Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 20, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    ftsfeliaaed every Tuesday and WJi; by the
tiATxaxix rcstxssxara coictavt -
evear n advanee... ....... ........ fLOS
s laoatna, la adyaaee. ................... JO
i ;ree ssoauis. la idnae.....,..., ....... .2
VM;r, oa Um.....4...... Us
Tie Statesman has ben established tw nearly
f r r-iwoypaj,an4 Unas seme subscribers who
tu teottTM u nearly that Ion, aad assay
fie tT eeed it for a feneration. Bom e
tice atlact to ha vine tie paper eiswatinad
t ia time of titration ef their subscriptions.
tt tit
!t al tfeeae, ea4 lor wtaer hhom
we ha rea selected to4iacOBUBQa euberiptias
a iy when sUfle4 to da ao. AH peratraa paying
"flea satoecrlanf, or parinf la adraace, will
ra th oenefltof the dollar ret. Bat if they
to not pay fnf at moat ha, taa rata will be lUa
a rear. HereaJter wa wiU send the paper to all
aeapooaifeie porooa who order It. tboaxa the?
may not asad taa odt. with taa adersUad.
tag thatthev are to par IL34 a year. la eaaa tbey
let ihe subscription aoooaat raa ever sis
enontaa. Ia order that there ssay be ao mini a
Aeratandlair. we will keep this net toe firHnf;
at tai place la the paper. i
If Russia is doubtful about the peace
terms, Oyama will proceed to destroy
Lineviteh and arm aa a further argument.";-
V 8o long as we- sell 112,D00,00O of
merchandise to Germany In exeess - of
wbat we buy of that 'country we don't
need to -worry about' reciprocity with
that country. ; :-
The Santa Cruz Sentinel says a
"city without good streets I and good
sidewalks does not cut much ioe."
Now 8alem, get; up, and get into the
iee business.
Secretary Hay aaya he does not in
tend to retire from the cabinet. He
may act as a balance wheel in that
rather, rattlety-bang piece of govern
mental . machinery again.
Most congressmen -would rather
spend $500 on their political fences
than to' go 'to the 'Philippine islands
. and spend it just to know how to rote
oa the Philippine tariff. Most of them
know how to-do that now. L
Those who say that a coalition of
the three powers, England, Japan and
the United States, is necessary in order
that we may be permitted to retain the
Philippine islands, aeem to be talking
like a field full of rabbits. i
That business and politics must
blend in this eountry seems j a surprise
to Mr. Dalrymple of Glasgow and oth
er scientific reformers. It is this very
fact, however, that makes ia republic
differ from other governments.
: Secretary Taft finds that members of
congress are not anxious to study eon:
ditions ia the Philippines at their , own
expense. The date for sailing ap
proaeheth, but the congressional party
son est get-at-ibus. It was different
when all thought the government would
foot all the bills. , j
. ,. Hove easy it is for newspapers to
say that enlightened men should insist
on the abolition ot war and, the settle
ment of all questions by arbitration.
Hut the old Adam in man has never yet
disappeared, and a man without some
of it is too soft-to bite butter. So
long as it remains in man it will be
exemplified . in nations. j
When a balance of trade comes to
the. -United States amounting to 500
millions of dollars per annum it is
idiotic; to talk about "a tariff that
keeps, a "Yankee from swapping.'" Or
do the pro-revisionists want to swap
that half; a thousand millions of the
other fellows money for 1 his cheap
manufactures? " j
Secretary Wilson predicts that Amer
icans will some day have to stand for
a rise. in the price of bread. That is
pretty serioua, but just now the ordi
nary man off on a fishing jaunt could
cut down the amount of bread be has
been in the habit of taking with him.
It would take a rise ia the price of
the other things to worry him.
Democratic papers that harp on the
exeeaa this year: of cxpenuituree over
receipts never refer to the cash balance
on hand of 130,000,000 to. keep col
lectors from calling the second time.
St. Loots Globe-Democrat, j Those Re
publicans who have set the deficit up
aa the cause for tariff revision are also
reminded of this. C J
No Ha ir ?
: My half waa falling out try
fist and I was greatly alarmed. I
then tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor and
ray hair stopped falling at aca,
.Ira. G. A. McVsr, Alexandria, O.
; The .trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly.5 Save your
hair. Feed it with Ayers
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show, AVer's Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time r.: k
It your drortUt canaot wrp
. foliar mA wa wnl ex
nK Beweaad rte the i
. t ya ;Xy tB CO., Lowail, ataea.
How long halt ye Between two opin
ions f I Kings xviii:2L 1
Rev.; Charles Jefferson D. D. of New
York, writing ia ihe New York Herald,
takes op what he calls, man 's vacillat
ing character, and handles the subject
as follows, basing it on the text at the
head of this article: ; , V .
It is a question the prophet Elijah
put to the vacillating people of his
day, and , it is just as pertinent today
aa wlfen the prophet asked it.
The situation Elijah faced is repeat
ed In each succeeding generation. The
true religion and the false religion are
ever coming into conflict. The. religion
of truth is always-making war upon the
religion of error, the religion of the
spirit upon the religion of the flesh.
Christianity and the world are in ever
lasting conflict, and there ia much good
ia each. There is much that ia good in
Christianity every one acknowledges
this.4 Its principles are beautiful,' its
ideals are. white and shining.
No one ot intelligence can speak dis
respectfully of the teachings of Jesus
of Nazareth. Bat there is also some
thing that ' is pleasant in the . religion
of the worta. There is much of it that
is desirable and sweet. And, therefore,
men do not want to give up Christian
ity entirely, nor are they willing ; to
give up the religion of the world alto
gether. They simply halt between two
opinions. One of the characteristic
features of our day is the large number
of non-committal 'men. One of the prob
lems of the hour is to bring them to
Many forces have conspired to render
this an age of indecision. There have
been times when men have repudiated
Christianity with scorn. The crowd
has often shouted, ' Down with Jesus
of Nazareth, the impostor!" but to
day men refuse to express themselves.
When the preacher says, "How long
halt ye between two opinions f" his
congregation meets him with silence.
Men are becoming more and more lati
tudinarians. Their religious beliefs
have no ascertainable boundaries. In
the realm of spiritual matters they
walk in a haze. They have no eonvie
tions, and therefore no. conclusions.
The deep foundations of organized
Christianity are being worn away by
the corrosive action of the wavering
mind, j
; Indecision on vital matters is a sign
and source of weakness. Men who
boast of our freedom of thought ought
to do some thinking. Men who think
ought sorely sooner or later to reach
at least a few definite conclusions, and
having reached conclusions they are
under obligations to let the world know
wbat theyare. Much baa been said in
recent yeats about man's right to
think; the time has come to emphasize
his duty to think. Every right carries
alontr with it a corresponding duty. If
we have the right to think we are
bound to reach conclusions, and, hav
ing reached them, we are bound to ex
press them if they relate to problems
which affect the welfare of all the peo
ple. No man ia strong who has not
deep-seated convictions, and if a man
has convictions it is impossible for
him to smother them without blighting
his soul. It is the man who ia afraid
of speaking his mind who comes at
last to have no mind- at all.
While there can be no doubt that Dr.
Jefferson's standard for man is more or
less correct, there is much reason to
doubt the truthfulness of his estimate
of man. No doubt a great 'many men
hare difficulty in taking sides, fail to
decide with promptness or to take a
decisive position, yet the majority of
thinking men. men of education and
affairs, are usually to be found on one
side or the other of most great ques
tions. While perhaps many are not ac
tive religionists, one is rarely encoun
tered who has not strong religious
opinions and who on occasion will hesi
tate to -express them.
On polities men are usually pre
pared at any time to declare their po
sitions. The trouble ia that too many
would-be retormers and would-be lead
ers, who see the world. topsy turvy
and going to the oemnition bow-wows,
when they hnd men who refuse to
agree- with them, eharge those men
with weakness, with preferring graft,
etc., with being vacillating and not
taking a stand. The only thing is all
men do not see alike, nor agree on all
subjects, and each haa his right to
maintain his opinion without being
charged with all the crimes of tbe dee
alogue. j l '.
So far iaa it : being man 'a . duty to
express his opinions ' at alt times, in
season' and out of season, ia concerned,
the general love of personal peace pre
vents such action. In this day when,
aa Dr. Jefferson says, men' have grown
to be largely latitudinarians, it ia this
of itself that makes men keep sileaee,
awaiting , the t psychological moment
to air their ideas and opinions. f 'i
This sdence however, does not indi
cate that , they have no opinions.
i '. ; . PARTY." ' .
"The Tribune will recognize no dif
ference between Republicans and Dem
ocrats in the elections next fall. The
men to be elected have no party duties
to perform, and it is - unimportant
whether they belong to one party. or
another or. to no party. It is ridicu
lous to choose a man for a body so tx-
closivelr Vreatd for bnaiaesa nrtooafof these verr diverse exhibits, the dog
as the drainage board is with any ref
erenee to Jif opiaioaa on foreign historical empire winner for,
tiona, or the tariff, or 'imperialism -. ort M t .r .
the square Of thw hypotenuse. Nobody eordiag to the Lewis and Clark Jonr
cares whether a drainage trustee is a nal, those brave c explorers "were so
Bepubhean, a Democrat, a Socialist or often foreed to purchase for food the
a. .rroniDiuonist, provtdea he le an aon
est. man, a disbeliever in the 'spoils
system, and will endeavor to adminis
ter -the duties of his office with .strict
regard to his public obligations. The
same is true ox the judges. It ought
not to matter whether a judge is a
member of one party or the other if he
ia an honest man, a good lawyer and
an npright eitizea." . : .
The above plain remarks-are from
that excellent Republican? newspaper,
the Chicago Tribune. - That -. is, the
Tribune is Republican in national and
generally in state polities. Cireum
stances might ' possibly arise "among
which it woula not be so. It would not
support Brvan for president, - for in
stance, because it fears him on aeeount
of his money views, but it might sup
port Folk or Douglas or Jerome
against some Republicans that might
be named. But however that might be,
it has no polities in municipal elections
or as to the jnmeiary. It supported
Harlan (uepuoiiean) zor mayor m tne
recent municipal contest." not because
he is a Republican, But because he is
a reformer .within -and sometime
without his own party. What a eon
treat between the utterance quoted
and the daily pleas made in the recent
municipal campaign in this city, for
party regularity for votes for" Repub
lican candidates solely because - they
were Republicans. What a respect the
mass . of ' intelligent : and discerning
readers must have for a Republican
paper like the Chicago Tribune. rort
land Journal. ' .
How 'easy it is for 'the Democratic
brethren to commend President Roose
velt 'a free trade or tariff reform ideas
or those of some ' member of his cabi
net in connection with the Panama' ca
nal; the policy of those weak-kneed
Republicans who have succumbed to
the cries of the enemies -of protection
and have joined them in the demand
for tariff revision. How they join in
the chorus when j any Republican or
ReDublican newspaper demands that
party be forgotten in the interest of
some man or set of men. How they
applaud the appointment of some mug
- a
wump to office, when the appointment
is made by a Republican.
However, let it be the other way,
Let Democrats be the parties showing
laxity in their partjr fealty and hear
the roar. ,
The, above from the Journal anent
the statement ot a Chicago newspaper
which has been recognized as an inde
pendent or mugwump paper for several
. a m a a
years, however, is a aampie ot mis
sort of rot.i The-idea that a party and
its political principles can be main
tained with the control of the admin
istrative offices . in the hands of oppo
nents of that party or those principles,
is 'absolutely untenable. The ; experi
ence is eoming to the Republican party,
and that soon, if its leaders do not
trv to keep its organization in better
shape. Giving away the offices, to put
it dearly, is placing all power against
Policies will only be carried out
by their fr.iends: Friends of the pro
tective tariff need not expect those who
believe in free' trade to work to main-
a-'.'.-.- .
tain protection; gold money men need
expect nothing from silrerltes or
greenbackers. ' Democrats and Popu
lists and ail other party men work
constantly and consistently against the
Republican party. I Then what is the
latter party to dot Surrender . its
power and thus its principles! The
question is up to Republicans to think
The following letter" from one of
Oregon's esteemed pioneers, one who
followed the Lewis and Clark way
ia 1844, the last year the white man
was compelled by hunger to cat the
flesh of dogs as food, is certainly
apropoa. There is no doubt at all that
the,' exhibit of the Igorrotes from the
Philippine Islands will be very inter
esting and will make a very attractive
feature of the fair; but Ezra Meeker,
the emblem of thetrail blazer, and one
of a type now fast disappearing, the
early pioneer, should have a place on
the fair grounds, even though we have
to do without the Igrrotes.
. This pioneer says:
The writer was at Portland on Sa
lem Day, but the princlpsl reason was
that pioneer day succeeded, and this
took me to pioneer headquarters at the
city halL 1 there met a live pioneer,
Ezra Meeker of Washington, who con
ceived that the exhibition- of the fam
ily wagon and its motive power, would
be aa excellent way of impressing oa
the miavda ot- the young of today the
chief means of winning old Oregon by
the strongest 'of the three points of ti
tle, discovery, exploration, occupation,
the last being the most important.
' Perceiving this Jast". fact, President
Goode made Mr. Meeker's wagon and
team welcome aad alloted him space,
but the catch-penny exhibit of Igor
rotes, which first turned away because
the conditions of i ts promotion . could
not be met, aa this pioneer understood,
now returns," and as all apace- ia now
occupied,; Mr: 'Meeker 'a .team, aad wa
gon space is desired - for the ee-ealled
og eating people, and Mr. Meeker is
appealing to public sentiment : against
being forced awayr 'f :f;;: ? '::!-v
It is only one of many perplexities
the management of this apparently! the public trUls of eases against ac
very. suceesstul fair has had, and will cused persons, in advance' of .the con
have, aad most earnestly I hope this! vening of the courts which tare, prop-
win ena ior me nest.
As between the instructive influence
- ; eaters are behind tb ox wagon 100
- r,.., at thm n.tirea between the aum-
mit of the Roekv mountains and the
Pacific ocean; that many of their men
got to prefer dog flesh to venison, and
in reflection on this, te most of us,-repulsive
fact,, we should not forget that
amongst the Minitareea, where the
Lewis, aad, Clark party-wiatered In
1804-5, the feast of honor was the feast
of doir meat, among all branches of
the Sioux a meat eating people.
Strongly siding with the ox team and
wagon as the best historical object les
son, one which our sister state of Cali
fornia, with less ; reason than Oregon,
has permanently , placeda life sized
painting of in the moat conspicuous
spot of her capitoL I hope Mr. Meek
er's exhibit wul be permitted to remain
on the grounds.
California is going to ' capture the
entire control of a great, commercial
port of Oregon if Oregon capitalists
and merchants1 don't awaken to the sit
uation. We reier to , a district 182
miles nearer to .Portland,' too, than te
Sacramento the Klamath river ' coun
try. The people of Klamath Falls have
subscribed a subsidy of $85,000 toward
the building of a railway leading out
to California, and San Francisco and
Sacramento capitalists have added 15,-
000 to that
Portlandera and Oregonians seem to
be asleep to their opportunities, ever
waiting for some one else to do 'things
for them.
Don't Portland know what it loses
if it lets Klamath Falls become - eon
nectcd with California f It loses the
trade of a district 150 miles square. Of
this eountry the secretary of the cham
ber of commerce of Klamath Falls tells
the following to the Sacramento Un
ion: ...
"The Klamath river country is an
empire in and by itself. It is bigger
than Massachusetts and comprises all
that part of the extreme northern por
tion of the state that lies east of the
Sierra Nevadas, and Southern Oregon
east of the Cascades. It ia isolated be
cause it has no railroad communica
tion with the outside world, and be
cause of the topography of the country
it properly belongs to California. What
good we have had has come from Cali
fornia, and many of our people would
not object to seeing the statu line
drawn a little farther north. .
' But the Klamath river .country is
on the road to advancement,,, The sec-
rvlirv nf tfia infprinr ha innrnvcil thfl !
. m- a i
fn. ika irrlmtinii aflI roc lama. I
tion of over 400,000 acres in the valley
and $4,400,000 baa been act aside for
the work, of which $1,000,000 is avail
able for immediate use. Klamath Falls
has , a population 'of 1000 people, and
in the entire county there are but 6000.
The industry at present is -cattle rais
ing, and lasfyear the Klamath river
section drove 50,000 head of cattle into
California. Having no outlet, we raise
nothing that we cannot drive out. We
have -150,000 acres of the finest lake
bed on earth, and it will raise anything
that is planted on it."
Portland should work to secure the
completion of the Corvallis and East
ern to Eastern Oregon and then q the
Klamath country. It is one of the
most feasible routes and would develop
a magnificent country in between its
present terminus and . the Klamath ba
sin, in addition to bringing Southeast
ern Oregon in touch with Oregon's com
mercial center.
Wiir Portland ever, wake upf Time
will tell; but in the meantime the trade
of a great empire will be turned to
ward the south. " r-.-.-.
The Oregonian 's leading editorial of
yesterday morning is so unfair that its
unfairness will be evident- to any one
who read The Statesman's editorial of
Friday morning entitled "Our Lands
Again." '
Mr. Heney did not secure the convic
tion of Puter. Watson, et al. alone, any
more than John Halt did.. In faet, the
credit of this action. is due Mr. Hall.
. The SUteeman calls "attacking Ore
gon ; and Oregonians," the publication
of such scurrilous matter as that by
Richard Lloyd Jones, which indicates
that every man from the highest to
the lowest in Oregon has been guilty
of conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment. That "Oregon has for years
been afflieted with a cancer known as
'the land conscience. It has fastened it
self upon its highest as well as its
humblest citizens," indicating that all
ita citizens ! are infected with it, is
what The statesman takes exception
to. It finds fault with , a writer who
insists on "publishing to the; world as
fact that the entire people of a great
state have been guilty of crime, and
simply live o fob the government. It
also finds fault ' with any newspaper
whose writers scatter as truth every
outspoken suspicion of men who are its
political enemies, for political reasons
and whom rnlnmnt in nmatiintxl 4n
rly authorized to hear the evidence
and to weigh it ca reeerved; from the1
- 1 mouths of witnesses who tell only what
i they know.4 ' '
This doea not necessarily , indicate
that a newspaper like The Statesman
is political ring 'or land ring organ.
To its friends, denial of such a 'charge
is unnecessary; to those acquainted
with the Oregonian it is also unneces
sary. Others will learn the truth in
time, as they become acquainted with
conditions in Oregon. , '
All, however, will 'agree with The
Statesman in ita : complaint - against
those who charge that Oregon ia a hot
bed of graft aad corruption,-and . its
people grafters and corruptionists.
A new Daniel has come to judgment
in the person of Lawyer Chas. A. Gard
ner of New York, who rejoices as the
powers of - the president expand until
they ; became more and more kingly.
He7says, af ter recounting how the
president's powera have grown until
hm aM the nremdent in everv appointee
of the government, and that we have j
entered still on a new era of political
development in which the president is
all, is "it," is thd plein'pouvioraa
age of further" executive , expansion.
This pleases Gardiner, and his re
frain is as follows: : t v
"I rejoiee in such a president, I ex
ult in such an executive., I glory in
such a chief magistrate; in all his pro
portions . a majestic, constitutional
figure, uncontrolled by congress, unre
strained by" the courts, vested with
plenary constitutional power and ab
solute constitutional discretion, a sov
ereign ' over 80,000,000 people and the
servant of 80,000,000 sovereigns; and
grading up to his colossal stature are
all the departments of -government,
centering in him is a hierarchy of office
and a hierarchy of power as well, and
running through the whole vast organ
( ism is a constitutional appeal over and
beyond the. courts and congress and
the senate on up to the president him
self, in whom reposes the highest dis
cretion of the government, and beyond
whom there exists in the republic no
human discretion whatsoever except
the omnipotent judgment of the
mighty and multitudinous tribunal of
the people." .
That there is room for difference of
opinion as to this matter is .not to be
doubted, and as to the advisability of
the extension of . executive functions.
The original idea of this government
was based on triunal division of pow
ers. The congress was the originator
of legislative action, and its .promotor.
The president exercised . the function
of. executing the laws,, while the courts
held the connective power. A presi
dent with kingly powers replacing the
other now co-ordinate branches of the
government, would hardly suit the
people -of. this nation. lie would soon
1 r
Americas, ; re-electing himself from
time to . time and controlling the don
gress and courts a la Castro in Venc
zuela, a punta de la pistola.
Mlonel O. a.' Wood, writing m
Pacific Monthly for June, discussing
the direct primary - nominating law,
says: ! s
"1 aidel this, work so far aa I CooM,
doubtingly, but hopefully. I am still
hopeful, but doubting. It is too soon
to prononnee. upon so radical a change,
but it does seem as" if all the evils
of ."what is everyboly a business is
nobody's business,' hovers about this
experiment.' It has perhaps robbed the
boss of some of his power in his pliant
tooL the convention, and be has not
yet so adapted himself to new condi
tions, as to organize and dictate the
party candidates completely at the
primaries.. Meanwhile, the 'good citi
zen' is still content with being just
'good' and leaves polities to the poli-
tcians. The consequence is that in the
Republican party (which holda the
greatest caances zor tae prizes! Is a
stampede of self-appointed .candidates:
and in the minority (Democratic) party
men are reluctant, to stand at all, and
for many offices , there are no eandi-
ustes. j. stiii oeweve mis is a move
in the line of progress because it re
moves veils and secrecies, but just so
long as polities brings plums, yon will
find plum hunters; and it is they, not
the 'good citizen,' who will by work
and organization capture the plum tree.
The remedy is either to rob politics
of its tremendous. power over our prop
erty ; in ' taxes, contracts for improve
ments, franchise granting, etc, and
bring it more and more to the basis
of merely affording peace and protec
tion, or else to have the very best men
in the community hold office. This last
seems a . perpetual failure and t never
more so than v in the nominations at
the primaries.' 'Yon may bring the
trough of polities to the best people
but you can not make them drink.'.
Like Colonel Wood, many aided this
work: hopefully, yet -iloubtingly; few
continue hopeful, many doubtf uL And
jewpprt gummer Resort
Please mention Daily Oregon Statesman when answering dTcrtiement
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A hundred yards from ihe Beach
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Rock Oytter Beds and RSck A rates.
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the cost of Cottages. ,
0a--e eea.O
it is because, as Colonel AVowl says,
there "is a stampede of self-appointed
candidates." He might have gone a
little further and accounted in another
large measure for the doubting Msi
tion of many concerning the efficacy
of this law, in that it will usually
mean, for this same reason, the nomin
ation of some man by so small a plural
ity as to be a nomination by a value
less minority. The jtesult will' be, :too
often, we fear, defeat of the minority
nominee, because the many others will
feel that it "was not his butt in,' to
use a slang phrase. Conventions may
have had this objeteionable features,
and sometimes may have erred in the
selection of candidates, but in the main
in the majority of cases this selection
of a candidate was made 'for 'reasons
combining fitness, geographical loca
tion, availability and the fact that such
selection would also smooth . over the
factional fights of a party. The new
law permits consideration of none of
these, at times very important things
if party success is desired. If it is
simply to be a government by indi
viduals, however, and the '"right of
the majority to rule" is to bo cut out
of our governmental theory, then this
law will do as well as any. It at least
will mean advertising for newspapers,
and that every candidate will have to
make an .expensive campaign for the
nomination. . - . . . . "
' The recent outrage by United States
immigration official upon fou 4 Chinese
students who had , arrived in . Boston
harbor from England, on their way, to
China, merits, all the advertising it can
get. The hideousaess 'of .the present
Chinese exclusion- laws, in so fax as
they affect Chinese other than laborers,
should be borne in. upon. the attention
of the country, and this; ia likely to
happen, now that the threatened Chi
The children's friend- .
JayinicTroMc VermSlTtiage
out blood impurities. Makes
Gives tone, vitality and
Get it from y our druggiit
Good eating is demanded
by a seaside appetite - -
If going to Newport, write
Mrs. Or ant King. prop, of
The Stlrnpaon Huuou
Nte Crkck
Three Moeka from the beech.
Te br aa re of accommodation wrCe ia
. adrnca. - ' . '
Newport House
Bathing beach bat thft 4leace frem hotel
Lowest Rates at the Coast
Write and engage rooms early.
Ihttes fl.25 per daj; 6 er week.
American plan. Add reus
Newport, Oregon
Table excellent. Accommodation for
75 guests.
Refreshing baths salt or fresh
water. Hot and cold water
shower baths.
. - Prraona Fuffeiinx from nervona
; pioatraliun or Minsrh troubl
ae etipei lally heDeflied ly salt
water bath. Wliiatrtl rllit on
taeocrea lech at Nje t'rera.
Tot further Information addrcaA
Dr.H. J.lfiflttcn, Prop,, Ketport, Or
b - a a a
bay view House
raring Steamboat landing
t-ler of life oo Yaquina'a
Ovllgbtfal ataorea. : : : :
. Reaert , .
Accommodations best of
; any hotel at the coast -Write
and have your rooms reserved
Rates same as heretofore
O. I7. Jacobson, Prop.
Nbwpoht, - Oregon
Rutfe afW. jAl jAl aAi jk. afla jat
JASwa Cmmtif Ha. atMiillaiiiiiii... M
imi tseva ts riU " s Ti ij
kirl.ai,r imaMaaainii,HWiM
1 KlUvi. a alarm, If; awnrt4a aat
baia Mhmb aaa4 prat ii Im la la
NirtMtiC.ieo.,Mi f4,uawni, Pm.
Bold ia Bslem by 8. O. Btoae.
nese boycott on American manufactures
has stirred up our northern and south
ern cotton manufacturers. The Hr!wi
ease was flagrant. The tuIrnts cur
ried letters of 'rtroductin from Am
bassador Cboate and their passports
were without a flaw. Yet the oflieials
detained, them for' 'twenty-four hours,
photographed them like criminals, and
eom-tellcd them to give lwnd that they
would not lrwk for work and take Ibo
bread out of the proud American work
ingman's mouth. . AVhen these boys get
home to Hiina and tell their rxjerience
to their pnele, wbo is the governor of
Shanghai, the boycott on American
goods, will not be mitigated any.
Springfield Republican.
rYVbewNlid it become incumbent mon
the United Btatea to "pacify the Gir
man government," or any other, when
congress, if the occasion should arise,
goes into tariff legislation f asks the
St. Iiouis Globe Democrat. The United
Sta4es has business conditions of its
own to study. It is a protectionist
eountry, and a protectionist platform
last year received a popular plurality
of 2,500,000. Tariffs will be shaped at
home for home use and by a protec
tionist congress. It is said that Ger
many will lead a continual agitation
to keen onrwla of American 'production
out of continental markets. I'erhaps
the report is exaggeratcL At all
events, a large number of the German
people advise against any such hostile
action. But supposing it to be true,
does it follow that American tariff
rates must be made in continental
Europe or submitted to it for approv
al! The free, trader, as glib with hi
farrago of "theorems" as any free sil
ver spouter ever was, will insist that
Such is the case, but the protectionist
Republicans of the United States are
of a different opinion. "
Legal Blanks, Statesman Job Office.
strong nerves and muscles.
( ": y