Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 02, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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r" rwwTT WHil V" TfTT
I -V 1 W Pk V
In Ills Dispatch to the Government at
Tokio Under Date of May
UuvAx's Loss, According; to Same Be
, port, Amonnts to Twenty-Two Ship,
i Sank or Captured Tljag Ship Was
- Utterly Destroyed EeporU Conflict.
30. The Jap-
are out, tbe
anese legation tonight;
following cablegram from Tokio: The
fix th report from Togo, rjeeei red on tbe
afternoon of May 30, nays: ' 'The
main force of our rombi ied fleet, npon
accepting the surrender f tbe remain
ing Russian main force near Lianeourt
in tbe afternoon of May j 30, as already
reported, stopped its pursuit ; and,
while engaged in the disposition of sur
rendered ships,' fonnd in the sojithwest
direction the Admiral Ushakolf, a coast
defense ship. Thereupon I wate and
Yakumo immediately dispatches a pur
suit and invited her. to surrender, but
Boe reiuseu ana was suns: at o p. m.
Her erew of over 30O men was rescued,
T. Bojestvensky a Prisoner. - X
' ' The cruiser Dmitri Dopskoi, also,
was found in a northwestern direction
at 5 p. m. and was immediately over
taken and fired on vigorously by our
fourth division and second destroyer
flotilla. She was attacked that night
by the second destroyer flotilla and the
next morning was found; aground on
the . southeastern" chore of Urleung
island, off the C'orean coast. Our de
stroyer, the Hazanami, captured, toward
the evening of May 27, , in the- south
of Urleung Island, the Suasion destroy
er Biedovy, wherein were found Bojest
vensky and another admiral both, se
verely wounded, together with eighty
Russians, including the' staff officers
from the flagship Prinee Suvaroff, sunk
at 5:29 p. m. on May 27. They were all
taken prisoners. Our cruiser Chitose,
while cruising to the northward on the
morning of "May 28, . found and sunk
another Russian destroyer. Our cruiser
Niitaka and destroyer Mnrakumo at
tacked also at noon, May 28, a Russian
destroyer, which finally went aground.
. Twenty-two Ships Lost.
" Official statement of the Russian'
Admiral Togo, Lying in Wait,' Launches
- Firs Into Approaching Slav -
" . Squadrons.
Vladivostok Others Either Sank or
Captured -Japanese Losses Slight
Three Torpedo Boats Are Sank.
Little hope for the Russians can be
found in the latest dispatches regard
ing the naval - battle off Tsn : island.
Only four vessels of Kojestvensky 'a fleet
are - known to have reached
That the best ifj the cheapest, goes without saying when buying sil
ver plated spoons, knives and forks. They are used three times a dayp.
every day in tbe'yeir so you'll save money in the long run by buyfcig
good, durable heavy plated ware, j ',
Here are Rogers' finepIateT goods at unusually attractive prices:
Cor. State and
Liberty Sts.
Salem, Or,
losses as far as ascertained is: Six
battleships sunk, Prince Suvaroff, I m
perator" Alexander II, Borodino, Oslia'
bia, Sissoi, Veliki and Navarin; five
cruisers sunk. Admiral Nakimoff, Dmit
ri, Donskoi, Vladimir, Monomach, Sviet
lana and Zemtehung; the coast defense
shin Admiral Onahskoff v aunk two
special service ships, the Kamtehtka, CAPTAIN OF RUSSIAN CRUISER
and three destroyers wer also sunk; i TELLS STORY OF BATTLE.
two battleships, the Orel. and Impera- j
tor Nicholas 1; two coast defense ships,
General Admiral Apraxime 1 and Ad
miral , Senyavin, and one' destroyer,
xSiedovi, were captured. Thus, Russia
lost ; altogether f twenty-two - ships, be
sides the cruiser Almaz, suspected to
have been sunk.'f
Russian Fleet in Sad Plight.
Vladivostok, May The Russian
protected cruiser Almas and the tor
pedo boat destroyer Grozny have " ar
rived here. Tbe officers of these, ves
sels report that in the naval battle two
Japanese battleships were sunk and
two Japanese cruisers dangerously list
ed with heads down. The officers ' last
sight of the battle was Saturday ' af
ternoon, when a heavy fog then dropped
and prevented their being able to see
more of the result.
Tbe Russian fleet, they say, is even
in a sadder plight.' Kojestvensky 's flag
ship," the Knias Souvarofty the battle
ship Borodino and the cruisers Osliabia
and !Urai; were utterly : destroyed, and
when the fog closed down and hid the
scene of battle to the northward of the
speeding ships, a- third great Russian
battleship, the i Alexander III, seemed
in sore distress, but limping .to the
northward, putting up a valiant fight
against the throngs of torpedo boats
and : still continuing its attacks on the
Keruisers of tbe island empire. .Torpedo
boats were also clinging around the
other ships of , the fleet like angered
wasps, separate flotillas darting, in
again- and again to launch their wea
pons. The Almaz, which arrived at her
anchorage here Monday evening, bears
the scars of battle; Her mizzen mast
is shot away and one of her smoke
stacks is pierced by a cannon snot.
M No Others Arrive.
1 But the Grozeny: though engaged
several ' hours, shows no signs of the
fray. After . her commander, Captain
Andriffski, had been wounded and an
officer and three men killed, the Gro
zeny succeeded in sinking bis opponent
with a luekily placed shot and reached
Vladivostok without further adventure
this mornintr. Up to 4 o'elock this af
ternoon no other vessel of the Baltic
fleet had arrived and the signal sta
tions at Askold and Rimskykorsakoff
islands reported none in sight. The
officers of the Almaz and Grozeny say
that both fleets had already sustained
terrible losses when - the Almaz and
Grozeny broke through the hostile ljne,
rer.es 1 all laws or Tartsof laws m
conflict with its provisions, yet, in the
absence of available funds for the re
demption of the warrants, Secretary of
State Dunbar does not care to. assume
tne responsibility of plaeeing a legal
interpretation npon 4he effect, of the
statute in the fact of existing condi
tions. This is especially so in view of
the ning of the petitions for the refer
endum of the general appropriation bill
and, since there are so many conflict-
in? opinions as to the true effect of tbe
act. he takes the stand . that he will
simply, ignore tbe new act unless in
structed to obey its provisions bv the
suore emeourt. . to which tribunal the
ease will be, carried." . '
Bookkeeper R. D. Allen is making
ont the payroll for the month of May,
and. when completed, Superintendent
Calbreath will submit it, together with
Only Foot of Defeated Flotilla Reach! his regular monthly report, to the board
of trustees at the June meeting, Upon
the approval of the payroll by the board
the superintendent will proenro " : the
necessary indeSnnity bond and submit
them to tbe secretary of state for his
approval and ask for the issuance of
a warrant to cover , the amount, au
the necessary papers have been, or will
have been prepared, and as soon as the
secretary of state announces his refusal
. i i
viauivo- . . t- 0n.l fr
!.. ; .-. '
These things are marie ensy if you really
want to quit If you have ho desire to
quit uiid abstain "afterward, don't waste
your money. I
j. c.
the firpat liquor and tobEcco rcmeily, will
take away from you all desire for the use
of intoxicants or tobacco. You need not
go nwjay from liome to use'iL - No ex
jHsnsiv!eboard bills to pay. The cure is
quick land permanent.
Remember TRIE will
cure you if you are sincere in a desire to
be cured. It is only;$125() for a com
plete treatment. For Jle by
Drug Store
Oregon -
sios, tne cruiser Aimaa anu vne r- . . . , w fa tfie ctrcuit
tnZJrnilV.toart and a writ of mandamus taken
Togo Gives Assurances.
TnVin HTnv ID Tncrn ham wired Ad
miral Yamamoto, the minister, of the
navy, as follows: "Tbe main force of
the Russian second and third fleets is
nearly annihilated; please feel assured
of it." :: ' '
To the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, Or:
Ecled tease find 10 cents for a three month's trial sub
scription to the Northwest PouUrg Journal. If I do not kop it at
that time you 'mag continue to send U and t tvHl pag 50 cents with
in six months for a gear's subscription. If not paid tUl the end
of Hie year the price w 'dl 1 60 cents. .
Disposing of Captured Ships.
Tokio,! May 30. The captured .Rus
sian battleship Orel has arrived at the
Maizuru navy yard at noon today. The
battleships Nicolai I and Admiral
Bemavin and the coast : deefnse iron
clad Admiral Apraxine reachel Sasebo
at 11 o'clock today. It is reported the
Orel and Nicolai I are slightly dam
aged. ; - , ' " . '
Pojestvensky Telegraphs.
London. May 30. The St. Peters
burg correspondent of the Standard
asserts that . Mme. RojestveUsky, wife
of the commander of the Russian fleet,
has received a telegram from Vladivo
stok signed . by her . husband, saying
tuat he arrived bere on tbe cruiser Al
maz and that he is severely wounded
in the nccki back and abdomen.
Admiral Is Wounded.
London, May 30 -A dispateh from
St. Petersburg to Beuter's .Telegram
Company repeats the information sent
by the Associated Press that Rojest-
vensky had arrived at Vladivostok on
the torpedo boat destroyer Buiny May
it aiis that the admiral is sen
ously wounded in the head, back and
chest. .'.'.-.
Mrs. .W JI. ParriBh, Pormer Resident
of This City, Dies From Ef
fects of Cancer.
Mrs. Parrish, wire of Dr. W. II. Par
rish of i Monmouth, died at . her late
home in that town Tuesday from the
effects' of a cancer. Mrs. Parrish had
been suffering for something over five
years' from this -dread disease, and dur
ing tnat time naa . manifested unex-
empled patience throughout it all. De
ceased was 'a former resident of this
city, and is tbe mother of .Mrs. Leila
Parrish Van Winkle of this city.
A War Map Free
Ws will girsi yoa finsly colored map of the Orient, showing where
the present war is being fenghVwita U ths names of the towns of
which w sis reding erery day, and also complete m? of .Asia, fres
to each cf or subscrilHtrs whoi will get m om new subscriber for thrss
mouths, remitting 25 cents. . Here Is chance for the children to
net this map with little effort. - The map U 1218 inches. . Do this it
once as we have! only Umiud number of them. r
O -e-
LIVERPOOL, June l.-July wheat,
6s lOd. " ; : .-:-- ;:y
Chicago, June , 1. Wheat July
openeti out fit closed 8zis2e
Barley, 46(U4'Jc. , ,5
Has," $U0T : Northwestern. 11.47.
8an Francisco, June 1. Wheat, 41.C0
Taeoma, June 1. Wheat Bluesiero,
'J'-"; Zeai Markets.
Oats 40 to 42 cents.
Hay Cheat. SlO to $100; clover.
te timoiny, f ; to fl2. -
nur-$4.40 per bbl. rotsIL
Wheat 77 cents.
Monr City retail selling prlee, 1.15
MU1 Feed Bran, $22.50 per tow;
brtd. 125. ,
Kigs 16 eeats.
Hens lOVi cents.
Butter Country, 13 rents.
Butter fat 1! cents.
Inek-24 eeats.
Wool H to 7C.
Mobalr 30 cents. - v
' Potatoes 7J cetf per bushel.
; PoUtner-New, 2 cents.
Hops 23 cents.
3 to
- Silem Live SWct Market
Cattle 1100 to 1200 lb. steers.
Lighter steers, 2e.
Cows, 000 to 1000 11S 5!4 to 5C
nos-17.1 to 200 lbs., 5,e.
Stock, 4, '
Sbeep--Best wethers,' 3c.
x Mixed ewes and Wethers, 2e.
Lambs (aliveY, 3c.
veai ureKsea, 4 to 5c, according to Tbe act
quality.,, -. ' . i as to -the
Russian casualties . is not yet known.
The Japanese losses reported from
Tokio are only three torpedo boats
sunk, three officers killed and about
200 men killed or disabled.; It is now
definitely known that Kojestvensky is
captured. He is seriously, wounded,
but it is stated, f com. Tokio, that he
will recover. i "
The emperor Wednesday called into
extraordinary eouneil Alexieff and fell
the ministers of state and a series of
conferences took place as to the course
to be pursued. Tne .reyilt of these
conferences is in doubt, the ministers
on returning to St. Petersburg observ
ing a cautious reticence as to what
took place, tl is believed, however,
that the emperor is determined on a
prosecution of the war.1
The Russian press, with a few ex
ceptions, is openly indignant" and at
tacking the bureaucracy, one paper
saying: " "Those who- are guilty of
tbe Russian defeat should be over-1
whelmed with shame.";
Admiral Coelkersam is supposed to
have perished. - ,
Bun Into . Trap. ''
. London, May 31. The 'Mail's Tokio
correspondent says that tbe captain of
the Russian cruiser Admiral Nakimoff,
now a prisoner, relates the following
story of the battle between the Jap
anese and Russian fleets:
. 'At 6 o'clock on the morning of
out.. '::;
Na Counsel Selected Yet. j
The only detail which has as yet not
been arranged in the contemplated suit
is the selection of legal counsel, and
the employes now have fLaftflatter un
der consideration. It is understood
that numerous flf rs ' have been re
ceived from attirneys who want to
take- tbe ease for fees ranging front
$600 down, but so far as could be
learned no ehoice has. been made. An
effort is also being made to secure
counsel to represent the employes uponr
a contingent "fee basis, as the employes
feel that they will be heavy enough
losers in the discount of their certifi
cates in the event of the loss of the
suit without the additional expense f
attorney's fees.
the price is better than in 20 years.
Tbe crop of lambs was good. Mr. Cos-
had an increase of 93 per cent after
all losses were deducted, and the Iambs
were large enough to send to the
mountains..; ;v : it .- , .
Sheep owners are rejoicing- over he
prosperity which has visited them, and
are making reat fortunes. 'In 1S97
both Mr. Cox and McOregor brothers,
who are among the most extensive
sheep owners, or this j section, were
V broke" and dishearteneed by the low
prices which prevailed during the
"panicky," times. Today McGregor
brothers are' rated at a half-million,
dollars, and Mr. Cox is rated at a quar
ter of a minion. . ' In addition to their
sheep, both own many square miles of
fertile lands.
French Authorities Betnrn Russian
' Sailors Who Breast Waves and
Swim Ashore. ' .
VICTORIA, R C, May 31 Mail ad,
vices from Hong Kong tell of a liberal
translation of neutrality by the French
police, who captured three , deserters
from the Russian battleship Borodino,
who swam shore sixty-five miles south
of Kamrana Bay because, as they
claimed, of the. brutality of their cfh-
eers. The three men look passage for
navoo on a l.rench steamer and were
imprisoned on board 'and turned over
to Prince Leven, commander of the in
terned Russian cruiser Diana, on arrival-
Considerable indignation was
expressed' by the press of Saigon and
Hong Kong in consequence.
Alfonso of Spain and M. Lonbet of
- France Were Intended Victims
of Deadly Missle.
Explosion Kills Soldiers Belonging ta
Balers' Escort Large Number of
Arrests Made, Inclnding Man Who
. Threw Bomb and Three Conspirators.
Stockholders of Virginia & Trnckee
Called to Consider Question
-i of Sale, '.
RENO, Nev., May .31. H. M. Yer
mgton, secretary of the Virginia &
Truckee railroad, has issued a call for
all of the stockholders of the road to
f attend a . meeting at Carson City on
I June 24, and arrange for tbe sale of
WHITMAN COUNTY WOOL SALES! tbe road to another corporation. It
is supposed tuat tne routhern Pacific
Heavy Clips Contracted for Early
Bring Less Than Present price. '
COLFAX, Wash., May 31. Heavy
wool sales have been made in Whit
man county recently. The wool has
been contracted for some time, but de
liveries are now being made, and the!
sheen owners are reaping rieh rewards'
for the year,
Hooper Station have sold 140,000
pounds to the Pendleton Scouring
company is after the line. Tbe road
is now being extended into the fTarson
valley to tap a large agricultural coun
try. It is at present the main outlet
of the Tonopah "and Gold field country,
and is one of the best paying lines on
the coast.
McGregor brothers of, ai,. ... . . . n.
Mv 27. anddenlv and unexneetedlv Mills lor 10 cents per pound, ana
we encountered the enemy's. fleet as; realized $23,625 for their clip from 15,
we were moving to the . east off Tsu( 000 sheep, or more than $1.60 per head,
islands. They -steamed toward us and! They contracted early in the season,
opened fire. Only ninety minutes after fully one month before shearing time.
the .pring began a sudden shock was, Wool is now worth from 20 to 22 cents
felt under the Admiral Nakimoff and
she began to sink with great rapidity.
My belief is she struck a mine or a
torpedo. 1 My erew numbered 600 men,
tbe majority of whom went down iu
the ship, as there 'was no time to get
tbe men on deck. 'In the engagement
'fought off Liancourt rock,- the Russian
battleships were surrounded by the
Japanese ships, which" circled about
them, pouring in a terrible fire and al
most immediately fell into hopeless
confusion. Keeing their plight, Togo
signalled from the, battleship 'Mikasa
a demand to know whether .the Rus
sians were ready "to surrender. Our
ships complied with the demand."
Other accounts of the battle describe
the roar of ' cannon so terrible that
houses were shaken at 'Yamagucht,
twenty-eight miles' distant, and 1 the
people supposed it was an earthquake
The Japanese fleet 'suffered little. The
battleship Asahi was often hit and suf
fered the heaviest losses, but it did not
quit the oaring line. Admiral Kami'
mura has been sent to the southward.
per pound. Philip Cox of Hay Station
sold 45.000 pounds to the 'same firm for
16 cents per pound. Mr. Cox's sheep
averaged 12 pounds per head, and he
received an average ot $1.93 for the
fleece from each sheep.
Both these firms have sent their sheep
to summer in the mountains of North
ern Idaho. The sheep wintered well
and are in fine condition.. The yield of
wool was fully up to the average, and
the big statue of General Henry' W. Slo
cum in Brooklyn today, President
Roosevelt paid a splendid tribnte to
the men who composed the northern ar
mies,' but did not forget those- of the
southern hosts.
The most notable in his speech was
the expression of tbe hope that, as the
nation increased in strength, there
would (eome .a corresponding- increase
in its sense of responsibility which
should prevent its people from either
injuring of insulting other people, and
his declaration that the sorest way for
a nation to invite disaster is to be opu
lent, aggressive and unarmed.
PARIS, May 31. An anarchist threw
a bomb at the royal carriage contain,
ing King AlfonSo and President L.,u
bet as tbey were leaving the opera aft
er a gala performance. The bomb ej.
plode-d without injuring either tbe
president or the king. The soldiers be
longing to the escort were woun.led...
A large numler of arrests have Wcs,
made, including the, person believed to
have thrown the bomb, and three ppr.
sons suspected of complicity in th
plot, as the latter were seen under th
archway of the Iouvre with the de
structive engine a few minutes before
the explosion occurred.
Baptist Preacher Declares That Stand
ard Oil Magnate Is a Much
Maligned Man.
NEW YORK, May 31. The recent
criticism , of John 1. Rockefeller
growing out of his gift of $100,000 to
the American board of commissioners
for foreign missions, are declared, is
an article by Rev. Dr. Robert Htuart
MacArthur, pastor of the Cavalry Bap
tist church of this city, to be publiHtied
tomorrow in the Examiner, a li.-ij.ti-t
publication, to be eourse, cruel and
perhaps criminal, and to have ma
ligned the entire Baptist denomina
tion. He "protests against the con
demnation of our churches by then
cowardly and unjust attacks,' ''declares
that no one knows better than Mr.
Rockefeller that he cannot buy tbe
approval of the Baptists by bis mill
ions; that Baptists would advocate hi
expulsion from the church if it were
proved that he had secured his money
dishonestly or by means "morally or so
cially destructive. Ue adds that ho las
investigated certain business transact
ions which have been fiercely de
nounced by Mr. Rockefeller's critic,
and has found them in accordance with
tbe highest standards of commercial
morality. Mr. Rockefeller, he asnert,
is worthy of confidence, admiration id1
affection, and be appeals for fairnew
of judgment for him.
Bn th 9 No Kind Yob Havi Alan Btt
Kvery season has its own diseases, but Rheuma
tism belongs to all, for vrhpn it gets well intrenched
T A TC A rVTf AM sysiem, ana joints ana muscles are saturated
1 AIjlC AL 1 lUrl with the poison, the aches and pains are coming and
-; - - - croine all the time, and it becomes an all-the-vear-
round disease ; an attack coming as quickly from sud
den chilling of the body when overheated, a fit of in
digestion or exposure to the damp. Easterly winds of
Summer as from the keen, cuttinc winds, freezing
atmosphere and bitter cold of Winter. v -
tfsi Rheumatism never comes by accident. It is in
the ' blood and system before a Dain is felt. Some
In Event of His Refusal to Issue War
.rant Upon Demand of the Sn
lntendent. '
inherit a strong predisposition or tendency' it is born in them; but whether heredity is
Dacic ot it or it comes Irom imprudent and careless wavs of livincr. it is the same always
and at all seasons. ' Thelreal cause of Rheumatism Is a Dollutcd. sour and acid conditioa'
Action wm Be Brought in Name of sn- of . the blood, and as it flows through the body deposits . a eritty, irritating substance
perintendent Caibreath of Asylum,' -S Jm,f ;n ft.. inte anA o4
Employes of All State Institutions ii ta l! '-.a 'in- a ... JC. .t
Concerned Will Share Expense.
rtrier ? r1ie!ie ctiee' cnrri rkoirt' cniTi wM(.enri9(1 I
-rr . t. j.c t-- I4IQ VITP A CDCAt CllCCCnCn M
v r vi 1 1 ir i wwi i fc-i
My wife had been troubled vrlth Ilhsoms
tlsm for some time when she beard of S 8 8.
whloh she tried and whloa cured Her com
pletely, as she has not suffered since. I rso
ommend 8 8 8 as a good medicine. ,
Okolona, Miss. J. E. REEDER.
suffering - It deforms and cripples its thousands.
Th state employes have finally
. . k a-..
cie.i 10 put me Kay law, providing,,. Tt.-
for the monthly payment of their sal-' . "f w" f'-K.' "i-ajr "w, ita-
aries and the issuance of a warrant tism becomes chronic, the pains are wandering or
tl5 tohenirmu.,ped- f another, sometimes sharp
iov wm insinuiej against me nee wL4wt,Aa ajam vlu-aa auu aKsvauui jluv uiu
TiT tX orhisS the knees, ankles and wrists, ard
at to comply with the request of the most often the seat of , pain. Countless liniments and plasters are applied to get relici.'
surrintendent, which wiii be made but such thin Irs do not reach the twisoned blood:1 their effect is onlv temoorarv: they are
After talking the matter over among ndtner curative nor preventive. The blood must be purified and all irritating mattes re-
themselves it has been decidel to bring moved fmm ihtt' tirmntinn rwfAr tri'nV v1?f and s Ym'm4rY a (TirA anA CO
the salt in the name of Superintendent Z 7 3 " -T"r"-jr -, .V.- " . .wwwv, -
ifelbreath of tbe insane asylum, since twcuv uuw,iu w wciMiuiy huu few uiCKiy as O. vJ. J. XI contains not OUiy Juiujb
uowhiilTnremp but solv,cnt qlities as well, all these bemg necessary in eradicatmg the
institutions interested wm bear their poison and making a complete and lasting cure of "Jieumatism. S. S. S. cleanses the
share, of the financial burden of the. ;i ' t : - ;j ; ; . , blood of all irritatincr matter and the acid particles are
The Kay law provides that the offiri.
rials and employes of tbe state univer
sity, reform school, blinc Aae ruute,
and normal schools, ' sgricultnral col-' -
lege, soldiers' home, penitentiary and
insane asylum be paid monthly. In-
-ead of quarterly. That when tbe st--
perintcmlent of other proper official of
any or these institutions, presents tbe
( (
, "" 1 dissolved and filtered out of the svstem. thus relieving
the muscles and joints and removing all danger of future
attacks. Under its tonic effect the nervous system re-
o.ius its uoxmai tone ana me appeiiie ana aigctvu
prove, resulting in the upbuilding of the general health.
S. S. ' S. contains tin Potash or minerals of anv descrip-
secretary ot state the monthly pay roll' . w uanmitcu yujuy ytrnaun.. v gr- , m
of such institution, duly , verified and Will find it UOtoniV thfi best blood DUrifier. but A mcvzt invirromtincr trmirw iiicf such a reCieQy
bond te A -J :t. .t.-. t.l J it ? 1 . r
cover the amount of the payroll, the uuu tucuiikU wuw auu uu.iiK.cu iac Circulation.
approved, aceximpaaiexl by bis bond
secretary of state is required to issue1 Whether VOU have Rheumatism in the acute or chrnnir eta rrt tri treatment tnUSt De
lZ:tt ' to be lastine.' lever be -satisfied with anything less
warrant tbe superintendent is required than an absolutely perfect cure. This you can get by the use of S. S. S., tK3 Ci--1
oyh?resp . ,wt
Besponsibuity Too Great. I v rue us iiuiy ana ireeiy acout your case, and medical advice will be given
contains no qualifying clauses charge, and ottr special book on Rheumatism' will be mailed free to all desiring it.
existence of fundus,, etc. and - . TlX S17UT ?ZC!7iD CCPJUlY.ATUltrTA.Cl.