Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, May 30, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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Japs W !e : Greatest Naval Battle off Age,:
. . .-. . . , .- -, : t , I - -i v. ail : ; . .v,,..'- . . : ,. , . - 1 - '-
' JIUUWiUAJj DAT. . . - - I
Harkt I hear footsteps! nnsteadj
. And I fwe a broken line,
Marching low to martial rannkt '
Tbo the r io not ntei in time.
Tbete are they Who went forth proudly
xortbeir eountry Deairmj; arms,
But the shock and stress of battle
Left rode scars and bent their forma.
Oh, the 1 :nl s are thin
ins, thinnnz.
One by one oar com
rades falL '
Hirk! the "bfigle iiot
is sounding,
"long eall."
Tis some soldier's
Lo! Columbia sits weep
O'er the graves of
11 SODS.
Still I bear the joy-n .f
'Bove the din of mn
ed drums
For the brave who fell
in battle ;
From the sky land
See the love-chain we
Girdle all the earth
yes, they gee onr hearts
united.' :
- No more sail 'ring discord
's pain.
Hear the vow made sur
in heaven.
Sealed by. grives of
brothers slain,
For 'twas not the pain
ot battle,
Not the bull't's dea
The heart-pang of meeting
As his foe that, struc
k him down.
A s Col nmbia weeps.
By Che remnant of h
None woaM brook for
Ijoyal hearted every one.
And her mother-heart i
Through the melody
Note of joy and hope
For the peace of many
Nonekare misrd
heart is set1-
Ton 've a dear one lyi
ing low,
Or within the line thatl
Is broken
Some loved step is
ing slow.
Let each veteran be h
With the'love none
Let the tear of joy be
With the tear that w
11 not dry.
..orth and South"
"Blue and Osey," thi badge of woe.
Peace, thy price, our scarred obi vet-
Better than -We all doth know.
Tears of grief and joy Commingle
As we view the narr 'taring linP.
"Blue and Grey" together marching
Into Heaven's "battle-line."
Ursula EC W. Erreit
Salem. Oregon.
- j i:. : i '-r j
i. 1
Ills Last Kecourse Exhausted, Toe Con
victed Mozdefer of I Alm Nesbltt
Most Now Prepare tot Suffer Death's
Penalty Other Important Opinions.
With tho denial of h
petition for a
rehearing yesterday a
fdernoon, the su-
preme court literally
" snatched the
last straw froms the
acious grasp V
and there is
so far as the
of Norman WilliamsJ
naught for him to do
...-:.L:.. 1. nmrAt
anything that a partifeular man needs
There's oing to ne a great uemuuu
connECT srYLCSiifJ Mtrrs clothing
Everyboilr wanU o be properly dr
Clark fair. The place to get the best
The New
Oxford Ties
Are very popular this
season. We are
' showing a gre variety in both black
and tan at price o
match. '..'
her stores can't
SST GOODS notions and everything
for the whole family. . ' ,
Salem ' cheapest one priee cash store.
courts .of justice are . concerned, " but
bow to the inevitable and suffer the
death penalty, wbih will be metel out
to hira in due coarse of time for the
murder of Alma Nesbitt and" her mth
er in Wasco county three years ago.
? The denial of the petition Tirtaally
carries with it an. order for the send
JBg down of the- mandate, and tthis
will probably be forwarded by the
clerk of the court today. Williams
will doubtless receive sentence very
con after the arrival of the mandate
in theower court. , I
Three opinions were also banded
"down by the supreme court, among
which doubtless the one of most gen
eral interest is the disbarment pro
ceedings against Henry C. Eastham,
which were dismissed in a per euriam
opinion with recommendations that the
defendant be exonerated from t the
charges of conduct unbecoming a mem
ter of the Oregon bar. 1
The specific charges which were
brought against Eastham by the Ore
gon Bar Association are that be was
employed by Mrs. Lulu B. Currey to
examine into the title of certain lands
that had been ordered sold under fore
closure proceedings, she having their
purchase in view by sheriff's certificate
of sale, in Whieh be advised her I bo
liens existed against the property. 1
ter having bought the property, a
judgment lien was discovered to exist
against it, which was purchased by
Eastham, who later threatened execu
tion again! her. t
: The evidence shows 'that Eastham
was employed by Dr. Currev as an
agent for his wife, Mrs. Currey, to look
up the records of the property. East
bam testified before the bar associa
tion to tbe effect that his failure to re
port the judgment lien to Dr. -Currey
was an oversight on his part, and that
it was not discovered until some time
after the purchase when he bought up
the lien himself, in another's name, for
.vv, intending to assign it over to ur.
Currey at cost. In the mean time Dr.:
Currey, who had a bill aapinst East
ham for medical services, attempted to
force him to pay it by circulating
scandalous and defamatory reports
concerning his character. Eastham re-4
seated ' these unmanly proceedings by
threatened execution of the execution
of the lien which be held agauurt the
property. - . )
In view nf Vhe facts of the easej
taking Eastham 's original good inten
tions into consideration, tbe supreme
court found only one eonnt upon which
Eastham bad laid himself open to cen
sure, that of securing title' to the lien
in the name of another, failing o see
any reasonable object in this, and, af?
ter an extended review of the case, the
court concluded that Eastham erred in
his advice through laek of knowledge,
attributable to oversiirht, and the mo
tive whieh induced him to purchase
the judgment, that is to turn it over
to Mrs. Currey for what it cost him,
was not an nnworthy one. The court,
therefore, decides that he should be
exonerated and the charges dismissed.
No Evidence of Fraud.
Mary Ann Powers, appellant, vs. S.
B. .Powers, respondent; from Linn
county; Geo. H. Bromett judge; af
firmed. Opinion by Justice Bean.
This was a suit to set aside a deed
for lami executed and delivered by the
plaintiff to the defendant on February
11, 1890. The questions involved are
simply those of fact,' rather 'than law,
and Justice Bean upholds every finding
of the lower court.
' The deed in question was upon a
Your dress rmhi'rt'. should be exactly
right. . , .'.
.. . - i t. . X . ??:; . i "'
fit perfectly, are made of the;- most
desirable fabrics in tbe best possible!
manner and give perfeet satisfac
tion. , w.
in neckwear, underwear, gloves and
for business or dress wear.
- -
ere.l when they visit . the Lewi, and
vaiuea in renu.r KW-.. - - ,
The Russian Fleet Is Virtually
farm, consisting of SCO acres, whieh
the defendant, who is s. son m the
plaintiff, says was executed in his fa
vor and without his solicitation by his
moiner, in payment for bis labor upon
the farm for a period of about eight
years, during which time he received
no pay for his workP The considera
tion named in tbe deed was $3,000,
wnue me jana is vaiud at fo,400. Tbe
plaintiff brought the action to set aside
the deed on tbe ground that it was ob
tained 'through fraud, alleging that de
fendant - had induced her to sign it
upon the representation that it was
merely a statement upon' ber part to
tbe effect that he, defendant, would
receive fair treatment in the settle
ment of the estate. ' !
7 In reviewing the evidence the court
falls lo find any ground for the allega-;
tion of fraud, and that there is no suf
ficient proof of fraud or undue influ
ence to instifv an eauitv court In can
celling or annnling the deed. That the
plaintiff was in fnll possession of her
mental faculties at the time the deed
was executed and fully competent to
transact business. "From her, own
testimony," says the court," "she was
negligent and careless in signing the
deed without reading it' or hearing it
read to her or making some inquiry as
to its contents." ' '
14 Further, the court holds that mere
inadequacy of consideration is not a
ground for avoiding a deed, although
it may be evidence of fraud in connec
tion with other circumstances sufficient
lor that purpose.
Too Many Causes of Action. ' ;
J. A. Harvey, appellant, vs. South
ern Pacific Company respondent; from
Jackson county; II. K. Hanna judge;
affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justiee
Wolverton. .
' This was an action brought against
tbe company, based upon tbe common
law of negligence in running its train
upon and .killing the plaintiff's cow.
The' complaint was dismissed by the
lower court on the ground that it con
tained two separate causes of action
one for common law of negligence,
and the other for failure to fence, and
.ie supreme court decides likewise.
Petitions for rehearing were. denied
in the following eases:
Idonia StinCheombe, . appellant, vs.
NeWYork Life Insurance Company, re
spondent. J. B. Brown, respondent, . Nick
Feldwcrt et al., appellants.
Htate . of Oregon, respondent, vs.
Norman " Williams, appellant.
Leader of Republican Organisation Un
conditionally Surrenders
" -Ht Mayor. "
PHILADELPHIA, May 29. Israel
W. Durham, leader of tire Republican
organization in Philadelphia for ttte
last ten: 'years, unconditionally stir-
rendered today to JMayor Weaver, who
opened war on the organization last
Tuesday, the mayor is now practical
ly in control of municipal affairs.
Hambnrg, German Representative
Kaiser's Cup Sace, seen on
Seilly IaUnds.
LONDON, Slay' 30.- A yacht pre
sumed to be the Hamburg, tbe German
representative in tbe kaiser's race, was
;rhtxl ten miles southwest of tbe
Scilly islands tat 1:30 o'clock th
morning.' - -
Besolntion of Thanks.-
Upon returniig-to" the post hall from
services at the Unitarian church oa
Menvorsl Buaday, , the members of
Bclgwick Post, 0. A. E., anl repre
sentatives o Sedgwick Belief Corps
unanimously resolved that! tbe thanks
of Sedgwick Post and of Sedgwick Be
lief Corps- be and are hereby heartily
extended to the Bev. F. A. Powell for
the very able, eloquent and .patriotic
memorial sermon delivered this day in
commemoration of the srviees and
valor of our deceased eomrades; to the
choir of singer under the . efficient
leadership of Prof. Z. M. Parrin, for
their excellent and appropriate song
service, and especially - to Mis John
son for tbe beautiful eolo so feelingly
rendered by her; also, to the officers
and member of the Unitarian church
for the cordial reception extended to
the Teterans and eorp and for th
handsome decorations displayed npon
the occasion. Daniel Webster, Post
Commander. S. Kleffman, Adjutant.
... .....
TACOMA, May 29.iIn i twenty
round bout oefore the Taeoma AniTetie
Club, Bobby Johnson of 8anFracisco
was giren the ' decisidn rrer PeYey
Cove of Victoria, B, C. -
tvdtaxaPOLIS. Mar 59-Jaet
O'Keefe of Chicago and rSTMayiteKl
of Hot Springs sparred a ten-rouna
draw tonight. ! ;, y:''" "
v xlt you read onr great dabbing
offer in tills isstte? If not turn to it at
one a4 read it.- ' '. j" ' '
That kt Trafalgar.
Every Ship of the Reinforcing
Division Sent to Bottom
- or Struck Colors.
Disaster Is Fearful Blow to Goreni
ment "Peace At Any Price Ms Cry
. That Rings Through Land War
. Party Must Now Submit To In
evitable Liberals Count Cost
; : 3Tot Too 'Heavy Prjce. :
Tbe latest advices confirm tbe mag
nitude of tbe disaster suffered by tbe
Russian fleet. The official report re
ceived from Tokio. by, the Japanese le
gation at Washington1 Monday evening
says that the Russian losses are defi
nitely known to include two battle
ships, a coast-defense ship, five cruis
ers, two special service ships and three
destroyers sunk; and two battle-ships.
two eoast-defense ships, one destroyer
ant one special service ship captured,
while over d,l)0U prisoners have been
taken, including Rear Admiral Nebor
ga'ioff. -
The Japanese, it ; would seem, are
stilK purs ling the Russians, and it may
be some time before the final result is
known. There is nothing to indicate
clearly the extent of tbe Japanese
losses . - s -
Fleet Annihilated.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 30. More
bitter even than defeat is the Japan
ese claim -of virtual annihilation of the
Russian fleet,. with practically no losses
on their side, and maay officers cling
doggedly to the belief that Togo may
have suffered heavily. With every ship
of Nebogatoff 's reinforcing division
either, sent to the bottom or forced to
Strike' its flag, and only six of Rojest
vennky's original sixteen fighting ships
absent from the list of vessels sunk or
captured, and with the Japanese pur
suit still continuing, no naval author
ity bas the 'temerity to dream that
Russia will again attempt to wrest tbe
mastery of the sea from Japan in the
present war. The captured warships
alone will furnish Japan with ready-'
made reinforcements which will be
more than a. match for the fourth Pa
cific squadron, now,-a bout to sail from
Cronstadt. 4
The-empcror is completclr prostrat
ed by the news, and, according to re
ports, he broke down and wept. The
effect of the disaster will be a terrible
blow to the government. The futility
of trying to continue the struggle on
land is everywhere recognized, and the
cry 6f ' Peace at any price'' is sure to
be raised. , This time it is believed that
the government cannot resist the" cry.
Indeed; the radical liberals are openly
rejoicing in this hour ' of their coun
try's humiliation. They declare that
the disaster means peace and a consti
tution, and tbe deaths of thousands of
their countrvmen and He loss of ovsr
a Hundred ' Mil! ion 'Dollars' worth of
warships is not too big a price to pay.
The friend of eac ia the govern
ment are'already Teproachinrg'the war
party with forcing the issue between
Togo and Bojestveasky. -When the
fleet appeared in the, Straits of fle
a hey tried vainly to persuade the
emperor that the' time was opportune
for opening peace negotiations, but the
war'party convinced Hi Majesty, and
Bojestvenskyj for ' the honor of the
navy, insisted that the fleet be given a
chance to retrieve tbe disaster of
fered on land. -- ;" ' - -;
Good Office of .President.
Diplomatists entertain no loubt that
tbe belligerent faction will continue to
urge that tbe war be fought to the bit
ter eend, but the friend, of Russia
abroad, especially France, are now
bringing overwhelming argument to
bear in favor of peace. The Associat
ed Press has excellent reason to be
eve that the Russian government In
this crisis- will turn to M. Deleasse, the
French foreign minister, in whose abil
ity and in whose loyaltv as Russia
f riead the emperor and , his ministers
have implicit confidence 8ome time
ago ft appeared likely that President
Roosevelt might play a big role in the
peace negotiation, but now hi share
is apt to be determined by M. Del
easse's decision. The latter may, of
coarse, consider that it i wise to place
the ne-gotiatioas in President ' Roose
velt's hands. - - , .-V- - ' ?
' Private advices . are! 4 to hare
reached the , eity front Vladivostok,
according to- which BojetTensky is
alive, but had a narrow escape. He i
said to have transferred his flag front
fhe Knias-Sbuvaroff to another battle
ship, subsequently siink, and to have
been wounded and picked np by a torpedo-boat.
1 A large pojttion of the offi
cers and sailors of the fleet are resi
dents of St. Petersburir, and evidences
of expectant grief.- are seen.' on every
Greater Than
Annihilated by
hand. Wives and families are besieg
ing tbe admiralty and visiting church
es to pray for tbe escape of their loved
ones. .. . ..
Many people in 8t. Petersburg re
fuse absolutely to credit the news from
rokio and are clutching the belief that
perhaps it is not official. . The govern
ment undoubtedly Tears the effect of
the news of the disaster upon tbe eoun
try, and, as evidence of which. Cover
nor General Trepoff bas taken personal
charge of the censorship in St. Peters
burg. . ; , V
Togo Lies In Walt.
London, May 30. Aceording to the
correspondent of the Mail at Heoul,
Korea, early Saturday isorning Togo,
with practically all the powerful fight-
iny ships of the Japanese navy, was at
'Masampho, .Korea, wben the wireless
sigflaJs from the scouts between Tsu
and Quel part islands announced the
approach of the Russian fleet in full
force. -A few hours later the scoots
reported that the Russians were not
ascending 'the western channel, as an
tisipated, but that they were coming
up the eastern channel, which caused
some surprise. Togo , immediatelv
started full speed around the north of
1 su island, and when be had doubled
the island he saw the Russians coming
id two, columns. He then brought a
terrific fire to bear on the flank of the
port column, and as tbe Russians fell
into disorder he forced them steadily
eastward toward the Japanese coast,
where they were attacked by every
vessel that flew a Japanese flag. Re
peated torpedo attacks were delivered,
some, of them with the greatest suc
cess. The vessels which escaped, the
correspondent says, probably will be
able '10 reach Vladivostok, and adds
that other operations of the utmost im
portance are proceeding. .
Greater Thau Trafalgar.
St. Petersburg, May 30. After waft
ing vainly all day and evening for di
rect news from the scattered remnants
of Rojestvensky 's destroyed and beat
en fleet, the Russian admiralty at mid
night no longer attempted to hold out
against tbe overwhelming evidence
pouring in from all directions that the
fleet, on whieh all their hopes centered,
had suffered a greater disaster than
did the combined French and Spanish
fleets at Trafalgar.
Hears Japs Suffer Also.
. St. Petersburg, May 30. A St. Pe
tersburg telegraph agency has received
tbe following from Shanghai: Word
baa been ' received here that seven Jap
anese ships, two of which are armored,
and four Russian ships have been sunk.
It is confidently believed here that the
Japanese are awaiting the publication
of Rojestvensky'a official dispatch
kfrom' Vladivostok before admitting tbe
extent of their own losses.
nasi Down. Colors.
'.''-.London, 'May 30. The Shanghai cor
respondent to the. Morning Post, in a
dispatch dated May SO, says: "The
Russian transports off Woosuag hauled
down thejr flags today."
Take Roundabout Course.
'London, May 30. The Tokio corre
spondent to the Daily Mail says 'that
the Russians apparently supposed that
the Japanese base was at the Pescado
res, as they carefully avoided passing
those islands and pursued a roundabout
v- - ,- V VJ.
m m
i - if . . i. m .
I 1
i - z .
course before entering the Tsn cban
net. .
Fly Whita Flag. -
London, May 30. The Tokio corre
spondent to the Teltwranh savs that
Kuuian warship arrived off Iwanti, on
the southwest coast of Japan, and
hoisted a white flag. The disfiatch says
1 bat 300 officers and men, most o
whom were wounded, are bnng assist
ed y the Japanese Bed Cross there,
- - Slow to Accept Reports.
Tokio, May 23. The number of th
Russian vessels of all descriptions
which were sunk and captured by To
go' neet now stani at nineteen. It
is possible that three additional war.
snips were sunk in the fight Saturday
ana others later. The navy department
refrains, however, from crediting re
ports of this nature until assured of
their correctness. It believed that
Ural is the name of tbe captured trans
port which bas been omitted in tbe list
previously been cabled.
May Have Perished.
Tokio, "May 29. iTLe personal fate
of Rojestvensky is not known. There
is some belief that be possibly . per-
Poles Are Delighted.
Warsaw, May 29. The news of the
Russian naval defeat was received here
with ill-concealed joy, and the Poles
are anticipating, aa a result, that they
win secure concessions from tbe gov
ernment, while a .victory for Rojeat
vensky would have had aa opposite ef
fect. Togo Sends Brief Report.
Tokio, May 30. Togo's brief report
thus far received is as follows: "May
Z7 inir eombinei fleet is now going
into action. The Weather is clear, but
the sea ia rough."., Tbe second rcort
received on tbe night of May 27, said:
"Today, near Okinoshima (southeast
of Tsushima), we attacked tbe ene
my's squadron, causing heavy damage.
At least four Russian ships are sunk,
and others are heavily damaged. Our
damage is sl'gbt. Our destroyer and
torpedo flotillas commenced the attack
after sunset."
The Ihird report was on Monday,
29th: "The main strength of our com
bined fleet has continued the attack
since the 27th, and on tbe 28th, near
Liancourt rocks, it encountered the en
emy, consisting of the Isikola Jl, the
Orel, 'the Seniavin, the Apraxine (battle-ships
and the Izrumrud (cruiser).
Possibly Greater Damage. :
Tokio, "May 29. Togo continues his
great sweep to tbe northward in pur
suit of the remnant of the Russian
fleets-: Complete reports will possibly
increase the extent of the Russian dis
aster. Their fleetest ships should reach
Vladivostok tonight (Monday), .the
slower ones Tuesday or Wednesday. It
will be Thursday - before the complete
results of the battle are known. At
the end of the week Togo's fleet is ex
pected to reasiemble and until then -it
will only lie possible to secure approxi
mate details.
Peace Expected Soon.
Washington, May 29. At tbe close
of the official dav the news of Japan 's
naval victory bad. turned the thoughts
of the officials toward peace, and prom
inent diplomats are holding their sum
mer plans in abevance awaiting devel
opments and instructions from their
governments. Thus far it bas been im
possible to ascertain if any direct steps
in the direction of peace have been
Rojestvensa-v Is Lost.
Washington. May 29. Th Post' savs
that the navy department bas received
an official telegram from Tokio saying
that tbe battleship Kniaz Suvaro2T,
Rojestvensav a .flagship, went down Tn
action and that IJejstvensky was Tfl!
Plays Last Card. ,
Paris, "Slav 29. '1 he" late dispatches
of the Associated lress, showing the
crushing nature of the Russian naval
fefeat, have led to' the comment that
We have long and complete lines of men's suits that fairly bloom
with summer freshness. They are right from the shops of the, best
makerav'"'-: . " .r...
The path of the good dresser Is easy if he takes a look at our
styles. We have either two or three-piece suits, single or double breast
ed coats, cuff bottom trousers, with medium and wide-sized legs.
For $10.00 to $20.00 here's all you want in your summer suit.
Correctness, Wearbility. Price Saving
Ssisr Sid
If newness and freshness and variety of patterns count in shirta,
then those we show beat anything you have ever seen.
We've everything that is good in summer shirts. We are showing
tbe masterpieces of tbe best of shirt-makers makers
tion. The Claett, Peabody Co. lead all the rest.
Ask to see our great $1.00 and $L50 lines.
If-Yca Vtzzl Q::Ilty, Cczz
Russia bas played her last card a;. !
must bring the war to a close. Tl
semi-official Temps this afternoon ur;
that Ruiahould abandon a stru- S.)
which has become hopeless and iu.Ud
the best peace possible.
Peace Must Now Result.
New York, May '29. Advices re
ceived from London, and other leading
continental financial centers by the
local bankers were all of the opinion
that Japan's decisive victory would
hasten peace. Reports that the govern
ment at Washington bad signined its
willingness to art as mediator in the
event of peace proposals were current,
aad added to the hopeful feeling ia
financial circles that the end of the
war might be looked for.
Consols Rise at London. .
London, May 29. Up to noon to.lav
the foreign office was still without ncw
of the naval battle from any liriti.U
source in the far east. The Japan
legation was similarly without news
I rout its rovernment.
Looking Toward Peace.
Washington. Mav 29. Quick to re
alize tbe far-reaching effect of Rojent
veusky'a disastrous defeat in tho Ko
rean straits, and in keeping with the
promise announced a long time ago t
lo all in its power to brinsr the bellig
erents In the farveant to direct negotia
tions at the proper time, tbe president
tonight received, by special anoint
ment, Mr. Takakira, the Japanese min
ister, and a conferenre followed for
the irreater part of the evening. Kir
Mortimer Durand, tbe Hritish ambas
sador, will lunch with the president
Wednesday, when-the whole situation
will be. thoroughly: discussed. Count
Caasini, the Russian ambassador, said
tonight be expected to see the pretd
dent before the week Is over, and llaro1
Kternburg, the Uerman ambassador,
who was early at the Russian embnssv
today, Where he remained some" time in
conference with the ambassador, is con
stantly in touch with the president.
The German ambassador is observing
discreet silence, but is thoroughly
posted in both the Russian and .Jap
anese point of view as represented here
and stands ready to give the president
all the assistance possible. The result
of the conference at the White House
tonight could not be obtained at a .itn
hour, but if in understood that the
minister assured the President that he
had received official advices of the over
whelming character of the Japanese
Striking Teamsters to Make Big Dem
onstration Alter Holiday., r.
' .iii
CHICAGO, May 29. JTenwed ag
gressiveness on the part of the em
ployer in the teamsters' strike I ex
pected Wednesday. Taking advantage
of the legat holiday "wblcb'Toiiirs tft-
morrow, plans will be formed for ex
tensively increasing the amount of -
iveries to bo made from the Tutu? r
district. The down town tuslnfa
houses, where tbe strikes exist, have tt
present about '400 unemployed driver;
These they cannot use on account of
the inability of the police department
to furnish protection-for them, and' on
Wednesday these men Will Be sent fTJ
the firms in the lumber district w!.frTt
need drivers, and a strong and OVTer-
mined effort will be made to incream?
the volume of 'business done 1 it tlint
section. There wa little dl?0Tbance
during the tay, and none of the Cgltfs
waa sufficiently serious to caTl for Cue
nterference of any large bofy of po-
ice. -
Ratae to General Henry W. Elocum
To Be Unveiled in Brook
lyn Today.
WARIIINGTOV. May 29. President
Roosevelt left Washington tonight for
Itrooklya, where he will participate in
tbe Memorial Day exerciAP there to
morrow. The feature of the dav will
be the address by the president at He
unveiling of the statue to General Jit a
ry W. SJoeum. .
with a rcputa-
to ilz Vz:
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