson, - Geo. . . . . Meier, Chas. . . . . i . . Merri field, A.. ... . . Mickel, Geo. A..' .. . Miles, II. P. .... Miley, Wm... .. . Mishler, A... . . .. . Mitchell, L. ft 8. Co.. Mitchell, Geo..... ;.i Moore, Fred ..... Moore, Geo. ... Mooney, J. .. . Morehouse, A. . . . . . Morehouse, R. B. . . Morely,": Bov .... ... Mortenson, Wm. . . . . , Mulkey, Wm. , . ., .. Munson, II. B.. . . . ... Murphy, J. E.. . . Murray, Leo.. ... ... Myers, t red . . . . Nathman, B. A.. , . Need ham, O. D... .. .. Needham, I. C. ...... Nelson, A. ........ , Nelson, Julius . . . . Nelson, Hans , .. Neitling, Nick . . Neetrom, P... Nicely, M. A.. . . . Ohmart, R.. . .... .. . meson, Martin . . Oleeon, Oscar Oeterman, W... .. .... Owens, W. .. .. .. Sindler, W. E.. . .. ... Eider Bros. . . . . . . Pae. States T. ft T. Co. Parker, F. E. .. .. .... Pate, Frank .. Patrick, A. M. .. .. .. Pendleton, D. PetzeL C. A. 9. 35. 4. , 6. 54. 00 00 45 00 50 9. Oof Hoover, Wm. 19.50" 6.00 22.50 . 27.00 4.50' 8.85 30.00 22.50 22.50 22.00 42.00 20.25 48.00 8.25 13.86: 13.86 9.00 45.51 i 2.50 2.901 3.32 3.00 15.00 3.00 10.75 67.85 1.50 10.37 1.50 3.75 5.25 37.50 6.00 41.25 9.00 25.50 6.75 2.00 '35.00 - 4.45 6.00 54.50 19.50 6.00 22.50 '27.00 -4.50 8.85 30.00 22.50 22.50 22.00 42.00 20.25 48.00 8.25 13.86 13.86 9.00 45.51 2.50 2.90 3.32 3.00 5.00 3.00 10.75 67.85 1.50 10.37 1.50 3.75 5.25 37.50 6.00 41.25 9.00 25.50 6.75 2.00 4.00 Cont. E.. 1.50 4.50 16.50 15.00 52.50 18.00 1.50 4.50 16.50 15.00 52.50 18.00 Pitney, Clint .. .. ... 30.00 Cont. 1, 7-. 16. 1. 3. 3. 50 50 55 50 75 00 . . . . . . . MeGdnegal, A. H... 3 9 8 3 12 3 10 7 17,80 3.00 15.00 3.00 9.00 78.33 1.50 10.50 1.50 6.00 6.00 39.00 15.20 35.50 7.50 64.00 7.25 6.00 2.50 16.50 ... 6.00 .. 10.00 ... .75 .. 3.50 .. 36.00 ...27.00 8.47 8.00 ;.. 112.77 U. 15.75 6.00 3.00 9.00 8.64 3.00 12.28 3.00 10.50 7.55 17.80 3.00 15 3, 9, 78. 1, 03 00 00 33 50 10-.50 3.50 6.00 6.00 39.00 15.20 35.50 7.50 64.00 7.23 6.00 2.5i 16.50 6.00 10.00 .73 3.50 36.00 8 8 112 .00 .47 .00 .77 40.50 15.75 40.50 Phole ft Bishop 12.75 Porter, Henrv 5.25 Pottratz, F. H 1.50 Pottratz, Paul 3.00 Pottratz,' G. E... .. .. 15.75 Kadabaugh & Orey .... 3.00 Rasmussen, P. H. 26.25 Kaudishauser, J... .... 11.00 Reise, M 10.50 Reinck, Adam .. .. ... 1.50 Rennie, W. M .50 Rhosine, C. J.. . .. .... 2.63 Kbyduhouser, J 16.00 Richardson, W. Y... ... 1.90 Ritzinger, Nick 3.00 Roberts, J. W. 34.00 Robertson, B. K .50 Robertson, A. E. .. ... 48.00 Robertson, H. II 36.00 Hockey, John 19.50 Rogers, W. H 15.00 Rose, Eynry .. .. 35.00 Kosedale. Tel. Vo 8.60 Ross, J. T. 15.00 Rossi ter, C. H 9.00 Rudishauser, J 9.00 Russell, Elmer .. . . .. 17.50 Russell, S. E. .. Ryan, J.. . . . . , Salem Gun Store Salem T. ft D. Co, Scott John . . . . . Scott, Win. .... Schmitt, Henry . Schafer, John. . . Schafer, J, Shephard, F. . . . Dorman, O. . . . . a . Fisher, Fred . . Judson, B... . . . . Shepherd, C. L...,. Shepherd Adam . '.r. Shiudler, Fred Shipp, Watt .; .'. Siegmnnd ft Pugte . Siewert, A. A Simmons, G . . . Simmons, J. (D... . mmmons, Earl Simmons, Taymond Snyder, I . . Snyder, ('has.. .. Snyuer, Fe ari ; . Snyder, A. C... ., Spencer Hdware C'o Smulding Log Co.. Staiger, Jacob .. . Starr, J. N Starr, E. N... .. . Stauffer, J. '... Stauffer, Saml.. .. Stauffer, Wm, . . . . Steelhammer, A. G.. Stenger, A... .. .. Stevens, I Stevens, E. . . . . Stevens ft Waltman Stiffler, R Stubbs, Emmett .. Shaw, Henry . . . . Barne4t, V... .. .. Strong, O. II.. . . . Taylor, E.. . . . Taylor, J. E. . . . Terhune, G. B Teter, R. D Timm, H. W.. ... Townson, D. F... .. Tromley, F. J. . . Van Allen, A. T.. . Van Arman, J. N. . Van Cleve, J. A. Varley, R. H Voget Lumber Co . . Volz, Fred Volz, O. . . . . Wade ft Co. . . Waltman, J. E... . Western Clay Mfy White, G. G... White, White, J. R Wbkney, C. Whitney, C Whitnes, Peter . . Whitnee, J Whitnee, Robert . . Whitnes, G. B.. Whitnes, A. L. Whitnes, II Whiteman, J Whitaker, D. F. Whitaker, F. L. Whitloek, F. P. .. ... Wiggins, F. W... .. . Wilkins, M. ...... . Wilkins, P. A..... .. . Wilson ft Manrer .. . Winkleroan, Wm. . . . . Wiprut, II ... Wirsing, E. Wittie, Chas. .. ... ... Woolen, Laurense . . . Worden, B... .. . . .. Worden, C A.. ... t. Zimmerman, F. C . . Zimmercan, F, A. . . . Zimmerman, W. A. . . A. Zimmerman, John . i'.. Zollner, J. . . . . ... Zurobrun, S. A..,. . . . . Coolidge, F. O..4. Daniel, A... '.. .. ... Doran, , Seb. . . . . . . . Duppong. Martin .. .. Eseon, Alex. ........ Hagaman, F. . .. Hendriekson, II. . . '. . Ilermle, Mart in . . ... Hetriek, J. B.'. . 31.50 . 12.75 . 1.80 . 8.00 . 3.20 . 21.00 . 1.50 . 19.50 . 22.50 . 6.75 . 2.00 . 3.50 .87 . 1.75 . 3.00 . 6.75 . ' 1.50 . 3.10 . 4.60 . 22.50 . 8.00 . 5.00 . 4.50 . 7.50 . 24.00 . 10.50 . 12.00 . 18.50 .318.51 . 59.05 . 3.00 . 53 .00 . 53.00 . 9.00 . 3.75 . 13.50 . 5.25 . 9.00 8.25 . 9.00 . 22.50 . 3.00 . 13.12 . 17.00 15.00 , 26.00 . 21.00 , 19.50 . 12.00 . 11.00 . 87.37 . 6.00 , 27.00 , 1.50 , 10.50 . 16.50 . 90.00 . 9.90 , 33.75 . 13.50 . 40.66 4.50 225.72 . 7.50 L. 3.00 . 28.50 . 7.50 . 7.50 . 31.50 . 3.00 . 4.00 . 5.25 . 30.00 . 4.50 . 34.50 . 21.00 .78.00 . 12.75 .700.02 . 10.84 . 10.84 . 1.00 . 12.00 . 12.20 . 25.50 . 17.50 . 9.00 . 1.50 . 15.00 . IS. 00 . 3.00 . 48.75 . 6.00 . 28.75 . 12.75 . .75 . 1.50 . 3.00, . 1.50 . 9.00 i" 1.50 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 Co. 12.75 5.25 1.50 3.00 15.75 2.00 "iiloo 10.50 1.50 .50 2.63 16.00 1.90 3.00 34.00 .50 .48.00 36.00 19.50 15.00 35.00 8.60 15.00 9.00 9.00 17.50 31.50 12.75 1.80 8.00 3.20 21.00 1.50 19.50 22.50 6.75 2.00 3.50 .87 1.75 3.00 6.75 -1.50 3.10 4.60 22.50 8.00 5.00 4.50 750 24.00 10.50 12.00 18.50 318.51 58.80 3.00 53.00 53.00 9.00 3.75 13.50 5.25 9.00 .?5 ,20 .00 .50 .00 .12 9 22 3 13 17.00 15.00 26.00 21.00 19.50 12.00 11.00 73.47 6.00 27.00 1.50 10.50 16.50 90.00 9.90 33.75 13.50 40.66 4,50 225.72 7.50 .00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .00 .00 .25 .00 3 28 4 7 31 3 4 5 30 4.50 34.50 21.00 78.00 12.75 700.02 10.84 10.84 1.00 12.00 12-.20 25.50 17.50 !. 9.00 1.50 15.00 18.00 3.00 48.75 6.00 28.75 12.73 .75 1.50 3.00 1.50 9.00 1.50 6.60 6.00 6.00 Jones, Harrison . . Kuschnick; J.. .- .'. : Kuschnick, Peter .. Praatl, F..: .. .. .' Seifer, .G.. .. .. Shiudler, F. O.i. .i : Harrison, G... . . . Hetriek, J. B..w .. Hendriekson, II. . . Howorth, G... .i .". Jones, Harrison . . . Parris, W. H... . . Ringo, B. C. . . . . Barnes J. C... .'.'.. Browne 11, S. S... .. Bumm, A. II. .. Cannon, Chester . . Coleman, C. ..... .. Forrest, J... V, .. .. Gard, F. .. . . . . Grabenhorst, Geo. .. Grabenhorst, V til . , Misteriek, J... .. .. Mumm, Chas. . . . . . Robertson, Ci. . Sheltou, R.. . . . .. Siewert, E. C... .. . Siewert, A. D. . . .'. . Smith, A. G. . . . . . King, Jake ... . . . Tarpley, H. C. .... crown, Cbas. .... Bates, Heruert . . . Femberton, C. . . . . Cup, 8. T... .. .. ,4 Dencer, J. V... .. .. Crozer, L. M.. . .. .. Curtis, L. G Ferris, Wm. . . .. .. Fisher, Fred . . Gilbert, L. M.. . Godding, W. B... .. eal, Jd.. . . . . . . . . NeaL H... .. Newby, 8... .. .. . MeReynolds, J. V... Judson, L. E.. . .. . Minto, D. C... .. .. MitchelL G. ... . . . . Deneer, O. L. 6.00- Parker, E. E. . .... 37.12 Pemberton, Walt 24.00 Huids, John.. .. .. .. 7.50 feck, S. R... 27.56 Ryan, E. R.. . .. . . . 3.00 Whelan, Wm... .. .... 4.31 Whelan, G 3.00 Seaward, A. D. 6.00 Simpkins. J. .... .. .., 45.00 Worden, J. R.. 18. OO Wagner, M ... 32.62 Gunn, C. A 17.62 Whalen, M 21.00 Bolk, F. J... 6.00 Chemawa School .95 Johnson, F.O... ...12.00 Kobo, Fred 12.00 Pruitt, E. A... 6.00 Zilinski, C 12.00 iilinski, Peter ....... 4.50 Zilinski, August 12.00 Zilinski, J; 12.00 Davidson, R . . . . . . 1.40 De Verl, W. T... .. .. 22.40 Eekerlin, Emel .. .. .. 15.00 Edwards, R .. 1,20 Hassing, F. W.. 19.00 Jorgensen, C. W.. . .. .. 47.40 Krones, Al... 7.50 McKee, Will 58.50 McKinley, Otis 6.00 Meisenzgal, Q... i 10.80 Mitchell, G. W.. . . . ... 6.00 Roby, O... .. .. ,. .. 13.95 Schafer, J. ..X. .. .. 17.55 Stenger, A., Jr... .. ... 17.55 Stenger, A ... 17.55 Thomas. A. II 3.00 Turla, T 17.55 Wertz Fred .. 10.05 Whitaker, D. F... .. 43.45 Winkleman, W. II 24.00 Bates,.A .. 9.00- Baraett, E... 15.00 Brighter, ;on..!.'. . ". . -. 2.25 Davidson, W. F. .. .... 61.70 16.00 :-" . 57.00 , '2.25 . 19.20 . 18.00' I 1.50 . 6.00 . 1.75 4.50 . 7.50 , 3.00 , 18.75 3.00 , 9.00 , 7.50 42.55 14.25 ' 42.00 21.00 12.00 27.75 22.50 24.00 40.50 18.00 9.00 16.00 54.00 oo.SQ 22.50 21.00 16.00 22.12 8.25 9.00 22.50 12.00 33.00 49.12 24.36 28.12 12.00 28.31 47.62 36.00 21.00 18.00 15.00 11.25 . 9.00 1.50 57.00 - 19. '18. 1. 20 00 50 6.00 ' 1.75 4.50 7.50 3.00 18.75 3.00 9.00 42.75 14.25 42.00 21.00 12,00 27.75 22.50 40.50 18.00 9.00 16.00! 54.K) 58.50 22.50 21.00, 16.00 22.12 8.25 9.00 22.50 12.00 33.00 49.12 24.36 28.12 12.00 28.31 47.62 36. 21 ; 18. 15. 00 00 00 00 11.25 9.00 6.00 37.12 24.00 7.50 27.56 3.00 4 3 6 45 IS .31 .00 ,00 .00 .00 32.t2 17.62 21.00 6.00 .95 12.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 4.50 12.00 12.00 40 40 00 20 00 40 1. 22, is! l. 19. 47. 7.50 5.8.50 6.00 10.80 6.00 13.95 17.55 17.55 17.55 3.00 17.55 10.05 36.30 "24.00 9.00 .15.00 2.25 61.70 16.00 BirdselL Birt Bridges. Linn County, Or. ..224.08 224.08 Current Expense Account. Burghardt Co W. II. . . .35 Club Stables . . 2.50 Culver -W. J.'. . . . . .. 10.00 Gault Printing Co.. .. 36.50 Herrick, B. H, Jr.. .. 1.50 Hofer Bros... . 46.20 MeCorkle, M. A 2.20 Moores, E. T... .... .. 19.50 Pac. S. T. ft T. Co.. ..19.40 Patton Bros 19 Portland Typewriter Co, .35 2.50 10.00 30.50 1.50 46.20 2.20 19.50 19.40 19.90 .75 3.45 2.14 , 1.50 6.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 2. 60. , 1. 6. 90 pewriter Co. .75 Rice, F. J... 3.45 Richardson, W. Y... .. 2.14 Rodgers, G. F 1.50 Roland, J. W.. . .-. 6.00 Scott, J. II 6.00. Siegmund, J. C.. . . . ... 7.50 Statesman Pub. Co 10.00 Wilson ft Maurer.. . .25 Court House Expense. Busk, I. L... .. .. .... 2.40 Cit. L; ft T. Co 60.30 Damon, A. H... , 1.00 Freeland, J. L.. . .. . .. 6.00 Knight & Susbauer .... .50 Martin, Willard 60.75 Moorie, J. G... .. jS.OO Pettingill, W. D.. ... ; 3.60 Rineman Est. .... .... .50 Salem T. ft D. Co. ..... 1 .00 Salem Water Co. . .. . . 27.05 Spencer Hardware Co. . . 20.02 Thomas, II. A.. 20.00 Cont. Underwool, J. B. .. .. 5.20 Wilson ft Maurer .. .. 1.00 . Poor. High, M. M... .. .... 79.36 Hughes, J. Co... .. ... 1.00 Pac. States T. ft T. Co. . 1.50 JLadies Suits . " of Quality - 'Suits for outing wear, -mountain wear, coast wear, exposition weaf and city wear; all are of the newest fashions and represeut the highest type of workmanship. You can now get two suits for the price of one, as our Silk, Cloth and Mohair suits. are HALF PRICE. " Neckwear Collar and cuff sets in embroidery and lace. Some of the swellest things shown for women who appre ciate daintiness and prettiness. 50c to S2.50 Colonial Stock Special bargains in ladies' neck wear that wH surely attract a great many for Monday's selling. Regular $1.00 Values. Special-price 69c Regular $1.50 values; special price 69c Press Goods Good airy and cool materials for the warm weather that is sure to come. We want you to be prepared in-time. There's splendid choosing now while the assortments are good. Checked Dress Goods in. all color combinations in great variety. 50c to $1.65 VlyelleLy Fla-nnel Will Not Shrink. For outing dresses, waisrs and bath ing suits. Large assortment, of Col ors and color combinations to choose from. 75c ya.rd Wool CKallies i For kimonas, dressing saques dresses, newest colorings and terns. and pat- 50c to 75c Men'sr'r'.;:;'-: Trousers Extra Trousers for summer wear, light weight, stylish materials belt straps and cuff bottoms, full hips;, targe assortment of newest fashion for men who are particular. $3.00 to $4.50 Men's Neckwear New features in men's neckwear iS the Lewis and Clark tie. Embroid ered official flags; embroidered fig ures of the famous pioneers of the west.. They are correct ia every detail. You'll want one to wear; "on the TraiL" 25c Men's Hats All" new styles; styles for summer, wear; the kind you'll want for your vacation, to wear to the coast, to) the exposition, to the mountains. Our assortment includes the genuine Panamas, $5.00 to $10.00 Bathing Requisites Ayvads Water Wings Bathing Trunks Bathing Suits . .250 ....$1.00 WRIST BAGS - A nice line of wrist bags of en velope shape in colors black and tsu Regular $2.00 values at the special price of . . $1.25 Barton, S. P. .... .... 1.45 Assessment and Collection of Irwin-Hod8on Co.. ...90.00 Statesman Job Office.. 1.50 Jail Account. Culver, "W. J... .. .... 80.65 Spencer Hardware Co.. 2.70 Census Account. Rife, J. F... .. 600.00 Court House Expense. Viesko, M. H... .. .... 39.73 Stock Inspector. Keeler, D. D... .. .... 75.00 Insane. Turner, II. II... J. .... 5.00 Bebate of Fees. ' Carson ft Cannon.. ... 5.00 Coroner's Office. Clougb, A. M. . ... .... 18.00 Bean, O. W.. . . . .. .. 5.40 ... Lewis and Clark Fair Account. 1.43 Taxes. 90.00 1.50 S0.C3 2.70 COO. 00 39.75 75.00 &.00 5.00 1S.00 .40 .30 .00 .00 .50 60.75 3.00 3.60 .50 1.00 27.05 20.02 Salem Hospital.. .. .. 31.00 Schmid, Mrs. Jos 4.00 Smith ft Jones.. 18.67 Smith, F. E... 40.00 Well er Bros. 3.00 Spencer Hardware Co.. 1.83 Justice Court. Crittenden, A. C. M 3.00 Grimm, W T... 2.00 Platts,-Wm... .. ... .. 2.00 Queener, W. H... .. .i .3.45 Smith, Henry .. .. .... 1.90 Overton, II .... 3.95 Beaeh, Amos .... .... 16.05 Turner, H. II... .. .... 11.95 Johnson, J. C... .. ... 7.40 Melson, IL W.. . .. .. 1.70 Reese, J. ... 1.70 HilL C E... 1.70 Brown, Geo.. ; ., ..1.70 Saekett, C, B.. . . . . . . . 1.70 White, Elmer ... . .... 1 . 70 Hnmberg, Wm... .. ... 1.70 Turner, IL H... .. .... 4.93 Donaldson, R. O... .... 1.80 Circuit Court Account. Brown, G. O... .. .... 12.40 Johns, Eugene.. .. .... 2.40 Jones, Al via.. ...... 2.20 Jones, Mrs. L. C . . :,. . 2.20 Hofer Bros.. ... .... 24.00 School Snpt. Office. Cornelius, Lizrie .. IS. 00 Moores, Mrs. E. T. .... 9.00 Parker, Wm. ........ 9 .OO Washburn, E. EL.".. . . .. 9.00 Tax Bebate. Melson, Geo... .1.00 5.20 1.00 79.36 1.00 1.50 31.00 4.00 18.67 40.00 3.00 1.83 00 00 00 3.93 16.15 11.93 7.40 ' 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 l;70 M.70 1.70 4.95 1.80 12.40 2.40 2.20 24.00 18.00 .9.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 Brown, F. M... Burghard & Co, Cosper, M. J... Edwards, W. II. Fry, D. J..,i .. Goods, II. N.. . Halley, Eugene. Jones, W. A... Loughead, M.. . Moores, E. T... Mosher, D. 11.. . Nelson, J... .. Reeves, II... .'.. Rolgers 'o.. . . Roth ft Graber. Richardson. W. Savage ft Fletcher Salem T. ft D. Co. , . . Y. . . ....500.50 . .,5.45 . .. 19.3S . 40.oo . .. 5.00 ...f.. 16.87 ... 10.00 .... 22.50 11.56 ..... 1.45 32.50 ....150.00 - - 2.70 ,. 1.63 ..103.48 , .- 5.85 -18.65' 500.50 5.45 19.36 40.00 5.00 16.87 10.00 22.50 11.56 1.45 32.50 150.00 5.25 2.70 1.63 103.48 5.85 18.65 100.00 3.00 2.00 15.00 .50 12.60 3.60 . 4.95 4.00 2.00 CROP REPORT WEEKLY, BULLETIN FROM UNIT ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AOBICULTUBS. Apple Outlook in Central New Eng land Ia Unfavorable All Fruits In Tennessee Mostly Failures Other Sections Report Favorably. . j Savage, W. II... .. .. .100.00 Statesman Job Office .. 3.00 Stanton, J. E.. . .3, .... 2.00 Steiner & Berger.., 15.00 Sutton,- Albert .. . ... .50 Wade ft Co. 12.60 Weller Bros... .. .... 3.60 White ft Son 4.93 White, C. T.. 4.00 Wood burn Trans. Co;... 2.00 County Court and Commissioners. " Statesman Pub. Co..... 16.75 16.75 Hofer Bros. 27.25 27.25 Needham, I. C... .. ... 29.40 ' 29.40 Miley, Wm... .. .. .. 39.00 39.00 Reports and Petitions. In. the maXter of the deed for road purposes from Anson S. Cone, et uz, and Wm. J. Miley for road purposes Aeceptel. . ' In the matter of cancelling warrants outstanding for seven years prior . to July, 1905 Order that the list of war rants be published as required by law. In the matter of the petition of H. Wiper for the location of- a county road Continued. In the matter of the petition of D. A. Siewert, et al for the location of a eonaty roal Established. Ia tbe matter of tbe petition of Lee Jeffries, et aL, for liquor license for Horeb precinct Granted; alooa to be locateil at Gates. In the matter of petition of Citizens' L. ft T. Co. for right of wsy Granted upon conditions to be entered into. In the' matter of advertising and making sale of property bought ia by Marion county for delinquent taxes for the year 1900 Order that . notice of such sale be given by publication as by law required.. In the matter of eounty aid for Mrs. Romier Order .that clerk draw a war rant in the sum of $5.00 payable to B. R. Ryan to pay rent. D. CHAMBERS Wholesale and Mfg. Optician. Optical Parlors ISS Seventh t ertlaatf Ore. In tha Lake region and Nem Eng land the outlook is more or lessprom ising. In the central valleys it is not favorable, except in some section. New England Apples good, but win ter varieties below averge; other fruits promising. New York Fruit looks promising; apples have set well; strawberries in good condition. .;, . ' New Jersey Heavy crop of straw berries being marketed. ' Maryland and Delaware Small fruit proising; early cberriea ripe, cjual lty good and average quantity. Virginia Apples falling heavily; heavy frost on 9th. Georgia Early peaches being war ketel; melons ripening ia south. Florida lineapples, ieach$a and vegetables being sbtped. Alabama rZsn rly melons and peaches being shipped. Texts Fruit doing well. Arks nms Apples poor; other fruit promising.! Tennessee- Fruits mostly failure. Illlnios-f Bcrriqs promising; apple dropping badly. Indiana Apples and plum falling badly. '.West Virginia Apples and peaches promise about half a crop, .but -poor prospects for other fruit, cx"cejt rasp berries snd blackltcrries. , Ohio Apples dropping badly but peachca improving; graphs promising. Michigan Greater part of tbe bean crop still implanted; fruit, except tbe cherries, continues promising. Wisconsin Fruit prospect good. - Minnesota Apple promise j well; strawberries ripening., Iowa Apple crop promising except in portions of south Section. Nebraska Applea dropping badly. . Kansas Apples fair. MontanaFruit prospects good, generally good. Arizona Apricots plentiul; Apple and plums scarce; early . vegetables marketed north. Utah Sugar beets and fruit making. . god growth. . Oregon Tree fruit uneven and be low average; bosh fruit setting very heavily. : . Washington Hop growing welj. but,, have sot 'armed out;, all 'vegetables do ing welU : .:-'' rf" """ flf f!el a j Ul l.owlwt.lj X f vArir.t.iifc7t,e.r.t. 6 0 LCHalnniNMnMMiTimiaUa n .1 I mm tw m kmtmm mm n mm,, ll y. J A S S mtfmt tnmm an, mt hi. mi mmrm. r - t mt ttm tm F A fajtm wMn.iii mm mwa. tmm. 1 na. losnAir.rtiir atk A T CflWUUHllNMll'trtlil 1 1K4lntjl. V Amniimf Mw, rHltU .mm wt W tnm tW i turn pK mi wn mry, tj MKBV mm Hxrul Mm(tb mp . BlMXrfcUtrfMiKiri f T wm myikx "leirrr-g rrnw , , V 9 rrls 1